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The Gazette, 1893-07-06, Page 5
--ln•.:. �:L�s t BY. V-Al4GELICAL.—Serviess 10, a.m. wad p.m. Sabba h School at 2 p.m. C. Ltesenier, Perintendent. Cottage prayermeeting Wednee- day evennxg at 7:30. Young people's meeting Tuesday evening at 7:30.- Choir uraotriel ay- €vering sat 8 o'clock. Rev. -Mr. Haut, Paster. pRESB Y'il•,.itiA1 .—Services 10:30 a.m. Sab- bath School 2:30 a.m. J. 11. Moore, Su in- tendent. Prayerm eating, Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Rev. R. W. -Gallagher, Pastor. R.0. CHURCH, Sacred Heart of Jesus.—Bov. Father W ey, P. P. Se: v emcee every Sunday; alternatively at 330 e..m. au1 10 a.m. Vespers every other Sunday at 3 p.m. Sunday School at p.m. every ofoor Sunday. e JTH RAN.—Rev. Dr. Miller, pastor. Ser. vie ea tie last three Sundays of every month pan. Sunday School at 1:s0 p.m. METHODIST.—Services 10:30 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sabc;ath School 2:30p.m. G. Curie, Superin- tendent. Prayermeeting, Thursday 8 p.m. Rev. ♦", . E. Danard, Paster. S0CT14,TIE S. 3�.B..i.. No. 70—meets in their hall on the ev�ung of the second and fourth Thurs- ia 3 in each month. See. Geo. HEttBINGEB, Pres. fl .0:F.7 -Court lfildmay, No. 186, meets in their hail the second and last Thursdays in each ' :' Visitors always welcome. E. N. BuTczunr, C. R. -, --- _-- JAS. JOHNSTON, R. S. �-Fi E 1' M ILDM AY GAZETTE, • .-arse, nuc: INTERESTS OF Fsarr lining ARID LAST HU2:oN. elms :—N 1 per year in advance; Otherwise $1.25. ADVERTISING RATES. One Six ' Three Year. months. menthe. $.50 $30 $18 30 18 10 18 10 6 10 6 4 One column Half col hri n Ecarter cz,_:amn ighth column Legal noaees, Se. per Iine for first and 4c. per rine for each subsequent insertion. Local business notices 5c. per line sack inser- tion. Contract advertising payable quarterly. J. W. GREEN. Grand Trunk Time Table. Trains leave M.ild:nay station as fol- lows GOING souTtt. c-erm Imam Express ......-7.15 a. m. Mixed ....... .....10.55a.m 11.M " Mail 1.58 m Mixed 5.20 p.m Express 9.35 p.m -_oma • Mr. J. McEwing spent Sunday at his #ieme in Palmerston. Mr. A. McCurdy retnrued yesterday from a visit to Kinloss. Mr. McCarter and wife, of Walkerton;. are spending a few days in town. Severrd from this village took in the Dominion Day sports at Wroxeter on Zrionda,y. Mr. I. B. Bricker, of Gorrie, delivered a fine team to Mr. At Rnnstedtler, horse buyer, in this village on Tuesday. Miss Rose Herringer star ted last Tues. day for Arthur where she will visit with friends for a week or two. Mrs. MoEwing, of Taneenst012,. Spent 0 Saturday last with fief brother, Mr. -J. II. Moore, station agent' of this place. Rev. and Mrs. H. Berry alevisitindin town at present. -M . Berry wasformer- ly pastor of the Methodist Church hero. Mr. John Seilig, lot 18, bon _ 10, will raise a large barn on his farmthis. aftisi . Joon. About 125 hands • have been invited. er. The Mildmay Juniors were defeated - i e a foot ball match at_ Lakelet cast Saturday, their opponents being a metch heavier team, - The crelsert on Absalom st., south of t be rails: ay, 'is this week being renewed with stone. The -contract for the work was let to Mr. P. Lanahan for $50. Mr. F. W. Thomas, Principal of the Mildmay Public School, is in Walker- ton this week, acting aa examiner in the ached: certificate exams, now being held there. Mrs. T. B, Brown, of Mount Forest, is the guest of Ars. A. J. Land, in this village at present. These two ladies spent the early part of the week with relatives in Paisley. The Sabbath School of the German Evangelical Curch, Mildmay, held a very piesant pic-sic in Zinn'sbush, neat this village yesterday afternoon. An enjoyable time was spent in swinging, games, ate. Mr. Whiting laid on our table the other day three strawberries of the Heber variety which measured each five inches in their largest circumference and weighed combined three ounces. They were as luscious as they were lerge. . A very: large excursion train passed. throrgh Mildmay last Saturday carrying visitors to Port Elgin celebration. Quite a nctmb er got on here, and by the time it reached its destination the train was crowded to the doors, over 1000 people being on boarei. There is much talk on the sheets o he/dieg a grand civic holiday demon- stration emonstration in