The Huron Expositor, 1919-02-07, Page 1JANUARY 31, 1910
.Miss Our
Dress Goods,
t Sale
[ price
6 ij
�P 1 iE
iarkable Price Cuts
es Coats, Suits
resses and
as it does our en -
k of high-grade, - `u -
ailored garments. This
Je an offer of excep-
tercest to every lady
rth and vicinity.
Clearing Out Thesc
er;Clothes to Make
m for t h e Spring
Stocks -
you to come in and
garments to the rest
most critical judg
-ing you will realize
,ey-saving opportun-
rale presents.
II 11
may see greater
s advertised. but
positively be
+ to L &:t more for
ir. neyT than here.
D <
lteLEAN BROS., Publishers
11.50 a Year ' in Advance
11111111/ 11 1
1 1111 1i11i111ni1i11111i1111111N111111H11i1i11f11111#1.11l11111111111111111Yi11111111111lite THE COUNTY COUNCIL
The Council of the Corporation of
+► g Coi the County of Huron, met on Tuesday,
- Januar 28th at 3..te4reitt lo t h i n, y
y p.m. The County
ie Clerk presided and after calling: the
#t - roll showing all the members present,
E. , Second, to None = called upon the Council to elect a
e.' - Warden. Moved by Messrs. M. Arm-
i strong and H. Crich that Mr. J. N.
=. Campbell, Reeve of East Wawanosh
- _ be warden for the year 1919.
W - _ After waiting the statutory time
.... Februat 1-
- o and no further nominations being
C made, Me Campbell was duly declared
s elected ,Warden.
Ex -Warden Elliott' conducted- the
newly elected warden to the chair
Nab 0
as. UMW
aa• INN
II Nue
MI at
Not for the past numbor of years - have
such bargains been offered. We are de-
termined to clear all Winter Garments
. and to this end w e have placed on our
bargain tables the following specials -for
this and next week. -
Women's Cloto Coats
F. Girls' Cloth Coats
Men's Overcoats
E Boys' Overcoats
Fur Coats
Fur. Jackets
Heavy Underwear N
Leavy Coat $,eaters
for Men, Women
and Boys
Half Price
per cent. off
Regular Price
where he made and subscribed to the
declaration of office before His Honor
Judge Dickson. ' His Honor briefly ad-
dressedithe Warden and congratulated
him upon his ele.c)tion to the most im-
portant position in the gift of his fel- _
low councillors and predicted d melee-
did yealeunder his guidance as War-
The Warden addressed the Connell
- regarding the work that would come
before them the present year, and
= thanked his colleagues for the honor
conferred upon him in electing him
Warden ,and said he would spare
Ieffort to merit the confidence
of the
The following communications were
read and - referred to the respective
Committees of Council: -
To the Education Committte: Notice
A - from .Clinton Collegiate Institute
= Board of attendanie, cost of mainten-
ance and amount due from the coun-
im ty. , The same from Seaforth Colleg-
iate, St. Marys, Winghain, Listowel,
Parkhill, Owen Sound and Mitchell.
To the Executive Committer From
the clerk of the town of Goderich
making application for a rebate of 90
=' per cent of County Highway levy 1918.
An application from Miss G . E .Brown
: of Seaforth, Treasurer, W W. C . A . , of
_ that town, asking for a continuance
of grant for war work.
From W : Brydone ,of Clinton, re tie
accident resulting. in the death of
Mr.. - N. A . Taylor and asking the
ICouncil' to take the matter in consid-
eration regarding a fair settlement of
' Mrs. Taylor's claim.
1 From B . $. Spence asking the
-Couneil.nto affiliate :with. the Ontario..
1Vluiiid;ipal Association.
C From the.�Hos�s ital 'for Sick Child-
r en- _
2 ec
r nto
asking _ ren Toronto,
off _ tion.
From •M . -E . Lymburner, asking for
Regular ular Price a grantati.
to the Huron County Poultry
From Ai M; Robertson, asking for
Greig ClothiwY
a grant to the Huron County .Shelter.
From J. A. Morton, police:magi's-
trate Wingham, asking for . - office ice ale -
t •
. .- From
Gaoler , Griffin,n
en los kn
g hi
report and asking an increase in sal-
- ary.
