The Huron Expositor, 1917-10-12, Page 8TILE4 EttiljOtki EXPOSITOR ention Pt aim EttittOor Collegiate staff, spent the holidays at Pidgett and son; of Toronto, are visi- Apra at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. of Hamilton, spent Sunday at his Cloth- bound :books, well home here.—IVIiss McDotald and Mies printed and bound ; some cans spent the holidays at MiSS Mc- Donald's herne` in Embro.—Miss B. McClure speet the week end with Gederieh friends .—Miss Ethel Grieve OCTOBER 12, 191 7 Mr. and Mrs. William McKiy.---Mr. Neil Klein has sold hi$ farm to Mr. George Wan, for the stun of p,15o. Notes.—The many friends of Mr. Patriek DeCoursey and Mr. Thomas Reidy of Logan, were shocked to hear of the early demise Of their boy friends; the former dying in a Chicago hospital on hie 21st birthday, and the latter passing away on Thatedel last at the age of 24 years, from diabetes. -o-The Women's Patriotic Society will pack boxes on Thursday of next week for Christmas gifts for -the -boys at the front and in England. Donations of sox, candy, gum, cake, etc. will be thankfully received 'by the Society John Looby, of Toronto, visited hisi brother over Sunday. to have your hair washed and treated arnpoo with tonic 50c Appeintraent mad* for amy evening after 8 p. m., Satur. days excepted. - W. ROBINSON oatusioscree BARBER SHOP SEAFORTH Annual Report— The following are the September and =num reports -public donatiens, 4105 .98; private do- nations, $411.58; 'post office $7.63; Dominion Bank, S7.224 Bank of Com- merce, $5.96. Total 4040,81; remit- tance $588; expeneees 12.62; balance t Robert Jones, $2.50; a friend 25e;'31. friend 30c; Dominion Bank, 36c, poet _remitted to A. De Jardine $10; bal- e 11.9 office, $1; total $10.29; expenses 10c; Brod 10 Treasurer. *IMMOBILE BOBES:;— Cub- bear, Buffalo, -Saskatchewan and wooL MOUS BLANKETS:— Jute, Kersey or Wool shape,d to fit the itorse with Stay -on -Straps. Red Cross.—The following are the reports of the Secretary and Treasur- er of the Seaforth branch of the Red Cross SheietY for the sitonth of September: 318 suits of pyjamas, 462 towels, 186 pairs gocks, 64 flannel 'flirts 4 feather pillows, 2 quilts, 3 of Toronto, spent the holiday ist the, home of ler father, Dr. Grieve. -- Miss Mazie Horan, of Toronto, spent a few days at her home here this week.—Mr. Scott and son of Toroato, were guests at the home of Or. A. Ross, principal of the Collegiate Ins- titute spent the holiday in Toronto. —Miss Bessie Grieve, of Tare, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Grieve; Egmondville, this weeke—Mis. James A. Brown and Miss D Scaruirett, of London, are the guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Beat- tie.—Miss McFadzean of Torontoevas here this. week visiting her mother. David Pinlmey, of Stratford, was visiting at the h.ome Of his uncle, Mr. -John Pinkney this week .—Mr Harry Eyre • of Sarnia, spent the week end at the parental home of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Byre, Tucker- aulith.,—Mr. Robert McKenzie. Ham- ilton, sPent the holidays at his home here,—Very Rev. Dean Downey, of Windsor, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Devereux, Hur- on Road and Mrs. Robert Caro peater of New Orleans, are the guests of the Misses Dorsey in town, this week.—Mre. Robert Fraser, accom- ied by her grand -daughter, tIsie Low- ery, are spending a few days this week with friends at Fordwich.—Miss Janet Govenloek, of Victoria, B.C., is vis- iting at her home, North Main street. A special selected stock of lined I treat caps, coyotens gowns, sit reasonable prices. secretary.. Stade of No. 1 'Union OA leather report Becespee_Balonee on :hand, SINGLE AND TEAM HARNFAS:— _-The following is the Treasiirerts 50c. Mrs S. Dickson, --guaranteed to eye satisfaction. Sit Cases, Trunks, and Club Bags SHOE LE PAIRING iro are prepared to do shoe repairing ,aff say descriptkei, and guarantee sat- isfaction. A trial of year work so - Matters Brushes Tahoe Gall Cure Broderick's E G $5; Wintlirop branch $16.65; tag rugs, $.18.50seDliff's church branch, $100.85; Diff's church garden party $80; Mrs. Crich 50c; Detroit friend $5; proceeds from flowers' sold after flower show, $40; poceeds of two coats, donated by Miss Lukes, $45 . 