The Huron Expositor, 1917-10-19, Page 5S. T. Holmes
Funeral Director and
Licensed Embalmer
Undertaking parlors in Oddfel
lows' budding opposite
Stewart Bros. Resi-
dence Godench st., opp
Dr. Soott's
Flowers 'furnished on
short notice.
Phone Night or Day 119,
• -" • ••••
oan p
ave w
have sp1endd
latesh styles as
ereasooable. For
ts in
L mamt
shoe, in
[.50 and
;elf alai
Whit or
locks, ond will make
fardho form's stock
:mond otory -wag pro_
roconS or &veiling
okmen are now put-
MiAlfred Taylor
of e brick and
1Iarge number
tendedt the Sabbath
held sit Hills Green
to--Mts. C. McCrea
ries Md.Crea,, X. P..
alled here last -wee:
riouo ilhaiesi of her
L Den, whe is here
' Montteal,aocampan-
on, B., autoed
or don ago to spend
her patents, Mr. and
mks, a eitivillage,.
evading foam on,
hiugton, as her bus-
Vico-Presiderit of
a 1/fissions, found it
his Onehliome in
m to Work to better
important dutiea con-
war.-Xim. R. D..
last visited her aunts
t, formerly a Gede-
BOW S'eriallglY ill at
nother, Mr. L.Barry
whip. -Mir. G. A,.
is village, has been
Goverment as local
me for the 'Military
will have to decide
r observance of the
as to who comes
ad we [think, his an -
eat nefth geueral ap-
Eitary Serviee forms.
aidi of our Postmas-
land. Euiti req-uire te
ill in he class now
onmarried men -aa
so between the ages
ge The 'forats Which
awice rd Claim for
re to 'e his Med
kel dila Govethment
Ammo to 1e taken,
y are tall i4imbere&
ies isioi$ib1e for
ch nunlbere form.
led in, by the parties
Of acknowledgerilent
ter -yeh,ieli is handed
ants for said forum.
in accompanied her
e, to Detroit, this
g spending a couple
-Mrs. 'Williin &L-
aughter, Mies Mar -
relatives at Burling-
sertiees Mill be
dist church ha Stm-
t., and mil entertain -
013t the fellowing
These gervlicee. are
with much interest.
Dick, of Senforthr
ek or so here with
onion kings have al-
shipmTts a onions.
en report trade as
and Mrs. Nesbitt
to Dotavit I in the
ma a. s si x si I •
tso Servs,
°Did wish to
browns and
-anted dyes.
materials at
ale 'attention
ock of Sum -
We're sure
omen's institute. -The
fleeting of the Womeee Inati
be held at .the home Of Mrs.
*Barbour ,on Wednesday, October 24.
"The tonic is "Women in Wartime," by
Kra. Wiliam, Dow. .Other papers
twill be given and Kra. George Webs-
ter. of St. Mary*. Dritrict Preoident,
is expected to be present. A good at-
tends:nee s exnected.
Red Cross. -The Red Cross Society
Mecently sent direct to the trenches, 50
,palow of socks and 46 vermin suits.
ey also sent to Toronto 18 suits of
lamas, the total value of the ship-
- anent being $137. It is the intenttion
!,0 send the Christmas parcels the
rst week in November. Those wish-
ing to donate tobacco, cake or candy,
any kind, will please bring them
I in on NOYember 1st.
Notes. -Word has been been re-
teived by Mr. W. H. Drake, that his
on is repotted as wounded in France.
f. -Corporal Lorne Hutchinson was
borne from, Teronto last week. -A
meeting was held by Mr. Steele, M.
P.P., reentlir in the town hall, for the
purpose of explaining the selective
draft bill. but the night was wet and
few turned out. -Rey. Mr.Love, Mrs.
McVey, Mrs. Hothem and the Misses
Ruby and Myrtle Sadler were
Stratford at the Convention. - Col-
lectors are out for goods he money for
the Christmas boxes for the boys at
the front.
On Saturday, October. 20th, at 3
13.m., at her residence, Market street,
Ifousehold furniture. Margaret Mul-
cachy, Proprietress; T. Brown, auc-
On Thursday, November lst, on lot
6, concession 1, Hullett farm stock and
implements. Robt. Gibbiags, Propri-
etor; T. Brown, auctoneer. •
On Tuesday, November 6th, or: lot
-9, concession 13, MeKillop, farm stock
and irapiements. Wm. Smith, Propri-
-*tor; T. Brown, auctioneer.
On -Saturday, November 3rd, at two
m.m., at the ommercial Hotel, Sea-
-forth, house and lot; estate of the
late James Willison. R. S. Hays, So-
licitaor; T. Brown, Auctioneer.
On Saturday, October 20th, at' two
at the Commercal Hotel, Sea -
forth house and lot in Egmonddille,
the estate of the lite Margaret
Laurie_ It. S. Hays, Solicitor; T.
oBr Auettioneer.
