The Gazette, 1893-08-17, Page 4a`= • Y.6 L A Baby's Diary. ;Maw' Wase.---A-s- near -as I am: able .€b judge fom appearances, my arrival' has kicked, up quite an excitement in -the. honsehtlld.. the figures 1 have been s gbed add "given as 8 lbs. I'have also been care= fully inspected and pronounced sound in wind and limb; its ago as far as I am concerned. My youngdad seems to be %iokled half to death and his breath :Smells of beer; When he heard I was a ley he went odt bank of the house and 3iiinped on his hat for joy. If I don't make him •jump for some other cause before I get over this redness of com,- plexion, then you may play marbles on Any bald head. `Sacartn WEEK Nurse is here yet and / am on my good behavior. She looks Ito me like a woman who Wouldn't take *Such rasp of a youngster and I cfrATat a row until my muscle works up a Me more.. %everalparties were in to see me and had to listen to the usual number of congratulations. Some talk of bringing me up on a bottle, but' I'll have some- thing to say about that later on. I'm laying low and taking things easy; Dad is still walking around with a grin on -his face and there was the smell of gin cocktail in the room last night. When he remarked that I was just the quiet- est and most good-natured baby that ever was babyed, I came near giving myself dead away. There's a surprise in store for that hayseed and .it'll hit him like a load of bricks. THIRD wERB.—Everything so-so. :Nurse goes Saturday night. She brags about what a little darling I am, but she's talking for wages. I am quite sure she mistrusts me. People keep coming in to paw me over and look at my feet and the general verdict is (ahem!) that I am just the cutest, handsomest young 'nn ever born. That's all bosh, how- evet, and I am not- at all struck on my shape. - They allowed dad to carry me around a few minutes last evening, and you'd a thought he owned the nth, He _said; he could walk with me for a week, and I just gurgled.- He'll drop to something before he is a week older. I haven't said iq.. h- thisfar, but I've: done=a _heap of thinking just the. same. I don't purpose, to :take. advantageof the baby act mueh longer. Had a row with nurse and had to give in_ beaten -but not conqu_ered..-_._- Foams WZE s.—I 7 told you I'd do. it and so I did.. The night after the nurse.. left I took up that unfinished bt sines, w.ith.dad and. along about:$, o'clock in; 'themorning-he was, about the sickest man yon ever saw. I didn't want to -kill him in one night, -so I saved some of him over for the next. Colic, you know, all_ bales -have it and I wasn't going to be left out. Kicks, wriggles,. squirms and yells, with dad. trotting up, anidown until he finally shook his fist, ander my nose and hoped I'd die (but I. didn't).: Then I let up al-ittlo, but I've. got a lot more colic saved up for another gime.. - The happy grin has quite vanished, . from his face and they say he bas .lost five pounds. That's all,right;: I_purposc- to. take; a, hand. in; from this time on,. ij the old man gets out, tQ, lodge Qr. a checker party again_ this summer_ you. just ask ins:how-it happened.. I am keeping _the run, of thingsiunder. the proper dates,. and now and -then I'll dish. yon. up. half a column or so and lets, you. kpow, who's. rnwiing, the house.. Dad may goany time next week, but at, for me I've eometo stay. Fordwich. Mrs. W. W; Johnston, of Toronto Junction, is at present enjoying a short visit at the home of her father, Mr. 1. Hepinstalli in this village. MTS. M. Arnodl, and the Micses.Axa,` old were the guests Mr., R. Mahood last week. The employers' picnic excursion; tq s Orangeville last Saturday was . poorly 11 supported by Fordwich, . only a few go= king from bores, The Brass Band enlivened our streets last Saturday evening by their playing, .Mr. McCurdy is layits'tea :large stock cif hardware and is rapidly getting settled His tinsinithing department and i..' alreauy heavily crowd!Jel with orders. P An immerson- in the. giver : odcurred. � here the other day. We understand no y -Baptist officals were present, but the candidate was enjoying a high apiritut 1' time nevertheless. - - - S my large stack don't contain whr.