The East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-29, Page 1d
J. A. TUCK, M. I
MEMBER of College of Physicians and Sur-
geona, Ont.
GRADUATE of Ontario Veterinary College,
and rered member of Ontario Veterm-
ary.Assoeie "on.
Bim' Residence
Next to Methodist Parsonage,
witsiesses required.
Offibe:--At'my Resider, Gods.
J •
S. JEROIC0,- L. D. S., Winghabn, will visit
Gorrie, ti . t .and 3rd Monday of each
month. Teeth esttacted without pain. All work
warranted. -
�(Late. of Hareiaton,)
tiees Wanted. Hoeing over W. S. Bean's
It bas been rolled up and put sway long enough;
se just bring it in to ,
at the stock of MR. JAMES
endeavor to keep up the
0CRI3M 0
—Staple and Fancy -
Crockery, Silverware and
Fancy Goods,
•that my predecessor has so well merited for the
last 12 years.
Everything Fresh and
Guaranteed of the
Finest Quality.
No use to enumerate prices, but call
and see for yourself.
I will sell as Cheap as the
R. H. FORTUNE, V.S. C.U.C. •
HONOR Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Col-
lege, Toronto, Fellow of the Ontario Vet-
erinary Medical Association. Under Graduate
of C.B.E., Hamilton. Successor to J. Martin,V.S.
Dentistry aapecialty. Office, Main st., Wroxoter.
Bull for Service.
THIO Thoroughbred Holstein Bull "BARNTON
BOY" will serve cows at LOT 18 COL, WICK, He is three years old, and weighs
pounds. pedigree can be seen at the resi-
dence of the Proprietor.
TERMS :--$I.00 at time of service, or $1,50
Who will frame it for yon in any style et mem_ booked.
g you wish, having purehed D. Sanderson's HERR Y W!I LITTs.
large stoop of Mo d ngsdsand added #t' is u y
own. .
CABINET PHOTOS, - - *3i$ dos.
Grcq1a'w/ Mills:
%%%Troaceter; dint.
Rodes? Baos., PROP.
PaidHighest Price paid for Grain.
Chopping Dono.
V anstane = Bro s.,
We want
`he • Lion tore
Milliqcry Dpefling
Sept. 28-29-30
HEN our Fall Stock will be open for in-
spection. The Latest Style gTri every-
thing you can always depend on find-
ing in our store.
In addition to our Millinery Opening
we made a special display of
DRESS R.oBns and SUITINas in great
variety. _
A cordial invitation to all.
No trouble to Show Goods at the
L3ori tat®1 , ' Tres i tez.
J. W. Sanderson.
L, NGLISH.-Services at Fordwich, 10:30 a." m.;
at Gorrie, 2:30 p. in.; at Wroxeter, 4:30 p. m.
Rev. Mr. Brownlee, Incumbent. Sunday School,
one hour and a quarter before each service.
METHODIST: Services at 10:30 a.m., and 6:30
p. m. Orange Hill, at 2:30 p.. m. Rev. Mr.
Greene, pastor. Sabbath .School+ at 2:30 p. m.
J. R. Williams, Superintendent.
PRESBYTERIAN. -Services at Fordwieh at 11
a.m.; .at Gorrie, 2:30 p. m.: Bible Class at
Fordwieh in the evening. Sabbath School at
Gerrie 1:15 p.m. Jas. McLaughlin, Superintendent.
$APTIST.-Services in -Gorrie at 3 o'clock,
p. in. and at the church on the 2nd conces-
sion of Howick at 10:30 a. ni., and 7 p. m. Rev. J
A.. Osborne, pastor.
METHODIST -Services in the Fordwieh Metho
dist Church, at 10:30 a. in. and 6:30 p. m.
Sabbath School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer -meeting on
Thursday evenings at 7:30. Rev. Mr. Edmunds
BustiEts, _\ Local _Affairs.
�Qf}fl ".
—AT TliE—
Gorrie FrultEvaporator
For which the Highest Cash Price
will be paid.
