The Gazette, 1893-09-21, Page 9Temperance Column. .n order that, wemay be able to deal eeffeesually withthe problem of the ex- termination of the traffic in strong drink, it is necessary that we should have a proper conception of the magnitude of the system. It is undoubtedly the greatest question that presents itself for settlement to -day. Viewed from the -standpoint of a moral" evil simply, as many people seem to regard it, we are appalled in the presence of the dreadful ruin rum has"wrought among the child- ren of men. Considered as a financial neater ,merely, it stands colossal and commands the attention of political -- economists the world over. When we think of the physical degen- • elation of the race through intoxicants, involving as it does that other latest and most deplorable phase of the ques- tion—hereditary tendencies and weak- ness—it becomes every lover of God -and humanity to pause and consider. "The half has not been told." Etern- ity alone will reveal it. But in view of these things it behooves us to see to it that the methods employed are t11 best that are available. What we want is as one has said: "Mental suasion for the man who thinks. Moral suasion for the man who drinks, Legal suasion for the drunkard -maker, Prison suasion for the statute -breaker, not take risk on a drunkard for any amount of money. Drunkards are failures. They show themselves weak to . begin with, and both weak and wicked to end with. They may start in life with fair promises, but they wind up with bitter disappointments. Fordwich. A Lawn Social under theauspices of the Ladies' Aid, of. the Presbyterian church, will be held at the residence of Mr. J. W. Hunter, 9th con., on Tuesday evening, Sept. 26th. Tea will be served from 6 to 7 - p.m., after which games and other amusement will be pro- vided. All are invited. Admission for all 15 eta. FOR AI. . A Neat and Comfortable Country Homestead, . CONSISTING- of three acres of choice land, be ing part of lot 1, con. "7, in the township o n Turnberry. Two acres ow'. under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a good $ix -roomed frame house on- the premises, also Forfurther particulars apply to - JOHN W. GREEN, Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont, BUY YOUR :"- Drugs, "-Drugs, Books, and Stationery, z Ira St N. Mc1410LUGHL\INIS Druggist and Stationer, lasgoW Fouse. GORRIE, ONT. MILDMAY Planing qt. Mills. W.C.T.U. DAY OF PRAYER.- - October 1 has been appointed as a -day of prayer the world over, when the nlernbership are especially urged to im- plore the divine blessing "for herself, her home" her, nation, that the alcohol au3 opium trades, and licensed and un- °`l:censed impurity, may be overthrown root' and branch, and that the glory of God may cover the whole earth as the waters do the great deep. -" Nothing less _.is worthy of his promise and our faith. "We also urge that a prayer -meting of the White Ribboners shall be held on this date, or on the Saturday previous, _and that efforts shall be made to secure the general observation of Saturday or Ltanday, as will be most practicable for for the local societies, but especially = that pastors shall be requested to -preach on the temperance cause, and mass meetings in its interests shall beheld on ;Saturday or Sunday evening." FRANCES E. WILLARD, Pres. ' MARY A. WOODBRIDGE. ANNA A.GonDoN, • for the World's W.C.T.ii.. CiABOLfNA B. BUELL. for the National •w.C.T.U. Secretaries. The last session of the Ontario Legis- -"dature marked a distinct epoch in the history of the temperance movement in this Province. That the question 'has et last "got -into politics" is amply'prov- eu by the fact that the leaders on both .sides were apparently so anxious to ;meet the demands of the temperance element. It is plain that here, if not at Ottawa, they begin to realize the elan- - ger of any longer ignoring this large and constantly -growing constituency, _patticularly as the indications are that there will be no retreat from the pres-- tent position held by the temperance _people, but that : in the near future the einestion must be settled, and settled right. ' -The breaking up of the saloon power d.5. lit, doubt a result of the law. If so,it will ave eertainly brought us along 'way in our journey towards complete Trohibition of the traffic in intoxicants sur beteragert4poses. Really; we -have iron -bound Prohibi- lion now in a large part of the State, as the saloons are done up