50; Winthrop branch, $19.35; EgmondVille branch, $8.76; dance, $10.50; Ladies' Society of 'Cav- an church, Winthrop, $25; money boxes, $6.04; monthly coatzibutions, $111.30; interest $12.50; total receipts $1021.57. Expendituee--Hon. Jas. Mason for prismier of war, $10t Mrs. Maetaviehe 483.08; II. -Edge 95c. C. Aberhart, 600; balance. on 'hand: ofAhete are from and the others_ire*all good titles. Good value at the present time. Thompson s. Bookstore Shades and Picture Frames.. for NeTT Idea Patterns. Window Agent tis yoOr best automobile bey. Because they have been sold through - Wei the U.S. for the past 10 years and otaad to the front of the list as a real autoornoe. They are made to stand -Ur not one year, but for years to come, The is just the car :you have been . : for 30 in. x 354 in. tires. de thing where you want it. Loeal Briefs ..-41.fr. and Mrs. Alex. Thomson, of Brantford, spent the hol- iday at the home of his brother, Mr. M. Chesney aud daughter, Miss Ella, have returned. from, setvery, extensive trip throughout the west to the coast. They visited all the principal points of intereet along the 'lite and called on many old littronites throughout the west?, oath all appear to be pros- pering there.—Mrde Whittaker is vis- iting her son he Ottawae—Miss Edna Phone me up and I vrill gladly show Daymart of Toronto, spent Thankegi r•- ettpii the car and tell you all the Irest, it g at her liome in. McKillop.—Mr. R. sore you a ride in it and use you right Gottschalk, of Brantford, spent the week end at hie home here.—Miss Murray, of Hamilton, is a guest afthe home of Mr. James Reid.—Viss An- nie Archibald, of Si. 'Marys, spent the holidaks at her home ill Tucker- smith.—Mrs. A. Pafford, of loronto, and Mr, Sohn 1V1chityre. of London, spent Thatitsgiving Ste the home of Mr. and Mrs. Offentfl Nol.—Robert Laird and. aeelson Govenloce, of Camp Agent for this territory, Seeforth Ont ten days' leaves at their homes here. —My. and Mrs. Harry Meyers, of Stratford, spent the week end at -the tie O'Leary is vieiting with friends in New York, is visiting at the home of Southgate, sr.—The public school was closed- on Thursday and Friday of thie-week, the staff being in attend- ance at the Teachers' Convention, be- ing held in Clinton,—Dr.. and Mrs. Fisher, Mrs. Robertt Scott and Miss Florence Thompson motored up froxn Toronto and spent Thanksgiving with friends in towns—Miss It-. Little, of at the evening service in the Presby- terian ehurch on Sueday last.—Mr. and Mrs. ' Henry Ruclde, of Lambton courty, motored. up lak week and spent a few days at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. John Webster in Tuckersmith,—The War Auxiliary will meet in the Armories on Friday afternoon of next week, October 19, at 4 o'clock.—Miss Anea Bell, of To- ronto, spent Tharsksgiving at her home here.—Miss Marguerite Horan, teacher at "Crediton, spent Thanksgiv- ing at the „parental home of Mr. and Thanksgiving with relatives in town. —Misies Agnes and Eleanor Thorno PHOTOGR.APHER ton, of Stratford, spent the holidays at the parental home in town.—Miss Jean Ross, of Toronto, is visiting with relatives in town this yieek.—W. Rude son of Stratford, was spending the holidays at the home of his parents in Egniondville.—Miss Belle Jackson Ai are! niece, Miss Isabel Clo e, were vie- iting relatives in Ripley his week.