The Gazette, 1893-11-02, Page 3c 1 A8 BSI F. ratan Em p 1rnr's >iiern. tagnificent easel, 3erthan a-.vht. ed white a: . -iro- oonnecte_' e..O1 a er averag =oaed r, and, a:e r inns pan be If.,:;,.;.003t1 tine hour lee tesla, onea, the hods, the Ler her by min power and go:' with 13 aro. .uns, a 1 Beth 'lege in t -,e *ter «') ,knee. . ant- irnper:ai elan ,he, soh. .ern ail e„ r, s e<< - e the stern. lqe iekm, and over 3 ing where, in tine f'.liuleon and tea of the vessel is a roe:•or. It 13 ap- stairway an.l has n"3 on the middle • port aide, those children on the ting, doors, and ner ti.tines and t -colored, almost L ts ceilings white, Lite rococo chim- eli3 covered with ern in the various ti spacious dining t is 25 feet broad an ingeniou3 ar• a be made of any s. It is unphoi- te, and like the ted by electricity pea. On the cen• en's cup, won by sent royal yacht s ; and on another sup, won by the er regatta in 1392. promenade deck, n one end and the the other. The itfortable, turni3h- elain p'aquee, on german battles by ill On the upper r'3 working -rooms, e)ne. Hanging on rand on a shelf are notne: workroom -e on the middle decorated with i photograph3 of of Germany end family gatherings, silver and fitted ted a nreplace of empress' bedroom del, with e coun- p t)-ingings of gray ^or'3 rooms aft he messroom of he others m03s- b with oak furni- •d. 1 he kitchens pndidl fitted up. - eeters�long, with 1 gel, 2,400, displace- s ''_0•,000. ra A BOA. I Encounter in a rden, es : —One incident pV 'tie adventure I a Snake of the garden in Colom- smoking on the It was a c'oudy Ifect1y Stili. What ti a tree was lying and 3.3 I noticed ould have fallen 1 was stirring. It 'an•:d after a while aside out of the I stooped over it t away. ing the evidence tep in pnr3uit,but kion of the whole , and the long, Ild me of the dam taid without the r'or about twenty eke imperceptibly igh of relief and a eat the record for sed the proceed - Had I by mistake )On the creature's Ct within less than ve been reduced pulp and broken e been impossible. to me that night. it the python had arden, b -at it had cunningly that I One night a lady cake in her room, s was occupied by at ween the two uddfniy the lady n at the window, search of a niece k moment later it ❑ to the floor. Of by the time they lock and called for n tlib& ks well with but a The finest clothing a map look well if ed. he linen is clean are well brushed r the button -hole ,able. Bat whisk then : you should Ir, not too stiff. as much as you 'Meek the better sr it. This is of nen because thee/ e stock of cleat: pply the cbthe European ceantry Ir abie•hodie0.mess a ved Vakfte brosl, 4i at tilt; INCH AM �i= fie & Stone W O R K'S A fine Assortmeut of Granite Monuments of every style. Also a large amount of the BEST NEW YORK MARBLE. We are therefore prepared to furnish Monuments and Headstones at GBaAT- LY REDUCED Prices. It will pay yon to call before placing your order. VANSTONE BROS. WHAT YOU DON'T SEE, ASK FOR; Carpets, Stair Carpet. 6'' Wiindow Carpet. 7) Whad ew Holland. • Lace Curtains, 40c. to $5 per set. Art Muslin, bleached and colored. Tabling. to• Cretonnes. ' Sali.bmy Cloth. b(} Verona Cords. • a* .... Printed Mollies. c.t" Fool Delues. Pink andcream Cashmero and awry other shade ...4.4 NUM' Veilings. rd Not'tieilings. �: GJ .Navy and bl'k DressSerges ..-.. a+ Lava Victories. Lawwcfiecas. stripes. Fla'mgtetts--17 patterns. ShakerFlannels. • tio carpet vntrp. weaving warp. 4-s. - �•' Black Dress Sills. O 4 91:Clack Sateens. m ' Velvets and Plashes. Brown Holland. Valises. at Luhch 13askets. ''d Churns. �, Butter Trays and Ladles. m Washtubs. 1-4 Crockery. Glassware. Hardware. Patent Medicine& Top Onions. Potato Onions. Dutch sets. Garden Seeds Brushes, all kinds. Wash sig Soda. W hilwg. as 011. -Turpentine. Cantor Oil, by the Ib. Stogie Croc}s. F.sr:lictnware Crocks. Milk Pans. . ME% Pails. Wash Boilers, Tea Kettles. do topper. Dish Pr las. Felt Hats, just to hand. Straw Rats for 500 heads. 1.-aco Frillings. Ties apd Collars. Tag Shirts. Dress Shirts. Scir£or;. Knives and Forks. TBapts. Canned Goods. Plow Lines. Bed Cords. Marbles. Wire Clotheslines. Baby Carriages. Croquet. Spices. O < b O a. G h CD 0 y alb rr rd p� m' tD pi O; 0 pi t a; SE KEEP EVERYTHING, AND SELL CHEAP. 1 t•1 cJ(Q. BRETHOUR, FIRE AND STORK InsuranceAgent ROCIoTER. BZPRES;iitr$: Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Ca. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insnranoe Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. $eonomical. Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Lina Insurance Co. - Give John A Gall. PETER HEPINSTALLII Fordwich. General Insurance Agency. Call and get year Ri-I1 made. • Or call and get Dr. Wilford Hall's Hygienic pamphlet: ' =1 Helots Triumph Over Disease Without Medi-! clue," at half former cost. 1;4 ANT IN VTRANCE, either on vim winos; farm pr 1peTty. any wri ing you require. OT a loan on real estate at the lowest rates: CALL Axzwax P. SidPWUTALTsa. MISCELLANEOUS ITEM3• - The first American counterfeiter, to far us known, was one William Buel, of Ver. mint. - The Aztaes filled quills with gold dos', sealed them and passed them from hand to hand as coir. . The tao, or knife coins, of China, made rrrert B.C. 2153, were of iron, in the drape of daggers. The Swiss postoffice conveys anything from a postal card to barrels of wine scythes tend bundles of old iron. • Chinese burglars wear not a scrap .of clothing and artfully braid their pigtails full of fish hooks for obvious reasons. There are at the present moment' eleven pretenders to the various thrones of Europe trying to make good their claims. The Honorable Artillery company of the City of London, which dates from the time of Henry VII., is the oldest volunteer corps in Englaud. Augustus was n'ot the public benefactor he js represented. He was the most exacting tax collector the Roman world had up to his time ever seen. Colnmbua did not foretell an eclipse of the moon to frighten the natives of Jamaica iuto rendering him assistance. There was no eclipse of the moon at that time. The desideratum of printing photographs on marble has now been realized to such a degree as to insure a genuine artistic result, and this by a process both simple and economical. A suit over the burglary of $11 in the court at Centerville, N.Y., has already cost the county and the several parties in the suit over a hundred times the amount of the original loss. A church at Fostoria, Ohio, has decided to purchase 40') little wine glasses, that each communicant may receive the wine out of a glass no other person has used, in order to avoid microbes. Alexander the Great did At weep for other worlds to conquer. There is reason to euspect that his army met with a serious reverse in India, a fact that induced him to retrace his steps. The immense burning glasses with which Archimedes burned the ships cf the besieg- ers of Syracuse at ten miles distance were never m&,nufactured, and it is now known that they could not be. A Montana man has just completed and applied for a patent on an automatic ma- irine that bids fair to revolutionize the cut- ting of precious stones. This machine can do the work of at least twelve men. The existence of the Colossus of Rhodes is considered by some historians as ex- tremely doubtful. There is no evidence that the ancients were able to cast pieces of metal of such size as must have entered into its composition. Some tribes of North American Indians punished` matricides by hanging•them by their hands to the limbs of a tree, at a height just sufficient to permit the wolves to reach them from the ground. They were left to be eaten alive. Columbuiedid not make an egg stand on end to confuse his opponents. The feat was performed by Brunelschl, the archi- tect, to silence critics who asked him how he was going to s'-pport the donne of the Cathedral ot Florence. A church at Fostoria, O:, has decided to purchase 400 little wine glasses that each communicant may receive the wine out of a glass no other person has used, in order to avoid microbes. The oldest dress in the world belonged to an empress of Japan, who lived in the thirteenth century and it has been kept all these centuries in a temple near Yoko- hama. - Cinderella's real name, it is alleged, was Rhodope. She is believed to have been a beautiful Egyptians maiden wh-, lived 6;C years before the common era and during the reign of Psammeticus, one of the twelve kings of Egypt. • Some of the beekeepers in Skagit Cnunty, Washington, will take 100 pounds from each of quite a number of their cclon- ies this season. This means 520 per swarm, gross, which is regarded as better than 100 per cent. interest on the investment. The Chinese doctor's lot is not wholly a happy one. Four members of the Imperial College of Physicians at Pekin failed recently to make a proper diagnosis of the emperor's indisposition and were punished by being fined a year's salary. Among the degenerate Romans from A.D. 100 to A.D. 500 titles were graded with almost mathematical exactness, and teen of different social rank insisted on being addressed as Illustres, Spectabiles, Claris- simi, Perfectissirni, Egregii, and so on, according to their position. The kings of Sardinia formerly described themselves as " By the grace of God, King of Sardinia, of France, Spain and England, of Italylan3 Jerusalem, of Greece and Alex- andria, of Hamburg and Sicily, Ruler of the Midway Sea, Masters of the Deep, Kings of the Earth, Protectors of the Holy Land." The sovereign of a little Greek island during the middle ages styled himself : " The Protector of Religion, whose Fame is Infinite; who Exceeds the Sun, the Moon, the Unexpanded Buds, the Stars, the Jewels ; whose Feet are as Fragrant to the Noses of Other Kings as FIowers to Rees ; the most Noble Patron, thepod by Cus- tom." us-tom." A four tined silver fork bearing the