Mildmay this simmer. No- thing definite has been done as yet but the fling is general that such an oe-- mesion would draw- together a large eroved as nothing of the kind has been attempted here for years. Burtches Uncle Tom's C€.bin Coupsn= gave an entertainment d - their Own canvas on the Fair Grounds- here on- Ttesday evening to a good how Pe Vie; have ed to our stock this Wee, MAIStJITS,TcOflsisting Boys' two piece suits at from $2.25 to $4:50. Boys' three piece suits, short pants from 3.00 to 5.50. Youths' " `` long pants from 3.50 to 700,,. Men's Suits 4.50 to 12.00. These Men's cheap suits are just the thing: you want _ and savelyour heavier one tor winter wear. Remember We have them in all aualities at lances that will sell them at slight. • f We also carry afull-line of worsteds, _Serge s Tweeds, etc. in order work. _ E play was well rendered; sone of the charactersbeing very well maintained. The comedians of this company are very funny so that this somewhat solemn play is pientful y diversified with laugh- ter. The inic, both braes andstring, was excellent. Miss Taylor is prepared -to- reserve pupils for instructions on the piano and organ.; Terms' made kn " on appli- cation at theItasidence of R. WRITING, Mildmay. _ Mr. J. L. Titrates, the new grocer, has always on band a choice -hne of grocer- it;s, biscuits, confectionery; fruits, flour and feed. Also an Ice • C,reaoi Parlor carried on in city style. ._ A little son of kr. no.. -8toftzman had a narrow escape from being drowned in Gissler's pond, in this Tillage, last Saturday. The little fellow -etas Play- ing, with some otter bn,-on a raft, when an accidental puslinent him into the water where it was vary deep. Mr: Jno. Weiler fortunately -happened -to be - near by at the lime Anirliirried: to the scene, reaching the boy, .whe iras slnh ing for -the tl3ird time, This narrow escape should serve as a warpli, to the lads who are frequently nl in this dengerentiVia-nitYr. tithe, the . five-year-old , Son of .Jacob 'Schneider, net with a very ;flan ful accident on •Moi day fternoon -last.' He was riding on e load of shingles which another boy wariving:in the .yard when . by some means: he-- fell: off the wagon:" The heavy feels passed over Win, breaking his c d? i=bone and left arm,and badly bruising l iishoulder. Dr. Wilson.- was at once ,}led and did everything possible for the ;little suffer- er, who is -now doing- welter. - Mr. McKenzie has decided to move his hay -press to _Mildmay, after the en- ceuragerenthe received -iron: -the farm= ess at the meeting - last week. On Monday - ;last the fern com- menced hauling hay and on Wednesday evening the amount delivered was folly 150 tons. It is expected that over 800 tons will be sold here, as M . McKenzie will take all that is brouht in. _ .The price paid is $7 -per ton, and as: each load is paid for as fast as it is unleaded, a goodly sumof money will be put_ into circulation. The -in,ahine will be here in a -week -or so and placed 'in position for operation at the fuss uld - It would be hard to finder the Domis on a larger hay -:'tack than the one now in Mildmay. Four horses were killed .by lightning in a field on lot 8, con: 4, Carrick:, dur ing the severe thuiaderstorna early on Monday morning. Three ofthe animals ba1onged_ to Me, 1 iexel the=tenant,and one to Mr. Jas. Johnstcn; Mildmay, the owner of the faun. - There was an in- surance upon the three -younger horses in the Armese, Ans. Co. Oil . the same morning a cow belonging to ---a Mr. Weiss; a fevemiles west in -Culross town- ship, was also killed by lightning. Mr. I. Weaver, lot 19, con. B. had his resi dents struck by lightning in last Satur- ,day's storm. The-chntaieyse ceilings and cornice were shattered; but none of the inmates wererinjured _. The _doss is slight, end- covered by Wet -ranee in the Royal. Holiday's storm- also caused a loss. to Mr. jsge, of the station hotel, ,Mildmay, - the barn on his fa on the 4th .eon. being strr_ck by the electric fluid and considerably damaged. The building is insured in .the * Ger- nianic. ; - BORN. - 56h, the wife pf 3Sr J. W. Brest► of a daughter: Carrick Council. . Council met _ in the township : hall, Mildmay on July 4th, pursuant to ad journnient. All thomembers present, the reeve in --the Chair. Minutes of last meeting read and con- firmed. Darling—Fischer--That Mr. • Woods be instructed `to examine the ditch - a sideroad between 80 and 81, 'con. = C,: near Elora read, and have the same re- paired ifehe sees fit. Carried. Woods—Fischer—That the sum of. #25 be granted to gravel the towniine be-. tween.Carrick and Normanby along con. 24_provided Normanby supplements the wane. and that Mr. Moyer be instructed to attend to the letting of the job. Carried. ee. Woods Fischer --- Than the sum of iE4 be granted to Fred Boettger to open up the ditch along the bent of Nos. 11 and -it con. 10. --Carried. - Lies'emer--Fischer-That the 8tm:of .