The Huron Expositor, 1917-06-08, Page 1- , • Zeti .eet .—„maiss FUN ,aeosimeameamerommoaimmmemagim& this CSS ustomer as _ elves in our customer's_ nsrice to satisfy you; we indupon--the kind you d right in Price—So e. cior quality outlives. the ity is long remembered anything that cannot be tenon to you as long as aerate prices, you'll_ e that works to make ray we serve you. rye ereding at this store ,Toods and untifut pie Lines itnd 9red Dress Goods 'etpzt Shades asirtf Weaves es going to be worn by ahead, may be gathered of Dress Fabrics:and 1.50 per yard a wonder leauty 'Par/Jet-1i Greatt- S of newness, thus mak y viewpoint—Come OtS them and $2.50 a yd d 500 Creatine, best work - re the important features wear the newest styles, ed, are what we best the market offers. ats and Suits has never and we have never been he standpoint of quality, e Indian Head -Middy. kirts. Laces and es y and variety, and the o buy liberally for sum - best now. IPIFTX-FIRST YEAR 1 .WHOLE NUMBER 2582 -41,47.404.04:4040.0.04040.,00000.• SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, JUNE 8, 1917 acrific Cloth Fur 1 Greig C ..eeeet Our big Annua t be superceded sacrifice sale 0 1 the highest gra ,- boys and wome shown. Cont dining spring damaging trad • gi hats, ishings °thing Co. summer sale will this year by a huge Qui'eittire stock in t clothing for men, that ,has ever been t) ue0 cold weather months and other conditions caused by the long eoilitinued World %tar, simply forces !us to make unpFecd: SOUTH IthRON LIBERALS. The maid meeting of the South Huron Liberal ABeociation • as. consti- tuted for both Federal and Provincial man Canadian Munitions Board:- office at Ottawa has not received any Knighthoods — George Bury, vice- word of the ineident from headquar- resident of the Cans.dian Pacific tiers in France. way; joim Abel, manager of the e Burns —Several important real estate deals was held m -the town have been put through lately affect- sentedves were appointed m the guar- fitirPenslleSen Tuesdaer last, and was the manager of the Bent of Ottawa; ing Stephen farmers. Gla.dinan and terly official board of Wesley church net hugely attendee and ananeees. Robert Alexander Fakoner, president Stanbury, of Exeter, have sold 100 Messrs. G.W. Layton, Dr .H. Fowler, tic gathering. of Liberals that has been of thig Toronto UnivOinity; Maj. -Gen. aiwes to Mr . 'William Love aria an- R. Pearson, James Jackson, John Jer- held in the riding in a nunnber of A• W. Currie; MaGen. R. E. W. other 100 acres to Messrs. Edward vis, J. P. Shepherd and Ernest Jack - years. It was.likewise unique in that it was the first 'dine in which. the lad- ies in the riding have been represented not only in the audience by as officials. It was also the first tiuie.that a lady speaker has been heard trim the plat- form in the Liberal interests 111 the riding, but the speaker on this occa- sion, Mrs. Hyslop, Provincial Organ- izer for the Ontario Women's Liberal Association: certainly created a most favorable impreesion, delivering a sound, practical eddrese that was lis- tened to with the closest attention by the audience. The large hall Nees fill- ed to canacitn, anumber having to stand and every division of the riding was represented. After the election of officers for both associations and ether official business, Mr. Thomas McMillan, the Liberal candidate for the riding at the next Dominion elec- tion - was called upon, and delivered an exceptionally able speech,. dealing with Dominionpolitics, heavily scor- ing the Borden Govelinment's %cape- bilities,the mismanagement Of recruit- ing, their extravagance and gralt and new tariff measures and also fully and frankly discueeed the Conscription and Coalition issues. In fact it was gen- erally remarked, that Mr. McMillan had rarely been heard to better ad- vantage. He wale, followed by Mrs. Hyslop, who discussed the aims and objects of the Women's Liberal Asso- ciation and the last speaker of the day was Mr. C. M. Bowman,g.P.P. of Southampton, Liberal whip m the Ontario House, who gave a splendiu address along Ontario political lines, clearly showing that the driving force behind the recently won reforms in this province had not been Premier Hearst and his Cabinet, but the small, but indomitable Liberal opposition. It 'w s decided at this meeting to call a eojnvention before August 1st, for the selection of a candidate to contest the riding in Inn biberal interests at the next Provineial electionahe exact date to be decided by the Executive. The following were the officers elect- ed For Federal •Association—.Hon. Presidents, Thomas Fraser, Brucefielde F. Hess, sr., Zurich, and, Alex. Mus- tard Brucefield;•President, Henry Young People's Societies are quite ac- tive in both churches, and have done a lot of practical and patriotic work during the year. The following, repre- Turner, Surgeon -General Fiset, De- puty Minister of Mill*. Sir John Aird. 