The East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-30, Page 1oh, the for id the Rub- splen- always ub-splen-always swee GORRIE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 30th, 1893. J. A. TUCK, M. D. MEMBER of College of Physicians and Sur - goons, Ont. GORRIE, ONT. JAMES ARMSTRONG, veterinary Surgeon CBiDUATK of Ontario Veterinary College, and registered member of Ontario Veterin- ary Association. tar Residence Next to Methodist Parsonage, ALBDRT STRFYT, GORRIS, ONT. N. McLAUGHL1N, 1 5STJR OF MARRIAGE LICENSES. No witnesses required. Office:—At the Drug Store, Gowan. DENTISTRY. TS. JEROME, L. D. s., Wingham, will visit corn., the let and 3rd Monday of each smooth. Teeth extracted without pain. All work warranted. CAVEATS, TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS, COPYRIONTS, etc For information and free Handbook write to NUNN A CO., 161 BROADWAY, Naw YORK. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. (very patent taken out by to is brought before the public by a notice given free of charge in the Ariatifir Ame k Largest circulation of any scientific paper in the world. Splendidly illustrated. No intelligent man should be_ without it. Weeks 3.00 s P year; aIM stx z sags, 361 Broadway, Now York City. • lJpour Receipt Postai Caird wbh your namS and address, we will forward you Agents' Outfit and OurGreat Premium —Lis ---- EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS LIST 03' HANDSOME PRIZE$, WHICH ARE GIVEN IN MANY CASES BELOW COST . . . WeWant Agents TAT EVERY LOCALITY. WRITE EARLY. This is a chance for the Young Polk. THE GLOBE,Toronto. WEEKLY GLOBE. Whom 'Sea FOOL R. H. FORTUNE. VBTERUARY SURGEON AND DENTIST, WRoxETER, ONT. Will visit Fordwich every Monday from 1 :30 to i p. m., at Brown's Hotel. All diseases of domesticated annuals treated after the latest and most scientific teachings of the Veterinary Act. Calls promptly attended to. No charge for examining horses. Dentistry a SpeL*lalty. Just Received by V anstone giros.; at the WINCHAM Marble & Stone WORKS A fine Assortment of Granite Monuments of every style. Also a large amount of the BEST NEW YORK MARBLE. We are therefore paepared to furnish Monuments and Headstones at GREAT- LY REDUCED Prices. It will pay you to cull bef ore placing your order. VAN$TONE BROS., City City Grocery, AHVING bought out the stock of MB. JAMS I RE LAND I will endeavor to keep up the reputation for High -Class GRO C 1 RISS, Confectionery, —Staple and Fancy— Crockery, Silverware and Fancy Goods, that my predecessor has so well merited for the last 12 years. -SEE THE ELEGANT - Breakfast Sets, Dinner Sets, Tea Sets. Everything Fresh and Guaranteed of the Finest Quality. No use to enumerate prices, but call and see for yourself. I will sell. as Cheap as the Cheapest. T. F. MILLER, w1R0XE'I'EFe. CHURCH DIRECTORY. ENGLISH. -Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a. m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. re.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. Brownlee, Inciunbent. Sunday School, one hour and a quarter before each service. MJ THODIST.-Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30 p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p. m. Rev. Mr. G •gene, pastor. Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. J. R. Williams, Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN.- Services at Fordwich at 11 a.m.; at Gorrie, 2:30 p. in.: Bible Class at Fordwich in the evening. Sabbath School at Gorrie 1:15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintendent. BAPTIST. Services in Gorrie at 3 p. m. and at the church on the 2nd siou of Howick at 10:30 a. m., and 7 p. m. A. Osborne, pastor. o'clock,. conces- Rev. J I-R'SHODIST-Services in the Fordwich Meth dist-f- hurch; -at 1&3OE.& 3rn. and 6:30 'p- n1: Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on Thursday evenings at 7:30: Rev. Mr. Edmunds pastor. O1e0 (� consign - nn of over $$1,000 worth of 1\T4Es.w �l�r1xk Dry Gro 0 cis in front of 1mago's Store, Lakelet, the other day, and lots more coining forward. • "What are you going to do with all the goods?' everybody asks. But when prices are quoted they say "His head is level; they'll go quick enough l" The New PRINTS are exquisite. In DRESS GOODS we have a greater variety hen usual, with trimmings to match. Two at $1 15 and $1.25, rob lines of egular priceLACK AH Dress Silk .50. Real IRISH POPLINS in beautiful colorings. STAPLES at closest figures. Store full in all departments. We lead them all in TEA. Try our 12jc. Dried Apples and Tallow wanted. .MILLINERY, LION STORE. OPT Spring Stookof Millinery is to :hand and all opened out. A cordial in- vitation „is extended to all to conte and inspect our stock, which we think never was so large or well assorted as it now is. We have secured the services of MSS JOHNSTON, of Ste .Marys, and trust to be able to suit • everyone assee- gards style. price, quality, etc. Our all -Wool Deiaines, - in light and dart` shades, are beauties. dl;PEbIAI.