The Gazette, 1893-08-10, Page 5.LE 8 cts, 175 pairs v Hats at low prices )UCE. gilt, MILDMAY. All Lines ods we kugust Inv in a summer will be quoted Jib eral Discount. at we have left in Eaw Hats, sells at 'regular price. Lrasols, in fact a few too I the number we will sell e money, or a good one e. • • cheftor, p&oo. bins ,.y.• oe 1S, ENGINES, NEW MODift °RAW CU "'TEES ETC.. cialty. All kinds of Plow T on hand. to order. ful Workmen end are :i qtki R,WACi i CHURCHES-- EVANGELICAL. =Services •1'4, a.m. 'and 7 p.m, Sabbath School at 2 la.m. C. Liesemer. finperititendent. Cottage prayermeetingWednes- day evening at 7:3Q, Young People's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30. Choir practice Friday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. Mr. Haist, Pastor. 1DRESBYTETRIAN.—Services 10.30 a.m. Sab- lseth School 930 am, J. H. Moore, Superin- tendent, Prayermeeting,'Wednesday .evenugat o'clock. Rev. R. W. Gallagher, Pastor: �C. CHURCH, Sacred Heart of Jesus.—Rev. Father Wey, P. P. Services every Sunday, alt;rnateeeiy at 8:30 a.m. and 10 gene. Vespers eve:y other Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at 8:30 p.m. every other Sunday. LUTHER AN.—Rev. Dr. Miller, pastor. Ser- viees the last three Sundays of every month at -2:30 p.m. Sunday School at 1:s0 p.m. METHODIST.—Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 pen Sabbath School 2:311p.m.G. Curie, Superin- tendent. -Pra,yermeeting, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev. W. B. Danexd, Pastor. SOCIETIES. rM.B.A., No. ?0—meets in their hall on the • evening of the second and fourth Thurs- days in each month. K. WErT.vu, Sec. GEO. HERBINGBS, Pres. Q.O.F.—Court Mildmay, No. 186, meets in their hall the second and last Thursdays in each mofnth. Visitors always welcome. E. N. Bu'rcHART, C. R. JAS. JOHNSTON, R. S. We publish in another column of this issue, a very interesting letter -front -Rev, Geo. Brahmin, who is at present en a visit to- the World's -,_'air at Chicago. Unlike most writers from the White City who attempt to display the whole exhibition in a brief letter, the rev. gen- tleman confine his remarks to the one building, which he describes so graphi- cally that the reader can almost imagine he is gazing upon that wonderful col- lection of the world's forestry. We hope Father Brohman will find time to continue these interesting, descriptive letters. THE MILDMAY GAZETTE, DEVOTED TO THE INTEP.ESTS OE EAST Berce AND EAST HURON. Terms :—$1 per year in advance Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six Three Year. months. months. One column $50 $30 $18 Half columna 30 10 10 Quarter column..... 18 10 46 Eighth column 10 6 ' Legal notices, 8c. per line for first and 4c. per line for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5c. per line each inser- tfon. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. A keen game of foot bail was played here last Friday evening between the junior teams of the Teeswater and Mild- may clubs. The game was called at 7 o'clock when the boys lined up as follows : Teeiwater. Smith Dalgleish Berseht W. Zinger 1 Backs Lenahan Keller ( half 1 Sachs Pasmore.............t Becks Page .. )F Sehulteis Johnstone... ,,,,-.... Kemp Center forward W. Liesemer Campbell J Ri ht Shurter Wilson l wing W iegan J Zinger J Left t 8 Liesemer Croney..................... 1 wing f Hume During the first half the visitors ap- peared to be having .a little the best of the play and the Mildmay defence had plenty to do. Just before half time was called a hard tussle took place before the home goal, during which Campbell managed to kick the ball through for the visitors. A claim of "off side" was made by the captain of the Mildmay team on account of one of the ,'teeswet- er players who had run through the goal catching Lobsieger from behind ; but the claim was not allowed. The sides then changed ends and in about 15 seconds the game was evened up by the Mildmay boys securing a goal in an astonishing manner. Kemp, for the visitors, kicked the ball off to Lenahan, who returned it to S. Lieeeiner, who took a long drop -shot on goal over the backs' heads, and the rubber was through before tho visitors' goal -keeper had, time to wink his eyes. The play was again started, but from this point till the end of game the visitors were "not in it," the ball being constantly in the vicinity of their goal, their backs however, doing noble work. After about twenty-five minutes play W. Lies- emer, who was playing a grand game, again put the ball through for the home team and the game was won. This goal was disputed by the visitors who claimed they were deluded by an out- sider calling for a corner kick. But the referee again refused to allow the claim and declared the Mildmays victors by 2 goals to 1. We understand the return game isto be played in a week or so. Trains leave Mildmay station as fol- lows : - GOING S0tJ OH. GOLNG NOETH Express ...... 