From R. DeLong,- caretaker, ask -
_ = ing for an increase in salary.
E it11Ui 1 1 N#111111[titllill11111111111111111141111.:• The following were referred to the
=d14111111111111111111H1Y111111MM1Ni1 ! 1 INl l
-�- Special Committee:
Fros the Good Roads Committee
of the County -of Peel, containing a
recommendation to secure legislation
tp. ciarge a frontage tax under tte
-good roads system.
From the City of Kingston, a reso-
lution to petition- the Dominion Gov-
ernment to deport all alien enemies
as soon as peace is declared.
Fom Stormont, Dundas and Glen-
garry Counties containing petition to
abolish day -light saving-.
From County of Victoria, a petition
regarding dog tax legislation.
From Prince Edward Island, ask-
ing that Divisional engineers 'be ap-
pointed. .
From City of Toronto asking a dis-
t continuance of the War Tax.
From County of Lincoln, resolution
protesting against the aGovernment a-
dopting - Resolution of the Ontario
Municipal Association.
From County of Hastings, a resolu-
tion with reference to width of wagon
tires. -
10 per cent: off
Call and see our corn-
piete line
of Stoves
and Furnaces
The Bi
Haraware Store
D, <
dae ta'*eatorth
Resolution of Colborne township
Council re land settlement plan for re-
turned soldiers suggesting the clause
adopted by Bruce County. - -
The following were referred to the
Good Roads Commission.
From A. Cantelon re ,auto accident
en London Road, anckas'king damages.
From G. S. Henry, secretary Good
Roads Association, asking the county
to join the Association a>d send dele-
gates .
The following applications were re-
ceived for, the position of County
Auditor: Frank Metcalf Blyth; D. F.
McGregor, Tuckersmith; James Burns,
Blyth; Capt. R. R. Sloan, Blyth; W.
E. Van'elser, Wroexter; Peter Cante-
lon ` Clinton; John Fingland, Hullett.
The report of the Agricultural Re-
presentative was presented and refer-
red to the Education Committee.
Under the head .. of enquiries, some
discussion took place re the Good
Roads System, during which Coun-
cillor Young spoke • at considerable
length - regarding the necessity of
keeping close to the Highways legis-
lation in order to avoid difficulties
Moved by Messrs. Petty and Hack
ett that Peter Cantelon of Clinton,
be appointed auditor for 1919 -Car-
ried. '
Moved by Messrs. Armstrong and
Young that John Fingland, of Hullett,
be apponited auditor for the year 1919
Doig and Douglas that Messrs.
Crich, Dalton, Govenlock, Livingston
and Clark be a striking committee to
strike the standing committees for the.
year 1919 -Carried.
Ford and Beavers-Thatan-
ning be re -appointed Trustee Clin-
ton Collegiate Institute. --,-Referred to
Education Committee.
Doig and Crich, that Armstrong and
the Clerk be appointed. on the Crimi-
nal audit board for 1919 -Carried.
Grieve and Govenlock, that Dr. Bur-
ro' be re-elected trustee of .Sea -
forth Collegiate Institute --Referred
to Education Committee.
Isbester and Crich, that Mr. Van -
stone be-re-apponited trustee of Wing-
ing-ham High School -Referred to Edu-
cation Committee.
Dalton and Douglas, that Council-
lors Govenlock, Livingston and Doig
Mond -a -.. TuesdayWednesday
Presents His Latest Superb Triumph
Tlie Great L
A beautiful love story against a background of the cyclonic events
in the great aifi:phitheatre of the world struggle.
See the sailing of the great fleet of Zeppelins, the swirlof the
German anr•sgta r
ons sweeping the sky, and the glare of the bursting
ehrapnel as ttie Prussians try to wreck the City of London, It's
With Practically the Same Cast as "The Birth of a Nation" and
"Hearts of the World." The cast includes:
Lillian Gish ° . Robert Harron Henry Walthall Rosemary Thieby
George Fawcett George Siegmann Maxfield Stanley Gloria Hope
Masserene QUeon Alexandria
Countess s Lady- Lavery
Lady Dina Manners Elizabeth Asquith Lady Paget
Also England',s Noblewomen : -
These Notable Really Take. Part and Act, Not Merely Pose,
in this Production
By the Wurliteer Electric Orchestra, the World's most -wonderful
1 musical ipstrument, especiallybuilt for motion pictures
PRICES for "GREAT LOVE". (only) ADULTS 25e; CHILDREI3 15c.
