The Huron Expositor, 1917-05-11, Page 2* '3VrtiMe4.7"'" = , 7 -- . . °netest, 12,00; These are the rind thf 1.,....a*eviestadir0If"...*•••••••••••=00.0••••••••••aitt 11 Extoot Leun Bros., Publisher*. Terms of Subscaiptione---To any a dress in Canada or Great Britai one year "nal% six months pee Notwiths andingiathelscatc '-ragaltbs Age. To the United Stateei arid higher prices of fencia ng Au vine when aid in ar- . I Subsedribera who, fail to reeerve et chaser- . 1,fer a favor y Acrantirg us of the - -POSITO 1,1 FE RE - " MAY lb 1917 a thus ssivf# &rich of her power and f ' dominions. It ie not likely that I the Entente will make any offer to , 1 Turkey, but the fact that she is. looking to them indicates her posi- I 'Lion. Gratt, too, IS rampant in Turkel', Exemptions from military service are - easily bought. The correspondent speaks oneasee within his knowledge W think the following will 'mi." rate ht 5°0: hig era Th "Feet Like a New Person, 1 interest the intendirig Nr- Exposictor revile:W.17 mail veal eon- Slave Mrs. Hamilton. 8faet sties early a ate a VoeSibie. 8 wires, 42 inch s high, even] When change of address is des spaced in 36 and 40 rod.t0 is both the old and new address should , be given. e_ • , * *.....*.*****. a 0000 0*, a Ulf 0 Sae a a a a a masa se *a 94ffit-41645f per LA'S*, t.04.01,/ A ADVORTISING RA.TES. ee, eat' eneit.. .. t Display -Advertising Rates - Made 8 Wire, even spaced, stays i6y2' in. apartc per r ., cash known on aPPlitation. Stray Anirnals.---One Full stock ofpcoil spring -barbed, brace and weayingiwirer ai Ithree insertions, $1.00. insertion 50e; SO- staples and fence hooks, pulley blocks and pliers., 1 ,Parms or Real Estate for sale 50c. leach insertion for one month of four 'insertions; 25c for each subsequent in- enneenemene. • sertiert. Miscellaneous Articles for , Sale To Rent, Wadted, Lost, Found, etc., each insertion 25c. 'Local Read- -Poss Iron Fence, of Tnanks 50c. Legal Ativertisink 10c ', . . sertton, No .i.oticell:ss than 250. (3 d 0 per line per oisni, . ers,. Notices, etc., , _ Easily driven in the ground, saves the price of digging, - not heave with the frost. . arid 5c per line. Auction Sales, $2.for do Angle posts..•.. ... . . . ••••01004-S. 00.•00•000 0000.00*•0•1•01, ;0.0 000045C each Round posts,. • nib ilk• • •I •.• • ••••••••• 000; • a 1. • • .. • . • ••.•:•• • 210 each. A Bargain for Builders - ANIIIMINNO We have had for sorri-e time 1-2 kegs ofc_ut .spikes 4 and.4 t-2 inch These we offer at the remarkable priep of $3.00 per keg, in keg only: Considering the high price of nails and the well known holding powers of cut spikes this is a genu- ine bargain. A MAtNET WASHING- MACHINE . Washes blankets easily.....••••••411,41-4eirosiebei.Der srosomdtat •45 411,00 - Wringers.. 01.0411,111 ?II'S • f, it.** • ir • ....•40$4.50 up Curtain Stretchers....%..•Sp•s••••••••..so•• ..... se,•••11' •••••0 't•f$1050 G A. • siLL.s.:,:seatort. -1 Ittytd WHOOPINC • : .Fie jfrst4 mite Head o ea: Beafbrth, Ont. iiitmoToRy - OFFiCERS. - J. Connolly, Goderich, President Jas. Evans, BeechwoodeVice-President T. 'E. Hays, Seafortli, SecynTreas. AGENTS , Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; Ed. Hinchley, Seafortb; William Chesney, Egraondville-'J. W. Yee, Godericht R. G. -JarmuthiBrodhagen. - DIRECTORS I Willi- am Rinn, No. 2„ Seaforth; John I Bermewies, Brodhagen; James Evans, I, Beech -wood; M. Mcwen, Ewen Clinton; Jas. Oommily, Godertch; D F. lYleGregor, R. R. No, 3, Seaforth; J. G. Grieve, No. 4 Walton; Robert Perils, Harlocke George McCartney, No. 3, Seaforth. Iron -The linfantisIPficist Dangerous Dfisease... one insertion and $3 for two insertlOfl� Profeseienal Cards not exceeding one ineh-$6. per year,. e . , S FORTH,Friday, Mayllth, 