The East Huron Gazette, 1892-02-04, Page 6I,�i. �7 L�7 �7 it t WSM GEYS TIM GRIP. would have tur ThL��i�,�Which reached qslifax on MIL BO ued up their '(we, "Al Plenty f them -t ld ft. Tei!r9af-, 00". UV ed for month*. 4WAUT, ma(14-th"rip fr L of 0 would have been in 1), I 0, ' vpu­ W4 TIM 1.7, oxatt4 )even d6y r it baubles Him WD -In Grip! Humphl MT& Bowser, don' se. y�r-lbeq i"e�14� Ti ra-Ift"i �PV&uesa` itingAh ftiteorHis-Enorinou unAer to grip 1kVH1 Power. know me yet.', VVhenI "ook Her Reseiiilerj,',; lop, putis written a IIU have th I fj decency . to go and dre Th �'ia shown the lettter t46 Salis wit"I"Y" relpellip�i broke a in ga messeng t Gov- Four or, five- weeks ago, when. Mr. Bowser 1� : Grip and- 6 Mier are two widely latin-C411&da existence.of a Among -the Japanese acculin I . il erroment of permitt- self *io'r�e.6ith��G.4aida��4!ii;6seFtitv- -4 � ' I There are 1,000 cams Of gti� a in Hali- horribleg t on aiid. that and t*6 bii:ttal ;ctorl� lhi 'W 16116 * ed- V�l th home one evening and found'Mrs. Bow- different things, and I want y frOmJE1iffigrid4to;; in que Chinese coolies to be edon in S* ffingA." -Near jults ­ ti 86attfei: This Tirst 4eikive'. a ae in 5b fax. r in bed. and was informed that it was a fool of a doctor to kno w- its too!') VAMID 03 -d -th6aai. guardaiwvA a.,.farmhcAgq,.Wjbigh! -have ,Cause Me -blurted out tUng bravely h ho a eak Y "IeVer the 111- that inAl 4 a suffpr mueli fLom.�Ae raja&�S,cf ajqx., Its weekV jacGrip! Andy6u havegone tobed and I t-.13, ... -'e, , fi.. ... agequten. orim mlpurpoqes. he n Mp& g 0 His rs i ea wab o ELve a, AU i1i; t� - AAd that enerva e A& -� - ? Hum 1, 81 tcotiff,71, krned thtA a man impotent A Jtor of grip, he taken to stop PA.impoF n the doctor'for a case of j3affled, rt -- - ph!' e. AINA w t ad nited 0 grip mow to lise Wealth- fox i. -hfi: ed'tlie guar& . 'ia�lgoiia: tb �Yokohama. abotit -L-*e a dove with I hek w4 %rush 'tO;`de&t1�'-Ugt i IN4 It*' --But I am awfully sick!" she replied. aintid Ith4kil HE' bhtt *oiAld,' vealatmi ek Ilur ;90MM,fGP,giV�Ag,$erel);-monthit�t7go4adparoh&wd, eg,ija.- JEept WAO-n M ad the ancIzhtiotight u 14bMept Rate tin. Bowser! You just imagine Edward Bellamy has been writing about and its relations to a false alaria. He was ciom�elfed, thirefore piV.iesp,women f -h v f hatI have the new Astor baby - arm I This simply goesto prove w 9 t air roarents foi each. Police at Walsall, near Birmingharro, Eng. o%en asserted -that no, person of any P Be ftul,� i a refiners ha a ad;;�ncedihe price 0 olitical economy. He takes the sum which toremain asilent spectator to tlig' `e�de: w sugir J to J cent a pound. last week. Four anarchists were ari6st- this unconsci said to be I 119 bad 4r -- whilp iaverys4e�;br9Vdbt,.R-0y �ous capitalist is '6ne was higivriti aid thedther two Nmrot" rs W strength of character has ever bad the grip. Mr. Joseph 0awthra, fW-1MW,-y �&!5iR tea its interest in twenty- his ppeg. Injl� qps�pair the,pqpr� b: Wd prontinent banker and bbAesk mft:-m It's a namby pamby thing, which even a heir to, ompu as an appall- : ranitsigisters;- H� I 'wife'! .heeft in Sau,Frands- ­% Mr. Balfour, First ord of the Treasury child three years old ought to be ashamed of.' one years, and holds that UP heacT hiM rieAUtw ab6�;the T co and his sisters he-brofight td ftiftle. All d M ope-insunlight oronto died on Monday of Is grippe. Mr. Jac eland undency of the dier4ft111tI3tnd6av6-eio'- athree *eid foiced tri' liVe -as '&Rio� women. Loa �l 'You may have it before you get through.' ing illustration of the t, rrD reach SeQ C;f better thi or I r Three men were killed and several injur. and ir -gOA to to lav times. Another writer says that o pay the So, MJter "If I do -if I am silly enough 0 and givenearly .all *eir-;fh%rnin -their ad I require the gocos�?# he interest on this sum fo4t,too for 6ro h 0 li a ed by an explosion at a ph" 6wn with any such thing as that -I hoie t te JKept her life in Ph in W disqm Prepap"cocal Govern -m. 9, wner, wbo merel allowed Dugli for' featUf b9twt6eii' ' 't6�th ilid' at t a fbod and bl6thing. ',KWut' ha�,=� 6 Easf Templeton on Monday-� a labor of a greater number of men than com somebody will pound me to death with at k" I posed the armies with which Julius Caesar mtWel had-paoiad .6biough,'hia-ba—y' IN 4)tought 00 Hamiltonians consumed 76 gallqX14 The- hitch. iu,te Behting sea proceedings;fence rail! I have the grip --1 call a doctor the girl fr6m �5av FriAoitiao u e oiars tkbave a conquered the world." one -of the remed- 0� go9M;9-0Alfknpyrr be revailed. �60amealv kno water per head daily last year. 4PPI. rig n out of a difficulty in uch a nonsensical thing as that? Not Upon SeAttle and pl"--,in x house n tbo,othr naming arbitrators who will ove satisfac- i y name is Bowser I" ies proposed is to forbid the accumulation to juit the post, ITU two. The exports from Nova Se lion dollars by any in- wi wa a up down I e.each or - England andtheiRited States. 