The East Huron Gazette, 1893-03-23, Page 6- ,__ - - - . —, 7321M
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-�Rl . I - �- " Please do so, uotwithstanding,'� I ,We'dismissed both men, as nothing was HOW A MAN FEELS UNDER rIRE.
- __,;;�_ . a � . BRITISH BLAVE-TRADIM
- �." n urged ; and request he questioned the to be gained, only-retaluing the services of
, - - . -
- , " � ,anence. - .
� . -_
11--1 A -Ramarkable Oriental - Expu the guide f or a little time, in order that
, . , . man at great length, obtaining an occasion .
- - - -
� ----- _�_- _�� - . I.., . I ,. al word in- answer, and that was all. he might acco, ipany iis so far into the " How does a m3m feel under fire ?71 is a For over Three Hundred VearS the Trade
- - _�' , I IT
- �
- - - - - - - - - ---, 1__ I - - � - I I Is -, - ., ,4i " he said, -finally ; city, and that we might'then leave with question OfJrterest to men who have had was Permitted.
�. �____. - I - . . � I - I Itis quite useles-, .
'' . - :, . . . cc ' the 'ell as to those who have
-1 � 0 ie el perience as \N
'i - � I
_1 _ _� . -A THRILLING STORY OF CHINESE TREACHERY. he has no recollection, whatever f being. him the pon s, of which he was sole guard-
,,�-:-�-. . . taken a prisoner: or of having been em. Ian. . � ,It had it. From the year when Vasco 1da Gain&
�:� ,_' � I . )pe (1697), to,
_�� 1. . I - We are all anxious to know what may be rounded the Cape of Good H(
_ 4 pl�gd b an- English gentlemen or by this " We shall obtain others, " said Chin. the year 1807, when the British government
__._�11 - 1, , I d b ing the point in no enviable gm '. y - the mental impressions of any one of our fel- -
I -, �� - w 'a a' , , n I questioned the t
- ,:��_. a CHAPTER XL' frame"of mind, when, to, my extreme aston- nd the guide, on the contrary, as. chin-wa, whe PO'n Y lows in cireun, stances gener prohibited the exportation of litlaves over
- serts that this is the man. What are we to " when -we are at home in Pekin ally supposed to .
- _�_Oi��;; - - - It was at this point that it became neces I ishment Chin-chin-wa entered the yard and I ; but "' be a test of bravery or courage' especially a period of 310 years.
cl. - make of it?" ' . 5 the high seas, is
.� Nary for me (as had been determined) to as- - I case of any -mishap I shall ascertain where S, During all this time Africa was surrendered
, - �._.i � approached me. - 11 Send them into the road, and let them these ponies are to be- stabled to -night, in luce Most Of us have lia,d no such test.
." I - - bad indeed looked upon him fight it out between them," I answered in order that if there i We Anglo-Saxons, as we call ourselves Whilelts people
_ -.1 same the -Chinese dress. -Toone who to the cruelty of the slave-hun=- and the
�:� _�_ � The guide was to go into the city to pro- � , for want Of a better term, att - avarice of the slave -trader.
. � I � s possible diffic.ulty as
�__ I aslost, therevalsionof feeling was sudden , t0orough _' disgust.' "How did the. guide to securing others, as is sometimes t1le case ach extraordin .ria,
- _1 cure the raiment needful, and'to return with in the extreme. I could merely secure hi- ary consequence to our readiness to undergo . �
� �
- I I . - give vent were thus subject to capturc &zd expat
I I in and wby did he bring him here, in Pekin, I may send to buy these animals at at ary in-
, I- . thisassoon as possible. I was unaware, to an ejaculation of surprise, and a sense of when he'i;und that he bad made a mis- a later hour "; and uRon this suggestion we exposurA in case of need, to danger and tion, it was clearly impossible th d be made
. �.. I � .until now, that Chin-cfiin-wa had any in- 'haakfulness filled me as -a contrast take?" . ' death. Daring the Civil War, as war cor- tellectual or moral progress coul
,�_ - � - tention of accompanyin go, him, or of enter- to that isolation which h -ad dwelt in me, 94 acted at a later hour, for we le'arned that Tespondent of the INTew York " Ti by them. The greater number of those a-c-
� " He says there is no mistake; and he we -might not Easily s -ibune,"
- -, - - . ecure fresh steeds, -from the coast were compelled to
�. - i citypriorto my doing so, as now and around me, but a few moments previ- pmraised-tbe.carter a reward. He admits were these to return to Tientsin. says Junius Henri Browne, in 11 Worthing. cessible
I 11 � d to be the cue. He explained to ously. � having found him as dead as a stone as far ton's Illustr�ted Magazine," I learned to tile study the best methods of avoiding the
I- me his reason for so doing, which chiefly Chin cbin-wa appeared to be uninjured : I (TO BE CONTINUED.) -
11 .
� - as his mental powers are concerned, but I full what it is to be in range of balls and slaver and escaping his force and his wiles ;
' - lay in this- that it was advisable that we . . the rest only thought of the arts of kid-
��_ __ I � residence, if pos- my suspicions of misfortune had proired that was not his affair. Herwastofindhim bullets of every calibre and variety. .
- - zhould have some fixed groundless. During the first ei ig their innocent and unsuspecting
. . . and to*bring him to as; these were his in. SAHARA IN SUMMER. ght or nine months of napPIl
1-1 Bible, before nightfall, and that the quieter e Yet, ridiculousas it may
��, - . He hastened, to explain. Ineednotglv structions, and he says that be has fulfilled - the war, I heard, in divers reoonnaissance fellow -creatures.
[� this residence was the more advantageous' his explanation in fall. The following is them." - Fresh Facts About and skirmishes in appear to us, there were not wanting zealous
-say : o the Pathless Desert. and on the INT' ' , , nien who devoted themselves to Christian -
When formerly in Pekin, Chin-chin-wa the essence of what be had to Missouri and Kentucky,
_ -dealer, so he told me "Perhaps he is right," lanswered angrily. The mouth of May is the beginning of the ississippi, a great deal of mar-
- - ' had lived with a curio - After leaving me he and the guide had "The men of humanity he has succeed- dead season when all traffic is stopp6d tial music performed by musket, rifle, and izing the saviiges who were moved by such
�T!- -a man whose dealings were almost entire proceeded, as arranged, into the city. They 5 cannon, and even learned to distinguish
. . 'peci an opposite spirit. In Angola, Congc� and
_C_ bring
,,,, ly with the Chinese, for at that time cns- had parted compa3y shortly after pass,n ed in ing us is certainly to appearance through the Desert of Sahara, and very tho sound of difforene balls as they whi,,ed Mozambique, and far up the Zambezi, mis-
1:7 .
� � d 9 about as brainless -looking as they make little labor can be done. The deadly heat
_ , ilomers of any other nationality were indeg the gate, the guide going in -one direction by. But I did not know what it was to be gionaries erected churches and cathedrals ;
__ - I a rarity; and here he had found board them. Send them away will you, and let which prevails during the forty canicular
`_ _. -,
Z to purchase my prospective clothing, Chin" us consider 'What is to be done ! Give the days, causes all travelers and traders to shun Donelson (r, ebruary, 1863), where I received converted %
k , in a regular battle until we were at Fort bishops and priests were appointed, who
PA� - and lodging during a lengthy stay in the chin-wa in the other to seek out future , rid baptized, while,At the moulbs
��z�". capital. home. Bat, before separating, Chin -chin- carter an hour or two to cudgel his brains, the oases for fear of the epidemic fever I may say, my baptisal of fire. ezi
2� 1� - I - If this dealer was still &live, Chin-chin-wa and tell the guide to assist him. If the spriDginly from the drying marshes, until of the Niger,'the Congo, and the Za��
1�� - . wa had given the guide instructions to meet - - The morning of the second day of the their countrvmf,n built slave-barracoons
U.'_ was anxious to find him, for, from prev'oue him at a certain eating -house, and to re- guide can not do it, there is little chance." about tbe end of September, when the ' their murderous slave -ships.