• DIB PI.4AY OF PRINTS AND DRESS GOODS No Trouble To Show Goods. Produce Wanted. J. W. SANDERSON, Wroxeter. I stick my head out of a car window and they say to me LOOK OUT !" when all the time they mean Go to J. H. TAMAN'S ailorshop for nob- by .Spring Suit and Overcoat. FOR SA.ZE. A Neat and Comfurtablo Country Hom estead, CON 2ISTING of three acres of choice land, be nig part of lot 1, con. 7, in the township o Turnberry. Two acres now under grass and balance in orchard and garden. There is a, good six -roomed frame house on the premises, also stables. For further particulars apply to JOHN W. GREEN, Box 10, Wroxeter, Ont. MISS FLORA JAMES, (Graduate of Niagara Falls Academy of Musi..) 'TACHES PIANO, ORGAN AND HARMONY. Theory Explained. Goxma. "This is to certify that Miss James, having sempleted in a creditable manner the course re- quired for a certificate, is duly qualified for pianoforte teaching, and is hereby recommended to those who require thorough instruction in that branch." PROF. A. HUBBARD. Niagara Falls, April 21st, 1892. Eggs For Hatching. W bite and Brown Leghorn Eggs, $1 per set- ting. Birds are pure bred and finely marked. First come, first served. JNO. BRETHOUR Insurance Agent, Wroxeter, cJNO. BRETHOUR, FIRE AND STOCK InsuranceAgent `iVROXETEEE. REPRESENTS: Wellington Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Economical Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Mercantile Insurance Co. Etna Insurance Co. Give John A Call. Local Affa i rs. To -morrow (Good Friday) will be gen- erally observed in town. Mr. N. McLaughlin was in Harris - ton on business on Monday last. Mrs. Robt. Harding,' of Fordwich, is in tows at.present visiting with relatives. Mr. Stinson shipped a car-loa,•.. + ; cat- tle from Gorrie Station on Tnes - We understand that Mr. Matt• intends taking- a car -load of ho Manitoba shortly, - Mr. Waterhouse is this week m.,''ng his family from this village to Mitchell, where he is now employed. Miss O'Connor, music teacher, form- erly of Gort*has returned from Mani- toba, and was visiting in Gorrie this .week. If .you , require a monument or head- stone, Vanstone Bros., Wingham; can give you the neatest thing at the Lowest price. The contract for building the new driving sheds has been given to Williams & Scott. The work will shortly be com- menced. . N. Landsborough, of Tuckersmith, made a short visit to her sister, Mrs. R. L: Wilson, 9th con., returning home this week. Mr. and Mrs. D. Sutherland, of Wing - ham were the guests of Mr. Jas. Suther- land of .the Gorrie tin store, the early part of this week. Mr. H. Tcung left on Tuesday morn• ing last for Woodstock, to spend a few days in that place, after which he will go to Rochester N., Y., for the summer. A union meeting of the Presby- terian congregations of Gorrie and Ford- wich, held in the latter village on Thurs- day lastdecided to extend a call to Rev. Mr. Haig, of Manitoba. Mr. Hay, of Listowel, was in town on Tuesday buying horses. We under- stand he only purchased one horse, that being a fine draught horse which helot from ex -councillor Johnston. No. 17. Fall wheat has withstood the winter nicely, and prese appearance. If it escapes t. x -,:and thaws of the early spring, there sirs proects for a heavy yield.-: As the snow disappears the boys are turning their attention to out -door sports. It is likley, foot -ball will predominate, whirlee ., l,will not be neglected and Cricket chi Vag be organized. Last Friday a genuine thunderstorm passed over this sectifib, accompanied by a heavy rain. The usual, apld snap followed, however,and few days excel- lent skating was enjoyed on the mill pond... The- sleighing it now abolit gone, al- though in some places the sii w is quite deep on the roads. Road carts are about the only vehicles in which one can move about with any degree of comfort. Rev. Mr. Ball, of Trowbridge, occu- pied the Methodist pulpit in Gorrie, last , Sunday, morning and evening, preaching excellent sermons. The re- vival ineetingt are still being continued and much interest is manifested. We are informed the Salvation Army are preparing what is known as a mis- sion circle, with stations at Fordwich, Gorrie, W?exeter and Belmore, at which places meetings are to be held weekly, the "circle" to be presided over by a Capt. and a Lieutenant. A barn