The Gazette, 1893-08-03, Page 4do Talk
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A nineitieui -oUtirt.>lel>• Life.
ad tsara t diatt
fete �►
musole, andTitite youeen isappoin e rC
finding a remedy that will afford certain and
How the Fiery Monster Fanned Into Eafl7 speecly.relief ?,..go ailaonce toany drug.
by a Strong Wind, Licks Up Everything ore and` buy a bottle if 'glson's Nerviline,
in Its Path. Poison's Nerviline never fails to relieve
The morning dawned. bright and clear, neuralgia, cramps, headache, rheumatism,
The sun rose and. lighted a Landscape not and Garman, i anal or a teern , stns B :
"-All the parties I_supply speak very fever -
ably of Nervilind; and always purchase_
yet touched with faintest shade of green,:
but here and there.a lark warbled herr
merry song, betokening the speedy coming
of the springtime. --As the sun ascended, second lot." Poison's -Nerviline is sold in
each little group of dwellings that marked bottles at 25 cents -by' all druggists. and
the habitation of some Western pioneer be. country dealers everywhere.
came a scene of activity, and soon the
teams were wending their way to fields of
labor, some near at hand and some remote,
where farmers, one and all, were busy put-
ting in the seed for the coming harvest.
Not a breath of air stirred; not a discordant
sound broke upon the ear ; all was still save:
the rattling waggons, the prairie chickens
serenading on a distant slope and the my-
riads of twittering birds. But soon a dim
haze became visible in the western horizon :
the tall, dead bunch grass began to swap-
in the breeze ; fitful little gusts of wind
caught up the dry corn husks and sent them
whirling high into elle air. An hour passed;
the dim haze had developed into a well-de-
fined column of smoke away to the west-
ward, and
The busybusy
farmer in the field, and the b y
wife at home cast anxious glances now and
then toward the increasing smoky expanse,
wondering if it could by any chance en-
danger their little . possessions. But, no,
the wind is bearing it southward. Tee
much-dreaded•fire-fiend will pass down the
canyons to the river and its devastations
will cease. Someone's property is in:danger,
someone is fighting fire, but each man'must
look to his own interest, and the farmer
works away, fast leveling the dry corn-
stalks as the wheat is covered in the fields
that will soon be a mass of living green.
But, look ! The wind is changing, veering
to the north, and the result is soon mark-
ed. The dense volume of smoke is leaving
the canyon and backing up the draws to -
Since.: that bine_! have- recommended Dr'.
F' -Since_
'ill ' ills to'tat errs w;
a u 1� with goo�resp ,; ` c I
feel it my duty to advise the r use -by peo-
ple who are run down or suffer from -the
effects-pf-any chronic ailmentt. I believed
-they saved-tny--life, And y be sure I
am grateful."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale. Peo-
j ple are manufactured by the Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., of Brockville,;` Ont., and
Schenectady, N.Y., a firm of unquestioned
Enormous Enterprises. =
The advancing years seem to produce an
increase 'rather than a diminution in the
number of gigantic schemes We have all
heard of the scheme for expending $40,000,
000 in ` the construction - of a: ' monster
dam- in the vicinity of. Newfoundland
that would turn the Gnif Stream back
on itself and give: New England a
tropical climate, so that the GranitePate
boys could climb palm trees to shake off
the succulent,cocoanut on .their own bleak
hillsides, while the Rhode Islanders would
offer scant encouragement to the peripat-
etic Italian li'anana-vender, as -each and
all of them would have a banana tree in
_close proximity to his own back porch..,
A more recent scheme is the bridging of
the English Channel between Dover and
Calais. -It is said that this scheme has gone
so far that a company has been formed to
secure the necessary concessions from the
British and French governments. The cost
of this bridge is something like $240,000, -
The latest schemeyis one ,for -roofing _Lon-
don and other large aril thus doing
away -with . the umbrella trust. The.. pro-
jector has not yet considered any such
vulgar and insignificant detail as the matter
of cost, and hence has not enlightened the
public on this point.
Such schemes are,of course, largely vision-
ary; but they indicate a tendency to
grapple with the most stupendous under-
takings that is in a •ineeiner characteristic
wards the divide. Fiercer the wind blows of the nervous and progressive age in which
and faster the fire approaches. Self now we live. -
must be protected and team after :team
leaves the field. Here and there a man on
horse back is seen galloping towards the
smoke. Ploughs are brought into requisition
and furrows are thrown up in the short, RelnalrkabieEzpei fence oia�'ell
crisp buffalo grass of the open prairie,
thinking to check tho devastating fire, but Known Sea Captain.
it is too late-; the smoke- grows denser,,; the
fire comes roaring up out of the draws.