'Bowser was in bed three or four clays, of more, than one mil ih each sentry that was pl%eed ther6-untif' -' The &t:s' wdr� extorted: from the -to th( battalion' left Canada -when the goose womiah, andi partly� f tom!, the owriar, . and to 7ere the greatest in the histo dividnal. It is easy to go astray in esti vince. There is no abatement in the influenza a4d Mr. Bowser lost no orportanity to talk &�out her foolishness in givTg up to au& a mating what the public suffers by the in- was bi6tight away with it Paii'a regimental wben, the &&in of evidence was completed, f4b)?i3bruic in London. Doctors are in inces- 4 A girl named WaKe,,Olbv�A vbare a, , � trMg ailment. He likewise remarked to Alreasing size of such a fortune. This army, pei t4 Eag)ffip at a in 0r d.ffhe-mo . remark bleth 911tbaki wa's arrested. The Japauese Con- na O atit -,demand and trained nurses can COM - r than Julius in cop� n I it "' ai-icliiiig ac IftVa a k was killed by the accideaal is in which is said to be greate tio with the story is that the fjulhksreq e8tiedtheaidof the ministerial goosem urdic dally ()awe a w"e the medical fraternity to encourage the 1' t ia,'Ved its'presbr�iir'g sisocia, U agun at St. Ignace, Man., on Monday. the doctor that he thought it very fool h Caesar's, does not pay interest to the Astors tiou here in �breakiug up " system for for nothing. It has 16he use of their capital, life. Amd the of The -1 Nri �et�24J -A -un-s The death of William Battermore I -of slavory. The Chriatiai"d Japanese in *1e piblie in any each. delusion'. *rm- 'I�Tq*4 4eCwW- -that tit 1 ken it aad pr it advantageously, Or It 4o hq�pRened,.tbat Jie was 04 that Par:.�Seat tile say that all'tb4ir countr men who Perth Road, aged -102 years, is S vt esumably uses mother *i t a increased You'll probably have it,. and wl - ticul' y 3, x, The proposed limi ar.pqpt again aboVt two months aftipr- come tb the'Ubited States aslaborem are from Kingston. emased 91, cc�mesyouh changeyour opution,"curtly it would go elsewhere. = t PO tation would be impracticable, but even if wa�rd: �rhafi' aiNiltdtr�b Alfred Limm was blown to pieces by -the. W,000, as compared with the. corres nd. Al the doctor. wasimade to surprise �held- in'subjection by-apolwerful, secret am coming t explosion of a dynamite charge on Rideau ing"nionth in 1890. r, oliewill, eh ! -There isn't enough grip in It were possible to compel a man to quit and kill thefunwavy'kentisel.,; It was Wn, s6ciety whichi playing on their superstitions 'Twas so kind of ion mark, it ter time How He long'd t Canal nea�f-!040& lgift-w6eL 1, A deputiow-, from in -j and although it wi�s a mponliglit compels them .,to pay tribute. ' About 150 ly, rth America to pull down one of my ears! acc4mulat g wealth at the mill J"b��5.h Itsr upon Sir Chbxl6 would be a disadvantage instead of a bene* nighi; d1b hia eiver and antlift by Seattle have'lleen said, a, erly- or a 'Al. really like to be attacked just to show - , panese womeir hi Sh �4%11 w Leonel�-Jlieh'- 4 fovr'�i '' ' the advantages cof A �o5outh, in the Britol I !- illitthese - momeiift 6f darkness �Uright by their parent and brou lit over Od1hytthh6ft[ed repted at -,Ottawa cm &clkarge yqu how strength of will could -throw it fit to the public. It would mean that he the olouclg.�' g lieu, has been ax , channel, either as the destination or point OX, would awe to become a producer, and he- if a 8�-%19*yyer-] t have noticed, several here by. their purchaers. Widah the mort� of"Meribghisw a. 1,� of call for the proposed Canadian mail and come an idler" and that his factory, or his men, w -unobserved by thedrowsy sentiucl,` These Japanese women live in the part of She hath fount TAa­ jA week ago, at three o'clock one after- it was, would �J ice. Sir Charl noon, Mrs. Bowser heard something fall forfune in whatever form were-Adea-#dii a p1proxeli the �ost where S 4f �hos.',, Mitchell, passenger sery es Tapper pro- , cattle known as Whiteahapel, which every- And the perfe "'rh bigi, Wa cr t9 -death bybeing mised to tran -it the representations of the he stbod.i Siaddenly lie thought he hearo a St. rush against the front door. She called to the cease to be active and become idle. No� body coming from the Northern Pacific run over by a loaded