name of the old steamboat S.B. Bayard, which went ont of service twenty . years ago, was found in the stomach of - a forty- pound ortypound catfish hauled out of the Missouri at Louisiana, Mo., a few days ago. Where the fork has been for twenty years,andhow long it has been serving as ballast in the catfish, are matters which have been aub. mitted to the river folk -tie discussion. It is not for the tickling of the palate but for drunkenness that the average western. Indian seeks firewater, and the worst drink that would prgkluce a wilder jag he would rather have than the finest Bourbon- About Tekoa, Wash., the sale of whiskey to In=k dians being forbidden, the red men buy and eagerly' drink lemon extract and similar preparations, which,being largely composed. of alcohol, leave a much more vivid effect than whisky. - Several prominent sportsmen; of Braaoria and Matagorda counties, Texas, areabout to organize an association for the protection of alligators—an odd sort of game protection —which they believe will bring a good financial return. Hundreds of young alliga- tors are shot every mouth ot the warm season by people. who are desirous to kill something and do not know er care for the value of alligator skins and teeth. There are now several alligator farms in Texas. which are regarded as food investments, for, besides devouring the carrion that makes the water injurious to stock, the alligators clear it of the gars that are so tie =-' active to black bass and the fish the southerners call " trout." - 1'he ticket agent and telegraph operator >.tone ofthe stations on the Adirondack Rail- way has au nnquenchab:e horror of tray 1 in any way save on foot. He fears that ire rses will bolt and that engines will jump the track, and the perils of navigation nothing would induce him to encounter. lW hen business calls him to Saratoga—so fat the limit of his journeyings since birth—he bids his family a solemn farewell, and rejoices greatly on a safe return. He is a well read, thoroueh'y sensible man, but try as he will he cannot overcome his dread of all- fo ens of rapid transit. An admirer of John Greenleaf Whittier has gone through his poems stanza by st: nza in order to ascertain what flowers are n.en- tioned by him. She found forty-nine, as follows : Azalea, aster, amaranth, asphodel, brier rose, buttercup, crocus, clethra flower, cardinal flower, daffodil, dogwood, eigau- tine,fern, gentian, goldenrod, harebell, heli- otrope, honeysuckle, heatherbell,jasmine, locu_t, lily, hie -everlasting, lotos blossom, lilac, Mayflower, mignonette, myrtle, mag- nolia blossom, nightshade, orange blossom, orchis, pansy, pink, passion flower, palm, primrose, poppy, rose, rexia, sumach, sweet clover, starmist, starflower, sunflower, snowbsli, tulip, violet, windflower. Near the little village of San Jose, Peru, on the bleak and barren shores of Lake Titicaca—the most elevated body of water of any considerable size in the world—are three large pillars of stone. If they were not of unequal height they would resemble gate posts or piers upon which at some time in the far past great arches had been erected. To the different tribes of Peru- vians they are known by words which signify "standing stones" and "tall stone goes." Upon the north side of each of these huge bowlders the rude features of a human face have been deeply carved, the other three sides of each being-ehiseled with de- signs of varioas shapes, kinds and sizes. These carved symbols are all supposed to have some reference to sun worship, which the ancient Peruvians are known to have practiced. Although the ancient inhab- itants of that country were highly civil- ized, and probably had many mechanical appliances, it is believed that they were unequal to the task of placing these gi- gantic monoliths in their present position. The evidence rather points to their having originally been wandering or erratic bowl- ders deposited by some melting glacier. The British Mission to Cabul. A special correspondent with Sir Mor- timer Durand's mission to Afghanistan tele- graphs from Jelalabad, via Lundi Kotal, as follows :—"Our reception here has exceeded our utmost expectations. After a hot march of 13 miles we find ourselves installed in a luxurious palace,which is situated in the midst of a beautiful garden, and has only recently been furnished for the Ameer's residence when he visits this city. The Governor of Jelalabad came out a toile to meet us with 15) local horsemen, and as Sir Mortimer Durand passed in front of the city a salute was fired. The garden sur- rounding our Palace. is very elegantly laid out, anu will be a very fine, one in a few years' time, when the trees are more stilly grown. There are in it many varieties both of fruits and of flowers which have been imported from India, and they are all doing well. The part of the garden nearest the city is situated within two hundred yards of the Cabul Gate, whence a metalled road, on each