Show Starts. at 8.15
be the 'Commission for County Desig-
nated Roads. -
Young and Ford, ,that the appoint-
ment of the Good' Roads Commission
be referred to, the S=pecial Committee
-Caririet -
On motion -of .Beavers and Laporte
the Council adjourned to meet Wed-
nesday morning =at -10 o'clock,
tl.'� to have Mi?
Fingiand's appolilitment as auditor
withdrawn, as he is the - Treasurer
of Hullett nd•therefore not eligible.
Clark - and Ford -That - Mr. r
strong s request be granted -Carried.
Mr . G. M. - Elliott appeared before.
the Council, making.a request regard-
ing Marjorie Guthrie, a little cripple
from Gorrie ,to have her sent to To-.
ronto for treatment;at the Sick Child-
ren's Hospital.
Bailie and Clark, that the request
of Mr. Elliott lie granted. -Carried.
Inspector Field's and 5 Inspector
Tom's reports were presented and re-
ferred to the Education Committee.
The Striking Committee reported -as
follows and in committee Mr. Ford
occupied the chair. The report was
adopted. The following is the report
of Staking Committee:
Executive Committee -R. W . Liv-
ingston, John Laporte, G. Young, A.
E. Erwin; James Moffatt.
Special Committee -M. Armstrong,
William Elston, P . F. Doig, James
A. Ford, lames_ Cutt. -
Finance Committee -W. Isbester, J.
Grieve, N. W. Trewartha, M. El-.
liott. J . M. Govenlock.
Education Committee -B. W. F. -
Beavers, A. Mitchell, W. Bailie, G.
C. Petty, S. T. Plum.
Road and Bridge Committee -J.
Laporte, J. Hackett, W. F. Clark,
J. Douglas, W. D. - Saunders.
County Property Committee -T. M.
Davis, James Armstrong, Alex. Neeb.
H C h J Dalton
House of Refuge Committee -J. M.
Govenlock, J. Dalton, HI Crich, A.
E. Erwin. - Warden's Committee -R . W . Livin g-
eton, W. F. Clark, M. Armstrong,
W. Isbester, G. Young.
• - The report of the House of Refuge
Committee was presented and taken
up -in .eemmitte with Mr. Young :in
the chair. The report was adopted.
Govenlock and Armstrong -that Mr.
D. F. McGregor be appointed auditor
A Salvation Army delegation being
present were asked to address the
Council. --
Beavers art' Isbester, that a grant
of $25 be .made to each agricultural
society holding fall fairs in the eoun-
ty-Referred to the Executive Com-
mittee. - -
The Treasurer presented his finan-
cial statement of receipts and expen-
ditures for 1918,.and. Sinking - Fund e
$25 be made to each, school fair.=Sent
to Executive Committee.
i Elliott and Crich, that we grant
1$500 to the Children's Aid Society.-
Sent to Executive Committee.
Ciark and Ford, that the adjustment
of salaries of county officials be re-
ferred to the Executive Comniittee for
action .at this - meeting --Sent to Exe-
cutive Committee. -
Laporte andY� that statement
lie ' pi'islted and distributed at this
meeting showing the amount dollected
from each municipality during 1918
and also amount expended in each
municipality on the County Road Sys-
tem. -Carried.
The following is the statement:
Highway Rate Expenditure
of 1 mill on Designated
Hay 2407.00
Hawick 3381.90
Hullett 2571.00
Morris 2491.80
McKillop .... 2678.80
Stsinley 2135.10
Stephen 2738.80
Tuckersmith 2413.30
Turnberry 1630.00
Usborne ......
Wawanosh, East
Wawanosh, West.
Bayfield ... .....
Wroxeter -
Township 2208.60
.' 2417.50
. 1604 80
. 1613.90
1422.60 -
den, Livingston and Young be ap-
pointed to attend the Stratford High-
ways meeting on February lith Re-
ferred to Road and Bridge Committee,
Sanders and Davis, that the Council
memorialize the Government praying
that the tax on drugs be unposed on
the manufacturer -of same.-Refer-
ame. Refer -red to. Special Committee. - -
Ford and Davis, that Clark, Living-
ston -and Young be added to the House
i of Refuge Committee to deal with ap-
plications for manager,niatron and as-
istant matron and report to the Coun-
cil. -Carried. -
Elliott and Isbister, that the House
of Refuge appointments be left over
to the June session.- --Lost.