— Mrs. James Pringle„Who was visit- ing at Buinside, the / home of the to her home in Ifeionliton on Friday. —The .Misses Marguerite, Lucille and Marie Mero, were visiting with rela- Charles who have bee -re visiting rela- tives and friends here for some time, returned to theie home` in Saskatoon, Hodgins and family spent Thanksgiv- ing with Mrs. McLeod in Lucan.—The Misses Cressw-ell ire vis,itink Mends in Meaford.—Mise *Miry Gillespie has accepted a. schOol in Windsor.— Mr. G. McNab, of Owei Sound, spent tavish and lar: are visiting in Inger- soll this week .—Miss Mary-Modelan.d -of Palmerston, spent Sunday at her home here.—Miss Mabel Kerr; of Ho' sommommomm,lle mum Gooas No other heeae in Huron lines Of Horne .Goods you will find here. Wide know this. That's why price to all.. BEA riles F MR CO LU MB IA MACH I N ES COLUMBIA. RECORDS. Optical Sale of Special $r.95 P warranted- atrs good quality gold filled Ambled rpectaoler}and eye glasses, -with best quality white spherical lenses. Regular $4 cable .for only $1.95. Eyes alined frost carefully FJLEE--by our well known a king specialist, Mr. Hu h on, formerly act expert for Rent'e,Jewelry t You Dont mi thiassured s honest chance, s all optical goods are advancing le p and hard to get. fume early. Two days only -Tuesday and Wednedgy-* Ootober ` `6th and 17tb. Beattie'® Fair, Seafo h.1 Mise Glenn, of Glenn -Charles, Toronto, Canada's Harr Fashion Store will be in Seaforth on Saturday October 18th, at the Oonunereial Hotel, with a full line et Ladies' and Gentiemen'e Hair Goode, 11 you are not eatirffle4 with the appearance of your hair consult' Mies Glenn. who is an authority ou hair goods, and individual hair styles. Free derennnstlra- tion. ` Poultry Wanted. -If you have any poultry ready to®all, call' at Tbompsore's Produce Store or Phone 64 To be delivered on Thureiiay, Oct. lath 5f3401 Dr. Forster, Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Speoiatist, will not be in Seaforth this month as he is doing Military duty on the -Medical Bard at Guelph. 260-1 BROOCH LOST; In Seaforth. on October 9th.: a shall gold brooch, of heart shape, with two maple leaves and a small bunch of grapes. Finder please return to Mrs. It. Miller, Box 25, Clinton. 2640x2 o'rOVE FOR SALE -Good Alberta" � beater not much used. Easy to lip, p want- ing. to burn it steady. Apply at The Expositor Office. ---- *see me af Chas. Layton's store on Sat- serday afternoons and evening, also plsoue me at 6 on 138 Clinton central or oosll 125 B, Seaforth, and your re- quests will be my pleasure. 'Works at Kitchener and Detroit. Touring CiadASSI& aoadster $860 johnathanE. Hugill 'Photographs Stop• A Moment And take a1ook in our window or better still, call in our studio and see the class of rortraits we At a k e and the handsome new Mountings we have lust received. Bring the children in and have those Photographs made before the .00ld. weather comes. Or perhaps it'S It family group Pheto you want. Try when you want a small photo enlarged. We can please yogi. We do finishing for amateurs, Picture Framing e We carry a large assortment of inouldings. AUBURN. Sunday School Workere to , Meet — The good people of Auburn are very enthusiastic Sunday School workers and are inakir.g special Arrangements to entertain the Centre Huron conven- I tion on Tuesday next October, 16th. 1 The convention opens at 1.30 p.m. ' 1 and. there will be a splendid evenirtg programme. The public are invited to all sessions. During the afternoon ' many 'local workers will take Part - Sunday School Association, will give practical addresies. There will likely be. a large attendance of teachers and officers from the Cettre Huron Sun- Faim Sold.—The 100 acre farra of Road, las been sold by the estate to \ the late Robert Charters on the Mill Mrs. Arthur Mason of Saskatoon and will be managed for her by her broth- er, Mr. William Charters. West End Notes.