The Huron Expositor, 1918-05-31, Page 5&AY 31, lOis
Seen Our
7arnp§, new square throat
• . . 4 I, • WI. • .$5.00
Icy cut-out vamps, Louis
:Icy cut-out vamps, Louis.
:-out vamps, Louis heels
. • $4.50
neat Oxnament on vamp
new Sport heels, per
La Patent Colt and Kid
$2.75 to $3.50
• #. •
o the work was in the village
renewing acquaintances and
friends were pleased to see
ing so well after his illness.
. Sheffer spent the 24th with
of his family in Toronto.
Ly a isem number of those
riends or relatives interred
nsall union cemetery spent an
L in looking after the plots,
oing up a number of the Moxt-
meting out flowers and Lew-.
grass and otherwise improv -
appearance of the cemetery
elieve that the good work is
be followed by another after..
ark a little later on in the
as the committee and, bl-
are anxious to have the cero-
11. kept. -The 24th of MaT
ver very quietly in our
being no public celebration,.
. Cooper of Clinton and Miss
ard of Goderich, spent the
with Miss L. Acheson at the
nmercial.-Mr. T. G. Nob -
returned soldier and son -in -
r. W. H. Reynolds, of this
s spending a few days here.
uson who enlisted with a To -
talion and has been invalided
in the trenches,hriends short: -
ling to Toronto, where he
0 receive his discharge.
,nd Retuni
a.m. E. T.
(Detroit Time)
$1.50 ONE WAY 40.
derieh to •
litary age on this trip, 40
fricer who will be on duty *
porary stay are not re- 40_,
United States Immigra- mr,
,xcursionists. 11
it will be necessary for .
e military service regu- .
✓ for their military dis- ..
of course, only to male
who are single or are !
at 8 p.m.
Greyhound Ball R00/113';
rtments of Serges,
you could wish to
reys, browns and
guaranteed dyes.
ty of materials at
C same :attention
fine new stock of
We're _sure
MAY 31, Witi
Doing Their Bit. -On Empire Dar.,
the pupils of School Section No. 8,
Tuckersmith, contributed $5.92 on be.
half of the Overseas Club, Tobacco
and Comforts Fund. This amount
has been sent directly to the Honorary
Organizer, the Overseas Club, General
Buildings, Aldvryeh, London, W.C. 2,
England, and placed to the pupils'
credit These pupils are doing their
"bit" too.
stAforrn MARKETS.
Wheat, per bushel ..
Oats, per bushel
Barley, Per bushel
Bran, per ton
Shorts, per ton $41.00
May 30._ 1918
.... .....$1.40
Flour, per cwt,
Peas: Per bushel .. .. .. .. ..$8.60
Margarine 37c
Potatoes, per bag .... ..... . . - 4100
Butter, per lb •36c
Hogs, per cwt. 18.75
Eggs, per _...dozen 33c to 34c
Toronto, May 28th-Beans--Carisidism hand-
picked, bushel, $7.50 to $8. Foreign, 'hand-
picked, bushel $6.75 to $7.
Toronto, May 28th -Live weight -Chickens,
per lb. 27e; milk fed 32e; hens, 8% lbs.,• 25c;
liens 3% to 5 lbs„ 28c; hens over 5 lbs., 30c:
roosters 22c; ducks, 30c; turkeys, 25c. Deemed
--Chickens 30c; milk fed chickens, 85c to 400;
hens, 3% lbs., 28c; hens, 3% to 5 lbs., 30e:
hens, over 6 lbs., 30o; roosters, 25c; ducks
80e; turkeys, 30c.
Toronto, May 28th -Butter --Creamery sol-
ids, 44 to 45c; do. prints 45c to 46c; do fresh
made. 46e to 47c; choice dairy prints, 41c to
42e! ordinary dreier prints 38c to 40e; bakers'
36 to 38c.•
Margarine 32 to 34c lb.
Eggs -New -laid, 41e; new laid, selected, 43c
to 44c; cartons, 44e to 46c.
Cheese -New, large, 23%c to 24e; twins,
23%c to 2414e; old, large, 25%.c to 26c; twin
26 to 26%c.
Comb Honey -Choice 16 oz., $3.50 per dozen;
12 or., $3 per dozen; sedonds and large comb,
$2.50 to $2.75.
Maple Syrup -Imperial gallons, $2.25; five -
gallon tine, $2.10 per gallon. Maple sugar, a
pound, 24 to 25c.
Toronto, May 28. -Manitoba Wreat-No,
I Northern, $2.23%; No. '2, do., $2.20%; N.
3, do., $2.17%; No. 4 wheat, $2.10%; in store
at Fort William. including 23/4c tao. Mani-
itoba Oath -No. 2 C. W., 81c; No. 3 C.
7eeec ; extra No. 1 feed 18%e; No.1 feed 75%c
in store at Fort William, American.
Corn -No. 2 yellow, kiln dried, nominal; No.
4 yellow, kiln dried. nominal. Ontario Oats -
No. 2 white 80c to 81c; No. 8 white, 79e to
80c. according to freighte outside. Ontario
Wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot $2.22; basis
in store, Montreal. Peas -No. 2, $3.60, to
$3.70; according to freights outside. Barley -
Malting, $1.40 to $1.42; according to freights
outside. Buckwheat per bushel, $1.80, accord-.
ina to freights outside. Rye -No. 2, $2.10, ac-
cording to freights outside.- Manitoba Flour
-War quality, 110.95 new, bags, Toronto.,
Ontario Flour -War quality, $10.66; new bags,
Toronto; 10.65 Montreal freight, prompt ship-
ment. Millfeed-Car lots -Delivered Montreal
freights bags included; bran, per ton, 85.00';
shorts, per ton, $40. Hay -No. I. eer ton,
$16 to $17; mixed, $14 to $15, track, Toronto.
