The Huron Expositor, 1918-10-18, Page 3LE,
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Gain by Saving
Save every doter you cane 1. : Each doar.
saved strengthens the Nation's power to
resist our enemies.
By saving, both you and your Country gain.
Open a Savings Account and make your
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Death Of Miss Caldwell. --On Wed-
ed-nesday morning of last week, the peo-
- ole of Clinton received a great shock
when it was learned that ,Miss Sarah
,Caldwell had passed into the Greet
` Beyond. Wen her brother, Mr. Wm,
Caldwell, with whom she had always
lived, failed to get any response, when
be called her in the morning, he rous-
ed his other sister, Miss Maggie, and
t gether they entered the \room and
-found that she had been in bed but
had gotten up again and dressed.
They went into another bedroom and
found her leaning against the bed. It
is thought she had not been dead long
es there was still warmth in the body
when found. A severe stroke was the
cause of her death. Miss Caldwell
was well liked and was of a very jolt
disposition. She will be very xnueh
missed by a Iarge circle of friends.
In religion she was a Presbyterian.
Much sympathy is felt for the broth-
ers and sisters in their sad - bereave-.
Mrs. 'Willie Theriault, Pacquet-
vdlle, N.P., says'.—"1 am extremely
thankful that I tried Baby's Own
Tablets for my baby. Trough
their use baby thrived wonderfully
and I feel as if I cannot recommend
them too highly." Baby's Own Tab-
lets break ,up colds and simple :fev-
ers, eure constipation, colic_ and in-
digestion and make teething easy,
In fact they cure all the minor ills
of little ones. They are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Iredieine Co.. Brockville, Ontario. •
Ferdinand, ex -Czar of all the Bul-
gars. as he used to call himself, has re-
tired to spend the remainder of his We
on hie Austrian estate, and judged by Japan is probably the largest in the
the Tate at which Ferdinand has world, having over 1:,000,000 members.
been living, there is not likely to be
much of a balance remaining to his
credit. He , is a rich inan, and may
well be one of the richest in Aus-
tria, and in quitting his country he
is making no mistake. In Bulgaria
he would have been in danger of as-
sassination, for a was he who
brought the country to ruin and
double disgrace. In Austria he is re-
garded not as a Bulgarian, but as a
German, for he was a prince of the
House of Cobourg, when he was
eleeted to the Bulgarian throne. He
never had any use for the country
be has reigned over for 30 years ex-
cept to impoverish it, and when he
sold it out to Germany and Aus-
tria and forced it into the present war
`die may have concluded that there
wasn't ° much left in Bulgaria for
- anyone to sell.
Only because he has had greater
opportunitieet has the Kaiser
brought the divine right theory into
greater contempt than has Fer-
dinand, and we are told by- Mr .
Cunliffe Owen: who has a most
valuable dossier on such matters,
that when Ferdinand accepted the
throne Czar Alexander III. of Rus-
sia predicted that he would bring
ruin and desolation upon the Bul-
garian nation. Russia had a parti-
cular interest in Bulgaria, for it
was Russia that helped it establish
its independence of Turkey, al-
-though a nominal sueerainty was
maintained by the Sultan. until
1908, and Russia did not desire that
this queer young prince who used.
to wear corsets, and powder hie
:heels, and cast ravishing glances,
should reign over Bulgaria. Fer-
dinand l�rofe. sed to have no ambi-
tions in that direction either, and as
...te as six hours before he started
for Sofia he wired the Czar that he
would not accept the throne. •
At the time of his election the
. Buigars were almost wholly an
agricultural people, who had for
generations groaned under the
Turkish yoke. Newcenzers to free-
dom and to such Parliamentary in-
stitutions as their had been pro-
vided with, they did not make the
most of their opportunities, and
Ferdina,id, whs was equipped with
a huge canipaign fund, bribed him-
self to the throne at a moderate ex-
penditure. The national debt of Bul-
gari when Ferdinand lighted .on it
was nominal. At the beginning of
the present war it was about $200,-
000,000 . and is supposed tiow to be
more than a billion. The state is
practically bankrupt, aid will only
be able to get along by borrowing
frorn the �,iliee. Bulgaria has been
in tide Balkan wars and one world
war in the course of the past seven
or eig>i t -years. Her first and aston-
mshingle easy success over Turkey
turned the heads of her people, and
convinced them that their real mts-
aioli on earth was to wage war in-
stead of cultivating ' the soil. They
look now upon their plight, and it is
because Ferdinand knew that their
next look. would be toward. him that
1ie�_ Iost no time i'n fading swiftly
into the hinterland.
