The East Huron Gazette, 1892-09-15, Page 4t' s x x i ^r s Y�� M. _ :rte=`=§ ., .... ... _ .._.�. . r_ F. a s....:.. �7�... .�.... r y... '`-�.:':. ..'ter 2: -'1 . a ._.. _ :e s ,. ,`--?2'.-, = '�., ",.ee>.r -1 5..w v2. r • - : _ +4 �'�" 3' .,•" >:,;_. - ...J ;�s. is -rte.' �.- .-�,= -i._ :s - 11 - . <. ., 'x:rv`+i" -s+.0 _,-':r :.,x., L. ..h. ,._-.-. a ... _: t 6.. _....5. - - y %'._ ?.3 N:. ai. y� , 1. IF_ ,c... .-:'c3' r A5Qi--, .-..,3.<... -a.:-:. ._ _.e +.:w. :H rte- k.:2 - 'T+ 36 'Y A. x.- .r - _ .s.,. y `<u - _ - - _,. - - - - - 1. _.. Yom? - r.<2 .,,,r -_.F,,. F �. - - - _ - 1 a _ - ,. TV "- - 11 e=, 4 �- _ . . . 2 . � .; - _ -..,.. - y ". --.- -- - ,­ %. Z..:. I 1. e .. - - "'' . - c ti w s .. - . ­­-.. A ­. D 5.5 .a� ­ , ­ . I ­. -_ I� . ­ - --- ­7:� - � � � . .. . I . . - -:� - .4. . I. . ... I � ­..- . �, - .,�� ­ .., - � . .- . . ­.. ­ � � � �:., - �� I ...-I.- -­­..., � . v,� ", I - 01�- � ­ I - 1. .. - - - . --i. ­ 11 I �L , ­­.. .� . � -� . -:'- - I - ­ - -: 1 � , I . - . - .;' - ­ -- - ­­ �­ - - . , - ­ ­­ ­­`. I,." -Y - - - . Y... a�­­ .- . _ - 11-- #' 1 -- t : t:a.f t e - ear 1-h: the head of - ., '�h-. I <: yea _ , �, .. �. - :.A y an e' a `-'- - = tie ru: ent housewife are to - in about them to ascert4l where the can purchase 4�1.I -1_ - - ' ..: adtvercee fa n of fi t ss1�� .. _ • ►lu plies to th`e bit adantage� we ds�.re to play®a feu fats befor® ou . tx. ��. . Y for: dour tderatian. - eenta to r., 's . ;.' -" w• -- The west pricers goods are not always the cheapest, for inferior goods are dear at amounted ton -.:,: _ 1.: M+ _ t The r ect al . = - �, gric*.. . th_er-Is the dealer who 3 < ct nsta tl�r cutting his rices to you the one who t. p y !hs hottest places on"4,bt lobe s.lba _ • - _ ge;otii rhe most lue for your mon tie end, " u said to .lose m , W011cp 3oAs o tr�srtt dsj 14 �Y1plby evaparnLi , _ e - �►er- T-hws&,v-- ou alp. has always been. to supply x i e so .th the class of Goods that will A PhxLdalpiva �tiaero temp# _- st a W4 dna�ga isw•daya ago bridal couple ince tl a 040 -The largest of es 42, species kgown as tbe. tog, rows to:.. � fide : onsornstous I postionrllia" .Ebitifornla• •.- 7akan is bei Jjjt -� bd - -sats• __ Aa arbitAtli atad. �ritlrslsl 4 �arzy o� ia.alt stones � ' aeanntri� - Above,t* ig el �• $bllr tar.4ftm. ; 9 . �. - > T�� it" 1, - bV! ftift- - i``rRnsn n 11 jh�e _¢'h, t S byS��S!'••' F / -. - ^_. d _ _ .- y . �y}/,� afoea R =� s�l c ¢z, -deux , hom- _� I'll�, 3�feAtarT>L11' - ,.. die- mirmt�e � a R _ can eat. if � � #wm _,1. $hey would each V _ 1eters r ; :_ = - More 'tea > pe ps . Ilk t' s x x i ^r s Y�� M. _ :rte=`=§ ., .... ... _ .._.�. . r_ F. a s....:.. �7�... .�.... r y... '`-�.:':. ..'ter 2: -'1 . a ._.. _ :e s ,. ,`--?2'.-, = '�., ",.ee>.r -1 5..w v2. r • - : _ +4 �'�" 3' .,•" >:,;_. - ...J ;�s. is -rte.' �.- .-�,= -i._ :s - 11 - . <. ., 'x:rv`+i" -s+.0 _,-':r :.,x., L. ..h. ,._-.-. a ... _: t 6.. _....5. - - y %'._ ?.3 N:. ai. y� , 1. IF_ ,c... .-:'c3' r A5Qi--, .-..,3.<... -a.:-:. ._ _.e +.:w. :H rte- k.:2 - 'T+ 36 'Y A. x.- .r - _ .s.,. y `<u - _ - - _,. - - - - - 1. _.. Yom? - r.<2 .,,,r -_.F,,. F �. - - - _ - 1 a _ - ,. TV "- - 11 e=, 4 �- _ . . . 2 . � .; - _ -..,.. - y ". --.