The Huron Expositor, 1919-01-10, Page 31919
it nate
spende meet of hia
moray in New York,
„ICAVII there by the head
axi-starters. t: Gondoef
e acquaieted at a club
re guests. ,
e very friendln, Gone
ing himself ad a male
giving proof thereof.
of their acquaintance.
the matter to several
I, all, apparently, thrive
thuishen ia various linen
[ e
emerce. One was K te .
pt named Halle, with
r.jor became particularly .
hey had many a shot,
n‘ii, together, and filially '
onveyed to his friend,
bughs, the fact that he
'estern Union Telegraph
at who would tell hint
horse race before
,s flaehed to the pool-
hout the country. Mr.
at he often rang up
krhen he needed a few
. ready money. got the
1.-teation, het in a pool-
ellected his winaings.
at he needed the money,
ut he had no synipathy
1 -room people and rather
firig them to the extent
housand dollars at odd
r had the same catholic
the propriety of robbing
es. and after some urg-
Id promised to give him
hi scwith the result that
)ut up $3,000 at two to
iecten $10,000. His hot
oat', inflamed at this
he agreed to bet
next day to maize a
ie lost But the explan-
error was so satisfaetory
Hawing dene he bet an -
4. This to, vanished,
friend Halle, Later on
!reueht suit against Gon-
.! recovery of the money,
tte were made public.
yawl, had faded crat a
es soon as he had intro -
fiend who was to put on
:and it is owing to this
)ppertune vanishing that
ee the fact of being rare -
1. Among the scholars
neh who were trimmed
or he became a fresh -
in g Sing was Daniel Ce.
, according to the Leader,
rer controller of the city
e, and who dropped $64, -
Poolroom frame up. It is
le fear that ttiere may be
:/ C. Currys in Canada on-
riginal Daniel C. Curry
king for revengethat the
are printed:
Save yourself the time worry and lawn.
vemence of collecting your sale notes by
having this Bank do it for you.
We will lOok affer all payments vihen due
and credit the amount paid to your account.
Consult.the Manager,
I -
% — -
THE HURON EXPOSITOR gold and warmly congratulated on.the
arrival of the anniversary -under such
--en... e._.• favorable auspices of health, horde and
, hosts of ends, Rev. R. A. Lundy
DISTRICT MA.TTERS of Walton the esteemed pastor of Mr.
_.... . .._tet - and Mrs. Turnbull, very happily -pro-
posed toasts to our King and Coun-
Death of John E. Drake—The death try. the bride and groom of fifty
occurred in Seaforth on Tueeday of years ago; and our soldier boys. Fit-
test eeek of nohn Edward Drake at ting responses were made by Miss Mae
the ,age of 78 years. About a year Smith, Alex. Stewart and the afore:
age -Mr. Drake moved to Seaforth from said groom. The c,orapany aeparated
Staffa, owing to ailing health, after Nvishing lir. and Mrs:. Turnbull, the
farming in the neighborhoed of Striffa, continuance of good health' and the
fer many year:. He nevi successful enjoyment of the favor of God and
in his chosen occupation and highly an. Mr. Turnbul was born on Feb-
resrected. Deceased is 8uxviveA by his ruary 22nd, 1826? in Roxboroshire,
-wife. fertnerly oanetWhyte, a' (laugh- Scotland and is consequently in his
ter of the late John Whyte, of Mit- 83rd year. He came to Canada in 1857
chell. Three sons and/four daughters and worked near Ayr, Waterloo county
ulso survive: John; on the homestead for over four years, before coming
at Stade; Edward and )Henry, it" the to Grey' :township, when he purchased
West; Mrs. Riddell aud Mrs. C, ; the present homestead, lot 10, conces-
Warden in the West; Mrs. James Hay .sion 15 fron Robert Dennison and on
and Mrs. John McDonnell, of Staffa. which he has continnally resided. This
pioneer.lwas happily wedded to Miss
Jean Smith, of Grey township, on
December 18th, 1868. The late Rev.