—Very successful 'anniversary services were held in Turner's church last Sunday. A large congregation was present both morn- i ing and eveaing, to hear a former pas- tor, Rev. E. Armstrong, who preach- ed two stirring and eloquent serraons. Mr. Armstrong was much pleased to renew old acquaintances here.—Miss F, McClyanont was a visitor at Mr, J, Terryberry's over Sunday.—Mr. S. Bennett, of Winghare, visited at Mr. George Turner's over Sunday.—Mrs. George Nott, Of Clinton, visited her son, Mr. G. W. Nott, last Sunday. • itilleimmosiimmismomililmiiliNininiminsillimmm gage attendance at the weekly meet- ings was 28. ---Edna DeLacey, Secy.. The annual report of the treasurer' is as follows. Balance on hand $081.40; amount arised this year $5873.37; in- terest $12.50; total receipts for year, $6,567.27. Expenditure.56; J.— rt Bros. for dry gam,}$ tavish for dry goods, $1,964.76;; Hon. James Mason for Y $1152; sundry expenses $439.16, balance on hand $902,79. I regret 't report a falling off of local -contrilmtrio this year, a- mounting to ' $11Q7.92, and only through the County Council grants, which reached our ° 'Society through Duff's church, Winthrop, Cons .ance, Egrnondviile and Seaforth. bra�rches}a- lagammosmama MAC TAVISH'S Our ambition. is to always excel as progressive merchants, ever placing before our patrons most tastefully and dkiciminatelly selected assortments at figures in keeping with the just policy that governs the maldng of all our Interest Undiminished the New Dress Goods and Suitings Assortments Complete I Values Tin surpassed That's the situation as the - Dress Goods Department progresses on its way towards the completion of an. other decidedly successful season. small parcel containing some dry- goods. Finder mounting to $1.107e35, were _we Goods Store.a to attain last year's stotal. The total 1 vice -to the congregation. Ile enll LOST -On Main St„ Seaforth, or in some BRIJCEFIELD Sunday Sehool Workers.—The Sun- day School Assoeations of Tucker - smith and Stanley will hold their are nual meeting in Tuesday, October 16 at Bayfield. All interested in Sun- day school work are invited to attend. Notes. — The sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be held in our vil- lage on Sunday morning next, prepar- atory services being held on Friday. Senday will be ! (r . Wood's last se Black Dress Goods Colored Dress Goods, Weaves for Coats and Tailored Suits —Weaves for women who are in mourning—Weaves for women whet like uothing better thau Good Black Color tones are of vast importance this season They largely determine the fashiOrtabieneSs of a costume Our shade range incilude,s the latest style color conceptions. We display a great collection of Black Dress Goods and Black Suitings guaranteed unfading dye, at the different popular price steps up to - $2.50 a yard. Plan Colored Dress; Goods and Fancy Effects in all the fashionable: weaves are here in great variety Best selling lines start at 50c a yard and gel to the higher prices. . ®seas .�..� a..,... -- ___,.---- --- amount rats s Eve episodef thenew serial „ Gloria's Bo- was $16 629 19 The Zhle cm- l'etrolea, where he has nought a farm. ,, tributlons s ted - to On aecourt of pour hearing; he ;will - t elle present Every featuring o Miss "Billie" Burke is more in- this �p or- give up the ministry a time,=The Teed Cross Supplies for September were 17 suits of Pyjamas unci 129 pairs socks.—Lieut. Stewart Knox, of Woodstock, spent Thanks- giving at his home in T ckersnl,th.-- Thoines Fraser of Stanley, has sold his 100 acre :farm, to Mr. Colwell, of Tuekirsmith, who Fraseterohas sion not in the spring yet decided where he will locate. He is a good mat wherever he may go and Brucefield and vicinity would re- gret to lose him.