'whaled in the. 'King's birthday honors, is one of • of Toronto's Well -101.1V4 financial men being general mauseeer of the Can- adian Bank of ConinlOce, and former- ly manager of theStinkief Commerce at Seaforth, Ont. lias been, con- nected with the g business for June, July and August. It would be many years, coining' into prominence well for the public to clip out the fon when he was appointed superinte-ndent lowing regulation regarding the time of, the Central-Weetern branches of table and perhaps sa-vee walk to the the Bank of Commerce in 1908, He Library when it woul not be open; was manager of the'Winnipeg halt& Library wilI be open Tnesday, Thurs- for some time, became assistant gen- day and Saturday afternoons and eral manager in 1911 and general Wedneeday and Saturday evenings. —What /night easily have proved a fatal accident took place on Jose- phine street, Wingham, on Saturday, morning. A small boy, a son of Mrs. Plure, who is visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Dinsley, was knocked down by- an automombile while crossing the street in coming from Field's butcher shop, where he had purchased some meat. He was badly bruised, but no bones were broken. He was at once taken to the home of his aunt, n Victoria street. —The McLaren- Compa chased the Holmesville Butter Plant and will take possession in September. It is the intention of the purchasers to keep the plant in op- eration the year round. Considering the steadiness in the prices of butter, cheesescream, etc,,and an assured mar- ket right at the door an the year round dairying should; receive an in- creased attention' at the hands a the farmers within a radius of ten miles or so. of Holmesville. — v. E. G. Powell, who has and John Gill. They have sold t3 Mr. Chris, Weeper the 100 aere filer of the late Charles W. Morrish on be- half of the executrix of the estate Good prices were obtained. --Commencing with Friday of last week the summer schedule comes into effect in connection with Brussels Pub- lic Library covering the months of manager in 1915. Prior to taking up banking as a businetis Sir John was for six years interesied in railway work. He was born at Longueuil, P. Q., sixty-two years ago, alid received' a portion of his edit -cation at the To- ronto , Model School. Sir John has 'three eons" and three daughters, Two sons are in the Royal Flying Corps, John Was overseas for ti time, but fell illand' returned to Canada. He is now in charge of the flying opera- tions at Mohawk • Camp, Deseronto. Hugh Aird, the wellnifiown hockey player, is an aviator in Mesopotamia. He is a well-known -clubman, being a member of the Tonto, Manitoba and Winnipeg clubs, while in the way of rees creations he is interested in golf, curling and bowling. • His residence it at 39 Madison Avenue, Toronto. 2 dented Cut Prices. in all lints of-- , ald Mcbmis, Exeter; 2nd Vice-Presi- Smith, Hay; ist Vice President, Don- - Suits, Coati, Shirts, Hats, Raincoats, Lwork Shirts, 'Boys' Clothing,Odd ICOickers, Men's Trous- ers, Underwear, Caps, summer jer- seys,Sweaters,Ladies' Suits, Ladies' Raincoats, Ladies' spring and sum- mer Coats, Men's Suitings, • in fancy worsteds, blue serges aid blacji worsteds. All to be Sold • dent M Murdie, McKilloP- 3rd, Vice - One-h;lf Regular Price many cases in very I Price Lists and further par- ticulars of this great Sale are being mailedtoevery houses - hold throughout the county NIMINIMOIMIONIND ••••MV. Pres'ident, John Laporte, uncle; Sec- retary,R . G. Sheldon,_Exter; Trea .ur ereDr. Moir, Ifensall; auditors, James Di Hinchley, Seaforth, and J. Rad- cliffe, Exeter. The Provincial oaken, which for the first. time included a Womaa, are as follows; President, John Essery, Usborne; 1st Vice -P -resident, Mrs. F. W. Gladman, Exeter; 2nd Vice-Pres- idente J. Kellerman, Dashwood; 3rd Vice -President, Robert McKay, Tuck- ersmith; Secretary, T. G. Shillinglaw, Tuckersmith; Treasurer, J. Preeter, Zuridli; Autiitors, Dr. Moir, Hensall, and Dr. McKinnon, Zurich. t The Executive Chairmen are: Gode- p E Wise- Stanely, D. ayfiele, Louis Thompson; ; Usborne, John Morgan; Collins Exeter, C. Har - Dr.. Malloy; Tucker - k; Clinton, G. -McLennan; . ,Watt; McKillop, John eaforth, James Watson A of confidence in the Fed- ovincial leaders, Sir Wil - and N. W. Roit were passerd, after w h the ed with the National -An - rich townsh Anderson; Hay, C.Fri Stephen, D vey; Hensa William Hullett, M McDowell; Resolutio eral and frid urie unani ousl meet' g hlo them. I.O.O.F. The ann triet No. 8, fellows, w hall in C noon. Th eion, deleg the distric eter, being rich—Mess Pinder an 3. Wisem Banner. Steacy; Brueefield, Mr. p - man; Seaferth—Messrs. F. Harburn, J .B. Therenson, and F. Weiland, Dis- trict Secretary. District Deputy Grand Master, H. R. Scott, ef Seaforth was in thechair, d in a few remarks, welcomed the else— HURON NOTES. —The annual Dominion Day cele- bration will be .held in Gadench on been acting as joint field secretary for Monday, July 2nd, . the counties ofi Huron and Perth in —Rev. Dr. Seeger, principaleof ent. connection with temperance work and Marks' College, Vancouver B.C., with the enforcenient of the Canada Tem - Mrs. Seeger and four children, are perance Act for the last three nears visiting his parents, Crown Ateorney has resigned. Mr. Powell has been Seeger and Mrs. Seeger, Godench. 1 successful in building up an organize- eeived word on Saturday that his son, —Marlin Mug -ford, of Benmiller, re - tion which has accomplished a great deal in law en.foreement, and now Pte . Joseph Mugford, had been- woand- connection with the committee of one leeves to take up a larger work in ed on May 27th. The young inan en- listed with the 1.61st and went over: and br:dri:githmhoseatdequateesters Western Lonontaridono, to France with the first draft of that as his field of work. batalion. _miss Argo Ross left Toronto tre- --Mrs. Addle Wright has teesdered cently as one of a draft of nurses for her resignation as instructor of the 'Methodist church choir, in Brussels. delivery routes in operation in Canada, overseas. She tradna.ted at John Hop- kins Hospital, Baltonoret Maryland, a Toronto in the course of a month or en --Hugh Main, of London, dnut nn owing to her intention of removing to serving over 165;043 homes. wycdeeall4evlmagoWn.DrBrusseli.Nflarnsde "7#(06, 1R°8-a138(Lafil7gh_tee"r1 RToerroneldtoeltdwBslyronljawhaT4ttelsinairedeadanYeind- • oMfotirindaidney mobrzyinrwag asulaeres m said, night. , tArthlire.„___Alketof 13 ucational status here -that will entitle His companion, Harriet Chryelen. died nee the tilmwrome b"1" ut± hini to enter advanced classes in To- during the night from the sarne cause, nail last week, and penetrating /Pm' ronto. Mrs . Wright has been in Brus- -7-Writs viiere issued on Saturday sels for the past seven years and has dissolving the third Saskatcheetan shoe it entered her foot a considerable proven her ability as a musician in Legislative -Assembly. Norematioms 1 gth The wound is an ugly one will take place on Jame 19, with elec- tions one week later. • —Stanley Bloomfield, aged 6 yeare, while playing on Hurley's dock, .m Windsor on Monday afternoon, fell In- to the river and. was drowned. With his brother, a year older, -trying to as- sisthim, the child made desperate ef. forts to hold to the piling of the dock, but filially was forced to release .his hold and sank for the third. time, lust has pur- heese and son. —Mrs. Lena Elizabeth BOW2X daughter of Mr. ape Mrs. Do Meldurchy, of C-oderich, was married on May 20th, at Greenwich, Conn., to Harold de Boisville Boswell Reid, of London, Eng. yoimgest son of the late Brigade Surgeon Lieut. -Col. David Boswell -Reid. The bride Was attend- ed by her daughter, Miss Helen Eliza- beth Howard and the bridegroom was attended by his friends, Commander de Veyher, f the Russian Navy, and Li Mr. Rieber Vitolo, the groom's part- ner, from ndoni England. The bride- groom is the designer and builder of armored motor ears now in general use in the Russian Army, and has been engaged in this special work since the commencement of the wan A reception was held at Rye, the sea- eide home of Mr. Maurice Skvortzoff, a member of the Russian Commiesion. The happy couple left for a short mo- tor tour and will reside eamporarily in New York, returning to Make their home in London, England, in the autumn. —About five o'clock Monday even- ing the spirit of Mrs. John Mason, after spending a few months with rel - 1 I- an old resident of the 3rd line of Mor- aties and friends in Detroit'and ether ris, departed from the tenement of American eities.