The Huron Expositor, 1918-06-28, Page 8iiette - ONTO lLpt *miter DISTRICT MATTEilli, Quality has placedhour Tea in th4 foreground, It's the highest quality and best value we caneoffer our cus- tomers. Onee -which will give satis- *lotion always, thus, enhancing your good will. -Price 55c a pound. Highest prices will be paid for all kinds of poultry delivered Thursday forenoon's up to 12 o'clock. Feemondville. Notes. -Miss Nellie McDougall held • a very, successful knittin,g Parte at her home in Egmond- ville on Monday evening last when 22 pairs of socks were started. Some of the ladies present entertained with readings and singing while others kept time with their knitting needles, A collection Was taken up in aid of the Red Cross which amounted to $6.50 This is a very pleasant way of spend- ing an evening and also helping on a sagammidow••••••111 W. J. Finnigan PHONE 72' SEAFORT,BI 204 xt I !I, ° : • MOM= AT YOUR SERVICE B, R, HIGGINS Box 127, Clinton. Phone 100 (formerly of Brucelle1.1) -1-Agent for The' Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and the Canada Trust Co. Commissioner II. C. of J., Conveyancer, .Ire and Tornado Insurance, Notary Public. Wednesday of each week nt Bracefield Harness We call your attention to our Sty- lish and upeto-datte,Single Harness. The best values we -lave ever offered in Goldine or Genuine Rubber Trim - Med, made of Union Oak Leather, un- excelled in quality and design -our own make -with prices ranging from $26 up to $40. BUGGY DUSTERS A. large assortment of fancy atterns from $1 to $2.50 Waeerprof Rugs For Auto or Buggy, in Mohair or in Rubber -all sizes -$1.50 to $3.50 Plush or Wool Knee Rugs .In Fancy Patterns, 48.50 to $10 SHAMOIS SKINS AUTO GAUNTLETS SPONGES SHOE REPAIRING We are still repairing shoes at the iliost reasonable prices. Expert Worlananship Prompt Service. Broderick's Leather Goods Store Sweat Pads Axle Grease Whips CementSillos -Contracts Solicited - Workmanship Guaranteed Rogers Bros. Contractors Fullerton P.D. James Watson General Insurance Agent Real Esta and Loan Agent. Dealer in Sewing Machines. Four good houses for sale, conveniently situated in the Town of Seaforth. Terms reasonable and possession given promptly Apply at my' office for particulars. J. F jeweler and, Optician. Isguer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH ON T FOR WALKING choose a comfortable low heeled Eng- lish last. For dress wear we have some excep- Nonally attractive models in SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN Sport styles are well represented. White soles aro still popular arid we eon supply every footwear need. STYLE AND -ECONOMY it seems, wage an eternal warfare, yet a woman told us she had proved it economy tb have a pair of SIMS FOR EVERY OCCASION changing them frequently. Street shoes look shabby after an afternoon at tennis, evening slippers cap be quickly ruined by damp pave- ments or wet grass, athletic shoes are oat of place in the house. We are headquarters for every style QUALITY FOOTWEAR H, R, SCOTT Plisse 111 THE HOME OF GOOD SHOES not needed work. DecOrition Day1.-Fidhlity Lodge of OddfelleWs observved their Decoration Day Services on Sunday last; when a large number of members and visit- ing brethren gathered at their lodge room, and from there marched to the Maitlandbank Cemetery, the process- ion being headed by the citizen's band and followed by numeroue autos and other vehicles. At the ceinetery, ad- dresses appropriate to the occasion were delivered by Rev. T. H, Brown, rector of St. Thomas church. Rev. S. McLean, of Egmondville and Dr. P. T. Copeland, of St. Marys, Past Grand Master of the Order. Tbe departed' brethren to whom the fitting tribute was made were Ptes. J. J. Hutchin- sen, T. Govenlock, and C. Rolph, Dr. Campbell,S. Barton, T. Selater, S. Trott, John Hays, Robt. Willis, R. Holman, Fred Crich and W. Wescott. These services are attracting more attention each year and the committee in charge are to be congratulated on the manner in which they were plan- ned and carried out on Sundayelast. Death of W.E. -Southgate.