:_ - . "I am of vour opinion," answered Chi - siege, I was wandering on foot through a and anchored
� .
� R_ �� � acquaintance, he knew the man to be fairly in. nomads re�7enter file Sahara with abundance
!"F�: - main there awaiting him, should he be de- chin- wood, trying to see how the battle was go- European governments legalized and sanc-
,Pr--�� - discreet ; and be was of opinion that tained. This the guide agreed to do ' wa. "I shall put it to the guide that of cattle and grain, and the Mozabites re- Ing.
�_. tiored the slave trade, the public conscience
.�,. � if the dealer was, as he had been we refuse to believe him, and that this will Dew their barterin traffic .between the
- ,'�-��, Chin-chin-wa set out Or the house' wh' ?n prove oases and the North. The " sammah," or There was continuous firing to the left,
�� - _� .. " still in- the position to ere injure him as a guide, unless he a of the period approved it, the mitred
,_ " eighteen years ago, he had formerly li " and the f recluent whizzing of -bullet, over he ds of the Church blessed' the slave gangs
_t? , ved, to find on his arri a
,�, __ I- � . receiveusinhis house, we eouldnot be val. there, tbathe had not been far wron * tousthathehas spoken true,bycausi,lg forty canicular days, is a deadly period to our heads. arched to the shore, and the tax-
, �___, I more fortunate in the choice of a home. . 9 In the carter to remember, and to tell us what traverse. What a despondent situation as they in�
%- . During the period of his captivity much his conjecture before leaving me, that the he recollects." . when the thermometer fluctuates'for five Abruptly the Confederates opened on us collector received the levy per head as law-
� - " - , - . migbt however, have occurred; and the dealer might have changed his abode, for The .guide, who caught some of our hours between 115 and 125 degrees Fahren. from an adjacent battery Nvith grape and ful revenue. -
_ su-,h was actually the case, and the ,new I But here and there -during these guilty
I I words, notwithstanding that we spnke heit in the shade. Tile fiery breaths of the ' nut w -
11 dealer, if still alive, had possibly changed canister. Tile shot rattled all round us,
I- - '.. residence was -so hi was informed- a ,,�gaal,own the bare twigs and boughs centuries words of warning are anting.
� - . his residence; if so, Chin-chin-wa inteLded In quickly, so that he might not understand, pestilential simoon and of the infernal cut'i'
to discover his present abode, or in default, -chin-wa again addressed shihile (southern winds) swee ing the face immediate vicinity. forcible capture of Africans for the purposes
� -4�__ , , a district far distant from that where he looked up as Chin above ploughing up the ground in our, Queen Elizabeth, upon being informed of the
- -
I'll ould nowwas. him in his Own . tDnkue, as though he alread p
. V , "
- -1 . to light upon some lodging which be sb y like the blast of a furnace, p ,d e sensa-
___ However, he set out again; but, on, a It was so abrupt, and the source was so of sale, exclaims solemnly that " such ac -
7.1 I o,e against his return in my company I- knew what burden we were about to lay tions of burning. These, winds, like the
I ". I'-- . - engs, count of the great distance and -insafficient invisible, that I wm fairly startled at first, tiOne are detestable, and will call down ven-
_7� . -1 la�er in the day. . . directions given him, it was already after- upon him. equinoctial sirocco, being destitute of all but I was exhilarated als;. It seemed like g-4ance on, the perpetrators. " When Las
�T_ - I foresaw the prudence of Thus what had seemed an hour or two in
arrangin a oisture, pervade the atmosphere with
� 1- 9. noon before he found the domicile of the ago to be a valuable gain had proved but a intense dryness, torturing the throat and real war. The sensation was genuine and Cacas. in his anxiety to save his Indians,
, I lodging, and left myself entirely in the '
curio -dealer. He ad arranged with this bauble in the end. I could not cenceal my lungs of the pan ting and dispirited traveler. not unpleasuiable, because, perhaps, I saw suggests that Africans be substituted for
- I � bands of Chin-ebin-wa in the matter, and I
._�� . accordingly he set out, accompanied by the man to receive us. So far all was well. annoyance from Chin-chin-wa, whose philo. His parched lips stiffen and almost, lose the � nobody struck. tliem, the Pope Leo X., declares that " not
I It make's a deal of difference with one's
_ . guide, for the city, leaving me to the soli- Leaving the dealer, Chin-ebin-wa set out sophical calm throughout struck me as offer- sensibility of contact, the blood within the � only the Christian religion but Nature her.
k.; - - far the eating -house, where after a long . � . feelings, under fire, when on ' self cried out against Such a course."
t" � -,.-. tude of my own thoughts for a few hours to Ing a singular contrast to my own feelings. mucous.membrances evaporating under the e is an eye-
�6��_ journey, he finally arrived ; but, as it n witness of casualties in the immediate neigh. One hundred and sixty-6ve years after the
, - - ow Only for a moment had I seen him trilly blighting effect of the hot air. Gasping for bourhood. The sense of danger is greatly
.; ��- come. transpired, the guide had,'after wating for discovery of the Cape, Sir John Hawkins
� �L I
��:�'---� ,- I do not think I have spent many days in angered, and that bad - been whea he had breath lie remains in a sta.te of prostration . .
�;;�� his return for a7prolonged period -set out increased as well as the likelihood of death, pioneers the way for England to participate
'INVI;;� - - - which the hours dragged- so slowly. For a! turned upon the guide to accuse him of until the terrible god of day has accomplish-
0��, �'_ - �_ after him, knowing the district and having brought a substitute in lieu of - the ed his daily couri- if men are falling around one -if somebody in the slave trade, hitherto carried on by '
1_..T�_-� I time, it Es true, I slept when first I was left I the e. The blaze of the noon-
� _
- __ �_,, � house at which Chin-chin-wa had first call- at one's side receives a ghastly or a mortal the Portuguese, the Spanish and the Dutch.
.. _.� alone; but shortly the bustle in the court- man whom we sought. tide 'sun is literally a torture, especially for �
.. I 1'.__. " ed. I . . wound. A century later a king of England,Charies .
� ,_,_1 yard of the inn, and the .noise made by n discussing the matter, we were the white race ; during it no human being
1__ - -
`� _
... - I
- 1, . - Thus it came that the guide committed inclipnoed - Wounds and death in the concrete appear II., heads an English company which under-
� 1. I- the entry of mules and carts, banished ' to place a degree of reliance in the is to be seen outof doors, the Eyes would
_. � -1 .
�_-, ,, � I - -, -1 � the mistake which I might have made,; he guide very different from what they do in the takes to supply the British West Indies
': �1� . I �ep, and from that time forth I employed. rather than otherwise. For it seem-
�� .- , I - Be not stand the reflection of the sun or the
I � ' -
�... - .... � had set,ont upon a search without due con- ed by no me abstract. Time and experience are needed yearly with 30,000 negroes. .
..... .,I
- f. . _- - myself chiefly An counting the hours and - .. ans an improbable thing that .licking heat of the air ; the -cities are buried
.. - sideration of the events which might mean* a man of sucti low seek not to be deeply moved by the inevitabie After the Asiento Contract, under which
, I,,_- I -
��, "'�_, . calculating the period at which I might ex. caste as this carter in the silence of a edmetery ; people
_ � - __ time occur. I horrors of war. U age makes as to a cer- for thirty years England secured the mo-
- 1, -�:,-� - - . s ,
�,_,_, , . I ___ � . - pect Chin-chin-wa or the guide'to return. Chin-chin-wa was no little enraged, but should,bave forgotten actual occurrences ; the comfort of sleep, :but often allin vain. tain extent callous to our surroundings, nopoly of supplying the Spanish "lest In.