—Mr. John &elide; of clay She had a stroke of paralysis thisneillage is becoming a lane pro- 1'dueer of gentian roots, ethic' b. are so largely used for mediae uur ses, and in another issue we will e a more extended report—Rev. Mr. eull of Carp, near Ottawa gave two ex- cellent sermons in Calimel church on Sabbath last which were much enjoy- en—A meeting of the executive ef the Conshrvative Association of South Huron was held in the Town Hall here on Saturday afternoon last to conside.r the appointment of a postmaster for Exeter, which was made vacant by the recent death of Mr. E. Christie. Af- ter considering a large number of ap- plicadons, Mr. William Carling, well known as a merchant for mann years in Exeter, of the firm of Carling Bros, was given the position.—We have 'this week to chronicle the death Ma Ann McIntyre relict of the ' wan MeLEAN BROS., Publielesee { SIM a Year ia Ativasete NelieleMneee. brick, some 30 by 50 feet, end sea.rce- ly one brick is left standing of the -walls. At the time of the explosion, only ten persons were in the big -Tiding. The Captain, Miss Hill, whose home s in London, was badly cut and Man- ed and was taken to Brantford Hospi- tal. Mrs. Charles Knight was severe- ly cut and bruised when taken from the ruins, while her baby remained unhurt, although the little go-cart was shattered. Willie Brag was cut and crushed, as was also a boy named Bridgewater, while two lads named Leonard Sparks and Andrew Lewie escaped with a few nasty cuts. Ea Ethermgton of Uppertown, when tak4 en out was dead, his head ateme chest being badly cut and crushed. So heavy was the explosion that the plate glass windows of the Newton & Hawley garage, 100 feet away, were shattered, while two men near the garage were thrown to the ground. HENSALL. Briefs.—The crops in this seetion are looking very peomising notwith- standing the continued wet and some- what backward spring, and the fruit crop is also very promising except the apple trees which ;in many localities have shown no blossorn.--The May shipment for the Patriotic League was 36 shirts and 135 pairs of socks which speaks for itself.—Mrs. James Moore has returned to her home here the Wednesday erevious, which ot her advanced age, was more then her powers could overcome. -Deeeateels maiden. name was Jean Watt, her birthplace Aberdeen, Scotland, and her age 81 years, 6 months and 17 days. She came to Canada when seven years of age and spent some time at Bin - brook, near Hamilton, before corAfilg Westward to Hullett townshie. nifty - six years ago last August the subject of this notice was married to John Mason, who predeceased her by a Year. They spent some years in llullett and came to the 3rd line, Morris township in 188re, where they lived continuouslye The surviving children are: John, of Wawanosh; William, of Hallett; and Alex. at home; Mrs. J. M. Martha, of Ceniton; Mrs.Hugh Moses and Mrs. James Hogg, Morns; Mrs. John Hill, Portage la Prairie, Man.; and Mrs. 1 te Mr James Rea, Who has been H. IlicEachern, of Holstein. CANADA. —There are now OVer 3 living -for the past few years with her daughter, Mrs. John McD. Wilson, of i tbis village, and lately of the Town- ship of Hay. The deceased was in her 6 rural 87th year and was -most higbly re- cted for her many fine qualities. e rumbas were taken by train on Thursday morning to St.Marys to be interred in the family plot there. Mrs. Rea was exception ay b.right and ac- tive for her age and recently attended church services in the Methodist church, and was one of the much priz- ed and consistent members of that church.--adre. Jaime Bonthron and little daughter are visidng Mr. and Mrs. Youngblutt, of Waterloo, Mrs. Bonthron's parents. —Mr Thomas Sharp has purchased Mr, William Hildebrand's dwelling property on Queen st, nearly opposite hie black- smith shop, and which will be a very convenient situation for ' hira.