The Huron Expositor, 1917-01-12, Page 84 r Shait eg values $o and 5for A 'PAIR ahovb special event is made possible through the fact that we vials to clear the broken size as- iortrnents fie our finest footwear. The lot to be on sale includes :-- Iftromenie Lace and Button tlooti, enade of Patent and Vici Kid leath- -mrsi with cloth and kid tops. Some in the new high cut military pat- ter*. As the price of shoe leather is going' up in Sumps you cannot aitake a mistake in securing- a pair eof these fine shoes at the price Of • A PAIR Samples ie our north window. J. .E4 Wtats Quality footekar Opposite Expositor Office, Seaforth a. • TUE MIR_ Odt complete _tha bee .ever visited here and its Orate • nee hereshould be takenifull advents • age. of every cne inthis eemtinunity. -Red Croser-dThe 'following are the report a Of the secretary .and Treasurer of the Seaforth Branch sof jhe Red Cross Society for November and De - Mabee. Secretereis- Report: -- 228 'Suite of pyjamas, 18 flennel shietse_18 hospital night shirts, : nine dresses)* gowns, 1141 pairs socks, 6 pairs . of wristlets. -Edna DeLacey, Secy. -Treasurer's Report: Balance on hand $620.16; rags 40c; Detroittlady $5; donation 70e; 0. friend, $5, a friend $1, MTS. M.Y. McLean, $1; fees, M, rs A. D Sutheeland,f$5; Egmonciville Danticr,mikinots Hieckey.-Seaforth played their firs game in the Northern League at S Marys . on . Tuesday night and prove too ,much for the boys of. the Ston Town, winning out by a score of 7. 4; 6. The ice, was a trifle soft but the game was fast and clean. The follow- ing was the Seaforth linedap: Goal, MeGeocli; right 'defence, Edmonds; left :defence, A. W. Dick; right wing, Sills, left wing, Bain, centre; R. Reid.. e --A. juvenile team played ie friendly *game in Goderieh the same night Mit beanch, $6.50;Winthrop branch $42.61; ' tin boxes $1,50; Curlers $10; Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Croswell, $1; War Auxiliary $140; a- friend $200; two little girls, 25e; books sold $1.50; for prisoners of war fund, $1,50; for prisoner of wa - fund 50c•I/ ...avid Mullen $1; a friend $5; sale' hf White Corm•ade, $2,65; Town Council $100; Young Ladies of Methodist Sunday. School $75; rag -The many friends of, Mr. James rugs, $17; a friend $1.1.2; money boxes Leatherland will regret to learn that 0,58; Winthrop ,branch $15.05; month- he is not enjoying good health at ;re - where he has peppered and now haslk collections, $217.70; total $1487,41; 'rent.--MiSe Cora Geib has returnedto 960 acres of land. He has a fanlibr 6-.FExpendithre-Mrs. Calder $4.20; W. T. Port Perry after spending the holidays six ehildrm all of whom have done 'Hays, $1.10; Hon. James Mason, $50; at the paeental home heree-Mr. C ar- well.--Mr. and Mrs: Lawrence lvfofrate Ildrs. Shade $2.80; Hon* James' Mason, ence Kelly, of the Stratford Post Othee of near Moose Jaw, is vieitidg Mrs. for prisoners of war $10; Hon James staff, spent a few dose here this Week .Moffat's sister, Mrs. Russel Sproat. -e Meson. $360; dry goods, $446,43; Sea- at the home of his mother.- -Mr. L. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis and it to forth News, $2.75. Total, $897,28.- Williams ds in Toronto this week being children of Brandon, Man., are stay -called there owing to the ilnness Jessie Neil Treasurer. ing with Mrs. Davis' parents, Mr. ..and his mother,: -.The amml meeting of Changes in. Railway Service -The! Seaforth Agrici al Society Mrs, Fred Robinson, in Egmonclvill rth ate • • ges in the railway service tiaough- I held in the Carnegie Library Hall Thursday afternoon next, January out nadai ordered by the Railway] Commission by which all overlapping at one o'clock, instead of Friday - passenger trains or ny passenger ser- ternoon as advertisedlast week. i vice that can be d spensed with, are Mr. M. Williams has so far recov from his ,recent illreass to be ableto cancelled, thus releasing a very large •• be about, but is stall confined to his horne.