How it crackles, and
as the dry bunch grass is hungrily devour-
ed. Now it has reached the divide, and
the flames leap high into the air, visible for
miles around. The wind lullsand the fire
creeps along, slowly but surely, in the
Captain James McKay Tells ills Story of
Suffering and Release—His Reeovery
Was Despaired of and He Longed for
Death—"The Darkest Hour is Just Re.
fore the Dawn," and With it lame a
Ray of Hope—Health and Strength
Again Restored.
From the Weymouth, .N -S„ Free Press.
thick, short grass. Then men attempt to Probably one of the best known mbn in
whip it oulas it reaches the d furrow. Diglij° County, N 4`is Captain Jame,,e Mc-
For a time, thee 'seed, hulas fiPece gnat
jitter', of Tiverton'' °he Captain ie mown
of windtit r 1 : fir -=1aba , `the ---:fie -ninon "lir-. -owners 4s a first-class mariner
jumps the guar ya -rushes on Pa'atur=es 'and -pilot, has been hiefly engaged in the.
and hay land must burn. Each roan to.bis
home. Stacks, cribs, stock' and: buildings -
must be saved. A race begins between fire
and horsemen. One man with a team from
the plough is directly in its course. He
West Indies trade, :a sd has been verge for-
tunate with; the 'vessels under his charge.
Some three years ago, Captain McKay had a
very severe attack of la grippe, which grad-
ually developed into more serious troubles,
does all that he can - do, wheels his horses until his life was despaired of. It was with
round and dashes throtigh the flames. Only deep regret that. his employers and friends
an instant, and the•panting animals with: saw him sink gradually under a terrible
singed legs and half stifled by the smoke, disease, until his death seemed only a ques-
have borne their master safely to the al tion of a few weeks. At- this- time, when
ready blackened prairie. Women are in- physicians could do nothing-forhim, he was'
tently watching the dreaded fire bearing induced to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,and
down upon them, anxious for both home by that wonderful medicine was restored to
and husband, but here he comes some dis- health and strength. Captain McKay's al-
tanoe ahead of the fire, and with willing most miraculous recovery created no little
hands every one upon the place that can amazement, and so much interest was mani-
earry a bunch of burning grass or a wet fested in it, both in his own village and in.
rag the_ adjacent plates where he is so` well
ss hon
htt e
Pre h.
TO E%TINGIIISH THE FLAMES known, drat,=the=4 E�lie?..� , .. .:t .- g
that go amiss Iends ready help in back fir- matter of sufficientampcirtance to,the pub
ing, the last resort to save the buildings. lie, -to get a statement of the .facts from
In an incredibly short space of time a strip Captain McKay, -and accordingly detailed a
is burned between home and fire. The tired reporter to interview him with that end in
workers pause to smile at the little bunch view, when the following facts came into
of quails and the frightened jack rabbit his possession.
that, in -company, came hopping up the road " I have heard," "that
said the reporter,
ahead of the fire, then turn and stand awe- your recovery was wonderful, and was
stricken by --the grandeur M- -the scene as .brought-aboutentirely,-_ by the, use, of Dr.
the fire itself comes roaring, crackling, Williams' Pink Pills. Would you let me
rushing 'one It strikes the burned strip, have the particulars;ef your illness and res -
divides, encircles "the little group of -build-- Ittisa to health
ings and passes on, to repeat the scene at "Certainly," replied Capt. McKay. cc I
other homes until the wind dies and the fire have told the story a hundred times already,
can be controlled. The day is neatly done, but as the truth never wears out, once more
no one has thought of dinner ; but now that won't hurt, and besides I always think I
the excitement is over much neededrest and 'may be aiding some person -who is now suf-
refreshment are sought. The sun sets, but fering as I suffered, and giving them a clean
upon a different scene from that on which :bill of health. To begin at the beginning,
it rose. The 'monotonous brownness of the I had la grippe about three years ago and
morning has disappeared.- Bare blackened that tied me up pretty- well. • I - wasn't fit
prairie, corn and stubble fields are alone to take' charge 'of a ship, so sailed..south'as
visible, forming' a monotonous blackness, far as Milk River, Jamaica, as nurse : and
dreary and gloomy. The wind has gone companion for an invalid gentleman: The.
down with the sun and darkness reveals in
the distance=s atilt burning stag, and here.
