The Gazette, 1893-09-07, Page 3XPLORER. ante -Taylor, the Thl- 'raveler. :ments in womankind ❑ the Geographical So ys the London Queen. Cit, for one, is quite snnen who speak of tea habitual and highest Women are not pioneers imonly few generaliza- >rrnulated to embrace her are all men. To of persons, male and • mg the sober portions i ew spots well within tries during the per;ods ' all the material teey rn of years they have conscious life in any But, aliowing even ;d curiosity, there are ee Thibet—important is likely to become in ed political cataclysm whom the "roof of the sonne that they must ey go hence. rsonal confession that i Thibet was—shall I 1 had read in the news. lifts Taylor's travels in my curiosity was fired, d not yet carry me to IFove me forth to seek dor. 1 imagine, that " all Court,' even travelers Gtimately to that prosaic Lt was in a house in that iss Annie Taylor. My of a lady very small, iminous Thibetan dress seals her small propor- king. She reminded attributes of that other , Mrs. Bird Bishop. simply, and wears her le below the nape of the which saves her the sible duty of hairdress- ing any suggestion of travelers," said Miss stating a simple fact. y have traveled in Aus- nd ; the Taylor Lagoon, the way, is called after of know why we are so aps it is because we are y father is Scotch and in Brazil ; but I think y because we pick up •ly.,, AND. EARLY LIFE. urious interest for me to who are in any wey re. veloped into what they lied to ask Miss Taylor ays. She told me then in Cheshire, and that as tremely delicate, suffer- mplaint, which she has own. Her fragility rend - that she should be sent to tly she led what the consider en idle lite at orm of idleness proved a for her later career. k cows, to make butter, n and to cook—all simple which have stood her in nge lands than scholastic veral attempts, however, her the ordinary educe- , she went to school in short time. "I returned ays did," said Miss Tay - ,lad of the opportunity to a missionary and second - ss Taylor ?" I inquired, ously. But the answer a " Oh, yes : it is the that draws me chiefly. I interested in that. As a missionary work in some parts of London—dis- s, indeed, that few people nto them after dark. Bat ms of London, exactly as d in my Asiatic journeys, rarely molested if she ar that she is doing her unassumingly. Looking ," continued Miss Taylor, that I have seldom under - hat everybody else was ays preferred to strike ,, and then, when the way ly smooth, I have left it el. In this sense I think yself a pioneer." OSITIOti IN THIBET. Miss Taylor's adventures escapes is now tolerably therefore excuse myself 'lig what is already known, ;ace for details of special my first questions to Miss concerned the position of t. She told me that women ble power. Polyandry was system, but the Thibetan she has several husbands, ese according to her own ited to so many husbands hers in a family. The only who has any choice in the st brother of a family, who for himself and his brother. Being nomadic and warlike, s that all the husbands are r. Consequently there is e, where the woman reigns ing all the domestic and al affairs of the household in her eyes. Practically h influence and respect in imony on this point was Pontso, Miss Taylor's de- .ervant, who entered the ere talking. Pontso speaks his remarks, interpreted were to the effect that he uty of Englishwomen wa to that of the ladies of his social position. Happen - Mansion House on the day ding, the gallant little man 1 shocked to see how Eng - crushed and hustled in the ame to the conclusion that Thibet to teach Englishmen much needed as an English- , et. He also prides himself !side a tour of the world, i country almost alone it lobe -trotter. Pontso's ape irly reproduced in a por xtreme smallness of his feet eh are tinier than almost& In not easily be shown. „ RI r A PHYSICIAN'S STORY. Dr. Lewis Blandin's Statement "Under Oath. Afflicted With Paralysis for Twenty -tile Years—Pronounced Incurable by the Foremost Physicians in America—A Case of World Wide Interest. From the Philadelphia Times. Many survivors of the late war left the ranks unwounded, but with broken con- stitutions, an instance in point is Dr. Lewis D. Blandin, a resident of Hulme- ville, Bucks Co., Pa. In relating his ex- periences and what he had suffered in consequences of the hardships he had en- countered 1)r. Blundin said : " I was born at Bridgewater, Penna., 1841, and went through the war as private, sergeant and hospital steward in