1917 ei"----- FROM THE DOMINION CAPITAL. Corridor gossip occupied itself with strange matters these ditis. No doubt much of it is wild speculation, but, on the other hand i there, in no doubt that the wildest speeulation has a substrat- um of °fact, Most 'of the gossip is based on hints which have appeared from time to tireie in the Tory press as to what the I;Borden . Government might do if the 0_pposition sqoeezed it too hard. le , One of the threats is a reeonstruct- ed government. • iReconstructiona are always great sport for the recoils -true -- tors and this one is no exception to the rule. Every reconstruction that fancy suggests has been put forward by the cabinet makers during the last two weeks. Meet' of the reconstruc- tnins let Premie t Borden out. Sir Robert, is to become Canadian law lord bn the Judicial Committee of the 'imperial Privy douncile--that is to saynhe Cabinet makers have picked that tob for him. Some of the more liberal -minded Conservatives say that S ir Robert put his foot mit in his Man- chestei speech, ia which he outlined a 'sort of preferential trade among the Entente Allies -in short, the program -drafted at the trade conference in Paris, The chief trouble with this is that the United States has since come into the war as an ally, and no read-. justraent could -contemplate keeping Uncle Sam out, . Another statesman who is booked by thedimmor-mongers far retirement is the Hon. Bob Rogers -that is to saie if he will let himself be retired. An he is said to have the Federal cam- paign fund in his own name he may take a lot of convincini, There is a brisk division of opinion in the party in regard to the Hon. Bob's possible withdrawal from the affairs of the Gevernment. Some say that if Bob g es he -will, take all the "pep" with hi . Others say that if he goee a h avy load goes. Meanwhile Bob's own parne news- papers refrain from defending him, 'and his name is not put forward in the campaign literature. Strangely en- ough the person who is mentioned as his successer in the affections of the ,tinest is Arthur Meigheni at present Soliditor-General. One would think tit t Arthur would be about as popu- 1 .th I-1 Whooping Cough, althokigh specially a disease of childhood, is leyi no "mans con- fined to that period buti may. occur at any time of life. It cline of the most dangerous diseases of infaeCy, and yearly causes more deaths than scarlet fever, typhoid or diphtheria, and is more common in female than in! rnele ehildren. 'Whooping Cough starts with sneezing, tvatering of the eyes, irritation of the throat, feverishuess and cough. The coughing attack:, occur frequently but are generally more severe at night. On the first sign of al"whoop," Dr. Wood's Norwat Pine Syrup should be tip ad7einistered, and vvetice -of suffering • tee e, 4 - • preVtnited, as it heiPe to Clear the bron- prepat ed to tut 11.5 Cnd or tidal tubes/of tLe collected mucous and dhirc, and t Pumps a 14 a lisizes piing= it ti ne Fttting• e c. Mrs. Nellie naeley, Antherst, N.5 tee''tntt nd Water troughs writesf "T have much pleasure in sayin ti t ;n tea attleBasins. that there Ls no cough syrup like D 3 Wood's ,Norway Pine Syrep. Mybtt s. e a rrdSCA pump repairitigdone girl took whooping cough from a little- : -r • notice. For terms, etc., girl 'who laas since died with it. I tried h didn t want teetick to any contract 0-, n at Pump Factory, o enc 't to give the greatest relief, it helped her St, Fast, or at residence, North to raise the phlegm, and shiS npw better, Mane Street My yonng brcrther is also taking the cough, and I am getting 'Dr. Wood's' to in the west as a dozen lemons but re's xio accounting for tastes. The n. Bob is by way of being real fa ks, but Arthur is