and there a crawling serpent of flame,- re-
minders that the dreaded prairie fire -fiend
has breathed his scorching breath once more
upon the land. _ . ...
reliability, Pink Pills are not'looked on as
a patent medicine but rather as a prescrip•
tion. An analysis of their properties shows
that these pills are an unfailing specific
for all diseases . arising from an impover-
ished condition of the blood, or from an im-
pairment of the nervous system, such as
loss of appetite, depression of spirits, an-
aemia, chlorosis or green sickness, • general
muscular weakness, dizziness, loss of mem-
ory, locomotor ataxia, paralysis, sciatica,
rheumatism, St.' Vitus' dance, the after ef-
fects of la grippe, all diseases depending -
upon a vitiated condition of the blood, such
as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They
are also a specific for the troubles peculiar
to the female system, correcting irregular-
ities, : suppressions and : all forms of female
weakness, building anew the blood and re-
storing the glow, of health to pale - and sal-
low cheeks. In' the case of men they effect
a radical cure in all eases arising from men-
tal worry, over work or excesses of any
nature. These , pills are not a purgative
medicine. They contain only life- giving
properties, and nothing that could injure
the moat delicate system. They act direct-
ly on the blood supplying its life-giving
qualities, by assisting it to absorb -oxygen,
that great supporter o2 all organic life. In
this way, the blood becoming "built up,"
and being supplied with its lacking consti-
tuents, becomes rich and red, nourishes
the various organs, stimulating them to
activity in the performance of their func-
tions and thus eliminate diseases from the
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold only in
boxes bearing the firm's trade mark and
wrapper, (printed in red ink), ``Bear in
mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
never sold in bulk, or by the dozen or hun-
dred, and any"dealer who offerssubstitutes
in this form is trying to defraud you and
should be avoided. The public are also
captioned against all other so-called blood
builders and nerve tonics, put up in similar
form intended to deceive. They are all
imitations, _whose makers hope to reap a
pecuniary advantage from the wonderful
reputation achieved by Dr. Williams' Pink
-Pills. Ask you -r_ dealer for, -Dr.. Williams:'_
Pink Pills for Pale People and refuse all im-
itations and substitutes.
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills may be had of
all druggists, or direct by mail -from Dr.
Williams' Medicine Company frim either
address, at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for
$2.50. The price at which these pills are
sold makes a course of treatment compara-
tively inexpensive as compared with other
remedies or medical treatment.
rt othing'r'emove eons
ith s a s s ,. a ty Pntnam's Painless
ixtratoi:eware of poisonous sub-
stitutes. Ask for and get Putnam'a "Pain-
less Corn Extractor at druggists
In certain iron lamp poste used abroad
for arc lights a number of ornamental pro-
jections are thrown oat by turning a key,
enabling - le.trimmer. to climb up without
the aid of fs -ladder. The turning of the
key also chart -circuits the switch, making
the lamp safe to handle. -
Tissue Building Medicines
Are the best for all chronic diseases. Send
postal card for 192 page book (free) explaining
all Fa:ticulars. Address DR. W. 11tEAR,
Room 19, Gerrard Arcade, Toronto, Ont. Men
tion this paper when writing.
Dr: Harvey's Southern Ifed7Pine for'
coughs and colds is the most reliable and
perfect: cough medicine in the market. For.
sale everywhere.
A.P. 668
Scrofula in the Neck
The following is from Mrs. J. W. Tillbrook,
wife of the Mayor of McKeesport, Penn.:
"My little boy Willie,
now six years old, tai o
yearsago had a bunch
under one ear which the
doctor said was Serof-
_ ula. As it continued to
grow he filially lanced it
and it discharged for
some time. We then be-
- gen givuig him Hood's
Willie-Tillbrook ;Sarsaparilla and he im-
proved very rapidly until the sore healed. up.
Last winter it broke out again, followed by
Erysipelas. We again gave him Hood's Sar-
saparilla with most excellent results and he
has had no further trouble. His cure is due to
Hood's Sarsaparilla
He has never been vefyrobust, but now seems
healthy and daily growing etrongor.), .
-100r'S PiLLB . do not weaken, but aid
digestion and tone the stomach. Try them. 25c.
TEACHERS and older Scholars tan make
money canvassing for "Farmers' Friend.
and Account Book." Send for circulars, WIL.-
LIAM 1BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto.
Suc+eessorsto Ontario canoe' Co., (Ltd.)