Straw -Car lots, per ton, $8.50 to $9, treat
Buffalo, May 28.--Cattled-Receipts, 140
ears ; Prinle grades steady,' othere le to 25c
lower; prime heavy steers, $17 to $17.75; best
shipping steers, $16 to $17; plain and coarse.
$13 to $14; Canadian steers, heavy, $15.65.
to $16.25; Canadian steers, fat. coarse, 1100
to 1200 lbs., $13.50 to 14.50; Canadian steers
and heifers. $13 to $14.50; native yearlings,
$15 to $16; best handy steers, $18 to $14;
fair to goqd kinds, $12 to $13; handy steere
and heifers, mixed $12 to IS; western heifers
$12 to $13.50; state heifers $11 to $12; Can-
adian heavy caws 10.e0' to 11,50; best fat
cows $11.50 to $12.50; butchering- cows, $8.60
to $9.50; cutters, $7.50 to 48.50; tannere, $5
to 46; grazing cows, $7.50 to $8; fancy bulls,
$11.50 to $13; butchering bulls, $10 to $11;
common bulls, $8.50 to 9.59; best feeders, 900
to 1000 lbs., $1.0.50 to $11.50; medium. feed-
ers, $9.50 to $10.50; light common, $8 to $9;
otockers, $8.50 to $9.50; best milkers and
springers, $10() to $150; medium, 75 to $100;
common, $50 to $60. Hogs -Receipts, 70 cars,
market, 40 cents lower; heavy, $17.50 to
$17.75; yorkers $17.90 to $18; Pigs, $18 to
$18.25. Sheep and la -nibs -Receipts, forty
cars; market steady; top lambs, $17.50 to
$17.65; yearlings, $15.10 to $15.75; wethers,
$14.50 to $14.75; ewes, $13 to $18.50. Calves
-Receipts, 2500; market 50e lower; tops, $15
to $15.25; fed calves, $6.50 to $8.50.
Montreal, May 28th. -The offerings at the
west end cattle market this morning amounted
to 400 Cattle, 80 sheep and lambs, 390 hogs
and 600 calves. The fee.tere of the market
was the weak feeling developed it the hog
section, and prices for choice hogs were quot-
ed from $20.50 to $20.75 per 100 pounds.
It was stated that some choice selects sold as
high as, $21 per 100 pounds on the market,,
but the moiority went at the lower figure.
The numbff on the market seemed adequate
for the demand.
Cattle prices were about unchanged at lase
week's figures. The supplies coming to hand
are not very heavy, and this morning the
offerings were barely equal to the demand.
The market for sand' meats was quiet, and
Prices about s4eeoly...
At the yards the offerings this
morning were 300 cattle, 100 sheep and lambs,
330 hogs and 500 scales. The trading was ac-
tive, and emeticly all lines were cleaned
up. Priem there Weresteady, but with weak-
er tone,
Quotations -Choice steers $14.50 to $15.00;
good steers, $13 to.$14; medium $11 to $12.50;
ehoice cows e11.00 to $11.50; good cows $10.-
50; medium cow? $8t50 to $9.50; choice but-
chers' bulls, $11 to $12.50; medium $10.50 to
$11; good $9 to $10.25; calves, choice milk -fed,
$10 to e13: fair, 47 to $9; choice select hogs,
off cars, $20.50; to $21; sows, $18 to $20.
Union' Stock Yards, Toronto, May 28th. -
lip to noon to -day scarcely a dozen loads of
good butcher cattle all told had been sent
over the weigh scales. Right from the ring
of the bell the buyers were conspicuous by,
their absence. Usually on a Monday they are
active during the eerie- hours, but this 'morn-
ing they diecussect the war situation in the
beg alley. Their excuse was that, they had
more meat in their coolers than they could
diepoee of. and were prepared to purchase at
steady values. but as the drovers seemed to
want higher prices they could afford to stay'
off the market for a day or so. And they
did stay off all morning. The oomemission
men's version was that the market for ev-
erything save choice cattle dropped 25 to 40e
at the stare and that the buyers were work-
ing together to pull down prices still fuz-
thee Whichever point of view was the correct
one ,there was a little more activity during
the afternoon, when values for commen to
medium quality cattle and light butcKrs were
reported 50c down on the day. There were
few choice cattle in the light Monday ffering
of 2700 head. Real top steers and hei ers and
also choice fat cows and bulls met steady
Values, but all other grades of ki'Ilezt were
reckoned to be e5 to 54)c cheaper. One load
of 21 steees, as nice a bunch as ever were un-
loaded at the yarde, received a bid of $16.50
Per 100 Ins., but Dunn and Leva.ek refused to
sell under 17c. The best load of heavy steers
sold to -day ca -she- in at $16. Comparatively
few butcher cattle cold over $14.50. Canners
earildtra"dete.r'i wer'' a normal and shade weak-
Stockere and feeders were also quiet at
steady valuee. One load of feeders averaging
875 the., each sold at $12.175. The best Hol-
stein eprin tete seen on the market, shipped
be R. Brunt, of Hanover was sold to Fred
Red -entree,.
for $e15. There was a fair de-
ehI.raiened4.for iteol sprineers and feeders at firm
The trail. in canes was good and steady,
the beet veile eellieer from $14.50 to $15.50.
The eheep tine lamb offerieg was the largest
on the mailot for onne time. The demand
Was good and quotat.on,; steady. A few- pret-
te good dP• iffltiTher cothei in at $17.