—Farmers are find- ing it slow work harvesting their beaus . William Ross, of the London Road, had the niisfortlme to fall from the roof of his house" onto a Bement brick and was rather badly injured. He will be off work for some time. msuuc, Don't min the exciting nd episode : "Caught byethe Sem- inoles." M:day, Tuesday, Weddesday. Snood. RED OBOili - A house"to house mania Will be made by oglhaators for the Slidell an' Italian Aed (groes Funds "u, Thursday next, Oct.Ifith. The British Red Cross expended $8,000,000 ie 1916, and require $16,004,01.0 this year. fieaforth contributed 54,000' in 1916_ British,:and French Sutdiere and $1,327.9a. Auditad. and rect, 5ohn. RankinAtiessie Neil, Treas. Death of Thiosts4 Kidd.—On Octo- ger 6th, the' deatht,oceurred of Mr. Thomas Kidd, one ed the very old rest idents of Seafortlit Mr. Kidd or In need of ItedOrose help., Have your contribution the past two years, had been ready for the Collectors and help to do our best for in failing health, but in the last the ffiCk and wounded who are suffering for us. 26004 six weeks he grew rapidly worse death being expeeted at any moraent. lie waft born the city, oft Dublin, Ireland,' and canie to this ceuntrY with his parents about 75 years ago, first settling • near Belleville, later moving to Mono Mills and afterwards LOST --On Sunday, Oct. 7th, between the Com.. mercial Hotel and Preebyterian Church; a gentle - mans black silk watch lob with $2-1 gold piece. at, taebed. Finder ploase leave same at the Expositor Office. 2690x1 HOUSES FOR SALE. - Two houses in Seafoith for sale. Apply at The Expositor Office. 2599x2 ACCOUNTS DUE -As all of our accounts are clue J.F.DALY Jeweler and Optician. Issuer Marriage Licenses teppers Our New Fall Shoes will interest you, sir, if you care anything a- bout oat]. shoes—they are "high step. -rs." The more particular you are, the more you'll appre- elate our splendid stock of Men's Footwear for the fall season. eboiee selected leathers ---Gun Metal Clinton, was visiting friends in town CaU, Velour, Patent Colt 'etc on °P this week.—Mr. and Mrs. W. Gil - lasts for style and comfort cora- lesple, of Brussels spent Thatiskgial ing at the parental home a Mr. and Mrs. W. Gillespie, James street.— Miss Phemia Cowan of Dundas, aud the Misses, Mary, Margaret and Kate, 01 Toronto spent the holidays at their home here.—Miss Jessie Scott, of Holstein, spent .the week end at the home .of her patents, Mr. ar.d Mrs. A. D. SCott. Thornfon Hall.—The first old time dance of the season will be held in Cardno's. Hall on Tuesday evening next, October 16th, The Pro- ceeds are to go towards -providing Christmas boxes for the boys at the fr.oxt.—IvIrs. Parker, of the London October lst, and as I require a iot or funds at once Arilngton, filially locatmg Seaforth, to meet my accounts tide tirne of the year, I would were far forty years he was one of .the respectfully ask a prompt settlement of all book ac- . -a. a Respectfully yours, Geo. A, Sills, Ilardware foremost busmess. men .of the coni- munity being itterested in the facture of salt and. general rnerchan- dise. For many years he was chair- man of the Collegiate Institute BOard and always was actively interested in anything for the -welfare of -the town of Seaferth. • Nine years ago be went to New York City to. make his hoine with his daughters. He was buried from St.Jaanes' church, Adjala, on Tuesday morning, where a Solemn Requiem High Mass was celebrated by his nephew, Right Reverend Moon - signor. Kidd, of Toronto; the pastor, Rev. Father Vitalsh. acting as -deacon and Rev. Father Min.ehan of Toronto. as sub-deecon. Among those from. a distance who attended the funeral were his children: Mr. George A. Kidd, of Detroit, Miele; Mrs. W. R. Myers, of Kansas City, Mo.; Misses Fenella and Maud and Mr. T'. Au- gustine of New York City, and W. E. Kidd, of Northfield, Vt.; Mr. Justice Kelly, Mr. C. Hughes ard Mr:George _Keough, of Toronto, and Messrs. W. H. and Thomas Hammen of Beeton, He wee always of -a Joisial disposition and will be greatly raissed by his many friends and ieletives. Merchant, Sealorth, 2699-2 Dig up your overcoat. Have a look at it. By renewing the velvet_ collar, pressing and cleaning may save you the price of a now one. My Wardrobe, Goderioh St., opposite Queen'e Hotel. 