Doig and Armstrong, that the Coun-
cil adjourn to ineet on Thursday morn-
ing. -Carried, -
A communciation was -read from Mr.
Charles Garrow, re claim of R. D.
McDonald of Kint01 foie $2.0; being
damages Ito automible ,in 1917: Re-
ferred to( Good Roads Commission.
The Special Committee Report was
taken up - with Mr. 'Beavers in. the
chair. The report was adopted.
The House of Refuge Cominitte was
Laporte takenchair. Lup with Mr. aporte in the
Doig a=id Cutt, that the report be
referred back to the Committee to re-
port on Friday morning in the event
of other applicants appearing. -Car-
riei. .
The Finance Commitee report was
presented with Mr. Erwin in the chair.
The report was adopted.
Clark and Saunders, that _ the
Committee appointed at last meeting
of the council re returned soldiers,
take up the matter of land settlement
as indicated by Councillor Young of
Colborne, and try to arrange a system
similar to that of Bruce County. Re-
ferred to Special Commitee. -
Davis ands Ford, That a grant of
$15 be made for flowers for - Court
House Grounds. -Referred to the:,
Xxecutiv4e Committee. :.. ---"" --
Laporte -.and krrnstrong that all
-lad -Founts between township and the
county • in the Good Road system be
equalized every year insteadof three
years, and that five per cent be charg-
ed for money used by n- ufiieipalities
other than the amounts raised by them library in'the county, we recommend
and that the equalization begin in 1918 that the grant be made. --Carries
Referred toGood Committee..
Roads Co Moved byDaivs and Isbester that a
Ford aIle Davis That Beavers and M
gram of �$1d300 be given to the Wine
Saunders be appointed' tb attend the ham ; and 4oderich hospitals, we re -
Good Roads Convention_ e -Referred, to ep mend that a grant of $500 be
SpeciaCommittee. pride to each ho"spiral.
Davis and Ford, That in view of Re motion of Douglas and Dalton
the intense feeling and interest taken that the usual grants be made to the
throughout the county of Huron that Continuation scbools,'we recommend
some fitting memorial should be er- that the grants be made made.-e-Ceirried.
' ected in memory of the gallant men Re motion of Beavers and Isbes,
ter that a grantof$2� be madeto -
eachagricaltura-Lacteiety h d , fall
fairs, we reeonlmen5 that these "grants
Ise made. -Carried.
Re motion from Goderich Town -
Council in regard to the 90 per cent
rebate on money paid in by towns and
villages on _ the county Road account,
we recommend that this be not paid -
as by so doing we would forfeit our
claim to the Government subsidy in
that we would be departing from the
regiireinents of the act in regard to
grants to towns and villages ---Sub sec.
a,b.c., Section 5 Highway Improvement
Act. -Carried.
Re account of J. A. Morton, police
magistrate of Wingham, we recom-
mend that this be paid -Carried.
Re comunication from Ontario Mun-
The report of the Road and Bridge impel Association regarding :affiliation
Committee was presented with Mr, with said Association, we recommend
Isbester in the chair The report was no action.
read and adopted. Re application from Pet Stock As-
-The County Property Committee
report was presented with Mr. Sauii-
der in tlfe chair. -The report was
delegates to the Hydro Radial Railway
convention at Toronto re better fa-
cilities- for transportation fo the
townships bordering on Lake Huron.
and that the fee be paid. -Carried.
The House of Refuge 1oinnlittee
with the addition' of three others of
the council appointed to deal with the
matter of appointing a manager and
matron of the House of Refuge, pre-
sented their second report which con-
tained a majority report appointing
Mr. James Reynolds and wife, which.
was moved by Messrs. Livingstone
and Govenlock, and a minority report
moved by Messrs. Crich and Erwin
postponing the appointment until
The majority report was carried by
a vote of 16-13. Mr, Laporte occupied
the chair in Committee. The report.
was adopted --
After singing "Auld Lang Syne,"
the council on motion of Messrs. Neeb
and Erwin, adjourned to meet the first
Tuesday in June at 3 o'clock,
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee reported
as follows: -
Re motion of Elliott and Crich that
• e -aid to the County
a grant $500 b p
Children's Shelter, we recommend
that $1,000 be granted.-. Carried.