side of which cypress and fir trees have been planted, runs to the main en- trance. The Palace is a fine square build- ing, with a domed roof over a central room of noble dimensions. This is our general sitting and dining room. The side rooms are also lofty,with a fine look out on to the hills by which the valley is surrounded, and the fountains playing close by among the trees and bushes of the garden produce a delightfully cooling effect. The Ameer has not yet seen thia place, and when he does will be certainly charmed. There has been no falling off in the lavish hospi- tality accorded us. Sipah Saler is encamp- ed in an adjacent garden,and Sir Mortimer Durand and the officers of the Mission went this afternoon to call upon him. The formality which characterised the earlier meetings has now worn off, and in his man- ner Sipah Salar is very pleasant and charm- ing." A TERRIBLE TALE OF WOE. His Wife and Family Cremated He -Came to Toronto to Find a Sister, Only to Learn of filer Death. - A despatch from Toronto says: --Amongst those who applied to City Relief Officer Taylor for help yesterday was a German, who tells a story that reads like a dime novel. He states that he arrived in San Francisco an imigrant a few years ago. By hard work and harder saving he succeeded in getting together enough money.to buy a little home. Before he had a chance to invest his money he had his arm crushed and was sent to the hospital. While laid up there, a worthless brother of his wife applied to her for money. She refused him. Ode night he broke into the house, secured the money (they had no confidence in banks) and fired the house. The mother and two children were burned to death. When the father left the hospi- tal, a cripple, he found wife, children and money gone. He determined to return to Germany. The San Francisco authorities gave him a pass to New York. There the German Consul told him he could do nothing for him as he had been over two years in the country. The German Consul sent him to Toronto, where he saidhe had a sister living. When he arrived here Wednesday he found his sister had been dead twelve months. Mr. Taylor will send him i,o Buffalo, where the American authorities can deal with him, as he has never been a resident of Canada. A remarkable friendship exists between a bantam rooster and a cat in Washington Co., Penn. A favorite trick of the bantam is to get on pussy's back and crow. The cat appears not to mind it. - 4 BUILDING • HATERIAL. sIJCII AS Paints, Oils, Glass, Putty Wrought, Cut and Wire Nails, Spikes, Tools of all kinds, in great Pr3fusion at t �'f _ '• i -_ * ' t j�s ry s Fordwich Hardware =,; ,llama, full stock of all kinds of Hardware. No need to go to the "big towns," for we have everything. Come and deal at a first-class house, where goods are way down cheat.. Immense line of ALABASTINE for the walls, in all colors. Tinsiithing and Repairing a Speciality An elegant stock of SOOTS AND P. H. SHAVER'S, GOR RIE, SHOES Something choice in Gents' Walking Shoes, Ladies' Lace Boots, Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes. II have the choicest leather in stock and make a speciality of ordered work. Pen feet fits guaranteed. , (REPAIRING PROMPTLY DONE. P. I3. SI3_�V h',13 ARS SOL MOVING TO ? We are going to � ix El' E Co., Michigan, near Sault Ste Marie. WHY DO YOU GO THERE ? Well, we have five boys, ;Are have sold the farm for $5, boo. We can buy 640 acres between Pick- ford and the Railway Station at Rudyard, fand have a _good farm or each othe boys and have money left. What can a renter do there? He can Illy a farm ou five years time e.nd pay for it with one-fourth of the zlnoney he would pay for rents in that Lime, and own his own home. Is it good land ? As goodas any 'in Huron Co., Excellent dor Oats, Peas, Wheat; Clover, Tithothy, Po - toes and all kinds o roots. Prices are as good as any on the lakes, owing to the nearness of th mines and lumber woods to the west - 'ward. What class of people live there ? They are nearly all from Hexon Co. Ten meet there so many old neighbors ttbat you can hardly believe you have- lieft home. I want to see that land. Who has it tor sale ? Inquire of E. C. DAVIDSON Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. ,Jno. MONTCOMERY. FORDWICH, Ont. For M'.ps, Circulars and full par. 4 S. c Kr 13g41 E,s-Ym's & Liodq At�lEPTT`s FORDWICH, ONT. Money to Loan on Farm Se• curity at the Lowest Rate of Interest. Good Notes discounted. O O Special Attention given to CONVEYANCING x 1B. s. cooK, North of the Post Office, FORDWIC1I e EPE In -PLANING MILL- ::-..-.. AND S. .• :: SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. II. S. SMITH & CO. VE fitted up the Wrozeter noting Mill new machinery throughout and are now prepared to furnish t x11, D©orsi, 131iridn and all kinds of House Furnishings. PLANING AND MATCHING DONE PROMPTLY. Only first-class work turned •.out.• • .. Plans made on application. ion. Fomes Famished.