-W. E. Southgate, Sen., aged 69, one of the beat known commercial travelers in Canada, died at his korne in Seaforth on Saturday from heart trouble and complications. He was a resident of Conada for 50 years, living in Toronto for abouta25 years after coming from England. For the past twelve years he has made his home here, being engaged in the manufacture cif cloth- ing, and latterly returning to his former vocation as representaive of several of the best known American and Canadian factories. He was a prominent Mason and Black Knight of the. Orange Order and took an active. interest .in each of these societies. Being a fluent speaker, his services were often sought in this connection. He leaves a widow, one son, W. E, Jun. who was his co-worker on the „road, and one daughter, Mrs. R. A. Wilson, New York. The remains were taken to Toronto on Monday for interment in the family plot in Mount Pleasant Cemetery on Monday afternoon. • . The Late John Reinke. -As we men- tionedbriefly last week another of the pioneer settlers of this township, passed away on Wednesday of last week, in the person of Mr. John Reinke in his 81st year. Six- years ago Mr. Reinke suffered a seve-re stroke of par- alysis, and although he recovered suf- iciently to be about succeeding strokes -during the past few years, greatly reduced his vitality and for the past three months he had been confined to his bed. The deceased , was a native of Germany but came to Canada in 1856 at the age of 19 years, and one year later he went to Harpurhey, where he was employed by the late Dr. Chalk for some time. Subsequently he leased the farmftom the late laud - wick Meyer at present owned by Mr. G. M. Chesney, where he resided for four years, when he moved to Tuck- ersmith and -burchased from Mr. Hugh Craig the farm now owned by Mr. Alex. Wallace, where he resided con- tinuously for 44 years. About sev6n years ago he retired fie:en .the farrn to enjoy a well earned rest. Unfor- tunately however, about a year after their retirement, his 'partner in life, -Dorothy Piel, to whom he was mar- ried 50 years ago, was called' away, and since that time Mr. Reinke has made his home with his son, John. He is survived by a family of two sons and three daughters, George and John in Tuckersmith; Mrs... Joseph Dayman, of McKillop Mrs. D. Ross, Brucefield, and Mrs. Herman Daer, of Auburn. Tb e funeral services were I held on Saturday from the _home of his son and were yexy largely attend- ed, the remains being laid to rest in the Maitlandbank cemetery. The Roxboro Garden Party. -The garden party held on the lawn of Mr. Robert Garrow on Wednesday evening June 19th, was a huge success, and the young ladies of Roxboro, under whose auspices it was,, are to be con- gratulated for many reasons. From every direction the people came, the result .being , a big and happy- crowd. There were war time refreshments, numerous greetings, uelimited conver- sation and then the programme rend- ered from the verandah to an audience that inspired the performers by their appreciation. The' Seaforth band was in attendance and discoursed Music liberally, . adding very much to the. enjoyment of the occasion. Back of the programme from the platform was the mariaging mind Of Miss Isabel Scott_to Whom, knowingly or unknow- • ingly, the company was indebted for the welcome songs sung by Miss Mc- Clinton and Mr. McGregor, of Gode- rich. These artists from the seaport of Huron t county) gre41y delighted their auditors. And so did the Sea - forth -quartette, who were recalled, and Mr. John Scott likewise, who excelled himself. Interesting addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr.' Brown and Mr. Thomas McMillan, and three cheers were given for Mr. Robert Garrow, who did the duties of host in a way that made for friendliness and good cheer. A question of pig ownership came pp for settlement during .the evening. Mr. Joseph Scat and Mr. John Scott had eeeh donated a porcine roaster to be drawn lots for. Of the 200 people or thereabouts who made a 26c try for the youthful grunter, all dropped.their money except two, Mr. T. A. Webster and Master J. R. Scott, and no complaint *could be made a- kainst Mr. Garrow, who