$80 be granted to build: ` sheds on- the agriculturalgrounds, and $.2O in aid of the Agricultural Society.—Carried. Fischer--Woods—That the sum of ;$io begranted to bid a stone sidewalk on Formosa hill, provided -the_ town,ship of Cu1oss- -supliletnents -,the same,— Carried. Harling Liesemer--That the clerk be instructed to notify Jos. Easter, own- er -of pt. lot 20, coal. 8, to open up a• ditch or .drain on hissaid land to take of the waterfrom the highway between tots 20 and 21 in said con. 8: -Carried. The road . and bridge eom_lnittee re- ported the - letting - by them of several contracts {as published in the GAZETTE last weeek}. By-law No. 12: to'make:better provis- ion for the government of public morals in --the the townsnip, regularly read, and passed. Darling--Liesemer—That . the road -and bridge committee examine the bill at Iot 2$, con. 8-9, And report .at `next meeting.—Carried. - Petition of Geo. E. _Liesemer and 15 otheps praying that a free pedlar's license be "granted - -to -Joachim Fred . Evers was laid over . on- motion of Messrs -Woods and Fischer. - ' The following accounts were passed andordered paid: Chris. Becker, -i0Gy s gravel .., ' _S . 4.01 J fl Mier, gravelling- ': `sit 25.: PM Po --ester, 10 ibeSpicses Felt*;Eopass,31 loads gravel i Klein,116 yds -gravel.. Jsta Sehefter,=overseeing gravelling i;?sin account - - , ,• ,.John _S. Widow, ettiverri i?t, 22, con 14. 'r GAZE, . _prititilig, ; _ Fred iloetlser, lumber account H.Dieb&,170ydsgravel A Kleist, 400 feet plank. Trn'teee Balaclava Burying ground, plot for grave for remains or Dr. Morrison Haack Co.&,account for tiles.. L Br ,-equalizing S- S No 3,- C& 11 Keanfbet, contract Formosa hill Jno Hundt, culvert on Walkerton road -- Andrew ningham, burying sheep J ©3I{eg ser, attendance on,Mrs. Martin The -following accounts- were over-: dos BaromannT*_:. making- culvert .... . 00 8 C-raham 230 loads gravel.. Li_ 50. G &`N 8ehwahrkluurber account. 16 61 F Kutzkie, work lot 28, man 5 S 5 00 On motion council adjourned to meet Aug.. nth. 40 6' 55- .6 96 5:.696 • :4:5a 2 00 3 00 2.75 li 366•. 3? 5 20 75 22 1.71. 400 15 00 3 50 1 00• 500 laid_ Com. ScHuaT R,_ -- Clerk, _ MISSEI Wagon -Maker, malcirn r. H aving ibad a long experience at the s. b sines I feel confident of being able t -o giye Srstt-- class Satisfaction. - - t Repairing Peon01y Don-. . If you- aro ©©in_ want of a goodtig give we a -call r1. F. MIssERE, Absalom st. y ildmay ; drug Store. Pure Drugs and'Chemicals All.the STANDARD PATENT i02®cati le i e , And a fine stock of Druggists Sundries, such as Brushes Combs Toilet Soaps - - Sponges• Trusses Shoulder Braces et.e:-. A complete stock of- - - _iammnd Dyes always on hand. Buy your Hellebore and Paris Green at the Drug Store. We guarantee both, �.. ` E. Clapp, M.D. Proprietor ]ONiNZA1 - 1 hav bought .4000 yards of a Splendid line of I Fast. Color and equal in quality to any 1014 e. print, which I am selling at Vic. and,- c• About 1000 yds. s till ;unsold. Will only last about a week longer. 900 Straw Hats from 5c. to 25c -air's men's Fine shoes,. at $1.20 net: - . 'ALO HERGOTT & CO. o6n6Py aao Ac te, mitarxi3re Manufacturers of THRESHING MACHINES, ENGINES, NEW MODEL MOWERS. GRAIN CRUSHERS, STRAW .CUETERS ETC. Repairing of Threshing Machines a ° Specialty.' ` All kinds ,or Plow. points keit: constantly on hand: Castings made to order. - We have rder., Wehave the Finest Machinery and Most Skilful Workmen and -are prepared to, give thebest of satjsfaetion to our customers. • .ARMOUR, Elora St., - M1idmay 1P1seY5i --FOR- - F`A M ROD1YCE-. Bring in your DIARY BUTTER°for which I will pay _A Good Price at -present:` This -is what not every`: .-town has the privilege of T. ARMOUR, This spec- ed -for• eseiner;_ 1• 1 Z