The Huron Expositor, 1917-10-19, Page 8TRE ITUBON OSITOR OCTOBE 917 adies have your hair willed and treated Most Moderate a irr* .4111.41,1VEREIr* 40C •harnpoo with tonic soc nt ensde for any g elter 8 p. m., Battu?. noepted. ROBINSON unto, EsH819 SHOP SWAM= -TTEN 0 et—Let int not forget ------�r cristmas boxes fof our wn boys overseas. Subeeriptioni will b opei till NoVeenber aed with Mrs. Laikin, Miss Minnie Mackay and at Thom:Noes Bookstore. Fruit cake for this; purpose is asked to be sent to the armories on November 6th. • Engagement Announced.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gibb, of Oshawa, former- ly of Seaforth, announce the engage- ment of their only daughter, Cora Beatrice', to Mr, John W. Real, of Greenbank only son of Mr. and Mrs. George Real of Uxbridge, the mama Broderick's 1paagrt, rekteober.ce quietly, the. latter AUTOMOBILE ROBES:— alb bear, Buffalo, Saskatehe MIME BLANKWI'S:— -and wool. JUtef Kersey or Wool aliened to at tha Mrse, with Stay -on -Straps. 11OT1H' ANB--GLOVES:-- A special selected stock of lined and unlined, fk men, and boys at ?clammily prices. • eillENGLE AND TEAK HARNESS -:-1 Mode of No, 1 Union Oak leather ---guarafiteed to give satisfaction. Aloft Cameo, Trivia, and Club, Bags item 1.50 tO SMOG. •- SHOE REPAIRING We are Prencired to do shoe repairing Air any dese4tiock and guarantee eat - action. A trial of your work so - 'Falters Brushes Gall Cure BrOdeilek7g: Pfiotographs Xmas Gifts. Gifts. Military Representatives For Hur- on.—The following have been appoint- ed Military Representatives at the various tribunals in Huron ii corner. - Jim -with the enforcement the Mil- itary Service Act:—James s, Sea - forth; Samuel Martin, Exeter C. Mc- Donnell, Zurich; A. J. Grigg, Clinton; John Harris, Brussels; James Arm- strong, Gorrie; David R. McDonald, Winghara; Thomas Allan; Dungannon; George, Porter. GoderiCh. Toronto, will speak in the Seaforth thodist church on Sunday evergrig next in the interests of educational 'Work. Chancellor Bowies is one of the outstanding men: of Canadian Method- ism and itis a special opportnnitY to have the privilege of bearing him.— ses Hazel and Frances Winter are visiting in Toronto this week.—Robt. Laird of the Camp Borden Aviation School. Who has been home on leave -before leaving for the south for training for the winter, returned to the camp on Monday. He was accom- panied to Toronto by his inother— Miss Preston of Brantford was guest at the home of Mr. J. M. Best this week—Miss Janet Goveriock, who has been spending a few days at her heme here, left on. Monday for Vic- toria B. C.—Owing to the Carnegie Library not being heated at present, the Red Cross Society will meet. in the Armories every Thursday after- noon -tmtil further notice.—Mrs. Chas. Layton is visiting friends ir. Detroit. —Mrs. W. -R. Smith is visiting rela- tives in Dundas and Port Colborne. —Miss Mabel Bullard, of Winthrop, is visiting with friends in town.—Mr. and Mrs. John Piercy and Mrs. Geo. ONLY 10 WEEKS UNTIL XMAS. Remember your friends with Photo- enraphs this year. Nothing you can, give to your friends far away or at Name, that will please them better ihan. a good photograph (the kind we make). Couto in now and have a sitting made and have that much off your mind. Remember twelve good -photos will please twelve .of your friends. We have a beautiful lite -of Xmas. folders in. and the prices are eagle high. We can take your photo- graph on a dull day as well as a bright day, as long as you eome early in the day as the days are getting short now. D. F. Buck PHOTOGRAPHER Stratford, Ont. Ontario's Best Commercial School Conroe& are thorough, the in- structors a r e experienced, students get individual atten- tion and graduates are placed in positions During 3 menthe we turned down over 300 calls for trained help. This is the school for those who want the practical training end good poizitions. COID ro erzial. Short- hand