The Huron Expositor, 1916-08-04, Page 2. _ .
Should be adopted by anyone desiring
a furnace for next winter . The Iong
days of summer offer better opportun-
ity for installing a furnace, more light,
less bother and this particular year
with prices of stock mounting daily
, ..,
we strongly advise buying now. A 8EAvy ;V.1:. '-.1! --• !
•• • .1 4, It!,.
furnace saves doctor bilis by warming FLANGED, _
alit -the house evenly, vo cold floors, no g'RE POT ,.-----.
sadden chills. We have years of ex-
perience, good mechanics, and full _ --Is
stocks of PEAS, NFW IDEA and e,..see es. e 4
KIR BEN furnaces on band to be sold •
now a the cld prices. `-'''' ss`Ss'' 4,V
L -.,'T....(.'
Bedford Farming Tools,
have a reputation for QUality, neat-
ness and long service. Exam inc out
forks, with selected ha ds, special
temper prongs and ferrul s that .do nor
tear the hand.
Scythes, guaranteed...1
Section Grinders......
Pulley Hooks
Hay Fork Pulleys, •
▪ $1.25
• $5.00
• ,..10c
0 c,' 50c
Special prices on lopg fibre
pure manilla hayfoitk rope
20c per Ib. Cast only
G. A. Sills, Safortivi
Fire Insurance Co.
Headoffiee: Seaforth,Ont.
J. B. McLean, Seatorth, President
J. Connolly, Goderich, Vice -President
Thos. E. Hays, Seaforth, Sec-Treas.
Directors: D. F. McGregor, Seaforth;
S. G. Grieve, Winthrop ; Wm. Rinn,
Seaforth; Sohn Bennewe:s, Dublin; J
Evartp, Beechwood; A. McEwen, r
Brucefield ; J. B. McLean Seaforth;
J. Connolly, Goderich; Robert Ferris,
Agents: Ed. Binchley, Seaforth; W.
Ohesney, Egmondviile; J. W. Yeo,
liolmeeville. Alex Leitch, Clinton;
E. S. Saermuth, Brodhagen.. et=re
Iron Pumps & pump
Repairing I
am prepared to- turnis all kinds, of
Force and Lift Pumps and all sizes
Piping, Pipe Fittings, etc. Galvan-
ised Steel Tanks and Water troughs
Stancheoris and Cattle Basins.
Die Price is Right
Also all kindsof pump repairingdone
on short notice. For terms, etc.,
apply at Pump Factory, Goderich
St„ East, or at residence, North
Main Street)
J. F. Welsh,Seaforth
drarmere or Dairymen requiring But-
ter Wrappers as provided for by the
waV agricultural regulations, can have
late same on the shortest notice at
ka lots of 1,00411 $2.50
lete 1,4 41.711
C. P. R. Time .Table
Guelph and Goderich Branch
Giociericb Lv 7.00 a m 2.30 p m
Auburn ii. 7,26 " 2.66 '
Myth .. 7.37 " 3.07 "
Walton .i 7.60 " 3.19 "
Milverton " 8,24 " 3.61 "
Linwood Jet .11 8.35 * 4.05 "
Kinaira ...... ........._.- ' 9.00 " 4.30 "
Onel,ph 9,36 " 6.05 '4
oronto. Ar. 11.25 " 7.10 1
torouto Lv. 8.20 a. m. 5.10 o
Guelph Ar 10.15 " 7.00
itIcntra ...... 10.45 7.36 "
Linwood Jet t4 11.C5 1- 7.55 "
Millverton 4, 11.25 "
Walton 44 12.58 8.42
Blyth -..s 12.10 " 9.07 •
i.nburn 12.20 9.19 "
oder-Mb 12.45 p. m. 9.45 "
Connections at Linwood for Listowel, Con
motions at auelph Jot. with main line for Gal t
Woodstock, Louden, Detre nd Chicano an , al
immediate linee.
Grand 1runk Railway
Railway Time Table.
Trains leave Seaforth as follows :
10.45 a m For Clinton Goderich Wingharn and
Kincardine. 1:=1
For Clinton and Goderioh
For Clinton, Wingham and Kinoa
For Clinton and Goderich.
For Stratford, Guelph, Tor c nt
Orillaa, North Bay and Points we -
Belleville and Peterboro and point
3 p ei For Stratfora, Guelph,' Totem(' 1-4,
treat and points east.