& you want, try a,measu_ That's sure: rr snit. A. � y, s ioemaker,, FIRST Y. J-R1VALS of FALL GOODS! I buy in large lots for Spot Cash. get Lowest Cuts and large Discounts, And. sell many lines below USUAL PRICES Just To Hand. 380 Pairs �ineAlwool SfIiR'1S and jRAvv�CRs at 60ets• CASH, usually gsoleofnrer�5MeII� pass bg this barain�iainfamily within at 25c., Special. SMOKED MEAT For sale ! Butter, Eggs, Etc. ,Wanted at highest Dries. GREAT CLEARING OP Sul. 2ER, Goons Air MI The balancer of our summer stock to be sold at Great Fieciu_ctipris. 12 c. Dress goods for 8 cts., 45c. Wool Delaines for 33e., 14 cts Prints for 8 cts, 175 pairs half Price.. Ladies' Tafetta gloves worth 35 cts for 3.0 acts,, boys' and men's Straw Hats at Remember we take no second place 'we are first with low prices and STYLISH Goods. We give highest price for VARM 'RODUCE. Full stock of GROCERIES always on hand., ` r Complete -stock of Dugs, Patent Medicines and Druggists Sundries.. In -Perfumes tore. We have Lubin's, Ri.,h secher's, Woodworth's, Seeley's, etc. .. We also have. Sachet powder, a deliglitful and lasting perfume. DIAMOND DYES. - All the different shades and;aolo-rskeptconotantly on hand. -- . we: have a very large assortment—New York Elastic, with either Water, Spiral Spring or Enam- elled, pads. Hard d Rubber Trusses and several other kinds. If in need of a Truss.. call at the Drug Store. Clapp, M.D. -Proprietor HERG07.°P & P0.4:n61.x a� 6,ektns Manufacturers of THRESHING MACHINE% ENGINES, NEW MODEL MOWERS, GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW. CUTTERS, FTC. Repairing of -Threshing machines a Specialty. All kinds of Plow points kept constantly on hand. _ .. Castings made to order. We have the Finest Dttachinery and Most Skilful Workmen and are prepared to give the beat of saf a 'tion to .air customers, 13reibiR4n & Geie-Ya, B UGUIES, - VARY- S ` arx ' WAGONS IN woes Come and See Then or write for- PaicEs: before buying Elsewhere, Every The GAZETTE- General Merchant, MILDMAY. IFc�r ysUGUST Is fitted out with, New Type is the latest -design :sell on the "point" system, and with s splendid, rapid gob pis.- and: We are prepared,4e. compete wit i- the eities for fancy printing. �w DON'T :sensyouz JOB WORK. away, 4n i you, see ,Ota Samples - and Prices The lines of goods we cut on during August MEN'S surra To Order Anything in a summer suiting will be quoted at a - Liberal Discount Boys' Spring and Summer Suits Also Quoted At Reduced Prices. 1!? The prices: -of what we have, left Men's or Boys' Straw Hats, sells at, eery near half the: regular= price. I-arasols We- lava- still;a good selection of parasols, iu fact a few too, many. In order to reduce, the number we will sell : you a cheap one for very little money, or a good one: for- the price of a.- cheap - one. • , Cal FANG LICIL.— • Sabbath Schap Superintendent. Cot day evening at TM Tuesday evening at evening at & o'clock. DRESBYrERIAN. bath School 3' tendent. Prayerm o'clock. Rev. R. W p C. CHURCH, Father W e , P alternatively at 8:30 every other Sunday 430 p.m. every other T UTHERAN.-Re vices the last t at 9•.30 p.m.. Sunday 4" ETHODIST.-Se • Sabbath Schoo tendent. Prayerm W. B. Danard. Pas SO No_ 7 • • evening of tip days in each month. K. WELLER, Sec. N.-- 0.F. --Court Mil hall the seccn rngnth. Visitors al THE MIL DEVOTED TO TIL IN L'. Terms :--$1 per ADVEET One column Half column Quarter column Eighth column Legal notices, 8e ilne for each subseq Local business no ton. Contract edvertis Mildmay., Grand T Trains leave lows : GOING BOtYTE. Express ...... 7.15 a. email 11.55 ' Mixed.. 5.20p Miss Marie B last on a visit to Mr. J Hess Sunday last wit Mrs. McFall Paisley, are vi week. Miss Della K. guest of Postm here, at present. Miss Lula H Saturday from friends in Huro Schwitzer Br to rebuild thei burned down la Misses Mena Ayton, were th anauer's a few Next week letter from the descriptive of t Misses Anni Berry- are at week's visit wi Miss Mary visiting her pa weeks past, ha kr. W. Arm Belgrave last w Mr. A. returned is still absent. Mrs. R. Whit evening, from had been for a her sister Mrs. Several tea flax to the Mil agood one thi. Voigt expect a The council meeting passed _the memory of Mr„ Satn'l Kir time ago. The drain on met's corner to i eepened and This will:er cellars;and w arty whjph it gharge of Dep is ,paid far oat • work. Mr. W. H. Brom Sarnia, . affairs there, attention to ,p • mill in first cla: have been sen' the mill is n• steam to keep the excellent Mr. A. E. B• ronto Saturda Saturday in t nal, which is deservedly E. IL- Shetp and tbr-est is to -his journal owes year. Orders 114114 this 4ifi 41 ..