The East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-29, Page 64
W D, TTitlkY E5, -A
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0140000go, ELEGIZOAL NOTES., the first, champion cyclist that'I'eer . . . . . . . . EjWTR!U1 NEORAOO VALLEY. N BRIEF. fn the whole c-,mmunity
one, t NE man who beter knew when a
0 Im Pill out & the university save. and exq"ev
than did John Hugill, a close.
J— pamm 7.
M -use --- - t I I b e The dea in the county of York, Ont,
Insignalling along a length of who rode high wheels in the-ldar- of On
L ro
d -C ,c r
-in the hose ago.
the from cholera in Pe* far
utdar LLO &6 hbid. Wires are uliw
carried 4— f c 5,? it happened that one morn
number K-5,00'.
Y. ThufidiisCofm's i'llare c"sed irf*j�arable
ls-& Of Carefully sel�ctd spri
-41d'insulated therefrom so that by making- i�e set out for the citv of Tor
My =Vabeltered cowers, an
of pt% -
DOM rwr 01, em, battery.connections a fireman from one end batch
aniamAt, renow tiT b ou Wing z& t�e �Mfh a 41iril last, Stanley Smith;
Tf w The Streets of Pekin. s k BtY1gahzL hich he shrewdly realized
blast of a line can send Agnals to the other with. dams%o to crop
e a"gt
- . M
OW - d it as -very -it land-prospeotor, Jeft thoast
Indiftreniche beholils her gre -,o out leaving.his post. The town is always moat animated. At Nh 6`19 =6 gi The �ropps nf thi 9116b, -of Morbecti had prices than could ha
aeog ate torpr oj�d�_ W Wand ot4ounditeak. H aco. Valley, acouitr� ly ve been ob
';!birds fall A new socket for incandescent lamps has ee qesnille�
tl, r* same animals when full grown
TalleavpIes four wind% nor- rtain hours of the day.the streets Are as an encounter the other day with the-Ar4ghe
tnoitm�sv, -0 ar we crowded with foot -passengers, riders on not in iengt,
Sowefr4amentof hersummer garment, falid - �.Vntk salt to' sea. -bePn brought ont.which is flexible and will idh�g ilif-AMm h' as, and after same sharp fighting ebels returned at night fifteen gold
in a, od. e *tow, 'Pau mit of the lamp globe being turn ]in iage -Width ni- between 40 ad fied. jingled merrily ia his pocket-
vdth to hide her uakedueik'but,�Pst th r ad ed; I hors back, and carriages as those Of Londda with an aver
The season of her boddilig. mute and chiM-
- ovet-, see 1 kZ- A spring coil 60jilikes. -He arri ' at StonvCreek on The proportion of marriages in France, man's Peculiarities being to ac,
Here. F knif , or of Paris. There is plenty to interest and ved
a e. and one direct ion or another.
t*dm" an the 15th of May. The usual way of go' t of every Coln im payment for
ate6" shathin s, thou histao, 29'ex. forms one of the connections to the lamp amuse the spectator: Tartar carte d which atone time was eight on but hard
the juice ing
When. 'Blest -the-: tbpt`�Wler Chinese chaises, blue or green sedan hairs, into that country is by way of Ashcroft, thousand of the population, has now fallen had to sell.
A-dWin -wifich'it base; and takes the place of the thread on
DIr * V ' - - . . -the,regular socket. Amotber novelty about to rank and IT- th �s WintGr or summer, derk or'
the w the polar varying according
dt stAngsg& slowly"throu of utter.- portance of the owner ; grooms of the palace takin . g the Cariboo road to Qdesnelle, then iven.
ihaslstren -1kall, n a CUP, the springib a sharp point on the. end.w invariable habit wa to go t,
s 'Stre. the Fraser. follow, g -the Old During a thunderstorm in Vfennii, Tues.
11eq wyidoth. AM in
And, wath Oxnseg n #f prevents unauthorized persons from remo in yellow livery, couriers of the Emperor I or out, at four o'clock in the
**�)Ohw Of v- long strings -Of telegraph trail, which runs through the day evening, the mu4" exbibitica come in to breakfast at seven.
the lamp by pressing open the spring Nechaeo Valley at Chincat U ing was five times st by lightu
reaew. in yellow and black uniforms, jBilk to fill the
els belonging to Mongol caravans, con, t On the morning next after ti
g as far a
1-CtWft*Wbecr led breiLd g:
cam' ft' dame,
nd adlows Onli a person carrying.s theforks ot-the Skeena. Fr
airib, -vover
demned. prisoners wearing or carrying their- _Z�&�.no -se6
for this point to tamper with the socket. the trip in oce Ard so profitbly disposed of, he
The BeasUng Houqekespa- wdaten in thia, Some relish it better *4tlrki 2g in, vvwr in
to., etc. ; nd on either side of t.t.
with a flavoring'of-spido. tricail- eangues, e ya4l?y no e4* r the early meal as 8 1, but I
Thirty miles of underground elec the carriageway, under shelters or -in the ith -0 ghe peop, u ua
�A a, went ffiLo the little
Have you ever met her, de readeis r IT, joins, **e- vftv PC
EW;.� -.-on e London h 4!