'Wheat, per bushel
Barley, per bushel
Oats, per bushel
-Iran per ton
-Shorts, per ton . .
Timm per 100 ..
'Eggs, per dozen ..
Butter per lb. a. ...
r Bogs, per cwt. .
Potatoes, per bag .
Oct. 18, 1917
• 210
. . .... ....55e
. ..$44.00
..5.50 to $6.10,
..39e to 40c
. ..35 to 40c
.'..• ..90c to $1.
Toronto, October 16 - No Canadian
beans ommarket Wadi last of October;
eimporthcl, hand-picked, $7.50 a bush;
Limas, per lb. 17c.
Toronto, Oct. Ie. -Live Poultry -
Spring cisickensoper pound 20e; hens,
15 cents „ to 20e per pound; spring
ducks, 16 cents; geese, 12e. Dressed
poultry-eSpring chickens 25 to 30c;
fowl 20 to 22c; squabs per dozen $4
to $4.50; turkeys, 28c to 32e; clacks,
spring, 22c; geese, 15e.
Toronto, Oct. 16. -Butter -Fresh
dairy, choice, 40c to 41c; creamery
-prints, 45 to 46c per pound; salids
44 to 45c. Eggs-Newlaid in cartons,
,51 to 53e; out of cartons, 45 cents.
Cheese -New, Iarge, 23c to 23172e;
twins 2314c to 23%c; triplets 23%c
to 24e; old large, 30c; twins, 3014;
triplets 30liac. Honey -Comb -Ex
tra fine, 16 oz. $3.25; 12 oz. *2.75;
No. 2 2.40 to $2.50; strained -tins
2ta's and 5's,18% to 19c. Ib. 10's 17%
to 18c; 60's, 17 to 171/2c.
Torontb, Oct. 16. --Manitoba wheat
-No- 1 northere $2.23%; No. 2. do.
4120%; NO. 3 northern, $2.17%; Na.4
wheat $2.12, at Fort William, includ-
ing 2c tax. Manitoba Oats -No. 2
C.W. 65%c, No. 3 G.W. 62%c; extia
No. 1 feed 63c; -No. 1 feed 62-hdc per
bushel in store at Port William.
American Corn -No. 3, yellow, nomi-
nal. Ontario Oats -No. 2 white, 62c,
to 63c; Ne. 3 61 to 620 nominal; ac-
-cording to freights outside. Ontario
Wheat -New, No. 2, $2.22, in store
Montreal. Peas -No. 2, nominal.
Barley -Malting.; new, $1.16 to $1.18.
according to freights outside. Rye -
No. 2, 1.72, according M freight. Man-
itoba Flour - First patents in jute
bags $11.50; second patents $11.00;
strong bakes', 10.60, Ontario Flour -
Winter, according to sample, 89.80; in
bags, Montreal; $9.60, Toronto,
Millfeecl-Carlots, delivered, 'Montreal
freights -Shorts $42; bran $35; mid-
dlings $4.5 to $46; good feed flour, per
bag. $3.25: Hay-Tracle Toronto, ex-
tra 12.50 to 13.50; mixed, $10 to $12.
Toronto. Straw -car lots $7 to $7.50.
Potatoes. on track -Ontario, bag, $1.55
to 81.65.
Buffalo, Oct.. 16 .-Gattle--Easier ;
Prime steers $14 to $15; shipping
deer, $11.50 to $13.25; heifers'6.75
to $10.75; cows, $4.75 to $9.50; bulls,
$6 to $9.50; stockers and feeders,
$6.50 to $9; fresh cows and springers
firm, $50 to $135. I/ea:Is-Slow, $7
to $16. Hogs -Slow, heavy, $18.65
tto $18a85; mixed., $18.25 to $18.50;
yorhers, $18.25 to a18.40; light York-
ers, $17.25 to $17.50; pigs, $17 to
$17}2a; roughs, $17.25 to $17.50;
stags, $15.00- to $16.50; sheep and
lambs -Slow; lambs, $12 to $17.50;
yearlings, $11 to $15; wethers, 11.75
to $12; ewes, $6 to $11.25; mixed
$11.50 to $11.75,
Mentreal, Oct. 16 -At the Montreal
IStock Yardselvest-end marketes, .festo
tore of *wiled. was the `ntronger
feeling which demob*** * the marset
fee cattle, pricesoelbring anottlyancee
olf pc per att. The offerings were
large, congaing princiPallyo et can&
ow stecir jnit sinoi the,Aentand, from
packers for tails eltes ofstattli was as
keen as ever a brit& trade was done;
with sales of bulk at $8.50 tit Sit and
cows at 5.25 to _$5.75 per cwt. The
trade in butchers' beeves Was more ac-
tivethan it hao been a late --indicat-
ing that stocks of -beef in packers
hands had been reduced. considerably
-and a good trade was done. The sup-.