sleigh. deputation to the Canadian Government. any one by str�ti The Ela -8, TOM girl to open it and see whether it was a bag, Possible benefit could come -to ga rustli pound, and flinging his mus- depot or -the steamboat landing passes, Hamilton found mes from the ket to' Z&';'t- li� shouted --:-'11 Who goes They i0iibit six rows of yellow pine cottages amen have asked the -son of Hen'r atOes or a corn-sheller. It was neither.' this way. The proposition co hire-shou'' BB merel -No b -sduh a -Irving��f Pot Als * avt � the echo of his The rove are about 100 feet. long, and the ICe famous actor, accidently or -by infient-Ii was Mr. Bowser—not the Mr. Bo er r6cuMers in r 6if o�`Wadbeptla y we idea that the getting of wealth is V ther00" tion of 10 per ton ie getting of money out of oneset of -pock - in wages. ti oym shoVJiinWf !woho had gone away in the morning itepping Several min -u -,little buildings front one � another are sep. W, a rqftiver the other day., Mrs. James 0�waon,motly , oWft , Tho Th4,Wio Ea Woo -Ugh #f , but the ets into another, or from one side of a elapse clunA 'qua is not expected high and carrying his chin in air By 1;tich. tho,qoldier marched rated by passageways about twenty-five i r. Its ad- up 6n Aco*%'l gait,1611biad by the goose feet wide, making -three short streets. The bling-table over to.the othe a's Cowan, of G^ diWor�� (tW, F"velataL A Mr. Bowser who had come home shaking and gain me that the is a certain untit,-, deinij Ab Tyfone' IrelaAd, 6A$unday so severe amount of money in the. world, and that' stooji.&t ea#e.� - � -This was the enmy!'q oppor- the famous district in T' you have las, 0 1.8 IU�maUdy.-f f s�dvering and all humped over until he didn't vocates asu re g! his Alarm nwarramted,,he place is a couater-part on a stuall , scale of is Well, fatiier 82. La grippe w� appear to be four feet high. It was a case okio devoted to the did r At the assizes a oat �"qk th aAli"Ittowlito ft-A&C4-fWr ion whenone man getea partofit thereis so tuniji,andthe ':Rg v..were jury awarde 81 40 t0"- J4&6T-hohiPV0u'4 1* ofthegrip. As he.satin his office gayly g in �Ui -to habitaticing ai the fallen women�tf- the city; owe's wife. I 0068�1�4144A&d u imately u much less for the rest. This in a narrow profit by it. ' Clostir "and 616g6r" theyt1tole No other American city, not even San Frau- lad of 18, for the loss of an arm in the stamp- to be abandoned in a drift. histling Old Black Joe" as dden shiver Jost splendii sense may he true of nioney, bat it is not toward, the postz 4the'suovV �compltetely-;Iead­ cisco, has the counterpart of this Japanese chuck full. ugw4rks cf.E-T. Wright�A.Co­ slitivered up his back.. He lookedaround to ate business is' je who had flung it, but it was PIC of the (yt- ' 1"-N . . - followed by true of wealth. All legitim ening thtp. ,aound�.pf their footsteps. Blit quarter of Seattle. The beat peco Mri--Oeo4"( ha� 'tMl� - just * two o their number were preparing, I )d rjusi died'�V a the theory that S fair ex, * . . carried on upa bown have long regarded Whitachapel as a c6in wo more. He jumped up with a feering ­PaG -im6d 0-yeir "nd neve�- - Wis. witWi*lffie`d:'knifg; to spring upon him, the crowning disgrace, and on sever.&I coccaiiions 0 1 don't I athm t, fgue., i that all the ice thus far cut on the Hudson change of services or products may be pro knew pain or a day's sickness until his final of Mr. Cyrus W. Field, died -in New York 4d been loaded on his back. A whole drove fitable to both parties. The getting ofmoneY bir&�xose-suddenly,on its wings atid swkiPt they ave threatened to rise in their might 70��R scalawags illness. on Xbri&y. thout giving an equivalent is recognized round,,the 4er try box,with tremendous force f shivers and shakes and -chills kept waltz- wl g and wipe it out of existence. o high played O' as swindling, and courts deal with such cases h facie of the, Coofwthly Je5arson. fell under Ja9ax AdAiir C. R.� �P., E�odjep diedlat I * g from his heels to his neck and -back flaplling i a wings rig t in thi last night. Th -a ­GraAd 'Oth7 Vlash a with great liberality to the swindled. If, woUld-be assassins. '- Th"iy -Werd akounddd, C ir`day� 1 6 w"-Urri Trui-nk trainat Cardinal the other day and . akaiu and there was a roaring in his head Riley's then; illegitimate money -getting be expect- anaxpshed.blindly -forward but Ahe.sentry. Widting and *ustting. h rdault6d was so seriously injured that deat as if he stood on the brink of Niagara. A boy d he Andrew Carnegie, the Scotch millionaire, i tible in a few hours. Who came in with a telegram, looke& Mr. ad, and lawful accumulation comes only by aroiiiid, to, hip da��er bayoneted cone,and No one can deny the- -soundnes4: of the 1W Qft6Wi& his gift of a free lib. --giving acceptable and reasonable service or shot'A6 other' ii'lie -was +duning I aw fai . afflar maxim, 11 All things come to those last Bowser over and said ay. A Hamilton dressm�*�r r6bcivera' _quivalent, who is to be benefited by stance that 30e- Wood's V and tteb Id an 'v t, an bad I a � any M6auvdiil6; the.'ather& approbAed to the -who wait." The patient peral Veek OW &ahffakis f6r A ' erfiom aomah 0 in , you 'tra ri who had accused her of,, %teraliug- drep,ma-. - .