Company C, 2Sth Pennsylvania Volunteers. My service was active, and while in Georgia I had an attack of typhoid fever, which left me weak and a ready victim for future disease. My kidneys were then affected and this finally developedlinto spinal trouble, which lasted through my army service. In 1566 1 was mustered out with an honorable discharge and entered the Jefferson Medi- cal College as a student. In due time I graduated and removed to Manayunk. One day, after I had graduated, I was lying on a sofa at my house in Manayunk, when I felt a cold sensation in my lower limbs as though the blood had suddenly left them. When I tried to move them I was horrified at the discovery that I was paralyzed from my hips to my toes. The paralysis was complete and a pin or a pinch of the flesh caused me no pain. I could not move a muscle. I called in Dr. William Todd, of Philadelphia. He made a careful and ex- haustive examination of my case, sounding and testing, and finally announeedghat my trouble was -caused by inflammation of the spinal cord, and that I would likely have another stroke of paralysis. I consulted Dr. I. W. Gross and Dr. Pancoast, of Jef- ferson College, Philadelphia, with the same result. h called in Dr. Moorehouse, ' of Philadelphia, who said that no amount of medicine would ever prove of the slightest Williams' Medicine Company from either address. The price at which these'pills are sold makes a course of treatment compara- tively inexpensive as compared with other remedies or medical treatment. RD aSIAN RUMOURS. Capture of a Clever Thief Who Hid in a Trunk—Pursuit Or a Gigantic Tiger. A St. Petersburg special says :—An im- portant capture of a clever thief has just been made at Kiel by the local police. A ccording to his own confession the prisoner has plied his vocation, that of mail thief, in every country in e urope, as well as in the United States. The Russian police have for a long- time been foiled by the man, and had nearly given up in despair the attempt to find out how the lately numerous mail robberies had been perpetrated. The cap- ture was effected as follows :—When the Kieff mail train came into the station Vorozhba a few days ago, the mail a d b•tggage car was opened in order to take out the local mail pouches. To the con- sternation of the officials, the bag had been crit open and robbed of its contents. A hasty examination showed that many of the other trunks had also been rifled. Although the matter seemed a mystery for some time, the baggage -master bethought him of a. cer- tain large trunk which had been taken off at the preceding station. He reported his suspicions to the police, and they, by work- ing up on this slender clue, soon arrested the thief. He confessed that it was his method to get himself locked into his trunk, which he could open from the inside, and, after robbing the baggage and mails, to store the hooty inside, drop out from the car at the first opportunity, and afterwards claim the trunk at the station to which it had been sent:_ The Orioffski Viestnik tells the weird story of a gigantic tiger which has recently caused great damage in the Bolcbovsk country, and has spread consternation among the peasants by devouring several of them, male and female, without discrimina- tion. Where the brute came from is a mystery, since the climate of the Province of Orel is not at all one favourable for the breeding of tigers.. The animal first made his presence known by eating up a young boy, Prokofi Suchatchey, who had been sent a little distance from the village on an er- rand. All they found of him four days later was a pair of boots and several half - crunched bones. Following the first victim came in rapid succession an old woman, a young matron with her chili, and, finally, a peasant who was driving home a cow. Both went to satiate the hunger of the tiger. On the 24th of July the Governor-General of the province despatched forty soldiers and four officers to hunt down the terrible monster. At last accounts there were only thirty-nine soldiers left, for oanewa f them from had incautiously wandered, y camp, and had fallen prey to the animal he had come to hunt, .A Step in the It: h` Direction " eter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Pe ers " was a line of alliterative nonsense A step le the right direction, and a wise one, too, has been taken by the Austrians in the introduction of cogwheels to do away with the noise of machinery. These are said to be manufactured from raw hide pressed