1 ply of choice steers was somewhat
limited, and sales were made at 10.50
to $10.75.
A much stronger feeling prevailed'
in the market for small meats, and
prices generally were higher. This
was attributed to the continued keen
demand for supplies for both local
and American account. An active
trade was doneein all lines. ' Lambs
advanced 25 to 50c per 100 Pounds,
and calves 50c per 100 lbs. . •
The market forhogs*Was weak, and
prices broke $1.25 per 100 pounds.
This was due principally to the weak-
en at other Canadian centres at the
latter end of last week. At this re-
duction there was .a steady demand
from packers, and -a fair trade was
done, with sales of selected lots at
$17.50 to $1. sows at $14:50 to $15,
and stags at $12 to $13 per 100 lbs:
weighed off cors. .
quotations: Butchers's cattle choice
$10.50 to $10.75; do. Medium $9.25
to $10; do. conempn 8.25 to $8.75; do.
choice cows, $8.25 to '$8,50;; medium,
$7.25 to $7.50; bulls $7.25 to $8.75;
canters. $5.25 to $7; milkers; choice
each $110 to $120; do .comrnon and
.meclium each 90 to $100; springers
$65 to $85; sheep ewes $10 to 10.50 -
bucks and culls, $9 to $9.50; lambs,
$14 to $15.75; hogs, off cars, $17.50
to $18; calves $7.50 to $15, per 100
-Union Stock Yards Toronto Oct.'
16. -The cattle offering this morning,
was the heaviest in the history of the
.yards, but stockers ahd feeders were
strongly represented, so that the run
of butcher cattle was not in excess
of a week ago. The quality of the
killers .asaewhele was poor,laed this
resulted in a stow trade, with • values
for the choice catle steady to , 10c
lower ana prices for other grades. of
bufaher. cattle 25 - cents weaker. Ex-
port, cattle were, scarce and dashed in
from 01.50 to $12.25, and ' -choice.
hoteliers, which were not an average
offeripg in aumberse were not 'active
from $10 to $10.50.The other grades
of killers were inclined to* hang up
the market, even at the recession dud
leftovers were numerous. Best fat
cows were steady but other quality
cows were. 10 to 15e weaker: • : •
Good stockers and feeders Which
were hard to find even with the run
se large, met with a good steady
trade. but the common light cattle
were not :wanted at any price. Where
qaulity was present in milkers and
elose springers the cattle sold readily,
a few extra choice animals sellorg
from $120 to $135, . and one extra
choice zow at $170. The hulk of the
milkers sold this morning from $90
to $115. The poorer grades -required
a lot of peddalling. ,
Sheep . aocl. ' calves : centinued ,active
.i.,;ci firm, and While la-mb-s maintained
last week's top of $16:75, in a few
cases there was a suggestion 'a a
weaker tone.
The bulk of the hogs cashed in at
$18.75, fed =and watered, whichwes
last Thursday's quotations, but this
morning commission men were wirtna
all sorts of prices into the eountry for
to -morrow's market: These new quo-
tations ranged from •$18 to $18.50
fed. and watered.
R. Carter, for Puddy Bros:, bought
one carload hogs $18.75 fed and wat-
ered. .
A. Huenisett bought 100 butther
cattle, 950 to 1300 lbs., $9.75 to 1145;
100 larabs $16.50.
W. J. Neely, for Matthews -Black-
well bought 300 cattle:. Choice butch-
ers $10 to IOZO,; good butchers $9.25
to $9.75; medium butchers •$8.60. • to
$9; good cows $8 to $8.50; medium
caws, $7725 to $7.75; canners,. $5 to
Joe Atotell and Sons bought 100
cattle: Feeders, 900 to 450 lbs., $8.75
to $9.25; stockers, 750 to 850 lbs. $8
to $8.50.
Swift Canadian bought .800 landss,
16 -to $16.75; sheep, $8 to $12; 50
calves $7.50 to• $15..50; 400 hogs,
$18.75 fed and watered.
George Rowntree for Harris Abat-
toir bought 300 cattle: Butchers $8.40
to $9.50; cows, $5.40 to $8.60; bulls,
$6 to $7.50. .
Gunns Ltd., bought 400 cattle: But-
chers, $9 to $10.85; cows, $6 to $8.50;
bulls, $6.25 to $0. . - •
Corbett. Hall, arid Cbughlin sold:
Choice butchers $10 to $.0 .75; good
butchers $9.25 to $9.75; 'medium but-
chers $8.50 to $9; common. butchers
$8 to $8:50; choice cows, $8.40 to
$8.65; good cows $8.10 to $8.35;
medium $7.25 to- $7.75; cam. $6.50
cows, $6 to $6.75; cannere, $5 to 5.50;
stockers $8.25 to $9; feeders, $e to
$10; good to choice bulls. $7.50 to
$8.50; heavy bologna bulls, $6.50 to
$7;. light bologna bulls $6 to. $€.40;
bogs $18.75 fed and watered.