-Miss Jean Greig, of Toronto, •,is a guest at the bane of her uncle, Mr. J. C. Greig. -Mr. and Mrs. Morten, of Moose Jaw, are visiting Mrs. ten's mother, Mrs. Stoddart, in g- rnondville. - Mr. and Mrs. Hill , of Lethbridge are visiting her parents, were. defeated by a. score of 3 to Western Visitors. -Mr. Duncan Me- Pheeters, of Ruraseye Alta., has been staying in our town. for several weeks. He made his headquarters at the Royal Hotel, Mrs. Weir, sr, being an aunt of his. It is 37.years since Mr. McPhee-. ters left here and went to Orangeville and from there to Rutnsay, Alta., dgers, 11 oks, journ inute books, bill book Memorandum books Receipt books Files, binding. cases, indexes pens, ink stands; pencil ink, mucilage paste hompso' n's lloolmtofrie Seatorth ' Window Shaues and Picture teraMes Agent for New Idea Patterns, Former Seaforth Boy Married. -Th fo owing despatch which appeared i -the Toronto Globe on Wednesday las will be of interest to many friends o the groom here, who was a forme Seefortle boy, and a nephew of Mre, T. Curtis, former principal of the Se forth Public School: -"Mabel Oath rbie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McKnight, and John Wilfrid Curtis, o Windsor, formerly of St. Marys, wer i married to -day by Rev. S. McLean, o 1' 11•• Kari" ebliareb. ' The bride* wore white west at 10.45 and the train going east at 5,80 have been cancelled. The 1.20 Mr; and Mrs. John .carter. -Mrs. rjaek, - 0 taffeta, with silver lace trimmings an of Lucknovr, spent several days last veil and orange -blossoms. The .brides- f s maid wes Miss Gertrude Aitken, f - earlier and the- night train about 1_5 train west will arrive 'about one hour week with her sisters, Mrs. John .and of the be en 18, af- red nainber of inen a d vent querittes of rolling stock, which will be available to relieve the freight blockade which has become acute, will come into ef- fect on Sunday next, .1 i,ruary- 14th, The changes as they effect Seaforth are as follows: The mail train going It ones $2 50, Mrs. S. Dkk- 2.50, Mary dare ;1, a -Mend as Jai -limn 41 Jas McKay $1, sympathizer $1, Mrs W. J. McMillan 2.50, Admit Hays $ Edith Campbell 5.,C.141„ $10, A. S. ; Mrs :W. CHM- nungs a, Mrs ()eorge Laidlaw tl, Mrs Wm.. Black $1, Mrs 1. D. Ilinchley $3, William" Hiles $2, J. 1".$5, Rev. Lar- kin $1,a friend $2, F3. Creswell $25, Mrs. Rudolph VA e, friend $1, Mrs. Arch Scott $1, a friend $1, Mrs. A. McLean $1, Misses Grieve $1, a friend 80e, Mrs. Hicks $1, Mrs. Jas, Stewart $1, Miss E. Davidson $1, Mrs. DeLac- eir $5, Miss Cahill $2, Mrs. William Broadfoot 50e; Mrs Robert Willis $1, Dr, Burrows $5, W. II. Tretheway $1, Mrs Twiss $1, Mrs J B Thompson $2, S MeLeari $1. Miss E. Hargan $1, Mesi W. 0 Reid $2, a feend $1, Mrs. M. Y.. McLean $2, Mrs W Edge $2, Stewart Brost, $10, Mrs, Wm. Goven- lock $7, Rev, McKinley $2, Mrs. Robt. Jones $2.50, Miss Leatherland $1, a friend 50c, a friend 25e Mrs, P. Daley 50e, Rev. Brown $3.g4: MTS. Robert Jones $5, Mrs Keating $1, Miss Mc- Leod $1, Mif3S L. Beet. $1, Miss E. A. Leatherland $1; W. R. Sintih $2, Mrs. Harry Scott $2, Mrs. L. Weir.$1. Total: $199.04. VARNA. Public Meeting. -A public meeting of the local board of Agriculture will be held in the town hall on Wednes- day afternoon, January 17th, at two o'clock when F. S. Johnston will give f an address on "Corn in the Silos," and 1 Mr. A. Grob will speak on "Lucerle f and Other. Clovers,", At the same time there will be a vesting in the ['Temperance Hall of the iddemen's, Ins- titute. which will be an interesting one. as a good speaker will give an address In the evening a union meeting will be held in the town hall for which a good programme has been arranged. eetetietetot_ ZURICH. or and Mrs. Theo Foster, of Hamilton, who have been visiting the lattes parents, have gone to De- troit, where they will reside, -Mr. Henry Deiehert, of New Haven, Mich., Mr. R A. Deichert, of Armada, Mich., and Mr. Ni Deichert of Detroit, re- eentry visited at the home of their mother here. -Mr. John Deichert at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Slough at Kitchener, last week. -Pte. M,C. Denomme, a meraber of the 232nd Saskatchewan Tigers, is visiting at the home of his parents, Mr. and MTS. R. N. Derentim.e, of the .Sauble Line. - Mr. David Hartlefb, of Hunter, Alta., is visiting his brother, Mr. Charles Hartleib.