J. Ferguson, of Brussels, performed
the ceremony, at the home of her par-
rs. Turnbull was a native of
e.shire in the old land as her
and first saw the light of
day on March lst, 1837, so will soon
have 8 nears to her credit. They
proispe d, as Scotch 'people are said
to prose. en in their toil and by in-
dustry, eare and thrifty ways were
duly r-• arded by progeese attending
these ualities. Four children were
born ti, the home and survive, viz:
'Thoma and Wiliam Of Winnipeg; Oli-
ver, on the homestead; and Mrs. John
Barton of Abernathy, Sask. On ac-
count if the influenza epidemic, the
Weste ers were linable to get hete
for the. celebration, but did not fonget
the nu • ortant event. ' There are four-
teen randchildren and one great
grand hild, The Presbyterian church
ETHEL at Wit ton has been the home church
of ehi worthy old couple and their
Induction of Pastor.—The Presby- lives nd talents have been devoted to.
tery of Maitland met on Monday for the f rtherance of every good word
the ordination and induction of Mr. and el ork by speech and deed. Mr.
Thomas E. Kennedy, B.A., a repent numb 11 being a elder for many
graduate of Montreal Presbyterian years. In polities Mr. Turnbull is a
College, into the united charge of staun h Liberal arid keeps well post-
Cranbrook and Ethel. Rev. W. A. ed on the doings .of rliment and
Cradle, ,of Teeswater, preached the closet watches curnent events He
sermon, Rev. A. M. Boyle, of Bei- still njoys tile, peruse' of the daily
.grave,, moderator of the Presbytery, and eeltly papers and keeps in close
presided, and put the usual questions. touch with world affairs. Both he
'Rev. D. A. McLean, of Ripley, - and- is faithful partner nor- so neentY4
eireseed the young mintster, and Rev. new's, enjoy comparatively goon health
A. Jh Manse of Bruesels, addressed for t eir age andare a e to get about
the congregatioe Mr. Keenedy is a to vi it relatives 1 and friends when
graduate of the University of Toron- good eather permits. Mr. and MTS.
to ,and took his theological course et Turn ull enjoy the respect and esteem'
Knox Cortege, Toronto, Princeton The- of a vide circle of friends, who also
()logical College, New Jersey and final offer hearty congratulations over the
year at Montreal Presbyterian Coll- glad- vent wed join in the hope that
age. • He enters upon his life work the a Id folk may be spelled for a few
with bright prospects for the future. years net before mg called to enjoy
the cane Eternal at the end of a long
and appy *limey through life. A
num • er of relatives continue to teside
in t is locally but thelist, grows
short r of the Men and women who
-e-- '
Winter is a dangerous season for the ents•
reale one. The deys are .ro change --j the ser
able—one bright, the next cold and husban
stormy, rhat the mother is afraid to
Tale the children out for the fresh air
and exercise they need so much.- In
coneeque.nce they are often cooped up
ii oeerneated, badly veetilated rooms
and are soon seized with colds or
grind Whet is needed to keep the
little oaes well is Bane e Own Tablets.
They will regulate the stomach.' and
eoweis ard drive eut colds .. and by
their use the baby will be able to get
-over the winter seaseeein perfect safe
ty The Tablets are soldisy medicine
<Wakes of by mail at 25 cents a box
from The Dr. Weinerasi Medieine
Co. In oekville, Onta c.o..
• S._
With Headquarters- in TATOTIfto
Toronto, ant, January 1. —A cir-
cular iSsued by President D. B. Han-
na, announces that, effeetive January
1, all geerernment railway lines here-
-re known as Canadian Northern,
including -jibs eastern and western lines,
and Canadian Government railways,
comprising the national Transconi-
Intereolomal and Prince Ed-
ward 'slated Railvsayse will be known
and operated under the name "Canad-
ian National Railways," headquarters
of which will be in Toronto. .
All officers are requested to use this
demo and it is desirable that the pub-
lic and vailway connections adopt at
°nee this new title in their business
relations with the Canadian National
Mitchell Wins Park Case.—Mr.
K. Dnathesaon, of Mitchellnhas,taccord-
ing to a judgment given by Justice
Rose, failed in his action against the
Toten by which he soughlt
a mandatary order to enmael the de-
-here 'when 1‘) r. -and Mien: Turh-
°oaten in.Ge y.
r. David S. Scott, tax collector
dbr ast Wawano has returned his
roll ith every c of taxes collect-
. ed. his is a sp endicl start for- his
firdi year as esti or. The total a -
mo t of tcateci is,. 24,580.
n. accident oecureed jiist about 1
o'cld k on Tuenday vehich. proved
raiker serious for Mr. Geo. 'Jenkins,
who recently, returned from ihe west.