- -- - ,­ %. Z..:. I 1. e .. - - "'' . - c ti w s .. - . ­­-.. A ­. D 5.5 .a� ­ , ­ . I ­. -_ I� . ­ - --- ­7:� - � � � . .. . I . . - -:� - .4. . I. . ... I � ­..- . �, - .,�� ­ .., - � . .- . . ­.. ­ � � � �:., - �� I ...-I.- -­­..., � . v,� ", I - 01�- � ­ I - 1. .. - - - . --i. ­ 11 I �L , ­­.. .� . � -� . -:'- - I - ­ - -: 1 � , I . - . - .;' - ­ -- - ­­ �­ - - . , - ­ ­­ ­­`. I,." -Y - - - . Y... a�­­ .- . _ - 11-- #' 1 -- t : t:a.f t e - ear 1-h: the head of - ., '�h-. I <: yea _ , �, .. �. - :.A y an e' a `-'- - = tie ru: ent housewife are to - in about them to ascert4l where the can purchase 4�1.I -1_ - - ' ..: adtvercee fa n of fi t ss1�� .. _ • ►lu plies to th`e bit adantage� we ds�.re to play®a feu fats befor® ou . tx. ��. . Y for: dour tderatian. - eenta to r., 's . ;.' -" w• -- The west pricers goods are not always the cheapest, for inferior goods are dear at amounted ton -.:,: _ 1.: M+ _ t The r ect al . = - �, gric*.. . th_er-Is the dealer who 3 < ct nsta tl�r cutting his rices to you the one who t. p y !hs hottest places on"4,bt lobe s.lba _ • - _ ge;otii rhe most lue for your mon tie end, " u said to .lose m , W011cp 3oAs o tr�srtt dsj 14 �Y1plby evaparnLi , _ e - �►er- T-hws&,v-- ou alp. has always been. to supply x i e so .th the class of Goods that will A PhxLdalpiva �tiaero temp# _- st a W4 dna�ga isw•daya ago bridal couple ince tl a 040 -The largest of es 42, species kgown as tbe. tog, rows to:.. � fide : onsornstous I postionrllia" .Ebitifornla• •.- 7akan is bei Jjjt -� bd - -sats• __ Aa arbitAtli atad. �ritlrslsl 4 �arzy o� ia.alt stones � ' aeanntri� - Above,t* ig el �• $bllr tar.4ftm. ; 9 . �. - > T�� it" 1, - bV! ftift- - i``rRnsn n 11 jh�e _¢'h, ee" the] father Hamil y . ,plod =� s�l c riled _� � - ,.. is much ' Fri - P , _,1. �_! iA%i -,� ,quet -� -1 r 41i>al one �d , #bias Arai tiff Am - - 'e `•4.t.. I,- .. l�' _.'� . ;. ,. 1 �Ox- _ , , I gee then3ahe_rery best satisfactwns a- j _es a- Iow as possible consists t with 1®- `°a raj t>- _ mate livin rofits and to se e c u e. living - , e � be eche L eat.%I . y., of do�.n g busing ma "�.ot be . - ular with- everybody, but after an e� er�- rhead, This Wa y p t � ,axe►. ice .of twelve. years we have - o.reasc� to'b r� d�ssatiaded nth the• appreciation our ef- •b jR fob have met with at the hand e; pe0-ple of How�:ck. and Gerrie. fiapt l�-, ' A - - - bo, a .-. . . - r ass . . . . . �` a a! �. 9 o�. 0 011e aa Fa, � . .P8,106 ": I . . I 1.SroA'- -. I.� .� 1.- r 'L , " I _ - - I ;­ ­ r . - - r I - . - I . .. rr , i . - I I . I , . . .�V0. . been eeleted Frith the greatestf pare from the very best .7111� " 7- --- � I I �� � bli tory �, P-L.�►1. , , . �..� .� ,+ %"! Jv �a.... � ,r es i n the trade. Our facihties `for buyMg are second to none • - We pay cash fo r - all L.the buy and thus secure a fair profit in discount, besides beibg in a position to take ad- vantag of bargains.• when offered. ata@ �� _ ter.-- 'E are "slxow g a full range of , DR,ESS GOOD, in Henriettas, cashmeres, Bedford . Cords. Serges, Tweed etc., in all the popular shades. Our stock of Worsted Coat- �� 4 _ _ A p _ lugs, Tweeds, Overcoatings, etc., will repay your early inspection. We havto full lines of k atter' - e �* : Y`_ Gvttons, Flannels, - Blankets, Underclothing, Top Shirts, etc., etc., at bottom prices. t k - - We are showing a splendid range of Boys' and mouths' Ready -Made Suits. Do not lag as a7a .. °� mam�­­, YF :1a to sea those goods �rhen fitting up your bods for the fall and winter• ii­�,s� ­ 7�'. 