, -, ,- -
., - -1, " .- -, ., .I did not then know that Chin-chin-wa i and- the question came further to be, what EXTRAORDINARY HEAT.
.. -1 - � -instructed the. guide to meet him at -a
-1 _,��_
"". . . . . . � t
�� however painful. dies with slaves, as many as 192 shins were
...."'..- I determined to wait for the guide till the las the guide would gain by the production of The natives who feel most affected by
__ �_, I had - . "
-�_� �_111111 �- , Inbattle, every soldieris under obliga- engagedevery year in'the transp�rtation
., � I moment, and the man did finally r�turn in a substitute, as we had accused hi
C %, J . � �. certain place in Pekin, and to wait his ar. In of do- this extraordinary heat dig a grave -like hole
- .- - . . a
� _� . - tion to be firm, to obey orders, to be faith- of slaves from the African coast. The
- �., ,� I sufficient time for the two to leave the cit ing. Rather, from his former actions and in their hovels or gardens as a refreshing ful to his cause. If he falters or flies, he is countries which suffer'ed most from the
- rival there ; and thus I looked for the re- y
. �
"I 11 __ -, -r before the gates were closed. , his search for his master in the former couch. This kind of living grave is watered
- ��_ _ I turn of either, and not of the two in com- cc J- . . -
-1. it I I- ust as we reached the gate," concluded disgraced, punished, irrevocably ruined. superior British method of slave capturing
, � � �_!, - I
r -11 - -T I- �. _� � � pauy. - - time, coupled with the inquiries set on foot every morning to preserve its freshness and
� � .,
ii --,-.,. - - Bat the hours went sluggishly by, and, - I itting mat or
, Chin-chin-wa, "an exclamation from the by him in Tientsin, it would have seemed then covered up with a close f On the other hand, if he does what he and trading and slave -carrying were Congo
_� . guide a -rested my steps. We were right, that the guide's interest was anything bu should do, he is esteemed, honored, -oro- land, the Niger Valley, the Gainea and
. -
- -
�_ - . _ I
,� brought no signs of either Chin-chin-wa or �,; t fresh palm leaves. Toward 11 o'clock its .
_1 - '.
� � _..�� � I the -guide. I consumed the after all, Mr. Vanscombe, to trust to raoted. Gold coasts, the Gambia, Cross and Calabar
- � �
1-1-1 , I _�- cold chicken' to set us upon the wrong track. , temporary occupant sinks into it,. stretches .
I— ,
� .
- -
I . I w1iigh the gui4e had left with me, and I I chance. Had my old friend been - in his In additio' to this consideration, the himself entirely naked and shuts himself u As a matter of, policy, of self-interest, lauds.
I'--- -1 .- - �- ng, your guid. . n . p
,7� - , , .- elirioR3d a little way from the inn, and en- i former dwelli e would not finding of the carter meant the cessation of from the outside world to pass the hottest therefore,,is it not strange that any soldier The system adopted by the British crew
4" ��� ,� � I:', -
11, i .
� I. I...- I � . deavoured in various ways to pass the* time - , have stupidly set out to track. my steps; his employment by us; therefore, unless be hours in the indolence of a perfect quiet, shotild shirk or flinch undor any eircum- in those days were very similar to that em -
I -.- � 1; n . a ance
. . __� - bat.u�y watch must have been very frequent- ' and, had he not do e so, we would not have had actually and honestly found the real reclining in that tomb as we do in our ham. t s ! A soldier in his first engagement ployed by the Arabs to -day in inner Africa.
-1 �
. .- � my- hands, notwithstanding. '.' is inclined to 9, presentiment of death, and They landed at night, surrounded the
�, ,___�_,��___ been, pAssing ont of Pekin almost at the inan he woald-have not been in a hurry to mocks.
,-- -
4_1 I __ , . - ' I moment whoa the gates were swung for I . is often surprised when it is over to find selected village, and then set fire to the
_ � _ .
4-a" I Alternoon-came. At two o'clock I began Px producethe sham, unless .indeed-andit As for me who did not relish burying
�,.-.-..'-_-4, 1
M1w__-_ - - i wird and closed. that he is still alive. In about his twentieth huts, and as the frightened people issued
� _:� ,, - , '--- I - to be alarmed, for it seemed to me that there 11 What do you mean ? 'I interrupted. was Chin-chin-wa who -made this suggestion myself alive I used, during all the summer,
- �- I
� - _ ._� , __ - mustbe, some reason for the delay. - I - � "I mean," be replied, " that your guide -he had been so frightened by the occur- a goat skin filled every day with fresh water engagement his presentiments have disap- out of the burning houses, they were seized
1 , .-, � peared with his nervousness, and he is cool and carried to the ships ; or �ometimes the
I ,�� ;,�,�_. _. � � Distances, 1, had heard, were very great rence of the da*y before, when the by way of a pillow, but I scarcely bettered
.... .
� � . I- i has, by a stri&nge chance', lit upon the very thief li%d fled from - in the presence of peril. skipper, in his hurry for �ea, sent his crew
Z � . in Pekin ; but surely. if we were but. half a; " the village inn, and the my comfort with this proceeding.
_ . carter whom he has not seen since he left cro What is known as courage is, in ninety- to range through the town he was trading
. ".. - inil,4 from the walls,. , Chin.chin--wa and in '
- �� �_,_ - - . Y' wd of natives had pursued us like thirst. Besides the heat, the flies and ants are
, �, �1_ � � .
I -, - guide should have returned long ere now. , .ore than one' can bear during the da 2
_ I William Norris in Pekin. I mean that he ing wolves, that he,had desired from that w nine cases out of a hundred, a matter of with' and, regardless of rank, to seize upon
- i I Y2 .
%,�,� __,�- - . , - Had Chin-chin-wa ,. bad scarcely time to explain -to me that this � discipline. A man is alarmed at danger in every Mall, woman, and child they met.
:�,Z'�Lt_ -, What had. happened? -hour to leave our service as soon as possible while during the night one is tormented to the be .
�,,__ Z, - -1 - _ _. - follow. in danger a second time by reason of � carter had just passed us enter-Inj Pekin, a thing which --was only to be accomplished rage by thousands of mosquitoes or sleeps ,, ,g,nning. not so much because he is Old Town, Creek Town, and Duke Town,
�, - -
_ �,_ _ ' _ t
,�� _ __ I 1
7::�-�,�: �- - .-- and thatl had but.a.moment to seize from by the.production of a carter -the right one with the nightmare from fear of the scorp-
,�,� ". � _-thildxile?s mark, and hid- I then lost both ' timid as because danger is new to him. Tile in Old Calabar, h ave often witnessed this
- __ � *in this bundl you
i� - . � -
A -,f - _h e, r Chinese clothes, be. . or the wrong. ions. The flies swarm in day time and the trite proverb that "familiarity breeds con- summary and high-handed proceeding.
.: _� - I my ally and my guide. - -
.�, _.- .
;! � fore the ' tempt" is measurably true of war.
,�,_ -t - -� . . -attarge. fatality seemed to me to hang � There was, indeed, so much to be said on fan is const tly nceded to drive them
,��_�4 __ . A i gate swung upon its hinge and shut Boswell, the biographer of Dr. Johnson,
!�E,-'�--� - - an '
t;i� %, _-_ -
�, _ -1 - '-I ! e The coward of to -day may be the hero of called -the slave trade 11 an important and
� , I about ou..,%ovemeuts; but Awo days had 1 me Without' the walls, and -the guide, who eith r side, that we were quite at 'a loss to away. When writing I had to cover my
0�. �7,.,Ll, "-.