and Telegraphy Depart- , merits, Get our free cataloge --It wiliAnterest you. D.A.MeLAOR LAN, Principal W., J. ELle OTT, President Trafalgar Day. --As Trafalgar Day falls' this ear on Sunday, October 2Ist, reference to the same will be made by- the different ministers in town at their eervices. All appeal was lately sent out on behalf of the Navy, but owing to the Britigh Red Cross appeal being now before the public, the Committee deemed it wise to postpone the appeal for the Navy to a later date. The committee in charge will bring the matter to the attention of the citizens of Seaforth, when they have decided upon their course of action. - Climbing Up .—Mr. R. A. Wilson, son of Col. and Mrs. A. Wilson, of Seaforth, who bas been connected with the New York Evening Sun for 'some • . Cloth bound books, well printed and baud; some ot these are from EVERYMAN'S LIBRARY and the others are all good titles. Good value at the present time. Eabh.. ........ C Thompson s Bookstore SEAFORtH, Window Shades and Picture Frames. Agent for New Idea, Pattern& uttons t • EA1,04.-E.;:23,r• '''''`Vv1340.5.r -Sao &dithers of Toronto, came up on Thursday to attend the funeral of their brother-in-law, the late James Dinsmore, of Blake.—Miss Sparks ate tended the funeral of the late Mr. ISpecial Sale 4... Levis in Clinton on Sunday.—Rev. G. McKinley, Dr. Harburn, Miss Button ee Beattie's Big and Miss Daly,of .the Methodist Sim- s day School and Mr. Laing and Mrs. P. Button Window--:- i Kerr, Miss Somerville and Miss H. I. Graham from the Presbyterian 5 'Cents Per Car church, attended. the Sunday School convention in Aubu.rn on Nonday.—A Friday &Saturday large barn 011 the farm ust Waunkle, of Roxboro, was com- pletely destroyed by -fire at noon on Thursday with all its contents, For BEA rrt ES FAIR a time it looked as if his fine . new barn anctathe barn of Mr. Joseph Scott across the road would also go up in flames but by prompt 'assist- ance and hard work these were saved. pally to assist within min an scope —Nelson Govenlock, of the Aviation the military authorities in correcting Corps, returned to camp after -ten any abuses existing in or against the days' leave.—Mrs. Martin of chat- service; to protect the home interests ' ham, is the guest of Mrs. Larkin it of every Allied soldier during his ser - .the manse.—Rev. Mr. Doherty will vice; to secure for every returned Al -- take the services in St. Thomas' number of years.—Quite a number at- tended the funeral of the late, Mr. Paul Boawho was well known, and has lived in this district the greater part of his life.—Rev. J. F. Knight, will condUct revival services in the Methodist church- here for the next two of three weeks. 'He will be as- sisted in the choral part by the Hen - sail orchestra. ame1,01111i McKILLOP Jubilee Services.—The Jubilee Ser- vices in connection with Duff's church. McKillop, will be held on Sunday, October 28th, when Rev. Mr, Ed- mison, MA, B.D., of Toronto, will preach morning and evening. On the following Monda.y evening a fowl !sup- per and entertainment wild be held ,for which an excellent mmgramrne has been arranged. Further 'particu- lars Will be given next week. HILLS GREEN. Successful Sale .—The auction sale of live stock held by Mr. Robert Love on Tuesday of litet weeleavas one of the most successful ever held in °the section, the entire list of 41 head being sold at record prices. Horses brought from $135 to $190, one two year old heifer brought $90; two year old steers $150 to $160 a pair; year- lings from $110 to $120 a pair; one brood sow sold for $52, while a pair of fiveononths old pigs brought $36 each. Mr. Thomas Cameron of Farquhar, wielded the hammer in his usual en- ticing manner. • WALTON Notes.—All the members and ad- herents of the Methodist church are requeeted. by the pastor to be present at the service next Sunday at_11 a. m.