1►' 10-0-.4 -y .al�itlF :. I , - Vr,� - AR" ' x� :�.� I ­ . . _ . ��I. .ZIIT RY .. I '. . - ... .. . '­,� too - ots s ib�e qi f i•; . I g 1� - UA MISS . RINSE �y has been on the market for the_ last week selectin oods for s `F g g . the fall Trade. We shall be opened up in a fever days. - We. bespeak the patronage of all of our. old custolnersand'man `"�" y new ones. I '�hankin ou all for the favors_ I have received at your hands in the years that are past, and promising m con- I� g Y P P g Y -� tinned efforts fo make our relations to. tach other as agreeable and satisfactory as they have been, �,�.-*� �-"z ��� �. -1t,- I am, very truly, Yours,- - -! , J��, J�� , J��, �� , �� , , �� ,�. , ­ �z.a expJIG6 .P-1 i. 1, . . �' ., 1. � -1 ­ T ,-11 -� ,� ,� � " 11-I- ­ . I 1. - " "i - ­­. I1/ � . . . � �� I .., .- I . I �� . � . z ­ -��.Q. . . . - W ': - � . .1 . . 9 . .n- � -­ - , - .1. . I .. I T - -:� I . -- Ir�- - 11 .- - .- . . - . . I I i � -,51� !11 � �,� 1 I . - ­ 11 " - � `----�- 1� - -.. . � � . 11 � - � : . ... . I . . � . . , -� .1 -:t,�,--�-�:_�--,� ­ �� 1. I., � , � I . - 4 !;­ e�� -, - r_ �� . � . f _ .. ;trtnr+ - . , h very 1�`or�tl� . -,��, �­-- - ,­ �. , } t l �'ordwich Drug Store -; �, .1 ­... � ���­�. . -,11 " - a--%, - 1------.-- �n-i�i--.. -If ` � . 1� - �� ---., " K- ,� �- ,� �, -11.... ­ � � �­��.- ­.�� st�m�3ern . R a�'- � �- . �7. - F ,�� i '. - . x 1 yes - Me4l E• f' to & Igo nt � . d Wuso2l BROS.,.Props; A SPENCE, M. D., __ . J. C. BELL, - s A�El�T. First-class Manitoba Wheat Flour . Proprietor, VAnager. F�RDWCH, ONT. manafao#area and always dept in Stock ` aria sola in any gnsntitiss:' ' f : I " -'0 FLOUR......... per cwt. $2.25 to $2 go '1. I - -- -A FIILL LIMB aD as F . - . n to Loan On Farm Se- BRAN............per .ton. I4 00 moo•• cunt at the Lowest rate SHORTS....... r #os• l --`! y pe is 00 .-;------ , of Interest. ii�a---a---- Special at#enticm given to SR,IBTINGF, " DrL1gS a�d Dru iSts' SU. 11eS _ gg pP y �'j' GObDO.TES DISCOUNTED. which is done on the shortest ,all.-, . 4 t " - . . _ . 14tV11 - taheo _ v possible notice. -- � - . y H' h -Pis P id Stationery .. ie . . , _.�-0, - , , e ne and Fancy Good , Highest a t o �'y c s her � Special • Attention given to , s � for Cxx �,n. mur+�" °' T. : OLtt COiEANCING. The mill' is fitted_`throu out - ra ff nae�rthed - - _ , - - t a-� with the very best roller pro- A edtin Cads..,� � - : s,: cess machinery andappliances - P _ P E � R.. g ��. ('.` : j� an a are confident of bein lbw r low �al C rd� - 0 1. g .� : . - : able to give perfect, satisfac= P � � ` $0s��tess Cards, . . tion. 7.� Y-11, , :� North of #lse Poet Oboe,` In endless � . I- 6 PaT oxA�l¢ $oLicITBD. variety and at every price. - FORI2WI(3H , " - , L _ n :Y "�, •7! ' moi.. \ _1. - - _.. - _ - f .1 I I " �?lCla3 > s I - - i ­.. ' - ....., `_ 'T w ,��. �, ,�WRIN u - `.a-' - `, C• _17L,1� , . �- - - N'� L - .' 0 I. LES''®oD ­ "':­­.:� -1 ­ 16 ,�1­ - �g- ..: ..: ''. . = _. . , ­.