a knife-edge. In fact, Arthur lets the hair -split - ti g habit run -away with him. 1 -Es la est feat, of over -playing a fine point w s when he argued that the Govern- -rn nt couldn't get out of its Ross rifle co tract, when, at the very same time, Si Charles Ross was proeesting that • lots of things but found 'Dr. Wood's' that was not beneficial. to the Empire. Such is Arthur Meigrnen, who is book- ed by the reconetructors to fill Bob's shoes in thee:Test.. Arthur is to be- come Minister ofinustice, vice Doherty resigned -R; B. Bennett being slated. for _Solicitor General. The Hoe. Bob is to be 'High Cominissioner at London if he will take it. It is felt that he could do work over there, handling the ballots which are now stacked ttp in the High Commiesioner's office against the day the British Government will permit a Canadian general elector' at the battle front: If an election dis- tracts the _attention of the !nghting man from his real job -it might be possible to mark the ballots in London, and save the soldiers the trouble. Rumor has also picked but the Hon Frank Cochrane for thelseclosion of private life. The Hon. 'Frank is no addition to the debating strength of the Government-irifact he is as dumb _I 1: c-.(sai(1/1 wolk again si7 Dr. Woos Norway Pine Syrup is put up in gi yellow wreepper: a pine.trets C. P. TIME TABLE . the trade -mark; 'poet 25e. and. 50c. & GODERICH BRA.NCII, Rehige substitute - TO TORONTO. h'atiefaetere4 only by Tits T. Mu, A.m. p,rd • ! una..1 Th.. 17•77,=i -c, -nn, T-urtnito, Ont. Go&rich Leave 7.00 2.30 • Elyth 7.37 307 • Walton 3.19 • , adapt'. 9.35 5.0V ' CREAM WANTED. i FROM TORONTO Toronto (Leave) 8.20 5.10 : We have our Creamery now in full . operation, and we want your patron - Guelph (arrive) 10.15 7.00 age. . We are prepared to pay you Wilton 12.58 8A2 the highest prices for your cream, pay BlYth _ 12.10 9.07 ' ; . you every two weeks, .c:71,.!gh„. sample Auburn 12.30 9419 . ,0.,,, O.4„- and test each can of cream carefully Gotierich in nu. '.nn , and give you statemene of the same. connections at Guelph June on with We also supply cans free of chargeas an oyster -and the tarty is kick - "fain Lane for Galt, Woodstock, Lon- and give you an honest business deal, ---- I Cali in and see us or drop us a card for ing hecaiise this office Napoleon hasmo den, Detroit and Chicago and all in gift a ;loguenee. With a thing as New Castle, Ind.-"Frona the time Was eleven yens old until 1 was seven- teen I suffered each month so I had to be in bed. I had head- ache, backache and such pains I would cramp double every month. I did not know' what it was to be easy a minute. My health was all run down and the doetors did not do , me any good. A neighbor told my mother about Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I took it; and now I feel like a new person. I don't suffer any more and I am regular every month. "-Mrs, HAzEL RAMILToNe W2 South 15th $t. When a remedy has lived for forty years, .steadily -growing in minority and influence, and. thousand e upon thousands of women declare they owe their 'health to it, is it °not reasona- ble to believe that it is all article of great merit? If you wantspecial advice write to Lydia E. Plukbatn 2iletlicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be opened, read aud answered by a woman. awl fie.Id in strict confidencO- in which absolutely tinqualitied c zens have purchased doctor's certifi- cates, not of exemption, but of quali- fication as doctors. Thus, they are enabled to draw doctor's pay: 'Those who have factoriee which they wish to keep going can make a payment to the local military chief and retain their workmen. While the censorsbip in Turkey is strict, news circulates through the