50 CoTrIrft.Vlood
�dv 'ri i 3
At once.
Holstein Calf Lost.
LOST. -From the premises of the subscriber,
since about the about the 20th of July last,
a Holstein Steer Spring Calf, spotted black -and -
white. The Ander will be suitably rewarded on
giving information as to itswhereabouts to
Lot 18, Con. B., Howick.
Wroxeter P. 0.;
(Graduate of Niagara Falls Academy of Musio.)
Theory Explained: Gomm.
'Mils is to .ceztifir that Miss -James, having
compietedin,a creditable manner the course re-
quired for. a certificate, is duly, qualified- for
pianoforte teaehing, and is hereby recommended
to those who require thorough instruction in
that -branch." e - PROF. A; HUBBARD.
Niagara -Fans: April elst,1893
Parties rtsaut*z.
lines will de, Well
We earn n
Iii marble and
Wegaaraat to. sa you money as
give firat-cla ; work.
cl ven7a
-Hellebore for Grubs,
Parr Green: far Bugs,
1cLAtJ 11 LIN_ for Drugs.
if you want a good articlein
, Get_ it at the_ _
king -I -keep - is ,a:
n .gee
WANTED—at this office—A printer
with a couple of years experience, steady
employment ; also an intelligent young
pian. who wishes -to-learn the business.
Howick Fall Show at Fordwich on
Saturday next. .Be there.
Mrs.(Rev.) Brownlee started this week
for a visit' with friends at Lion's Head,
on the Bruce Peninsula.
Miss Winnie, McDermott, who :has
been visiting her sister, in London, Ont.
the past couple of weeks, returned honie
on Tuesday.
Mr. Thos. Buuston, of Lakelt)t,, has
accepted .a situation in :Mr :Green's shoe
store, in this village, commencilag-- work
on Tuesday last. -
'Ban J. Tuck, accompanied by his
daughter,. Miss 'Fara, was the guest of
his son-,-Th.-Tuck, in this village, for a
few days of the past week.
Next Tuesday and Wednesday the
Wroxeter - Horticultural Society's Fall
Show will take place. The Hall will be
opened on Tuesday evening.
Messrs. W. S. Bean, McLaughlin &
Co., A. B. Allison, J. H. Taman, W.
Les , e - Co., and : S. J. 'Lancaster are
among those who have' new advertise-
ments in this issue.
Mr. R. G. McLaughlin has purchased
Mr. Sharpin's block, opposite the Albion
hotel, and leased it to Mr. J. H. Taman,
tailor, who- took- possession this week,
Mr. Sharpin moving into the shop
vacated by Mr. Taman, next to the
Montreal House.
The Albion Hotel has been. re -shingled
`and given a goat of paint within the
past couple of weeks. A couple of horse -
blocks have also been erected in front.
Mr. Dane has been at considerable ex-
pense in 'fitting up his hotel, outside
and in, and it is now first-class in every
The Mail says of Parker's Dye Works,
Toronto.: <" No longer is it. necessary to
give away, or sell for a trifling amount,
the partly worn goods when they can be
'cleaned and dyed so as to present as
good - an appearance as new, and Last'
double the time they would otherwise.
This firm- have now . a most enviable
reputation and are distinguished from
other and Tess eomptent dyers by the,
fine work they turn out." We cannot
sayany too much for E, Parker & Co.,
the,'well=iaiown dyers, of -Toronto. We
1td$ise our r'eaders.:tar look througletheir
Ward; a and.have their soiled or faded
garnanits;eleaued or dyed to look like
new gents _A, B. Allison, .. Gorrie ;
An excellent news -letter from Wrox.
eter arrived too late for this; issue:
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, -of Stan-
ley, are visiting with their son, Mr.. Jas.-
Armstrong, V. S., in this village, •
Gorrie Brass Band will be present et-
tthe Howick Fall Show, in Fordwich, on
Saturday next, and at Wroxeter Show
on Tuesday evening. -
Over seven columns of new adver=
tisements and changes appear in this is=-
sue. This shows that the business
men appreciate the GAZETTE -as, an ad,
vertising medium.