turned the crank of the churn containing the tick- ets, with strenuous impartiality, and although Mayor Stewart drew the 1 tiokets with cautiousness and gentle - ness, he looked in the other direction all the time. The pigs however, did not find their ultimate owners even then,forthe erize winners generously. declined to 'nress their title, and 0 up Went the pigs at auction. The ab- sence of .Tom Brown was keenly felt for a moment, but Mayor Stewart did the necessary shouting and had to do more houtiT1gi than he had reckoned on owing to the large heartedness of Mr. P. A. O'Sullivan, who bought a pig for 418, put up the money, and then actually ave the pig back to be re -auctioned, a thing that does not 'happen - every day. Finally.the pigs did find a res mg place for the soles of their feet, ibut not until they had landed forty-three additional dollars to 'the seventy already secured through the sale of ticliets. The total proceeds were $2$6, the money being gwee to the Red Cros Society. Rev. F. H. Larkin eccuri d the chair and Mies Isabel Suite and Mr. L. T. DeLeeeY plaid the accompaniments. For Sale.—A umber of farm implement also a quantity f hay.- Apply to !dies Sara Gemmel), R. R. No. 4, Seaforth, or phone 8 on 145. For sale cheap newly painted top buggy, . also DeLaval er am separator, nearly new, With or without power attachment. -Ain* to J. C. LAING, Se forth, Snap for Quick Sale.—Good franie dwelling, eight roomin s, gz. od repair -8850. Immediate Possession given. K Edge, Seaforth. 2681-tf The High Cost Of LIving.—Ecanonay is the word to -day. Make your old orments do in- stead of parch ing new ones, Ilave them dry cleaned and ressed. Dry cleaning* when properly done lengthens the life of garments, preserves their f esh, new appearand and acts as. a disin ectant. Insanitary yvearjng appearel often -c use3 sicknes and death -due to germs. Cloth; g should be cleaned atfre- quent intervals. We dry clean once a week. "My Wardrobe" 1 Goderich street, Seaforth, II I opposite Queen's otel. 2829-tf Local Briefse-Mr. and Mrs. T. R. F. Case, of Teronto, sent; the week end at Maple Hall, the home of Mrs. F. Case. -Mr. W. Brine, of Toronto spent Sunday t his home here. -Mr. Noah Consign y, of Detroit, is here visiting his soi Mr. Chas, Consigney. Mr. Consigney1 92 years of age but moves about 1iuch lore like a man of 50 years. -Mr. .A. Barton is able to be out again after his serious illness.--e- Mrs. Fraser i spending a month at the home of hr daughter in Goderich. -Clyde Rankii , son of Mr. and Mrs. James Rankin i of town, who gave ep iiii his position ith the Bank of Com- m.erce at Ayr red who has been at his home here, haS accepted a position as Purser on one of the Muskoka Lakes and Navigatien Company Steamers for the suraMen-Mrs. S. Deem, of Toronto, is ' nding a few weeks with relative here, -Miss. Ethel Williarris, of T ronto, is visiting at lier home here. -1%r. and Mrs,ell. A. Lip- pert and two children of Kitchner; spent the Week end at the home of Mrs. Lippert'sI mother, Mrs. -Jones.-- Mrs, R. A. ilson who was called home owing to the illness of her father, leaves to -day, Friday, for her home in New York. -Wallace Powell who is in train ng at the military damp in London spe t a week's leave at the home of his arents, Mr. anti Mrs John Powell, arpurhey.--There will be special int rcession services in St. Thomas Chur h next Sundy. 8.30 _a. in., holy Co union; 11 a. rn., holy Com nunion a d Intercession. 3 p. m., InteT m. cession and at 7 p. the Oramge- men will atterid service in a bedy.- Mre. Donald cLean, of London, is a geest at the home of Col. and Mrs. Wilson. -Mr. nd Mrs. =E. C. McClel- land -and da'u hter, of Baden, spent Sunday at he _home of Major R. S. Hays. -Mr. John Carmichael an- nounce,s the en agement of her young- est daughter, ary May to Mr. John Stewart, of H nsall,ethe marriage to take place n July. -Mrs. Arthur Forbes, of Cli ton, was visiting with friends in to this week. -The Col- legiate Institu e and pubic schools closed this we k for the summer holi- days and the Departmental examin- atioes are in .rogress at the c olleg- iata-Monday next is Dominion Day and a public h • liday.