—Rev. R. P. Bowles, Chancellor of Victoria College, Toronto, will speak on "Religious Education!' • • • • - and Mrs. Ed. Dennison, died last prime_ Ingram Dennison infant son of Jr. of the Assoeiation, which are Sat- urday. The parent e have the sym- pathy of manse friends.—Rev. Mr. • Craik attended the Epworth League convention in Goderich this 'week.— . Rev. C. Koine of Londesboro, will Preach a special sermon. to Orange -men in Providence Methodist church on Sunday at 7 p.m.—Rev, Mr. Lundy, exchanged with Rev. "Mr, Johnston ' of Varna, who preached a most elo- quent sermon in Duff's church. on Sunday.—Mr. William Smith, of the 12th concession, McKillop, is having an auction sale of farm stock on Nov. 6th.—After a pleasant trip through the west Mr. Louis Blake is liome a- gain—Rev. Home sermon me Sunday. gain .—Rev . Mr. Smith preached % The church was beautifully decorated and special music was rendered by the choir. ---The wet season has ar- rived and plowing is now in full swing. lied. soldier such employinent as he church on Sunday next in the absence years as reported and politica writer, of Rev T 11 Brown, who is on his has been appointed on the al -Ulna vacation. staff of that paper and has entered ...................--.4....-E. ..........-...E. upon his nein duties. Ighi. Wilson's Poultry Wanted.—If you have any poultry ready rise inethe field of journalism in the United States, has been rapid as his 64 To he delivered ou Thursday, Oct. 26th to sell, call at Thompson's Pr -educe Store or.560Pih_oine- . . recent proraotdon shows. the Evening • Jeweler aid Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses SEAFORTH - ON T igh toppers Our New Fall Stioes will interest you, sir, if you care anything a - 'pout good shoes—they are "high steppers." The more particular you are, the more you'll appre- ciate our splendid stock of Men's Footwear for the fall season. Mike sele.cted leathers—Gun Metal Calf, Velour, Patent Colt, ete., on lasts for style and comfort come hhted. And for the Young Man who wants "the thing" in footwear this sea- son, we have it in Nut Brown or ltfah,ogany Calf, or Gun Metal Calf, on the English last, with Neolin or leather soles, and rub- ber or leather heels. And the prices are reasonable. HP R SCOTT Choir Leader Wanted.—To lead choir of St. An - Sur: being the largest and most in- draws' Chustch, Blyth. State salary. Apply to in New York Jos. Sto thfrs, See.-Treas. 21301-2 here Who A few pieces 'of Household Furnituie for sale this Notice.— The hookswill lite given out at the Public and fin- Library on Tuesdays and Saturdayt, from 4 to 5 and 7.30 to 8.80. G. Thompson. Librarian: 2601-1 • Spectacles Lost.—On Sunday evening, Oct. 7th, a pair of Straight Shank SilverRim Spectacles, in ease with 3. F. Delfs name on, between St. Thomas' Church Seafwth, and n -y residence, by • way of the Presbyterian Church. Owner would be grateful to anyone who wonkl return them to Mr& Fred P. Gales. Goderich St., west, Seafortb. 2601x1 PORTLAND CEMEkT.—A fresh ear of Portland Cement -new in Get your supply at once as this may be the last ear of theeeason. Geo. A. Sills, Hardware Merchant, Seaforth; 2601-1 Night Watchman wanted for out- side night watchman. Apply personally .toulloaar Bell Engine Co.. Seaforth. Dig up your overcoat. Have a look at it. By renewing the velvet collar, pressing and cleaning may fifiVe you the price of new one. My Wardrobe, Goderich St.,oppoaite queen's Hotel. 