-J. E. - Henry, a Jumberman of Zealand,, If you've any home tter bi ount which as*,"e. of their. colleagues, but the bird. bides -its time, ever alart to improve the Satan's a-goin' t ew Ha�mpshire, his% -been fined $1,000 for skip. IfI never Be an 0 imit to the repeated its tactics, and enabled the sentry opportune occasion when it presents itself, -Dear, dear' terial. e ou fo. I , r I he resources to keep them at bay until the guard, whom is usually rewarded. The whirligig of his Impor,tin . T ce and eleva- the firing of the musket had alarmed, came time goes round and round, and the wheel -for trade t - gad* kme ell !" g -Ca brouf Mr. Bowser did at to exe 8 wo I a Cates, Be iear are repor cl a rt to b iifiiiivall� biigli�. The net gold in'the United Rtes 6ea- ll power to tbro a en tapped as upon the scene an& mAda, t4lem fly for their of fortune is -Aura 'to bring luck to every 1 -want you During 1891 real estate transfers in Mon- Bury, coin and bullion, is $125,812, 529, &. �;ercoat and made or o . T d n ent there is lives. When this incid I ent became known number soon or early. But -it would be tough to eq Illar is to be a n treal and suburbs amounted to $12,768,- dearease of $201,4036,330 since January 10,1 c6nductor tried to consol him by saying I do for all'thAi hands and all the poor -old Jae6b *4s- the hero of -the garrison I ually true and quite as accordant with Jjanie's cold is The Vanderbilts andithOoMeersoubscribed forand purchased facts to change that proverb into, " Al 7 1891. hat he would probably be out in four weeks, Wealth which it contains. &A.JbWX.W".th, instead him a golderipollar, which the bird after. thi4gs come to those who hustle." The tait. Archibald Robertson of Hamilton The Customs Inspector at Buffalo hadinda womanontive ampsmingil avey A xxew yrea, fell into the flold of-th prop�llerft. 94grIps'.4eizeda large. jt�aklty of buttor Al two of her &g in idle money heaped in vaults, as war& wo'r'd utiIiI theilay of his death.. waiting which is akin to loitering never sue- Thty-&4t 'T eggs acquaintances who had been 'as.,,- t soine theorists would seernto wish, isin a � � I , - , - -Jil ter for mirried off irra week. 4'Johnwn 1 ad receii4d. thE in, W16togiag toll l Chiad]AA ceeds, except by the merest accident. No By t is one Corajany fraudurent entry. t d 26-P 1 ie t3 -� . , I TheC6ildian Pacific Railway Heavens, Mrl hi h destsrves tol "get there" who is not elm- ir 0 n ne ages, to 'Kndlau IDemauds. willing to exert himself. Themerebustling father? -has resolved to reduce the price of its lands- - Rev. Henry Gabriels, president of St. this mean?" demi a e S - - I . "I th light ar wth jvb) a ivalent, ' ' 'a ' in the North-Weatr- in 5 hgered into th'13l. s is a repre- about like the traditional headless ben does ,�co--Jnfncq%purc�aW-�by Joseplpsem' pia Johnson iss. Vj jWy, Jisitbeen appo t- t The/N ian National Congresi ��t T and is benefited, not injured. sentafive body of a. remarkable kind.' it nogoo., Itwastesenergy tono purpose; settlers. ad Bi&qp'oi bo Y. ill Pra—I'm dead man?" he gasped as W-411, I'll she pulled off his overcoat and helped him Wealth is an accamulation of dayOwork8. has,,gf coarse, no constitutional. or official but the hustler who bestirs himself will.get 'arver , a braZelniZi 66!5�ecTon Wilso 0 4uarter of a m Henry C Ex -Chief of fooff�o n D. Snyder, of u the lounge in the back parlor. Astor, with his millions, is like a giiiii with position or existence, but it is. in a rough on while the moper'dies in his tracks. In hurt Jennie a the Michigan Central raiIr0ad,1­W@4!