The carriage team that took first
prize at the Montreal Exhibition last
week was shipped from Gorriestation
by Mr. Robt. Edgar, horse -buyer, along''
with -a car -load which he sent out about
six weeks ago. Pretty -.good for this
section. ,
The Directors of the . Howick Insur-
ance Co.. met on Saturday and spent
most of- the session in considering sev-
eral perplexing claims for stock sup-
posed to have been killed by lightning.
Some of these losses were adjusted and
the others held over for further evidence
and consideration. Lightning has been
the cause of • an . unusual number of
claims this season. -
The residence of Mr. John Snell, of
the - Township of Turnberry, was the
scene of a very happy event on the
evening of the 21st inst., when a com-
pany of about sixty guests assembled to
witness the marriage of his daughter,
Miss Bertie Snell, to Mr. Thos. G. Tip -
ling, of Clinton, by the Rev. W. F.
Brownlee, of Gorrie. The bride was
waited on by Miss Maggie Tipling,
sister to the groom, and the groom .by
Mr. Howard Snell, brother to the bride.
After dinner the company continued to
spend a most enjoyable evening, until
2 a. m., when the bridal party left to
take the early train for Windsor, where
they purpose taking the boat for Cleve-
land to spend a -few days with friends
in that city. The wedding- presents
were numerous and very handsome.
Miss -Sara Lord Bailey, the famous
American glee ztionist, will give an' en-
terta, n epee , reader the auspices of the
Brasa Band hall; Gorrie,en
the evening of the 20th October. This
lady is one of the greatest♦elocutioni-sts
on the continent and it was only by ac-
cident that her engagement to appear
in this village was `secured. She has
been giving entertainments to crowded
houses. throughout Ontario, and the
flattering press notices and tesitmonals
she is constantly,.r'eceiving from minis-
ters and prominent - people .show that
:there - is a treat:' in store forthose who
,-,Secure tickets A plan of- the hall will
be opened et McLaughlin's drug store
in a few day -where reserved seats may
be secured. For the sake of giving
Gorrie. a geed reputation as a ="show-
town" in the, eyes of the high-class
artists; for the sake of helping the
$and, and for thesake of enjoying a
superb entertainment, the hall should
b fill d. to rfl
e e ove owing.
The u,itimely death of Alfred Herbert
Aylesworth, eldest son of P. P. Ayles-
worth, Esq., . just south of the village,
has east -a pall of gloom over this sec-
tion. "Bert" was anexemplary, popu-
lar young man, apparently with a bright
future before him. He was born on the..
farm where he died and had spent all
his life here. He attended the Gorrie
public school, from which lie took a
third clase certificate in 1890. He then
attended Harriston High School for six
months taking his second, since which
time he has been helping his father on.
the farm. During the- exhibition he
went to. Toronto and visited with hie
rinele, who is a physician in Parkdale.,
Having decided to study medicine he
purchased the books necessary for hie
University work Sad brought them
home with him on his return, a week
ago last Monday evening. But an All=
wise. Providence ruled otherwise, and on
Wednesday he was taken ill, with what.
proved to be inflammation and on Sun:
day night, in spite of all that medical,
skill coulddo, his spirit took its 'flight.
His funeral occurred on Tuesday after-
noon last, the Gorrie Methodist Sabbath
School, of -which' he was _secretary, at-
tending in a body. The town hall was
packed to listen ;to the impressive-
burial service, after :which all that was`
mortal oftth s beloved "and gifted young
mean was laid in its: last -resting place in
the village cemeter The .all -bearers
b y p
were Messrs. W. J. Greer, J. , lif.'. Raine,`:
F. Evans, J. H. Taman, Ed. Jaines and
Frank Williams, and all of whom were_
fellow members with trim in. -44.1.,,,-,14140__
ciass, and all (except: blit Tainan
b oyhood. playcuates :
The- Harvest -Hone service in - St.