26064 We are buyer e of Oats. Domini and Peas We also have for sale White Siftings. for feeding, at $2.60 per cwt.; Cutter Dust at et per lat. Atlas Cereal Co., Ltd., opposite G.T.R, Station, Seaforth 2505-12 fluential evening paper City. He has many friends will extend congratulations wishes for success in his new portant -position. week and nextlet IL Taman', James St. 26014 and best Received French Medal. --Mrs. L. T. DeLacey, Secretary of the Sea - forth Branch of the Red Cross So- ciety, recertly received a beautiful bronze medal from France which was sent to , the people of Seaforth, irs gratitude for the liberal fend raised for the French Red Cross -bythem on French Flag Day, 1%6i The medal was sego/emptied by the following letter: "July 14th, 1917; 21 Cassette Streete Paris:—Gabriel Ilanotaux of the French `Academy, President of the French-Amercian Committee, is dele- gated on this anniversary of French Flag Day, 1916, to the success. of -whichAyou have so generously On- tribute4, eto have dellvered to you -this medal in testimonyeof the gratitude of the French nation for the generous co-operation, Which you have kindly given to the work of relief, for the benefit of our wolinded, of our sol- diers and of the population in our devastated regions." Local Briefs.—Mr. W. A. Crich, as one of the Executive of the Bread and Cake Manufaeturers' Association of Canada. attended the New England Bakers' Business Convention at Springfield, Mass., last week. The trip • also included an inspeetion of all the large baking plants and interesting points in Albany; Buffalo; Boston. and Montrealathe party returning to Toronth on Sunday morning last.—Mr. J. T. Dodds, of Swift Current, and . Dodds. of North Dakota,' were here last week attending the - funeral of their mother, the late MrsCharles Dodds.—Dr. Chas. Mc- Gregor of Constance acted- as judge of light horses at Blyth fair on Thurs- day last—Mr. James McConnell, of Fillmore, Sask., was calling on friends in this district last week.—Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Atldnson of Gowans - town. and Mr. William McFarland of Chatsworth. were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh this week. — Mr. and Mrs. Con. Schilbe Zurich ivere town visitors on Tuesday. They were on their way home from Milverton, where they had been spending a few holidays.—A very enjoyable congregational social was held in the Presbyterian church on Monday evering list.—Mrs. R. Kel- ly, who has been a respected resident of Seaforth for a number of years, remoVed to Walkerville on Wednes- day, where she will reside with her son, who is on the poet office staff in that city.—A handsome ladies' gown donated to the Red Gross Society, is on exhibition in one of the windows of Beatties' Variety Store, where tick- ets may' be piirchased at ten cents each or three for twenty-five cents.— Mrs: L. G. Weir left on Monday to join her husband in 1Vleaford, and where they will permanently reside. Before leaving, Mrs. Weir was pre- sented with a cut glass water set by a ieuniher of her friends.—Mrs, R. W. „Bruce Smith, of Toron- to, is a guest at the borne of Cole and Mrs. Wilson.—Mrs. _A. E. Colson, of St. Thomas, and Miss Gregory, of Colliegwood. are the guests of Mrs. R. A. Wilson at Ingleside.—Mr. Jno. Dodds of London was calling on old friends in town on Wednesday. He was returning from his annual hunt- ing trip in the north.—The annual canvass for the British and Italian Red Cross was made in town on Thurs- day, and met with a generous re- sponse. Any one who was out of town on that day or who was missed by the canvassers, or any persons out of town who veish to contribute to this cause, still have an opportuaity of doirg so by leaving their contribu- church on Sunday evening last and tions with Mayor Stewart, treasurer ale() a public meeting in the town hall of the fund.—The War Auxiliary will ontMonday evening in the interests of meet in the Armories this (Friday) the above Society. The object of the afternoon, at four o'clock.—Chancel- Associated Kin members is to unitedly lor Bowles, of Victoria University, and individually promote the objects The Old Time Dance.