But whatever the feelings of the
British. people are toward the former
Czar of Bulgaria they are not what
they dight , have been had Queen
Victoria carried out her wish and
bestowed upon him the Order of the
Bath in i8he. We give It on the
authsri�t•v sf bXr. Cunliffe Owen that
this was hereintention, and she was
only disuade by the then Prince of
- Pales, who was a shrewd judge of
character and who entertained a
Positive loathing for his Oriental -
looking kinsman. The First Gentle-
man in Europe considered that as a
gentleman Ferdinand was a worse
shine than even his nephew, Wil-
helm, and often declared that the
air of Marienbad was poisoned for
him when on the occasion of his an-
nual visits, Ferdinand used also •to.
appear and obsequiously attach
himself to Edward's entourage, His
unwelcome attentions were persisted
hi until the last, for he attended the
funeral of Edward VII., and is 'said
there to have excited intense indig-
nation by his callous attitude and his
unseemly mirth and manifestations
of impatience at the ceremonies.
It. would appear that Ferdinand
successfully imposed on " nobody but
his own people, for we read in the
New York Sun that at the close of
an audience at the Vatican which
had been reluctantly,,. granted him
by Pope Leo, that venerable states-
man literally "drove Ferdinand from
his presence" and then personally
excommunicated him for "violation -
of oaths taken on the Gospels and
for other crimes both against com-
mon law and religion." Madcap,
Ferdinand " also showed the basest
ingratitude ho Stamkouloff, his first
and best premier, and is believed to
have instmgated the murder of the
statesman, which . took place. at the
very gates of i the Imperial palace.
Nevertheless, he clung to power for
thiety years and cut quite a swath
in Europe. He will be remembered
by the Allies when the time comes to
deal personally with the arch -crimin-
als responsible for the war and the
atrocities that.. have accompanied it,
for when it comes to atrocities the
battle cry of the Bulgarians is "Nulii
Butlers in a majority of 'the wealthy
American homes are being replaced.
by women..
Martin Luther was one of the first
to advise the employment of women
as teachers.
Ladies' garment workers in New
York city have been granted a 20 per
cent. increase in pay.
The Women's Patriotic, Society of
Miss Myrtle
` M tl Dust of Alpena, ena Mich.,
is the first woman patrol on the Great
At least one large hotel in Chicago
has decided not to replace male help
with feminine workers. -
School teachers in Memphis, Tenn.,
re on a strike and demand a 33 1-3
per cent. increase in salary.
Mrs. Anna L. Saylor of Berkley, Cal.,
is the first woman in that state to be
nominated for the state legislature.
Conduetorettes on, theyolley cars in
Kansas City are demanding that they
be allowed to work nine hours a day
instead of five.
Some of the most exclusive men's
clubs in New York City are said to be
coriraiderine, a proposal to open the
club - membership to women.
Miss Ottilla G. Beals of -Seattle,
Wash., is. a cand to for election as
sheriff to succeed lee brother; who is
now on the firing line in Feande.
The wife of Winston Churchill, the
English statesman, is one of the most
versitile women in society, and as a
platform speaker she has few equals.
Dr. Mary Walker, the only .woman
in the United States permitted by offi-
cial eanctiqn of congress to wear male
attire, is now past 86 years of age. -
At a recent annual convention of the
American Bar Association" in Cleve-
land women were admitted to all the
privileges as delegates for the first
Miss Muriel Gardiner of Eagle Rock
Cel., won the 3rd prize in the nation-
wide Liberty Loan essay contest. First
and second prizes were given to boys.
In Japan a young girl, Tatzu fin-
ainizo, has obtainedda license as" a sea
captain. She was trained by, her father,
with whom she sailed the inland sea.
Two and a half million woman have
beencalled into American indust,
a direct result of the war, and millions
more will go to work soon after the
operation of the new draft law.
The need for people to be healthy
is urgent. Those whom illness has
put outside the ranks of robust men
and women feel their position keen-
ly. Thee are handicapped in, every
walk oil life and weak men and
nerve worn women need more - earn-
estly than ever to put their health
right and become active and strong.
Many who beg*n' "patching" months
ago are as ill now as on the day they
began vainly tinkering -with .common
drugs. Every ailing man and wo-
man should remember that the ills of
debility, nerve exhanagen, indiges-
tion,- sleeplessness, neuralgia, and
depression comes from a faulty blood
supply. Worry, over -work or other
causes have impoveriehed the blood
and left the life steam. impure. The
nervus thereby are starving and the
vuhole system is languishing for new
blood. In this condition many .thou-
sands have won back strong nerves
and new health and strength through
the new rich blood Dr. Williams
Pink Pile actually makes. In a
weak or bloodless condition it is not
only a waste of time_ and money, but
also a further mena a to your health
to tinker with common drugs.Fol-
low the example of so many thou-
sands by giving Dr* 'Williams' Pink
-Pills a fair trial, and they active,
tram -
forte you inte healthy,
and women.