belonging to a Mr. Eackett, of Morris, was burned to the ground last Friday night. A cow, a span of horses, throe calves and a lot of poultry, to- gether with a large amount of farm im- plements, were -eonsumed. with the building. We have not learned the to- tal amount• of the .loss, or of all the in- surance carried, but the Howick Mutual is interested to the amount of $350. Quite a, number of horses were brought to Gorrie on Tuesday for the inspection of the buyers who were here, but•the latter were chary of buying and we un- derstand only one deal was made. Mr Alex Strong has been laid. up for a week or so past with an attack of la grippe. His symptoms were quite seri- ous for a time but he is now, we are pleased to state, recovering nicely. The Howick and Turnberry public are invited to call at our showrooms and see our great display of monuments and heatjstones. The finest ever shown here. VANSTONE BROS., Wingham. Miss Kinsey has the millinery depart- ment at W. S. Bean'e general store, in an advanced state, and many of the la- dies are viewing the novelties every day although no formal millinery opening 1 Cas been announced. Conductor Troyer has been removed to the Owen Sound branch of the C.Y.R. Conductor Sheppard taking the run on the Teoswater line. Both "Jake" and "Ben" are trustworthy and popular of- ficials and have hosts of friends all along the Toronto Gree and Bruce Di- vision. Mr. W. G. Knowlson, who has lately rented Mr. Jas. Leech's store, has been busy since the arrival of his stock last Wednesday evening. and now has the goods very tastily displayed. He car- ries everything in the line of dry goods, groceries, clothing and general merchan- dise, and invites the public to watch for his advertisement in the GAZETTE next week. Mr. Knowlson is well known hereabouts, having been connected with the general store of his brother-in-law Mr. D. Montgomery, in this village for several years. s Mr. Isaac Sanderson, of this village, had -a narrow escape from drowning, a week or so -ago. He noticed a cow struggling in the swollen river and un- able to get to shore on account of the ice along the edges of the stream. He attempted to crawl ,on the ice to the swimming cow, and pass a rope over her horns so as to lead her to an open- ing which Mr. Hays was cutting near by so that she could land ; but just as he reached the animal, the ice broke under him, and he was compelled to struggle for his life in the swift running current. He sank completely under water twice; and twice the rotten ice again broke under his weight as he attempted to crawl upon it, but he finally succeeded in effecting a landing. He proceeded home at .once and changed his clothes, Barewell's Sura Pere Care will care and beyond a slight cold was none the anywart, buuiol} Vie. For sale by worse for the accident, although the call N. McLaughlila,-:gat,. Gorrie- wo;t a close One- • �r_ OBITUARY.—This - section has lost an old and highly esteemed resident in the death of Mr. David Gemmill, which oc- curred at his homestead near the Salem churches, just north of Wroxeter, on Tuesday afternoon last, at the age of 74 years. Deceased was always robust un- til a year or two ago when he was at- tacked by la grippe, since which time he has beHu1fite feeble. He was born in Glasgow, Scotland, but came with his parents, when he was three years old, to Lanark Co., Ont. He has lived in Turnberry for 33 years struggling with the pioneers in the then forest, and lat- terly enjoying the affluence which fol, lowecl the years of toil in his early life. In politics he was a sturdy Reformer. He was one of the founders of the Salem Congregational church, and has ever since remained a consistent, staunch supporter of that church. About two years ago he and his wife celebrated their golden wedding. which was indeed an interesting occasion, not only to the family but to the large gathering of friends who were present. Besides his widow he leaves a family of eight child- ren living, as follows :—John, the eldest now living in Michigan ; Mrs. McCallum in Minnesota ; Alex., Wroxeter ; Mrs. Hemphill, Minnesota; Mrs. Jackson and Mrs. Whitley, Manitoba ; D. W. at present travelling in the U, S., and A.D, who resides .in Ohio. His funeral oc- curs this (Thursday) afternoon, the re- mains being interred in the graveyard near where he spent so many years of his active, useful life. WANTED—A good strong girl to do housework. Apply at this office. A postal card to Vanstone Bros. Wing - ham, will bring you, promptly, any in- formation you may desire with regard to monuments. Ladies' and Gents' wearing _ apparel cleaned and dyed at Parkers' Dye