-14!;11Ck Bethielidin,;Ta., bledil Ao death the other - Have you got a chill a million times the capacity of an ordi itiVe parliament composed of dele. the economy of nature the most of ui a* inar y way a E by an engine at Woodalea, Ont., on Fri4sy day., He,.. ruptared. a- bl000r veoel while )korbidding him to use this The a ve 4� Y—yes ! Get forty bed quilts to MY-eF gatew efibsen fby� the learned, eftltured and obliged to be up and active to keep soul and Farmer we' night, and was hietaiitly111W.' lifting a� whole bg�f on: a aggon. , He Ny 0 1 e up capacity, in the Ivork and business of the wealftplaqs ml as, and it epresents all the body together. Not to hustle is to die. Mr. R. Hall, ex -Mi P. P., has been appoint, a powerful man, and efi4iibf�re And does your back ache?" world, it would be more senesible and more greaf relfgious eects gnd many of the minor Herein the average man resembles the cattle me now "'Benbif 706urt fit eatity.:- :4:- -- �, i i,., 9 beneficial to mankind to require him—if that ing use" h I cos, ut I don t be-- twoweeks,and-i ed judge of dthe Queeri% Do it? a -ea Apes which canbe brought together for no in the wintry plains. With no haymows, Montreal, vice Jad If -a 10 th b* tthan thatof obtaining, at least corn -bins or straw stacks even, from which o baq- rqw: migrants landed. ey n jec 'But the econducl tired. inj J591: W he lipginning of a.coustitu to draw rations, the �Iternative presented ,ghurch, wh inubik of im lif 've)B -The total'ii T- in New York duri 'as, AA -r- Tug -6 BUD tional system caused no littlei on ay t t 8 i�66tiig of Hamilton They came on 94 vess hey have forti- is get up and get your own bunch -grass 411t's simply- the- grip, Mr. Bowser. thus we Be hat the laws which really of gd�6ijime'A. Thli year t bad been made Th�%t's exactly the way everybody is d and control'its progress fled -7Weit�deinE�nd'f6tiepresi�ntative insti- or st%rve to death. The barnyard kine can City council a medal of the Royil-`Aumanti l05,M-QabiiL'q'mfAsengers. Ones we -m, but i Society waspresented V, little will. are above hurfian enactmen's. Legislative tutiolft-o Nvi�h. declarations, to the effect afford to act upon the assumption that all- some means hat -A ay I in Tli d Hadn't you better exercise 9)2 It ution of the masses of things come to those who wait, but It would Farmer Lowe acts are necessary to preserve the rights of for rescuing five youn Vu it dei th of power. 0 r !Ii�gt t ne -AIIL Iti 2(� men in ., per am p vin 'is never do in the world for range cattle. In t rl , ces his soifCalviriff I � seven years of a George Reamy, of Gran(l Ranids, Mich., did nruto- thiB -lack -A',' ei*.* '.-The targe way the supreme example in proof last summer. Carious how it took hold of �n efli i a, Wt �13jUl I -L- filiMliftI alrfiAi�fy "ri'll&e9titfia , at present, Kyu W Fifty vessels were employe Al in fishing Who took part in the Battle of Baltimore 0 nions to 15djo5uru. Undoubt- Mont Witu"s;- says. that it is easier. that All things com6tcolthos6 who husC`e is bys of thie ritig) 't -w n Friday Yc do, -eek" the fortunes of the day are ad. -was rather U our strength of obaracter," she o"Ono tM for cod in Canso harbor, N f5; - 00firi IT, V`, galpat �thj W1812, died co tinveW to see iow representative institutions could Eugla That little island and ol using frozen squid for bat@. -'heTAe­ *at as she got his shoes off. led up by the strong at the expense of the aid �64dbd Ocwernment iii the way of reform. slow in.realizing what vast oppo�tauities 7,ed- Ift years. Tea4 imin a Vi and - wil Paso, "-:n6t"d, the fieberni6i $7. to SJ2 1 k d llutte the need for, I * I t* astom's than in* a department Cillumbus and the Columbian spirit had The Law aiid- Oraer'i8cociafj f -Pittilift I I Mt.. Bowser's Chi egan itiver in a I Wa Ive ing ma:tive c. hand, his frien I s id no more e d The worb -d which 4s plready-solicitoasly attended to by opened up, but when once aroused it lost no His son Calv' net 35 employes, suspicious manner ' ' 111min per iii&n for thi Aay. Pa., -has entered suits-agai 0 '9 'u j A report is carrent that Mr Wman will sa a of fortune8 a,, inte: he perhaps th6 most efficient. Government in time in possessing itself of ships, aval and shortly resign the presidene of the'Sundky. papers,'charging them with'on� the subject. d b put to 4"W h Mar he ng the'wtdildo' The -want Of food, -which has merchant, with which to go anywhere and was one of thes Gre engaging in wordly employment on Sun. and was groann an shiv wh 04t t y of the he 0 n re- in whom tbere North-Western Telegraph Compa and day- doctor came in, en to the degree,of f&mine,though everywhere that 61 gear " was to be gather- 41� evil, when i that he will be Dy' fell dead on d ts. sto 0 of the fail- ad by those who had the pluck, energy, and ik Joseph Anna M. D. 11 Well, you be lied d fully roused. A succeeded by anigan, aged 70, r 0 Ize it t r�a n d a' is 'he result a Areat in ­Nvw-Y4& -IM see," remIA doe he r dt. as the �egular season spirit of adventure to bustle around and get any psrticular tb r winds v`hieh bfingraoisture andrain fromthe it. The re-sult as a richer reward than -4# ur, of r was his little a The next annual gathering of the Pro -his hands Wgrk, erful mo600ns - before her body could be removed, three A y man ing.anotber's h rid Al re uir- ocean P*d mouhtains are � called, and these the combined booty of all the Wars ever vincial Poultry Association will be held at, . M from her .'Hive xcou tried'to throw it off by stren beep A-d-1;cat( uga�aud a bradelet to g anoth work for him. ar a ort es which occur at ',tolerably regular waged for plunder. 