McDonald and Halligan sold 30 cars
-Steers, best heavm $10.75 to 11.50;
good, $10.25 to $10 .50;. choice butch-
ers, $10.25 to $10.75; good. butchets,
$9.25 to $9.75; medium butchers 8.50
to $9; common butchers $7.50 to $8.25
mediuni $7,5 (no: $7.7.5o common, 6.50
to $7; canners and cutters, $5.25 to
$6.10; bulls, choice $8 to $8:5Q; good,
$7.25 to $7.50; emnitor.: to medium,
$6.25 to 8f; milkers and springers,
choice, $10 ire 8125; medium $70 to
$90; 300 lambs, $16160 to $16.75; 50
sheep, $8 to $13; 50 calves, $12 to $16;
300e -hogs, 18.75 fed and watered.
he following were the quotations:
Extra choice heavy steers, 11.50 to
$12.25; good heavy steers, $11 to
$11.35; butchers, choice, $10.00 to
$10.50; do. Knedium, $9.40 to $9.75
butchers cattle, common, $8.75 to
$9; butc.ers bulls, choice per cwt.
$8.30 to $8.75; good, $7.40 to $7:85;
medium $6.85 to $7.10; rough bulls,
5.00 to 6.00: butchers' cows. e hoi co
$8.25 to $8.75; good $7.50 to $7,75;
med. $6.60 to $6.75; stockers $7.50
to $8.50 feeders, 8.5(3 -to 9.25; car n.ers
and eaten $5.00 to $5,75; milkers„
good to choice each $90 to $125; coma.
mon and medium, each, $75.00 to
$85; springers $90 to $125; light ewes
$11 to $12; sheep, heavy, $5.75 to
$7.50; trearlinge,- $12 to $13; Calves,
'good! to &oleo, 416 to $16.-00t OPring
mmbs 116 to -$:L8 hoge,.fed and
watered; $1$.75; -d�. weighed off caris,
$19; f.o.0 11/.75.
t W. T. BOX & CO
Elakle.r of Government Diploma
tsod teepee.
Irlowerm ifUrnehed on start
N4ht Calla Day Mills
+ Phone 175 Phone 50
1 WS:Gormley
11111,11'111;11d 114,1 •
_embalmer -Ind -
Funeral Director
Undertaking, Parlors above
grocery store,
Mahe! Street, Seaforth *
Flowers fur -soled on short notit ef
40hargee moderate.
Phone night or day - 102
For Chopping Mills Steady work.
JOHN HUTTON, Londesbord. 2594 -
For sale, No. 7 store house on G. T.
R. trick. Apply to Mrs. John Shine,
Seaforth. 2576-d
To rent, the brick residence of Mrs.
A. S. McLean, on James street, Sea -
forth. For particulars apply at The
Expositor Office.
For sale, the two storey, seven -
roomed brick residence, on James st,
Seaforth, owned by Mrs. Ethel Mc-
Lean: Apply at The Expositor Office.
House in Egmondville, good cellar,
and good water, low taxes, excellent
situation. If not sold -will be rented.
Apply to Mrs A Charlesworth, Eg-
mondville. . 259114
To rent the residence of Mrs. Robert
Willis on James street Seaforth, at
present occupied by Mr. J. Taman.
Good stable in connection. Posses-
sion given November 1st. For par-
ticulars apply to Mrs. Robert Willis,
Seaforth. 2601-tf
All, kinds ot live fowl, hens, chick-
ens, ducks, turkeys and geese. Next
shipment will he on Tuesday, Sept. 18,
nd every Tuesday. following. The
fowl must be in by noon on Tuesdays'
at the Royal Hotel, Seaforth. James
G. McMichael. , 2596 -ti
Strayed from the premises of the
medersigned, Lot 14; Concession 8,
.Hibbert, about the middle of June,
one gray heifer. Any information
leading to its recovery, please phone
24 on 13 Dublin Central,, or address
Edgar Butson, Stella., 2600x2
A number of good reliable men can
secure steady employment on muni-
tion work. Apply to The ° Robert
Bell Engine and Thresher Co., Ltd.,
Seaforth, Ontario. 2598-4
For sale, a good frame house on
James Street, Seaforth near the pub-
lic school at present occupied by Mrs.
D. Bateman. Good cement cellar
and all in good repair. For partic-
ulars apply at The Expositor Office,
Seaforth. 2592-tf
One-fifth of an acre of good ground
and a story and a half brick veneered
house with large kitchen attached, on
East William street, Seaforth. Thia
property is in splendid condition,pleas-
antly situated and will be sold cheap
as the owner is removing to London.
;Apply to HARRY SPEARE, Ingersoll, JOHN RANKIN, Seaforth.