-The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William. 0'Brien passed away on Saturday, and the remains were in- terred in the Bronson Line cemetery.- ' Miss. lie Galster, who had charge of ' a millinery store in Tillbury, has re- turned hoieet-Miss Alberta Geiger, of I Mrs. John Gascho. arness or pr [Brantford. The groont was attended Th 10 45 th tr • minutes later. e e am by his brother, Mr. Lloyd Curtis. Theeele , which has • heretofore brought m the • We strongly advise all requiring bride's ve mg sm was o navy e, leasse harness to order now. Owing to broadcloth. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis will the increased cost of leather harness reside in Windsor." lli have to advance in price as soon as our present supply is sold. • New Books.- The following ne daily papers and its removal of ceurse will be an inconvenience to the citi- zens, but will not put there to any each, dieadvantage as it w•ill the peo- ple of the country unless the rural We ean sell_ you a good seiseiceable eboaksthave been received at tlae Publ. c niail carriers will be made wait -for 'Nark harness With Scandinevian ..races Library and were put in circulation op. the noon Mail, wl4ich Most likely will two inches wide with heel chains, back January 2nd: Fiction -- The Death be the case. e removal of ethe 520 hands and good bridle, :less collars. for Ride. Lage; The Wind's Will, Castle; i does not make so much difference as -08.50 Traces guaranteed for three Cieun't Raven, Castle; Malvina of Brit- ifor some thee it has not inade Toront. 3rears or replace& tany, Jerome; Mike, Benson; God's ; c nneetion at Stratford. On the Lon Our standard team harness are ' Child, E'allas; Because It Was Writ- 1 d ne Huron and Bruce,. the morning practically as low in price as any ten, Radziwill; Her Sentinel,- Marcie :t in north and the evening train south catalogued and are immeasurebly sas moot; Julius Le Vallon, Blaclavoode ! ve both been cancelled, which will Non -Fiction -Survivors' Tales of Fam- be a decided inconvenience do the peo- pereor in quality and workmanship. • SINGLE -HARNESS We have splendid values ranging in . price from $18 to $38. We carry a laege line of horse blan- kets, bells, Saskatchewan and Goat , About the Dardanelles, Moseley, ju rases, gloves and mitts, plush rugs, 1 enile-The Cradle Ship, Howes, Prii • sedtieases, trunks and club bags. These cess Marie Jose's Book, Anon; goods were all purchased before the Book of Beautiful Legends, Chandle rise in price and our customers get Valley of Dreams, Cceeper; Miss Quu the benefit. ote, Methley; With Jellico in Mort Sea, Shaw; Book of Pioneer, 'Woo All .About Inventions and Discover Talbot. Amnesty To Deserters Extended.e- A large number of deserters from the Canadian Expeditionary Force gav ihemselves up to the Officer Command ing 1V1ilitary District No. 1, London Ontario, under the amnesty of Hi Excellency, the Governor General! which expired on December 15th, but it was found that all deserters ap- parently had not received word that they should be allowed to return. Therefore, His Excellency has been pleased to extend the aranesty te de- terters of the Canadian Expeditionary Force to the 15th of January, 1917. • All deserters who surrender -them- selves to the Officer Commanding , an Expeditionary Force unit or to a Re-; cruiting Officer oe to the Officer -com- manding this district, on or before that date, will be re -attested and ex- amined. by a medical board, If found-. fit, they will be re -instated and given a fresh start. Every deserter eilio re- joins will, as far as possifile, be sent to the unit or branch of the service '1.e prefers.