—A 'very successful Old Time Dance in aid of the Tobacco Fund for the Soldiers' Christmas boxes was held in Cardno's hall on Tuesday evening last. There was a splendid attendance and a most delightful evening spent by the dan- cers to the music provided by 'Messrs. P. M., Hugh and James A. Chesney, may be best adapted to; to assist in bringirg about the prompt payment of all legitimate insurance and pen- sion claims of all soldiers in the Allied forces, and to seist in the detection and disallowance of all fraudulent claims for pensions insurance and other assistance. !After a general discussion at the public meeting on Mondy evening it was decided to form a branch of the Association in Sea - forth and a committee composed of Messrs. J. H. Reid, J. Al Stewart', Rev. G. McKinley, George Holmar., J. F. Reid Rev, J. Argo and F. G. Neelin was appointed to make ar- rangements for perfecting the organ - ship is that he or she rn.ust be of kin LO I rhe following lette-c was received by iation. The qualification for /member- FROM JAKE SPROAT a soldier who is or who has been on. ' Miss Bebe Sproat, from Pte. J. R. active service in the war. Sproat,' son of Mr. and Mrs. James ye. eproat, of Egniondeille w o enlisted New Books.—The following new in Regina in 1915 in th Princess Pats books have been received at the Public He has been twice wsundeel and has Library and will be in circulation on exnperienced a lot of hard fighting. He Saturday, October 20th: Fiction — ye: The Broken Seal,i0.111; Up the Hill France, Sept. 27, 1917 and Over, Mackary0We Magpie's Neat,' Paterson; The itieena Murder, Op _ : Dear People,—Well here am back C penheim; The Brown Study, Rich- at the line after a dandy trip down mond; The Mannequin, Lipprnann; to Cannes and Nice, Montes Carlo ,and Monaca in the southern part of Young. Blood, Swan; The Cowboy France, and it was some great time Countese,Wililanason; Anne's House of Dreams, Montgomery; Christine—a as it is a tropical climate and every - Fife Fisher Girl, Bair; The Yukon thing is there, fruit, grapes, melons Raine; Camen's Messenger, and all the different wines, perfumes, _ i 3indloss; Kenny, Dalrymple; The and anything that grows; also -the Worn Doorsteo. Sherwood; Christine, Alps Mountains or part of the chair.. CholmondeleyNoon-Fiction—Over We also took a short trip into Italy, . about 100 yards, all the guards would the Top, EmPeY; "Canadian Butterflies, vv cl. Ob t 1 Pe,ace McClure. anew- Also had the pleasure •of looking through the big gambling A Year with the Birds, Ball; Towerds houses in • Monte Carlo and saw where the Goal, Ward; Turkey and the War Words, Rie; The Haman Side of Trees His OveL some people make or lose a fortune he a night. The roulette wheels were all Johotinsky; Kitchener in explained to us and it was wonderful. Dixon; A German Deserter's War Experience; A Student in Arms, They also have a, little church which they only use for service, When some Hankev; Pan -German Plot Unmasked, Cheradne; Cathedrals and Churches ass kills himself after losing all his in Belgitim, Bumpers; Hospital Days, dough. This is a very common trick and Snowbound, Whittier. hat- down there and although Monte Carlo a small town, maybe fifty enile --- Battling on the Som.. is only me, Kay; Ross Grant on the Trail, thousand population, and a visiting Garland; Guarding the Keystone Sack, Population of a hundred thousand. Standish; Hitting the Line, Barbour; they have a small army of police or. Polly's First Year at Boarding School, gendarm.es on the watch night and Whitehill; Pilly's Summer Vacation, day fOr fellows who after gamblitg Whitehill; Polly's Ser.ior Year at their coin wish to dash their brains Boarding 'School, Whitehill; Beth over the rocks. The whole city, site, House on the Hill, Finer; Sarah Ann, • The and buildings are owned by one man, Anne's New Cousin, Ginther; Thurston; Patsy Carroll, Gordon; The Prince Albert Monaco and he has built it from the profits of the ga.mb- Warring Girls Deland; Margery Mor- hug houses. Last year his share (50 Ddffield; Jean of Greer Acres, cent.) was over twenty-five mil- ris, Grey; L-ucille, Bringer of Joy, . Per rester; Winning the V. C.; Virginia Fere lion, sci that will give you some idea of Elk Creek Valley, Chase; eneene..1 