• ••
For sale lot 6, concession 2, Tuck-,
erOmith, containing 100 acres; 9 acres
hardwood bush, 60 acres in grass, 2%
acres* orchard. and garden. There is
en- the' farm a good brick house and
bank *barn with good stabling and -ce-
ment flpors. Well fenced and drained
and plenty of water. The far ra is
situated- 1 miles from Seaforth. For
further p rticulars apply to John
Gemmel', eaforth, Ont., R. R. No. 4.
For 8.1441.144 ei Concession Sh.Teek.,
411113111th, C011iSinhig 100 acre", *tit 7'
acres bush. The farm is ivelliAiland
amd dained- and in a good state of
eigtivation, ' There are on the prem-
iss. a- good frame house, bank barn,
pig house. hen hOuse, drive house, and
good wells.- For terms and particu-
lars apply on the premiees or address
Mrs. John McCloy, Egmondville, P.O.
Lot 21, Concession 1, Tuckersmith,
H.R.S., 100 acres all cleared Good
frame house and bank barn, piglpen,
loon house and driving shed. A good
orchard and 'plenty of good water;
well tile drained; well fenced' and
all in first class condition. On the
Huron Road 21ii mies from Seaforth
. and six miles from Clinton. Will be
sold cheap' and on easy terms. Apply
to J. B. -Henderson, Seaforth. 2596-tf
100 acres on Mill, Road, Tucker -
smith, 4 miles from Seaforth and 2
miles from Brucefield. All cleared
and in a good state of cultivation.
Brich house with furnace; basement
barn, centept silo; spripg water piped
to barn; miod. wemat the house. Rural
mail and phone. For furth,er partic-
ulars apply to owner, Alex. A. Watt,
119 Ontario St., Guelph, Ont.; or to
John Rankin, Insurance and Real Es-
tate Broker, Seaforth, Ont. 2596-tf
That very desirable farm, Lot No.
8, Bayfield road north, Stanley, con-
taining 164 acres, more or less, is of-
fered for sale. The farm is in a first
class state of- cultivation and the
buildings thereon ore in good condi-
tiom The farm is an exceptionally good
one for mixed farming, and is situated
2% miles from. Varna and Bayfield,
also Goshen Corner. For terms and
particulars apply to the ,undersigned.
W. J. McCLENAGHAN, R .R • No. 1
Varna, or Tel. Clinton 9-173. 2598
Eor sale, Lot 25, Concession 5, Me-
Killop, on the Grovel Rcadotwo miles
and a half north' of Seaforth. 'One
hundred acres allstlearerd with the ex-
ception of two' acres; well feneed and
in, a good state of -cultivation. About
thirty acres in gratis. Good frame
house, two good, dsarns with stone
stabling underneath. Plenty of. nev-
er failing. water. Rural /nail delivery
and rural telephone. Also a good
bearing oreharde Easy terms, of pay-
drnent. Apply on .the premises or ad-
dress John McMillan, Seaforth, P..0.
Howie and half acre of land in the
village of Egmondville. The property
is situated on Centre Street, close to
the Presbyterian church and is known
as the Purcell property. Good, com-
fortable house, good shed, good well
and cement cistern. All kinds of fruit
trees, strawberries, raspberries, and
currant bushes. . This Is a corner pro-
perty with . no.,brotaks on front, and
the land is in it.goed state of =hive •
ton. e Thisois,Afietsees property- for a
retired farmer and the taxes are light.
For particulars apply on the premises
or to John Rankin, Seaforth. 2584-tf
For sale Let 11, Concession 6, id.
R.S., containing 100 acres also soath
half Iota 5, Concession. 7, Tuckerstnith.
On Lot 11 there is a bank -110i 560,
pig pen, hen house and driving shed.
Six roomed cottage. The farm is in
a good State of cultivation and is sit-
uated 3• miles from Seaforth on the
Main road. The 50 acre lot is all in
grass. This is an excellent property
and will be sold on reasonable ternm.
For further partietilars apply to Jas.
Fitdayson, R. R. No. 3, Kippen. Pos-
session will be given on September 1.
1918. 2599-4
That very desirable farm, beim
composed of No' 17 and the south
half of lot No. 16 in the 4th conces-
sion of the Township of Hibbert, con-
taining in all 150 acres more or less,
is offered for sale at a sacrifice, in or-
der to close up the estate' of the late
William McLellan. The farm is in a
first class state of cultivation and the
buildings thereon. are in good condi-
tion.' The farm is an exceptionally
good one for mixed farming. For
terms and particulars apply to the
undersigned. Andrew McLellan, Ad-
ministrator of the Estate of William
McLellan. deceased, Dublin P.O., = R.