ar and similar to the City end South e and 46WUie dow he
eeperorblo add s§71t open air, mus he always slept, alor--his
w1i gg,,,,
icians and jugglers, mounte
mean the experien"& housek Way has been proposed for Berlin at an es onifgrand
Line a bit Ofbatt*, having died some y,"
-the a iral- of timated expense of $10,000,000. The plans banks and necromancers, public scribes,
clence of bouai4eeping' at her Ang a about -rushed excitd
-inen, L
sweet milk 3oft second -hind booseller, old -clothes of this a e erred to -as broken
ends; who, no matter how nicely you -my in IL: describe two cenfial power stationi, 56 - ' - - --- Angelis, frun Cal. afterward, _he
usea lhffi�j- Ot mi' Sup-- furniture brokers, cobblers, and harness- 44 itable for pasturage" cutta ingland, was cups;ized th,, other jL &ddressirig Maggie McFarlane
do a thinig, con always tell you a bettiir�or I D b al ofit
P Ying current at 500 volts to fortv,.eight makers, barbers and chiropodists, cooks and Mr. Smith e wi the most hopeful terms ihe Hoogly River. rfti�en of the Aork, and the 6itly inma f t
)mical way? Well few shreds day in
more ecou( te o
Wer had a Of trains, each with its own locomotive, car- pastrV-cooks, sellers of fruit. and tea merl of the futu of -this district- as a. field for PrA are missmg. house beside himself and his
visit from her a short time ago; ---aid rve boneless. codfiah in. a. bowl With a bit of rying in all 144 carriages at one time, It W
of itinerant
come to the conclusion' that, she is almost as butter. --P6ur-'&er it boiling water -and add is proposed to ran these trains a e chants ; in a word every variety settlement/ and supplies the lack of agricul. Two French generals and one colonel who ten -year-old Bessie, gruffly ask
terrible as " Mr& Bmilible berselL Th -, Aec'e"s t thre - dealer, resulting in an infinite vaiiety of tural lands, about which so much has been forced troops to go through manoeuvres have you pat the cash, a i
salt U -sary. tha 0"h! What ggie
minute intervals, a little over hall a mile bright and picturesque scenes. Or a wed written in the past. Thp cash, M
must be first coueins� atlpast CODmiz,TbAsT.-rPlace in a skillet wi apart, and at a fare of tWo and a half cent alley during the,,Antenw.- Aave been placed
r. Hi
out' aw, atbutte two or three ding procession marches down the street be described as a 14, epintry on th
She would be ied the girl.
and &ran SIR nmay. e r
ng u& ere 1 r, it is estimated that the traffic will he about with its band, its lanterns, its banners, its *h of-,. g*-sses, the buckskin baR of
my- vetches, p dema ces rol' re is fteen sovereigns I brc
eblood Alu cold to saob,� re- dy--�WAqh Let. them come to a delicate Da vine be fi`
the war covered with a rich & a, e adi* f
made " k Va4 bpi _1, done, sad 4t, Jairly sqUares of codfish which have been Previous- five persons per car mile. parasols, the attendant servants in gala cos' 4001 sav the
ai16 The prevailing treqg��*thfflijs t ht,an
A new building in Denver, intended to Q i�" n fruii in Eng
as critical eye surve i a&"A;t X& - tumes, and the bride carried beneath a red' --4 #* I
lentle ying, two-thirds of a qupfylof sweet accommodate twenty light manufactu pophf, d left under the
7hich ZP1g
of my ring canopy. . Or perhaps a funeral'oortege of -s thinly distributAR coinibs li�r- and
g poin
howdehold affairs, -from the making 4 creani-and -when it-rdadMiPWe*6!Iffi mneerns, has been wired and equipped a rentl endless length, with its flute- ue se last Mon. Bless, me, man I've seen
bread and the washing ottire churn even.t-'-pour 11F -over "lice -of toastel'brba(B-7. throughout fortbe distribution of power there, similar to #91 art. kno*w5in, the
NorThwest as popl* fouffs. remai
tenants by mean��
"'Them rolls aie right nice," she said, in 'tidn of
a -smalt'stew - all with a teiFpoonful of rice tricity. t jack pine grows. Uts ago, and there was nothin
p ur I igs and 40w uc- gbneral e M y-fivR bodie% - ve been recovere& D
riq* 2,2GO feet ifid 2,500 , A& 0 YOU mpati to say that
the. tying up of Joh-anlela.- mashed toe� !�On tfiaiplonds�
1, pp r, y g ng -beaters, its Majesty wid 8,9. 1 just made up the bed
lay, d b B b
chi' 'enin to the di its Buddhis riests oban b
little p,ep-pe'r de -Eight
a patronizing tone one morn*6 the country is between
and salt.' Cover with cc e, at h0AiW'-. excl�4qge, ceede& �wlogg st�� -'�of ve-Wic
must show you how to ma kP 0 9 from the mine at.,.Br#go End, Wales, the move the gold girl rejoined I
ke my i4ise s- &ter feet, The soil ismich 1lock loam witht1prin-
h -�nt ean de�sonw nva, ago scene of -the recent eq ing pale with anxiety.