Me yeas driving info Clinton and -as he
reached the *erne; -something went
wreng, the or became unnionageable,
and ran up en the curb in.l-front of
Hunniferd's stove smashing the front
and hind wheels on eine side. Fortun-
ateLy the car was, not upset and no
damage was done to the occupants
except to give. them a severe jar.
The damage- th C4T was consider-
—Mr. G.. M. amilton, of Seska-
toon, a member of the Board of 'Three -
tors of the Canadien Government Rail-
ways is spending -4 few days in Wing -
ham and Whiteektirch. Mr. 'Harnilton
fondants to keep in proper order and wee bean and spent his early boyhood
renair and as a public park should be on a farm neat Whillechurch. He
kept, a certain piece off land devised went West 2' yearagoand thiS' is the
by them by the late Thomas Mathe- 'first Nis* tro this section sincengeing
son, brother of the plaintiff, for park West,, `
purposes, or in the alternativea judge - —Dr. Hanemann, of Goderieh, re-
raent declaring that the lands hasne Gained bad news en Christmas Day, an-
reaented to the teetatoids estate. "I flouncing the death of his father, Rev.
*ink it is clear that no such deeree E k Heilemann, of Chieago. His
as is sought can be made,' says the death would appear to be sudden, as
judgment, "for the simple reason that the last the doctor, had heard from his
if it was made the court would have to • father he WAS in good health; but the
ainume take ebligation of superintend- telegram *rem ao particulars. ' Rev.
leg for all time to come the perform- mi., Heileman," was a Methodist min-
ance of which the exercise of a cer- ister and for sonse years - had been
tam amount of deseiretion mast nee- retired. His wine predeceased him in
sarity be allowed to the deferielants, February last: Both he And she were
which is agi ohliwilion that the count natives of Germany, but went to Eng -
does not assume. ".Owing to the fact land in their youth.
that the breach alleged lasted for ever —One day last -week while Mrs. Car -
ten years the coni4ntion in regardle ter of Clinton, was being driven
recovering the lanai was net well in from hey. home en the Seaforth
founded aceording to the iedgment" wad by her son they met an auto at
The action was dismissed with eosts.4 -whit* the horse took fright, and
jaunted acrbis the ditch upsetting trhe
GREW boggy and throwing Mrs. Carter out
Ciolden Weekling.—To comparatively 09 the nerd ground. Her head was
few people is given the deligntful pretty leanly oult and her shoulder
possiby of celelsr,ating eheir golden dislocated. She was immediately
wedding, marking the. frftieth Laken beck in the -auto to the home
stone in connubial Ms . Such, of her son and a !doctor summoned,
however, wee the privileenofMr and and her injuries attended to. At last
Mrs. Ancirew II, is;eU lenewn1 reports she was doing as welt as
residents of *Ise ii concession o Gould be eveeised.
Grey township, when a cbmpany of —Mr. A. 3. Grigg, who was reg -
thirty relatives and fisientle assembled istrar for South Huron when the reg -
at their home on Wednesday, Decent- istration was aken last June has re-
ber 18th. A delightful time was eeived from the Canada Registratioa
spent in feasting resounting stories Board, Ottawe a cheqwe for $37.36,
of **neer -days, speechmaking, mu- 1 payable to the general fund of the
ic and presentation. The worthy Rod Cross, dhie amount being the
coulde was preseeted with a parse ef rememeratioa of tne deputies and es-
sistant deputies for their services on
jiine, "22nd last which Was assigned to ,
the Red Cro6s. ' The amount from
North Huron Would be a similar one.
which means that, those who gnve of
their services in the registrations in
Riven County contributed to the Red
Cross Fund soraething like $1800 or '
—Another home in Usborne town-
ship has been sadended by the ravages
of that much dreaded and fatal disease
Spanish influenza. We refer to the
demise of Grea Catharine, only .