82 p m For Stratford Guelph and Toron' c
§1,..20- pm
ti- 18 pm
11.03 p m
7 61 a m
1.,ondon, depar 8
*Ingham, arm e
20 4 4C
35 5 40
47 357
6 09
6 16
6 24
0 4"
7 05
7 4t,
Wingtam, depart. 6 85 3 22
Belgrave, 6 50 3 3e
Myth, 7 04 3 48
Londesboro 7 13 3 50
Clinton, 7 33 415
Erticefleid, „..... . . ......... 8 23 4 33
Sims" .. . . ..... ., 831 8 31 4 41
ifeasall, •• • ••• :3 4 IS
Master. I, .
8 51 01
,.... 011.4.1.
tnusais, a -we.. • eor ..... • . . .... ...• 9 931...." z 6 13
3366Ig4,11111'1,0%-...,.,..,..D.,11.0 0D11 , L. t,Lbl
Had Pimp es and
Ales the ttllood gets, bad, bcala
pimples and festering Ores -laze sure ta
break out on the face and body. To get
rid of them the blood 4hotdd_be,clea11ed
by Burdock Blood Bitters.
Mrs. Charles Jewell, Orrville, Ont.,
writes: "I feel It my chityl-to write and
tell you ibaut what
Bitters has done for me.
I had no color at all I
and festering sores on
head ached nearly all
been reading in the
Burdock Blood Bitters
such troubles so I tried a b
it was half done I felt fm
bottle was finished I 'felt
man I tell -all my
advise everyone sufferin
trouble to use B.B.B."
I was so pale
had pimples
face., and my
time. I had
and saw that
'eras good for
ttle and before
, and when the
Me a new *to -
about it, and
g from such
There is only one B.B.B. That is the
genuine, manufacturerrby The T. Mil-
burn Co., I,inaited, oro to, Ont
Lot i aid House
for Sale
The property is,situated on the %yes', side o. north
Main st., Seaforth, Two storey brick house with
stone foundation, cement and brlck cellar, frame
kitchen and woodshed. Larne fraine barn. There
re six lots upon which are twenty' five Lruit trees..
Will sell the house vith one or more kts to sit
rchase r. Apply to
251741 WLAMENT, Sea2ortb
For infounation that viI1 lead to
the discovery or where4bouts of [Ile
person or persons safierine f sIvn
Nervous Debility, DiSeases
Mouth a;2d Threat, 11Se
Special lai'enents, an Ceis r
Corrinikenad. CompleiresVO7;41-
notbe cured at 'Ile
cal InStinete, 2U3-265. Venae
TOrkrint-f1.- (7,:f rdpo:-1C:rr,Ce r.t..• tr.
People moving from one place o an-
other are very subject -to diarrho a on
account of the change of Water, cla- age of
etimate,, change of diet, etc., and w at at
' first appears to be but a Slight loo :eness
of the bowels should neer be neg ected
or some serious bowel 'complain will
be sure to follow. -
Mr. Ernest Jeffery, M
! writesThe:sa,f,eAstfanewdyqircskesat cure for
: stomach and all looseneslis of the
is Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
morbus, cholera infantuxn, pains
hoea, dysentery, colic, cholera,
came out to Canada, I
vest field to work. So:
the water did not agrge
the darrhoea so bad
coming from me, and I
se Jaw,
o, when
ent to th
ehow or
at bl
ought m
days had come. One of the h
hands advised me to t4e Dr. Vo
Extract of Wild Strawberry, and
I had used the bottle I was able to
work again My advice to all is
keep a bottle of this wonderful. d
cure on hand." '
"'Dr. Fowler's" has 11 • on the
for the past seventy' er , and
used in thousands of
during that time, and stave
hear of a case of bowel ....taint
it has not given petfect satisfacti
owels •
SEAFORTH, Felday, Autianat 4th, 1916.
bar -
go to
et to
faelecredualitedThe 1:211thielbroalyonirthon. eitt."Ty .lee.17.
= Woe. Millets-.
In the BOkaats
Tlie rror,al of the Baikan situation,
if it has any t is that am alien king
is la., poor aseet for a 4ountry. It is
the kings, fireit and lain whoi have
rreale, it liraxiible for 'the aliploms
any of the Allies to - bring the,
Balkan, nations into line, with their
owA intertat in. relationto the
Great War.
The Balkan State are all lirCOTtl-
pkte organizations. They can achieve
their racial and. natural :destinies: -
only by co-operatil kogether. Leas
than twekthirds of tne Rourna.niarte
are in, Ricaunanian t ere are three or
four millions in A1.Etr1a.where they
have loag been oppred. Tate
greater part of the rhiaii race 15
also in Austria,. be true Buigazia
would include part of Greece, of
Serbia, ,and. of Tu.r eye The Grecian
ehtmea el .gsta, N-1' or ,are subjected
to the barbanous rule of the Turk.