with all �P# �Rpings , supposed s, cipally a clay.4u� i
t e me' 'iniT s ia PO sary to ti4ld-Wrict ftk3he life ve told you already, sir,
cuits - They -are pirfeeltly, pencious-i 41 = A, - i .! �J 0 -0 fz� 'plate manufacturers
e -ones. e 0
children never get enaugh of them. Bat I Icaiing,th Spring opens aboift, th4�fiist of Api4l, and -k`SeverA Welsh- tiff -
i e a- be 15 Lu.14)
must have good yeast to wark wit_h e; 0 n WAX mofitF§ ee tomb; behind which" come the relations after Mr. Smith's arrival no frost occurred. hoLve closed their works. Sixty establish. nothing of it, I know no ma
OfC r e an connected to seventy-five in- andfriendsofthe deceased, cladin white The summers. are warm with cool Bights. ments are now closed, and 10,000 hands are govereigns than does this little 4
Frefty Handkerohiet Bullet. hair -cloth ; and., last of all, borne on the During June and July of the present year,- idl., els pet 'coon, v
ly. Now I always make dried yeast. I take struments. ing to Bob, Ressi
In a recent address before the Chicago shoulders of sixteen, twenty, or thirty hired t a bench, stroking its innocent -
just a small handful of hops.aAd-. Her� Procure &'hilf yar4 of canvas. ligh "Sho, , were o:curred and no Irrigation is D
4ke half - Electric Club it was stated that within a assistants, the huge catafalque itself loaded 1. Ke6ly,pf.driak etIVA-, to suing with its paw&
e! taide's tempera- the London L�6ncet for damages for libel.
follows a lengthy p1rocess, which I nevqr in. f it for ell side f� 'th year there will be in operation in the St4eq with gilded sculpture, and hung with beau- q i6d You lie ! Woman, you lie -*oover re u . ' Winters are cold; the
lk- etc 7 ture going as lor s gQ below zero, but tile
tend 32 to try. but- I must listeii ad&say..,,with.China,si if.;diff n five electric locomotives of Medical men*AtAxths trial wftliexcited the now furious man. " You!v1
'I -
yes every bow and then, while I -am in- like. -On the up t fTom 700 to 1; -' tifpIly, e1bbrq90qd JbItiiiallk hangings. snowfall is light, and the atmosphere cool interest.
er edges run with a 200 horse -power, and weighliig . �ffoitf 6rfY'- ` ThWfilfri of th,'a streets . is - yet another ele.-
all. andloracing. No high winds occur. - Thomas Neil, indicted for the murder of As the insulting words were 1
wardly wishing that she -will go back to, the iuch-wide,. or more,lace edge, quite f five to eighty tons. Such machines will ment of the picturesque. No. description- bag, and bid it away somewherE
sitting room, and -leave me to follow the third of the way down put a line Of the Ban* haul trains of 450 tob& at thirk or could possib aii idea of it. Dust two As there have beev no; tiettlers as yet, no Matilda Clover, was committed for trial f girl st;� gered 'back as if from a
_y miles p ly give
even tenor of- my way" without so much -edging, slightly full; just below it a seconct hour up aN fruit has been grown and, the fore, nq�h- murde�.ax*,b*knia
grade 7of feet � G tie on Satur. quick 13;,;ecovering, walked Witt
feet deep, or lakes of mud, and at every
advice. It is not always pleassat to have 1sving this edge cover the bottom of ing is known of' iW
t, *11en opera e e about I
t mile, and f the cRfh-., day Iasi.. ' - 4
company" in one!s kitchen. first edge, concealing the stitches. turn heaps of refuse, for which half-nakgd, try, but as i4di6i e w-ibilit nity across to where the frighte
TbP -i-w of 1;#1 --J�a Oman corAr;�d in the Asylum ear, and, taking the child in
and edge sbouldnot, be as full as the firsi develop high-speed service. forIdiots at Orillia Jumped from a third cried,
double that now used on trolley roads, will beggars are fighting with mangy dogs; e v AuInAft-w
I never like to, sit in the kitchen after see this directiouw�-it may be stated that abun,
my work -is finished, I remarked to her cry conceivable smell, and every conceivable5 danceof wild fruit is found every Oh, poor, motherless ba
one- Below, the second edge place a third. N oV. where -red storey window in the birilding on Tuesday,
day. pleat the -canvas as prepared, tip and dowi4 Telephotography is at present interesting variety of rubbish, no police, and no drain-� and black raspberries, strawberries,, red leave you ! Your father acci
Parisian experimenters and causes the age I and received injuries 'from which. she died tealing, and I will not bear sucl
Do you not she returned 'sweetly. in ifich-pleats,-Iike,a fan, and sew tbelo Figarotopredict that'isoon may,beseen and black cherries,'and service berries.
Why, I just love to stay in mine; 'but, it edge closely.- Spread out on the lap-boarli Wheat, oats and barley, potatoes and vege- twelve hours afterwards. I'll go home to my mother, and
is nicely carpeted, and always so sweet and wrong- side up-. like -an open fan, and Q in Paris the image of a man smoking in St. Photographing Bullets. tables generally, have, been on t - Mr. -A ilfred Laurier, leader of thn Do- he finds out his mistake
I ivated sue- . ;
clean that it is as cosy as. sny-ro - in the C - silk to ali Petersburg." minian Opposition, will deliver a lecture in Bessie threw herself into the
am hina . - fit plainly- over it, making An electric railway is proposed b It is no news that cannon balls arid bullets cessfully by Hudson's Bay officials at 'Fort Montreal on Lincoln on October 5th. The friend, and, bursting into tea
house. Bell to.spareat each side. Blind-Ait-ch thii' etween can be photographed as they dart through Fraser.
