The East Huron Gazette, 1892-08-11, Page 4SHEEP A 'Pampa__
A, pert Careful Sevier,. of the ;Different
Hreede�—The Cortytftlon of One Breed'
Against Anether a Mistake= -A Lesson 1n
Farm Maonere'
A great many of Ail ` far`ndera of Ontario
:441_d- Plan;06il1and M+€achiuery Con•
nected Tfiereri414
In the Village of Wroxeter,
do t%e•County of Raron.
' `SER>l itiltboeohl on
have given up raising sheep',- ,and `claim itr $ATORDAY, 11 SAy 0t A00110T,1892
does not pay to rake tthem; bi t take 'nag., A One er e;.Iter
At r. by al TcN inter6 the a of Wrox-
eraga fatmof it)flacreaof good land and .%twlll ` iter. by virtue ortnwers of Sala'
is a
carry a -flock of twenty awes -under. good. ' mortgage, which wet .bei ed at the
sale; tiie foflowaug p Lot IS on.tbewest
management, and the prouta trill, -anis from side of Gibson Scree the,4di& village of tarot
$100 to $200 per year from woof and east star, touts+nine one Jonah et an awe, more or
Ieae. Tice loHowingimprovemetttesre said
"ton. Tea acres of clever and peas will,With (erected on the y ar ;Frame
.a tew roots, he all that is required for their Furniture F cry � ► ar nery
winter feed, and there is" ais r'''- 1 cent. of the poreha re <ino$ey
gain 8�*�g: to be pardoen on tiie'dag of Bale:- For balance
'these crops, ea peas and clovler enrich - the terms be:3n10A known at the isle.
soil and relievi the necessity of groaning so For JON88 a�rt�ic�alaes,spply to
much barley at the present low price, (with Solicitors,TorontoStreet, Tornoto.
no prospect of improvement for com• Ofing to ! EsO, Wruzoter.
years, it being a crop which tends so lea
poverieh the soil and makes a Very- small re. - _" ;
Voters' Lis 1 92.
'turn in manure).
There are many different opinions as to MVNIOIPALjTR o='Tag VILLAGE Or WitOY-
.what kind of sheep aro the miss priatahin, Comiiv oir1Ivtlo>i.
o rai•e: This' believe ahoald Lo reg,rlassd E: OTIOS is bereby giss shat 1 .t emeoit
,by tho quslitlr of iiia sail. s e t+as3t � sled t mentioued
some years age were guarded itheeatians .4 opt 6 souks by said eeeUo' i i o
- i1'- � set, tom+. by said seetiana� to,
TorontoIndaatrial*64_4 itait..heliet.a»ade
.,the bast.pair of fat shegi " g po .- fe tp 1 e
which `was won by ewe. f , : ..seise to,.vota its tate
pounds each. Again$ for Members of the
p ;reewtiy_<;'t the Le :.°
don Provincial show- the Pots, wads sal it *at Sot .Posted- up at my at•
weed fi=at Prim at s yet anaast. I.
f<. '7i T• . p Ak1�1. i tie i30i . Ole'
though it seems to be s:mlasai�sr.Eite ism. vcsUed' upon-toeitawlaetha mid any
petition of one .beer against aobtbss'. ,?he r7 oef• otT er swig_ l ve ateee
Dominion Sheep Beeedea' Vis.' -•
could make a ehanga is ter M
satisfactory to all interesse
_valve of Cotswolds. :a
,breeds or on grade flotke
Mr. Roseau, Bvaairlak, Mssigsi
Agricultural Consign' . • arsacirieri
Gloucestershire, Ingrid, abawed.:sa.. *-‘:
lock of sheep, two of etre •*had Mfisaa4,
which he :Aar coliscted
that he might compare their feeding q
ties. He remarked at the tib=tit a mal:
Angaet; .
WaLsoN BRoa., Props.
First -clans Manitoba - Whet Flour:
manufactured and always kept in Stock
and sold in any quantities.
FUME per cwt. 02 25 to $2 60
BRAN.;.'.. per. ton. 14 00
SHORTS per ton. 16 00
Special attention given to GRISTING,
which is done on the shortest
possible notice.
