The East Huron Gazette, 1892-04-14, Page 9..., _ -
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;1 IThe East Huron Gazette. small�fli;'�and �vitli.a. reahouabl bre t :it 4t4 pXay upon tie a • — - _
T * PPS � administrators Noticeto Creditors. ` ,
small .
expend}tme on the pant of: bridge - Notynths#4ndiag the ova � G® TO _ -
r ;,. . �,-tN'THE ESTATE - of Robert John Gibson, ate
Of the ' ooniicii, it could be made to en the council received fr6_ the a of the Townhip Of HOwick, in, the County '
T>aa writ for Welland has, just been g
draw an Immense amount , of, IrAf - in _. o€ Huron, Farmer deceased, -
issued, firing the iaominatigns on. Friday, payers of this .township +may appeal• Pursuant to R.: o. cap. uo, Public notice is
this direction which now 'seeks _ a mar tt� a zao heed: till the foniid it neves hereby given to au creditors and others Having . H. CI_I�aC:VSr
April 22nd, and the election on the 29th. P y y . claims against the estate of saldRob 20TH
kit in - I dma over the e$celIent roads to ie aix�dami es a Gibson; deceased; to send,•on or before the ,I
The vacancy occurred through the. nn- y Gary p ag aneutntin the p�y to i; a, Campbell,
that the ever etic Carrick1_1." connc>t. has OF APRt A D• 662
seat° ,and finall the die nalifigateon g amu of twent _dollars: We thank aero- at Ilarriston > :' O', So�tcitor for Jemima Gi son, t
r '� y erected through that affil towslshi y , - #die Administratria of the estate of the said de iiii, VOL.
of Mr. German, the (Reform} member. y ` P• ing election the .proper. court-iin whleli to `.. ; their, Christian and Surnames and ad
I The candidates are -Dir.. Jas. Lawson; Webelieve everyratepayeruiithevection try such uasea: .6s . _ :ment Offth ata oolouitB ddl v s, and the �,�' � ��
' traversed by this road would ansiii3n the • ,nature of the securities (Ifan�ry held by them.
Conservative, and Mr. Jas. Lowell, Re- : Mrs. Retanu,- of Morris, is :at pres$ut _ -And that ester said ante the said Administra . � 5
foimer.' :TIaB ssontest remises to be council in an effort to improve it Every ,. +:'- tris will Proceed to distribute the assets of the a,;.
p effort to-facilete file ontiQt' fiaoln farms�ends in t:place. said deceasedamongihepartiesentitledthereto _ EMBER
one of the honest on record. and thus improve and enhance theQalne We.notiee t that Mr,: Glei p, foranerl ; regard being had only to the as
re which •
• . aeons,
? notice shall have beten received as aboverequired:
11 Of assessable prop art as the true Icon: blacknTith of this place, has now�t�enid estate o anywill npoart therbe ble eof for yen raon or
THE Manitoba Legislature have this ®m - P P y his among the retired gentlemeh,: ;rersona otwhose claim or alsimsnottce shall not CWORRIX° ®1wr
#,'r - y which the people want and`will - have boonreceived;at the'timI such distribu- ' Y
5.= week passed a bill, without a dissenting support, white .rile conneillo,. whose but has.notjoinedthe theologicalsel sol tion. - FOR AXES
'; vote, providing for Ilse taking of a labs- (fecal -lamentation" prevailed 'this - Date at Harriston, this 15th day of March, A ,
g g P highest idea of economy :consists : in A: G. CAt+:pBEr.L,
' cite on the total prohibition of luteal being able` to•- let'' a coutraCt" far .place last meek from the i�. that one Solicitor for the sold Adminfstratrix. FOR X -CUT SAWS `
catutg liquors, The vote of the people below its worth thus de ri of the citizens was in flange of long a:
�. is to be taken at the comm Provincial p- . � choice driving beast .:front'. _a s -tions .. FOR NAILS, - .
g . the Is -borer his le 'timatehirein order. 111.
t election, and the prohibitionists are to save a few cents for the treasury is attack of siokness ' ' j� FOR GASy�'',
$' haglily elated at their success in getting not truly competent to legislate in the: .Chap>�ian, while driving ;:ince _ j'j _.1... -: 011;. (' FOR PAiN
the measure safel thron h the L s town, had.'the-masfertune. of et • his 011 . 1j j1 i/ TS.-, .