7.15 a, m. Mixed 10.55 a.m $.55 Mail 11.55 " Mail p.m Mixed.. ...... 5.20p.m Express 9.35 p.m Mildmay. Goal H. Lobsinger ommendations in Mildmay to fill a bottle. .The "firemen did their work well, the hose beinglaid and steam turned on with scarcely a hitch. Of- ourse the usual number of orders were issued and ad. - vice given by outsiders, but the boys had confidence in their officers so paid no attention to anyone else. The air was perfectly still, It is said Mildmay has never had a fire dart ing a high wind. Mr. J. Schuett lost about $5 worth of lumber which he had neglected to haul home the day before. Beimore. The Belmore roller mill was com- pletely destroyed by fire cast Friday noon. Some sparks from the furnace ignited in the engine room while the caretaker was out for a moment, and in an incredibly short time spread over the building so that those inside had scarcely time to save anything, even the books being left behind. The first alarm was given by a farmer living near by, and so fierce were the flames that inside of 40 minutes it was entirely con_ sumed. The loss is estimated at $8,000 upon which Mr. Hermiston, the owner, had $3,000 insurance, and the ur nant etc. had $300 upon stock, bags, The loss falls heavily upon Mr. Hermis- ton, who recently had the mill fitted up throughout; with new roller process ma- chinery, and the community at large will also suffer as it is not likely the mill will be rebuilt, at least for some time. Deputy -sheriff Jno. Henderson of Walkerton was in town for a few hours yesterday. Mrs. Henry Reiber, of Tavistoek, is at her father's, Mr. P. Liesemer, 5th con., and withother relatives and friends in this vicinity. Miss Tena Smith, who has been visit - lag her home and friends in Mildmay for a few weeks, has left for Sarnia. Her many friends regret her departure. & meeting of the Mildmay Hose com- panies will be held on Monday evening next at the Fire Hall. Business in which all the boys are interested is to be transacted. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Jasper and family, of Chicago, are at present home enjoy• ing a visit with his parents, a short dis- tance north of Mildmay, and with rela- tives in this vicinity. Mr. Frank La France's many friends are shaking hands with him and wish- ing him much joy since Tuesday last, when he took unto himself a bride and is rapidly settling down among the rauks of the beuedicts. The Absalom St. culvert is now fin- ished and the street at that point is again open for traffic. The culvert is of stone with earth filling, built at a cost of $65 and is "a credit to Mr. P. Lenahan, the contractor. Lamont Bros., the well-known music dealers of Listowel, have this week de- livered a fine new Hoerr piano which Mr. John Schneider, of this village, re- cently purchased. The instrument was manufactured in Germany and is an ex- cellent one in every respect. Mr. F. Weiler's new brick residence is rapidly nearing completion. It is a beautiful structure and adds greatly to the appearance'of North Elora St. Mr. Hinspe tier's fine building, at the foot of Church St.,' is also taking shape and will be ready for occupancy ere long. Mr. Schuett is being delayed by the workmen, who will, however, commence next week, andbefore the season is -over Mr. Schnett's family will be residing in their beautiful - new home opposite the Methodist churches. Mr.- John Huber, son of Mr. Jacob Huber, 6th con., Carrick, met with a dangerous accident on Sunday last which came very near ending bis life. he Along with two other young was driving along the street at Amble- side in a road cart when the spring sud- denly broke and the boys fell out. Young Huber fell immediately under the cart, and the horse, in backing up, stepped Upon the lad's head making a fearful gash felly five inches long on his -scalp, extending from the top of his head to the back -of his ear, and cutting the er=part of the ear completely off. In this ce rlitic n the unfortunate to JNo. 