Hogs were (net atSe5.o0 fed and t.eaterecl,
but Pack,':, mentioned $25 as their prim for
the net oe the week,
lati7bse. reoepite were 316 care, with 2703 cat-
tle, 3ite ceeee., eel hiert and tee sheee and
Gunne Ural batient 150 cattle: Butchers.
313.50 to $11.75- ; cows, $9 to $12; bulls-, $3
to $13: one eel ra eiwiee bull 1409 lbs.. 514.
If. P. Kenn- iv- -.old four loads of butehr es,
1,13.50 to $:nell: one load of feeders. 875 lbs..
Dunn & Levacke told: Butchers -8, 910 lbs.,
314.70; 7, nel lbs., $13.50; 11, 960 lbs. $13.50;
2 cows, 1170 the., $11.50. Bull -1, 1'230 lbs.,
410.50e 1, 1420 Ibt„ $14- 1, 1450 lbs, $12.50;
1.1360lie, $12.75; 1, 1150 lbs., $11.
teiee ard Whaley sold: Butchers -10, 1180 ., 5$15.75: /8, 990 lb., $15; 20, 940 lbs.,
$11e1: 20, S 10 lbs.. $13.55; 100 calves, 13.50
to eli.e0; 2 lambs. la lbs., $18.50. -
Shields and Son sold: Butchess-2,
Funeral Director and im
Licensed Embahrier
Undertaking parlors in Oddfel
lows building opposite
istewart Bros. Resi-
,;,,„ deuce Goderich st., cpp
_ „ Dr. Scott's
Mowers furnished ;:on
short notice.
Phone] Niiht or Day 119,
1050 lbs., $12.50; 2, 650 lbs., $14; 19, 1,1.0
$11.75e Cows -1, 1010 'lbs., $10; 1, nP lbs„
$6; 12, 1040 lbs.. $1; 1, 840 lbs, $11.50;
1, 930 lbs., $8.50; Bulls -1, 930 lbs.. $12; 1,
590 the., $8.50; 1 milker, $180; 1 milker, $135:-
1. milker, $96.
Sparkhall and Armstrong sold: Butchers -
3, 600 lbs., $13; 1. 1600 Win $14; I, 1190 lbs.,
$14. Cows -2, 820 lbs., $8.50; 1, 850 lbs., $9;
I, 110 lbs., $8.60; Bulls -1, 880 -lbs., $11.50;
3, 600 lbs. $9; hogs, $20.50; fed and watered;
calves, $113.50 to $15.50; sheep, $14.00 to
Corbett, Hall and Coughlin qugted: Fair to
good steers, $14.50 to $15; choice butchers,
514 to $14.50; good butchers, $13.25 he $13.50;
medium butchers,. $12.75 to $13; choice -cows,
$12 to $12.50; good Cows, $11.50 to $11.75;
medium cows, $10,50 oto $11; common cows,
$9 to $9.50; canners, $6 to 6.50; good to
choice bulls, $12 to 12.501; butcher bulls, $11.54)
to $11.75; 'bologna bulls, $9.50 to $10; good
clipped lambs, $17 .50 to $19; cholee clipped
sheep, $16 to $18; choice veal Calves, $14.50
to $15.50; medium calves, $13 to $14: hogs,
'fed and watered, $20.59.
McDonald and Halligan sold 25 loads: Bute
chers-16, 1100 lbs., $16; 16, 1020 lbs., $14.50;
21, 880 lbs., $14.40; 11, 1090 lbs., $14.25n
25, 975 able, /14; 20, 1050 lbs., $13.75; 6, 970
lbs., $13; 18 stockers, 670 lbs., $10.75. Cows
-3, 1100 lbs., $12.25. Calves -3,- 170 lbs..
$13.50;' 1, 570 lbs.. $13.50. Lambs -7, 110
lbs., 420; 2, 130 lbs, $18.75; 7, 80 lbs., $17.50;
7, 130 lbs., $15.50; 9, 126 lbs., $15.50. • Mc-
Donald and Halligan sold a load of 16 steers
weighing 1100 lbs., and consigned to them by
Charles Inieggs. of Paris, for $16 g cwt. lids
load was bred and fed by Parnell and Buck,
of Paris, Out.
The quotations were: Extra choice heavy
steers $15 to $16; choice heavy; $14 to $14.25
butchers cattle choice, $14 to $14.25; do. good,
13.25 to 13.50; do. medium, $12 to $12.50; do.
common, 11,11.00 to $11.25; butchers' bulls,
choice t$12Mo $13 f do. good bulls $11 to $11.50;
do. medium bulls 310.25 to $10.5e; do. rough
hulls :37.50 to $8.50; bgtehers' cows, choice,
$12 to $13; do. good, $11 to $11.60; do. med-
ium $10.25 to $16.50; stockers $9.50• to 11.25;
feeders $11.25 to -$12; canners and cutters.,
$6.25 to 37.50; milkers good to choice s92 t.,
$140: milkers, common and medium, $65 to
$80; springers $90 to 4140; light ewes $15 to
$18.50; lambs, $1.7 to $22; calves, good to
choice $14.00 te, $16.00; calves, good to
choice, $14 to $16; hogs, fed and watered,
$20:50: do, weighed off cars $21; do. f. o. b.
Clark -In' Egmondville, on Thursday, May
30th. Daniel Clark, aged 86 years, 5 months
and 12 days. Funeral from late residence,
at 2.30 Saturday, June 1st, to the
Brucefield cemetery.. for burial.