`�`: y g - interests of the mnnice alt which g. ,� FOR GROCERIES.
� f� I [etre, 3'hey feel confident chat the elected him to his responaibje position. horse's lig. broken After a short ea-
f bill will receive a tremendous rapport at -� amination it was thought best to: kill - .
Oe polls School Report. : the animal. In ,this part -of the perfor-. FOR LAMP GOODS. -
f s. _ mance the J. P. was appointed chief" Wear that old fiat �,
THERE is every reason to believe that The following is the School Report of ecationer. _ when T -r �t
!. "Jack the Ripper," " who committed those S. S. No. 13 and 14, Howick and Turn- again: this Spring PRICES R1tT�T
i 1?h? One of our citizens while trying to' CALL •�N� SEE®
1 #aarribie 4Phitechapel murders last year, bei' The figures show the number of trap rats had the misfortune to trap his y - Cd it : get a nobby new
has been captured in the person of Deem- marks obtained by each pupil in the horse.
month of March. Senior 4th. --Elsie ,W, Y,
ing, who has recently been sentenced to is at ' Roe, ji.; Mr Fowler s apprentice, one at the JOW price Of GLEGGIRdeath in Australia for mnrderin his McMichael, 419; David Wear 408; Ales• sick, but it is ho ed he -
wife. A to train of murders _have Thompson, 380. Jr. 4th. -=Mary Hooey, P 5 Q silts.
- will soon be able to return to his post of
450; Cassie Barton, 336 ; Bella, Under- duty. ,
been traced house to him, the details of wood 329 • D.,vid Portune 238 • Arthur .. .. .
�._ wbich are of the most horrible nature. Diphtheria the first time this sea or a.niee hard one for
Amos the victims are several wives.. Fitch, -195 ; Lizzie Rols},on, - 69 ;- Thom. son has visited this neighborhood. 1 00
1. 1, . -whom he successively married, and the McMichael, 60 . "James Rolston, 43-, ' Albert Sandford, south of here, is at ,
Charles Willits 29. Third Class. -Lill •
evidence points very strangely to his y .present suffering from its effects. Oran,-,-es,
�yd dein the a etratox of the White- Fortune, 232; Thos. McGlynn, 229; - - 's g P �' We notice that one of Toronto's oun ®i.�
chapel horrors.. He has left a trail of Joseph Underwood, 224; James Gem- �' o -o --o-
men pays occassional visits to. a certain
blood in his tracks which one can hardly mill, 187: Frank Gemmill, 167 ; Lottie young -lady of this neighborhood, It is
think will be wiped out in the expiation Hovey,164; John,Gemmill,49. Second. we have just received Our
Charlotte McMichael Melvin Willits hard to say what leap -year may yet ��..�
he will shortly have to make upon the -
212; William Abram, 180; James Bar- bring about. spring Hats -and Caps .for
Australian scaffold. ton, 155 ; Mattie Markley, 188 ; Jennie �"' .
Palm_ er 54. B. J. HLzLSWOOD Over IOO new books are being added Hien, Youths and Children.
Arsriraox has beenjust drawn�to a : Teacher. by the Wroxeter ' Mechanics' Institute, Confectionery.
. new,quarter in political matters in the z ---Me making over 2,100 books• now in: the
Dominion parliament, by a proposed . • - - library. The catalogue$ decently printed---o--o--
nfeasure which Will ve a eneral in. Newbridge. from the GAZETTE presses, is a neat
Grease to the salaries of ., the Judges A number of the ; farmers in .t$is. piece of workmanship slid reflects grant ` Q
_' 40
tfiroughont the Dominion, varying in locality for the last week have: been credit upon your: office. _. SUGARS Watch Out for the Milline"_
ameBnt, from.$500 to 31300 per annum. busy ploughing. Some have commenced William Chambers, of Dresde. - � n; Ont.