country, aud the Turks, ' especially the educated ones, are not in ignorance of what is happening. The only thing lacking for a first- class revolution is a leader, The Turns realize that they cannot win, that they have as much to lose by a German victory as by a British vic- tory. They hate the Germans, and after peace is declared there are hundreds of German officers and offi- cials who -will never reach b.ome alive, ister of Finance. Imagine how the high cost of living would moan with Mr. Flavelle arranging the tar- iff? The Nationalist alliance is to be maintained. Inet only maintained, but strengthened,. The Government be- lieves that it has a prodigy in young nevigny-an infant phenomenon not second even to Vincent Crowning, Another story, which shows how desperately the wind blows for the Borden Government, is to the effect that alien enemies in Canada wit° can- not read or write are to be denaturiil, ized and deprived of their votes. This is to be an offset against the four hundred thousand brave men who are overseas fighting for out freedom, and whose votes the Borden Government 'has now discovered 'cannot be taken, because three-quarters of them would be cast against the Gevernment of a thousand scandale. This measure, so the gossips say, will be put through, if necessary, 'under closure. This story is hardly worth crediting, because any such measure, of disfran- chisement would wipe out what little there is left of the Conservative party in Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatche- wan. It is only mentioned here to show what sad, bad, mad thoughts gets into the heads of people when they are staring defeat in the face. Gossiterevolves about a third Mat- qr-egtoosn. will the Government accept the counsel of some Of its -more pig-headed advisers and latitin defiance of the British North America Act, custom, precedent, good taste and common decency, to extend RS own life by making use of its majority of for- ty-seven the House of Commons and its present majority of one in the Sen- ate or will it take its medicine at a general electron? The latter I think. A Government cannot prolong its own life indefinitely, Sooner or later it has to get back to democratic prin- ciples -the people have got to vote, Even in Great Britain the latest ex- tension takes the Govermnt only to November. The Borden Government has an extension which is valid to October. Some of its best friends are saying that that ought to be long enough. Its profiteering friends will have got all there is out of the war by that time. Why, then, linger sup- erfluous? • nannediate points. , particulars. hard as is connection with the Niekel . 1 le Seatorth Creamery G. T. R. TIME TABLE Trains Leave Seaforth as follows; °uteri 12.30 a.m. - For Clinton, Goderich, Winghata and JXineardino. a7 - For Stratford, Guelp rine& west, Be eville and *ter - S.16 n.m. - For Stratford, Toroate, Montreol And points east. LONDON, HURON AnID BRUCE South Possonger.. ann. Wit:wham, depart .. 3.53 . .4 4. U. • 744 Loodeebore.. - 1.1$ ataton.. t. . ...; „ nil 841 • .. lent a;titsie $.18 p. ra. •-t. For Clinton, Wingham • and Itineardine. 11.93 For Clinton, Goderich Toronto, (trillion North Bo; onti ro and points east. P. M. &rot 3J7 ILO BAP 11,714 i -g! 111114 :4_ t 6,44 _ irla fr • s, ..4 44 A4 #4 br.4; aye* Yitay **41 Seaforth Trust to explain it is felt that Mr. Cochrane ought to cut loose and ex - 0 ,lain or get out. Sir Harry Drayton„ chairman of the Railway Commission, 1 _ is said to be the party choice for the I portfolio of Railways and Canals. PALPITATION it is said that Dr. Roche would be I willing- to quit if he could get a place OF THE HEART in the Senate,and he - will probably , get his wish, because the