Aitcheson-At Winchester, at the home of her
sister, Mrs. Mary Holmes. Etizabetli John-
ston, widow of the late William Aitcheson,
of Seaforth. -
Crooloteein Btussels, oil May" Harriett
Armstrong, beloved wife of George Crooks,
in her '82nd year. .
Kelly -In ,Goderich, on May 20th, Catharine
Kelly, widow of the late J. J. Kelly, aged
52 *ears.
Barry -Ip London Hospital, on May 20, Cor-
neliin Barry, aged „56 yeers and 8 months.
Wylie -In Goderich, on _May 19th, Capt. Peter
Wylie, aged 61 years. '.
In loving memory of David Worknxim, who
died on May 29th 1917.
'Tie one sad year since that sad day,
When one we loved was called away;
The call was short, the shock severe,
To part with time we loved so dear.
We 'loved him, yes, we loved him,
But Jesus loved him more,
, And we hope to 'meet in' Heaven,
On yonder shining share.
-Loved Ones.
'W..T.. BOX & CO.
-- r of HoldeGovernment Diploma
and 1.icense.
Flowers lueneshed on *tort
Night Cillies Day Cane
Phone 175 Phone 50
W.S. Gormley
r:mbalmer 3,nd
Funeral Direezo-or
Undertaking Parlors above
",Williams' grocery store,
Main Street, Seaforth
Flowers fure.eued -on short noth e
Phone night or day - 192
For the oonstruction of the Watson Drain
(the first of the three drains to be eonstroct-
ed) in the Township of Tuckersmith. Plans,
specifications and conditions to be seen at the
office of the clods. Tenders to be delivered
to the clerk on or before June 22nd. 1018
2633-3 D. F. McGREGOR, Clerk.
The Council of The Corporation of Huron .
will meet in the Council Chamber, Goderich,
on Tuesday, the 4th day of June, 1e18, at S
o'clock in the afternoon.
G. W .1e0LelAN, County Clerk
Dated at Goderich, May 17th, 1918.
In the matter of the estate of Reverend Pat-
rick Corcoran, late of the Town of Seaforth,
Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Stat-
utes. in that behalf that all persons having
any claim; or demands against the late Rev-
erend Patrick Corcoran, who died on or about
the 12th day of March, 1918, at Seaforth.' On-
tario, are required on or before the 27th day of
:Jame, 1918, to send by post prepaid, or to de-
liver to tete uadereigned, solieitors herein for
John Corcoran of Ottawa, Ontario, Admini-
eteator of the estate of the said deceased, their
name.; and addresses and full particulars in
writieg, of their claims and statements of their
accounts arid the 'lettere of the securities, if
any, heed by them. And take notice, that
after the 27th day of June„ 1918, the said Ad-
niniestrator will proceed to distribute the as-
sets- of he said deceased among the persons
entitled thereto, having regard only to the
claims of which elle shall then have had notice,
and that the sad Administrator will not be
liable for the said assets: or any part thereof
to any person of evlaose claim he shall not then
have received notice. Dated the 27th day of
COOKE, Goderiah and Seaforth, Ont., Solid-
-tors for the Said Administrator. 2633-4
We hav
Pine Appl
h Fruit
on sale Special
hi Fresh Fruit;
re 2o and 25c a box
$3.0o per dozen
• PhillipsH
Wholesale and Retail Fruits
Opposite Commercial Hotel, Seaforth.
A good farm to
drainage and g
OM) or 150 acres, with good
buildings. Apply -at once.
D, Hazelridge, Manitoba.
We will open
day, June 1st.
3 inches up to- 8
xnondville, Phone
1110111INOMPIMINIMO 414/110.
kiln of drain tile on Satur-
e will then have sizes from
aches. KRUSE BIOS.. Eg-
2 on 160. 260-1
For sale lpt 17
McKillop, contai
has been in grass
should grow good
as' to price mid
TON. co Manito
concession, 9, Township of
iltg 100 acres. ,This farm
for a number of years, and
rops. Write for particulars
ring to JAMES I. JOHNS -
Hotel. Winnipeg, Man.
For. Sale a co ge with two bedrooms, and
two lots on No Main Street, two blocks
fron Main street. Splendid cellar, hard and
soft watbr in In hen. All in good ohape.
Easy terms. Armlet to E. L. BOX, Seaforth
For sale seveni roomed frame house on
North Main Stre t, one doorsouth of Mr!
Robert Winters' resfdence. Must be sold'
at °nee. Apply t The, Expositor Office,;
Seaforth. 2624-tf
Write for bo I klet and prices of im-
proved and uni proved farms in the
famous Gilbert lains District. J. H.
EVANS & CO., Gilbert Plains, Mani-
toba. 2617x20
A meeting of the Seaforth Farmers' Club
will be held in the Separate School Hall. Sea -
forth, on Wedneed y evening, June 5th, at
9.30 o'clock. Inter ting reports will be given
by Messrs. T. G. Shillinglaw and Thomas
McMillan, who were delegates from this As-
sociation on the recent farmers' deputation to
Ottawa. Non-niemlers as well as members
are oondially invltd to attend. Be sure to
come. GEO. D. C. HARN. Maintop, Presi-
dent: JOHN H. SCOTT, Hallett, Secretary.