;: ..,,_,: _- I .we 1 had turned after .the important clew, with- decide hether we bad really found the head and hands with gauze ; when eating to -morrow. Tile nerves that tremble at nece sary branch of commerce " : and prob.
�;rlf�_ - - .been upon the road, and already, for',a.,, � - w . - s
��___ - - I . I
2-,, 4 . - _ the second time, misfortune seemed to have . he outset may be strong as steel at the ably the larg' section of the B'ritish pub-
� �
-�_ ��_4'�� _�-�.�..��:_ � � I . 11 The garter found !" I exclaimed, start. man sought for, virtually before, we had they enter in -the ears, mouth, and no,�e. t comes by educ'a- lie, before those antislavery cliquipions
� � commenced the search, or whether we had One eats,- drinks, and breathes them 11
�_.�-� , fallen upon us. I strove to banish my ingtomyfeet. "I cannot believe it." termination. Everything
�,.�- ,_:_�,_ _- doubts, and in this manner another hour - , I been fooled I ; a tion, intrepidity included. Clarkson and "7ilberforce succeeded in per-
��-_!�� _ by the guide, who was the only food left uncovered is spoiled by them.
_ � "But," he replied, 11 the carter is -9-- ' . . Raw troops are always untrustwcrthy, suading their countrymen to reflect a little,
!�:�; � � - passed, when the certainty of misf-irtune person who could aid us by identifying t The stinc, of the
,.s,-�,'�� � � he scorpion is especially
*�,F :-Z - � 1 -, - - -
I I . .
I -1 . I nevertheless. " - . o 11
. M � I m _ __ came, upon me with full force. So instead of being against. ae, the fates carter when ioundi dangerous and often fatal during the cani. simply because of their rawness. The same shared Boswell's views, as well as his sur -
11, - - .� I
,�� I Z I _ My position was fir from -an enviable had been for us! All seemed likely to be It had become evident that, for various ,ul,r days. These pe lipalpi are found in troops as veterans do not blanch in the face prise and indignation, when it became
- . -
,�, r _.- . one. I was'alone in. a strange land, half a . . � g the ruins and in the houses, of death. known that there were English people who
- .1
." ,
�_ - - � - Pekin, -not knowing by what, .
�;; _,- I plain sailing from henceforth My - Onlv reasons, the guide was -now useless to us. swarms amon
I W _ - mile from Per which -fact requi -day search by It mav be hard to count on a man's cour- talked of suppressing it.
� ires an ever �
i'_�_ 141 ! dou,bt was lest the guide -should have lo sonally, I was willing to do without him
_141 141
� 1_ I.:-;, I y �
cT I ,]_ ''_� means to gain the city, or how to proceed � ;t
�a __ for, to be candid, I was so much annoyed the inmates before going to sleep. This in- age, buC it would be madness to count on his That the slave trade must have been a
��:, 11�_,��_z �-- 4. �. -. � . - should I reach and enter the gatea and I I oight-of the man after all; but this Chin- ' -
_� � -, � - $
wr_ � - - I - - that I did not stop to consiier that his dis- Beet grows there to an extraordinary size cowardice. Almost any human being will be lucrative commerce there can be no doubt,
. ", I, � -, , ,' - . chin wa assured me -was far from likely.
", � " " I and is sometimes seen three'inebes long. A fe,trless with certain provocations, froin when we consider that from 1777 to 1807
� �
:�z�� - m� sr -tie a r a len thy period to come
Z ... � Z __. . - __ - The guitle had, bounded af ter him, as man missal must very seriously affect my com-
-..'I- . - � - i certain motives. upwards of 3,000,ODO Africans have been
I- � - .. -
�_ - - - long, glowing day, a warm, suffocating
��` - the uncertai t of ubt.
��IFE_l �, -1 -
�, - 3� . .
_��� ". � . I - . and cart had entered the city ; and there fort, in the way of food and other matters,
-1 .
, ,
� - _9,__,�,��7- -, , Were I to set out in Deison for ihe cap- could be little'doubt that he had iecared during my stay with Chin-chin-wa in evening, fresh night, and sweet morning are Much depends on the cause and his attach- sold in the West Indies. All there forts
�__a_ ,-Z ,- __ - Ital, I might easily reacfi it before night- . ment to it. He may be craven in one thing which may be seen lining the west coast
.- &��_-,��-_, I . him'.and would detain him without Kii ,Pekin. We Jecided to give him his conge. the general atmospherical features in surn.
- I g-
--��J�-_-�-;f_ fall,'that is I to'say; before the closing of the m,r, and the tantalizing mirage can be seen and dauntless in another. of Africa to-dav were constracted principal-
, - - I
iW -been told to6k place at substitute. If the first, it was -not - his fault daily in the pla;ins during that season. Men feel very differently under fire at ly by means oi the revenue derived from
*�;-�.?,��Z�,,�. . , j4�ui ;wbiA I had against our arriftl on the.following day. - He had found the carter, or he had found a
� _ -
� � :�",�� -
,_ -,Z-�, rZ. � 81i o'glock ,-but allowing that I It was indeed a for'tunate-chance,and the � I
� Z_A.:�� -- _ kn6wledge of the -discovery took- from . me tha - -of his endeavors THE FORMATION OF MIRAGE. I first, but much alike at last. They -[Henry M. Stanley, in Hare I
entered ther t the result had been can all the slave tax.
I . _1, . city in ample time, ard that I should have per's Magazine.
I �._
- . ., - I .
- " .
- - ,� . co'nil, it decidedly was, but, i y � t
� __ I - I - found little-troqble in guiding myself to the almost entirely the memory of the long,, if the Be II MP theory of tl,e formation of the mirage be made to endure 1 becomingly, creditably, . -
�,-_ _� � . d ffers somewhat from that given by many after repeated trials. The incurable
,-1 - - --_ -_!�, either case he i
I �11 , weary hours through which I bad waited for .bad now, by the productio -coward
- ',� - - n
I" I - -J,��-__--, nearest gateway, I should in all probability 1
. , ,�_' - -
;'��,�- -, ., �� ,
.";, �� - Chin -chin' f the real man or the sham others, but -as it is founded upon repeated is almost as exceptimial as the congenital
��_ ;�r�,4, _.,�. -wa's return, and despairantil he 0 ess L'ORED BY A MIRAGE.
� _- , - � _� ,F',, - , � risk passing0hin-chin-wa oi ibe guide upon' I .- , become use studies of the phenomenon I -must not hesi idiot. Inspeakingof prowess wernastdis-
_ . to us for the future. I
.� �,"_ 1�, ;,- - - had stood in person before me. . " . -_
� � tate to bring it forth. The reflentive mirror tin' nish between bravery and courage
I - _ -way, as we might choose diverse routes, -
,�� - -�, r&y . I
,�, -, , �L , ,
�__ , I - - I . 9
I- � ".. - -, � __ - 4� -time �whilst I hAd-gone upon the Be - - Perhaps I hope& and expected. to much . . A Child Wandered A '
t., � �-
__1�7. - - . . , Later, we summohed -the. inide, who was is produced through the lowest la'er of air, B strict sense, constitu- way Over the Wild,
. I,. 1��_ - , . I arch
. . , _-, __ - _� 46i4lienithey- might have returnea to fin fr in I � .