You can get these pills through
any dealer in medicine, or by mail at
50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.5
from The Dr•Williams' Medicine Co.,
1 Drockrille, Ontario.
Stewart Brod,
Mail ,and Phone Orders Caref !l ° Filled
Mesa's All Wool
of pure worsted wool in fne-a
ribbed knit, in black, , grey or
khaki. All sizes, slightly damaged,
worth $ i
Special price
Ribbed Wool
DLACK ribbed worsted heavy hose
1.0 of pure wool, fine quality, some
perfect, some with slight damages, all
carefully repaired worth from $1 to
$ x.5e, an excellent school hose. Special
Cashniert's 69e
FINE-cashmere hose, mill seconds
with slight defects, all pure cash
'mere yarns, fast bjack, all sizes. Sale
price--- f
Wiuter Caps
for Men and Boys
BECOMING cap is a very neces-
sary article of dress. - Your head-
dress, owing °to jtc proximity to the face
is always noticed. Thereis no trouble
about getting a good cap here. We
have such a variety to " choose from
that selection is easy. Tweeds, Beav-
ers, Meltons and Serges, with knitted
elastic or fur -ear bands in every, wanted
. 50C. to 11.50
Sweater Coats
for Man Woman or Child
O Man,
beauties we have, for this
season bright` checks and stripes
and delightful two -,color combination
shades, plain colors, in all lengths and
sizes,tt with belts and sashes, also Nor-
folk styles.
Price .... �......... t°
Good Mitts
for Men and Boys
Opt) Strong Work Mitts of leath-
er with good wool cuffs and lin-
ings, made of horse hide, dog skin,
mule - skin and buckskin. - We have
them in all sizes. "
v 3 C 2
Price..••..•....•.•ew ..••ea. �
-Ste art Eros.
And- Autumn in it's Lea fle8
jfivaiting for the Winter's
;er is Coming
Selecting a - 73eattirful boat �t a Res-
Pre-0 is not Dfrficult
—Not when you have a - stack like we are showing to choose
from ---Plush, Baby. Lamb,, Velours, Zibelins, Tweeds,
Cheviots, Serges.
THEu ondrous charm gt the
ft new. fashioned Coats for
women is attracting the enthusi-
astic admiration of every visitor
to our Ready -to -Wear Depart-
ment. Tt is not alone the strik-
ingly attractive style and dis-
cernable elaborate- finish -there
is that indefinable elegance that
appeals strongly to a woman's
love for the beautiful. If you
come here for your oat Iyou
will surely be satisfied with your
S20 to $65
THE WOMEN who view our
showing of New Fall Suits
will find it easy` to believe there
never was a more opportune
time tobuy—never a time when
the range of styles was more at-
tractive, the materials snore*
beautiful or the trimmings in
beautiful or the trimmings in
better taste.
To describe any one suit in
detail would be to. slight dozens
of others. of equal beauty and
attractiveness. One line to which
we would direct your special at-
tention is the Serges-- but
come and see for yourself.
$2( to S45-
an Boys' Winter Overcoats
at ReasonabLe Prices
New t eller Styles tor Boys and Young Men -
Chesty fields and Asters for the quiet Dressers-,
-WHETHER Y • U, . WANT a low priced overcoat or the most ex•-
�T pensive ' kin , we can suit ytku,here, and it makes no difference
what" price you` - ay we see to it that you get the greatest " amount of
real comfort and,' ge eral Overcoat satisfaction.
Men's Over oats
we have heavy weig t Tweeds in
checks, diagonals nd broken
stripes, Old Country Meltons in
light greys, Oxfords and blacks,
also big range of s ecial cloths
made for the Bel, C. ats.
$15 to125
Men's and Boys' . Winter U4
Boys' Overcoats
Fancy Tweeds and Worsieds made
in Pinchback, Betters, and Ulster
Styles, well lined and cleverly cut,
+ail well Made of goodstrong cloths,
and we have them in all sizes
$3.25 to $15
erwear . at Very Tempting- Prices
Every Best Makers Lines are here_ i - Many Cases at Very Little Advance in Price
Meb's Pare Woof
Fleece Linea` 1.
t, aria �..
and Comfortable
Penman's Fleece -Lined Underwear for
Men is the leading garment. There is a
heavier, softer fleece, they are more sub-
st ntial1y made, they wear longer and
ke p you warmer. Price $1.
Scotch .Emit
.Pure Root
etter n erwear
for Less Money
Made of good clean. Scotch wool in the
natural shade—elastic knit cuffs on the
sleeve and ankle. Good winter weight,
Sizes 44 to 44. Price $125.
Pen man's :Ribbed
Wool Underwear Si
cumin' s e e
for Wear
Penman's stands for Underwear perc-
tion_ no matter what price you pay. You
always get plump value in a Penman
garment. We' have all sizes ----
Stanel d's 25
- Pure�W 40t2
one • etter
at any Price
For out door wear where warmth and
strength is required, Stanfields' has no
equal. ' it is in a class by itself. In all
sizes. Price $2,25.
Ati1 1<. D