Re motion of Douglas and Bailie
that a grant of $25 be given to each
school fair, we recommend that $15 be
given. --Carried.
Re emotion of Beavers and Isbester
that a grant of $20 000 be made to the -
Salvation Army for general rescue
work among the Canadian soldiers, we
reeomend that $2,000 per monbe
given for eleven. months, beginning oat►
February 1st, 1919. -Carried,
Re motion of Sanders and Pe Le
that a grafin of $25 be given to each
spring seed and live stock show at
Hensall, Clinton, Wingham and Sea-
forth, we reeommend that these grants
be given, ----Carrie& °
----Re-motion of Bailie and Dalton that
a grant of 05 be given to each board
of agriculturle and $10 to each wo-
men's institute in the county. We re-
commend that these grants be made.
Re motion of Erwin and Ford that
a grant of $25 be given to each public
who gave their lives in the great war,
be it „2 e olved that this! council
build' -a, memorial Hospitl1 in this
county, and that a Committee be
appointed to arrange details and re-
port at June session of council. -
Referred to Special Committee.
Livingstone and Govenlock, That
the by-law governing the engineers
duties be amended to make it - coni-
pulsory in all cases where townships -
apply to have bridges placed on the
county -to examine the situation and
report in writing his opinion as regard
the necessity ofthe size of the bridge
to be constructed. -Referred to Road
1759.60 and Bridge Committee.
8812.10 The Education Committee reports•
1117.49 with Dr. Clark in the claire,--The re -
844.87 port was adopted.
$42501.40 $56340.34
Clark' and Davis that a committee
of this Council composed of the War -
account. -Referred to Finance Com-'
mittee, "
Douglas and Dalton, that a grant
to Continuation Schools and - Fifth
class schools be same as last year-
Referred to Executive Committee. -
Davis and Isbester,, that a grant of
'$1000 be made to Goderich and Wing -
hams hospitals. =Sent - to Executive
Erwin. and Ford, that as grant of $25
be made to each public library. -Sent
to Executive Committee.
Bailey and. Dalton, that we grant
$25 to each Board of Agriculture and
$10 to each Woman's Institute in the
county. -Sent to Executive Commit-
tee, -
Sanders and Petty, that a grant of
X25 be made to each spring seed and
stock show held at Hensall, Seaforth,
and Clinton. -Sent to Executive Com-
Beavers and Isbester that a grant
of $20,000 be made to - Salvation Army
to be applied for the benefit of the
Canadian soldiers overseas and at
home -Sent to Executive Committee.
Douglas and Bailie that a grant of
Now %n Stock
- N Cluff & Sons
seciation for grant, we recommend no
Re communication from W_Brydone
in interests of Mrs, Neil Taylor, vile
Ont motion of Bailey an Crich, the recommend that the matter be refer -
council adjourned to meet on Friday red to the County. Road. Commission
morning. at 10 o'clock to examine the condition of higay
Inspector Chisholm of Toronto was
present and addressed the council re
at point of accident and if they con-
:cider• it• advisable they be given power
to make settlement -Carried.
a rearrangement of the school In- Re tender for County printing we
spectorates, by forming a new In- recommend that the contract of the
spectorate of part of Middlesex, Lamb -
ton and Huron,
Beavers and Isbeter, That the re-
presentations of Mr. Chisholm re re-
arrangements of school Inspectorates
having been heard that time matter be
deferred to the June session for con-
sideration. -Carried. .
Laporte - and Trewartha,- that be it
resolve that this county council return
thanks to the Almighty for the great
victory of the Allies on the battlefields
of Europe,_and' that we record: our
appreciation of the gallant Canadian
troops, who have won high honors and
distinction. in the Allie armies. We
also desire to particulary emphasize
our appreciation of the gallant manner
in which our - men from Huron County
have acquitted themselves in places
of danger on the battlefields of Europe.