� _��', - - __ - a finding of the carter. Chin-chin.wa not far off, an&. who hastens to- approach. I . y ravery is, in a
. �- � ... �� - -��- - , & 6 ff overheated both from above by the tional absence of fear: ,coura,ge may fear
;�_- =,-1--, " . . . I I which is Hot Plains.
,---�'�.,' .
�, q�-.__'T_ '� ,: --il6t �_iearch for me had become necessar - expressed,his opinion to -this effect. Icould requeste n-chin-wa to speak for me;- sun and from below by the excess of heat greatly andstill be-caDable, by strength of At Lancaster, a town thirty miles from
11 � �g��_ --, -- - - � 1
,��-,�_L�, . - . I ys
_� - _- 6win & to a y having disappearedduring !heir . I -
, n
- ___ �
4-- 7'w�, _�_i I , - �_�,:, - I �, , -114 . - not see where and in what. way he could fail r, ersonall , I have the - greatest dislike radiated by the earth. Uport close Exam- will and determination, of overcoming, or Los Angeles in an open valley at the edge
- `� - , : 61 - d b enci. All thiugs considered, I us, but fail tie lit -did, signally and-effecin. .
W, - -`�-7N A— he use of igeon English. It strike, me ination this radiation of heat can be easily at least resisting fear. Bravery, if .it sees of Colorado Desert, lived Stephen Hansdorf
--f�2z�,__ , - , -pr, page a s I o I
- ,MIA7-__�, * - " , -_ .-Aiaded upon -waiting - ' ti ally, ,on the -following day. , On this- 5 antiD in ignity; and indeed one
-, __ - pa len - � -,
P, Sl, -L,��--- , I tly -in -hopes _ . I Be
, -
, -� s, 4 -::AA- � - , . _- en in form of transparent evaporation ris'- ,the danger, does nor, feel it ; advances in its with his wife and 20 -month-old boy. Thurs-
[__ _17- - ��7: f - _1* morning I was just completing"my ne eels as if h were demeaniug himself in the - ,
_i.� tliat�all might.- still -be ,Welf ; but . -whea-m - . Ing v6rbically'in undulating waves. It is teeth without pause or tremor; it is supe- day be left home for another part of the
, W,. -1. - I - w- toi-
� _ � � I y
, , - -�- � that. it was five O'clock,- my,- ction,feeling,
�t�wg I *ilceh t41-mem let under-CIbin-ohm-wa's dire enddavor to lower hiriEself-'to,such a pitch -
� ,� ,*�, - through this very mass of transparent evap. rior to place or pressure. Place where he was working.
r,- 74&_1���,, - - I - -
. - . I __ "---- - - I haveJelt on -
-_�i� -'-t 2" , -, i1w C6 tes6Iv6d-fiselfAnt6, des ir, a6cT 1. I inust -confess, s6inewhat - as that his tontine may be intelligible"to the �oration, seen from a distance, that the Courage is quite consistent with physical Late in the afternoon the mother went in
� ... f_`7�";e�?�_'-!�:��_- , -V - � 1
%�,,�!,�� _;�� I I .
_= "+V - �-.' '� , -- 'forTiard taa lengthy- and,anxious the eve- of -the fancy b 11, - uotwit t d' . I
. _4� .. " half-educated'.Chinese.
;7..��,_ ,� ______ ldWied, - . a hs an Ing I I - I illusion is produced. ' timidity, being mainly mental and suscep- search of a stray cow. The baby, clad only
. �i�� �Z- - .
, , 'ght;in�wbich'l should be trotibled. and -he serious natu - f: e circumsta .-es in in the emer- I
- ��_,,��;t_,,_'z�' _ ii t re, o th a Chin-chin-w%relieved me I
�, .� - The mirror does not represent what has tible of improvement and expansion. It is in a calico �vrapper. hatless and bare-foot-
,� 32��- - - - �
. �� _� 1.,�P� ` I � I kept fiam skeLying by all - manner -of con. which I now -assumed a foreign dr�ess, wheiI gency, briefly informing the guide thati no been described by certain authors, who hav- strongest where morality is on its side, ed, without the mother's knowledge, start-
���.��-,A�,� , - .
A :�- L�rz I 464ured and- d6ubtes. . .the, guide arrived,. he having seized the longer required his -services ; that I -was, ing
� .,�, " � .1 - - - . probably never seen a mirage except in where conscience approves. ed after her. When she returned and
���,�-_ ��,��. .- -_ -
I �,!,��-� � willing to pay him something. extra on acv
,�L Ustrjack me--that.the situation riously earliest opportunity of leaving, the -city on I
;,z,���- ��,- -on I their dreams, imagine that ships can be seen Bravery ma,y be material, brutal ; courage missedbimsbe alarmedthe neighborhood.
_!�., , _ - - � - I
-�__- -Z,` �.;-- -6nfth, niust -he somewhat analogous to the teopening of -the gates. � - count of the sudden dismissal, but that 1 -
. I
. ,. �z�k_�:,w�_ 1- 11 , - I . - �. . . Railing over those illusive seas. Nothing, it belongs to the highest ocganisations. Brav- A searching party hunted until ni lit with-
� ��,_-, - _�-_ _ , . � Ig
!�-z�L�l - - Olt be a To -my delight I' saw that he Was not cou . must be I said, can be reproduced by that eryis inborn and necessarily -rare. Coar- outaivail. * Excitement SDread through the
- `��N`�',�� , , -- �- - - th- 1W ivhj& William.Norris bad e . ild not give him a character in writing,
,�F � .. " . -
.. I . 1�. . on account qf what. weatill believed to be fantastic mirror of nature, but that which age is evolved, and may, with a given whole tov�n, and ky &aylight the aext
,f -- ,.�� --, -� ,PY alone - the, carter -had accompanied him Into
;- - ,,_ - %z -.� ,,, - . - - ada'a-year ago-, only to appearance -my' - - a, deceit -the pro . du -.tion of the carter. -
, '-- 1-y-, I -ft - was e4en wars than his had Wen, : thbyakd. I -looked at - this carter2-at his within a cer- environment, reach the ldf Est heroism.
'�_,:M*_:�it�F .�'_'. _ -.p i on e, . . '
I .,CT-._ - I - � - really exists in the vicinity or ' ti morning a strong party of organized search.
� "
�!��-�Ig'$11'�k 1 �
_�7%4_vr -_�'-- _-beca;W61- had no carter to depend. upon, heavy features and -aldepy-looking eye.T;a pted by no promi-
'i�n_ ,� �A, - �. ni Thus we had arranged, and I presume tain distance and "interce ers renewed the quest. There was no tim
., .. �1_ - - - '_ - : - I- .
�� �4,-_, ear - - I - � C � For answer, the nence of Ian � her in the region, but the cactus and sage .
Kg_- ��,-i -- -ene- n me who had -the slighest -a sudden pain went thr�u hin-chin-wa had spoken.
� - - �-- - 1�,� � ' - - . Rh me as it were I ..d. The mirage reflects only the
,-I�. =P�-�i � , -- - - . . I I u - back to tis surroundings, -which the closer their proxi
"I - U dwilid 'i - were Chin- in a mental whisper, 11 What if he shoul - . brash were so Iiigh as to, render it impos-
_,� ��-�_,_ 1, - ge-of my *iihes,;-and - d g ide turned &ad left us, coming � - A Modern Palace.
� -- � '�� �� -,'- � .� � *4hx,wa in& my guide actuallythe victi me- not remember _*1W_W if. he have -forgotten directly, accoffipanied- by'the carter, to mity the more clearly they are defined, afid
_� ;� -,, . � I I I Bible to see the child at a short distance,
__�_ Z_ _�,.-�: � � - -
-�--_�&_- -_t�,�-. -�_- - -of_�omomisfo;tnne,' nothing seemed morer _N�rris4iiir�l - du ' the * -ths which whom he -now --spalke rapidly,_ whilst the The rebuilding of Mount Stuart, Lord
. �� ,
, , -
_ - - ,.�� I y ri�iX _- mon - . - . as no ships are in existence in the desert 7 ' even from the back of a horse.