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John H. An-
drew, at the age of 15 years, 3 months
and 7 days. About a week previous
to ler demise she contracted the dis-
ease, which soon developed into pneu-
monia, and on Thursday night she
passed away. Deceased was of a ,
loveable disposition,.brightand cheer-
ful, and being the only child Will be
greatly missed in the home. The par-
ents will have the deepest sympathy
of the community in their sad afilic-
tion, At the' present time Mrs. An-
drew is afflicted with the same dis-
ease and is confined- to her bed in
a very weak condition.
.—At the invitation of Captain Wm.
Proudfoot, M. 0., a reunion of mem-
bers of the Goderich town councils of t
i 1914 and 1915, and of the present one, ,
with town, Officials and. preserepresen-
tatives, took place on Monday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Proudfoot -Captain Proudfoot was a
member of the town. council when he
!enlisted with the old 33re1 Battalion in
1915 and went overseas. The reun- ,,
ion provided a most delightful occa-
sion) after cards and Juneh a very hi-
e .
terestmg hour or two being spent in
look* over Capt. Proudfoot's exten-
sive war souvenirs. It was an early
hour in the morning when the gather-
ing broke up, after ex -Mayor had ten- •
derecl the thanks of the company to
Sid Mrs. Jor-
and "He's A
been heartily
oudfoot. The
aye for Toe
his father's
Mr. and Mrs, Proudfoot
clan for their hospitalit
Jolly Geed Fellow" had
sung in honor of Capt.
Captain is shortly to 1
ronto to take a place i
law firm.
—The annual meeting of the Gode-
rich township FarmersClub was held
at the Orange Hall on Friday, Decem-
ber 20th. The election of officers took
place as follows: President, Dermot
McEvoy; Vice-President,1 Oliver Ed -
yard; Secretary -Treasurer, H .L L.
keld, Directors, John Sowerby, Isaac
Salkeld; George 13. Wilson, John Mc -
Chem Richard Porter, KnYnett Naftel. -
A vote was taken on the:question of
affiliation with the U.F .0. and it was
decided not to do so for the' preeent
at least. The annual feel Was placed
at 50c.
—Clinton citizens were Much shock-
ed on Friday to learn- of the death,
which occurred in London,
of 'Gladys
Taylor Meaning, wife of Major Eric
B. Nelles and eldest daughter of Mr.
W. N Manning, of London, formerly
of Clinton. The late Mrs. Nelles was •
married to Major Eric B. Welles af-
ter his return from the front in Nov-
ember of last year. Her ilhiess was
only of about a week's duration,
pneumonia following an ataek of in-
fluenza. She is survived by her hus-
band and little daukhter a couple of
months old, also her parents, and
three sisters.
—Corp. Alfred McGregor, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Cliarles McGregor, of Gode-
rich township, has sent home some in-
teresting souvenirs from the battle ,
field, among them being, a heavy sil-
ver crueifrx whiah !was enakenedifiemei
the tunic of a dead German Weer,
It is between three and four inches
long, of hard wood on heavy metal
set in silver plate with the figure of
the Christ in silver. e The curious
part of it is that at the foot , of
the cross is •engraned a skull and
crossbones. The Germans seemed to
combine their trade of destruction
with their religion.. The- emblem
looked as if it had seen considerable
wear the sliver plate having been
worn off in some places.
Michigan has 848,000 women eligible
to vote.
France bee provided for 31nothers in
her labor law.
School teachers in Italy are poorly
paid:and overworked.
Fourteen women are seeking seats
in the British parliament,
'After the age of 80 the female brain
begins to decline in weight. ,•
. Six women have been named on the
new Riverside, Cal., grand jury. c
. Mrs. Emma Roberts is a caudidate
for city marshall of Chico, Cal.
More than 10000 women are em-
ployed by the railways in the United'
Working women in Great Britain
are united in demanding a ministry
of health. ' •
Many a serious illness has been
avoided by the prompt use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. These pills
actually enrich and purify the blood,
and in this way build ;up 4he system,
tone and Strengthen the nerves and
invigorate the vital organs.