..Zhe renunneration of the Chief Justices seeding but the snow storm and frost
+ ; writ then 'be fi.toreased to $7,000 ; Sn- which has visited this district the last a Waterloo veteran, is 106 -:years old and
I remQ Court Judges, to is still hale and heart
l . :, ge , 36,000 ; Court few days has brought spring work to a y' Ypu all ..know that sugars of Queen's $eilt/l2; to $6,000, •and the standstill, but the weather now is look- The steamship Phidias, from Santos,. Opening
various other Jneges, in sums from. $500 more favorable. Braz>l; which reached Now `York, Sun_
erg B,E�vaTClri stiff-
. CtI can
ftp; except the County Judges of Ontario da had .three cases of allow ;fever'
who do not: participate in the increase. Through the negligence of the council y; y :
of this township considerable damage among'her crew. .
A.The Bench 4 .a rule are hard worked °get as 'much' snga� ��r a :dollar -
has been done to one of the appraaclre& �• James Ha es, a trimmer :
andhave ' difficult probleniisto solve, so y A
of the -bridge leading in to this place. b one of the electric light a ni
ase deserving of first class pay. .Iwo one y g sem# Bei as ever.. 7 -
A. large wood -drift which had collected a Boston was found dead Mon orni
. '.,.. 7 1. L . I . I �, I " Oal a -
wants to see theih sitting there wearing y g
' few yards above the bridge, turned the bait in to an electric 104...'. ole
holes through their hair settling their g g p non W b
Y water out of its proper course and Dover street: He had r-ece;ve 9 shgcl . --gid--
neighbors.;,troubles whiletheir own%poor `
1�ilies are st•,home- suffering for the �� .,, ' .
- t $> b%'sa, Please mention this Paper.
Am -AM . . , M
1? 1044nT, who.has: just been acquit. - 7
ted on his trawl for the murder of youngU 0 ` Qy-CR7.1�y� -
. _ % New many, can congratu- ® ---
au huiiSelf on +lits escape. There -
-.._,_,. - ever a+as any doubt that he the- . 0Hard-ware c S7CO_re,
Vital >3IOw, and very few expected ,that O'V AVING bought out Dr. cpenee's hardware business, and made lar additions to th
flit would escape the gallows, or at least H are now prepared to furnish GENERAL HARDWARE, � e Stock, we
11, :- awe sentence. But the ways of juries V V ro�eter. Ca,r enters' and Fa,r r '
inacrutible and Reinhardt owes his p e s T®®ls.
"ieedom to the good fortune of;happen� Fence Wlee, Barb Wire.
be Lida by.:a ienie3nt jury. Nei0 A choice lot of Spades and Shovels
Luany, however, but willh9
be glad�ather ' .. .
Yo than sorry that the poor old man's r—OF - - V0A7C1,VV-110h I Garden Tools and Seeds.
>. creme escaped punishment. He was - Churns.
_,,. Iundoubtedly half crazed between drink �_ --��X%Wall . �Paper
and anger with his wife and fear of the - Pla ].i . spinning Wheel Heads.
I �_ boys on the evening of the murder, and Chea , Dear Li ht,: Dark, Canadian, American, Micas, Gilts, with Borders to •
g Axle Grease.
certainly was not in a _condition to use P A I1eW lot ® WhI S.._
match, and G.rsiling Decorations for Bach or Poor, , / ,'j''�T p
R his best _judgment. The law,. lioraever, Grit or Tory, Kitchen or Parlor. R.�JADYA.Ci1;Ly
does not take these things luta eon- reasonable rson can select what he requires from our large stock. TAKE A .
�, sideration but sternly holds the accused y ' - .Pe LoO THBOUGU MY' SA FLE BOOKS. - We have bought a Complete New Set of Tin-
responsible for his acts, no matter what we have a fine lot of wagons this-"eason, made by best - smith's Tools, and are prepared to furnish all Idiids of
Express Wagons. makers, A good iron -axle wagon for $1.25; heavier -
the causes were which led up to them, one for $1.50. Iron wheel wagon at -$w2 and $2.50. • - Tinware, and do all kind of Repairing on short n6-
11 .so that the escape of Reinhardt was an we sell these by catalogue this season. 1f yon want- to -get - e�
Baby Carriages. one conte and examine myeateaogue and prices° will sell • 6
exceptional one. very close. . 0ai dG tro t8 g 1 h g Ci0 rE eO Order. r.