Notice is hereby a
utes in that behalf
claims .against the
McMurray of the
-the County of Her
on' or about the 1
1918, are required
Made a statement
nature of the seer
by an affidavit, to
the Town of Seafo
executors of the
the said Ebenezer
before the 22nd day
take notice that aft.
date the Executors
the assets of the sai
ties entitled -thereto
the claims of which
ceived ,notice. Date
A.1):, 1918. JOHN
CAA. Executors.
ven pursuant to the Stat. -
that all persons having
tate of the late Ebeneeer-
illage of Egmondville, in
te Gentleman, who died
th day of April, A.D.,.
to deliver or send Pest -
of teliir claims and the
ity thereof, duly verified
hn Beattie, merchant, Of
one of the undersigned
t will and testament of
cMurray, deceased, on or
of Junte.A.D., 1918. And:
✓ the mild last mentioned
wilLproceed to distribute
deceased among the pat-
haeing reference only to
they shall then have re -
Thies 29th day of May,
Notice is hereby gilten pursuant to the Stat-
ute in that behalf that all persons having
claims against the E tate of Joh e Wilson, late
of the Township of uckersmitie in the Coun-
ty of Huron, farmer, deceased, Who died at
the said Township o Tuckersmith, on or a-
bout the 18th•day of I December, 1917, are re-
quired on or before t e 15th day of June, 1918,
to send by post prep id or deliyer to the un-
dersigned full part' ulars the claims
duly verified by aflL1avit and the nature of
the security. if any, held by them. Further
take notice that af r the said last. mention-
ed date, the assets of the said deceased will be
distributed among the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to the claims of which
notice shall then have been received. Dated
at Hensell this lth day of May, 1918.
GLADMAN & STAN UDY, Bengali and Exe-
eter, Ont., Solicitors for Administrators.
Lot 33, Concession 6, McKillop, 100 acres
of the best clay land in MoKillop, 6 acres of
bush, the rest in a h gh state of cultivation;
.5 miles from Seafoxt.h, 2 miles from Con-
stance, 114 miles frolic'. school. There are on
the premises, a good s ven roomed house, large
bank barn 64e76, all1Page wire fences and
Well underdtained. ,h
ere are forty acres
ploughed, 5 acres busFand the balance seed-
ed down. There are two big springs, one
piped to barnyard and in 'the other a dam
with a hydraulic ram pumping the water to
the house and to thji barn. As the spring
is in the orchard and near the house and line
fence, there is no este land. There is a
graded and gravelled lane from the road to
the buildings. Apply to MRS. SAMUEL
DORRANCE, Seaforth 2627-tf
BOX(flo2r7m, eCrIliyntoo BrucefiPetore 44
-Ag nt for -
The Huron & Erie Mortgage
Corporation a d the Canada
Trust iCo.
Commissioner if. C. of .T., Conveyancer,
Fire and Tornado Insurance, Notary.
Wednesday of each week at Brucefield
Algonquin Park
An ideal spot for onr Summer Va-
cation midst wil and delightful
Seen ry.
'Excellent Hotel Service at the
Full information. from any Grand
Trunk Ticket Agent or C. E. Horning,
District Passenger" Agent, Toronto,
W. Somerville..
W. R. Plant ,Depot Agent
. • ....Tmen Aguet
• e-
The following imported Clydesdale
and Percheron Stallions which are all
enrolled, inspected and approved will
I stand for service this
Clydesdale [92541 (12625)
Enrolment No. 1366
To insure 115
Clydesdale [9596] (14063)
Enrolment No. 1681 Form' A I
To insure $1..0
Percheron (6382)
Enrolment No. 4936 Form I
To insure $13
Clydesdale [92551 (12103)
Enrolment No. 1370 ' Form 1
To insure $13
Will travel -the following route:
Monday. May 6th -Will leave his own stable
at Hensel], and go west to second concession,
south 3% miles to R. Northcottrs for noon;
south 114 miles, east 114 miles, then north to
Bee Makin's, for night. Tuesday -East 1j.
miles, to Thomas Venneele, for noon; then
arth 114 miles to Chiselhurst, then. west to
John MeLean's corner, north I% miles to Wm.
oggarth's for night. Wednesday -West to
James ' McGregor's corner and north 114 miles,
then West 114 mites to Thomas Workman's for
noon; then south 11/e miles to Kippen, west to
Hills Green, north to Hugh Love's for riight.
.Thursday -West to Blake,. south to 'Elmer;
KloPp's, for noon; then- west to St. Joseph
and then south to A. Hendlick's, for night,
and where Ise will remainuntil Friday noon.
Friday noon --East to the 14th 'Concession, and
north lYt miles, then' emit 13/4: Miles, and
north to -William Thiel's for night. -Saturday
-Will proceed south I% miles, east to Gosh-
en line and north to Zurich, to the Commer-
cial Hotel, for noon; then east to Henson,
to his own stable where ho will remain untit
the folio -wing Monday morning..
William Kay, Manager. - •
• •
•Pereheton [313ld, .8.4214)
Enrolment NO. 13T69 'h' Form A 1
Will travel ,the followinr,roti. -
Monday. May 6th -Will 14400 his. owa,stable
at Bewail ,and go east vii-milef And north
ln: then four 411Hto Williamea
33,1 miles and east vik lots to Abe. -= For-
se'aifor noo
Davis',a 1 for night. Tuesdiet-East, by ,war of
Staffa, to Ernie Temidemates or noon tlhen
toast 4 miles, 'south 14, *Gest and west 2
miles- Russell e Scott's' for night.-, wt. 4,..
bo-Wet--naary21ttomkiltiee;iet$sirrieuthiii2nefec,milesfeer 49elo then-
to his own ,stables at Hopson,- remaining
there until Thursday atotaini.. Thursday
est to Parr Line, north tb Hills Green to
'Wilton Carlyle's for noon;' *owner% to Cole-
man's Coiner, then west to (Ipa.hen Line, then
south Pe miles and westteeBliikesto Elmer
Thiers for night. Friday -West to the 14th
to Henry .Steinback's,, for ,noon; then smith
3 mile), oast 1.%' miles and north to William.