Serious diseases generally come
from some simple disorder that has
been neglected. Therefore any thin-
ning of the blood. Should be looked
upon as a warning sign, and more
serious illnes should. be avoided br
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.
in the ease of young girls and women
the b1t:0d is peculiaily liable to get,
out of order—to become thin and
watery—and to lend to a general
breakdown in health This can he
avoided by the °ere-T.51one' Ilse of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills; which ere sun-
oble for the mast delicate conetiim-
tions. These Oki will give you a
Lew -appetite, improve your digestion,.
tone and strengthee weakened ner-
yds, banish deweensien and lack of
energy, clear the 1 eomrelexion of
pimples and blotches, cure pain in
the back and general weakness'
cause the disappearance of heads
ashes, dizziness and heart,flutipering.
Give these pills a fair trial and you
will soon note a wonderful change
in your condition. Your spirits will
brighten.- good health and strength
will return and you. Will feel like a
new parson. You can confirm these
statements by enquiring among your
friends almost anyvehere, as thous-
ands and thousands of hopeless suf.,
fevers have .neen restored to new
-health and etergy by using Dr. Wil-
Hails' Pink Pills.
You can .get these pills through
any meciieme dealer or by mail at 50
cents a box or six boxes for $2.50
from The Dr. Williams' Medicine
Co., Erocknille, Ont.
Siewartis- Sell it for Less
• •
M411 �I Phone, our Or4ers
We pr
ay 'arri ge
. •
Reg 'lir .:$15 to $25 Coats
at Speci1 prices -$5...49. to ...$15.00
Made of tweed, chinchilla, corduroy,
kersey, ittihitney cloth, melton,friele,
in black, navy, brown, tan, green,
grey. All good styles, warp'sgn
sible coats, well made and stylishly
designed, regular prices 15 to 5.
lear ng met
.49 to
Me and Boys'
at Reastonable
..:EVERY -indication puns to further
increasegAn the price of woollen
underwear next season. Youcan not
make a betterinvestment than to, buy •
your next season's supply of Under.
wear now -,--While you i can buy at the
Present Price. ;,. ry good make ls---
-4rePresented t -'14-r, Penman's, Turnhnll's
t,Stanfi 37.-Etr
or fieece4ine-
$.1.25 to $2.75
Boys' 60c o $1, 50
• •
Sweaer Coats for Everyb
You can't buy Itter Sweaters than, we
cause we sell only the best makes. We have
bright and pleasing 'range or colorings in sto
plain colors, in combination trimmed' coats
new fancy checked qoats. All sizes for Men
and Children.
Price $1.75 to $8450
4, very
d t he
I •'
.1 • • .
• "
Wonien! ,P14in Cashrnerette Hose
Womi's Plain Cashmerette Hose knittdi from
strong dur4hle cotton bhread, fleecy lined, 1 ouble
sole; splised hee; and toe, seamless and sure to give
satisfaction,' blar.;k nly. Special price 317c a
, 9
airs for $1.00 •
Ribbed Woof Cashmere Hose Boys'i 1 Girls'
and Wornen's (all Sizes) good cashmere yar, warm
and good- wearin black only, double spliced feet,
selling lessi than factory price to:day.
Special Price 59c pair?
lirou Men who . want the greatost
value for your clothing money
you who want the theakinititin of wear
and good appearance at a minmum
price. YIN] who want honest values,
- true- style, and dressy appearance.
Come here' for your next suit. Don't
be satisfied with jost ordinary clot
—Zertie htre, You will find now,
here that will appeal to your sense 0
kood taste.
$10 to $3:0
: Heavy Mit& and Gloie '
. .,
§peci 1 Heavy Workini Mitts, illtte of horse,
pig skin ad mule Skin„ heaity double knit ,lining
nigh cuffs tanned- to remainqsott ancl,pliable aftr
ing wet. ut to fit comfortrpe. Price 50c to 1
NI,E,'S WINTER CAil.S.----Heavy Tweed Worst-
ed or Beairer Cloth Caps, made wit k cloth, knitted or
fur' 'ear ba ili in brown, grey, black or tan. Sites 61
to 7i. Price 50a to 5E50.
'7,-"i• •
• •
Stripictd Flannelette at less than mill plices
pink,' blue, grey and fawn stripes, 36 inches whie
the wkith.,)
• rice 25
a, yard 4
Anottier real bargain iF1anneIette, same qua iy
as above in good patterns. .3 In ea wide..
• •
Price 2 a yard