-Miss Johnston of Quebec, wasi the guest of Miss Anna Bell,.this wee .-Mrs. Jack Harvey' and son, of Lo don, are the guests of Mrs. F. J. Burrows. -Miss Ella Elder is home fropi Stratford Normal School. ---Miss. 1 Grace Weir of New York ,Hospital is spendingher holi- days at the hone of -her mother, Mrs. George Weir4 James street. -Miss Mary Gillespi , of the Windsor' Col- legiate Staff, is spending the holidays at heretiorne here. -Mrs, Cowan and i son, of Detroit, are visiting Mrs. Cowan's moth r, Mrs. Joseph Fisher, Jarvis Stree .-Mrs. Robt. Smith end Miss Pear Patterson returned on Fridey-from a trip to North Dakqta. -Miss. Sparlp was visiting ' with Stratford fri nde this week. -Miss Thompson spe t Sunday with her sis- ter in Stratfor .- Mrs. R. H. Archi- bald and daug ter, Marion, of Dunn- ville, are vvisiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jams Arehibelc1.-Mr. and Mrs. John Mci abb and family motor- ed down fron Dungnnon and spent Sunday at the ome of Mrs. John Mc- Nabh-Mis Etta Box, of Toronto spent Sunday a her home here. -Miss Edith Scott, o - the Toronto Univer- sity, is home or her vacation. -Mrs. Percy Little aijd children, of Toronto, are visitors atj the parental home of Mr. and Mrs, William Davidson, God- erich street. -Mr. Robt. Gemmell left on Tuesday on a trip to Edmonton. - Miss. Mary Modeland, of Palmerston, is spending the holidays at her home here. -The Wemen's War Auxiliary wi1I1eneet in the Armomies, on Friday afternoon at fopr o'clock. -The follow- ing is a list a persons who won the silver spoone conated by miss Lukas for thePrisonelr of War Fund:, Mrs. W. J. Delman, Alex Muir, Mrs. R. C. Henderson, Mis E. Cresswell and Mr. R. Spencer. The amount realized for the fund by the sale of tickets for the spoons was $3$.00. -The mothly bus- iness meeting of the' Red Cross Soc- iety, will be he d in the Carnegie Lib-. rary on Thursd y afternoon next, July 4th. -Mr. W. H. Willis, of Wingham, was a Seafortla visitor on Wednesday. -The sympathy of many Seaforth friends is extended to Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Box in the loss of their little daughter, who Idied on Friday morn- ing last from aeute indigestion. -Miss C. B. McKinleyl leaves this week on a trip to the West. -The Misses Woods, of Mount Forst, are guests at the rectory. -The many friends of Mrs. S. Boyd will regret to learn that she fell in her house on iThursday of last week and fractured her arm. -A Musicale will be given by the pupils of St. Joseph's Convent, for the benefit of the Red Gross, on the grounds of the con- vent this Frid y evening. This will be the musical tlreat of the season, and there should be a,very large attend- ance, not only ifor ' the sake of the cause, but beceuse the programme prepared merit i it. -Mrs. H. McKay and Miss M. ¶eKav returned from istration ertifi ate _Cases Every persen in Canada who reg- istered, is eqtnred to carry their C ttificate co stantly. Get a Cer- tiflcate Case t 'protect it and keep it clean and in good condition. We have thezi in different styles at prices fro oc each to 65c each T h,onipso s Bookstore. SE FORTH. Window ShadeS. and Picture Prime& Agent for Or Idea Pattern& ; POCKET POCKET Registratioe Card Holders 's 10c down. ---Some of theyoung lady teach- ers talk of resigning. Well at the way salaries rule they can make en- ough in six mont14 to keep themselves nicely for the whole year, 'e.'cir what is the use of working a whole year. 11111111111 1111111111111WIII111111111 UNE 2S, 1.91. Jftflh11ilIJllUHflhJJIfl)flJflflflJ CHISELHURST - Notes.