—Quite a large number from Hensel' and vi- cinity attended the bazaar held in Chiselhurst on Tuesday evening last a moment before help arrived. The for patnotic purposes an repo rt a body is not yet reetivered. good atendance and a successful baz- -A poor apple crop is anticipated aar.—Rev. Mr. Knight and Mr, C. as far as Brant County is concerned, Redmond, the latter as representative An expert has reported that he :was of the congregation are attending the unable to find a single sign of bloom conference at Landon, the Rev. Mr. on Spy, Baldwins or Greenings, and Knight being on the stationing come ou five acres of excellent orchard at inittee and was called borne to attend one place he does not expect to have the funeral of the late Mrs, Rea. The a single barrel of apples. AU over ladies of the w.m,s,win take charge e e and now threatens bload-poismung. She is at present with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerslake in Exeter. both piano and voice culture. • —The following have enlisted dur- ing the lia,st week at the Gederich re- har tens tWheilhopeelmraitenar HatenthdeerDsoonin'inwilion° Express office, in Wingham, for some Alta., G. Weir, Goderich; J. B. Simpson, cruiting office: II. Sproul, Dungannon; H. Keith Ross, Goderieh township; F. time has gone to Edmonton! Aileen Dungatmon; W. Carter, Geo. Mac - where she soerLeudekna soiwtu,aleisonas.srstpr.i MeD. Willis, Sheppardton. F. e G. 1 Ewan and H. D. Robinson, Goderich; ing in the office in Wingham, for th.e present. —Last Thursday M. Ed. Jolmston, of Hullett, sold his entire carriage horse, Jerry J., to a horse breeder at Cobocomb, Ont. Mr. Johnston rais- ed the horse in North Dakota, an brought him to Ontario with him when ldnd was made plain last week, when he came back to Hulled. He got a Andrew Lamont, 10th concession of good price for him. ! Grey, sold a couple of three year' old 1 steers, the best of which brought him —A quiet marriage took place on Wednesday evening at Knox church,1 $1'78, and the other $154. Samuel manse, Goderich, when the pastor,1 Walker was the buyer and shipment Rev. R. Ca MeDerraid, united in inar-1 was made on Tuesday. By way of in DISTRICT MEETING. riage Mr. Thomas Bowler of Mr. lustration Mr. . Lamont disposed of two 1 meeting of Huron Die- Curry'seleekeshop, and Miss K. Somer- similar steers five years ago, when he inependent Order of Odd- sail, daughter of the late Richard took about $200 as against $332, this s held in the Oddfellows' Somersall, . • n, on Wednesday after- —Mr. Thomas Berns, of near Lucare e was a good representa- had the misfortune to be kicked in the tes from every. lodge in b horse Mr. Beim had just with the exception of Ex - present, as follows: Gode- s. -H. Edwards, Wallace Knox; Clinton—Mears. n and H. B. Chant; He -n - Weir and Harry Buchanan fail to qualify ineeically. Mr. Sunbury, or- ganist of Knox church, is now in -uni- form with the Canadian Amry Service Corps. Last Sunday was his last as organise at the church. —Thet it pays to raise the right week or in other words he received within $22 for one what he got for two. —There passed away on Saturday iace hitched a chain to the back of a wagon of last week, after several when one of the horses kicked one ' afternmi months' illness, Isabel Eddy, wife of cork hitting him over the eye and Mr. . Levi Harding, Wingham, in her the other the cheek, both inflicting bad cuts. born in Tangier, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 51st year. The deceased lady was —On Wednesday of last week, Miss and was there married in the Garrison Addie Cardiff, daughter of Mr. and 1 Church, when Mr. Harding's regiment Mrs. James Cardiff, 7th concession. a , was stationed in that city. Shortly Grey township, underwent an opera -1 after her marriage Mr. and Mrs. tion for appendicitis at the- home of 1 Harding went to England where they her sister, Mrs. R. F. Do-vvning, Mill resided for twenty years. Returning street, Brussels. The patient is mak- toin BCarranaedtta,saRsalipoidrts, tunei e near Kwasei n pi/ il spentle, delegates, after which the business of Mg favorable progress. the meeting was proceeded with. The —Gladys Davison, the little aug and upwards of three years ago they representatives of the various lodges ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Davison, went to Wingham and during her resi- gave their reports, in all of which an of Hayfield, met with a serious awl - increase in membership ,was noted. dent while trying to