The Gazette, 1893-09-21, Page 5PALL 1 'ORE summer b quoted )iscount, e in left sells at 4j• afew too tea l sell ,grp-i one CHttRCILE • H vA?:GELICAL.—Services 10 a.m. _P:nd 7 p.m Sabbath School at 2 pan. C. Liesemer Superintendent. Cottageprayerpaeeting Wednes play evening at 7:30. Young People's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Haist, Pastor. Di ESPYTERIAN.—Services 10:30 a.m. Sab- 1 Lath School 9:39 a.ra.. J. H. Moore, Stiperin- t` i;d =at. Prayermeeting, ednesday evening at o'clock. Rev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor. » C. CHURCH, Sacred Heart 3f Jesus.—Rev. '- • Father Wey, P. P. Services every Sunday, alternatively at 8:30 a.m. and 10 a.m. Vespers • n*her Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 15.m. every other Sunday. ✓ uTFIERAN.—Rev. Dr. i.Liiler,- pastor. Ser- e--, vices the last gree Sand s of every month at 2:3u p.m. S'.mday School ani:s0p.m. • r E i HODISP.—Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m 1 Sahhath School =':a"p m. G. Curle, Superin- tendent. I'reyermeeting, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev. S. B. Danard, Past,r. S. - • SOCIETIES. rt M.B.A., No, 70—meets in their hall on the • evening of the second and fourth Thurs- iays in each month. ie. \ EILED, Sec. GEO. HEP.nINGER, Pres. ` O.F.—Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their —' hall the second and last Thursdays in each month. Visitors always welccene. E. N. BI TCHART, C. R. JAB. JOHNSTON, R. S. THE lit! I LDMAY GAZETTE, DEVOTED TO TE INTERESTS OF EAST BRUCE AND EAST`UURON. Terms :—$1 per year in advance ; Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year, months. months. One column $50 $30 $18 Half coltemn 33 18 10 Quarter column...... 13 10 6 Eighth column 106 4 Legal notices, Sc. per line for first and 4c. per Iioe for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5e. per line each inser- tion. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Tiine Table. Trains leave Mildinaystation as fol. �uws GOING SOUTH. Express ...... 7.15 a. m. Mail.. . .11.55 " Mixed.. 5.20p.m • I GOING Nonni Mixed 10.55 a.m Mail 2.52 p.m Express 9.35 p.m Mildmay Market Report. Carefully corrected every week for the GAZETTE : Fall wheat per bu $ 59 to Spring " " 59 to Oats 28 to Peas 51 to Harley 38 to Potatoes 40 to Smoked meat per lb10 to Eggs per doe 11 to Butter per lb 18 to $ 60 60 30 52 42 4,5 13 12 20 • BORN. On the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. Philip Rte. don, 16th con. of o son. On the lith inst., the wife of Mr. Wm. McCul- loch, Mildmay, of a son. On the lath inst., the w!fe of Mr. Henry F. Liesemer, merehaia taiios; of a daughter. ' On Sept. 4th, wire -of Geo. Seitz, Formosa, of a daughter. On Sept. 13th, the wife of Christian Weiler, Formosa, of a son. On Sept. 17th, the wife of Nikolaus Olheiaer Formosa, of a son. On Sept. 17th the wife of Jos. Mayer, Formosa, ofason. MARRIED SeELEGEL--HesBeea—In Neustadt, on Sept. 5th by Rev C Nendorffer, Mr August Schlegel, of Wellesley, to Miss Anna Harback, of Neustadt. Mr. Walter Evans, of London, is home on a visit with his parents and friends. Miss Etta Rocs, of Georgetown; 1 visiting at Mr.R. Whiting's, in this vill age, at present. Miss Lilian Green, of Arthur, is at present the guest of her aunt, Mrs.J. W.' Green, in this village. A large number from Mildmay and vicinity were at the Reform -demon- stration in Walkerton on Tuesday. Mr. 