--Whilet Mr. J. Rivers was getting a heifer in the 'slaughter house, it became roused, and eaught his fingers between the poet and the rope, he was obliged to see a doctor and have one finger =pasted at the first joint/i Unfortunately Mr, Rivers lost two of the beef ring books the next day, between Chiselliterst and Christies. Be would be glad to hear /rpm any one who picked them up. -Mr. W. Leitch has purchased a new Ford car. -In the absence of Mr. Knight, Rev. Armstrong, lof Viing- ham, took the service here en Sunday last, -Mr, W. Drover has been con- = fined to the house for several days = with a severe attack of Bronchitis. E Mactavishi s AWN Always new goods to choose from. Do not fail tie visit our store. New Model Co utibia Machines now n 'stock. ' This is the Columbia Store. BEAT 'FAIR THE CASH WAYI STORE SEAFORTH : ONTARIO 1 Stratford on !Wednesday, bringing Mrs. Hi Meyees with them. -Mr. H. iWeiland returned borne on Thursday on a. month's ,leave of absence. -Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McIntosh and Mrs. Robt. Smith enotored to London on Thursdae. LEADBURY. Notes. -We were threatened with frost on Saturday and Sunday nights but there was no frost in evidence. - Mr. J. J. Irvine was on an eight days'. visit to Toronto., He says when the Allies began to hold the enemy in check the weer the Union. Jack and the Stain anti Stripes were thrown out on the best buildings of that great Imperial city, was pleasant to behold. -Little 'LH& Benneweis, who was very ill with jileuro pneumonia, is on the mend. SJie was attended by. the Dublin doctor. A good time is expect- ed in the grome of Mr. Wm. Learning, adjoining No. 9 school; it being the annual picnic. -Large tivallitities of egcell'ent gravel is being placed on the. reads. There is a kick corning from some owners �f crs, but if it were not for, repairs tF e roads would soon run IMP RI CESS THURSDAY FRIDAY - SATURDAY TRIANGLE PRESENTS Olive Thomas in "931ZO4ITAY ARIZONA." A new Luchinvrir has come out of the West.1Of all the wild kidnap- pers his neree is the best and a certain little .Broadway. queen finds mose any game can be made atwo han;ded affair. This pier ure is going te 1 -rove one of our big- -gestsuccesses, .-- • T.tlie Nevi Serial "The Voice on the Wire Which we have chosen to follow the "Fatal Ring" besides proving itself a repord breaker has the d - van ta ge of being entirely new in story and treatment. with a vein of running throughout t Sec the opening episode. • Monday Tuesday Wednesday PRINCESS To 'Motion -Picture Patrons Would you like to see the Finest Photoplays in the World? - I believe a greater. number of people would patrenize the motion picture theatre if they could always be assur- ed that the would see something real- ly worth w ile, and I have baciced my judgment a cordingly. ; I have s ured the sole right to ex- hibit in Seaforth, Artcarft, Paramount and Go1dwyi Pictures, and on and aft- er July 1st, you will always see one of the above nakes of photoplays at the Strapd,Theatre. Artcraft, Paramount and Goldwyn Pictures are known everywhere as the worlds. finest productions, featuring the foremost stars of the screen, such as: Mary Pickford, Douglas Fair- banks, "Billie" Burke Marguerite Clark, Charles Ray, 'Wallace Reid, Jack Pickford, Ann Pennington; Mae Marsh, Madge Kennedy, Mable Nor- mand, Mary Garden and others. Although I have to pay a big price to/procure these pictures, our...admis- sion price will remain e same - Adults 25s; Children 10e. You will see here on 1io'ii, Tues- day and Wednesday "Marguerite Clark" in "The Amazons" -Thursday Friday and Saturday, "Mae Marsh" in "The Cinderella Man." No finer at- tractions are shown- anywhere, and you can always depend on seeing this class of photoplays , at this theatre. Spend ae evening or two each week at the STRAND and forget all your troubles. ' Yours for Better Pictures, JAMES E. WILLIS Manager Strand Theatre.' Ask for a Monthly Programine at the Box Office PRICE 15e. CHILDREN 10c I. , STRAND 1 DUBLIN Notes. -Miss Mary McConnell, who has been attending the Faculty of Ed- ucation in Toronto, has returned te. her home here. -Miss E. Flannigan, of Fort William, is spending her vaca- tion vri h Miss M. McConnell. -Miss Emilye. aloney, of Buffalo, is visiting her mother, Mrs. N. Maloliey.-Mr. E. Weber, of St, Peter's Seminary, Lon- don, is visiting at his home -The garden party held on Mr. A. Darling's lawn last Friday evening, was a grand success, both from'a social and mone- tary etandpoint. Quite a number from Brodhagen and Mitchell helped to swell the crovq.