to work in conjunction with wheels made of steel or iron. They are cleanly in operation, and need no lubrication, and are moreover, possessed of great strength. Such wheels .have, it is said, only one drawback—they are expensive. Cause and Effect. Her Father (sternly) : "Genevieve, you are engaged to some young man." Herself : " Oh, father, how did you dis- cover my secret?" Her father: "The gas bill for last month is suspiciously small." thatpthe children used to say. Nowadays t they can practice on the Perfect, Painless, Powerful -Properties of Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets: It will impress a fact which will be useful to know. These Pel- lets cure sick iadache, bilious attacks, indigestion, constipation and all stomach, liver and bowel troubles. They are tiny, sagar-coated pills, easy to take, and, as a laxative, one is sufficient for a dose. No more groans and gripes from the old drastic remedies 1 Pierce's Purgative Pellets are as painless as they are perfect in their ef- fects Writing pens made from celluloid are. coming into use in Franc Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for coughs raid colds is the most reliable and perfect cough, medicine in the market. For sale everywhere. Are you thinking of sending your young people to school ? If so, read the adv. of Piekern•g College an Fend for calendar. benefit to me. "One day last September I. decided to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. I sent for one box. 1 had always been troubled with a sort of vertigo after my first.stroke of paralysis to suchbed an e tent that when I got out of mymy head would swim, and I had difficulty inn saving myself from falling. My appetite was bad, digestive organs ruined, and no assimilation of food. In addition to my many other ailments, he time Iism held a prominent place. By ed the first box of Pink Pills I was com- paratively free from these minor ills. My appetite returned, the digestive organs got down to their daily grind and the rheuma- tism disappeared. I was much encouraged and immediately sent for half a dozen boxes of the Pink Pills. Relief followed upon relief with astonishing rapidity. First, one ailment would disappear, then another, until the pills gotto work upon the founda- tion I tion stones of my trouble—paralysis. felt a sense of exhilaration and the general effect was beneficial, becoming more so each day. Noting this fact, I inrceased the dose from one to two pills after each meal for a few days. Before I had taken the six boxes of Pills, I was sitting in my chair one afternoon, when I felt a curious sensation in my left foot. Upon in- vestigation, I found it had flexed, or in other words, become movable, and I roe could move it. From that time on my improve- ment was steady and it was not long before I was walking around on crutches with little or no discomfort. It was three years before taking the Pink Pills that I had been able to use the crutches at any time. My health is daily improving and I" feel sure that Pink Pills have done me more good than all the doctors and all the medicine he the country and as they are not costly I can easily afford the treatment. Dr. Blandin tells of another remarkable cure effected by the use of Pink Pills. One of his comrades in the army was Lewis J. Allan, of Battle Creek, Michigan, who has been a sufferer from rheumatism nearly all his life. Mr. Allan is a grandson ofEthan Allan of revolutionary fame. "1Allan could said Dr. Blundin, "that not lift his arms to his head, or even his hands to his month, because of chronic rheumatism." He read in a- Detroit pa- per of a wonderful cure made by Pink Pills and bought some. His cure was sudden and complete. Knowing that I was a sufferer from rheumatism, along with my other ills, he wrote me tbom his recovery and advised me to try was then using them. He said he had perfect control of his arms and—hands and could use them freely without experiencing any pain. He added that as a cure for rheuma- tism the pills were the most complete in paid tor. the world. My cases alone gra proves that, benefited would It is be ordered, adjudged and de- - confident that my greatlyd that there be a lads t ' favor of An Impartaut Scientific Discovery. Nerviline, the latest discovered pain remedy, may safely challenge the world for a substitute that will as speedily and promptly check inflammatory action. The highly penetrating properties of Nerviline make it never failing in all cases of rheuma- tism, neuralgia, cramps, pains