- __
,v� - -, - . liket -6 in ,. __. � . .
� ,,�a�;���; . I 93) -
, �,_; ._- �_ '. .yz�t y disturbed mind than that, L have gone . _ I __ other answer�d -, him with a word or two as none can be reflected. ' The. report of thos Bute'spala3e near Rothesay,Scotland, makes
m,�i��- - �_ ._ � . _. - ... . � � - i . e The region is one of intense heat and in-
-�_ ' - ord'd as - , . he proceeded.- I.wha at a loss to under-- -sailing ships is a fanciful fabrication of
��-��,,� ��,_� � --, t�o,_Aoutd -digappiear from t6 w. it themost magnificent mansion in Great fested with rattlesnakes, coyotes and many
�A -_ i�� -� -� , � , T , � 1
-1-4 ��,%�� -� , . , - - I
I _t � Chln,ehin,wa -was already- speaking, itain. The base of the building covers .
--?,% "-, � , , _91en . as had the man wh � to. stand the. eeding.; 'Chin-chin-wa ex. ir elers .who wiihed to. give the Gredlt in many places
4e7�� � ,
,� - � __IzF� ,.* an&as utterly 0 � proc , c, av Br poisonous insects. The earth
,, _�--_ -,--,--.--- - "'_ - __ - �- . - -
- � � 4,g� -,--. - � t 'Ifierlife-f-0 the swallow's.wing I i . , Desert more poesy and ebarm. that it pos.
- Z"t-, ,--.. '- '--' ' t6d . .- - �
._-_11.;1' I WA- - -m him ; so -my impatience,L-had satisfaction in pla, ned. - afractiori more than anacre,and it is builtin is c-,verf,d with alkali. For a long time the
,;� __ - I � �
I- ��T', -, _�,;��, -, I - -no friction �`bf time waa- willing to- re esses. - � -
. � Z;-�—,- 'k4b*AmLWunderstand, th,ia,Ahat ieval Gothic styles of the thirteenth party discovered no signs whatever. Final-
�_ --, __ , n6w,'how e . - - - �passpd 11 The carter " lie said, "is - ,
� ��,_-_, �`i,_' ��,�_ � , - al. - -1 , --- I . it P � - s the med
- I �p -lost in a; sqaage land,zaai -aslost. .-Bat-tba--mair- stared -vacantly in in - . . --
- ,��-"7�'f�� X_--., ___ , - � Four weeks had passed since our arrival
____��, �-�.,&i�171.�-��-����i"tgmkt-wbli. . I century. The walls, turrets, and balconies ly a coyote trail was struck. On it could
za- _ - - ': - , , ember everything that the guide questions -
�.A,_ _ ,�!, - fi�: . ; , t,b_ - - had.a most marvelous in -
�_ ;fgvn�ift��Jj -, � hie,_ wbr#6-,-:-and that was are built of the beautiful variegated grani occasionally he seen the footprints of a child,
.. -1 - t.Jifi��suc - a Way 16hat,the&4 la� , him .upon., -1 have' Wa a. The season was growing hot, te
I __��_`Azznv_� - _no -1 � - I -
, � -
�_�,,-q� �-;_-� .. - - � �4y - - - ;b r9l
0, Z_ - �Vlhi I the. �
�-� �-;72��-�z�K�& 11 al -L - - Theni, � ad - .4r:-� as -I, - c6ahl , gai er a t of- a great street robbery,, *h i ch the V
� ., (4NW_61;� 41_i&_466� - - 'ek % - . - , � I I and as a � consequence and* andstones f rorn Kirkeudbrightshire the with now and then splotches of blood. on the
- . I _ _ W- - , _114� . 6 . -_ gcolla I I laid my Europead
-_ :� -� 1 --, -_�—'�: � 5-� i I I � - itit; ` - � -ft �. io�e,�. _d- vower -and- -the' abr d arches being of clouded Italian cactus Arranging themselves so they
- - , .6 7",&- - . , `� - I
. __ - - - '
- --�,W - - P J e T �,o"�",nt,f&-W -un am. - - I � __ - , � apt gaide has related, and- which the carter costume in a box, resolved to wear my
iO,� , , .
� -4,z� �, � _ � - Mier , . �, 1, - floors an
- , � - 1. _9 - I- - , . I I I .
�-- --� _,_j��,.Nwij;� ,WW tin, . , .� F L Ili -. be -zap . arbles. The main hall is constucted en -
I �- -, Wa , ioh -
_7 ��-_-��_ - 7 . uo,-6TgWW- � W_ _ ,oke.,,- Chifi�chin-wa corroborates ; the man has made good use of Arabian garb 'per fall al should not lose sight of each other the
..1-1--- �y 1ra
__ ,_ U _'�� - -8 - - . the supports being
r � _.__1 . . .. .1
��_A� - , I 1, -4, � 7 Iiii ;iiiiow iy-- -. 4nd, his � me. 0 alabaster,
4 ��_ , 1 --APS - , efter. ClAu�"-"&� 4---, . _. . �ti - Whether z this -is actually, the- eaAle -when the damp and cool morning re- searchers followed the trail, spreading them.
- � V� -_Z�_�a til ' :-irD&6de&to,xi0eAiod-
� - �Z, - 4 -, tirely f
__ I - - i __ -.- � - - , " . . . 3
�,�g��._ - _., - , _', _ � ,- - -
I � � _�,� - . , e �
- �11�17 ,_-,��9_�,_�Lp --- - -, , - - _. __ - - I - - - 1- __ I - . � I res a heavier garmeni.
_��_,�a__._� - - V� � ., gar-wem euillitterer&. �_1111. .1 _-in -
, �� 1�1 ---. ��---- ILA in:t how_ f0k`:90&: 1,41 columns of oxidized brass and bron.,e. The
-�Z��� _-_o�, � 0 , _� __. after -- _1 I selves over a width of half a mile. The
_ tr ,
7 4M ow ;�,_ _ - Zpa � & - - � carter or not,'is- a question -still, -but the 'qui
- - � ---- I �-a - - .
- _�
- -,_,aiU Bet; , ,� " - ., - - � watmet' � I - . - �pa and, -'guide has, --w . - -
. . - . . I
. wN -V -F , - so-meth-ftig'.1ve-rY b. himself. Judtlisten for a ' . . I
- ----.I- I � - I
, � _�,7 - t� , - . _&, I - * , .
�7_��, , Urn, -
, "
, W ,_ 4 , I I
- �_ - __,�;§_ W, rand o ened-I i� . 11 .
I �, -_,�- - - � � .- _t _111W.01,04 ith Chineag- cunning,� outrun _A,� 9
.�, - ,��Z I �� - - - ,p allery and grand staircase are of marbles trail led direct to the desert and, to a
, - , , - , -
- -
- _�el�_ -� - m -AR, -, 1 -ft-, - . I wMueg, ,_
_� - - � - - -, �c __ I - : = - . anij d:sobi hi . - I tight f roin Sicily and Carrara.