'HESSENAUER PEA the Best Selection and Largest Stock iu Town of - Boots AND Shoes He buys from the best Houses, buys large quanti ties; pays the spot cash for them, so gets them cheap, and Mildmay Market Report. SELLS BRAPEROT�HAN 1.45 PER CENT Come to the Store and see if this is not so. IE ME.A1V BITSI1\Ti'- OS• If you want Cheap -Good -Neat Comfort- able -Staunch Foot -wear, Call on me. Every attention given to Ordered Work. and Repairing at Johr? fle,sw4Lr'ss Carefully corrected every_ week for the GAZETTE : 58 to $ 60 Fall wheat per bu Spring " u 58 to 60 Oats 33 to 34 Peas 55 to 56 Barley 38 to 40 Potatoes..... 45 to 50 Smoked meat per Ib10 to 122 Eggs per doz 9 to - 12 Butter per lb - 15 to 16 Wool " 17 to 20 Hay, per ton - 700 to 7 00 Wood per cord.. 1 25 to 1 50 Raspberries per lb 04 to 05 Schweitzer Bros.' Mill Burned. Mildmay suffered a severe loss, early on Tuesday morning in the destruction by fire of Schweitzer Bros.' saw mill and Brown & Eckel's butter tub factory. About half past three o'clock Mr. Henry Wolf, whose residence adjoins the mill, was awakened by the bright light from the burning building, which was already a mass of flames, and he at once gave the alarm. The engine was promptly in position, but at no time afer the fire was discovered was there any hope of saving the mill. Three heavy streams of water were turned upon the flames and in.a very short time thereafter only a smouldering mass of ruins remained. Schweitzer Bros.' loss, - on building, machinery, stock, etc., will amount to about $3,`)00, upon which there is no insurance. Brown & Eckel lost their butter tub machinery, tools, manufactured tubs, etc., besides a large amount of basswood staves which are now practically vain. less, fully $500 inlet'. Uninsured. By the time the engine arrived on the scene the roof had fallen in, so;nothing whatever was saved from the building, and the efforts of the firemen were di- rected to saving the lumber, logs, etc., near the building, in which they succeed- ed although some of it in a damaged condition. About 15 hands are thrown out of work by the misfortune. It is too early to give definite information, but it is likely the structure will be rebuilt. The origin of the fire is unknown. The usual care was taken with the fur- naces and at a late hour in the evening everything seemed all right. It is thought the miehief may have been caused by a careless tramp. NOTES. uPp f tunate young Just 13 minutes after. steam was turned on, the se;�,thing flames were entirely man had to ;bedriven -ail the way ere extinguished, Mildmay far medical treatment. This is the first real fire `which has the wound was-stitcaeduand nicely dressed furred since the engine was purchased, And he is now recovering Halladay-Lakelet-Boots and shoes au Se@R: , ©oa-1-6 ate -t ' Retiring tram Busi- ness in Lakelet. Next to Commercial Hotel. Elora St. Mildmay PRODUCE TAKEN. ing business to HA ING sold Wk. Wm. Rivveers,bIawish to than thee public for the liberal patronage I have received while here. All accounts owed to me must be settled, by cash or note, by the 1st Sept. next.TON. Lakelet, Aug. 1st, 1863. To the Public. Mildmay Jewelry Store. Chas. Wendt Takes the liberty to draw the attention of the Public to the following iP`eleiCir t That we are selling Goods CHEAPER than any other House in the Dominion. Compare our Prices with others and see if we dont. Watches at half the Regular Price. Our eight day Walnut and Oak half hour gong strike Clocks knock the old styles out complete, both in Workmanship and Price. Our stock of Fine GOLD RINGS from �90c. ive will surprise you,s 7n SPECTACLES you the FINEST Las low as Imo. the CHEAPER We also keep a large stock of Fancy Goods Purses, Bill Books, Pipes Mouth Organs,}Hairpins Combs, Albums, Fancy Novelties in. Glassware, Rolled Plate Chains, Charms, Lockets, Brooches, etc., at Rock Bottom Prices. All geode Warranted as represented. Repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry a -- Specialty and satisfaction guaranteed. Remember the place : CHAS. WENDT, Mildmay. I HAVE just purchased Mr. Carleton's GENERAL BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS IN LLKELET. and am carrying on business in the old stand. I have had a long practical experience and and am prepared to give perfect satisfao- tion in all work entrusted to me. Horseshoeingespeoially attended to it a careful manner: - Re- pairing of all kinds promptly done. inn. RIVERS. Lakelet, Aug. 1, 1893. NOTICE. CEO. E. LIESEMER The L.ea-iiala Blacksmith. This is the place where you can get your Horse Shoeing and all kinds of Neat. Black- smithing done right Cheap and Always arriages of all kid Wagons, a full stock of kept on Buggies, a' and hand. Take notice of my Farm Garden, and Orchard One Horse Cultivator. The time for killing weeds is here and I have the very thing to do so. All kinds of Tooth- Attach- ments for cutting weeds and Hilhng. Keep down your Weeds with the QUEEN Culti- vator the Best Tool of its kind in Canada. If you don't think k TTr wL it, and you will GEO. E. LIESEMER. Erse Opportuui' Do not let it pass. You can buy goods at Oliver litO gior': For about half of what they will cost you elsewhere. THE Otter Creek Methodist church and Lot, near the Red Mill, Otter Creek, is now offered for sale. Tenders will he receiveSept d 15th, the purchase of said property,up 1893, by the undersigned. TERMS.--Ono-third of the purchase money to be paid at time of sale ; for the balance a short time will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. For further particulars apply to Gao. Conan, Mildmay, Sec. of Trust Board. FOR)SALE. • A Neat and' Comfortable Country - Homestead, We buy VOR CASJ1 and give you the benefit of it. A comparison of Our STYLES and PRICES. will convince you that you should trade- with us. 1fl.cl-may HARNESS t4 SHOP, CONSIS-TING of three acres of choice land, be mg part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under groes and balance in orohard and garden. There is a good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also Forfurther particulars apply to - JOHN W. GREEN, Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont. }t;rxi1ttire Del trat Carries an immonse stock of House Furniture jie(, Proprietor. New Fall Goods, are arriving daily. We have just .- received a shipment of Dress Goods AND Mantle Cloths that would do credit to any',1TY STOCK consisting as they o of All the latest and most stylish things. , Hopsacking, Whipcords, Diagonals, 0 o - We earry a first-class line of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Mountings, etc. A full stock of Ladies' and Gents' Trunks and Valises. Milli/ We make a specialty of The Trimming of Buggies, Carriages, Cutters, Sleighs. Harness made to order and Repairing done in First-class Style. We carry a large stock in all lines and are prepared to give perfect satis- faction in Styles, . Prices and Promptness. Casa lemma See, Elegant Parlor Suites - All kinds of Bedroom Sets Choicest Hall Furniture. Stylish Diningroom Sets. Lounges, Rockers, Chairs, and every- thing in this line. Prices Lower than ever for Cash. Full Line of Self-acting Window Shades Picture Framing Done to order. Under taking, I.oarry a full stock of Coffins, Caskets, Robes, etc, A:First•class Hearse in,conneetion. Rates Moderate., and it did its work more: than well The oneild endo qau now get enough rep - A. Murat, .. - 'Elora sty Mildmay. L. A. Hinsperger. C arricu Woolen 0 GBBTiE s Props iotor. - Costume cloths, • • AND Tweed efftcts We are in a position to sell them very close, being imported dir- ect and paying spot cash for - them. It is an acknowledged fact that we lead them all in these lines. . . . . . . 5 Headquarters for § Ready -fade clothing grid ttits bade to Orcdere, Tweeds, Blankets and all kinds of wool- en goods manufactured. A large and complete stock always on hand. WOOL WANTED for which the Highest - Pr -ice will be paid. Always on hand a full eine of_ 13oOs AND hogs. In order to make more room we will offer our, entire stock of Prints, ea. tea ttzke , loins suras, C.ix1 rima, fe,tc>.• - at and below cost, Prints - former price 122c now Sc- French Sateens ". 30 - 24 Allwool Delaines " 40 " 30 Flannelettes " 9 " h' Mullins and Victoria Lawns 10, 121, 15 and 20, now 8, 10, 11, 16, and other goods in proportion. Oliver Stiegler, MILDMAY,