Makers of Peterborough Canoes for Hunting,
Fishing, ShootingSkiffs, Sail -Boats, Steam
Launches. Sen3;wit stamp for Catalogue
unrecedented facilities for acquiring a
weather at that season was simply melting thorough knowledge of _Cutting in all its
andr usecEto lie on the deck at night, and branches: also agents for the McDowell Draft
in my weakened condition got some sort of nL Machine.- Write for circulars, 123 Yonge
fever. W hen I reached home I ' was com-
pletelyused up and continued to get worse
until I could hardly move about. At times
my limbs would become numb with a tined-
ing sensation, as. though a -thousand needles
-;A ,Zhilosoptlinal Va'Aly._ were being- stuck into me. .- Then my eye -
Amelia has pimples, ani sore; in the heed sight began to fail. It was difficult for me
From humors internal her nose hal grown : to' distinguish persons at a distance. My
red •, face became:swollen and .drawn; and my..
She's a boil on her neck that is big as a bell., s almost, closed. At times my flesh e
But in other respQcta; she is doing quite welly eyes
would assume a greyish color and remain:
A ncl pa hue dyspepsia, malaria and gout.f� :da s in that state, being at the'same
His hand& with salt -rheum. are ;all broken -time cold and death line."
out; --'ouidte Tie is prune to rheumatics that makes his legs doctors do nothing for you?"
swell, �.i...
enquired the reporter.
. But ' otherrespects he is doing quite well.. 1 not, They gave advice
�bg IA so that 1 think' they derived the most:
That all of our doctors can't seem w drive-wL
She wakes- every nigbt_anbd coughs quite a benefit, for under their treatment i did not
spell. - `-a improve a bit. At last I got so bad that 1
But in other respect's s ieisidoing quite well lost all ambition, r suffered, terribly, was
_ There is nom,p a ke philosophy to help Only a burden to my friends, and. actually-(
one bear the ills of fife, b>it. in the case of longed for death, which all thought was
this fagsily� ylytat is jln t 'seeded is a good soon in store for me. But the darkest:honr
supply of Dr.,,Pieree's Golden Medical:1)18' is just before the dawn. I- had become .so
- covers.= -It:id cleanse Ameba's bad bad that I hardly cared how soon I slipped
blood, cure pa's ailments,. aped.check ma's my cable, for I was now almost completely
cough. The "Golden Modica Diseovery, paralyzed, but at this time the stateiiient
by its action On the liver, cleanses the aye- of a man down in Cape Breton, whose case
tern �. at similar to mine, came
ieikrilt til ore, ui `� ej�1
boils, scro a a, salt -rheum, erysipelas, ani to ply notice. He attributed his -cure'�to
-1- k- ds • f tg >d' g .The only I W its; ns' Piin`k Pilch, and I thought
III 8 s•' geming y - , sent
And ma s nigh' sweats and a troublesome medicine and rendered thr bills prompt -
a lit. �. r a sw re.:� , Y
guaran d b pi er ' „ that there might be-a-chancetfor me, htt .
. - :.: I ienfesai' :at that bane but`'iery little
I,agarti:jo,-the kliegai lits ' faith 4n any medicine. To make a long
of lidll- g ers, rem ort the ase of 1)r. Will%a:as';
4,_eantly- his kat apparance r g' a , f : found that tires were
a Flan and entert edrsn sudience of Piz
sic be g rile, :ir continued use put me
�Obple--A;;1404114,-461 slay; t a erg, and I wentta work afttteer
savage bolts.erniafticelietted him on,MY : e gg_
S is i anaire, . f 1'anthe of eilf *ced idleness, to the gr€ a
' astonishment of my acquaintwee who ,
�` at bolt t ' _
DE8/owRG•G rer--
i;^ i•L
Persons afflicted with these or
any throat or lung troubles
should resort to that
Most Excellent Remedy,
of Pure Cod Liver Oil with
Hypophosphites of Lime and
Soda. No other preparation
effects such cures.
"CAUTION." -Beware of substitutes.
Genuine prepared by Scott & Boone.
Beira e. l Soldd by all druggists.
That people would have been regularly using
our Toilet Soaps since 1815 (forty-seven long
years) if they had not been GOOD; The public
are not fools and do not continue to buy goods
unless they are satisfactory.
t1 OR IRON FENCING',. or Ornamental Iron
" Works, send. for Catalogue. Te Into -
Fence and Ornamental Iron Works. 73 tde-
laidd St. West. Jos. LIDA. Manager. -
ubber Stamps
Queen City Rubber Stamp Works; Toronto.