14'� . , al Angais and wrist. The je A pos A,t M1 tudhe etin last week krz rl of will? fam 'be6h providea agai;at by the b diz, J hn may be legitimstely acquired b a of inte rUctions ere of re Im have ilton, w-" elected $1,500. I—I suspect its. pneumonia," eX -.onaledurage,ability,an persis ept a -far as. possible and president of the ass tip IMF. Bowser. I Dovernment as t But, when legitimately acquired they are se- to t t.never -before known in -the, Readin ca Great activity is n ays Well, I don't. It's grip-7jast grip. g In RallfrayTrains. t ciija gre r&0330 WgreatA cb bill to cured by giving great services or benefits to an r drafted a ft An wor&�-WaIndlan Congress recognizes During long and tedious railway Jolarneyig a-- ere, ahp to is VC409- B. r . f and-4twrepeal d I'm sick enough to die thiii 'to in C., -wit Alit speaking uty Pshaw man! you have got. a mild 0 fot a atie the public, and the public is not interested in it see . bris � thi 'k that under 'taken in the daytime, one is scarcely to,be It is the duties per p d an. per square yard prevf;,, their growth. Marshall Field is British i,g ance P, feared that trou'ole, ' attack—about as the babies have it. If . . pid representative. bodY blamed for killing time with a book or pap, and. a plq!Ce nex one (f u1nianding meichants of -the wouIU6�ble to do more than an 'auto- er ; ba for-the.ittempt to read at night in UR?W n Lro a. tle co go you had it as bad your wife did I should feel Be world as a millionaire bi t very anxious. Just keep quiet and take , and many tim Ll� t1w, crafid- coub, - how�vei kindly and pater- dimly -lighted carriages. as many do, there 16U go ue Westi which has been his patron, is not nal LOI slonex. hat eVt -fl -y -c -iltb aohpdful sign that those con- ersisted in, -,4* The President of thel 8 41 this medicine every two hours." Coatswort in -U -4d �rioua , puntrids is no excuse,. and if the habit is pe ria.-- pooter thaii, it Would have been if he had ' for buildings ago arrangements; " How many weeks win I be in the re- gre"p ng in value $4, ,ppip� and discuss such questions the result is impairment of the sight, if not All right� tired to idleness when he reached the first as ; tarnii dis se 900 'This inel that certain duties will be raised on March house 9" ice, ' �xp.enditnr6, government in som serious . e oftheeyes. During minute. Goo� Victoria. ­ 7-= 1 - V200,000:aad Toronto University - 5. .- -- ­ ­ I it Weeks? Xhy, you can go out to -mor- million. The Astor fortune is said by some moaciikli4a�,'-'child nitrriages and 'other tbe day, in rapidly moving trains, the light Again till I oo� D. Rosa Kohner., 19 years old, a native of row if you feel like it. Better get up after to be proof of a faulty system of land laws. East 1Wdiain. problems year after year, nor ir, constatitly changing, and they roll so un- 6.wk aster me I Al 9 ut value :88 a evenly that it is difficult for a person read- -and walk a wonder to t#d 90ci n The Sa'ip ._.on L a, 1fJ*,CU&1'reoWo �'a dpit'hatuch aslight attackbrought you ' 'asslo w g to hold the book or paper steadily. When Farm around. It's That is a proper subject for enli lotened dio-' are their.- deliberations itho his sister Al 7XI!8,� .8 W hen a majority of ths people are meau"66Y4' litical'edRo*ation and stimul0i. in* convinc land system will be It. is 0 r jig f in ed of a fault our Wie also that th the r v OF lit. v' Iva tenemint house. Uibili y 0 e. ey afford much result is that Angeles of the ,e -yes are little dau of freedom of changed. The methods of accumulation are con- 0 -"cons ntly strained Al be a w ke hte1 thought, saying t at -t roonre-workwas the cause. But Mr. Bowsef's back -ache. grew worse, subject to re n 3 @&d, information to the. Indian Gov ta an cam as ned. the hol vie*, lint there is nothing in t1re fougil Christian was he who believe erriment. would,be sanTnejh,owetvier,, If one under, such circumstances were 'to At N-6* I changing ,a thlIft ki1r, N. S., yesterday C. S. Quack- and