We have received a stock of .these ro
Sewing Machine Needles. that any person wanting anything in a e
�t is strongly in the interest of the this line can be accommodated.b � -
village of Gerrie, and of every farmer XT. M 1_IYC -1-3:T W7 B 1 B.
in the western section of Howick, J.V LJt ..e.L .1.V � .
that the road known as the fifth -and. Druggist; gist;" ' Garrle. THE Planing Min will, be ready tor work in's "'--
fewdaya end I want' Goon Loas o>r ♦N7 _
nth (or "Gorrie") sideline be placed in LENGTH AND SIZE, BARD ox SOF2 wooD, Da- -
iiv$REn 4T ONes, for which I will pay the beat
W. Ph better repair. Not a very heavy prices. _ _- _
__. _ - Iortti�_ -ay of expenditure would be requiredTHE _ _ �`
SL � �_.s, - We tale into consideration the 0 F — T H - E - Ae'if!"I , A L L - _ - -
I'll111,vastalraunt of goad whichwonida3orue. - I � Iii TII� }�EBEIIi[ �uilc�ers, .Remember -
to all. At different times the repair aatd 1` 'I. ` -
.:• �> v;' rR tri ew+i Y siibarri!>nr• Brw .t+r Oid. s/ Ji'Da 1
• � . , ; x, j , ; :, G t F • HAT:the Fordv►ich.I ... S fdill will be read
improvement of this road has received e �� : "`: � rr .,- s° _ �.:� t 183�rises FOR t +a. Tnansin3s, of T . to furnish on oath all kinds, House_ nr
`� °s :r•: r'• .``aw. t ; cf• doiia:'ss hav•- bre x+nt in its y
,: st jtrcpnr.,tinn Ile nishings, and is prepared to ve estimates and
8tteittioII from the COuncii, so that it is, a ,, H ,- � : fit -ecaa. is tulle aseared . it ie •x highly yr laed take contracts for all kinds of wood work.
- 4 ' -• • souvenir of the.greafrst stat"Mas and tate nioet - . .
;_ no doubt, bettin than in the early days, ' c�''`'� i"' honoreul Ir>itler veer Ion»�rx i+i ( nwfiftrn lisle T
lout these re airshave alWa s n �4 r' w r., This hesatifnl. adeq.eri.M �lt�rsem coa+ains - .. C. DICI{ "'
p y bee made a,, z.:' { r .- :fx -1. full-page _1lldi,ti•%0ms'_nf to:arestinR sraneus in
OII a emRlt SCale and en arches SO that "E `er° �� ��.. +:; ronncrtina N ii.h ttte hhefoty .9e.b Jo�ta..`and S _
P "• ,; � Z ` I : rna Vr,.sr.At, the ihorteAnds of edmiters of oar.'lrEa
the road is a long way8 from beiirg $s �; �ti; ;"a: chief than; irrw seed valuable leoitraitnree. ; - -
good as it should be .or what the rale- t�-�,'f ' ,rf�' °,;, i'�� RIaD T81� LIST
- Xr - , lheei•eaw. Portraits :sf lttr .h6n 'sal .
payers see entitled to. The road lead- �'��• -+ 4` �' /tmoeP:r „Ito »ie i .istrti; love of st,* _ -
,� w-; Portrait s.::Bur John s■�uT•
ill arerth t0 the bound , alth0 It ., '--0*"M •ai � ,t .inbt: to 1. nastO leo S Pea trJlit O%9iT..t9llYi M �r' .
wry 1-4s, >r t• repo a .reaaut ,u s
a 6. r`r'!;. i' �/ .. -',! : J. "t?bth6r. trio only otYe aloe! ptatrlishods; he11 , - f
��pt; y�,�,Q 8 BIIGC@aS10Ir Of BtPain�$ `t; c , sr: _
_, _,-. 1.
`. _ l`A"x., !e+i nb - . _ .- * -' l jy! : J_ 'r .Fi.-$' fi rte'" - AI<if '�Aiiiebf4ilad fit:$IA - Nom. -9R,L`tfl�tl� '�i - - _ - - _
- , ,_&
':auld at a cam aratrvel . small't�lat :_, »ir :toile: sintNttg rue-ebr,t3iaa oF` taali .: •
:. _'r___��____-.� '
- _ r _;_� __ _
;. p y b@ �: •-•� �.�����' '- gflr7+�rtjtls, ltlt.tehny lleeidalfee »i Sttl�•ost =_ . .