­ ­ I . I I I -- --s ,��­ -1� - .r 1 ��41�,,- --- �--� - �� I I- P0 1.. �1 Ql].en aCtrtr -.,ft'o..*� r , I . I �, ... - ,- ­ -,- ,j--' -r -- ,��,�.'1. ­ . .­.- ­. .I - I I . ­ --M -� ­�-%. - - - - " . ­ ;. • ---- r�,� -, � �.-: . . . �' .. ­ ­­� "-�,',, -140 -1- Hlghe t` P -ices, Pia Cash or Trade. -� Boob -aid1�hoe­­ ��.,­.� ,,-,, - ' -­. �.­ - -1. Store) _­ _: - - - - - -- "� � 7 - I t fr .E ,west Fool Market in , Ontario: z -� 7x7 -'' _. ,' `- :: `` w ' . `it 3 a I s _ t Qaal9 al3a 98e oIIi tremQllaffU8 b3$ BtOCk' iII Bll $iIIdB .( Woo11W1 ga0d . wlll0h 17e ' ` P2M �: � ry iOtly "oyes atibott prices tar opal or ni eaehW8 ter wool. - _ - . - . .. I., -1 �- `.N. .11 I.. . J�'' '�_ r . Y : l _ . d _ .,.:.Tal]�.n Boot _; t 4 t E :. . , _.{ r r l►d , _„ boon eD Reit S#tect a sipped for a mdol aeaeon'e bnsiriees ossa tha ti: one v ;,r" __e ssielt eo..completelg conildeaa of oue.aUiiy to serge uitb a :mat. a! �ods:e r Te r_ a��j��^tive eatnre of ur:new lines ,dir �'h 1; A;'. 3. c. -+u. .. Yom.. e: Y , ..:. � � aye j_ - �> a *earer brit leasnre #o every i,Sypo# only ti> x_ x WOa!'ee ! t: - NES - ,_. " 'EA - pretty �etrt---the , m end y �h admires a p cry one who y(, ®%r'- .fa1.ir '_. Fi h 8'gi9 bgo#a,1►e eon. the sap, =: �. F Y .ry _ _�;�, (Bon sew off eH to'the trade.} - r :tfi¢e aa�t7iact ut a g Ovl, stoc`of E 4 N z�_ :. _ b ti _ tea%=.irt�ie'wig lies' o! goods sad off, e; thein lot A�ie- Iia, a and. sots' :eti er i '� a; „ _pr►�ugsg:n tie QtIr�sgaws ", pp s s t�nnsnally large and choice. $" - _ . _ _ �--'. „`x' s -a r _<.J'l - -`-- x -.. t£v fie. ..k `': .. =T .:'. - %<' _ --r--wF _: ems...-� ihaastnersnottoissleeeivd.b,.shodd, eddXere in Hiro „ x -,- .: Y•:. YP Bp g t'thacoust�q,- t`_ - _ 'G e"baya soli -our oods and the ;d onet�tgab'cis. ; 4 _ _ 3�a '' - can only be.<l}ougi}S,by ;: A . lend�c3 - _ _ , cti8$OriYiiQI12 , Dt` ;die$' s fiur�i+t et tf iscror, :.,. -= : wear of all kinds is now displayed on our z ..... .- - - - - - r r � '% elVeB• L -.._� ___. .. .. " - - .. i c)il ;Cam -- lm 1VIaf :T .:-eI'llyedl rim% t� yam, w.,r and apt ,. S. g n°ring, w a : : < . " Yti I - nlre pied in line. { tSt:EiLC• r- _ y - .oth as. ;lerons a ixnota 3 _ ore, wouldbeg to ea ehme and'b'' nr w r bQ are ,�> yy b* ssY oods! lotQ.,�u �n sig s•� -lt 0 _ $ Prft g! will : due t .. c ,e :I - iQ d tI18 z_ �. v - _- ...- �,,. erflstard Don o " ,. r_. v. ,.- _ las► wankenp h,,� � -= - �P - t g hosts, qtr ri rt t _ - R� A - :.� -. �. x _ , _. _ ., a-„ _., u. r ..... f -- -,;�. _ �.. ter, l a Ci io' s004A-' =OQZi T �: old s _ - x �P.: $tore for the of .-� 3 - sl�i _ r�{_ „- _. - .' cls ,L v 9!9 _ .grit. _9!9 - u, I,j v} .. - D tie _ ,_. F .. .1- v -....., - - , Gf /r --f <. e : 1. - hn •� % - . , - riM ,_ 3 .o .., <2., r . �`c.. . - -. 5 Y. r - -.. �. , __. _ ,:_ -' a a. a. :__,. . :. _ -.. - .-. ,. .�--�r.,. _... ,.,_. .,.. _. _.n ,..., �,. _ _,�:, ...rte`- •�. _ x . m .�,. .c ,.. .,, _ . •-- - 3. mss- 7.....*fir:` �_ K _ «xS� , �'r r -r _n,K -±R -. a .. is . .v 4_. . �+ -,. :.,:. - :l`- a'+-? i,_ _a...- .: .. i. .:..- :. „ i '�y,. � -t � S ,. - 'zV� .x sic ..: u • . < .. -s }:`'• . £� -�'. .^,j�x - .. '_. - _. __ ,^�'�:-.•i`g. .: - .+9 .X �i':Y- W.:s. c%.•v. ... - ". ... _-.. "4�& _ '. . .,_.. aS 'G'; ...-,`a-%CY. ,`.s/.