• ous Crimes, Wood; A Temporary Gen- I plig on that line, more particularly the deman in France, Anon; Royal Mar- , sduth. end of it, as large numbers of riage Market of Europe, Radziwill;The s hool pupils have used this service Austrian Court from Within, z f will; The Anzac Book, Anon; Eighteen- Months in the War Zone, Vinze; Trut oil and clean both single and team harness. roderick s Harness L._ shop Opposite 'emmanerciall Hotel Thinks Suit Cases Club Bans J1F.DALY Jeweler • and , Optician. :fowler Marriage Licenses BEA FORTE• ONT. Columbus made an egg stanct- up on end ----but he spoiled the egg! We can remove from our portraits any temporary facial blemish that may be preventing you from having that photograph made to -day, and we do not spoil the likeness, FELL'S STUDIO MAYOR:KM We wish to thank our customers our customers f o r their patronage cilring the past ar and we take this occasion of wishing them each and all con- tinued prosperity during the com- ing season.• • -r r attendance at the Clinton Collegi- Institute, and they -Will now either fore d to board away from Mimes d Exeter school. OR SALE --Set. light single sleighs, with eFrigas.t.shaftb and. box top, almost n w . A26papilxylt o Xhe Ladies' Aid of the Presbyterian church wil e 10c tea to du. Sunday echool room, on J3,11. 1711 h from 4 t -o 7 o'clock. 'Procpeds .to go towards Rld Cross and Patriotic work, Everybody iikeleome. 250X-1 B e come. TIERS -High-grade MoLaughlin cutters for • - This is your last °trance to procure a genuine Laughlin (n.ittPr, made by The alotoughlin Co., 0 Vivra, You geG veins tor y3th rnone. in the pur- e nee a DioLaugblio cutter. A. M. Cajmuiehtilll, Senf b. , OTICE--Start the NeW Year, 1917, iiglit by rehaging a De Laval ()ream Separator. Is poor policy to continue the use of an inferior Separator. Your cream lessee through using it will soon aniount to enough to purchaee d, De Laval. Single trainees, etc. on hand. A. M. Campbell, Seaforrh. 26131x1 r. Forster of Stratford, eye, ea*, nose owl throat ecialb-t, has reunil d prof:stile and will be at the Qtreen's Hotel, Seeforth, on the third Wedheeday of each month." Office hours II a in. to 8 p.m. 7 2681-tt -rounte accent ti are now d tie and uld respect fully call your 41 tent kin tb the \ hurt hat c' jzirompt eettlenienG earne is propiiriway t ,the new year, and you would oblige, yours . teem. filly, Geo. A. Sills,Ilardware Merchant. Sea - forth - 2600-t SALE ---7 roomed frame bowie with 2 lotff- A p W.H. Raker. Ceotte St., Seaforth. 1.457x4 croft) and Board Wanted bv lady PalInift in pri- vate hi: . Addrtee Zedda, 20 cloven St, tit. Thom- as. 0• 2860x2 VR SALE -1 Buffalo coot and 1 -Buffalo robe for e. Apply to..Davici Mor, Egm9rniville. •21'00x2 Local Briefs. -Miss Bessie Beattie of Prince Albert, Sask., is a guest at • ry.-The fol- the home of Mr. and Mrs. . J Women's War .A.uxilia Walker -Mrs. W. 13 McLean s in Blyth last week enth her dame, ters, lowing is the financial stateraent of the Women's War :auxiliary, sincela,st Mrs Charlesworth and Mrs. Darrow. report: • Balance on hand $221,22; fees i Mrs Darrow left on Wednesday for Wirunpeg.-Mn Robert MeGonigle, 20e, donation from Sunday School , who recently held an auction sale of scholars from collecting papers; etc. $53.78, donation from Primary clew his stock and implements on his farm m Tuckeremith, has enoved into Mrs. Presbyterian Sunday School 64c, do.na- John rSproat's house in Egmondville. times from friends $1.30, donation from -Mr. Thomas Gemmel( and Mr. and Trench Committee $116.23, Miss Til- lotson's concert $4$, goods sold, e2.30 Mrs. dteliert Gemmed, of Moose Jaw, are visiting .at the ha ne of the Misses Total receipts $443.67. • Expendittire- Genimell, in Egernoedvilfe. - Col. Miss Tillotson's share of concert $23.87 Miss Tillotson's expenses, $2.53, exe and Mrs. Alex. Wilson ,are here penses of Miss Tillotson's concert $2, from London -Lieut Arthur McLean who was wounded in Franceiearly last C. L. Williams $3.50, dry goods $6.03, September, and who has since been postage $2.32, Mrs, Neil for yarn, etc. eonvalesting in England, is again back e141.50, Mrs. Willis, for emnforts for returned soldiers, $8, balance $253.94 on the firing line. -4 --Mrs. S. Dining, of Tuckersmith, is spending a few days total $443.67. -Mina J. Finlayson, in town, the guest of Mrs. W. West - Treasurer. The Auxiliary purpose cott-The many friends of Mr.. Dun - sending two pairs of socks a in.onth to the soldiers in the trenches who are l can McMillan wt11 be pleased to learn in need of them And who come from that he is showing -some signs of im- provement from his resent