ThierSfor night., Saturday -North and east
to 'Zur-ch,.. to Commercial WM:- far noon; then
:east his owl .istainle,,gesisall, where
he -will remain until: the foll6Winir Monday.
Luker, Manager. '''
I ' (13978) [16986]
Enrolment No. 1367 -Inspected and Approved
Form 1.
Will istand for the improvement of stock
during the present season at John J. Mc-
Gavin's stables, Leadbury, lot 22,, Concession
13, Mcleillop. Terms $12 to inv, payable
February 1st, 1918.
J. J. McGAVIN„ Proprietor
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
No. 42946, Vol. XXII, A. T. R.
Enrolment Noe 11b. Form 1,
Will stand for the improventent of stock this
season at his own stable in Eginondvilli,
Terms,- 813 to insure: '
JAMES BERRY, Proprietor.
Enrolment No. -368 Form
(Imp.) [3140] (83420
$15 to insure.
Will stand for the improvement of stock this
season as follows:
Monday -Will. leave his own stable, Bruce -
field; and go west to Varna, at Chris. Ward's,
for norine, then ,north into godeeieh townshile
and wept by wee of Bayfield' coucessiaa to
thud; Welsh's, foe legro. Tuesday-hlooh 1;u'
way] of the 7th concession, to G,wite Vander -
burg's, Porter's Hill, for noon; them, -north by
way on the 6th, concession to Jas. MMillanes,
for night. Wednesday -By way of Milt Road
and Jewell's Corners, to Osevaid Ginn's, for
noon; then north by way of Bennelier, wid
along' the- Maitland concession to Hairy Sweet's
for night\ Thursday -East to the 16th conces-
sion, then by way of the Huron Road to Clin-
ton to Graham's Hotel, for noon, and remain
entil Friday morning. Friday--Suuth by way
of the London Road to fee own stable, Bruce.
field, where he will remain until Saturday
morning. Saturday-South-eby way of the
London Road, 2% miles east to Robert El-
gie's for noon; thence by way of the 2nd con-
cession, Tuekersmith, and the Mill Road, to
his own stable, where he will remain until the --
following MOndaY 111.0$rl41g'--
Vit-hi; BERRY, Proprietor ,& Manager
Will dtand
(15938) Vol. XX'XIII.
Enrolmeot No. 3261 Form 1.
$15 to insure.
for the improvement of stock
this seasn as
Mo day, May 6th -Will leave his own' stable,
at S fere and go west to James Hill's, for
noon 'then south to the Cromarty Line, then
east to Oromarty to his own stable for night.
Tuesday --South to Alfred Hunkin's, Usborne,
for 'ideal- then west along Thames Road, for
3%. miles and south on theeeth concession to
Robert Sellery's. for night. Wednesday.
East o the Eljznvijle Line and south to Elim. -
'yule, and east to Wincheieea, to John Del-
bridg 4, for noon; then pooth to William
Brock s, for night. Thursday -South and' east
on the 11th concession of Blanchard, to A. .1.
Muxwerthy's (Wallace's old farm), for noon;
then south to the Kirkton Line, and west to
Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton, for night. Friday -
North along the Mitchell Road, to Mount
Pleasent, and west to Jasper Pridham's, for
-noon; then west and north to John Hamil-
ton's, 10th concession of Hibbert, for night.
Saturday -North 21,e miles to Mac Grey's, 7th
concession for noon; then west to the 7th to
the Centre road, then soteth to his own stable,
where he will remain until the following Mont
day morning.
JOHN LIVINGSTONE, Proprietor & Manager
James Evans, Proprietor & Manager
Monday -Will leave tun own stable, Beech-
wood and go to Pat Woods', Logan, for noon;
thence to his own stable for night. Tuesday
-To John Mueray's, concession 11, McKillop,
for noon; hen west to Ross', concession 10,
McKillop, for onet hour, thence to his own
stable for night. Wednesday -To Frank Ma-
har's, concession 3, Logan, for noon; then to
Weber's Hotel, Dublin, for night. Thursday
-To joseph Nagle's, for noon; then to Jos-
eph Atkin.sores, for night. Friday -To Mat.
tin Curtin's lee miles east of Seaforth, for
noon; then to William Anderson's, lot 29, con-
cession 5, McKillop, for night Saturday --Will
proceed -to his own stable where he will remain
until the following Monday morning. Terms
and conditions same as former years. Lord
„Mansfield has been enrolled, inspected and ap-
proved, Terms to insure $13,
•7=a•w-,, -
' (54151) 1653
The Standard Bred rrottlmcsg Stallion
Enrolment No. 4$7 ApP,d - Perm I
Will stand for the imprbvement of stoeklhis
season at his own stablei lot 8, cone:mien 4,
Emperor MeKimiey Is a Ibeaatiful black horse
with best of feet and leis. Stands 16 hands
high and weighs over 200 pounds. He is
supposed to he one of lihe best bred herses
in these parts, whicte ihs pedigree shows.
Mares from a distance el be met. Terms
to insure $18, payable Fe ruary Iht„
CHAS. tiLEY, Proprietor.
Phone 7 on 136, Seaforth 2632 -if
Form A I Approved,. I Enrolment No. 4881
51526 A.T.B.-2o5 C.N.R.
Race Record 2.06%
The Grand Circuit Race and Show Horse.
First prize winner at S aforth and Clinton
1917 Spring Shows. The only stable in the
County of Huron that e+er offered the ser-
vices of a stallion with it record of 2.10 or
better. Elmer Dickson 2.9614, .will stand at
his own stable, Commeecial Hotel Barns
Blyth, with the exceptjoj of the following
route: Monday -Will lea e his own stable,
Blyth, and proceed to Aub re, for noon; then
by way of Nile to G. cNall's for night.