Conservative majority of two in the Senate is just. CURED BY SHORTNESS OF BREATH MILBURN'S now ;very precarioun Only last -week tWe-Consevative senators died and the majority disappeared. More senators , HEART AND NERVE PILLS. must be appointed if this off -again -on - lalanalnalaNaallaratellIMIN H.F.G. TURKS READY TO TURN ON GERMANY. • I0 sum ....,, tine question,' I' says Graham Hollister in the course of all .. i article in The New York Sun, "I would nuti•li prefer. to be an Englishman in Turkey at the present time than I would to be a German," This remark he makes in the coul•So of an article designed to give the on77 side world an idea of the conditioie' existing in 'Turkey, and in view of the news tbat the Russian and 13rit- Lin. forces have effected a junction in Mesopotamia . Mr. Hollister's views are of particular interest., for he hes been in Tdrkey until quite recently. tn his opinion the Turkish empire e3 thing -with revolt against the Ger- man officers and drill waste's, as we:I as against the Young Turks, N. li.) have steered their country into th:.: war. Not more than one Turk out o;.' a hundred' khows what hp is fight:a ' -for, and not more than one out of a thousand can give adequat4 reason for Turkey having • join( d in the melee 'as- an ally of Germany. Nev. r- theless, what President Wilson lie ; called "a little group of wilful men," headed by Enver Pasha, has controli- ed Turkey in the crisis, and. that h. '. soldiers have fought well nobode doubts. Neverthmess. Mr. liolliete has the idea that • there may he -change of front in sfutkey at ae again habit of the Conservative. -ma- moment. mts. 8. -Waiters, matapedia, Que., laity in the Red Chamber is to be He does not 2,1-.7- 77,, that f" movement will -eon. • tth peov, writes° I wish to let you know how ovei come. much good I have received by taking The Hon. Mr. Burre 1 is wi ing your Heart and Nerve Pills. I was quit, too. All he wants is to be post - suffering from palpitationof the heart master at Ottawa. He likes the so - awl shortness of breath. The trouble i*ciety here, the golfiing and the tango with ray heart was caused by stomach ; teas, and would trade ambition for a Patent awl doctors' but I found none I had tried an kinds el medicine' both - does not say who would take his place # frompe as aBnr fs he almost any pdaeryh. ap umori s Mr trouble. relieve tne Milburn's Heart and Green, who is known to fame as the Nerve Pills. I believe anyone suffering man who looks like Sir William Mac - like I did should use the= I only ufmd kenzie. The cabinet reconstructors kitir boxes and 1 now feel like a different also intimate that Mr. Crothers would pft-son." make a good High Court Judge and k191111312111,Ls Netr_e_,Pnise_eeeeuave that a real map as Minister of Labor, "T'YA,...c..; Would do better work in that depart- remetteee Years ie."7, atiade,' wmeeenn'ent ment and inspire greater confidence I in the masses than a corporation law -1 Yen. But if Premier Borden drops out, I who? Well, the wise ones say Sir Thomas White, with perhaps Arr. J. 1 W. novelle, his fidus &hates, as Min - but seems to be t. • ma,y ortginate with If Enver Pasha aini, come to tin) cone: - wilt loae this wa A.0n that i °nag Turk4. ...ds associates Obrznaey In Turkey is considered to L, a ea." 'between England and Gernieet, there Is ree- son to believe Shethey will quit Germany and try tt; terms 'with -the Entente. Ina t. emission with an intelligent Turkish eiticer the Ameri- can correspondent pointed out that Turkey was bound to be a loser; if England wins Turkey will be divid- ed; if Germany alio ehe will become virtually a province of Germany. The officer admittqd that, this was true if Turkey remained in the war until the end; but he thought that she might ADA a golden moment to quit, or even to tarn against the Teutons serve freebies. ?rice 50 cents. per box, 3 hews fee $1.25, at all gesieq, or illatittd dime CIC rem* of WM* by TIM T. MILAVIIK 1.41041100, Tomo, Onis. ragaaaaaaalaaaa01•**WaarNINIIIIIIINI 0110214 Grenweep pallor pral*aasi 24 me' Ilc'dolliGisrge.