-Mr. F. McCon- nell and party motored to Hensall on Friday. -Mrs. Carlin, Mr. J. Carlin and Miss A. Carlin, of Hensall, and the Misses Williams, of Seaforth, spent Sunday :with friends in the village. - Mr. James Bergin'of Walkerville, was renewing acquaintances in this vicinity during the past few days. -Mr i E. Baker was in Princeton on Saturday attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Buck. -Mr. F. Dalton, of Mon- treal, is visiting. his uncle, Mr. James Cronin. -Miss K. Carpenter spent a few days in London. -Pte. Joseph Weber has returned to London after three weeks leave of absence. .....—e-.., ZURICH. June -Wedding. -A quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnized at the manse, Varna. on Wednesday evening, June lete, at seven o'clock, when Mr. T. T. Meyers and Miss Cecelia M. Des- jardene, were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. D. Johnston. groom acted as bridesmaid while Mr. Herbert Kercher assisted the groom. Both beide and groom are well known end popular here and they have a host of friends who will extend congratu- lations and best -wishes for a hapy life. , Notes. --Mr. N. E. Dahms was in charge of the departmental exams at Hensalle while Mr. McKay, of the Hensall -schoel had charge of those writing at Zurich. -Pte, Eldon Schnell of Camp Custer, Michigan, visited his parents, Mn and Mrs. J. Schnell for a few .days last week.Mr. Thos. Kyle of the Parr line, has a 1S year old goose that' holds the record as a pro- ducer. On May 6th last she hatched out' seven goslings, and by June lth she was again on the job, this tine setting on nine eggs ' which she had Jaid since the first goslings were hatched. -Mr.. George Buchanan, bar- rister of Sudbury, and an old Zurich boy was renewing acquaintances here mei feee days last week. -Mr. C. Fritz has purchased an acre of land to the east of the village, from Mr. Martin Wurm.-7Mrs. E. R. Siebert and son, of Detroit, are visiting with relatives here. -Mr. C. Eilber is able to Wein again after being confined to his res- idence for a week. -Mr. Leon Jeffrey, of St. Joseph, has sold his 75 acre farm and the crop on it to Mre Jonas Hartleib, of Dashwood, who gets im- mediate possession. -Mr. E. Deiehert, of Detroit, is visiting at the home of his mother. ' MANLEY Mr. Henry Weisnburg finished. his contract, sawing tee timber for Mr. SPEGIAL SALE PRICES ON ALL MILLINERY On SaJe Now . The Millinery event of the season, and which our customers wait -for as an occasion to buy a smart attractive summer bat at a very little price, is at hand. TRIMMED HATS ALF PRICE NOW Dan Buyermen s new laarn 'which is under the course of constructiones--- Mr, Fred Eckert had a narrow escape. of being hurt last Thursday in naeet- . ing ,a bicycle with his car when it skidded and in trying to right him- self it turned turtle, damaging the cer seriously. , Mr. pckart was in the car alone and escaped unhurt. -Bees are the order of the day. -Mr. Fred Buyer - man had a successful gravel bee last Thursday. He is renovating his house and barn and by appearance he is go- ing into prtnershiphaMr. P. -Eckert raised one of his barns and is putting a cement foundation under it. --Mas- ter Kenneth Kistner and Miss Agnes Ecknrt have returned home after try- ing their Entrance Examinations in Seaforth.-Mr. Zoe Murray and some of the other boys who are in training at London, motored to their respective homes on Sunclx • Address and Presentation. -While home on leave from London camp on Monday, Rale 17th; the many friends and neighbors of Pte. Joseph Murray took the opportunity of showing in a tangible way, the eeteem in which -he is held. here, by presenting him with, a wrist -watch and safety razor and an address. The address was"- read by Mr. Joseph Eckert and the presenta- tion made by Mr George Holland. The following is the address: Joseph Murray, Esq., Dear Joe: • Your enlistment and depart- ure from among us brings home to us more 'clearly the unhappy remind- ers of the great world war which we are receiving in ever increasing nurn- here, day by day. Already many of our boys are in France, while others, like you, are training to carry on the great work in sustaining the wonder - fu the Canadians have made for our country