Y ,� ,�0 _ -
'.� • j: , , ,+; - '�, nt,rf9r of i III t1Ee..&Myer. OtRawn. s6tie,►'•, i nn s� Z A��O Vey
l�aore siesviceabke at s Blurt ;l. ,.::� ,- �: t * _. S e Via Men.
a >a- , . <-r. _ �{ i»z ritesathl of lloAor-mid Bail; >tytnit tai. ..
belay th t:,f-- :x
--- �_- Ce a-sIIru a Of the land _ a •� ?T�a. :fs St it F:xierizr_view or woulA rr sr: Psirila• .�1. 1
- a. -,. c_ k : a ;anerat reer�steA t+srl •iA ``
; : : x _ =these swam a .there exists a , I s::-. .ti:= • .# ; �. r i= . .: Iiaa nrchased a first-class full plate glass_Hearse I ares in abetter
P .ss:. . ,- �,._.r 'g the tsresre- •i t tie o a tens Eterfr.,... .g posetiols
,4 - . t. . • - n '� . n of this community than before
-�' eatile>Qt v so th t of - y .:.-. r _'_ t!ar,ittoActtt.: ut�#Isa.:, whit--Yneral 1't�. to{ilo the undertake g Y ,and owing to redaactions tai
a el. a large _. _ . ......, i��
Q _ ,4Y��t.,, ::r f: - ecr.eie-• atHRsSt1T' 41�e,\let t'tt;'R$t!. iitDgK.
_; -r_ ,°-max . , - �.' „ �. id' yi�ierniiaa, as it altaearcd. `the wholesale prices of our goods I am en a position to give the use of this m
x we>a }t on the seder of the -mad- ... .' c .r+, 'app . Sor" CM
=, , _t - , _ �" •.: - -,.: ' _ "' k.. - , - _ r .,- tr:.selues : Eody'roar.�iai':6t itteo ; scent l3 large free that is to sa my charges will. be no more and tri
sIcleat.>gravel could begot from F' a %t; ,inti; ta,s; i ate ;; ales � a _ 1 a n , i me- . 1esa1
r .... _ s titan before.
:: �►•:
_ - ''�,s r = �C 4 K .... terF. s�L1: 1r',_tirnt Teilralesa[rat+gt is' hof /�
a vox •i€ tiiemr # lnstfe tiro roat3s n *�,, : * :.t` n et rv�zd�.r•rs ; ` F tear u1'=�rr+Etwin,er :.LZ _ .
�a� r -• _ _- . _ : w, , _: ^�.� tt. +is rs srEsi�.ahe. �3eserfai acrsla�e was
-.t .:
w -' i lea plac to the worst aabs._iaal�s t5.+arna: ,::wbise:a_at�we:_:
�= <___ ,,�.F. R :. ,ad l�stvc! Y. sr f Wstx. +nlAsl # kiee>yr pi i. A' .. _ :
: - ar let .: _� • trl3estdr Tiew's".�i Paal`a'ixtiedral - IA MEk �.
r. I' ': �- :ea : � ....+W Wo!1r1. 'iil<z_ tree: +:. .:. : .sir J.ora ta s Me nory f. � -
- .. .- $e O _ t .L ,.. .if n :.ri les aFss_ p d,_ .
>_. , avar.Fs.otrlt sexy a at�l ps,w,14tRT.. •
r ,..,.: lta cat N to:�s'ai tateilt� d l hsttt�gt
r.-. - t i an ii `t xti;i be sc.: J.
f v l ir.h a u-7 tr hat .
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.. ....� •a �•}- >.:, :. 4 r ,.. '1' d_titattei itsr_tit>a*ia r s _ sea 1
r .� t:.t,sbhs rat to is :etre . ; :or'ltltr+r tubi... h .
_ i? 1,.:>" ilk `LY Ett i48. tar n?re_:ytfas : _ r
W i Auld D said Bet T
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and regi€
tom- Residei
Office: -At
Also Oil
rices «-
Come in z
to A N I
Mopping L
HAvING bon
ly carried
pared to farms
Hs -Lag had con
Ross a feel oonft
taetion to all wis
Meat deliverer
Bar VeaI
day, W adnesday
every Tuesday a
Eigiseat Leh p
- ittaas,