serious ill- Seaforth and vicinity-. This means work for the women but when me ness• Mr. McMillan is one of the old- _ thinks of the conditions under which i est residents of Seaforth and has been the men are fightine no woman, wili ia subscriber of The Expositor for mind doing a little extra knittipg. Mrs.. over 41 years. -Mr. Th mas Consitt, John Beattie; 1Vlain Street, will be glad who recently sold his fine firm in Hay township, has purchased the residence to give yarn to any who will knit. of Miss Jessie Thompson on Sparlieg • street and -will' occupy it in the spring. College on Wheels. -The lAgricult -Miss Ethel' Grieve has returned from tural College on wheels fitted out by ' a visit with friends in Detroit -Miss the officials of the Agricultural Col- i Ruth Van Egmond, of Bracifer Penn - lege, Guelph, which is now touring sylvania, is visiting at the home of Western Ontario, will be in Seaforth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Vara. about Friday, January 26th, under the : Egmond in Egmondville.-Mr. IVIcKin- auspices of the Seaforth. Agricultural eon, of Calgary, is visiting at the home Society, of which Mr. J. McDowell, is of his uncle, Mr. Angus McKinnon, in president and M. Broderick, secretary, •Tuckersmith., Mr. McKinnon reports The tour is in charge of Mr. George exceptionally good crops in nie district A. Putnian, Superintendent of Fez- 'last season. -Mr. and Mrs. T. R. mer's Institutes. There are several Thompson and daughter have return - new features being used this year. ed from a vieit with friend% in 1 h There will be moving pictures to nn- ancitTorontoe-Mr. R. E. riresswell and terest all classes. Seed demonstra- two sisters left on Wednesday for 'dal - ions will play it large part in the ea- ifornia, where they will spend .the ibit showing the 'proper Varieties to hwinter.-The pupils of Miss Mackay's essedfor the various land conditions and ream in the public scheol defeated the pedal attention is being paid also to Seitarate Schbol hockey team in the otaties and corn, and all kinds of rink last Saturday morning by a grain.' Some of the results of soil score of 4-0 -1--Miss Clara Gaetzineyer enalysis, which has been carried on in I, has returned' to Detroit after. spend - various parts of the Province for some iing the holidays with her mother -A time will be used. These samples of .pleaaant gathering met at the home of soil will be exhibited and dentonstral Mr, and _Mrs. James Sproat, in Ege tors will explain their properties, rnondville, re ently, when a number of . , . nd whaicrops anre e isivtafyoro themai.ngee joc-1 d7arts ripIoiees together Sproat'm s.. "cingithfn to spend roper adjustment of lightning rods a social eveninAnd torecallolci time ' i to be shown very carefully. memories. Among those present were Cheese exhibits and .other dairy enter- ie rises will also be given a large place. of Bayfield William Manson D John Nicholsen and Charles Parker, here Will be two cars in the exhibit! MePheetars, John and James Sproat Mrs. James Sproat. -There will e a ten cent tea in aid of the Red Cross, served' by the Ladies' Aid in the Pres- byterian church on Wednesday, Janu- ary 17th, from 4 to 7 o'clock. -Messrs. Clifford Bell, Percy Hoag, Stewart Smillie and Frank Docherty have re- turned to • , Toronto to resume* their studies at the University. -Mr. Tr S. Smith -shipped a car of heavy horses to Montreal by eepress last week, Weir has the ticket for the coat donated by Miss Lukes to the British Navy Relief Fund. -'Lt. -Col. and Mrs. Wilson are leaving London on Satur- day, the 13th inst., for New York 'where they will spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wilson and other members of their family. During their visit the -marriage will take place of their daughter, Margaret Isabel, to ;N2_0 William Addison Holt, of that Mt Rev. Mr. P6weli will occupy the pul- pit in the Presbyterian church on un - day morning •next and the Methodist pulpit, in the_ evening, speaking , en temperance work in the county, while Rev. Mr, Stephenson will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist chdrch in the morning and in the Pres- byterian in the evening, speaking in the interests of the Lard's Day Alli- ance. -Mrs W McLeod has gone to London to spend the wintet inoeths -Mrs. J. S. • Reherts is visiting her daughter, Mrse Norman Henry, in shawa. - rdtireeial Recruiter A. D. 5,u-uheriand been' tired another recruit tim for the 63rd bat ry, Mr. William bit, who reportedefo duty at London I on Monday. The Battery is. rapidly fill- ing up and candidates wishing to joie must Make application at once.'