„abeyylvfwilisteihn.tilac:KS.b;TT3vd:iet°1314.2.2e5;1:7..t7I17.1„(.r::',121:?....,7?i.,:aolori.1.1e: s LltiNtdtwo bottler, of your ::,;,:iyIn 2‘ttarekihiainbibeenadgleoff-ilk4S,CeeecZ4P:Elunid"spsaYivin,'941.424r:irat?tr41:1-sauthtta.urbwIeletbell liniment for praillr u t ..:: g•ti ;.:.,- alr,e to have a copy of your "Treatil3e on the itor. •. . " or beast. .1 .....4 KE,N,,,,,s17:0A,,,,,Lediril:wabSie booSk_F•tregaittittirtie on th.e‘Slho5 slier'-:, 2,.....774.,47.. ads (wieldy. leaves no sears or blemishes, and c -» t- Vti1P- 4:.r, : . 41"21:144:21KENDAL' °I' wateLusca, IENOSEURG FALLS, vEnmoriv, u ....,,, TIF, .STICCIP,E.DS SMUTS. 1..n end African tiampaigner *Whose Heart is in His Work. One advantage accruing to us from our far-flung empire, is that we ar alinnya able to find exactly the rignt vitt qf man for the job 'when it ...-raes to waging war in a difficult nad dangerous country. General A. R. Hoskins, for ex- ample, who succeeds General Smuts :n the East African command! -It would be indeed difficult to hit ueon a MOM- more eminently Suited, both by nature and -training, for the conduct of the sort of.campaign new being waged in the interior of Ger- many's last and biggest colony. He is a scientific soldier. This we know because he has been a General Staff Officer at the Staff College, He is ale° an old African campaigner, an adept at rough-and-tumble light- ninagtivine lteltycie. bush against natives and Born. in 1871, General Hoskins joined the Prince (If Wales' North Staffordshire Regiment in 1891, ani attained to a captaincy nine years later. When the present war broke out he filled the post of Laspector- General of the Kingis African Rifles, and for his services in this cower. Li - on he has since been twice men- tioned in despatches and received the C. M. G., Prior to thie he saw a lot of stiff atupaigning in Somaliland ill pur Stilt of the "Mt..cl Mullah," one of the hardest and most trying of the mane **little wars" Britain bas: been obliged 'to wage in this part of thy world. The foe against whom we were fighting was savage, ruthiese, - !nit 011Siv 1 tl COUDIry is a waiel - r -ss (1,-;se1t, with impenetrable: thica• ei of thin n built, here and ,there af- fording ie lorkin;.; plhees ler the tv nen 'hard Thi; w in )1A0.-3. Lore, leeeoi e. hewevor, ef.erviel hie ayereniewl:;e L.f.s•! ri idleery of desert wart a rv, 1894 he fouiett, as a suheitern. Mongol°, lixpeditioneielee femorable notice to ae Welty enough to seeure, with tiie ieeult the, he wa gh u the opiate tunity of accompanying him in iln: various stagim of the ad:vance up tiw Nile which culminated in the victory of OuidurInan. This ended the Mandist Empire, but the Khalifa escaped into Kordo- fan With a considerable following, and young Hoskins was one of the officers chosen by Kitehener to fol- low him up and either capture .him or kill him. Daring theet, final operations Lieu- tenant Hoeithis, as he then was, commanded the camel corps attaeli- ed to the ilyitig voitunn which o re- lentlessly pursue& the fallen until eventually, on nrietnam 2-h, 1899, he was overtat ee. to hay at a plaoe called Om leehirea , on the White Nile, Here the once all-powerful Kelife, realizing that the game was ue nain the words of Sir Rersincid V. !a- gate who commandP4.