'Tony Schneider has returned to Mildmay from an extended visit through Dakota. He wag well pleased with his trip. The Formosa. Brass Band will furnish the music.for the Fall Show here today. A grand ball wifl be held at Montag's hotel this evening. - Mr. -John Carle, jr., returne,c1 from Toronto on Monday where he had been visiting friends for the past couple of weeks while taking in the Exhibition and city. Mr. Jno. Schefter is now the happy possessor of a new Brantford bicycle which he purchased through the agent, Mr. W. Armour, the other day. We understand -Mr. J. Johnston has also ordered one. s Last -Friday, Mr. Fred Leutke, a well- known farmer of this township, :was driving down a hill at Moltke, 'with a load of tanbark, .when ,the load, slippe`l forward and -threw "him between •-the` wagon and horses. He wa,s.kioked;-sev- eral tines'before he saxtileata, hi self' from his_ prec ions position, bu forte ately his injuries are?net of a'd fir. J. Moyer, of Rochester, N.Y., vis- ited his uncle, Reeve Moyer, in this vil- lage for a - few days during the past week, returning home on Wednesday morning. There has been a considerable rain- fall during the p est week or so, which will be of immense benefit to the newly - sown fall wheat, the seeding having been just finished in time to tate weleorne showers. eventually get there. The daily mails are now delivered in Arthnr anytime be- tween sunrise and sunset. Rest content if the "accommodation" with the mail does not come to -day it will come to- morrow or some other day. If you are in a hurry to go anywhere always take the stage to Fergus or walk to Gold- stone. You might save time. e The Laurier Demonstration on Tues- day last drew out an immense throng, almost every part of the riding beieg represented. The streets were neatly dressed, and banners were suspended at every turn. The carriages, contain- ing the famous leader of his party ar- rived from Hanover shortly afternoon, when the large procession moved through the principal steets to the market square, where an address of welcome was presented to him by the Mayor, after which the procession wend- ed its way_,to the drill shed. Here an immense throng had gathered to listen to the speeches. The hall was elegant- ly decorated with bunting, mottoes and evergreens, the platform being prepared with special elegance. After the read- ing of a couple of addresses and the presentation of a bognet, to all of which, Hon. Mr. Laurier briefly responded, a' long and interesting program of speeches was carried out, by,Mr, O'Connor of Walkerton, Dr. Landerkin, M.P., of Hanover,and Messrs. Muloch, McMullen 'and others, all of whom were pronounc- ed in their views and able in their delivery. Hon. Wilfred Laurier was, of course, the attraction, and he fully sustained the reputation he holds for, eloquence, fairly riveting the attention of the andience during the hour which he held the platform. He followed the lines of his previous speeches through- out the country, laying down a platform of retrenchment, economy, honesty and Free Trade, and was warmly applauded at many points in his address. The speaking was not finished until about six o'clock. iMr. John Scott, the Galt cattle buyer shipped two carloads of cattle from Mildmay station on Monday. The cattle- were purchased from Thos. In- galls, 1st con., Carrick, and weighed an average of 1239 lbs. While working at his contract at the Otter Creek bridge, last Tuesday, Mr. Henry Wolf tripped on a plank and fell heavily, breaking a couple of his ribs. He will be off work for a short time on account of the accident. The marriage of Mr. Philip Schefter, of this village, and Miss Annie Berg- man of the Ts line, Carrick, occurred on Tuesday last at Formosa. The happy couple will take up their residence in Mildmay, and the congratulations of their many friends are extended to them.. Mr. Jacob Diebel, of Kanas, is here at present on a visit to his brothers and sisters. He was a resident of M-ildmay some 15 years ago, and is astonished at the growth .the village has made since he went west. He has been quite suc- cessful in business in his far away home A load of young people from Walker- ton and Mildmay enjoyed a pleasant time at the home of Mr. Reinhart, just west of the village, the other evening. On the way out the wagon broke down, occasioning a general "spill out," but no one was seriously injured. The party had to return to Mildmay for a fresh rig however, which considerably d elayecl their arrival at their destination. The High Court of the Canadian