Highest Prise Paid
for . Grain. "
The mill is fitted throughout.
with the very best -roller pro-
cess machinery andappliances'
and we are confident of being
able to give perfect satisfac-
many of their Cotsvtold rami were need in
England to cross -On Down ewes; to improvo_
,their feeding quality„ and no doubt the
mutton sella for Down mutton on the Eng;
dish markets. The gain in using Cotswold
rams in Canada is to get size for shipping`
purposes, as we all know it is - the weight:-
that brings the -profit. I can only givk-tmy
own experience in breeding Leices-
tern, Lincolns, Cotswolds and - Shrop...
abires. ' A few years ago I fed in
one pen two pairs of first -prise;.`
CQtewold ewes at the English Royal, and''
Fsaepair •of Shropshire ewes, first.pfize vela-
—ners-at the B S. Show in Scotland .%wised
pure-bred lambs -from them alt, and find the
;Cotswold will produce the heaviest, lambs,
and in shearings again I find the Cotswold.
will shear about tisree pounds to two of thee.,
Shrops: Canada has, only been it reatttisg-
place'for the Cotswolds on- their way teethe
west, even as far as Colorado. The . wool
dealers injured the reputation of .the. Cote
'welds, as they fanofed every. ,coarse fle co.
was -a Cotswold when not one in fiver.' Chen
fired wasfrom pore -blooded- Cotswold
sheep. The demand for Cotswolds in the
west at present cannot be supplied. This
goes far to show that no other breed will
replace them: --James Russell, Richmond
Hill; in Farmer's Advocate: -
.I7nele Theodore Has an Encounter With
Faimar Tumbledown.
At one of the farmers' institutes, Theo-;
dore Louis, the veteran teacher of hogology,
bad been relating to an interested audience
of farmers how he bred,fed and marketed
hdgs, giving minute details of the work,'
tending brood, sows, cooking segaaehas,
gleaning out the pens,supplying' bedding
and everything paining to the bilinear.
As he came down from the platform:n far n-
er with unkempt hair and beard,:salonohed_
bbat,'grpasy.frock and overalls, ;pito (attar:
.ducked tato a pair of dirty, coarse boots,'
met him and Said :
"Mr'. Louis; do you pretend to lay yon,
Teed your own hogs!".
"Oh, yes 1 When I -am at home."
"And clean out the manure ?"
"Certainly,"- said Mr. Loma, with a
*smile. •
"Well,",isaid Farmer Tumbledown with
sa sneer, .'when.a man with_a tiff~ bat, .s
black suit' of _clothes, gold chain and
ilingOats _tellsmshafeeds.hoge and cleans-
le ns:oat the pen. T don't belietie biro."
This rather nettled the gooddiatare :
i}ompunnofi'np• rayed "arias buebaadry,''
am he t`sidr
"My friend. did you kora slo *or
of me, tit► --,lay?'
"Oh a rs laid Tu
said ` and-
nd lies
hot don'ta es+e: t -mea w
yoaevat'feeits _...a„ t"""'
getl ed h t "loth a > �►
to inneyee,`-Ihsolv'TheOd ie r
"Tow, my trtaad, oikru eseb
thing else. you' Wit, l
iStovrel Woolson Factory.
Highest Prices Paid. Cash or Trade.
Largest .• Wool Market • in • Ontario.
Everybody some and see our tremendous big stock in all ginde':of woollen goods: whish we
offer bottom prices for gash or in exehange far wool.
d i PreAh 5Yoct,
We have never been so well fitted and equipped for -a' woolseason's business as at the present one,
and have never felt lie completely confident of our ability to serve� you with the best of goods at
'bottom preset A specially attraotive`feature of our new lines of Flannels, strictly am ,aTY1111,
tar snrpasaeaany wool:sesson: yet..
—(Something new offered to the trade.)
We are the only woollen factory In Canada that make this line of .goods and offer them for one-
half the price you pay in the city of Glasgow,
'sDeitieb to Learn the farmers not to be deceived by shoddy peddlers going through, thecountry
dlsfr,neet-goods: Fee have no -pedlars handling our goods and they' Olin only be bought by
de aT3 aareot at the. factory.
Roll: Carding, Spinning and Manufacturing, -Tweeds, Flan-
- ;nets, Blankets, &c,
Thanking our numerous enetomers for their past favors. would beg to say coma and brim$ your
neighbor to see our stook. as you will be highly pleased to see goods so low is price. Toe will find
ne ready to give the most prompt and careful attention to ell.
Fordwich Drug Store
J. C. Bsm,
• Manager.
Drugs and Druggists' -upplies,
Stationery and Fancy Coods,
In:endless variety and at; every price.
ke Store,:
atttu;le4op Wag
rteolt. iiutd $
whe slat '_.
It is sot
wearer hat n,
' ne whe aalmps a:
gents elippetty l f `
Ladies' wear, of ell dudi is now displayed on our
the llgbter #Inferth; ;Dougolaa, Wil►A. kenposstlri #o.
t :Aw8 shoe Store#or it4611e4i
The Newsiest Local Paper ,in
North Huron. -
Published every Thursday
Gorrie, Ont.,
A splendid staff of able cor-
respondents in every part
of this section.