whefi the chill finally went. off he was fact of accumulation to be -assaiied., : The 2" �xped that in is ra on read fora shoft time and stop when his eyes oral arteftekstelt!" I L� - ie, I UE �mt of his head most of the time with the armies of Julius Caesar and. Mr. -Bellamy's who 14oti and neigb5b armer name -he-' wouldtlAktftber: more effective Or ;purer in become fatigued, no positive injury would Al�b A Me ever. During Mrs. Bowser's sickest night com an which his in. Lia, WZ 2= th U; 6 a, Gore of DownW16iiij Ftr� Pound -interest -forecast have nothing t* theihayftofan. elective -parliament -them in be likely to result; but to continue. after years 3tW5A&t himself he had gone -to bed to sleep and sniore and- do with the case. It is, claimed that it h ent Indian Government. warning symptoms of discomfort have ap- mot q6 =-. - t at f the,,pres -,that oi the lott of hisbarn on Frid i a distance of . e eXRi instantly. Xest undisturbedby her moans. Shehadto Would be chea;per for the public to have the 8 If, I her, ify rn da,A a rAverlithent has- fo'r &,good wfiilebeen peared inviteg permanent weakness, if not GAW&dfixi"W Ukwi eaWW&t up with him, of. course. He wanted government, instead of the Vanderbilts, own Of good deal All wards from injuries received. .-Irretiredis broTer. 'He claimed that acc6nAedf.-tb-.the village.;organizations more,-erious consequences. vichy water, lemonade, ice -water, ginger the railways. That, too,is a change which can ftiend Johnsei n . n( ' the Orien- No one Ahould ttempt to read in a dim Ise tin th Mr. `bA'iWftenW%E7'ravipnt,a- shesaidthat .lNjknd,#e contrast, between,. Haultain, cobef of the ­tj�c . nd alei pickles, tca, toast and c% dozen other be brought about by simply conv"incine the t. 2 ittee of the North-west 4ie. w tal w�js there manifested and light 'even 'under 'conditions' otherwise U a] y jealous. _*,a insanell things, end he seemed to take solid comfort 1111 -hat it would be good the ana4icellent re-; we uihlv,� LYS %jority of the people 1. m) -abers may.addreas the Ho 'anAbbott of Brooklyn, ful that it favourable much less should they in that Bin French, in keeping up. a groaning so dole roadds '"We n us 1 to buy the Vanderbilt roads or build sults-which rhark Government, admini9tra- way -use their eyes in rapidly moving car- deliteiedmuote6bipleoturain-�oston theother finilly stopped the clock. optohiela -The wealth of the Vanderbits and -ti ible to everybody. The native riages. There are other influences to which in w* WrIWA* a-1 the doctor returned in the morningi What it will aniount-to twenty-one years i�do"'asolpfC.gle�Ue an- dh*, =371-h- �'VhV to A9649- � - Al public convenience are travellers arte`6iposed, the importarica of �Tte - - . ftf Ah% plit beamed vard his -be] T yp ser's pulse ing, his tongue ilie4W4 oij V;ana Mr. Bow JUMP from fiow,by anylegitimate use,needeoncern very Nat Moreover we which few redagnize.: If a passenger sits a. fidi"X -11iti and his throat almost raw, no on 'itivi dd AG6 :'overed wikh fur. indeed. 03 A Wks f, a 9, c of i c4paia a. We -are not interested in how much couldAnot look, in an 6lective parliament, and reads by aupen window he then an- or hVi a ney a ZeMr -cut Accra r, 0 -tNat the expressed 1is great surprise that -he -a man will make before he dies,.but-in what coupters a danger in the very airong wind, � On i1ob#bI a MUMio, a 0 t a t interests under its o9jitrol, utl SIM wl 'Ve aqs-amfi:e � broad' int,611i .di ch'easily ekditet congestion, especially ,4.not gone to the office. *He encouraged he is giving for what heis getting� lf� we for iggrice. is- whi cise. Of -P CO hihiva's iM to get up'and go dbwzi cellar and up- are making as much through him. as he Is inter@j%Abss :and public" 'spirit, which. in"' eyes that are at all weak. Tlus is a 04 mtWAA u9Pt1q9VJLVQJW, kadairs, but Mr. Bowser stuck right to the making through iis we can stand it a," IOD9 charaeAvige, -parliament.- ',,All'pr&ctice particularly common in India, and uni ibl%l jis volunteer as he can. : ar4owdf bo E"s whifhfqllow such fanchises where every breath' f air is so sought, but 't think you realize how - -cettaiii 6 folloW in 1116ugifis-it whereth� ballast of Doctor; I don d a 0.4 aMOX y 9 Y.ea 4-h FtAr- We'rious-this: me is," lie groaned. SOME RAIN SEPMSTITIONS, Hello, th W0419 i36 thb line in'so, gritty that fle 0 a strueted thi French vice. forrhqii "--"-pdrtwrn to the- very low uob�& 81611 P&HiClel are CO21BtantIT flying about. The Ian Consuls throughout the Dominiontowarn an The iavages of infin6roza are am sure I do. Xs a very mildcase of oonftip;t 4-poven � tbe,best -classes, whom 'The assertipn has been m;At�� with truth `t�&t namby-pamby epidburio called thio t grip. neastal, Peru hmd only one qa1yeriq1e4WVs *ol*, uq Those That.Prevall-th Ca it is rg -,tp enfranchise; -and Ing. posed mapy aticidati have' been ciused by the fh�ve fi4; 6hildren 1w this neighborhood ­birhood. e Ive, CO In Other Places. the4e t*1 11 - rTay, an dis�,ktist on'the W�d reau v 6a rdo,4 * in t e7reuch to jam w 114 �,qr i h: greater Vare in, strikingfordibly upon the delicate ave it worse than you, butall are'up 111.011. in . AM Mbdksk ho h part of the, masses of the rule of eof the �ye.