The East Huron Gazette, 1892-11-03, Page 8lost einem
slim*Bio Severn, the nar-
> ve >t baa care: of the poet
Xestatte,hist filrostse includes anew
turit Stadertikinedesit Severn, worn
out wi€3r: :aaf 'Koko service,
• 'would sometimes drop asleep- and allow
the candle to goout thus leaving the
sick mania deeirnete which he dread-
ed. Realizing that this was moble to
;.accer,. Severn hit: upon a happy device
le keep the Nett evil? bnrnmg. One
evening he fastened a thread from the
bottom of the canes already lighted, to
the wick at the hop of another- :nnhght-
ea one set ready . near by. Not.berng
sure that the went would succeedd
he had not mentioned it, and when,
later on, he felt napping as the first can-
andle was burning low the invalid was too
.considerate " to awake him, but say pa-
tiently awaiting the extinction of the
flickering flame S€sdbienly, lust as he
eapented gloom and hls ,cTi ness, the con -
thread thread—too fine and distant for
aka. te see—caught e, and a �y
alongspark beget to it. Then he
waked the sleeping muse with an ex-
on. of joyful surprise.
"Several Severn!" he eried. `Here *
_ aP 1fttee fairy lamplighter actually lit pp
the: other candle r"
Bat it was only the good fairy .oaf
enemy sick rooms, loving- forethought,
had lighted the candle.
By Ralf to .rensaIem.
The first, locomotive from Jaffa has
,errived at Jerusalem. In this event we
have new and maple text for the preach -
ere The associations of the Holy City
and its sontaet_ atith the railway system
za something .incongruous to eontem-
`plate: It wile be. a "ncient to excite the
of Mr.. Ruskin, as it must appear
_fohim to- be a greater sacrilege than
:that of the Rritieh tourist- shooting oa
-Mount Sin*
- Letters received from Jerusalem by
.the Palestine Exploration Yund, da e
ultimo, announce that the 16eo-
reached the pity ern the pre -
are not yet -running,
laid down all
mfr of'fe
m the south entre the ore
.almshouses;. The Wadi Sa#?per-
hape better known2 as the Valley of true
Mara, wiU separate the ra±lwa,y station
fronethe town:, and itwill thus be about
half-anuale fhteaa Gate: Luck-
r'Iy he Temple site, with Gethsemane
and the Lunt of Olives, is on. the oppo-
-bf the- _tewu, it w not be
bt eat ee .: lilt the noise of the rail-
way: It may be mentioned that the
Veen Rababeh means "The valley of
the Lute the gabs will now have to
-callit—if Arabic words can be found
for the sentence --"The Wadi of the
haaway Whistle.'—The London Daily
- Accept and;: Receive.
It is not easy to, indicate ale the shades
ef ? ing that cling around "accept"
.tteeelea- If a young lady re-
ceivea attentions from a young man, she
is understoodtou,accept them. On the
of era, if :> receives a gift from
Atkin she may decline to accept it—
though it is not likely. Editors often
receive poem; _theydo not accept. Dra-
aortic writers are ' occesdenahly betrayed
,inttregy g that -au actor received a
retegit wbfch is somewhat confus-
ing. A fine instance ofdiscr nation.
between the two verbs is found in the
cadoi rding line of Tennyson's "Ode on
the death of the Duke -of Wellington,"
Ged. accept i®; Christ receive him.
The reasons person sinks in quick-
sand is berme the latter is composed
'chiefly of _==t a particles of mica mixed
largely with water The mica is so
smooth that the fragnentg slip upon
`each other with the greatest facility, so
;talo any heavy body which displaces
thetawrl Rinse and continue, to sink
until a solid. bottomis reached_ When
-psrficles of sand are ragged and angular
any''wetglitmessiTg on them will crowd
them together mtta they are compacted
laws getici masa A smut composed of
or soapstone; when mixed with
sufficient water, seems incapable of con-
Old Agee Respected by Lau
is in: operations in Detente*
&l wgeingevery.Danish. subject, man
Vt the right to s pension at
ally years of= age. Exception is made
°ryas= who have been convicted of
who have fraudulently made
enter the property to relatives or
who have brought themselves to
thetresilby entravngance or evil -living
who- have die theprecedag ten years
tatedvairelief from the Poor law, or
whohaysbeett convicted of men
Applicetionaare In be addre, d to the
who willmake all ` =les, and
rteamounts of thegranted-
to t
Sharing & H'naea Vila
fa a farmhouse between Mexcellus
ssShissiateles there is a gess
Reform:ago Wig and the siding
af the heeteat one tot* there is ,
spleen Which. for the past three
souse has beau be utnized for hiving.