Jaxnes''Ohurch., Gorrie, was a very im-
pressive ;pie: ' Rev. Mr. Hughes, of
Winghain, preached a powerful sermon
-on the occasion, and the choir added
much- to thepleasure of the worshippers
by -their excellent singing.; The effects
pr-0duced_ by the tasty decorations with
grains, r fruits, flowers, etc., was much
admired- by the immense congregation
Mr. -Black is having the face of the
mill dam: stoned up this week so as to
protect the road-waysand toprevent.
possible injury to the water privilege
during the' high floods. Theworkis
being well done, and if the roadway is
filled out to the wall he is - erecting a
great improvement willbe effected,
Mr. Forsyth, of Blyth, is again in town
and . has re -opened his woolen goods
store for 'a few days.
" Sheriff Gibbons was in town early in
theweek issuing summonses in connec-
onnection with the recent Johnstone stabbing
affray. The trial is set down for Thurs-
day of this week in Goderich.
A barn belonging to - Mr. Markham,
8th :con., Turnberry, not far from this
village,-. was _ struck by. lightning and
burned during the thunder storm - on
Sunday night. Mr. Pescliffe, tenant of
the farm, is a heavy loser by the mis-
fortune. We have not learned the par-
Mrs. Owen Hiscox, who was engaged -
for a series of temperance lectures hers
this week tinder the auspices_ of the
T. of T., failed to meet her enga
on the evening she was ,ex
Quite a number were - _disappointed,°
several having taken a long, fruitless
drive to hear her. The comniittee's
plans_ were so much disconcerted that
they telegraphed the lady cancellingthe
The Wroxeter Fall S
Tuesday and Wednes
5th. The. Officers an
putting forth every effo
of this year's Show, an
is favourable a splendid
be expected. The Palace Hall will be
opened during the -evening of Tuesday,
at which time the Gorrie- Brass -Band
will be preseht.
Notice W. Lee & Co's large adv. in
another column. This fir,. `intend"to
make the two days of `t'.l‘Wrerer
Show the occasion of intim ab char-'
gains to their'customers.
The' Wroxeter -Pali ow 1$: on _'
4.and 5, and our millineiYopening has
been sosuccessful that we have decided
to continue it for the Fair week, to give
visitor's a - chance to see the display of
dress goods, niantlings and millinery we
are showing. We are also giving special
attention to our tweed and: gents fur-
nishings'department. Furs and rubber
goods, a great display., Call and see
for yourselves. No trouble to show
goods. - Bargains going ; call and get"
one. Special drives ;during fair week,
at the Lion Store, Wroxoter. J. W.
Fordwich. , - The congregation of Trinity church,
Fordw-jell, held: their annual Harvest
Thankrigiving services and Harvest
Home festival on Tuesday,' Sept. 20th.
At 3:30. p.m. service was held in 'the
church, which' Was - neatly decorated
with fruits and flowers. The Incum=
bent was assisted by Reys. T. E. Hig-
ley,of Blyth, and E. W. Hughes, of
Wingham. Mr.'Higley preached a. most
impressive sermon from Ps. CIII. 1-2.
After service the congregation repaired
to the Foresters' Hall where a -well pre-
pared dinner awaited them, and at 7:30
again - assembled in the old church to
listen to a -lengthy programme. Those -
on the programme for music were, Ali .of 22, well
a v-ood society
James, Miss Perkins and Mrs. Brown- ,,,�
lee, of Gerrie, and the choir of Trinity ed
church. Addresses were given by Revs.
S. C. Edmunds, (Methodist) J. Millen,
(Presbyterian) - T. E. Higley and E. D.
Hughes. The last mentioned gentle-
man gave an _interesting account of his
work among the poor of London. The
proceeds for the evening were $43.
R. Scott threshed for our burg farmer,
Mr. Horton, to -day. The new mill is a
cracker and constant calls are being
made, all wanting to get threshers, as
farmers fear grain is suffering owing
to their -hasty storing it away when the
weather was so threatening.
The weigh scales were kept R
Weclriesd k w lambs
T e resultve u �
a`tiefacto vin naiu to e• .