untie a knot in who will regret to hear of her death. dence there had made many friends The finances. were also in a splendid her shoe strilag with a table fork The 1 Since going to Wingham she had been coedition, despite the fact that some fork slipped and one of the points 1 1 an esteemed member of St. Paul's of the lodges have .paid out consider- entered her eye, Mediae]. assistance Church. She is survived by her bus - able from -their funds, owing to cas- was procured, but no assurance was band. ualties sustained by members at the giv-en that the night can. be saved. . the Presbyterian church, Whitechureh, —The 53rd anniversary services of front. pretty weeding was solemnized Mr. William Dougall, of Hensel', on Monday, Ma et 21, at the home of were held on Sunday, Jame 3rd, Rev. was elected District Deputy •Grand Mr. and Mrs. George Gregory, nee . Master for the incoming term. Mae Mason., Calgary, Alberta,. when The District Deputy gave a resume Mare • Acenia, youngest daughter of Mit- of the work of the Order generally License Inspector J. in and Mrs. Mit- throughout the district, and reported chell, of Wingham, was united in mer- it as one of the best districts in the ' t Mr. Herbert Bell Robinson, Solos at both services vier. rendered jurisdiction. of Stavely, Alta., and formerly of the by Mr. Farley and Miss nelle Gor- Mr. MeVittim Blyth, D .D .G.M. of I Bank of Hamilton staff in Winghern. don, Toronto Conservatory of Music. An entertainment was given at 8 . 1 legs were broken and his back crush • DiStriet No , 9, was present, and gave I —A pretty weddine took place lastl A hearty vote of thanks was ten- I of Mr. and Mrs. George Holland, t : Farley gave an address on the "Catch- 1 old son of Pte. Norman Norris' of of ! tri . on Monday, June 4th, Rev. . 1 —Norman A. Norris, the four-year . " Of' Toronto died. in. the hospital for Sick an address on the work in his distriet.1 Wednesday at -Spruce Grove, the home Brant County the bloom is reported very light. ' —John P. Moran, fifty years old, a driver for Hunt Brothers, coal dealers of London, was thrown. from his wa- gon and dragged nearly one hundred feet lotked in a wheel, being almost of the evening service when ission- aiw reports will be read.—We regret to state at date of writing that Mrs. David Dew is, and has been for the past week, quite seriously ill,—Mr. F,W.B. De Jean, accorapanied by Mrs. De Jean and family are spending instantly killed o•a Monday afternoon, couple of weeks holidays. wi r ela- when his team nil away on York St. tives and. friends in KingsviUe and Moran leaves a widow, four -daughters other places„—Mr, A. Murdock and and three sons, one of the latter being Mr, T, Murdock and members of with the Canadiari forces in France. their families motored to Lucan 01/ —Stewart Haney, aged three years, Sunday last to spend the day with was struck and almost instantly killed their relatives.—Mr. John Glenn and in Toronto last Saturday night by Mr. Owen Geiger, bave treated theme an automobile driven by Miss Ada selves to fine new Chevrolet cars, pur- McLachlan. It appears that the child ehasd from McDonell Bros., of this in company with a brother was walk- village.—Mrs. Forshee, Florence, Mg along the street, and the little is at the parsonage visiting her grand - fellow without warning suddenly at- daughter and is wonderfully smart for, tempted to run across the road. Al! one over eighty years.—Mr. and Mrs. an exceptionally slow speed the child Chas. Harvey and Miss Meda Coul- Tucker, of Eliraville, and Mr, though the automobile was running at Jinn leaped directly -1n front of it, and be- tice, of Exeter, spent Tuesday last fore Miss McLachlan could do anything with iiee_ and wan_ et. wieleeeoenn— to avoid the accident the ear struck We are pleased to report that Mrs. the child. He was carried into a doe- Paul Boa is recovering nicely from her tor's office, but died a few minutes serious illness.—Mrs. R. G. Angell is after- the accident ' visiting friends in Clinton,—Mr. and —Oscar,the four year old son of Mr. Mrs. Goebert, and. sons, of Egmond- and Mrs. William Chrig, of Kitehener, ville, here on Sunday last with was almost instantly killed MondnY ners„ Colbert's parents, Mr, and Mrs. afternoon. The lad wag riding on the R, Fulton.