` He is also recruiting for the 149th Bat- talien, which is under command of Lt. - Col "Billie" IlItievicar - rmerly. : of Goderieh, and for a great ape,- years Rai way mail clerk on the 13uffale-God- erie line. - :In the published list of tam e who sueceeded in qualifying ' at the Canadian school of Musketry, in Shorncliffe, England, we notice the mare of Sergt, Chas. R Clark, asi hav- ing qualified with distinction. Seegt. Clark is a member of the 161st Hurons and a son of 1VIr. and Mrs. R. L. Clerk, af this town and was one of Seaforth's most popular young men. -Mrs, John Dodds of London is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs J H Reid ' Belgian Relief Fund. ----The following is the treasurer's report for the local branch of the Belgian Relief Fond, with the list of centributors: Balance on hand Dec. let, 15e, total amatnat private donations $199.04, St Thomas Sunday school $6.65. - Miss Mackay's room public school $3.48, Rev. Mr, Carswell's congregation $86.80; Pres- byterian Sunday School $22, post office box 78c, Dominion Bank 1.59, Bank of Commerce $1.114 total $271.60, ex- penses 57c, remittance. $20Oi balance f on hand $71.08. Anyone wishing to contribute to this fund may do so by leaving their contributions with Mr. A D. Sutherland at the post office or with Mrs. J. B Thompson, the local treasurer. The following is a list of the contributors e-Jno. Beattie $2.1dise Lockie $1, John L. Henderson $1, Mee • garet Finlayson $1, Miss M. E. Allen $1, Wm. Scott $1, Mrs. T. Gemmell $5,. Annie C, Gemmel]. $5, Miss_Jennie Robb $1, Mrs. G. Black $1, J. C. Wood, $1, J.P.M. $1, J. M. Cardno $1, Miss Hut- chinson $1, Mary McNaughton $1., El- izabeth Dayman $-1, Clara 13 McKinley $1, Phillip Harrie $1, Miss Gemmell $2, Helen Gemmel/ $1, H Stewart 25c, A. G. Smillie $2.50, Amai 13. Suther- land $2,50, Wm. C. Sutherland $2.50, ANOTHER I RT H • The Ladies' Cornrnitte9 n charge of the Britisli' Navy Relief Fund have been asked to gii e another ' euchre party in aid of the Wed 0:POSS. There will be one held in Cardno's Opera House WednesdayJan.24 CHISELHURST. Notes. -Mrs. Glen, who resides with her son, on the farm occupied by Mrs Lorne McNaughton on Sunday last had the misfortune to fall, sustaining se- vere injury which necessitated, the calling in of medical aid. It is hoped that she will soon recover -Mr. and Mrs Robert Cole are at present in Stratford -Mr Spriggs, our storekeep- er, is busy these clays selling of his goods, intending in the near future to return to Toronto. -At the annual meeting of the Red Cross Society, the following officers wereeelected: Pres. Mrs. J Vice -Pres, Mrs. Me Lean; Secretary, Miss M. Glen; treas- urer, Mrs. T. Patterson; cutters, Mrs. E. Durnin, Mrs. G. Eyre, Miss McTag- gart, Mrs. G. Dalrymple. Cham- bers, Mrs, Simonds. The cash receipts for 1916 were $246 The work com- pleted for the past year is as fellows: 4 i2 night shirts 76 pairs socks. 60 , towels, 24 sheets, 114..pillow cases, 20 helpless shirts, 46 pyjamas, 10 dozen handkerchiefs, 21 flannellette shirts, 18 night shirts, 19 hospital shirts. Also donations of pillOws,towels, hand- kerchiefs, dried apples; candy.and gum • LEA.DBI1RY. • Note. -Mrs. McNahol, sr., has been • in poor health this winter. With the advent of spring, we trust that she will fully recover. -A little son has come to cheer the home of Henry Brodhagen -The last meeting of Bethel Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. Dun- das. The December meeting was held at the .home of Mrs. J. 3, McGavin both being well attended. --Henry , Thornton, the Leadbury line black- mith has had men enrged snoving)the house which he boug t from Mr. Wm. Kerr. Henry is