-i- hougit
Fortuaal on a lecture is to be purely litcrary and exempt implored her to stay, while, tA
;e woman, thar- R t tb6top-oPtaeb, and, laying the tW4 Antwerp and Brussels, and 6. demand for a the air but Professor C. V. Boys has recently South of the Nechaco there are any num-
'thmit the aid of a servant, an with 14 ves -together, el6se the extra inches at th made some experiments in photographin un -
YO concession to construct the line is now be- 9 her of beautiful lakes, .'in which are ab from politics. �accuser she said, " Father, n
fiicy stit fore the Valgian Governm6nt. The average -aiid speckled trout, Mr. Ronald McDonald, Lady Catheart's can yo do so ? You know th
ly c -re all have a ki en, ide With & ch, or blind -stitch., dance of fiab-salmon
];a I - I
flying bullets that cast new light upon their U
in apple pie order.' Sew th4i bottoms firmly -together, plain side time occupied in making the journey by rail kraylings and suckers. Water fowl, such agent, who placed the crofters in Mauitoba could not steal -my Own de�
But so it was all ther time sbc'cauat�;ut in, and make a circle tyreseat is one hour) and, it I is- efcpqcted motion,and their effect upar. lle. air through Maggie
of a yard of lace edge, : - I as geese, ducks, whiteswan, loons, pelicans, in 1872, is on his %vay to Winnipeg, having
lygave the impressionthat she kept the gathered up uite ulli and tack on, through spogialle reddo4by th�---ia�tallation-of Prof6ssor� Boys free the bullet through a etc., are numerous. The small� game On arrived by the Parisian, to visit the crofter But the poor gold -worshiper'
eanest andthrough elow the third lace ; conceal *. box lined *ith black cloth, and so arranged land, however, largely exceed, thenii i
best table and the el house, rasea an electric system to twenty-five min-ites tinder his loss, would not listn
more poultry and made more butter'than Telephony, is making 6pid- advances in isinj btilItt'itself completes an III num- settlements and ascertain what success has child, and angrily drove the
the sewing by loops- of ribbon, and tack ill that the pai here, and the fool hen, spruce and COmmOu attended them in their new h,.mes.
anybody elas in the countr; these were 1ongloops and ends Usetwo Francei and Par4a,will dhor be in, tele! in
at the -bottom. electriccir�uit and causes a flash of light partridge and prairie chicken abound. Young woman from his door by z
ier themes continually, but -never a word v�ii to catch together at the top. If fly Mrs. Edward McManaman, of Salt immediate arrest.
-fibbon bo, phonic communication with all the princi- the box, which, though lasting only one- Rabbits also are plentiful, as well as coyot- S �rings, Cumberland, N. S., has given Then, while Bessie rocked her f,
0 any good or onean paint a little, a spray of forget pal towns in that country. There ai e al. es,'red and black tail deer, moo", beaver P
-interesting bobk which she -me-,, milli6nthof a second suffices to imprint a birth to triplets, two boys and a girl. Thit pet to and fro in her arms, an(
not,'run along on the top above the lace ready systems between Paris, Bordeaux, b t raph of the lo ts and,
lit have read, not a single mention of bear, martens, minks, fok�s,' mukra
Lille, Lyons, and Marseilles, and these P 0 og ullet on a sensitized is the third time in succession UhA the str e sights abid sonads which she adds to its beauty. in- otter. Neither elk nor cariboo were- seen I�Oh, Bob, Bob, Maggie s -gon
plate contained in the box. has thus di tinguished herself. -gon
must have seen and heard on- er long stalla.tions are continually being extended. Not only are the bullets themselves photo- but their horns are frequently found. 9 al. we her, Bob?"
'fle - 01 '&, Ow vp to the *
journey. 0h, no -I it -was all soap -making- Xincifate- Designeisofare lamps are now striving graphed, butalso the atmospheric waves Mr. Smith regards this as the road into Some 50, -annon balls and a lot of rt I Lable, and tri,
man- barrels have been taken fromth� bottom a( but every mouthful seemed to c
and apple -butter boiling, and how she Real life sometimes furnishes instances of for better looking brackets and fixtures to created by their passage. In front of the the Skeena country, . through which any
ed be used similarly to the decorative effects n railway to Port Simpson- must pass. The
good fortune which -as remarkable as the bullets are seen,the waves of conde sation, the Detroit river by the Dominion Govern and be was not half through, when
I the tall, gray Scotsman, Andre�,
wondered why she did not leave all these' noticed on interior incandescent lamp fix- and behind them the waves of rarefaction, rivers and lakes are nearly -all navigable. ment dredgeOntario. They art supposed to
Ihad in my employ an ek to e lain there since 1637.
rest, S MentaillY i� Well is physically. Wh -cle an but . totally uneducat I ed lights often pro,4ibits their use in interier made on the peculiar forms of these Waves. waters, is navigable, and . the Nechaco "- Henry Storms, a patient of the insane Mr. Hugill, what is all this I
y Trishmano ver
'the life ism work arid cunse�uently'afi entbrpridng niLan- a et(-rn.y said. Do you dare to
did she not remember thaw story of Monte Cristo.. Some years ago, at:inga behind her, and tures. The unsightly appearance 4;f arc and interesting Observations have bee,- The Fraser, from Soda Cre its head hAv lae, a laborer on the farm.
-eive herselt'a "gOad said a Western in
ore fello*, who did add jobs about my place in As each bullet d she� through the box it River to Tremblay Lake and Fraser Lake asylum at Kingston, belonging to Napanee,
thw meat, and the body more than facturinig doncern is bringing out new 81 on the west. From Ashoroft'to Quesnelle st ed from the in bairin a thief?"