+: _ - _ - ,-.: Ja'r... _: �'•._ - _ +u ._.... - ,sr.y'F'.... , , _ _ ,E, .. ��-T,..,._a m . >. .. x. .i13"'. �. _^-n.`2.s ',Yr" : '{. ,S y, _ J 5 -i' - u >, i a- r a,. :_ . _ e'.: -- _ . - - : " c.--.._:.., _ . . ,.. .. , �s�". _ -- ,. _ ., t _ q*3. -J�-.' •�-s_ - =Wi=t _r.:;. - ,.. ,.. >M....r_r §-. <,.,;5:h�ra_ as+.s s„,... .,. ,� an... _ ,.� ._".. .. - .,.� ., _ - _z. .yZ:� _ .. ,.c',_- _., .£.": -. ..r ,. ,3r. _,a. +.... v, .i`T.�`�y:y''.x?.: .._a' __E3.c. ..•,i,# _-'..�--4'��"?i+.,,z�. 3 _� = , t v „, Below We which our r Industrial......... ­ Western ............... ,Western.............. Bentick.......... . . . . . Culross ............... central ....... -....., Cserrick.............._ palmerston Hort Mitchell.......... .' Mornington... . North-Western. northern ............ West Wellington ­ North-western F;lma........ North Perth HOWICB,. ginloss... ......... South Huron , WROKETER..... East Wswanosh< Arthur Union.... Woolwich.......... Huron Central... Huron........ Clifford .............. Morris ................ Ashfield-Wawau Manitoulin Mr. A. P. was in the present ens ernmeut on section with navigable ch shore of lake Presses hims the prospectE has, he sayi mile of ma wooded, snit a cgmparati island, with bridge, me miles, while mediate nei€ Miles_ Over A population though Mani Supporting number. d Wet is quite for a large p from the on being no m tween the tir n the fall ice in the foil an, who is th whole county companies W ficulty. Th Shore Telegr < pany l=imited, connecting L' places on the rent a short c mainland, w1I will run to Ne :38 miles. It theielegraphi first of Novem bury the C. P. a commercial agreement by toulin will be ,those who noN But it is the M Railway than ganan's heart. some time agc ground will be ran from Lii There are no any cousequer be, possibly, t] which will has channel at I building of th per mite for 30 Ontario Gove� a mite by the Mr. Kilgallan 1 the Attorney - Government tl' coming for th4, as work was powers, for I secured, and sill be itockec sted on a northern tern from Sudbury, torch the ustua of the mineral runs. Loo to#are is • p tension to Pro and to W-mdy tension Whiab importance aj property. It i is probably forming a rail ,s. Manitoulin ,�, ion than that and Norih S La Clochemo fish Mass, th chain along northern she 8ppeof arexicle man, -and , of ful, a$ it is en he is on the Robert Jaxv father Hamil 3 , -that tt ` =� Sir John C F PQjj is much ' Fri Aoft _,1. Q.P. c5 -1 r one . , #bias Arai I,- .. l�' salol to LLL> ., Nith - . Donn' I _ { . -':8 . In e: �- ARS A4.4 _`d .dowel ' Y 10 - e I -a�wl'1 . Lttd� j� x� _ � -� �F: t . T ,. 1 �Ox- _ , , I gee then3ahe_rery best satisfactwns a- j _es a- Iow as possible consists t with 1®- `°a raj t>- _ mate livin rofits and to se e c u e. living - , e � be eche L eat.%I . y., of do�.n g busing ma "�.ot be . - ular with- everybody, but after an e� er�- rhead, This Wa y p t � ,axe►. ice .of twelve. years we have - o.reasc� to'b r� d�ssatiaded nth the• appreciation our ef- •b jR fob have met with at the hand e; pe0-ple of How�:ck. and Gerrie. fiapt l�-, ' A - - - bo, a .-. . . - r ass . . . . . �` a a! �. 9 o�. 0 011e aa Fa, � . .P8,106 ": I . . I 1.SroA'- -. I.� .� 1.