New Era, of Clinton, be accepted, it
being the lowest. ---Carried. -
Re communication from Dr. Field, -
Public school inspector and Mr. Torn,
regardi ig an increase in tile. amount
allowed for expenses, we Greco end.
that the aniount of $525 be awed
each .---Cawed.
Re contract for jail grocery and
meat supply, we recommend that this
matter be left with the chairman of
the Property Committee, the clerk
and Treasurer to make such arrange-
ments as they see fit. -Carried.
Re communication from Sick Child-
ren's Hosiptal, Toronto, for grant, we
recommend that *25 be_ granted -Car-
Re motion of Davis and Ford that a
grant of $15 be given for flowers for
court house, we recommend that $10
They have crowned themselves with be givens --Carried.
glory and have brought honor to their Re inotion of Clark and Ford that
home county,- and although we lament the following salaries be paid for
the death of so - many of them and ex- 1918:
tend to the bereaved our sincerest Gaol --Gaoler, $800;- matron, $225;.
sympathy, we rejoice that the cause turnkey, $700; physician, *120.
of freedom and righteousness for House of . Refuge -Inspector, $300
which they fought has triumphed. At physician $350; chaplain., *100; mat --
suggestion of the Warden,.: this ron, $400; assistant matron, $300;
was adopted by standing and sing- manager, $600,
ing "God Save the King." County . Officials -Warden, 00;
Bailey and Laporte. That the grant treasurer, $1500; clerk $1200; carre-
to be,made to the Red Crow work be taker, 740; Road superintendent, $1
given to the different organizations 700; Gown Attorney, $1,100; County
doing Red Cross or any patriotic re- auditors, $40; criminal auditors; $5.00
lief work. ---Carried. and mileage.
Laporte and Saunders. That a School Inspectors ---J. E. Tom, $4 -
Committee be appointed whose duty 350 and $526 expenses; J. M. Field,
it will be to investigate to what extent $1350 and $525 expenses. Councillors
the Government would assist the re- $5 per day for six days and mileage.
turned heroes of Huron County and We recommend that this sada, of
report at the June session se that the salaries -remain in force for two yew
i council could discuss the a;dvisibilty --Carried.. . ,
of rendering further aid and that the Re .communication from Mica
Committee be composed of 6 members Brown, Treasurer W,C.A., regarding
from townships, municipalities and usualgrant of $150, for County organ-
three from urban munieijlaiities.-- ization, we reepmmend that this grant
Carried. be paid. -.Robert W. Livingston,.
Douglas and Dalton: That the fol.. Cha irinan..
lowing be the Committee as proposed #a+.•�son'
in the former motion: Messrs. La- The . Road. C010011010)3 reported as
parte, Saunders, Yolmg, Livingstone, follows Ireaelea4n D A1`cD naId
Govenlock, Moffat, Beavers, Ford and
Petty. -Carried.
Livingstone and Govenlock. That
the Reeves of Stephen, Hay, Stanely,
Bayfield, Goderich, and Ashfield. be
-of Kintai, for
ing automible
recommend, that
Card; '
(Continued on riage '4)
s itsr b k
road. We
be paid.
Old Time Dance
Thursday Evening
February ... . .. 1
Dancing at 8.30
Tickets $1,00
Ladies Will Provide Lunch
account. -Referred to Finance Com-'
mittee, "
Douglas and Dalton, that a grant
to Continuation Schools and - Fifth
class schools be same as last year-
Referred to Executive Committee. -
Davis and Isbester,, that a grant of
'$1000 be made to Goderich and Wing -
hams hospitals. =Sent - to Executive
Erwin. and Ford, that as grant of $25
be made to each public library. -Sent
to Executive Committee.
Bailey and. Dalton, that we grant
$25 to each Board of Agriculture and
$10 to each Woman's Institute in the
county. -Sent to Executive Commit-
tee, -
Sanders and Petty, that a grant of
X25 be made to each spring seed and
stock show held at Hensall, Seaforth,
and Clinton. -Sent to Executive Com-
Beavers and Isbester that a grant
of $20,000 be made to - Salvation Army
to be applied for the benefit of the
Canadian soldiers overseas and at
home -Sent to Executive Committee.