in the bark and side, headache, lumbago, etc. It pos- sesses marked stimulating and counter irritant properties, and at once subdues all inflammatory action. Ormand & Walsh, druggists, Peterboro', write : " Our cus- tomers speak well of Nerviline." Large bottles 25 cents. Try Nerviline, the great internal and external pain cure. Sold by all druggists and country dealers. She—" What strange weather we are having this summer." He—" Yes, taut if you remember, the summer of '50 was just such another." She—" Sir 1" Thirty Years' Experience In treating all chronic disease gives posi- tive proof that Tissue Builders" (Histogene tic) are the best remedies. Send postal ,card for book (free) to i r. W. Rear, room 19,Gerrard .Arcade, Toronto, Ont. Mention this paper. A London omnibus travels about eighty miles every day. As high a price as $100 was paid in Lon- don not long ago for a Canadian twelve - penny stamp. A.P. 673 " HE WAS IN IT." Judge Monroe So Decided In Favor of Selly—An Interesting Snit. John J. Kelly vs. People's Bank et al. Plaintiff began this suit by seizing a lottery ticket, one twentieth of a whole ticket, which had won $15,000 and had_ been for- warded to the People's bank for collection, and in which he claimed one fourth inter- est as owner. By consent, the ticket was cashed, and the unclaimed three-quarters were withdrawn, the contested one- quarter, which was alsclaimed by Jno. W. Fenlow under control of the court. The parties live in St. Louis, and have bQen quite unfortunate. In 1891 Fenlow, Kerry, Nuasi club, O'Keefe on three orfnors our formed a q occasions purchased five fractions of lottery tickets, said fractions costing $1 each and each member contributing his proportion of the price, was equally interested in the winnings. Fenlow generally was charged with purchasing the tickets, and held them until the drawing. The members usnally paid their conttibu- tions before the drawings, and Fenlow paid the lottery ticket vendor. In April, 1892, they invested (Connors had dropped out). All paid except Kelly, who had agreed to pay his dollar on the day receding the drawing. The tickets had been selected by Norle- man. There was no further intercourse between the members oftheclub until after the drawing on Tuesday, April 12, when it was learned that one of the four tickets had won $15,000. The tickets have been paid for by Fenlow, and, the question for the court to decide is whether Fenlow paid for account of Kelly, one dollar, or whether it was for his own account. The day after the draw- ing Kelly tendered his dollar, but was told he was "too late " and that he was "not in it." The court concludes that Fenlow gave,, Kelly to understand that he (Fenlow) would see that Kelly's interest in the ticket A Veteran's Story 11Ir. Joseph 1cifl nuerich, an old soldier, 520 E. 146th St., N. Y. City, writes us volun- tarily. In 1862, at the battle of Fair Oaks, he was stricken with typhoid fever, and after a long struggle in hospitals, lasting sev- eral years, was dis- charged as incurable with Consumption. Doctors said bath lungs were affected and he could not live long, but a comrade urged him to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Before he had finished one bottle his cough began to get loose, the choking sensation left, and night sweats grew less and less. He is now in good health and cordially recommends HARVEST EXO y.RSIONS return rates From all Stations in Ontario, Estevan Deloraine Moosomin Binscarth Reston Regina t Moosejaw yorkton Calgary Prince Albert Edmonton Ste`-'® 4113)C30. TO LEAVE ALL POINTS IN THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, ON AUG. 15, return until OCT. 15 AUG. 22, " " OCT. 22 " " NOV. 5 SEPT. 5. _Parties ticketing from other points should arrange to arrive at Toronto in time to con- nect with the 10:15'p.m. train on above dates. IF YOU WOULD SAYE TIME AND MONEY BUY A NEW WILMI� IS SEWING �INCIIINE Agents everywhere. DO YOU IMAGINE That people would have been regularly using our Toilet Soaps since 1845 (forty-seven long years) if they had not been GOOD'" The public are not fools and do not continue to buy goods unless they are satisfactory. 7E100 agtaEtT...3310. Hood's Sarsaparilla 1 blood purifier and tonic >inicdi' as a genera erase, especially to his comrades in the G. A.'R. HOOD'S FILLS are band made, and are per- fect in composition, proportion and appearance. am condition is due solely to ,;the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Sworn to before me this 15th day of May, 1893: G EORGE HARRISON, Notary Public. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a perfect • blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such_ diseases- as rheumatism, neuralgia, partial ,paralysis, locomotor ataxia, St. Vitus' dance, nervous headache, ous prostration and the tired feelings series de- pending after effects of la grippe, cn humors in the blood, suchi as scrofula, chronic ' erysipelas,ae and sallow nk Pills give a healthy glow to p complexions and are a specific for the trou- bles peculiar to the female system, and in the case of men they effect a radical erre in all cases arising from mental worry work, or excesses of any nature. These Pills are manufactured by the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., and Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold only in boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and wrapper, at 50 cts. a box or six boxes for $ .5O. Sear in mind that Dr. Williams'h Pink Pills are never sold in bulk, or by e dozen or hundred, and any dealer deoffers and substitutes in this form "is trying. eare you and ti should be ainst al of publicerso-called also cautioned against no matter blood builders mmand iv® them. They are all �wha�namema begs imitations" whose makers hope to reap a pe- ,&,nniary advantage from the wonderful rrek- uttation achieved �'}}}ams' men m rice John J. Kelly and against John W. Fenlow decreeing Kelly to have been the, owner of an undivided one-fourth interest in the lottery ticket, and that plaintiff receive and collect $3,750, representing the .one-fourth of the proceedsw Orleans, La.,e City Item. et now on deposit.—[New Kill The Cold. $28 00. $30 00. $35 00. errnafl 9, up We have selected two or Croup. three lines from letters freshly received from pa- rents who have given German"Syrup to their children in the emergencies of Croup. You will credit these, because. they come from g finding sub- stantial people, happy what so many families lack—a med- icine containing no evil drug, which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most critical hours, safe and sure that it will carry them through. ED. L. WILLITS, of Mrs. JAS.W. Slag, Alma, Neb. I give it Daughters' Coleege, to my chaldren when Harrodsburg, Ky. 1 troubled with Croup have depended upon and never saw any it in attacks of Croup preparation act like with my little daugh- Kill it by feeding it with Scott's Emulsion. It is remark- able how S�4.TT'SI. IQ Solders' Graves in the Crimea. Sir John McNeill, equerry to her Majes- ty, has just returned from Sebastopol. By the Queens request be visited the graves of the soldiers who fel} in the Crimeanare campaign, and reports that the gr aves in good order, audthat the annual grant of £200 is -being judiciously expended by Lieut. Murray, Gordon Highlanders, V ioe- Consul, Odessa. Sir John brings back with him a curious addition to epitaph literature When inspecting the tnemorial stones he came upon the following :—" To the memory of the arm of Major-General George Henry." It appears that this officer lost his arm in the trenches. It was amputated at the shoulder, buried, and a stone erected over it bearing the above inscription. Of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and I.ypophosphites will stop a Cough, cure a Cold, and check Consumption in its earlier stages as well as all forms of Wasting Diseases, Scrofua and Bronchitis. at is almost as palatable as nark. Prepared only by Boort & Bovine, Belleville. TART A FACTORY LN YOUR TOWN - Ordinary genius required. Particulars free. M. Thorirber, Keokuk, Iowa, U.S.A. TEACHERS and older Scholars can make canvas ing for 7 it. It is simply nii- ter, and find it an in- raculous. valuable remedy. Fully one-half of our customers aie mothers who use Boschee's Ger- man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be successful with the little folks must be a treatment for the sudden and terrible foes of child- hood, whooping cough, croup, diph- theria and the dangerous inflamma- tions of delicate throats and lungs. 