- r 'L , " I _ - - I ;­ ­ r . - - r I - . - I . .. rr , i . - I I . I , . . .�V0. . been eeleted Frith the greatestf pare from the very best .7111� " 7- --- � I I �� � bli tory �, P-L.�►1. , , . �..� .� ,+ %"! Jv �a.... � ,r es i n the trade. Our facihties `for buyMg are second to none • - We pay cash fo r - all L.the buy and thus secure a fair profit in discount, besides beibg in a position to take ad- vantag of bargains.• when offered. ata@ �� _ ter.-- 'E are "slxow g a full range of , DR,ESS GOOD, in Henriettas, cashmeres, Bedford . Cords. Serges, Tweed etc., in all the popular shades. Our stock of Worsted Coat- �� 4 _ _ A p _ lugs, Tweeds, Overcoatings, etc., will repay your early inspection. We havto full lines of k atter' - e �* : Y`_ Gvttons, Flannels, - Blankets, Underclothing, Top Shirts, etc., etc., at bottom prices. t k - - We are showing a splendid range of Boys' and mouths' Ready -Made Suits. Do not lag as a7a .. °� mam�­­, YF :1a to sea those goods �rhen fitting up your bods for the fall and winter• ii­�,s� ­ 7�'. 1►' 10-0-.4 -y .al�itlF :. I , - Vr,� - AR" ' x� :�.� I ­ . . _ . ��I. .ZIIT RY .. I '. . - ... .. . '­,� too - ots s ib�e qi f i•; . I g 1� - UA MISS . RINSE �y has been on the market for the_ last week selectin oods for s `F g g . the fall Trade. We shall be opened up in a fever days. - We. bespeak the patronage of all of our. old custolnersand'man `"�" y new ones. I '�hankin ou all for the favors_ I have received at your hands in the years that are past, and promising m con- I� g Y P P g Y -� tinned efforts fo make our relations to. tach other as agreeable and satisfactory as they have been, �,�.-*� �-"z ��� �. -1t,- I am, very truly, Yours,- - -! , J��, J�� , J��, �� , �� , , �� ,�. , ­ �z.a expJIG6 .P-1 i. 1, . . �' ., 1. � -1 ­ T ,-11 -� ,� ,� � " 11-I- ­ . I 1. - " "i - ­­. I1/ � . . . � �� I .., .- I . I �� . � . z ­ -��.Q. . . . - W ': - � . .1 . . 9 . .n- � -­ - , - .1. . I .. I T - -:� I . -- Ir�- - 11 .- - .- . . - . . I I i � -,51� !11 � �,� 1 I . - ­ 11 " - � `----�- 1� - -.. . � � . 11 � - � : . ... . I . . � . . , -� .1 -:t,�,--�-�:_�--,� ­ �� 1. I., � , � I . - 4 !;­ e�� -, - r_ �� . � . f _ .. ;trtnr+ - . , h very 1�`or�tl� . -,��, �­-- - ,­ �. , } t l �'ordwich Drug Store -; �, .1 ­... � ���­�. . -,11 " - a--%, - 1------.-- �n-i�i--.. -If ` � . 1� - �� ---., " K- ,� �- ,� �, -11.... ­ � � �­��.- ­.�� st�m�3ern . R a�'- � �- . �7. - F ,�� i '. - . x 1 yes - Me4l E• f' to & Igo nt � . d Wuso2l BROS.,.Props; A SPENCE, M. D., __ . J. C. BELL, - s A�El�T. First-class Manitoba Wheat Flour . Proprietor, VAnager. F�RDWCH, ONT. manafao#area and always dept in Stock ` aria sola in any gnsntitiss:' ' f : I " -'0 FLOUR......... per cwt. $2.25 to $2 go '1. I - -- -A FIILL LIMB aD as F . - . n to Loan On Farm Se- BRAN............per .ton. I4 00 moo•• cunt at the Lowest rate SHORTS....... r #os• l --`! y pe is 00 .-;------ , of Interest. ii�a---a---- Special at#enticm given to SR,IBTINGF, " DrL1gS a�d Dru iSts' SU. 11eS _ gg pP y �'j' GObDO.TES DISCOUNTED. which is done on the shortest ,all.-, . 4 t " - . . _ . 14tV11 - taheo _ v possible notice. -- � - . y H' h -Pis P id Stationery .. ie . . , _.