R. No. 2 259441
For sale Lot 25; Concesoion. 6, Mc-
Itillop„ containing 100 acres. There
are on the premises a story and a half
brick house, bank barn 86x36 with
straw shed 50x52 ;good stabling under-
neath the whole barn. Twelve acres
of good hardwood bush, 10 acres seed-
ed to fall wheat; abundance of good
water. All well fenced and under -
drained and in a first class state of
cultivation. 2% miles north of Sea-
fortla on the North Gravel_ Road. Con-
venient to church and school. Rural
mail route .and telephene. Will be
sold on reasonable terms. For fur-
ther particulars apply on the premises
or address R. R. No. 1, Seaforth.
James Kerr. 2601x8
For sale lot 5, concession 2, Town-
ship of Hay, containing.100 acres, on
which are a good ha. barn 40x80
feet on stone foundation; well under
the barn; good stabling underneath,
steel shingled; good drive shed; imm
'element buildings; hog pen, all in
first class condition. A good, com-
fortable house; two acres of orchard,
10 acres of hardwood bush, fall plow-
ing all done; four acres of fall wheat.
An overflowing spring with no loss of
land; three wells. The farm is well
drained, and is conveniently situated
on good gravei. road, two miles from
Exeter and 1/2 mile from 5 cho ol . Sat-
isfactory reason giver: for selling.
Will be sold right and on easy terms
of payment. For further particular
apply to George Geddes, on the farm;
or to B. S. Phillips, Auctioneer, Exe-
ter. 'Possession can be given anytime.
Lot 10, Concession 13, McKillop,
containing 100 acres; 10 scree hard-
wood bush, 1 acre orchard, 7 roomed
fratie house, bank barn, drive house
and hen house; also dab* well.
Would exchange for smaller farm. Ap-
ply to William Barron, R. R. No. 4,
Welton, Ontario. 25874f
For sale east half of lot 21, Conces-
sion 4,Tueicersmith, a square 50 acres.
There are on the premises a good
frame 1% storey house with kitchen
and woodshed. Good bank barn with
brick stabling, driving house and
poultry house. These buildings are
all in first class repair. Two good
wells, one at the barn. and one at the
house. The farm is all fenced with
Page wire and all well underdrained.
Six miles from Seaforth and six from
Hensel on the best gravel roads; 34 of
am lie from school. Rural mail and
phone. This is a choice farm and will
be sold on reasonable terms; posses-
sion given at any time. For particu-
lars apply on the premises or address
R. R. No. 3, Kippen P.O., or phone
11 on 132, Seaforth. P. McGrath.
Lot 33, Concession 6,,McKil1op, 100
acres of the best clay land in McKil-
lop, 6 acres of bush, the rest in a high
state of cultioodion; 5 miles from Sea -
forth. 2 miles' from Constance, 11/2
miles from school. There are on the
premises a good seven room house,
large bank barn 64x76,mall Page wire
fences and. well underdralined. There
are 40 acres plowed, 5 acres bush, and
the balance seeded down. There are 2
big springs, one piped to barnyard
and in the other is a dam with a hy-
draulic ram pumping the water to
the house and to the barn. As the
Miring is in the orchard and near the
house and line fence, there is no waste
land. There is a graded and gravelled
lane from the • road to the buildings.
Apply to Mrs. Samuel Dorrance, Sea -
forth, or phone 76, Seaforth. 2601-tf
In the Estate of William Chapman,
the Elder, late of the township of
Stanley, deceased,
Notice is hereby given that all per-
sons having claims against the estate
of William Chapman, late of the town-
ship of Stanley, in the County of
Huron, farmer, deceased; who died on
or about the 16th day of September,
A.D., 1917, are required to deliver to
the undersigned executors, or their
solicitor on or before the 20th day of
October, A.D. 1917, a full statement of
their claims together with particulars
thereof and the nature a the securi-
ties, if any, held by them, all duly
verified by afp.davit. And take notice
that after fhe said last mentioned
date, the said exeeutors will proceed
to distribute', the estate of the said
deceased amOngst the persons entitled
thereto having regard only to such
claims as they shall have received. due
notice and in accordance therewith.
Dated at Clinton this 26th day of
September, A. D., 1917. William
Chapman and Thomas Chapman, Ex-
cutors, R. R. No. 3, Kippen, Ont.; W.
Brydone, Clinton; Ont:, Senciter for
the said Executors. 2599-3
Of Horses, Cattle and Pigs. Jas.
Jo4s, auctioneer, has received in-
structions from the undersigned to
sell by public auerion at the Bornholm
Hotel, Logan Township, 5 miles north
of Mitchell, on Thursday, October 25,
1917, the following: General purpose
horse 7 years old; general purpOse
geldirg rising 3 years old, 3 newly
calved.cows with calves at foot, 5 cows
due to calve about time of sale, 4
cows due to calve in January and Feb-
ruary, 1918; 20 steers and heifers ris-
ing. 3 years old, 40 steers and heifers
rising 2 years old, 5 spring calyes, 2
brood sows in litter. Sale at 1 o'clock
sharp. Terms -11 months' credit on
furnishing approved joint notes. 5
per cent' off for cash. NG reserve.