25964 We are buyers of Oats. Bevis 'and Peas We also have for sale White Sittings. for feeding, at $2.50 per cwt.; Cutter Dust at ft per ewt. Atlas Cereal Co., Ltd., opposite G.T.It, Station, tleaforth 2695-12 MUSIC -Miss Annie G. Govenlock, Graduate Can- adian Academy of Music, Toronto, Teachers' Course. a neounces the re -opening of her classes in Piano, Organ and Theory, Pupils will he prepared for the Canadian. Academy and Toronto Conservatory Ex- . aminations. For terms and scholarship apply at Studio, North Main Street, Seaforth. 2596-4 Night Watchman Wanted. -Man wanted for out- side night watchman. Apply personally to Robert Bell engine Co., Seaforth. 25954f ; Public Meeting. — Mr. Gordon Wright, Presidert of the Associated Kin of Canadian Expeditionary Forces Will address a ptiblic meeting in the Town Hall, on Monday evening, Oiftob- er 15th, at eight o'clock, for the pur- pose of stating the aims and objects of the Associated Kin. with the view of forming an organization in this district. The address will be' a special interest to the fathers, moth- ers, sisters and brothers of the over,- eeas soidiers.and the general public, eiarticularly requested to be present. A mass meeting will be held in the Methodist church at the close of the evening Service on Sunday next. bined. And for the Young Man who wants "the thing" in footwear this sea- son, we have it in Nut Brown or Mahogany Calf, Or Gun Metal Calf, on the English last, with Neolin or leather soles, and rub- ber or leather heels. And the prices are reasonable. a Rs SCOTT Annual Meetitg.—The annual meet- ing ,of the Seaforth branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society was held in the Carnegie Library on Friday af - ter no on, October 5th, 1917, at three o'clock. The meeting was ooened by singing the Natior.2.1 Anther", after which Rev. T. H. Brown led in pray- er. The President, Miss Case, presid- ed, and gave a most appropriate and efficient address. The minutes of the last annual meeting were read and the various rePorts given. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to all the offi- cers of the Society. The officers for the coming year are: Hon. President, Mrs. Boyd; Hon. Vice -President, Mrs. Jarnes Rivers; President, Miss Case; lstt Vice, Mrs. Holmestead; 2nd Vice Mrs. James Reide secretary, Mrs. L. T. DeLacey; Treasurer, Mrs. 3. G. Mtdlen. Secretary's Report for the year ending September 30th, 1917e- 2634 suits pyjamas, 2736 towels, 2010 pairs socks, 486 flannel shirts, 26 fea- ther pillows, 38 quilts, 16 trench caps, 58 dressing gowns, 54 seultetus bar: - doges, 54 unfilled comfort bags, 114 personal property bags, 112 hospital night shirts, 30 pillove eases, 18 pairs wristlets, 6 wash cloths, 8 scarfa. All shipments are made to Canadian Red Cross Society, Toronto, and each ship- ment is officially acknowledged. The Society has a °Membership of 85 and twenty life members; five of these be- ing made durieg the year. The av- LONDESBORO. Notes .--The Presbyterian Sunday School held their rally day_ services last Sunday which were well attended. —Rev. Mr. Agnew, of Clinton, con- ducted the anniversary services in the Methodist church last Sunday and preached two very able sermons. The choir rendered some splendid selec- tions. The supper given on Monday evening WaS a great success.—Mr. 'and Mrs. Manning, of London, spent tbe holiday at the home of Mrs. N. Bell.—Mrs. Martin, of Seaforth, spent Thanksgiving at the home of W. Brigham. — Miss B. Brodgen of London spent Thanksgivirg at home. —Mrs. Ball, of Clinton, is visiting her Stalker of Ingersoll, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. D. Geddes.