- For it is to be re- stractup 40M up. T cry Carious In the Caucasian -provinces of, Georgia ith their dolle. V -ftj e -'Iaii Ed Playing wi tha' th if Britian rul�,. All thes@ tri membei*d that.tlie 'invisible, wind has a glare, !M Z 4!vorpeve :JtoF,dyK utarriage. ereisc a should give up where a drouth'has Iiiated long, a min .of your st4nim. is b14#iops have 'Eo be facAU India some day. poweil iihi6h it as sevire as bio�r fiom a he medicine, hoi Mae,- shoulders,-a-pri6st holdsthe h In Oend a gargle.". w IV f ultativie patliament is ­xot vessels go as to ve rise to bleeding fron: OI d and and thus -harnessed they wade tbrough.riv.; ,Of P WWADPA v -A O r. four days gargle ray b tto 7thing else fc 1pr tin -and doped as ay.' toattend-. hig, weeping and laughing. d- -he dine a 3fie. Bow- W" era, puddlesand-n3irshes; 1) f0i the a p,on with t wever,)an able girls are yoked in couples With a yoke 14 i4 Whether- tbe tangible object, and it may injure blood on their Thel 4" or th6 Ino�a of them that will Im - r? to� ii a id, groaned. ings maream- §#1 . yefgr"ti harm. refibe between 4W wwfj6ing him as The were a baby. r -FAgivd;, wh as -1v a & h ania, When the c ich�h aichkve4" tan a a Iii th6 district of Trausy PIP, d very little to say'durbig this inter- I nd that.afa 09.untry Visitors to the pielagipal pict�m-gallery groulid ispaxched with drouth, some girls her IRNAW Oies. often see A 940' t out Ifted, He,seemed to -flatten all out and - lose ii-ia gift, is too great to at Antwerp 46w ab just ves iet Uh -let 4 lb -W- ceit,. Once' strip. themselves nsked,. ad, led bv an o1dat hnnth his faet Y001-13 UL 4 he even went -so far as to ig ussia in la his he i gig hw,somithelpeo, a Pillh ar2e a an, who islso, naked, they afeal-a hj-' $bdecidi a n" 1 2 I b cook, Rev. Henry Of- "M�tera owi t -to the faini And will sit- obs6rve that if his life was spared he Would W`m ad hardly even a radk. "we bj row. and carry it across the field toA r be a shar born without !be t ft humble man in future. On the fffth t m6fit Of, arpi�, H4vi,4g, heart, ov, ey sit On lug responsibuitles 0 hazids he was accustdinei'froin in4ney :to raffiWo trues where they set. it aft6st., Next th ty flame burnin day however,. after ettiiig. out to la lori, of' Rome the barrow Al keep a tin a In the -girth, 88 sterted for on eae Corner of it for an hour. Then-thak aeft16 1014-vothit in aabi qnts--3vith,;bh1- brugh jcertpjnIj�,, re- is Tough..Customer,7 leave the harrow iii, the water and go. home.: back h ei-kniess seemed to be disv4)e 9 of-hig ft4C6d?-bb prefeasional h o pOlog ltuce, he said: -T 6 lrt'ta World A'similar. rain arm -10 i6i " h the' if iq Hill ch is reb"tf-t r6ken to -visit two or three different ry propose inAh, come o one a it quire u India. Naked women drag a plow acio�s-the yet f tan xwiiirniuent Al r to-day-"d�#nii.'out-wliit�caiised at ofluthly lift of field by tight. _-It is M - lisettle I 4 n6t�said -that the P gar. site he iike �maaufactory is in Germany, and it supplies -a stream -or sprinkle -t and d sts with @,u r for so. led.. ]plunge the plaw into hy, i ifte, a re- i ha anewered joh 4hidk -m'Vet lit; �mcME&&- Thk -'its ob- Bo r -toade Ajog ga , 71 -the water. the eharm-toul&karr Tam- .1 I 0 Ala QAawered wnh It but when -,y94 Mr to � ly lie complete Without it. Son There was a combination =ally pure article would not find mu, -b much' th "'t1i the andr 1, know �g devotion aind tender so charm works throuhan iti- auctit was a mighty ei- sale for table use, as it is a dirty, greish ePruserious �f U16 Irf Dfilme, dear—you in appearance. When dissolvea A tted b ona white 04 Nothingcon earth but my I 0 Procure ram put il i�4 �bd 1IT111051 UKL give.-WaY to it. iftr --field r ch at, George, gives a, clear solution, there be* no artifi. C& *ot Bft - 7m= 9 jilf a black sheep in POU 9w"AMA70 v '14 .- __ . A— � - -- fivilfiam diet 9TM0 You seem to forg : ��- '-! -- -- athfor 4 - tion gi #.nothiuktd "t tinrain'r W1. ug t Ve ial colouring maUter in auspe Me 7 ��L �z