�_,�a MrWIN-4 �Aii"bitto n� At �0 ,4hor little.. Observe bro
I . 11
�- �7_�-_A� 4, ,�, 6- I �. - _ . . I . - -
- '_-J� �; � 1. . --- , - I ,, 1*�_, - - i-.ghk,W&_V_i_ -agaia -several -V . vords. the gaide, whilst I peak." -* - � � . What, Ma Said. The drawing -rooms are paneled with al. lake is nothing more than a solid -bed of
, - -�!7,,E�:��Z�_��z. oft,6 I , �_-�-_41i =4 phenomenon known as "Dry Lake." This
__,Ez,��,-t���_ __ . � �
- I
, _�I��,--�,_-a__ ���40=Ijtw d IE C _. �, _.- . I -, ,� . - - - &-,Clwu - -chim-, I . . - . a I . - - . - - . ternate strips of .
- ._-.97_F14._ �4u__-_ �__,� I- � - - ___ ' . cherry, walnut, and ebonv�
�If - .1- -__1-- , - -was said in a low and rapid eaelter .
__!��F_O�M* , - -1 - .- gketcir��IT . 1, All this
-4 , . . - , " _y_�Tq .lie4;-_-,M,i � AA. -in a' Sunday4sohool in York -
_V �
- :�-� :�- �_ M- -am �F- * lt� - I—. ., _,p , ,voice �
- . ,�� I Or wi - ` . - The main dining -room, whit, alkali, the crust,of which is perfectly
- - - -, - � 1_-1 �,� -. - ,", 1'_�.. __1 - . . � - _-, kpoi 1.1he fil _ _' - H s k to , e car' '1448 "Shire W" one- day asking her scholars what a hard and level. .
- - �__ i I - - .. I __1 . Lurn :
.. _ - , L,
e 1 ,
--;:', I - � I mw - 04� a jM � p,our-'. 46 -me., e po e th 11 from America.
- _E��77:;,�T�� 4- - - - . � yp . _ And .
I- �-���zz- __1 -1 _ -- - pi " - -0i" I
1-1 -_;41 _M!" - -__ I 0-4;w A-'� . � - �
�� - - I -
- _11 �� NO " - z ��__ � __ �_��_ .___ I . .� I which was built so as to accommodate 280
- -
- _- �--. ���i�,,,� . ,�L �meb I - - - brev -,- --opr di-- ��, hilitiho obd4riirid-46 gaide. - " tb6'nie�ning of piayer. Standing on rolling sand on
I �_ '4�,
- _� M _� it � �i " o
_�� -� _ #1 V _!oF -, W I
. , k--- - _ - - _�- �� -
-_-U-1 _K � 1i - --- �- � .
I --- � K I .". -
- - -1 I ---- - - -, ---- Alk - ;�-�,W_v - IR -, - , - - b.. *-- _ - - - .
, ,
- �_,4�_,_R ___��_ , Rpene __� g I ,_ _ ,:�� - __ho,f_, I - - ishmen - �'Wone: of 'them- .. itew, so she said to one of- 9 rage of a sheet of silvery clear
� , � , - I il-I �-A �'.'�V,.J�_".__��,_ -1, -;_ �� ,
, . 4_��_,_-__�m_ - �� 110 - � Q& I -_ A- -'At ks as t- ' � the edge of this lake a traveler beholds
;� I - r-- - �;-- - �_, I -.'I,--
1-4 ,� � ".. --was
Fw ___P1__._- �, Zw _ .
-����-�L ", -,_� , - --'t'- ., , , it, � �. ..- - , I - . . I a
_.�� �� _ � (i , .k
. . ��!`-_' � -- - - _� , -, , _,_ oid�b own ; c "' on- t - bveispiead - I 1. - - - aest�s, is finished after the style of the
-f t_ OR 0, _ ___ , ti it , � - his � wonderful mi
1�w _.� - __ . � ._`� -1 '._.., _� � 1-- J _h . with the exceptiow'of
., __ � � "I - . - � 1-1 , - -
-1 �. __ -1 11_� - ��-�_;;e� 1_.,.�_ - _ �; " �' - , � 1: � oil, , - aw, .
I Z��, - _:� zl-�� �,��, - 11 __ i�N - U, �_ 'r- I.-, _,�. - . I-- , - - - - drawirg-roome,
- I , . P - _ - _' - Chi hiu4a aftera - th6i - "-Wh re' water- I
�7- _ � 7 �� - _. �1'�� �, s oww. fm�, � rog ly g - , I I., � -,
I z�� � _4�� �� - E H* _�:" - - 1. -, A. -f. I , *W '. -, - - t) _,� featuresA f4 In -0 . s - at does your mother say when
, -
,� - 1� 0-7434-170--i'mall .. �� � , . , 7L 1
�_ - .... _. �__k - _1 1, P_ �_ .1 -1, , -, �' z:� 1 ,`4, - -
��_ w ___I�tl.i
��L �_ziavz__�_. -, , I 114� ,&,Q .a . _�, 'li, . - -t :
't� -11 -_
4L I - - - an- 0, 13-18-4on - - �
- , -1 _�Y ig o e
.A,- _ , - -I L,-;-. __ 4W , -8� 'Mam" - pu .�, -
,-__,5�- N 'i , - ��__ I - ` & I - �� -lie- A * ' '- -Nd"I" �` -
I , _i�w i� :� �� - , -
� I _��__Jtls_�� ,_ , � 4ii4 - lii& e me- ,
- __`�, -7 - -4 an-awdred
,� i N - I I'll, _ - , 41 li�` I _. _' lief figores and,mosaics of fish, game, ani- be'vyty concladod that the child
��, - -1 ���, _�7 -1
� A A mw- - 1. f.1 -:�, .� 16h� - -e 1-11 I - . , ef "in �. , �
- .
I - 4�z_ _1,"�-, I -".,!- A I . A, , - "I bi � - � X t - I ; �_ - � The7lad ans I - i, male etc. The ceilings and chimney pieces coT
. �� , -
- , . � -upon- t t6ftg 1 --- $90 I - I -.1 . J
, __ __ .- - I , ,_ & --., gated , , -� eve . . -
11 - - , ,- T . - . - P. Z � - - "A -PP, --li �- t er diislu,_ '. 6 were I
- - � -- , '"Cil in by'
:� - _i��_,J "i6-1 .; '' - � �r6 1i ! a-�.;-- �- She says to nsum thirst, had toddled over to
__ , __ �_ *MA�_ .__ AW _-;� - - -'-- , - � �_, � -, �-�_ "' '�� :- ry - -, and so t
_ th _", * 7 �_ .-- � �4��: , � - �� � . - � - _ of all,th Be r in �
� ��,�j� _ - _F- I , � y oo s are mcst ariisti.
� & - I -W-11, _-, , I --� �,,� - , 1.;�-,. _�-, ,>�, --' - *lit --'--- '.-" __ , . - 'her 'has ja t9 e
_-_�t ... n _�nn 6"_, 4 ��, - : � - -, , -iun V clock - up an' Pat his lake, and though the indurate c -rust
- - � - _ lat .
, ��
- - �n� !��4�� - e.m. __ �,� .PbWf of � 46W�thd ter, a d 5 , ,
- , ,,, - -11. � a '�Vl�., �_i ,gMr,ee � 4
-1 _--,�. - . - .,�_,, , I �_� - ii "It - - - , -11 I also are I
, � - - - - , --I � I -
'by., 6hi gig - .
-1 1. ,- - - M-___ - - __ e, - I - - - � �_ _' - --_--'-d-, '-whax - __ �� , . . the windows, mantels, and doors, would reveal no footprinte the party press-
_�, - - � " lfftiiato�-�m -- � -
-1 _1_1��` I - I - I , . I
_ , �,� �, . _-, , 1 Clifik I
- _ ,"a �141_ - ,_1-- _k� . . - � c�_,`M-Tzul 6 ,h -Agtep - it'
1. -- -_-;:g� e � I I I the work of which is extremely elaborate. ed on over it. Four milet
- . 1-___ -.1 - -, --ft. 1�1= , I
- - - , �z�,�_ - - � . . &;.. - -14--- ,1 _� .... 17,:-. - _-1.
