The Gazette, 1893-08-03, Page 5-The following are; "
May crop by English;
Journals r--
In view of the deficiency -in the
lisle hay crop of last year, end of the°
certainty of a still greater deficiency
this year, it is instructive to notice the.
amount and sources -oaf the imports of
this ceramodity,-whioh are, for the first
time,. started in the.recently issued au
nnal statement of the external trade of
the United Kingdom for 1892. The hay
crop in England and Wales was in 1890
an average one, and was estimated at
14,000,000 tons. In 1891 the estimate
was 12,600,000' tons, and in 1892 only
1.1,500,000 tons. The total imports last
year reached 61,237 tons, and the quan-
tity and value received from each prin-
cipal source of supply are shown in the
following table: --
Tons: A
19.409 :47,48;
Ca• nada 13,190 58,7y�
United States. 11.588 5019.
Germany. 4,290 1 ,978
a 14,34}.
Algeria , 3 8 151a
Other countries... 6.036 22,5814
Total 61,227 259,593
On the whole, the hay mops of Ire-
land anon Scotland are not expected. to
be seriously shod this year, but the
yield ea England and Wales will be so
peer that the imports may be expected
to be unusually large. It is certain,
however, that Germany and France will
have little or none to spare, and - the
increased supplies mist be looked for
chiefly from Canada and -the United'
States.—Liverpool Corn Trade News.
The published reports of large profits
m exporting hay are attraetiiag allkinds'
of speculators to the busdues& Mereh-
ents, clergymen, meehai i and profea-
sionalmen are now tushing shipments.
The established exporters are-niuele
worried over the new element and daces
that the published reports of profits are
greatly exaerated, New 'York Ship.
Ping List, July 22.
The dreuth, which is likely to result,
in very serious consquenoes as -regards
the cereal crops, proves to have been
disastrous to the crop of fodder through.
out the world. Fabulous prices have
been paid for native hay in WALK:
and in France and Iffoltaud. The opin-
ion of farmers here is that before next
spring #12 per ton _wilt be paid for the
lonie.grewa article, the yield :ef_which
is estimated at one-half to. one-third -ef
et..aat orahnary crop. The total erg: in
- MD meted to 8,10%000 in 1891
to 7,000,000tens and in 188o5,500000
tons. A geed trade has been transacted
in parcels of Canadian and Alfalfa- bay
for shipipent to London and I verpeol
although but few of the -transactions-
ran ionshave been reported; Parcels of Jane
July Alfalfa to Landow realised A6 a
6d, per ton, Canadian same shipment to
Liverpool sold at 1St 8& per ten,
while yesteedag with a brisk demand
2s 6d was paid -fora quantity ef
Cauadiau to London for delivery at Z0
tons per mouth between August and
December. The reports from Belgium,
Sweden, tlernlauy and Italy all advise
a very poor crop. In Germany the:
weepeot is sneh that the - Federal Cour-=
cit on the &el hest i edeu order pro-
hibiting the expert of alt fodder.
The balance of our summer stockto be sold at
12%o. Dressgoodsfor 8 cts., 45e. Wool. Delaines for 33o., 14 cts Prints for 8 ets, 175 pairs
Ladies' Tafetta gloves worth 35 cts for 10 ots, boys' and men's Straw Hats at
half Price.
Remember we take no second place we are first with low' prices
and STYLISH Goods. We give highest price for "ARM ]PRODUCE.
Full stock of GROCERIES always on hand.
General Merchant,
M 0"Y` Pirmeas—
Always the Cheapest Store
13argains in All Lines !
Higher Cash PAT.
Advertisement tisement next week.
Wagon -Maker,
The late Mr. Matt Buntin, who Was
-kilted on the C P.R. last weeks, . was .a_
em r et -the leyit:ami' having
art incur es of wu i will' be
Paid overto bis widow a Aeon as the
'-'eeeettear7 paper can barnacle out. Ile
has been a member just two :y and
len, Mess, duirlug which: time heed
paid in a total of $9.��fraction over
. year each thousand of his
=insnra5oo: - `When hesura to can he
ed -at slow a rate as thie it
nit.ta_ why any one neglect
prqvilini ter dependent upon
- t Quite a sham of the *ml
e :atteuded tie funeral.
Jas.Rm.; ri
ea, of 1111111mak, was
Rlora St..
Binder Twil7Le'
s: ` Tinware
i :'
$vim heed a tang eXPorienee a1 the Wetness
-I trek -voufident ef:iieine- able to give est
- Repairing Promptly , Done.
�t can. axe # s"it' a atice ape *eau
�. ,.MISSRE,
Aisetom St.
The" - Aa TE _
Is fitiod Ott with. 'Ne W Type ho
latest =firms; all _utt- td
ugstou , and: with a� epee, id
bewe to
' o ` +titles or y
i Piz/
Poti n6ex
Manufacturers of THRESHING AritoliniMxJararAmg, ATRYMODEL
Repairing of Threshing ramie/nes a S.:._7, .- . Allkinds of Row
points kept ooustautlg
Castings made
We have the Finest Machinery and Most Skil Workmen and _azeptepared to
give the best of satisfaction to our ensteseeri .
r'r Drug's and Cb.em
All the unpin PAM latemeitettaaelsonea
And a fine stook of Ste, seas -
Toilet Soaps _ ...
A ersupleteMonti
Diamond Dyes a
it eebore an
Store. a "guff
▪ Sabbath S
F uperiutenden t.
day evening av
Tu ay evenin;
eveaiug at 8 o'cl
bath Sehoo
tendent. 1'taye
o'clock. Rev.
C. CACI-1E13
�• Father WI
alterae.ti v ei v at
evert other Sun
4 r;
p.m.. every o
r •rug:T .:.-
▪ `: es tie.
at 3:3 .rT.. &:r
gal.: bath Se
tendent. l'rsvci
W.13. 133. Danard, 1'
C.1`t.B.;., No.
evening et
A1Cs in each 7 ter.
Ti. \\FILE 1., Sec
hall the :se
enc th. 1'isitor
I%Et'U_'- =J
Terms .—c 1 p
One column
Ralf column,
Quarter column,
Eighth eolulnn.
Iii notices
kne for each suI
Local business
Contract adro
Trains leas
lows :
Express ...... 7.1
Mail 11
Mixed.. 5
Miss 3 -Ti nn
is the guest
Miss Lula'
of Dr. Wilse
the past w eel
"Mr. Arms
town last WOE
he cciuld get.\
Miss Elsie
visiting with
Butchai't in '
Miss Eva
a holiday vie
W. Green, in
Mrs. A. Te:
Adda, starte
Ml's visit witl
Dr. Wilson
Brantford bio
agent this w
wheeltnen ge
grand displa;
Mr. Montat
village, has:
gage the Fe
own expense
Fall Show or
A written
two promine
ether day w
ware ef Pi
boys say it
tlieni notion
packets don'
Mr. Adam
barn, 45x6u
rick, last Sa
Jahn Renal
Kinzie, of C
the Howiek
never been
A meeting
was held in
Monday, at
was revised,
Show, whi
Sept. 2.lst.
fruits and
son to belies
surpass any
Mrs. R'e'
Rich, ex -c
wafie Giro
barn, the
testing slip
One of her
the i Cede
was broken
bones badly
the larger
wound. M
wed and
80011 AS
#.y is
eoeue Sas