—Mr. S. Mathers, of Palmerston, spent the holidays et the home of Mr. and Mrs. W . Gray .—Miss Mains of Toronto. spent a few days here with. her IWO- ther.—Miss .McCool returned to To- ronto on Tuesday after spending- a few days with her parents .—Mr. and Mri. Carter, of Seaforth, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. W. Hiles. HILLS GREEN. ed Cross .—The following is the raonthly shipment of the Hills Green Red Cross Society: 12 trench shirts, 12 pairs of socks, 10 hospital shirts, 8 pairs of pillow sliza. Notes .—Mr. • 'Wed Eckert visited his sister-in-law in Logan, Mrs. Jos. Dantzer who is seriously - 111--Mr- and Mr;. Con Eckert were visitors in this burg last week.—Mr. Thon as O'Loughlin had a -successful sale on Wednesday last.—Mr. Leo McKay, of Brantford, is visiting his parents, THE STRAND Now Showing Little Mary McAllister The Pet of the Public in "STEPB TO SOMEWHERE" Another of the "Do Children Count" Series, also "THE SPENDTHRIFT' A vital drama of to -day in 6 acts • Breezes.—Miss Maggie Parker, of London, and Miss Belle Parker, of Clinton, silent Thanksgiving Day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs C. Par- ker .—Mr. Thomas Brandon and his bride spent few days of their honey - 'moon with his mother, Mrs . C. Bran- don, leaving on Monday for their hems in Wingham, with the good wishes of all their frienda—Messrs. C. Pollock, L. Fowlie and Fiank King, of 'London, motored up on Sat- urdey and. are spendirg a few days at their homee here.—Mrs. G. Woods and daughters, Ann and Isabel, of Seaforth, spent Thanksgiving with their aunt, Mrs. Isabella Hewson. — Mr. M. Dupee of Seaforth, is spend- ing a 'Week with his daughter, Mrs. .Fred Gemenhardt and other friends. —Messrs. Willard. Sturgeon, John and Charles Toms, of Port Stanley, came up for over the holiday and are staying till after the fair.—Miss Hilda King spent a few days with Goderich friends last weeks --Starting the first Sunday in October, the services in Trinity church will be held at seven ;o'clock p.m. instead of at eleven a. mo, for the winter months.—A large number from here attended the photo - play, "The Birth -of a Nation," at God- erich Saturday and Monday even- ing .—Rev. A. McFarlane, who has been spending his vacation in Coiling - wood, returned this week Women's Coats and Suits that express every stylish feature Ask any woman who wears a MCTAVISH Coat or Suit her opinion of the garment The -chances are she'll grow enthusiastic over it, for we find women coming back highly delighted with their purehase. - This kind of thing happens season after season—sure enough proof that our garments are thoroughly sa.tisfactory, WE HAVE A BROAD SHOWIVG OF COATS AND SUITS. We have nothing that is not in good taste, nothing that a Seafort woman should not desire to wear. And workmanship' is the finest - No matter what price you pay you can expect the ga.rments to ha-ve correct Modelling and to hold their smartness ttill you wear them out. Good falnics and good workmanship are always to be found in apparel that passes from our hands to the 'wearer. Women's Coats $5 to '540 Suits 515 to 540 Big stock of New FURS now in — and our guarantee protects you Our is much sought after Our Hats are pretty—yes, more than that. They have an ' air of graceful becomingness that is missing in so much headwear. And, withal, prices are very mulch lover than what obtain in hal stores. Come any day, our, millinery will please you in everY way. Butter and Eggs taken as cash at Highest Prices esisstaiewanagazweimingsgerriistiamsen Martavish Seaforth -WEST YBAR LE NUMBER 2601", rem This Ver In Sealette Colors are Bra Price We ve put the pe Ladies' Of these, " Rain at We are ready.1 your comfort an Stylish Overcoa feature about ft safe from fakg more that you money saving coats, mediurrt best—$12 that can't be in fr an