—Mr. Peter Melville has been improving bis premises by new fences and also moved his stable to a more convenient part of the premises —The ladies of Carmel church are considering the holding of the annual strawberry festival sometime during the latter part af this month.—A num- ber of Masons of Zurich Lodge at -Henan motored to Goderiele Thurs- day evening of last week to attend a meeting at which the District Dep- uty Grand Master was present and re- port a most interesting meeting and splendid entertainment by the Gode- rich brethren.—Mrs. A .0 and childreiewho have been vim and Mrs. T. Murdock, Mrs. gartins parents, left for Revelstoke 3. (3. on Tuesday last.—Miss Clarisse Mitchell spent a day or so in London daring the past week.—Mrs. Edgar *Queen was in Petrone, last week, as a delegate to a meeting.. of the W. Mt S. Mrs. (Rev.) night also areend- ed the sante meeting.—Miss Hazel Drake has returned from wild -ant friends in Stratford.—We regret to state that Mr. William Leaninie is at present confined to the house tem& lllnes and we gelieve that for the pre- eent is linable to discharge tit; duties as mail courier on the ppm route. IT tCP Samuel Farley, M.A., of Collingwoo , handlebars of a bicycle ridden preached at 11 ann. and - e vi. The year old Joe Glass. In turning o iit morning subject, was einee curse of of the way of a coal wagon tile bi- Meroz ."; and the evening eubject, was cycle was caught in the car tracks, "Count Zeppelin, his _Punishment." whicla threw the lads to the ground. Beloit- the wagon could be stopped a real wheel had passed over young Chrig -with fatal results. The lad's Aered the retiring D.D.G.M. and the session closed with the National An- them. NEW CANADIAN KNIGHTS The King's birthday honor list is again of formidable length. Recog- nition is given for services in all fields of endeavor in comiection with the war, rather than for the peaceful arts. In addition to what is known as the Premier's list, the creation of three viscount*, five peers, 25 boron', 46 knights and eight English and two Irish Privy Coimeillors is annoimeed. There is an extremely long list of diplomatic, colonial and Indian honors; as well as service otions. The following ans are in- cluded in the list: Barencteies—J . W. Flavelle, 41 ebair- oicltownsbiP, township, when their (.. 1 my -nal movement in Ireland. daughter, Mandena, was united in i - neaeers were Mr. R. D. Cameron, en on Monday afternoon from Childr iie.i' . „ev ._ Farley. rendeMr. Grainger and Rev. 3 . Little. burns received while ple,ying with marriage to Clarks L. Tyler, Hullett . . . trisit-Gordon and Mr. rened in the morning, and was lying in - raatches. The child had just awak- township, DrW L Rutledge, offici- ating. The happy couple left on tb.e I ed solos and there was a gof ood pro- in for points east and on gramme of solos euartetteg, recite- bed at the time the accident. His train dons, etc. , inother heard hinescream and on rush- tions, dist churches, Clinton, held their an- upstairs found his nightclothes —Wesley and Ontario Street enveloped in flames. She beat out Metho- I ing nual congregational meetings on Wed- 1 the fire herself, and received a number nesday night. Rev. Dr. W. L. Rut- 1 of bad burns. The child, however, ledge presided in Wesley church, and was soterribly injured about thetahd bursting of a bomb, in the trench A. Agnew in Ontario Street 1 and body tha although he was a their return will live at the Elm Vale farm of Mr, Tyner. ' —Ex -Warden David Cantelon, of Clinton, received the sad news last Thursday of the death of his youngest son, Pte. D. A. Cantelon who, ac- cording to report, was Church. Both churches report con- a on e hospital, no hope was held out for his rcoevery. which he. was serving about weeks ago. The informatiofl came to siderable progress during the year, Mr. Cantelon through a letter written and with financial conditions remark- ' —About 8.30 Monday evening a ter - by a chum of the young man, wbo was , ably good, the missionary contribu-. rifle crank:elan of natural gas took serving with him on the fateful day„; dons amoun to about *1,200 front ' plaee at the Salvation Arany' Bernal, and had been talking to him only a few } eac sail to be a re_ ; Paris, wrecking the entire building minutes before, and the report seems 1, card for towns of this Size. The ; and causing the death of one , FAA to be authentic, although the roxed i Ladies' M.d Society, W .M.S M.S. and the I Etherhigton. The structure was of .e4e•eee