Tuesday-Wproceed Cblborne House,
Goderich, for noon and remain there until -
Wednesday noon. Wedneisday-Will proceed
by way a Benmiller for lalyth where he will
remain until the following Monday morning,
'Terms to ins re $20:
THOS. COULTER, Blyth, Proprietor.
Form A 1 Approved Inrolment No. 2936
51522 A.T.R.-1,o7o C.N.R.
The Standard bred shoW and trotting stal-
lion. Feal brother to Duetyn 2.1414 and Inez
M. 2.17'14. Was shown lfteen tunes -four-
teen timet first and once slecond. Ike Medium
will stand for the improv ent of stock this
season as follows: Thum y -Will leave his
own stable and proceed n rth to Belgrave for
noon; then to the Farmets Home, Wingham,
for night Friday -Will roceed to Bluevale
to Hall's for noon; then e to Gordon Mc-
Donalds, Brussels, for night. Saturday.! -Will
proceed to his own -stable, Blyth, where he ,
will remain until the following Thursday '
Terms to insulre, $15. _
THOS. COULTER Blyth, Proprietor.
No. 13O9
The Choicely Bred Cansdjat Clydesdale Stallion
• Passed Enrolment N 529 Form 1.
Will stand for the imlirovemeut of stock'
,this season as follows: onday-Will leave
:his -(kw listable at Peter Cann's, concession
3, Hilabert, and go to J Flynn's Beech-
wood;', for noon; tfien north 31/4. miles and
east 114 miles to James O'Loughlin's, for
night Tuesday -East 2% 'miles, north M.
miles to William Uniack's, Kinnecot, for noon;
then east 2% miles and $uth 1% miles and
east to John Murray's forl night. Wednesday
-By way of Brodhagen o William Flanni-
gan's for noon; then 1% iiles west and 2%
miles south to Andrew Kr uskopf's for night.
Thursday -To Ilbetow,n stible for .noon; then
2% miles east and lete iles north and 2%
miles west to his own stable for night- Fri-
day -23/4 miles south, 23/4 frniles east, and 114,
miles north to his own s ble, where he will
remain until the followin Monday morning.
To Insure 15.
JAMES MURRAY, Proprietor le Manager
e . - Lo ' le_nE e_ Ironies
House and. half of, land in the
village of Egmondvill . The property
tik tinged on Centre Street, close to
We' Presbyterian eh h and is known
,is the Purcell' pro ,„ • . Good, com-
fe le house sed, good well
and cement cistern. kinds Of fratt
'trees, strawberries, spberries, .and
currant bushes. This Is a corner pro -
'petty with no break on front, and
the land is in a good state of cultiva-
tion. This is a nice property fer a.
retired farmer and the taxes are light.
Por particulars apply on the pr less
9r to John Rankin, Seaforth.
C.V.0.. D.C.L., President
CAPITAL PAID UP, $15,000,00
SIR JOHN MRD, GateralManageri
1-1. V. F. JONES, Alec. Gera Manager
RESERVE FUND, • $13;500,000
The Manager is prepared to consult with prospective
customers regarding their banking requirements. Whether
it be the opening of a Savings or Current account, the
making of collections or the negotiation f61:a loan,' they
will be met with courtesy and given prompt service.
( -
Has purchased a Percheron Stallion
and will stand him in Seaforth. and
vicinity during the season. Furth'
announcement later.
Skilled lathe, planer and boring mill hands
-wages 69c an hour. Steady work. Apply
Peterborough, Ont, 2680-4
Small frame house on West William
street, Seaforth, hard and soft water,
good stable. For further particulars
apply to. J., D. Hinchley, Seaforth,
phone 10 on 124., 2622-tf
For sale Lot 29 Concession 3, L.R.
S., Tuckersmith, Containing 100 acres.
There are on the premises a good
frame house, two 1 barns and frame
stable 75 feet long; cement floor in
, cattle stable; hog , two wells, The
I land is in a good tate of cultivation,
well drained and fencedi, Large apple
orchard; also all kinds 'of small fruity.
'six earns of good hardwood hush, fall
plowing done, This faint is situated
1% miles east of the village of Bruce- 1
eld and 5 miles' from town of See -
forth. on Mill 'Road. School Wo*,
corner from farm., For further par-
ticulars apply on the premises or
„address Michael Whitmore, Erucefield
R. R. No. 1, or Phone'5 on 142, Sea-
, forth Central. 2616-tf
-Contracts Solicited -
Workmanship Guaranteed
'Rogers Bros.
Contractors Fullerton P. 0.
Can furnish Victory Bonds at ilS5j• an
Interest, free of expense to purchasers.
Also have for Immediate sale the follOW-
Ing Municipal Bonds:
City of London, Gold Bonds, to yield • 14
per cent.
City Of Toronto, Geld Bends, tit yield S
per cent.
City of' Regina, Gold Bonds, to yield 68-4
I per cont.
City of Winnipeg, Gold Bends, to yield elig
per cent. ...-
City of Montreal, Gold Bonds, to Yield SW
pry cent.
Any cite haling money for investmegt
Should avail themselves of this ewergine. -
ity to secure these gilt edged securities. .
R. S. 11AYS„ -
Seafarth, Ont.
2824 -ti
Auto Sa
Service for all makes *I cars
Welding ami mach*e Work ,done.