John A Nicholson, Proprietor James
Jones, Auctioneer. 2.601-1
The Administratrix to the Estate of
James Willison, deceased, will offer
for sale by Public Auction at the Com-
mercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Saturday,
the Third day of Novermber, 1917, at
two o'clock in the afternoon, Lot No.
Sixty -Six (66), in Goninlock's Survey,
of part of the Town of Seaforth. Theie
is erected upon the premises, a com-
fortable frame house on a cement
foundation. Terms of Sale -Ten (10)
per cent. of the purchase money in
cash on day of sale and the balance to
be paid within thirty days thereafter,
when the purchaser will be entitied to
a conveyance. The property is at
present rented and will be sold sub-
ject to the existing tenacy. Further
particulars and conditions of sale will
be made 'mown at the time of sale
or can be had in the ;meantime from
the undersigned. Dated at Seaforth.
this 15th day of October, 1917. R. S.
Hays, Solicitor for Admnstratrix; T.
Brown, Auctioneer. 2601-3
Of Farm Stock and Implements.
Thomas Brown has been instructed to
sell by 'public auction on Lot 9, Con-
cession 13, Township of McKillop, on
Tuesday, No. 6, 1917. Horses -Horse
6 years of& aged mare, horse colt ris-
irm 3 years. Cows -Cow due in Nov-
ember, 5 cows due in December, 3
cows due in January, cow due in
March, cow due in. May, 2 heifers ris-
ing 3 years old, 4 heifers rising 2
years old, 9 spring and fall calves.
Also a number of hens and geese.
Implements -Massey -Harris manure
spreader, cultivator, Massey -Harris
Mower, horse rake, wagon, set bob-
sleighs rearly new, set harrows, straw
'cutting box, set weigh scales, (600
lbs. capacity); fanning mill, walking
plow, hay -rack, tiro sets heavy har-
ness, 8 bushels timothy seed, edger
kettle two water troughs, tongue for
buggy or cutter, Melotte cream sep-
arator, cook stove and other articles
too numerous to mention. Terms -
All sums of $10 and under,mash; over
tharamourt 10 months' credit will be
given on furnishing approved joint
notes. A discount of 5 per cent. off
for cash on credit amounts. William
Smith, Proprietor; Thomas Brow;
Auctioneer. 2602x2
CAPITAL PAID U. $15,000,000 RESERVE FUND, e $13,500.006
C.V.O., LL.D., laCt. President
SlIt JOHN AIM Gemeal Mawr
FL V.. F. JONEs. Adt. -Gera Manager
Our numerous branches and widespread connections enable this 'Bank to render unusually
efficient service in making collections.
The Executors of the Estate or
Margaret Laurie Widow, deceased,
will offer for safe by publie auction
on Saturday, the 20th of October, 1917
at the hour of two o'clomt in the after-
noon, at the Commereial Hotel, Sea -
forth, that part of Park Lot Number
Three (3), in the Village of Egmond-
vine, in -the County of Huron, con-
taining. by admeasurement one half
acre of land more or less. O'Vnied and
formertmecupied by the .said Margaret
Laurie. There are erected on the prem-
ises a very comfortable frame cottage
and stable in a good state of repair,
and the property is a very desirable
one and a first class opportunity is
offered to any one desiring to procure
a comfortable and desirable dwelling
well situated in Egmondville and near
Seaforth, and very handy to churches
and schools. Terms of Sale -Ten (10)
per cent. cash at the time of sale,
and the balance within thirty days
when the purchaser will be etnitled to
a conveyance. Further particulars
and conditions of sale will be made
known On Iday of sale and can be had
in the -meantime from John MeNay,
Esq., or from the undersigned. Dated
the 27th day of September, 1.917. R.
S. Hays, Solicitor for the Executors.
Of 55 Acre Farm, Stock, Imple-
menter, Etc., in Tuckersmith.-The
Assignee of the estate of James Di
Kettleton has instructed Mr. C. W.
Robinson, auctioneer, to offer for sale
by public auction on the premises on
'Wednesday, the 31st day of October,
1917, at one o'clock sharp, the follow-
ing property: Real Estat-Part of
Vat number 16, in the First Conces-
sion of the.Township,of Tuckersmith,
in -the Counter of Huron, London Road
Survey, containing 55 acres more or
less. On this property is a one and
one-half story brick house, frame
barn, stable. and driveshed., a good
orchard and about 5 acres of good
hardwood bush. Ahput 20 acres un-
der cultivation, baleMlce is in grass.