Or- der of' Forester;,_ hasinstituted a new District Court to comprise the section, from Clifford north on the Southampton and Wiarton Branches of the G.T.E. The first session of the nevi Court will be held at Walkerton on the 27th inst., when officers will be elected and other business done. Mr. Wm. H. Huck, V. S., will attend as the representative of Court Mildmay. The market for lambs has been show- ifig a downward tendency oflate. Last week Jacob Schmidt Seng a load • to.: Buffalo for which he had paid the farm- ers at the rate of $3.12; per .cwt. He sold them in Buffalo at $4.50 per 100 lbs which, after deducting transport, duty, and expenses, left him about $50 out of pocket by the transaction. Last year buyers were able to pay the farmers $4 to $4.25 per100 for lambs and then make a profit for themselves, but this year the American farmers have_ gone into lamb raising extensively and the mar- kets appear to be almost continuously glutted. Another deathoccurred in the Walk- erton jail on Wednesday last. Death's victim in thisinstance was one George Warner, who on thes24th of July had been committed as a vagrant. He was suffering of a mortal disease when com- mitted, and although the Jail Surgeon, -Dr. Sinclair, devoted the greatest atten- tion to his case, he -continued to grow wcrse. In addition to a sort of paraly- sis, he. was suffering from . a bronchial affection, and had great'. difficulty in breathing. The turnkey, who had been unremitting in his attention to the de- ceased, in giving his evidence, before the Coroner, expressed the opinion that he had died for want of _,breath. He was 64 years of age, and by trade was a cooper. At one time he had run a large business of his own, and was in very comfortable circumstances, but losing everything_by fire he beeame a tramp. me The Arthur Enterprise i.3 very much_ disgusted over the C. P. R.'s change of train service and says:. "The change will not conduce to the convenience of NOTICE. MOTTLE is hereby given, chat a court wiL be held pursuant to THJ YDTERS' IaiaTv, i;CT by his honor. the judge, or the County Court off —11111111111/1— the Couo,,v of Bruce, at the Town Hall, Mildmay Fruits of all kinds in their season. on WEDNESDAY the -Mti*z dav of 0.b4zet. Q.O. 1893; at 2 o'clock p.m. to hear and deter Ho keeps the best �'_ mine the seve'ai complaints of errors and weds- p ME CREMil FAilLaaR in town. sloes in the . Voters' List of the Municipality of the Township of Carrick. All persons having business at the Court are required to attend at the said time and place. Dated at Mildmay, this 21.st day of Sept. 1833. CHAS. SCHURTER. - Clerk of Carrick. • a7 N0. NESSE AUE the Best Selection Ind Largest Stock in Town of _ Boots AND Shoes He buys from the best Houses, buys large quanti ties; pays the spot cash for them, so gets them cheap, and BELLS 'MEM FROM 1 TO PER CENT ciEAPER THAN OTHER 11OUSF.8.,, Come to the Store and see if this is not so. ZI M]EA1RT XIV,�,� L you want Cheap-Good;Neat Comfort. able -Staunch Foot -wear, Call on me. Every attention given to Ordered Work. and Repairing at Joky? fiessssgn4&qt'ss Next to Commercial Hotel: • Elora St. Mildmay. PRODUCE TAKEN. Mildmay Jewelry Store. Chas. Wendt Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following 'A'34-`, a That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike Clocks knock the old styles out complete, both iu Workmanship and Price, Our stock of Fine GOLD RINGS frou7;,40e. up will surprise you, In spEciAras we can give you the FINEST. LINES as well as the CH r APER ones as low as 1 c. We also keep a large stock of Fancy Goods Purses, Bill Books, Pipes Mouth Organs,iHairpius Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, Lockets, Brooches, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices. All goods Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the plane : CHAS. WENDT, Mildmay. Come wi`„h the crowd to - J. L. TITM TS'b . �3a the cheapest BISCUIT and CONFECTIHNTRY house in town, Full lines of Groo E51,e40, 'it,aaag, 'I`eAtsaase teem and 1Cigcerm FLOUR and FEED always on hand. Ittrat Carries an immonse stock of House - Furniti.re Elegant Parlor Suites . All kinds of Bedroom Sets Choicest Hall Furniture. Stylish Diningroom Sets. .Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, and every- thing -in this line. Prices Lower than ever for Cash. Full Line of Self-acting Window Shades Picture Framing Done to order. Undertaking, I carry afull stock of Coffins, Caskets, Robes, etc, A First-class Hearse in connection, Rates Moderate. A. Murat, Elora st, Mildmay. NOTICE. "`HE Otter Creek Methodist. ehuuckaand Lot, near. the Red Mill, Otter Creek, is: now offered for sale. Tenders will be received for _ the purchase of' said property, up to Sept. 15th, 1893, by the undersigned TERMS.—One-third of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale ; for the balance a short time will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. the service, as it is probable':that the ordinary passenger trains will virtually be reduced to the status of accommoda- ,•tion, mixedor other -nondescripts which are really freight trains with a passen- ger leaxto at the back end. Tothe travelling public it may be said, sit easy and take your 'breakfast, eat heart- ily, for you do not know where you will get your dinner. Stroll to the ,station at anytime, without, regard toe time table, wait. long .ei.ough mixed will come dodging aiorng,' gay first class Iaierand;be prepared to assist in --shunting airs and-)landling a , and if your life .is_ insnred=.and you do not die of heart failure, and you_are n t goi ig won than t0 miles, you 'will: For further particulars apply to, GEo.-CVRLB, Mildtnav, d_ See, of .Trust Boar. Call at JASI'FH'S Flour and Feed Store For anything you want in SCHNEIDER'B and' STEINLtiilT,T. Everybody welcomed. Elora st. Mildmay . rirmy- ARNESS N SHOP, 1ssp;r A. Proprietor. o We carry a first-class line of Harness, ' Saddles, Whips, Mountings, etc. A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' Trunks and Valises. 11//111 We make a specialty of The Trimming of Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and Repairing done in First-ciaes Style. We carry a large stock in alllines and are prepared to give perfect satis- faction in Styles, Prices., and Promptness. ancx t3 a e, 1 L. A. Hinsperger. Orrick oolen 111�11�. GISShE's Propi ie tor. Tweeds,Blankets and all kinds of tit ool- en goods n.anu actured. A Grand Opportuuity! Do not let it pass. • You can buy goods at 5 For about half of what they will cos you. elsewhere. We -buy O and give you the benefit of it. A comparison c. ; Our STYLES and PRICES will convince you that you should trach with us. New Fall Goods, are arriving daily. We have just received a shipment et Dress Goods AND Mantle Cloths_. that would do credit to any CITY $TacK consisting as they do of All the latest and most stylish things. Hopsacking, Whipcord's, Diagonals r Costume cloths; • AND Tweed e'fets . We are in a position to sell then very close, being imported dire. ect and paying spot cash for them. It is an acknowledged fact that we lead them all in these lines § Headquarters for ea -nada; Clothin at -act .Lilt Midto Order. Always on hand a full line of AND 611.0q$S., In order to make more room wa will ofcr o:ir entire stock of - eteletater,, lNIj sir. , t Fiz ar-A-a9 es t".23 at and below cost. . I Prints ' former price 124-c 1:ow French Sateens e 30 . All wool Delaines " 40 " � tt A large and complete stock Flannelettes °r . g r, ER'Ss Flour . always in alwaysStock, 'on hand. THE PEOPLE'S FAVORITE -ICE CREAM PARLOR, town, and our 3ncreaszng trade proves it ..A Beca se we make the Batt Ice Dream in Welegtne Good BARBER SHOP in connection. Flora et. Ile lamaay 24 30 6 Muslins-,end Victoria Lawns 10, 12.i. e 15 - ,r+, `� and 20, now 8, 10, .11,, 16, and other WOOL TAN TES..°y•�-gg goods iii proportion. for which the Highest Price will be paid ' - Oliver & Stiegler, maamiA.-z,