among other nations of the world, by their spirit and conduct in the trenches. Before you leave, however, we want to ex- press to you the esteem, we your old neighbors and friends have come to feel for you through the happy years we have spent together. We, there- fore, ask you to accept this wrist watch and safety razor with our best .wishes for a safe return when peace shall be declared. We hope that in the days to come they will often'bring back to you many happy memories of your friends in the old home and be an encouragement to you in doing Your "Bit" -Signed on bsItalf of Neighbors and Friends-Thoznas Mc- Kay, W. J. Manley. = If you want to share in this special of the season's millinery sale - - wisdom will urge you jo purchase immediately. = - - = - - . One of the Best Things to Do is to = Buy silk for your Next Dress VIM ION awe INN INM1 Woe IWO OMNI 1,mN ••10 Art Mel IMO MIN GM! MIN 101•1 1MM And the reason for this is simple enough. The Goy.r ernment is commandeering wool for Our Boys "Over There." Silks are then the one fabric which most ay woman can buy and, wear, and if she will take time by the forelock and win purchase silk for her dress now, rhen costs are reasonabl) low, she can make up a dress for less than she anticipated. Anoth point, choice is probably better now than you will find for som 'time. Among the materials we suggest the follothing Values that will keep' Scissors busy a Yard Wide Silk Poplin $1.50 • The type of values you can expect in spite of higher costs. = One of the better -than -usual' values. Also beautiful silk poplin E. at $1.65, $fee5 and $2 a yard and in all the popular,and fashion- - able shades. - •••• REP BLACK PAALEITE SILK -Good weight gilk with a delight- = ful finish -will give splendid satisfaction for Suits, Dresses and = Waists. Special 81.25 a yard. Big stock of the higher priced = • SHANTUNG AND TUSSAH SILKS -In both natural sh 7. and in colors, wide width, suitable for Dresses, Coats, NI = and Children's Wear at 5oc,65c, e5c, noc, Si, 81.25 and = a yard. 0 13 Su E.:. DUCHESS SILK -Black, Cream, and the popular sh E are well represented. This is a world wide favorite weave, beiii = a pure silk with a satin surface that carries distinction 'i'herei - • worn. It is largely used for bothdresses and separate wai = Prices range from $1.5o to $3,0o. = YARD WIDE HABUTAI SILKS -This durable *ash is stocked in Black, White and a range of the most po - shades. Prices range from 60c to $1.25 per yard. BLACK AND NAVY TAFFETA -EXTRA -Every wo = knows the popularity of black and navy taffeta for Dresees = Suits. We simply call' your 'attention here to a very special 1 = we have in wide width. The value, taking to -day's market p = into consideration, is unusual. Prize $2,50 per yard. 27 in, Corduroy 95c to $i25 May be had in bright shades in the wanted • widewale. cide if you want a corduroy skirt or coat -whether of the = colors or white -and make selection. E I Plenty of Grass Rugs to help mak the home cool and inviting, for surnrner = - . The homa must be made just as inviting as possible t" E surhiner and The fact that we are at war will emphasize th = point. Then, too, the cost can be as little as you want to make -1 1i* for here are grass 'rugs in practically every size, in very pleasin colors and designs -and at costs ranging froq2 500 for the stna erss. sizes in heairy fibre mats to $6 for the very arge shim es in a rug • What about Summer Curtains? • Quite true the lace curtains -and heavy hangings are sio = but what about Summer curtains ? Cool, airy looking drape - make a room not only more attractive, but cooler. You can = - most any color or design desired and at costs ranging from 20 = tO $1.75. MN, Plenty of Cretonnes Make Your . Home Summery and Cool Whether for draperies, furniture coverings, screens, - coverings, bedcovers, covers for ugly -looking box.es-the cost - insignificant. We have striven to maintain just as completo = showing of these cretonnes as in past seasons. Prices rang = fromas low as 25c a yard to the very best a 1,75 a yard. ▪ ••• 4.miass• MOctavish &safer& ifinummimummumunrinmummin 1111iMilliffillinIMMIMMI