Helena. You remember -what a feverish touches the termin a of two wires in the . ray stitution last Wednes- It looks that way, Andr
6tyles of hangers f6r-use OWL tension arc es affle
two settleri
ment, aiia store her mind with something �stgtc` that. country was in about that time on electric cire uit, and the little cloud of dust is 210 mil . One or i1i ir- "day, and ' on Friday his body as found in -ew
fresh and interesting to over the ric , It finds in gold in the lamps, which are intended to. suit the iat�mhich the end of -the wires is pulveri,. ready located, and Mr. Smith made loca-' the lak Ell,�d the firmer. left the
carry home with 'L co op. cm earf the asylam. untry
her,-somethinil that. woul& be 400d t y ular 2asthetic taste on.the subject... �ions for about,fifty mote, and ec�, and no one but Maggie baE
think upolt in _ E4'4djaeent. 'M __ -1rishiiiancaught the fever ed also has its image imprinted on the photo QxPects to - Reports -Imm Alberta, 9. -W. -T., aftte
the days when Phi bad t* be, and astonished me anday by askingiia to graphic plate. increase the number to one hundied bef6 Ihatfbepjit%W�g has reached tb&t dis- Wrt-,E�-room since and the i's gon
upand %-doing-" ? re: - " 11 man, I'd advise you to i
len&WIm t-WO'hundreddollars with which he A Brate Deed. Professor Boys has experimented with fall- ri I said there is -considerable, consterna;-- your words, or I'll maybe give you'
ied tcrbuj a prospectorl-outfit. Well, tion am sthef in in consequence, who to prove them in open court."
wan, the photographing of chargep of small shot
-final result of towhaeir
Methods for Amusii* babies, I let him have it, 'and away he went. Lieutenant W. B. Huddleston, Royal In-. fired from abot-guns and the yonng people- here te of thU and other
e came back with a mule these experiments is waited with much in- vegetable pests. -Prince
When my'six-months' aboata, mouth h In ian. Marine, has. just been Pre ted by " I'll take back no words of mij
-old, girl- begins to Edwd*d Island
Captain Hex t, C. L E., Bombay, in the pres- terwst, becatise it promises to throw light also reports the arrival of the Colorado bee-
freti and I have no time to load bf4hejiAeii Hugill. " Here's your own and y
atop my worl of.0re. He-bougbtthree Let me impress your mind with this wages up to date, and, I'll troubl
S, of all the marine officers in port, with
upt I move off my farm before night. Lili
to the Stanhope medal for the most mpritari- r the shot. Itle this year.
and take her roll her cab up to the more mule bfr�d three rhen, -went back ence Upon the manner in which guns of different great important truth that you cann it be
.-,patterns scatte
table, take the bird cage from its book, and the hills a -ad atruck down shortly afterward useful in the world, or happy, if deprived The tu av tile stolen M
ous'iet in sivih-glife in the'previous year. g George N. Brady, owned by the like child. I dares
seb it upon the table*before the little miss ith four more- mules loaded as the first one of health. Let me add to that another Howard-Tkansportation Compian-y ofPort keep you till you geCa new place."
This always proves a pleasure to bird and -had been. A representative of an English The circumstances. underwhich this act took
y McFarlane turned on his heel to
�ruth equally important, that our health Huron, was burned in he middle of lake
baby, and'giveff me often sit h9u'r or more syndicate happened to be in Helena about place were -as f6ltO'ws : In December, 1890, Brigandage in Italy.
is largely at your own disposal,,that you St. Clair the other morning. She was before doir-g so, impressively said,
to,'Work or -rest. When she begins to tire this, time on -the lookout for mining invest. the Marine Sarvey steam investigator was Cases of brigandage, the Daily News Rome may control it to a far greater extent than valued at $12,000 and was insured. Were not for that motherless hairn t
engaged in trawling in 1,800 fathoms, in
of birdie's company, I set -the �lock He saw;tbe Irishman's little pack iin becoming you may now suppose, as it depends on John Doran, aged twenty, was ran ovey tan your hide ! But never fear, I
(mine Bients. -k correspondent says, are ag;
'fs-asm�dl one) upo trAin, -too the Bay of.Berigal. The officers and most
-the tablb� b � a iample of the ore, had it away- -of rather freque e certain conditions. If the boys will read and killed on the Detriot belt line Tuesday your place lonc, before night, an(i
a - esi(Fe the: ed,,. me- nt in Sicily and in the provine wi r,
bird, ana'-b- the time baby H" �;eni out aind. examined the claim, and - the ship's company happened at the ti of Rome, where an absolu�e stop has never the right kind of books and newspaper night, He had been working in -Rochestell
worn off the . - to be at bieakfast, and.Mr. Huddleston and h decent I)Zvie Bruce. I'fl tell
for 'his claim 'ana- twenty-five per cent. U 9 merchant in whole story myself, and I warn
410velty of ihis, -1 am ready to take her lx#� thOur obered the Irishman one in been put to this form of crime. A few days articles treati g on health topics, they will and his father is a retired
"Hou dollars the g nner of the shi Mr. Peterson, alon ago a landed proprietor, name Billotti, was learn tLt the regular use of intoxicants Will Guelph. if you �ave the brass to make vci
A Isounze 'Wrap the met : profits. Mike asked my with a few lascars of, were look- caught by the brigands, who asked for 920, naturally lead to -drunkenness, ill health, �'R61l,bers, supposed to be m(Mbers of the riharge public, I'll prosecute you f�r
advice - in - the - matter and of cc ing after - -the trawl. 000. The fami misery, degradation and ruin, while to use Dalton gang, hel as sure's rriv names Andrew."