Douglas and Bailie that a grant of
Now %n Stock
- N Cluff & Sons
seciation for grant, we recommend no
Re communication from W_Brydone
in interests of Mrs, Neil Taylor, vile
Ont motion of Bailey an Crich, the recommend that the matter be refer -
council adjourned to meet on Friday red to the County. Road. Commission
morning. at 10 o'clock to examine the condition of higay
Inspector Chisholm of Toronto was
present and addressed the council re
at point of accident and if they con-
:cider• it• advisable they be given power
to make settlement -Carried.
a rearrangement of the school In- Re tender for County printing we
spectorates, by forming a new In- recommend that the contract of the
spectorate of part of Middlesex, Lamb -
ton and Huron,
Beavers and Isbeter, That the re-
presentations of Mr. Chisholm re re-
arrangements of school Inspectorates
having been heard that time matter be
deferred to the June session for con-
sideration. -Carried. .
Laporte - and Trewartha,- that be it
resolve that this county council return
thanks to the Almighty for the great
victory of the Allies on the battlefields
of Europe,_and' that we record: our
appreciation of the gallant Canadian
troops, who have won high honors and
distinction. in the Allie armies. We
also desire to particulary emphasize
our appreciation of the gallant manner
in which our - men from Huron County
have acquitted themselves in places
of danger on the battlefields of Europe.
New Era, of Clinton, be accepted, it
being the lowest. ---Carried. -
Re communication from Dr. Field, -
Public school inspector and Mr. Torn,
regardi ig an increase in tile. amount
allowed for expenses, we Greco end.
that the aniount of $525 be awed
each .---Cawed.
Re contract for jail grocery and
meat supply, we recommend that this
matter be left with the chairman of
the Property Committee, the clerk
and Treasurer to make such arrange-
ments as they see fit. -Carried.
Re communication from Sick Child-
ren's Hosiptal, Toronto, for grant, we
recommend that *25 be_ granted -Car-
Re motion of Davis and Ford that a
grant of $15 be given for flowers for
court house, we recommend that $10
They have crowned themselves with be givens --Carried.
glory and have brought honor to their Re inotion of Clark and Ford that
home county,- and although we lament the following salaries be paid for
the death of so - many of them and ex- 1918:
tend to the bereaved our sincerest Gaol --Gaoler, $800;- matron, $225;.
sympathy, we rejoice that the cause turnkey, $700; physician, *120.
of freedom and righteousness for House of . Refuge -Inspector, $300
which they fought has triumphed. At physician $350; chaplain., *100; mat --
suggestion of the Warden,.: this ron, $400; assistant matron, $300;
was adopted by standing and sing- manager, $600,
ing "God Save the King." County . Officials -Warden, 00;
Bailey and Laporte. That the grant treasurer, $1500; clerk $1200; carre-
to be,made to the Red Crow work be taker, 740; Road superintendent, $1
given to the different organizations 700; Gown Attorney, $1,100; County
doing Red Cross or any patriotic re- auditors, $40; criminal auditors; $5.00
lief work. ---Carried. and mileage.
Laporte and Saunders. That a School Inspectors ---J. E. Tom, $4 -
Committee be appointed whose duty 350 and $526 expenses; J. M. Field,
it will be to investigate to what extent $1350 and $525 expenses. Councillors
the Government would assist the re- $5 per day for six days and mileage.
turned heroes of Huron County and We recommend that this sada, of
report at the June session se that the salaries -remain in force for two yew
i council could discuss the a;dvisibilty --Carried.. . ,
of rendering further aid and that the Re .communication from Mica
Committee be composed of 6 members Brown, Treasurer W,C.A., regarding
from townships, municipalities and usualgrant of $150, for County organ-
three from urban munieijlaiities.-- ization, we reepmmend that this grant
Carried. be paid. -.Robert W. Livingston,.
Douglas and Dalton: That the fol.. Cha irinan..
lowing be the Committee as proposed #a+.•�son'
in the former motion: Messrs. La- The . Road. C010011010)3 reported as
parte, Saunders, Yolmg, Livingstone, follows Ireaelea4n D A1`cD naId
Govenlock, Moffat, Beavers, Ford and
Petty. -Carried.
Livingstone and Govenlock. That
the Reeves of Stephen, Hay, Stanely,
Bayfield, Goderich, and Ashfield. be
-of Kintai, for
ing automible
recommend, that
Card; '
(Continued on riage '4)
s itsr b k
road. We
be paid.