and. very few dispensaries have as yet been establish- -ed. We may 'be able to speak more "fally>-as- to the workings of the law after it has been tried for two or three Months. While far far from what we want, it is evidently a big improvement over the - .saloons. iTaving abolished -the saloons we sacrist hasten to dispense with dis- pos ries; Veery few mercantilehouses will ern 'ploy a ligan who is known to be addict- ped to the cup. No decent neighbor- hood, ,would invite a drinkiulg man to in it .The drunkard may have his �.chu" but his friends are few. _Strong drink crazes .;the mind and. makes the; face and -body repulsive: At least foirteen per cent. of the unfortune ;Owen ettr asylums are there because of deiralr,.. Alcohol produces diseases: c ures ti a pulse :and`reath, fires. re ru1se Y passious, Beats the" oaid ' tights'• and . hastens rat, " de th. You ,n._ealeulate mea wh iff be the- value of = e mate, d.what 111 a:total t rn 08710%. %: a upa�uie witI AND— Furnitur, arerooms Store to the Front. .-�0.^--- All swnnzer goods at cost G. & N SchWaith. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Sash, Doors,- Lumber and all kinds of ' St1i1c11xk Mcitte,visa.1 No old stock must be allowed to accumulate. 124e. prints at 10c. 10c. prints as low as6c. 100. Straw hats at 5. Planing and Sawing done to order. CA's paid for all kinds of saw logs. C. ONTRACTS for Buildings taken. Plans, Specifications, , and estimates furnished on • application. o -o A large and well assorted stock of U NITS B Big _ Reductibus COMMON SENSE ////////// PARIS GREEN Consisting of Parlor Unites. Bedroom Suites, Hall, Dining room and Kitchen Furniture, Office Furniture of all kinds, - .Easy chairs, etc. eta;. Prices Away Down. It's worth your while to give us a call. G-. N. vs:h�.;ralin. o0k. `eft fiats • during August and September. JifiRVEST TOLS Ali Kinds of at Come along and get Your Jag. Wall and Ceiling Papers Borderings, etc, in the lat- est designs. A large range still left. before the snaps are all gone. —In Men's;— Suits and Furnishings we lead them all We have Hunter Mnrs, Fordwieh. Do you, wish to save money ? Do you wish to save labor ? D. you wish to beautify your homes ? Do you wish to make your fellow mortals happy ? All of which oan be accomplished by examining " and buy- ing your Wall Papers, Bord erings, etc., Choice lines of Ladies' and Gentlemen's Vi6iting Material. 01414%.3Pali aud-Bargains In every Fancy .Goods, Toys, Novelties, Base and Foot Balls. - -School Books, Office Books, Hymn and Prayer Boons of every description. Telephone Exchange. —. C. SCHURTER, Mil(Lmay. toonumerousto enumerate. ORM' ''DR11% fORE. We have opened out a large and well selected stock of light and dark grounds with beautiful pat -terns, suitable for ceilings, bedr000ms, halls and par. lers, with borderings to match of the best American manufactures. Bring along your Produce and get a trial'flot and Judge for your- self. Also be sure and bring your Picture Tickets, and get your Cards -Punched. Something that KNOCKS 'THEM. ALL OUT AT If you don't _-come you will disapppint us. gee eir Gold apd Silver desigpsv Our 'cheap papers are marvels. We carry afull line of Grain, Clover, and garden seeds, all of which will be old cheap for cash H E. Lieseiner's You can buy a suit made to Order for the same moue, f that you can buy a ready made. Good heavy Tweed men's -suits lined with cot - torsade, S7: mod Black Worsted, bound, : lined with Farmers' Satin, S 11 50 Black worsted overcoats, stitched, 5 50 Boys Tweed Overcoats. 5 50 itten's black worsted pants 3 00 " fine black worsted suits 14 00 up " " scotch tweed suits 12 00 17 00 " " scIteh orercoate 12 09 15 00 " colored worsted overcoats ` 9 00 15 00 In Corduroy, Moleskin, Cot- tonade and Blue Derry. We ean give you what you want. - In Overcoating you will -have your choice of about 35 pieces,: and inFa1LSuits about= thirty pieces. Came along with Your CASH and SAVE 'NOSEY. Plate =showing- latest -styles always on hand, ` Best workmanship guaran teed. ieseaaer, •A McLAITG LIN a Co. GORRIE. • Special Announc Havingpurohased a fust -class full plate glass -Hearse I ani in" n better �b to do -the undertaking of this community than before, and owing so zed tions the wholesale prices of our goods I am in a position. to give ase of - ne nificent Hearse free, that is to say ray charges Willbe no Comte less -than before. Parent r; Member. ofd. ntario School of Embalming. •