All work guaranteed.-- •
P14 line of auto tires,. aipork *sop
ails and greases, and auto Aim,.
soma always on hand at,
.1AS. H. wraaturS OLD • STAND
Stewart McIntosh
wa 111104.“ -
pUBLIC fiTOTICE is hereby given that, by
the effect of the regulations of the 9over-
nor General: of Canada in Council of the 20th
of April, 1g48, and the Proclamation of 4th
May, 1918, recently published, every male
British subject resident in Canada, born on or
since the 113th of October, 1897, who has
attained or hll attain the age of 19 years and
who is uninrried or a widower without children
must, (unless he is withila one of the classes of
persons mentioned in the schedule of Excep-
tions to the Military Service Act) report as
hereinafter directed on orbefore the 1st day of
June, 1918, or within ten days after his. 19th
birthday, "v. icheirer date shall be the latter.
Such re rt must be in writing and must give his
name in full, the date of his birth and his place of resi-
dence and also 14s4usua1 post office address.
• NOTE: .The men required to iteport should address their reports as follows;
ONTARIO -240 the Deputy Registrar under the Military To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service
Service At, '1917, London, if they reside in the e Act, 1917, Quebec, if they reside in the County of
County o Essex, Kent, Larnbton, Elgin, Middlesex, Wolfe, Richmond, Compton, Beauce, Bellechasse,
Oxford, WterIoo, Wellington, Perth; Huron, or Bonaventure, Dorchester, Gaspe, Kamouraska, Levis,
Bruce. L'Islet, Champlain, Charlevoix, Chicoutimi, Mont -
To l4ie Registrar under the Military Service morency, Quebec, Portneuf, Saguenay, Lotbimlre,
Act 1917 Toronto, if they reside in the County of
,) Montmagny, Matane, Rimouald and
Lincoln, IWellanci, Haldimand, Norfolk, Brant, Temiscouata.
Wentworth, Halton, Peel, York, Ontario, Grey, To the Deputy Registrar under the Military Service
Duiferin, Sintcoe, or in the Districts of Muskoka, 7 Act, 1917, Hull, if they reside in the County of
Parry SoUnd, Algoma and Nipissing north of the 1 Timiskaming, Pontiac, Ottawa and Labelle.
Mattawa end French rivers (including the Town -NOVA SCOTIA -To the Registrar under the Military '
ships of Firris and Bonfield.) Service Act, 1917, Halifax, if they reside in the
r • To the Deputy Registrar under the Military 4' Province of Nova Scotia.
Service Act, 1917, Kingston; if they reside in the
County of Durham, Northumberland, Victoria,
PeterboroUgh, Hastings, Prince 'Edward, Lennox,
.Addingtor Frontenac, lialiburton, Carleton, .Dun-
das, Glen eery, Renfrew, Russell, Stormont, Gren-
ville, Lanark, Leeds, Prescott, or the District of
. -Nipissing 'south of Mattawa river (exclusive of the
Township ip of `Ferris and Bonfield.)
To the Registrar undee the Military Service Act,
1917; Winnipeg, if they reside in the Districts of
Kenora,. Rainy River, or Thunder Ba'.
QUEBEC -4 -TO the Registrar under the Military -Service
Act, 1917; Montreal, if they reside in the County of
Jacques Cartier, Hochelaga ..Laval, Vaudrquil,
Soulanges, Napierville, beatigarnois, Chateauguay
The report must he addressed to the „Regiatres or
Deputy Registrar under tge Military Service Act of 'ale
Registration District in which he resides (see bekriv) and
shall be sent by, registered post, for which no Canada
postage is required.
Young xnen.)eo reporting will not be placed en active
service till furter notice. They meat, however, notify
the appropriate Regietrar or Deputy Registrar or any
change of iesidence or addre:ss.
On receipt of the report an identification -card be
forwarded by the Registrar 'which will protect the Nearer
from arrest.
Punctual compliance with these requirements is of
great importance to these affected. Failure to report -
within the time limited will expose the delinquent to severe
penalties and will in addition render him liable to
immediate aperrehension for Military Service.
MILITAitY SERVICE BRANCH, this 15th day of May;
NEW BRUNSWICK -To the 'Registrar under the
Military Service Act, 1917, St. John, if they reside in
the Province of New Brunswick.
PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND -To the Registrar under
the Military Service Act, 1917, Charlottetown, if they
reside in the ProVince of Prince Edward Island. -,BRITISH COLUMBIA -To the Registrar under the
they Military Service Act, 1917, Vancouver, if reside
in the Province r4 British Columbia.
SASKATCHEWAN -To the Registrar under the Military
Service Act, 1917, Regina, if they reside in the
Province of Saskatchewan.
ALBERTA -To the Registrar under the Military Service
Act, 1917, Calgary, if they reside in the Province of
Huntington,, Lapraine Argenteuil, Terrebonne, Two. Alberta. •
Mountains, Montcalm, L'Assomption; Joii'ette, Der- MANITOBA -To the Registrar under the Military
thiere Maskincmge, St. Maurice, 'Three Rivers, st. Service Act, 1917, Winnipeg, if they reside in the
Johns., Iberville, Missisquei, Brame, Shefford, Rou-e Previlace of Mihtithba.
vine Chinsibly; Vercheres; St. Hyacinthe, Bage0 YUXON-To the Registrar under the ligralitary Sorike-
Druinsaostd, Richelieu, Itaigasioai Nicolet• firthst-`r Act 1517; Deeterpeo„ if they reside in the Yukon
bask, Sherbrooke, and Stanstead. Ilarritssy -
itemeeeteeeo -nentretlette
-••••••*.AIMMO•mor...1•610, •••••••_. ••• - ••• •11•41.a.HaMi.-~1..t.r,•••