��as the` exage,
and dile c fleplrste _on.
countenances of u forme s ayin
the lambs were sdfl to be at±
much later date.
Mr. Smith, ourii_maigolr
return to Clifford aitd comia}`
tions in the same line. there.:. He leave*
lend. - of the year. We head,
o ``more amt.
unties; is
The Howick Agricultural Show.
The above Show; which is held this
year in Fordwich, -on Saturday. of this
week, promises to be better than usual.
The interest has increased during the
last few years. The Society is in s;
flourishing condition and on a good
financial basis. Tho amount of money
in the Treasurers'„ hands, at the com-
mencement of this Year, after pay-
ing the prises and all other liabilities,
was a little over $140.,
- -The Society -have increased the prizes
on "sortie things, prineipaliy liver stock,
and added a few: more items to the list.
Perhaps it to be regretted that John
E. Johnston, Esq.,: does not a hibit his
splendid stock of Leicester sheep this
year, but others are coming in to fill up
the . vacancy, Mr._ W. H. Webber, of
the l7th con.; will -show some fineShrop-
The, free exhibition _of art work on
the Davis'.: Sewing Machine will be at-
The Gorrie Brass, Band- will enliven
the grounds-, and the village with their''',
presence and manic z
The grounds age: in fine e,'ten aid
d tional
stalls haviin - been built* fox
Besides advertising the stock, and ex-
hibitin "the ro' is fruits " dawn
g , . gra. tt _. y
''puts, anti useful and fancy articles,
pieatai alio eye and;:taste; tther-e is
a Sys recreation
Winer -is sure of hia.
con .as -"the books are
the s
and ':eve
burg left --for Turnberry to -day here
he has,the contract for painting several'1
houses. Mr. C. has always plenty - of !
work on hand, his moving down to t "
hollow not being in any way detrement
al to his business. - - -
Mr Pd-edi, Davis and daughters, once
proniineuT dents of thtplaee, were
the goes zaf 1r oitpu.. On—
Sunday.-2/1i. Nail; _ 18. liOW ruunuig an a ten".rve mime_
ratteh°:doten by thePlot. ^- _ /
'Mi. Bunston; of W11418234 liccom .F
ponied by a friend, visited his relatives
here on Sunday. He is well acquainted
in the. burg and surrounding country,
having lived here for a time in by -gone
days., .
'The attendance of the .church here on
Sunday is much greater than hereto-
fore. The reason must be a greater de-
sire on the part of the people to obtain
grace, or esteem for the new pastor
whew :ability to diffuse the Truth is
commendable. - - _ _ . -
Some from here will attend the North-
ern Exhibition at Walkerton this week
Nearly `all are goio grwech
hibition on Satny.
A large concourse GE:0410
the funeral of the late fid:
Thursday.' She vices olis efho: r,
of Howick and 12 ,dIngeHuiltngn' or almost
a year. Though there were no apparent,'`
prospects of her ever regaining health,
the end cause sooner than was eeted even by her own family. An almost
unbounded affection for her family and
Master characterized her life, and the -
scene in the church after the preaching _
of a comforting sermon by, the lieu. Mr.
Potter was affecting. The - injunction
"wed with those that weep" was :ful
filled on his occasion, the husband and
family of; six boys and two girls being. -
almost frantic withgrief, and all present
seemed - overcome: -The remains were
interred in - the "cemetery here along
with the many otherswho have gone
before them to await the Resurrection
Morn. - -
On Shpt: 25th, the wife of W. David Cochrane,
2nd con., Howick, of aeon. .
Ttc3 $rinrri.-,At the residence of thebride's
parents in-Turnberry, on Wednesday Sept.
Slst,1822,by_Bev. W. P. -Brownlee, Mt. Thos. G.
Tipling;/or-Clitsto%-and Miss Bertie, daughter
Of Aix Thoitl nell. •
A,ltnsw0-InHowiek, on'Monday:, sept'
1802,01; Anila nma,#ioit Atbrt Herbert, t .
na . ...„_