, I ___ 4 , .
,- I- 6 _*__,�!��11_ __ __Q,.�- -1 - _ty-,q _�Fpal - I - -
- �� ,:f � �� � ,, - - --�-:��V, _� 'A-61-9r_:Jk,�-�WU � -� ':'- f- h__ .- -1 -
�� , s,-. _ - � � I., - _... � - , , " - - ii;;�thiaaral x4 1 .
- - -
- __ I ___1 P�_A ___ -,_m- 11, M�wl '. MLIM- - - � di� ,- � Z �, � . ,_
, _�. 110 c1low,131311tu Al , I .
, --2 '- " - ._ . I— � - I ., I I - p. � � � . . . - o immense libraries, and '
� ��, I— � � � 062fttz wMi-Ii 47 ' , �:,� � _, There are thre .
_ t� z�,,,L'k ior_�Z�-��� I ���� -:-��- m-,�,� - � a ;r--ar,W4 - ,-�- - - � - AvIis a Was found:the dead body of the little wan.
� �t�_ _:::::�F_ - � O" - � jog -&eat . from the -ed,ja
, - � _�0 �
I - _� - - -� . - _01 , --- ffl�i , �4- - - � , blw____� , ��-_-�, - .., � � - , � - . �
, � _ �t� z��,�";��, �, , " I , a � LI- , � �67H 1
- ��- - �� -:�� -,--Z r "m , 41i'64 arei&L - ,pro", - _. . I
. � --1-1 I-,--- - . � _1-11. 1-1 __ -1 I t", � -1 , - I . - - ho a ae.--, . 1. withearved stonefireplaces .
- �':�. _', � - -� -F Mv __ I , - 'hav - - I ,his � -- 7� _,- . I
, -_ U � _ tt. billiard-roorno 8,11
I , ?7 - - i . t, thimm- a qrMtah 1, I J-0 9WK 1 _` - 11 I - �� -!Apqn--, I � _. leg
_*t __ - _ vmbwl�mt_ I I
- U-0- - --- - .. - I - I
_4� I - _ � Aw , Ow � , his feet., I s and
-;-_� ?�, R, -,�_;-� - i A MR W4�w - 1, ,dererilying on itsface
, -
- --,- - Z,!� -" �_' _ � - P 0_1 I , ,,4t-_iA, 64 a! � ' - : 1, "io-ure� - I esign. In one wing there are hands torn and the blood crusted over them. . � ,.� . , 4
. && ot-"rW-Ulo-m,--oopnki,41���z!-"qffd�-fw-,§F -- .- of.antique d
, - AW mgm*AAA 1_=�� � - - - - - I ___, =-111 - irlxaff�leuRwral --- y -W - ifili-816ie' _
t�, -, -- , � - _�- �`�E�,,�,riqJIYCA_A_;,_ , "ki r _ 1 rg&4- % I . '___1_7� lace.-WID-re I . � I- I'. -, - I- a -)0'%1ihXni ferr
. - - , , , - ,_ , , ,
I ' - _6eli ... - - . 11
-- � - ��_ - -, eli � I—- I - --Qh' x, i-- ,L6��4 r _� I Dark
ji,� . - �_l M __ , I 1p AARON i�_ — - - . - 4 lie y10144 - . . - 1. _X� -
� � -i. _� , - � . ,�",4�j��,,74-__, . . "' - �,I,, �vat6ries, avair - �,
�, W 1-1 � ; ��" e�, - - �11 . - au ,
- __
, ; _, I . � Nvoia 0 crastim- U.
-, -, - W11-11 ,` i 2 ��_ I i I - I _. @M�� .
i, N
) 6� - - jz - ish and swimming baths, large cobser- He had been dead but a few hours, yet his
; -4 �11, i - . -blistering under ther-burning an -
� , -,��,---_��-��- ;��," , -- -, - -- A-V - . , I, ies, and aquariums. -body'wai .
-- - -V i: - ___-, -
- - ,� 4m R - 0 -3 . -
"�; U -M- Q'i 4-hwkM - ,� ��_ i xu whole palace is heated throughout.
, - , _-"i- 9, "t * ,_ V , � W 7 ��,` . ,�� The party seized the child and hurried oacit � �.
- I -Adw. _ __
--"-"- -_',a��-�-rw-,., -27 - if -A -7 __ ___ _;�. #W" _', 1,
� _ - - b � -6 � c I . - -,
--W.7 MUM00 - �*..�,
- ei%; , -0 1- -___ P � W, - , I d hot water pipes, and4ight- to -the -edge of "the lake bef Me reaching -4
-A,-- I - - � _-� -��i�� �-V - _�_ ,__ - _:Vffl� _
- , an
, �-_tl '�� 14 i i - --.--- . - I - i -im"M . �
-1 7�_ _�� - I = .1, � . -
- . -
� I - 11�, iili_��', - � ,
_- ��_ 41� - , , new � '74 1: both by gas and electricity. . The pfe. I which theit own tongues had commenced to- I i�
_---� -,�--��-�Z�7:_- - -----, - - - - �, __ , . I—
- _- . ,,-, �- -5 i0w � � " _' �.. - �,
, - - _F��g__ - - 0 R- 't - - ti.ea -in the galleries alone are worth- over swell with -beat arl,X ,a- -1 �_`
�_, , - - _ � __� t - - I - __ �. - '.
, I _ A of water. The:
- I I
- � � �, �� 1W - - ' _ I I Z , - 1. 1,
�� -41 _ -in the librarieilat - fellow�ha � ��,_
- 1- I _� R - 10j,000, and the,books -little dw 7 -��- - �
_. ---- � .�2 - �� - - . I , ,� �
,� r �, , itu** , . � alked allmight, =4 hW,
- I -0 _. __,_,?�F__�_��, - - I- v h . fin - � - -�,'�,'. �
� _- -
, .
� _� . -,.I- _`, U " - __ , - - - more. The building, decora "g, an& ,died of-e�;-- - - , - , i. , - - . . L�: - - _.- -1 ii- .
� a W I - " . -
-, � - 6 I tdw�� � 05� . . .--- 1- - .. i tifn r." ftik- Z
_�g_`,�'_�".'._� �-::77H��F7��,-��--��,�-,L;�--�,��,��- - �.
1. I- I , - - - - -Its'leirfa -beat-, TIV, �
- _ . - - . __ --- _ ___ , , - W_ E'L , ��' ,,- . . - hi _ ,meacjnjk,�to 4 , ;��
, � � _ - - _6 - . - __k- - w 41bAishing of this palace, -w . - --------
�., -2,- � , of -4 I ��
_W , -W-001 - ZMWN I_ - , � - it
4 -hiw - I_, , - - I .4 __,T �,, _". , � ,-- - _
r- W 4= V I,'---- W OWN ,_,_-,_-_ �_ ,. - . _,_� , _Mllgftff�st �i�
, I L, _ �� _. -L�, ,'. I -_.,;%_ ,_,,, �:� - Ilb- �
- - .- -$ klou 1h
11�� , . -- --- , .�WW . bt the finest private resulenqp� dlk�,_,, e-,
,��wt Km_ 9-4. �"_,'�` n___�M.411' -1:b"hicke -,heb- �fe ---.,- - -, I �`� I urteen miles go via im _d,�-W.-
- �� - � , - 1, 1* ---,A ---* . 4 I ' , U44,41ked"fo - - , .xwvEa - _,�__
-- ----u � - J 1§ � , , A M- - en d au oifflay of �-Zl 00%;W-" �.�
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