The soil is a good day loam, the land
adjoins the village of Kippen. and is
a desirablo property. Chattels -One
rnare about four years old; one mare
about ten years old; one colt one year
old and one sucking colt; 5 cows, 3
young steers, 3 young heifers; 6
calves, 2 pigs, 50 or 66 hens; .Frost
and Wood binder, Noxon mower, sulky
rake, seed drill, roller fanning milt,
straw cutter, riding plow, walking
plow gang, plow, diamond harrows,
scuffler root pulper, wagon, hayrack,
scales, two buggies, cutter, double and
single harness, sleighs, lawn mower
ladders,wheelbarrowarearn separator,
two heating Otovei and pipes, kitchen
table, extension table, 5 dining -room
chairs, rocking, chair, 6 kitcheri chairs,
bedroom suite, 2 bedsteads with mate
tress and springs, toilet set, 2 lounges
gasoline stove with oven, hanging
lamp and ottiterelamps, churn, cream
can, pails , a quantity potatoes,
Boor oilejeth, linoleum, one clock,
13tove, sewing rnachirie, sideboard, in-
cubator, 10 or 12 cords of good hard
wood; quantity of hay, and other ar-
ticles too numerous to mention, Terons
-Real Estate, 10 per cent. on day
of sale and balance in. 30 days with-
out interest. Chattels -$10 and un-
der, cash; over that amount 3 months'
credit will be given On furnishing ap-
proved joint notes. Further particu-
lars and terms and corditiOns of sale
will be made known on the day of sale
or may be had on application to the
undersigned, Jacob, A. Detweiller,
Kippen, Ont., Assignee; C.Robin-
son, Exeter, Ont., Auctiorreer;\ qad-
man & Stanbury, Hensel]. and EXeter,
Assignee's Solicitors. 2661-2
Campbell block to rent, consisting
of two stores. For yearly tenant, the
stores will be fitted up to suit25th79elen-
W a t son
General Insurance Agent
Real Estate and Loan Agent
Dealer in Sewing MactOnes,
Four good houses for sole,
conveniently situated in the
Town of Seaforth. Tarps
reasonable and pessessaon
given promptly
Apply at my o e for particularm
Once more I thank my enemata=
and the public generally for their telt,-
tinned support for the past Abler
years and announce that I am betliam
prepared than ever to cater to their
A well selected stock of shoes soak
rubbers, dry goods and groceries -
the best values youman buy. -
We solicit your trade and will Neer
the highest market -price for botbm,
eggs and lard and we are taldnm*Lisgeo
Poultry every ,wednesday foresees..
All my • accolurito are ready mat IE
hope for a prompt settlement,
Touts respeet4114
It is your assurance of perfectoisfaction in all your concrete work..
Insist on getting CANADA CEM.ftir.
We also have a1,1 kinds of Dream*
Lumber and McNair, Brand Shistabs.
So if you ate -B.guring on any saw
buildings or repairing, let us WIPP
you plan jolty work.* Our wiliest...tat
Highlands of ()Mali&
DEER -November ist to November"
15th, inclusive.
MOOSE -November 1st to November
15th, inclusive. In some of thms
Northern Districts of Ontario, in-
cluding 'Timagami, the open Wets
son is from 14n/ember 1st illi
NOVeMber 30t1i, inclufsive. In that
part of the Province of Ontsrise
lying north of the Canadian Gov-
ernment Railway from th9 Ow,
bee to ,the Manitoba boundaim
the open seasot for moose is frost
October 10th to November 3004
Write for copy of "Playgrounds-41ms
Haunts of Fish and Gante," giving
Game Laws, Hunting Itegolittionmetme
to C. E. Horning, Union Station, TM-
ronto, Ont.
Town Afloat&
Depot Aim*
Engines For
Several Portable and Traction Engines for sale,suitable
for corn cutting and farmer's own use.
Clinton Tractioa Engine, thoroughiy over -hauled and rebuilt
Bell Traction Engine, thoroughly over -hauled and rebuilt
Waterous Traction Engine, thoroughly over -battled andaelsonft
White Traction Bugine, just as received from the user.
Sawyer & Massey return tubular"Traction engine
Nosworthy Portable Engine, thoroughly over -hauled and rehunt,
Waterloo return tubular Portable Bngine
Sawyer & Massey return tubular Portable Engine
John Abell Locomotive Portable Engine.
One 19 h.p. Gooldothapley & Muir Portable Gaaoline Engine
One 5 h.p. Field Stationary Gasoline Engine
We also have the following Threshers for sale
One 20 h.p.
One 17 h.p.
One 3 h.p.
One 14 hap.
One 17 h.p.
One 13 h.p,
One 13 h,p.
One 13h p.
thie 12h.p.
One Goodison Separator -with wind stacker and feeder
One Waterloo Separator with wina stacker and feeder
'One Monarch Separator with wind stacker and feeder ,
For further particulars apply to
The Robt. Bell Engine and Thresher eo Ltd
Sesforth, Ontario