works. A. B. ALLISON, Gorrie, Agents. J. C. BELL, Fordwich, Jas. Fox, Wroxeter . • OM Belmore. Another very sad calamity has befall- en our vicinity in the death of Mrs. D. Marshall formerly Miss Montgomery of Wroxeter. She died on Wednesday the 22nd inst and was buried in Gorrie cemetery on Friday 24th inst. The funeral was attended by a large number of relatives and friends. There are bills out for a Magic Lan- tern exhibition given by C. Barlow. The music of the entertainment will be furnished by Prof. H. Allan the blind vocalist of London England. A good time is expected. The people of this place will soon need to get afraid as the water is raising quickly. The beaver -meadow and com- mons are. flooded, Fordwich. FOR SALE.— An Api ary of twelve hives with every appliance, Ali , firet- class. Must be sold at once. Apply to R. G. DARBY, Fordwich. Mr. Hunter has recovered from hisre- cent illness and is back to his post at the hardware store again. - . Mr. J. C. Bell is opening a grand stock - of wall paper this spring. Notice his displayed ad. in another part of the lies ZETTE. R. H. Fortune, V.S. of Wroxeter,1i about decided to cease his Monday visits • to Fordwich, but has now made arrange- ments by which he will be able to con- tinue his trips here as usual. His -busi- ness here is growing nicely, The revival meetings, which have : been carried on in the Methodist church • here for some weeks past, have closed. The floods here have, so far, passed off in safety and no material injury has eesulted, although the water has been • very high at times. No purchaser was found for the vil- lage property which was offered for sale under mortgage here on Tuesday of last week. - Wednesday evening was the occasion: of great hilarity here. Our yontrg people met at Mr. Moore's and tripped the light fantastic until early dawn. Some of the boys danced as many as four dances in succession, and others went as far as the "sixth." Hunter & Henry are rushing things in the sap line this week. Mrs. Strathy has returned home from Toronto where she has been visiting for some time past. While away she -has carefully watched the latest styles in millinery, attending all the openings, and she has brought with her a large stock of the choicest things in millinery which will shortly be displayed at her old stand in this village. Wroxeter. The date of the Wroxeter Spring - Show has been set for Tuesday, Aprilf the 11th. Miss Johnston, of St. Marys, will pre- side over the millinery department at J. W. Sanderson's store this spring. Some lovely things in the millinery line are to be seen at this store. The saw -mill yard is fairly choked with logs, while both sides of the ad- jacent streets are also well loaded. A large season's work is before the ener- getic managers of this mill. The street known as "the Ninth," be- tween the railway crossing and Dr. Smale's residence, is badly flooded at present, and several vehicles have Came to grief while trying to make the pass.- age. Better go around by the town hall corner for the present. - _ Mr. Jas. Fox, druggist, was in Har- riston on Monday, on a business trip. Dr. Allan, reeve of Arthur, and W. Peterkin, Esq., also of that village, were.. in town on Monday last for a short time. Mr. Jas. Ireland was in Mt. Forest last Monday, returning on the late train. Rev. Mr. Davidson was visiting his. aged parents at Mt. Forest for a short, time early in the week. Sleighing, for this season, is evident- ly. a thing of the past, and wheeled ve- hicles are getting quite numerous. Last Chance for Poets. Welch & Graves, Natural Bridge, N Y., have just invented a "dandy" troll- ing apparatus which is going to take the lead at once. It consists of a tube of annealed magnifying glass perforated so that a live minnow or otherbait can be kept in•it all day. The apparatus is made in three sizes, as follows : No. 1 price $1.50 ; No. 2, $1.25 ; .No. 8,,S1. Orders must be accompanied by cash. Foi the best six -verse Poem on this new Fishing Device, I will pay $100- to first ;. $50 to second and $25 to third, in the devices, as stated in my, circulars. (Slang, chestnuts and fish stories ruled out.) - Something Grave or gay; Welch, wa- tery and witty ; hooked, pointed, elite, transparent, brief and a corker. " Life is short." Give me something like the device,—new, original any catchy. Time until June 1, 1893. CALVIN V. GRAVES, Natural Bridge, N. Y, BORN, In Gorrie, on the 27th bast„ the wife of Mr. Jas, Ting, of a daughter, In Gorrie, oil the 25th inst., the wife of Mr. M3 Sharpin, of a son. mismessamenInemegamek DIED. Ga„rnms,.-In Turnberry, on Tuesday,. Marell 28th.1893, David-:emmts, .aged 7 years, 0 months and 18 ,fir x es ar