MA'1,� .4 Tt3REgS '0F_
;Lodge Seals, School Seals, Office and Bank
raps, Stacii pit of =every description. .
l0 King Street West,. Toronto. -
Write -lei- dividers.
LADIES Dress and Mantle Cutting
by this new and improved
Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies
the full art of cutting all garments
worn by ladies and Children.
Agents wanted.
M a 9'91,0
Firs and Rurgta r -Pr no
In use all over the Do-
minion. We sell directto
the user, thus giving the
buyer the discount usual-
ly paid in Commissions.
Catalogue on application.
577 Craig St.,Montreal.
-Perhaps you do not believe these
statements concerning Green's Au-
gust Flower. Well, we can't make
you. We -can't force conviction in-
to your head or med-
icine into your
throat. We don't
want to. The money
is yours,"and the
misery is yours; and until you are
willing to believe, and spend the one
for the relief of the other, they will
stay so. John H. Foster, I122
Brown Street, Philadelphia, says:
" My wife is a little Scotch woman,
thirty years of age and of a naturally
delicate disposition. For fiveorsix
years past she has been suffering
from Dyspepsia. She
Vomit became so bad at last
that she could not sit
Every Meal. down to a meal but
e, she had to vomit it
as soon as she had eaten it. Twe
bottles of your August Flower have
cured her, after many doctors failed.
She can now eat anything, and enjoy
it; and as for Dyspepsia, she does not
know that she ever had it"
Agents everywhere.
Drive out Dyspersia
or it will drive out
thee. Use K. D. C.
Free sample mailed
to any address.
Mention this paper.
Contains noopium or other anodyne, but des-
so that you. need
not neglect your
business or sit up
all night gasp-
ing for breath
for fear of suf-
focation On re-
ceipt of lame and P.O. address we mail TRIAL
Bo ETL.+ and prove to you that ASTHMA
LEVE Glints AS'I II3I5 For
sale by Druggists.
tifBi'6II: S iEf3, fi.Y,
Canadian Office. 15 Adelaide St. W., Toronto
Best inthe Werid!
Get ,the Genuine !GREASE
Sold Everywhere!
Now ready and mailed free to all appli-
cants. Carefully selected Farm and Gar-
den Seeds, and Seed rain, Choice Flower
Seeds, Clean Grass and Clover Seeds.
Special�attention paid to Corn for Ensilage.
WIH. EIV I I4U �i CO., I M1onireaLt«
The 1.eav`r11 i. eborning blip
pe'milli take them off With lees.
trouble and. Iess pain than any-
other way. ,.
-ifftentiler. circular giving price --
'tkstb nials, etc.
r S. S. -K MBALL,
I rs g Street. 3ibatreG1
177-1-1 -1- jBUY
a Boot or Shoe that
yo does
not fit. Why punish
self in attempting to form
your foot to a boot or shoe.
'- We make our
Bs and z � omtwotoe xdit
Askfor'the J. D. ging 8s C'o.,Ltd., perfect 11
ting goods, and be happy..
nom pi.'' ES OF LAND
* Otip
IU for sale by the SA>xTPAUL
COMPANY in Minnesota. Send for Maps and Cireu-
'ars. They will be sent to you
T,And '"'"' ^' - `t. Paul, Minn.
SMS,3:c T
After five year• s'
suffering from Dy-
spepsia my wife got
entirely cured in
one month by the
free use of
.... •. < E p �t WATER.
Asx, " , /A;, The happy tranisition
EA lj it brings is grand
and permanent. Wear
"" prize St. Leon so
E" highly we will take
'+4 '"Y' pleasure in answer-
ing any inquiries.
349 Dovencourt Road.
- -
Hotel now open. M. A. THOMAS, Manager
Brauch - 449 Yonge Street
Every music Teacher inCa-
ould know where they
can get their Music chearest.
Write us for Catalogues; also
Sample copy of the CANLDIAN
MUsICL&N a live monthly jour-
nal with 1.00 w
in each issue. 3 toorth $6of per music day
nadeby canvassers. Seeprem-
ium list We carry everything
in the Music line.
158 itaNCE ET, TEROliTO,OST.
Lidless Threshing Belts
Rubber and Stitched Cotton
in 110, 110 and 120 feet. lengths."
6 inch 4 ply
Very -low for cash. -
Prices Reduced
on Second Hand
Repaired and Rebuilt
We have a large stock of upright, hori-
zontal, plain and traction Engines of our
own and other makes.
Write us before buying either a new e
second hand engine.
a v:�n�5f�r