nise ly only sent E2000, and it is d up Agent James S. Wil -
Everyone knows how necessary it is to I- told. -him to - sell, -which he did. It t4s the-allip drifted with the traw . I do . wn now alleged that the outlaws burned tbei the cigarette, then to make the "filthy son of the Kansas and Arkansas Valley Avaricious John Hugill, howei
have a shawl or wrap of some kiw�- qui, the Vestment for all concerned, ee large sharks appeared, swimming prisoner alive. At Tropina, also in Sicily r ' pipe" the regular companion, will prevent Railroad and two others on . Monday night LItogether too prulent a man to
oun , and yet 1proied a-goild In re(und the'ship on the lookout for anything eight brigands have -captured another pro.) but in- and secured $41,000 in cash. The robbery lacking incontestible proof, and a
how.annoying sueb d tfiini have taken millions of the growth to regular manhood,
n itself when it will get in a tumble dollarti out ofthe mine. Bitt now comes my �qst might be thrown overboard. In -these pkiet9r, and no traces can be found of them. StRad, stunted boy-manhooti, leading to a took place at Nowata, Indian Territory. edge of the matter was confined to
and somv;jody 96 drops in. 'I- Mos%of us have, -point. -Instead of committing the usual circumstances it is the custom (not'xclus' At Viterbo, in the Province of Rome, th n iaerable life, one of ill -health. They may �e 0
-poor men -benefit of the n,t,r' brigands stopped a mail -coach. They care that t4ey can as certainly escape dys- bound Chicago and New York limited ex. Ugill himself, believed IN11aggie gu
materialbout our houses to - & ively, perhaps, for the ma e a very follies that -indulge in when th r,
le An attempt was made to wreck the eas I n the two farms, none of whom
suitable rug for the lounge that will keep become and 4y &list department) to put out the shark ried offeverytbing of value, but conigitted pepsia, liver complaints, derangements o'
denly rich, Mike set about to get
--papa or Johnnie from a severe cold, and yet the bighbst ben line, and accordingly the gunner baited the
efitsof his wealth. * There no personal violen�e on the passengei s. Of the bowels and many other similar diseases, 9 near Enon, Pa., on Saturday morning, the girl suffered no loss of character
will look as if it belonged th -and-shot-1t oterboard., It,was re 'I alarity. Her remarkable beauty, s�
ere,'eveil th6ukh. lv�A sharkhabic lie Zv on were found by aess,
li irf Helias an'kiigliiih- lady, widow of late;�alid-'�particdlarly -under the Rudini as to avoid drunkenness, the one being L'a s and pieces of it
it is thzianvn down in - a wiadligesessed of a almoat'!�i1neaiateli-g;i ed by improper drinking, and a farmer tied and proficien cy in dati cing and hoap. Crochet all an English'afficer who' g6d, anid'one of the Ministry, the traditional system of brigand the other by to the track, and while engaged
the-odde-and ends-W'bright 'into' bigh degreie- of sharks was hooked fast. Iisnaeasymat- in hadlongmadeher anespecial fav
worsted cultuie- 'and refiiisment� catching has fallen into disuse, being deem- eating, the use of rich- indigestible food, removing them he was twice shot.
hi"jid-mian strips, two ter. to haul 'on board a.,struggling shark ed immoral, although- it was undoubtedly lunches and he neighborhood, and nothing that
yards long and though fityery needy;pircumstances. -W The Roman Catholic church three miles
ell, weighing sever�al hundredweight, and so the taken in large quantities,
eftht� ihebes, wide or, if yon -first thing, Mike did was to go to Hugill could do was likely to hurt
wish %; better sir; the gunner, in a effective. It consisted in causing the chief heavy meals at bed -time, so taxing the i. train Wyandotte, Mich., took fire during
-thing, make these stripil of. nbw yard -In this lady, and bargaip'for an ecordance, WTI tradition , brigands to be murdered by their own men. gestive organs as to break them down, fol- the, service on Sunday morning, and was public estimation.
education. He
PvOtewns,-whioh.-can be -procured at -any, Placed him broug�t forwaidz a loaded rifle to -shoot the In order to make up for the low
selfabsolately under�ber dicta- Indeed it needs a brigand to 'catch a lowed by disease and untold sufferings, the burned to the ground. Miss Lillie Gustin gold, the miserable inan now worked
store where Inaierials -bir 1�ncy work abi -iiou, sinie house I nd'she taught unmanageable beast withal. Butinth brigand, and the police and -toldiers are '�tortures ofdyspepsia." They may lern- was-barned to death, and Mr. Wm. Grant
14, e ex -
kept, Make at least five such itrfM, and' citoment of the moment and in'bis anxiety than ever, and all through the ensui:
could give �I�d Mrs
him how t, 14,4� illffe and fork, bow to that if they over -work, or are violent I
theni7 with strlps�-of plubli- ro6b6n, eh er' -c to goti as 10166 as possible, theeager ma constantly baffled, people who Jane Ainistrong received serious 41 ing and harvest, drove his laborers
t allitiAri'aroora. Then followed �the rks, n being too. much� a their games, or are indolent, Ii injuries.
army work. odds and ends,of. silk, ori'even rudiments of a literary education and a year man fell overboard. informatio verawed by iving more to tentlessly that most of them left on t
some pretty but cheap lace bunt 16f bar- the revengeffil cruelty of the brigandi to eat, drink and sleep ' hen- for usefulness; tihe"
i orsooftrafel. I met-iny Irish laboureri By virtue of that curious paradox so cam- venture to do so. opporturity.