41) 1vw-$Mal Every Music Teacher inCa- nada should know where they can get their Music cheapest. Write us for Catalogues; also sample copy of the CANADIAN MU SJCIAN, a live monthly jour- nal with $1.00 worth of music in each issue. €3 to $6 per day rnadeby eanvassers. See prem- ium list. We carry everything in the Music line. WHALEY, ilOYCE & CO. 158 YOKE T. T.EONTO, ONT. h OF LAND 6,j for saleby the SAINT ?Arr. & DULUTH RAILROAID :o1P in Minnesota. ELI Maps and Circu- 'ars. They will be sent to you las+. NEW PROCESS Rubber. Stamps Queen City Rubber Stamp Works, Toronto. ammemenemieeemmaanosimann money"Farmers' Friend and Account Book." Send for circulars, IFIL•• LIAl1 BRIGGS. Publisher, Toronto. TORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL OFFERS TORONTO facilities for acquiring. a thorough knowledge of Cutting in all its well Draft branches; g Machine. Write for circulas for the rs, 123 Yonge treet. TORONTO ELECTRICAL WORKS. Electrical Supplies, Bell Outfits. &c. Re airs prompt and reasonable. School and ixperimenters' Supplies and Books. 85 & 37 Adelaide St. W., Toronto �RTIF� L Address H PEWELo CLAP.KE, ClYrn,r,i5S10,^ P9,131, Minn • K.D.C. is specially prepared for the cure of indigestion mid dys- pepsia. Cure guar- anteed. Try it, and be convinced -of its Great Merits. K.D.C. COMPANY (LIMITED- NEW GLASGOW, N. S.. CANADA, or 127 STATE ST., BOSTON, MASS. Mention this paper. Free sample mailed to any address. conissEssazzammeasEslumlimilsmaili ERAZE `;AXLE EASE No Disappointment Can arise from the use of the great sure -pop corn cure_I'utnam's Painless Corn Extrac- tor. Putnam's Extractor removes corns painlessly in a few days. Take no substi- tute. At druggists. p hi d by Dr. Williams Brass pins were first made in 1543, and Pills. Ask .you dealer for Dr. i weighed about an eighth of Gerinauy und each. Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all I Now England, France ai- :imitations and substitutes. 1 facture every week 520,000,000, which regu 3r. Will mte Pink Pais: -may he had of I larly disappear and nobody knows what 41. Orr. t of direct by mail from- Dr. becomes of them.' Best in the World! Get ,the Genuine Sold Everywhere ! LIMBS 1 ASKYOUR SEWING MACH1NEAGENT FOR IT, OR SEND A 3CENT STAMP FOB PARTIGULARS.PRICE UST, - SAMPLES, COTTON YARN.&c. '.HIS CSYGOOD FOR $2°B-SENDTO' EIal AN13ROS Mrs ; EQRRGETOWN, 0t1fi 4 ALBERT COLLEGE BELLEVILLE, ONT., Grants Diplomas r, Elocut oCommercial e and lcolleg ate courses. JW—Candidates grade prepared Teachers'M Certificates. and for every gr Will reopen TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 5TH, 1893 Send for Calendar. Address PRINCIPAL DYER, M.A., B.Sc Your machinery with the-tandard ana reliable J. DOAN & SON. For Circular Address, 77 Northeote Ave., Toronto The High Speed Family Knitter 0o r Will knit 10 pairs socks per day. Will do all work any plain circular knitting machine will do, from homespun or fac- tory yarn. The most practical family knitter on the market. A child can operate it. Stromic Dnrable, Simple, Rapid grantee every. machine to do -1 good work. Beware of imitations. Q, - Agents wanted. Write forpar oculars.. Dundas Kniiti!ia_Machine Co., Dundas, Ontario. Peerless Machine Oil We will give a substantial reward to anyone bringing us proof of Other Oil being sold as our Peerless Machine Oil. Note genuine except froot p ickages bearing full brand, and our name, and sold only by re- liable and regular Manufacturers, SAHEL ROGERS &Co TORONTO. T1NCLEY & STEWART N'F'G CO. kflarUFACrURERS OF BiUBBBIt M B FETAL STkIPS, Lodge Seals, School Seals, Office and Bank Stamps, Stamps of every description. 10 ging Street West, Toronto. - t Write for circulars. IT IS A GREAT MISTAKE To think that you must wear wide, ill -looking shoes to have comfort. Our shoes are both easy and elegant nice to look at and comfortable while in wear. Tne J. D. KING CO. Ltd , 79 KING EAST. WM0130I33/14091%1•51f_ After five years suffering from Dy- spepsia my wife got entirely cured in one month by the free use of ST. LEON MINE RAL WATER. The happy transition it brings is g rand and permanent. We prize St. Leon so highly we will take pleasure i ens wer- ing any inquiries. JOSEPH PRICE. 31.9 Dovencourt Road Toronto. 'Rotel now open. M. A. THo3iAS,Manager LE ON MERAL ATER CO., ST. READ OFFICE,TORONTO. LTD. Branch - . 419 Yonge Street DICKERING COLLEGE WILL. REOPEN SEPT. 5th. A high grade Boarding School for both sexes Four alt —Preparatory. rtst ioExperi- enced - Commercial aandFie AEghtE ei- euced Teah-ee } p regular $165.00 rannU .B autifuland healthy location. Send for calendar to PRINCIPAL FIRTH, Pickering, Ont. CPAPROVED THE LAST 20 - HONING BETTER UNDER THE SUNYEAUPT DS I1 SENO FORVEW0N SHEET. OH RECEIPT OF A LET ME SELECT WHAT IS REWIRED. Witt SENO PalmE.. COON ARE CENT BY MAILS REGISIEREDi CORRECT ANO CHEAP. Sand Stamp far mastrsted Book 67E3LA..13- 03Ca' SURGICAL Mitcsi &Lcs,134 Km STREET W., MOW