---d-iS:/:.lin'aig surreutler,!! elected in eiake his le A. eta,nde and fell fighiing with the huih. of his prineipal emirs and man"! huh- dreds b1 Ills misguided followers. For his share in these long-drawn- out series of operations Hositine wa.7, decorated by the Khedive with the Order .01 the Medkidie, and he also received the Khedive'sSudan medal with no fewer than, nine clasps out of a possible eleven, a unique re- cord, He likewise receined the Brit- ish medal, and his brevet majority, Clothes stay white yOu ircat then) riuh use i:Lt) 1 (Ail amour SALE in CANA Banish Pimples and Eruptions IN THE SPRING MOST PEOPLE NEED A TOMC MEDICINE ••••00••••• One of the surest signs that the blood is out of order is the pimples. unsightly eruptions and eczema That come frequently with the change from winter to spring. These prove that the long indoor life of winter has had its effect. upon the blood. and that a tonic medicine is needed! to put it right. Indeed there are few people who do not need a tonic at this season. Bad blood does not I merely show itself in disfiguring erup-1 tions. To this same condition is due attacks of rheumatism and lumbago; the sharp stabbing pains of sciatica and neuralgia, poor appetite and a desire to avoid exertion. You cannot cure these troubles by the use of pur- gative medicines -you need a tonic, and a tonic only, and among all medicines there is none can equal Dr. Williams' Pink .Pills for their tonic, life giving, nerve restoring powers. Every dose of tbis medicine makes new rich -blood which drives out im- urities, stimulates every organ and brings a feeling of new health and energy to weak, tired, ailing men wonten and children. If you are out of sorts, give this medicine a trial and see how quicklyeit will restore the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and fill your veins with new, health- givingblood You u get these Pills from any inediewo dealer or by mail at eents a itmx. Or six boxes for n2.0 front The Dr. Williams' Medidoe Ce.„ Brock -wile, Ontario. - The Prompt Answ,re VOL/ feel almost like hakin hands with a man when he comes to his telephone the moment the bell rings. q If he,nswers by saying at once "Mr. Blank speaking"instead of using the time -wasting "Hello or "Well" you are still further pleased for you have saved valuable time and perhaps avoided a whole series of unnecessary questions. q To. always answer promptly and to announce yourself at once instead of say- ing "Hello "Yes" or Well" will go far toward keeping up the quality of your telephone service - The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada .q00j *.* * our true inttNit." 7 4y , rale/ I'L. -1 it) i gst i 133 a A .1, .01: r:idekle*Ln a. etuvr s. hyst;ictiiii:F;et I. Ipi s-iese' virs::::_. in,..:, _ 41XeNef:11:17;,; - :e:4:... 4:11.S.,:, .(rez)rd., Niaiit.esir,"..• ,,, Ser,Guienlphil:); -_biedualaPellrelge:egt;:ti:' t Frariee on avoid, echo Thornton , for t.51: as ul -In: ns : , Vulta.14'.::::sot.:InhsprdtetlitilsF.r3TyliteT:hlrinrtet:afi81:-,:di,:l:v. eivill be sere t vskaiithwrreelatt::: furniture to h .7., litew' ':gfant-::i.:..-:11,i.iifia,:t. g.1111::1-:1 .,;-...L.Ars-ere,,,;'-, - eactacm 111. uday niaimbaot:isneeiturissti:irft tar.ne taient actory alsc ,s tree eiv.ho died .4 reavefi ftlm son it; -ural .i.••••••••,...•••••••• -t04. -Wad Teceiverl al that his IF; Wroenter Vilma hat received ( that his st her of 'the., ed. Also Battaii- of Ilemirr overeeaa months -A !AA ernnize.d sels, on when Mt of COarie. of St . verforms The brin /CM of le weddnee sister, ti su with blot sister, by len; Port Ft.* bri-le the Colemrn • As toothsome as the name Deli& long. lasting. The third of the Wrigley trio of refreshing confections - Three of a -Ind Keep them in mind Let Iffekr 4 tor tp aparki to tbit caw ten Arms seoro but 4 MAIM lit CANADA rIEREVER CONFECTIONS ARE 50 -