�-0, - , , e ne and Fancy Good , Highest a t o �'y c s her � Special • Attention given to , s � for Cxx �,n. mur+�" °' T. : OLtt COiEANCING. The mill' is fitted_`throu out - ra ff nae�rthed - - _ , - - t a-� with the very best roller pro- A edtin Cads..,� � - : s,: cess machinery andappliances - P _ P E � R.. g ��. ('.` : j� an a are confident of bein lbw r low �al C rd� - 0 1. g .� : . - : able to give perfect, satisfac= P � � ` $0s��tess Cards, . . tion. 7.� Y-11, , :� North of #lse Poet Oboe,` In endless � . I- 6 PaT oxA�l¢ $oLicITBD. variety and at every price. - FORI2WI(3H , " - , L _ n :Y "�, •7! ' moi.. \ _1. - - _.. - _ - f .1 I I " �?lCla3 > s I - - i ­.. ' - ....., `_ 'T w ,��. �, ,�WRIN u - `.a-' - `, C• _17L,1� , . �- - - N'� L - .' 0 I. LES''®oD ­ "':­­.:� -1 ­ 16 ,�1­ - �g- ..: ..: ''. . = _. . , ­.­ ­ I . I I I -- --s ,��­ -1� - .r 1 ��41�,,- --- �--� - �� I I- P0 1.. �1 Ql].en aCtrtr -.,ft'o..*� r , I . I �, ... - ,- ­ -,- ,j--' -r -- ,��,�.'1. ­ . .­.- ­. .I - I I . ­ --M -� ­�-%. - - - - " . ­ ;. • ---- r�,� -, � �.-: . . . �' .. ­ ­­� "-�,',, -140 -1- Hlghe t` P -ices, Pia Cash or Trade. -� Boob -aid1�hoe­­ ��.,­.� ,,-,, - ' -­. �.­ - -1. Store) _­ _: - - - - - -- "� � 7 - I t fr .E ,west Fool Market in , Ontario: z -� 7x7 -'' _. ,' `- :: `` w ' . `it 3 a I s _ t Qaal9 al3a 98e oIIi tremQllaffU8 b3$ BtOCk' iII Bll $iIIdB .( Woo11W1 ga0d . wlll0h 17e ' ` P2M �: � ry iOtly "oyes atibott prices tar opal or ni eaehW8 ter wool. - _ - . - . .. I., -1 �- `.N. .11 I.. . J�'' '�_ r . Y : l _ . d _ .,.:.Tal]�.n Boot _; t 4 t E :. . , _.{ r r l►d , _„ boon eD Reit S#tect a sipped for a mdol aeaeon'e bnsiriees ossa tha ti: one v ;,r" __e ssielt eo..completelg conildeaa of oue.aUiiy to serge uitb a :mat. a! �ods:e r Te r_ a��j��^tive eatnre of ur:new lines ,dir �'h 1; A;'. 3. c. -+u. .. Yom.. e: Y , ..:. � � aye j_ - �> a *earer brit leasnre #o every i,Sypo# only ti> x_ x WOa!'ee ! t: - NES - ,_. " 'EA - pretty �etrt---the , m end y �h admires a p cry one who y(, ®%r'- .fa1.ir '_. Fi h 8'gi9 bgo#a,1►e eon. the sap, =: �. F Y .ry _ _�;�, (Bon sew off eH to'the trade.} - r :tfi¢e aa�t7iact ut a g Ovl, stoc`of E 4 N z�_ :. _ b ti _ tea%=.irt�ie'wig lies' o! goods sad off, e; thein lot A�ie- Iia, a and. sots' :eti er i '� a; „ _pr►�ugsg:n tie QtIr�sgaws ", pp s s t�nnsnally large and choice. $" - _ . _ _ �--'. „`x' s -a r _<.J'l - -`-- x -.. t£v fie. ..k `': .. =T .:'. - %<' _ --r--wF _: ems...-� ihaastnersnottoissleeeivd.b,.shodd, eddXere in Hiro „ x -,- .: Y•:. YP Bp g t'thacoust�q,- t`_ - _ 'G e"baya soli -our oods and the ;d onet�tgab'cis. ; 4 _ _ 3�a '' - can only be.<l}ougi}S,by ;: A . lend�c3 - _ _ , cti8$OriYiiQI12 , Dt` ;die$' s fiur�i+t et tf iscror, :.,. -= : wear of all kinds is now displayed on our z ..... .- - - - - - r r � '% elVeB• L -.._� ___. .. .. " - - .. i c)il ;Cam -- lm 1VIaf :T .:-eI'llyedl rim% t� yam, w.,r and apt ,. S. g n°ring, w a : : < . " Yti I - nlre pied in line. { tSt:EiLC• r- _ y - .oth as. ;lerons a ixnota 3 _ ore, wouldbeg to ea ehme and'b'' nr w r bQ are ,�> yy b* ssY oods! lotQ.,�u �n sig s•� -lt 0 _ $ Prft g! will : due t .. c ,e :I - iQ d tI18 z_ �. v - _- ...- �,,. erflstard Don o " ,. r_. v. ,.- _ las► wankenp h,,� � -= - �P - t g hosts, qtr ri rt t _ - R� A - :.