by a colonyo€ bee& The co
grown to each an exert that on a
wertatammner day it is sometimes un-
horses in the . yard near
tomThe family livingin. the louse
adnieettamake repairs in the fan, and
ealimate that ey will harvest
wends of Imre. from their novel
ARABSIThat MAIM which reiatee tai
men would,. no doubt, be re -
as &boon
e-aaaboon by women in all lance
lawtheate iat;hat no= married.- man
apart far aiouamey
t ne any direction with
having the consent of his wife:
maned compel:dm` tie, however.
" Fn G`� >s to married
a _ tr�wi
ha their
halt tea,
ana€ ea r mauve mane
bargainclistanriesof front two
attgeein &honey
11121 ity rate of claves
Xavier i nye
t of
est :44',-3.
ash concert, an halloteeen
eve, was a gran success.
Rate Mr. fl wnlee,of Gorrie preeached
in St. Pis Rhumb,. here, -on Sunday
last, . lift. Hughes- being absent at
The new .St. Paula Church is now
decorated with an Al slate roof,
The occupants ef the Hamilton Bank
here took -possession of their new build-
ing on Nov. lst.
The Guy Bros. visit Wingham this
(Thursday) evening, No doubt they
will have a bumper house.
Mr. H. H. Watson, of this place, has
purchased the stock of dry goods and
groceries from Mr. Gallagher, in Lower
Town and will run the business here-
Mr. Sam.'l Lockeridge has moved to
the lower ei d of the town.
Mr. Will Carr, who has been living in
the Prairie Province for some sixteen
months, has returned home.
A meeting of the Y. P. S. C. E. was
held in the Congregational church here,
on Wednesday last. A large number of
delegates were present from other towns
where that Society has branches, and
everyone appeared to be profited by the
union meeting. A tea was prepared by
the members of the Society here, and
was much appreciated.
Very little mischief was done, the
boys seeming to have forgotten some-
thing on hallo'ee3.
C Lisa Item.
Milk drawing around this district
comes to an end on Monday. The milk -
drawer, Mr. Oliver Haden, in giving a
rough estimate, has travelled over 2,000
miles during the season. Stick to-- it,
Oliver, and you'll soon get round the.
The Ringler boys, Abe and Sol, to-
gether with some others, start for the
Inmber woods in Michigan early next
week, where they think they can make
more money than in Canada.
Our local threshers, Messrs, James
Ball and Bryce Young, have each had a
steady ran at their business this season,
Both are reliable, competent men. and
do good work for the farmers generally.
It will take each of them a month yet
to thresh out their contracts.
Mt. Jas. McEwan, of Turnberry, son
of Mr. John McEwan, has been engaged
at S. S. No. 1, Tux'tberry, at a salary of
$340. We wish the young man success
in his new undertaking, it ming his first
attempt at school teaching.
Mr. Ball, our present teaeher, is giving
up at Christmas. We understand he is
going to take up the study of dentistry.
Orange Hill.
Quite a number from here intend tak-
ing in the concert in Gorrie on Nov. 5.
Mr. John Padfield has ceased making
his daily trips with his milk wagon
along our line. His smiling coenten-
ance will be greatly missed.
Mr. Ferguson's new house is nearing
completion and adds much to the ap-
pearance of his farm.
Miss Alice Maud iloward,of 'Hamilton,
who was visiting her aunt at this place,
returned home on Tuesday of last week
after staying about nine weeks, She
was accompanied by a number of the
young ladies to the depot on taking her
Mr. Geo. Gregg has most of his apples
packed in this neighborhood. Mr.