placing it on hie little lot -It will be in order for our Can- adian people to exercise thrift and a prudent ecpnomy, at least from now until harvelet There is a shortage of five hundred million- bushels of wheat on the American Continent when com- pared with other years and the yield of potatoes was only infraction. of what we have been accustomed to. Yet it will not do to allow anyone to go hun- gry; and the trouble in Europe must • be one of the leading considerations. We must not suffer the humiliation of any peace under. present conditions. With a united effort the war should be terminated this year. BLYTH. Nbtes.--1Vir.Ilarvey Magee, of Au- burn, is taking a course of operating • at the C. P. R. station. He is an old employee of the company only in an- other line of work. -Mr. Clifford King, of Saskatoon, a grandson of Mr. Geo. Kmg of town, is paying a visit in town. He is on his way to Montreal, having enlisted for service in the Imperial Navy. He is a son of Stanley King,1 who formerly resided here -Mr. C.H. f Beese is slowly improving and is able to sit up for an hour or so each day. -Mr. James Moody, of Kitchener is visiting his mother in town at present. -By the reduction of passenger trains on all railroads so that they can be transferred to moving freight, it is expected that one train. of each road running through here will be discon- imued.-Miss Dot Cowan ieft on Fri- day for Orangeville where she has ac- cepted a position as teacher in the Business College theree-Mes.Lane and family, of Medicine Hat, Alta., are at tresent visiting her parents, lidr. and Mrs. E. Watson. -Miss Priteilla Tor- rance, of Goderich Township, visited ! her sister, Mrs. Andrey Sloan during the past week, -Miss Rose McCaugh-1 atmt, Mrs and Mrs. W. F. McCaughey during the week. - Miss Dorothy Tierney returned on Monday to To -1 rento University where she will re -1 some her studies. -Mrs. 3.3. Dick and chidlren have returned to their Mime , in Orangeville, after spendinga week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D.; 1 § 1 of Clinton, visited her uncle FROM 8 TO ax O'CLOCK • All are cordially invited. Bring Tour Baskets as before, 101111111==i Imarouromm A committee of young men have arranged to put Oil an old time dance after the euchre. 0 0 • 0 4 • • uali 4 Are the Only Kind worth while Th4ti, the Kind we Sell WN you buy cheap goods you are taking chan- ces. The only reason some goods are cheap is because they are not worth much. We s 11 nothing that we cannot guarantee ,in ev- ery respec as being good value for the money -J.- We rely upon the satisfaction ow goods give our custom- ers to kee all our old customers and get some new ones also., We buy our goods from those manufacturers whosg. prdducts have won a reputation purely on their merits. When you buy here you take no cnances-the goods are guaranteed both by the!gma.nufacturers and by us. Furs We are right on the threshold of need them most. By all means come and see wha in the FurDepartment. . the timeyou values we offer 411110111111111110•11111M xcellettt- der*ea ushn If there is a woman in Seaforth, or near it,that has need of Muslin Underwear this is a time of orportun- ity to supply nceds at prices that are particularly at- tractive. We cannot do the values justice in an adver- , tisement. Many lines were bought by us at a special price. Our customers will benefit thereby., Ladies' Maustaiim ed. Suits and Coats At prices that make them well worth your most serious consideration We have tted to tell in print from time to time what unusual values we give but the best story is told, b the goods themselves. See - them and then you will know what good gods can; be sold fora most moder- ate outlay on your part. Seeing is believing. Come and see. If you want to know what a lot of real va-ue in mater- ial and workmanship can be crowded into Ladies' Stylish Ready-to-WearAp- parel, and sod at moderate prices, -Come • at once a rid examine and try on some • of the different styles we show. They are in highest favor. 40,40*.e- r FMted . of. Mactat sit 3.7 - 11{1pienamay.....0•111.11.111•161,19911. _Eggs ft anted and ,city sequ we Rea -