dens and also the size of the buil of the amount that is hardled in the Stakes; Jack Stone of Tait, Tomlin- ; by people, both men and women from used only for this Purpose and visi d ing for Boys, Collins; Andy at Yale son; The Safety First Club, Nichols; all over the wrold. The to-wnsite is Beaver, Burgess. , Mrs. Quack, I3urgess; Paddy the : Poor built on the side of the Mountain and is white rock, which looks very beaut- iful and the ;tropical plants and flow - Boy Scout Fife Fighters, Crump; ers which grow there, makes it one Oglobthee, most beautiful spots on the However, my furleugh was to Nice, and there everything is just as pretty as possible, and the people were very glad to see us, although they talked French and we talked English, but with what FTench we have learned and a great deal of movements with OUT hands, we Spent an interesting ten days. The bathing in the sca was lovely and the water is always clear, showing the white rocks at a depth of thirty feet of water. 1 Extra Attraction ! pleasure we enjoyed, but you can per - could write you all day about the haps imagine the time we had as there were no military police or offi- cers to spoil our liberty, and a few days away from army discipline is worth a great deal to any soldier and as we were all purely Canadian born, every one returned on time and we did not have one complaint from the French police in Nice. I am sending you a few snapshots taken on the beach and also some perfume: Mary Garder perfume, if 1 remember cor- rectly, retails at home for $1.75 per nur.ce; at Nice you get a six ounce bottle for 60c. The bottle I am sending you cost five francs,or $1 and is the best brand I could purchase, When I returned to the regiment there was a box from Aunt Jennie also one from you, which were certainly very nice, screen; also Little Mary *McAllister. and I -wish to thank you both. Give my regards to all. Trusting this to find you all o k., I am, Yours J.shinGcersperealy, Brian- O'Hara. Earl Van Egiriond. J.' . - . ' Stofey. Mrs. John McGregor, Miss Forsyth and Miss Storey, the floor managers being Mr. H. Charters and Mr. Rowland of Walton. The net proceeds amounted to $88.25. The next dance under the same aus- pices will be held on Tuesday evening, November 6th. further announcenneat of which will be given next week. • Worn, Killarney. — A very pleasant and happy re -union took place re- cently at the home of Mrs. W. Barber of Killarney, Maintoba, when her sis- ter, Mrs. E. Broadfoot, of Seattle, whom she had not met for thirty-one years arrived to visit her. A few days after, Mrs. F. Robb, . of Dark River, N. D., also arrived to visit with her sister-in-law,whom she had not met for twenty-eight years. Mrs. Robb and Mrs. Barber had not met for thirty- five years. They were school -mates at Broadfoot's school. Many old memories were reviewed after such a length of years, and tears and laugh- ter were mingled together as the scenes of long ago were put on the screen of the mind—greatest of all screens. Egmondville Red Cross .---The se- cond annual meeting of the Egmond- vine Braneh of the Red Cress Society was held on October 10th. The report of the secretary -treasurer was given and also the officers for the coming year were elected. The following are the officers for the coming year: Hon. President. Mrs. McGeoch; President, Mrs. j. McKay; Secretary, 1Viiss d. Geingnell; Treasurer, Mrs. Kling; Fi- - Notes.—Mr. 11 Aldrich has moved nance committee, Miss Hills and Mrs. his household effects into the house on Colbert. Several new members join- the Shillinglaw farin.—Mr. • George ed and the Society would ask every W. Wren has rented his farm, for a woman in the conununity to help in this work foil the wounded soldiers: The Secretaryireperted the following articles shipped during the year: Z97 suits pyjamas, 99 day shirts, 12 hospi- tal shirts, 48 hemmed towels, 3 trench caps, 3 pairs mitts, 8 pairs quilts, 287 pairs socks. ---Miss H. Gemmell, Secy. The Treasurer's report was as follows: Fees, $7.85; proceeds of tea $11.05; grant from C0111161 $270; donations, 0.15; little girls' birthday parties, $17 i41; pin money, $2.75; total, $317.21; expenses $1.19; raoney paid to Red Cross treasurer $316.02. -- Mrs. F. Kling, Treasurer. VARNA. October Shipment.