Inonizing shade. lAne-wi -ag . n manly illustrated by sailors and fishermen, nalties of such abuse will be unavoidable. Even to bweet little Besie. lie was
th the nicely- the.parl6ur of a Undon hotel about six gisease will as certainly follow breathing Do You Know.
pressed breadths of the old dress that has months ago. --You never saw a more perfect thdman could not swim, but what was at this civil, and the lonely chi]
foul gases in unventilated sleeping rooms,
lbee-ii waiting so long to prove its usefulnessY gen , an in.your life. -He has acquired a worse was that there were the other sharks It is only a little over for�y years-, �ap or elsewhere, since only an abundance of Do you know that one cup of btiurerr under the charge of a strange serva
(7 their that -t Ruetian farmer beizan.77the cdltifA-- pure air -the supply is ample -*ill continue
diamonds the plain C 8 1 educationi ,is as eisly and graceful 'close by attracted by the splas4 -solid, weighs halCa pound?
dyed, if need be. Tie in of vessantly prayed. in her artless wa3
stripa to -the lining, as you Would tie a coraw in his manners as A obuitier, �nd, &have alf,7 4pitured mate. A-ttfibnt wa; to pull That two caps of granulated sugar or twc the missing money might be found,
tionOf the sunflower in order lo extiftv'0111, good health, as this ism ecessar be puri- -
fortable, and finish around the edges with a. had the true instinct"f a man and a oft big coat or kick 4ftis a r. u-- from, tW. seeds. ,qW9w yfort and one half cups of powdered sugar weigh even her father dare(f longer to ass
00Wj ds fication of the blood, which 11 is the life,"
'an In -,sun Noe ans rn that
iescue, and it ?07 e. original By i eading, als� 1 he irls, may lea, That four caps of flour weigh a pound?
thick cord with tassels at the corners. man in his heart. - Ancl could a in" aleston at once�jump# over d a pound? her presence that Maggie had taken'
Unothritil h Rkindeifd - the b6 mijlonpie�--, -I ti4ht lacing deforms th& 41i6st, that're-
thing, but a. geatleman Who, had e ide goth Meantime, oa the adjoining fa
his life asee
it, the ariam of A the gunnerga
VoU4shing Diet for the Si0k. made v 0 ntly �� 6d sa ducingthesi- of the -Waist'from. one-fourth David Bruce, stout Andrew and his
to e e at. hailled an fbd d That three cups of cornmeal weigh a
-44t'fie hegai ize
tbi Aiop * - POund9
to one-third the na ural gize� family dwelt in peace and comfort,
thelirstoppaitnuity? th, �Wmmine danger, n lungs into less than their- natural apacei so
The -old say neman'smeat crowding the That the favorite Ge;man polish for hard now and then, as the honest Scot t:
spolsoe is-espeeially,tra
and of th4harks was already smelling at siI --�Newton. Engineer -Quack. wood is made as follows: Melt halfa pound of the foul accusation brought a,,raii
tw-dii6tibi the, sick.' APerson-'s cmvin e 'Wolves Fought-Wfth the ush was 'on his seat at he moment, pressing on the six-li-' -
BaFoA0 t-., the' brave �oung officer's cap whial, had enb not undred million of air -
cells that they cannot i-eceive the usual sup.. 0
T*tfcWar-f9odsh41ftd f man-eating wolves- -ay. -langua-ge =becoming to a member
for qas-b y-e$r W -p -o' falle off aLd was drifting slowly am or he mighi have been killed,t as-4he rod f white -beeswax, also two cakes of castile daughter, he felt strongly tempted
iced off ply of air, must produce diseao, necessark- soap, then iiiix together, adding a pint of
-need afthe. Ii, th Aos&ngabad This act of devotion was brought to the - b in. its first auld kirk.
t; xy indicatesome of the .c%
ing a portion
ly tending toward that dreaded disease,
d so, M;kcb,. d turpentine. Shake thoroughly before using.
VAS ;0M- ViJA CA, 03211�p�- ; botice of the authiir-ities by riv6lftbi6n.,2hen it-sruck'the ground and
�toatr" supp listrTirt fliat Qe e4kook 4eeia teps- tbe� cam iminder That ag ' &crvered, when frying, will cook And be, too, prayed in his own t
I d - Captain rebounding knocked the air paul consUmption. They may le,�rn tihatthe for- g§
d. flW_*q"isea* , f the Investigatori the lamented p off and
4-fequirer- nvfb6d for tharmne, i, ,
PM cTe evenly ?
k in which a
be fefiiir,frolfi is novr opened a seam in the boiler fro turing, mind-disturbing-l-nea
iisi; yn, and was by them reports ered consummation to be -nore d
uch ni fashion that the real thief might be o
d to the
M of gre IV P ly cause rpdgia iq-direct- That after water is drained off from po-
-ah nu j& Royal Humane Society, and Mr. Huddleston cloud ofateam escaped. Brakes wore put d by the use o17-stropg tea,
phther* quinay, and kly pirtiof uve 9, hot killed a Bees, by strong co, tatoes'and1beyare left"in the kettle to keep ly hoped for than expected, as, I
Merens-'aft -good-, for.all Via, d in ast year, received the silver mel on by the derangement of the air pump and Whole countryside there was not on(
tree,-bo.9--aggrav4ted by warm, the cover should be removed and a
ciety, pro cive servator. The act the train came to a stop so -quickly as to ego
pepper, the
tk cloth lai4 On'the potat
afftaowJif tu -,kt.Al ." - , of theyso the use of cloves, thdex s of mustard, Vidual to whom suspic-i-m might reas4
caleo"s g andbadl
i . - throw passengers out of their seass spices, g!qgee��.and t6 jik.