� -. �. x _ , _. _ ., a-„ _., u. r ..... f -- -,;�. _ �.. ter, l a Ci io' s004A-' =OQZi T �: old s _ - x �P.: $tore for the of .-� 3 - sl�i _ r�{_ „- _. - .' cls ,L v 9!9 _ .grit. _9!9 - u, I,j v} .. - D tie _ ,_. F .. .1- v -....., - - , Gf /r --f <. e : 1. - hn •� % - . , - riM ,_ 3 .o .., <2., r . �`c.. . - -. 5 Y. r - -.. �. , __. _ ,:_ -' a a. a. :__,. . :. _ -.. - .-. ,. .�--�r.,. _... ,.,_. .,.. _. _.n ,..., �,. _ _,�:, ...rte`- •�. _ x . m .�,. .c ,.. .,, _ . •-- - 3. mss- 7.....*fir:` �_ K _ «xS� , �'r r -r _n,K -±R -. a .. is . .v 4_. . �+ -,. :.,:. - :l`- a'+-? i,_ _a...- .: .. i. .:..- :. „ i '�y,. � -t � S ,. - 'zV� .x sic ..: u • . < .. -s }:`'• . £� -�'. .^,j�x - .. '_. - _. __ ,^�'�:-.•i`g. .: - .+9 .X �i':Y- W.:s. c%.•v. ... - ". ... _-.. "4�& _ '. . .,_.. aS 'G'; ...-,`a-%CY. ,`.s/.+: _ - _ - ,-.: Ja'r... _: �'•._ - _ +u ._.... - ,sr.y'F'.... , , _ _ ,E, .. ��-T,..,._a m . >. .. x. .i13"'. �. _^-n.`2.s ',Yr" : '{. ,S y, _ J 5 -i' - u >, i a- r a,. :_ . _ e'.: -- _ . - - : " c.--.._:.., _ . . ,.. .. , �s�". _ -- ,. _ ., t _ q*3. -J�-.' •�-s_ - =Wi=t _r.:;. - ,.. ,.. >M....r_r §-. <,.,;5:h�ra_ as+.s s„,... .,. ,� an... _ ,.� ._".. .. - .,.� ., _ - _z. .yZ:� _ .. ,.c',_- _., .£.": -. ..r ,. ,3r. _,a. +.... v, .i`T.�`�y:y''.x?.: .._a' __E3.c. ..•,i,# _-'..�--4'��"?i+.,,z�. 3 _� = , t v „, Below We which our r Industrial......... ­ Western ............... ,Western.............. Bentick.......... . . . . . Culross ............... central ....... -....., Cserrick.............._ palmerston Hort Mitchell.......... .' Mornington... . North-Western. northern ............ West Wellington ­ North-western F;lma........ North Perth HOWICB,. ginloss... ......... South Huron , WROKETER..... East Wswanosh< Arthur Union.... Woolwich.......... Huron Central... Huron........ Clifford .............. Morris ................ Ashfield-Wawau Manitoulin Mr. A. P. was in the present ens ernmeut on section with navigable ch shore of lake Presses hims the prospectE has, he sayi mile of ma wooded, snit a cgmparati island, with bridge, me miles, while mediate nei€ Miles_ Over A population though Mani Supporting number. d Wet is quite for a large p from the on being no m tween the tir n the fall ice in the foil an, who is th whole county companies W ficulty. Th Shore Telegr < pany l=imited, connecting L' places on the rent a short c mainland, w1I will run to Ne :38 miles. It theielegraphi first of Novem bury the C. P. a commercial agreement by toulin will be ,those who noN But it is the M Railway than ganan's heart. some time agc ground will be ran from Lii There are no any cousequer be, possibly, t] which will has channel at I building of th per mite for 30 Ontario Gove� a mite by the Mr. Kilgallan 1 the Attorney - Government tl' coming for th4, as work was powers, for I secured, and sill be itockec sted on a northern tern from Sudbury, torch the ustua of the mineral runs. Loo to#are is • p tension to Pro and to W-mdy tension Whiab importance aj property. It i is probably forming a rail ,s. Manitoulin ,�, ion than that and Norih S La Clochemo fish Mass, th chain along northern she 8ppeof arexicle man, -and , of ful, a$ it is en he is on the Robert Jaxv father Hamil 3 , -that tt city on S =� Sir John C George E. Fos about the 25 is much ' Fri t. T' _, c5