$1 Per
or Iess then 2c..a week.
r .-
We have a splendid printing
outfit, including -the very
latest faces of type,
the most modern
Fast Job Presses,
Fine Pokier ...e:
We can turn: out
Wedding Cards,
ailing Cards,
puSiness Card,
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads,
Blank Headings "
Insurance Policies,
Hand -Bills,
or anything in the printing
• neatest st >
of the art, and
On the most reason-
able Terms.
.....a..•.. V
Our Millinery .Department grows in popular
favor: every season.: ,
Because we keep the
newest goods, made
up in the most artistic styles.
There mutt be taste or there'll be trash no matter what
you pay- for it.
ew_ Goods for summer wear are coming
The choicest goods are taken first.
' early and get the best.
Dress Goods. =
We`havethe newest: shades and mos,
dressgoods 'We call especial atrention to
talar• Pffects in
cur black and
colored •all-wool'I-ienriettas from 4oc. per --yard upwards.
Tweeds, Coatings, etc.
We show the best goods and best values. If you want
a spring suit or overcoat you will make a mistake if you pur-
chase :without inspecting our stock.
otton Goods
Anticipating an advance in price in all lines of cotton
goods as a result of the recent combination of manufactur-
ers, we have bought largely in cottonades, denims, shirtings,
grey.and white cottons; etc.; we are headquarters for these
goods. " ° '� "
In this line we keep the highest g; ides 'of gods - at the
lowest possible living prices. ; ..°
We give the Tea, trade especial attention. Our Japan
at 4 and 3 lbs. fo $ I cannot be excelled. We have cheape
and dearerlines but these are leaders.
Some think ns dear because we will not COME DOWN in the priee
of our goods. It is not our way of doing business. We mark ill our goods in
plain figures and sell a1 one price to all. The poor 'water-, is as geed so
ns an, the riot} man's. We cannot see any other honest way of doing bush.
nese. Our past experience convinces us that a majority of the public. appreciates
fair dealing and goods as they are represented. - -
The HigJ est Market Price Paid for Farm
of :,
#a.' u
day ; Dotter a
will follow frc
trying to wort
certain but e
things system
better than 1
saved from p
intellectual, t
,uake as much
and nobler au
worthy of the
of every pal
part of each
the work of t.
of the wife,
work in the
than on the
the drudgery
house -keeping)
system, coni
devices. Tn
only great or
abilities of wi
things on a
spects to me
labor should
in making
_ _ore cheerfu
rounding the
Assume of
Bowels. Th
day she Jo*
and devo tion
add to your
of the ent'
work for the
pet Si never
graar power
An instance
Minnesota exp
follows : p ifs
the 15th of Arl
they were tun
acre lot, where
for shelter. E
with - acreenini
when not cook
and in Septemt
weighed at 2r
41 pounds, an
for sows) 50 ce
!� -*---4nozode. The
per hundreds
they were ff
slops rnade
after that until
corn on the c
then until Mar
Shelled corn, ei
to December 2<
been $147.68,
11,350 pounds,
per 100 pounds
been sold at 3L
$249.92. Up t
cost $`:0-i, and
pounds, having
pounds, and co
cents, giving a
March 14th, th
and the total v.
per 1011 pound
sold then at. 4 c
total profit of $
could .have bees
Farm as
=: Milk that; di
its cream is bet
When you
with your ueig
you compete v.,
The poultry -
Intik supply hat
any patented
The price at'
is regulated by
the quality of-il
increase the sel:
for good roads.
In selecting a
don't be fooled
ported. Many
ported. Choosl
as well as pedil
Give the reel
which to raise
special crop mea
tniurn if he exoe
help hire sell it
MO you have w
;Good roads a
in any part of
-harvesting seas
mhosome pit
them, to get ti
winter. A gre:
done early in t
good, but, bene
snore apt to h
where well- kept
value of proper
such districts.
To kill fungus
two ounces of se
of common salt.
rie acid. close
closely, and do
into the rooms
for 24 hours. T
tom to the top (
and settles to th
tag king i to it, at
ing 11, a one stat
kiss sli vegetati
Javan are
they are hard
reatly resentbl
:but are blas
an- filed Jay
and :may really 1
`Ttecke. But for
bids, t,ha
Pie, as :it is en
and adapts itself
ars excellent la
mathers they at
-put t,ith their cb
;ending the
Pura‘ cattle
what there -was i
and :after many a
m}fig with all
Sanborn -dee
agspf pure-bred
pas and are -
jeeps with the fa
not foals, nor so
Jtidginent as to
the pure bree
- iarti4 on file
tlinlinod mise f
w41" Mover co.