*W e
I , large slice O7t1w-f019-:1v- the
'has now been singled out from th
several attach.
mm" The
hundred acts while the free use of salt causes much of th JL UMT, a
r )f bravery recognized by the engineer and fireman were both'slightly prevailing canker. They may as fat when frying doughnuts will p , Althoue- everyone except her lat
I a revent t'LP I
highest honor y -ployer felt, convitced of Magg, e's intic
41 a
learn that attending balls, keepivg I on the surface
4r, and Mr, Hiuddleston is A Philadelphia physician who, has just hours in dancing in all places-, securing In- was Only natural that she should
ka - 1- cerraml
wp �F,;Fffl- oci�ty for the that tile scalded b the escaping steam.
]Iwk speaks from appearing
society can conf4
V I them 7
turned from a trip to England That a little flour dredged over the top and fret so long as even he regarded
ilow decorated with the Stanhope gold re
m6dal, the be won by an officer of sairs:- I sufficient sleep -the nervous, the delicate,
-a "it 15, stopped with a gentleman in Live pool who
of a cake will keep the icing from running Crimi"L Beside, she longed fc
th is making a fortune out of one of the most ament, are the most -injured by.alosp�of companionship of little Bessie and u
outteriffigh 0- Indian marine. the refined, those having a nervous temper.
:e; TI -at beat your "ife y cm cut
at bread or cake as sm6athly a! &61d? ie awake v4ht aXer night, thinking
fastest biczycle rider in'the world to. curious applications of the drop -a -penny -in. necessary sleep -will 'diftimly
ure the
her Pretty head ached, how to clear i
F. Taylor, of Ipswich, Mass., the -slot idea that I have evereen. In Eng- health, in the end, though they may seem May
te-e We ib kashea the boo t George That the fishy smell be removed
*h(ke il.
"tA in e r4
land, by the way, they uselit'for a dozen to escape harm for a time. They mYeterY 'but all her perplexing th
# ecord recently made on the from a skillet by boiling suds in it for ten
brought no solution.
things that we know nothing of in this that indoleriei Aiding -'too much w a - se)y-�-
may learn
�U e- hiii� 2pringfiel
cer,,' d track is full four seconds faster inutes ? -
bil in
's famous performance made country. The use for it to which I allude, ing, etc.',"riaAmg' silly �oije' Throughout the summer months, I
cl Is track. Taylor is 'k
an Windle
and A;wk Bra e, boys of fourteen a -i
at October on the same however, is the furnishing of illuminating more diseasethati-lard.wor
23 y
ears old, a graduate a Harvard Univer- teen re&^t-ively, and famous young.
f gas to small consumers. A sma.11 device is of the biain. secured b th ex reige-0
_V eti of the World.
eal, -sity, very Powerfully put tegether, and fastened -to any ordinary gas meter, and body, and the rest of, oiie:'seb -&d toiled faitafully in the fields
-three each time a c calling anoth(
The Sandwich Islands alphabet hastwelve
-bas bow on. the track for a period of now that September, the first month
opper penny is,
--eam -He firs dropped in the set in�o'action will be
4 letters, the, But ese, nineteen, Italian
e slot a certain amount of
t. became known to cyclists
CS, is let into th f- in an in it has come, they prepared
and thence into th leading to
�y breaking th,
inable 94�
-collegiate 2 -mile rec- meter, 311BIPtheir old-time nightly 'coon bui
e e able absolute indiAence. tw*4_y� Bengalese twenty -
gas earn thr
e inter t one, Hebrew,
iliid,� -and thus ericouraged-he tried -for the the burn' good health is as atta
er. A little dial' -life a each: IW*h twepty-4 e, Greek twenty -
how much 'auy.otlier of tLe good things in
Syi4 ;-Chaldioe 1�4,, -two
4bild's recrd and The Y -M-9 fel'%W8 owned a dog
nailed it in -4.48 Hs is admitted to the meter, and a dozen necessary result of correct livin o
4-5 gas �flr4ei
Tiger, 611 a;1ii1ftal 62 unknown redigra
e -five, German, Datch
its can be' dropped in in sue- diened t, P-ti-0111af 4 -reed, but which, nev�
-mile worlWa record with or more Penn]
Iiow1eldsthe halt
a the laws of our being, an.
Ziniiiierinall-a eS. nipsix each, Spanish and
e -quarter mile cession if -the purchaser :so desir less, vlas (w -bra in the iocajit
Over ance of the health condition L
r W -,%
wil wgPEX-seviin each�-Aralbiqtv�quty-
i 4W Aebr- n-tacitandcartainty with
the- worl&s n
'r' e duo
i *6r1Wq record -at 1.36-4-5, the mile world's 4,000 of these are. -in use in Liverpool,, tainly. th health re-Waixl
*At now
at. %V6 two mile and the dema d for them in that and other receive Mulpensation for services, th M id-st 4--, t Emm rZ I -eight,
vti, -Atmenian thirty
60 .& -And ye beis as modest big cities is so great that the company ovin- ed-in"y business. Read U ut, it- -he"had ear -emo*tte h rty-threG�
tho - h -to ecting instructive books, ma aa ug Bed not ing the patent cannot at, present bee
-Papers, -HfA� is make them fast enou 40 SAP nf-.-WB -g e DUI� a r' t6 -:be overlooked'.
h' 6 fifty Bthloph and
_Ply iti