— The October shipment of the Varna Patriotic So- ciety consisted of the following,: 37 pillow eases, 21 pairs of socks, and 10 day shirts. CHISELITURgT The Associated Kin .—Mr. Gordon Wright, president of the Associated Kin of Canadian Expeditionary Forces addressed a raass meeting of the dif- ferent -churches in the Methodist Now Showing "THE HEART OF TEXAS RYAN" A thrilling western drama that sends ripples down your spine, grips your heart, and causes that quick catch in your throat. Also Little Mitry McABister and a "Victor Moore" Comedy Price 10c and 15e. Next Week — Mon., Tues., Wed., George Fawcett and Vivian Reed in "Little Lost Sister", also Billie Burke in "Gloria's Romance!' Thurs., Fri, Sat, Bryant Washburn in "Shimmer's Dress Suit"—proclaimed by the critics the hest comedy drama ever put on a THE STRAND MACTAVISIT Our ambition is to always excel as peogressive merchants, ever placing before our Patrons moot tastefully and I disciminateily selected assortments at figure& in keeping with the just policy that governs the making of all our prices. Interesi:Wndimi ished in the New Dress Goods and Suitings 1 -Assortments Complete 1 Values Up surpassed ! 'That's the situation as the - Dress Goods Department progresses on its way towards the completion of an- other decidedly successful season. Black Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods Weaves for Coats and Tailored Suits —Weaves for women who are in inourning—Weaves for women who, like nothing better than Good Black. Color tones are of vast importance this season They largely determlee the fashionableness of a costume Our shade range inoludes the latest style color conceptions. We display a great collection of Black Dress Goods and Slack Suitingo guaranteed unfading dye, at the different popular price steps up to $2.50 a yard. Plain. Colored Dress Goods and Fancy Effects in all tbe fashioiudely weaves are lier‘ in great variety Best selling lines start at 50e a Yard and go to the higher prices. Women's Coats and Suits that express every stylish feature Ask any woman who wears a MACTAVISH Coat or Suit her opinion of the garment. The chances are she'll grow enthusiastic over it, kir we find women coming back highly delighted with their purchase. This kind of thing happens season after season—sure enough proof that our garments are thoroughly satisfactory, VVIe. HA -vg A BROAD SHOWING OF COATS AND SUITS. We have nothing that is not in good taste, nothing that a Seafort woman should not desire to wear. And workmanship is the finest. No matter -what price you pay you can expect the garments to have correct Modelling and to hold their smartness ttill you wear them out. Good fabric' s and good workmanship are always to be found in apparel that passes from our hands to the wearer. Women's Coats $5 to $40 Big stock of New FURS now protects 4 Suits $15 to $40 in — and our guarantee you Our Miffinery • is much sought after Our Hats are pritty—yesi more than that. They have eii air of graceful becomingness that is missing in so much beadwear. And, withal, prices are very much lover than what obtain in city stores. Come any day, sur millinery will please you in every way. Butter and Eggs taken as cash at fifihest Prices. J. Ma/clayish, st.forth meow hrsuesser Young follower ialways the change—and dopt it. Our accepted by 3 - the garments ; at all points v ' and requiremi est productioi It's the Mal put style in and they havi ftil attention. Young woma ter smartnes coat, here's get what you We'll be plea any day. a Whatever y BUY NOV vanced seasi completely higher y u any, to buy