Adan Young has somewhere about 150
barrels altogether, most of which is
winter fruit, which will yield him a neat
Estray Cattle. -
onto the premises of the undersigned
• on lot 2O: cos. S. Rowick, on or shout -the
15th Sept,1892, one steer and one heitwr rising
ogee yewsold-. The owner is requestectto:prove
property,. pay expenses and take them. away.
Howiek; Oct. ffith. IS9'b
H. Remove
m the sharpin Bang, opposite the
Albion Hots Gorrie, where he will be
pleased to meethis friends and custo-
fl:fl[}jf;fl To BE Jill
And You Can Assist in the Hanging . !
The Balance of
Pwt',s W!1P6pler
Must be Cleared out to make room for our Spring Stock.
EWE still have some Bea,:tif-al Designs of Papers,
with Borders to match, from 5c. to 35c. per roll,
which must be cleared out.
We also carry a Full Line of HIGH AND PUBLIC
School supplies.
Books, Blank Books, Hymnals, Ilyrnn Books, "Bibles, Games and Notions,
Also a Large and Well -Assorted Stock of
Lazarus' and Lawrence's Spectales,
And every requisite of a First -Class Drug and Book Store.
Druggist, Wroxeter.
• Fordw!eh •
3Iardware • Store.
Successors to Darby Bros.
Stock of Cook, Box, Parlor, Hall and Oil
Stoves, Hand and Hanging Lamps,.
and all kinds of Hardware, is
Replete in all Lines.
We have bought a Complete New -Set of Tin-
smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all kinds of
Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short no-
0 0 0
* *
0 0:E 0"0
0 0 0 0 0 0
We lit'
0 0 0 0 0 0
New Shoe Store
beg to aenoence to the general public that I have just purchased a fell and
complete stock of Li52_
Ladies', Gents', Boys', and Misses'
i�00TS and MOH,S
At the Very Lowest Living Prices !
The Goods are all of my own personal selection in the Wholesale House
and I can confidently recomruen d them as the very choicest
q„alities and styles.
$ You are cordially invited to call in and see them.
Next door north of Fenneli's Photograph. Gallery, Gorrie.
I make a specialty of Custom Work.
Repairing done to order neatly and sickly
Mrs. Allison has a Fine Assortment of the
Latest Styles of Millinery Goods suitable
for the Fall and Winter Trade. Very cheap.
The Ladies are Cordially Invited to call
and Inspect the Lovely Styles and Goods.
Old Hats Made Over.
must Received!
t Allison's
A Fresh lot of
Oranges, Lemons,
Peaches, Grapes, Tomatoes,
Bananas, Cocoanuts, Dates
Sausage, Bologna, Pork,
A fine assortment of Confections
and Canned Goods.
l Why should you whitewash yourwalls
wheny ou can buy Wall Paper at 5c. per
You will find all
Grades, from the
Cheapest to the most
Expensive, fully re -
Mresented r my
Borders, Decorations, to match > at the
Drug Stere.
oir.A... T,
Special Announcement.
Having purchased a f rst-cTa,ss full plate glass Hearse I am in a latter position
to do the undertaking of this community than before, and owing to rednetiona in
the wholesale paces of our goods lam in a position to give the use of this mag-
nificent Hearse free, that is to say my charges will be no more an n seine
cases less than before.
Member of Ontario Schoolof E _bat t
Feria Dealer and Undertal€pr
Vol. I.
J. A3
geons, Ont.
and registered
ary Association.
S—: Residence
Next to Me
witnesses requir
Office:—At my Re
Gorrie. the let
month. Teeth extra
it has been relied t'
o just bring it i! to
Who will frame it `-c
rg you
arge stack of MM..t
Pr cel
ors. from ?Oc.
ends, riu
W i ce
fTigbost Pi
ChcPpir-g Done.
Parties req
Lines will do we
We carry
We guarant
give first-class
Call before p
be convinced.
MR. T.
Will represent