' Plainly, the nthIe course for
the Balkan State,s to follow would
he to ge,t together ladju,st their ,d1C-S
feren,cee, reearrang their boundaries
OA the ,,n,atural lit 11ntea of race ,dtstrhl
butior land take th :s- opportunity
which this tear , fern, and will
:never recur if it 9 not now seized
of giving effect to their legitimate
apirsatione br j inirig their forces
with those-, Quadruple Enes
temnretpetr. € la
Ainici tre,:ev ,b ched Turkish
will atean the erid of all the aspire, -
bons of, the .12tal ,,State.s. If they
aux vi ate, it will be las i 'Masai S tate s
to Germany. Ger anti aline at con -
!trolling the Tu IcifAh Empire, and,
through it, of ,enf mi. g her will on
the /0161-tartnnedan, or d. ; and it is
est:andel to her pl..n s that there
ishould be betwetn ! the Central
Emelrea hand Tune cy !no independent
:buffer State. If aerthany wins they
"(will tall be flattene ort by the roller
of German. nilits, Lsini and incere )e-
a.tEd if not. in ins.E., ill least in fact
t i
with the Cc -atrial nires.
The people, of t esei nations. have
b-zen freed for • ly :,a, few gener!aa
tions from the; t .nanny of Turklah
rule - they are till crud e ,demo
craele,s, in which he experiment of
aelf-govcrent e ; being slowly
worked oat. Tb4 instinct of the
people in all ths1t n alone has been
right -they felt tat in the victory
of the Entente- P e .s, lay the ' ro,afl
to the lanbievement of their ,aoribi-
bitioas. ut they have not been able
to .give , ffect to their wishes. In
Rourrani in ul aria and la
Greece the palace yJ the Sovereign
!has. been, the v itage greund fro:r
which re-Gerrr diplomacy has
spun ite . wehs. Ii algaria the; rea
t faaal of tha Kl11. •d a, the. Govern -
treat to tanvene P, liameat alon.e
rade. i ! paselb to commit the
I nation. b a. etro e f absolatisea, to
ithe ca.z4 On Gern ny ; vahil in
!Greeze , vbere the Leue an
! fought ey t both i t a maton. A
Parliame ..t the K ng ha', co fa
locected 111 balking the wi
.ctorio.s Germany •
people. The it
la more obscure ,
same influence,s a
The l'EAURIllg
.Balkans as undo
oust; bit these
'issue- o tilts w,a
kaak rts. , , mtstak
march, through t
German ,,army to •
stantinopile ' would
the area Of the. Gi
creatte'..s.Orne. very
'for Great Britain.
be /diECAtliell, one
in Centif 1: .Europ
the Alit t'e in,
tory, IS t111 what it wee' a year raga
-to dilve. the Ge i. .,a, s out of Franc -e
an. Belgium and to carry the. ' ' war
ovdr thei Rhine i to Germany.
fl In
!Lott tine
n, in Roumania
t prenably the
t work there,
uatintet in the
ly !eery serf-,
think that th.
.11, be settled o,
Enaoin the Bat -1
n. At sue easful
o alkans y a
relief of Con,/
;Ai 1 further twideni
ea Wax and would
erkkis prebleras
t tlais war will
- the other,
' task before
r1 Lo achieve vic-i
ysiu•114.11414111 tiU4111141 1411,1/cLit41/
Nf HELa Silt SAM.
Mri, F.
McCurdy is Under'ecre
' tary.or Department of Militia. =
- Thea
pointment cif Mr. F. B. Mc-
Curdy, rbember ler !Shelburne. and
Queens, N.S., as Parliamentary Se-
cretary for the purpoSe of facilitating
the work of the lilitia Department,
has aronsed cons derable interest in
This is the first instance of the
se of the wen kn�lvn Old country
ffide of 'Parham ntary Secretary, in
the adranaistratio sstem of Canada.
lion. • F. P. McC rds' is the Halifax
tanker wbo defeated the Liberal Fie-
, nee Minister, Hen W. S. Fielding,
in the last general election. Although
no of the younner members of the
House -of Commons, Mr, McCurdy's
,usinees efficiency, pntiring energy,
nd systematic arid thorough attren-
'ion'te public matters-haee long "len
i ecogoized by fellnw-taembers on
both sides of_ the liduse., ,
With tbe increase c f the Canadian
orces there has ben al correSpond-
ingly heavy increase in the demands
en both the 'time and energies 6f
the Minster of ,Militia. His (levee
t i 011 to the interests of the force and
ii;5 Metto,bE r has always inapelled Lim
to knoW at first and the condition
Farrau ntling roe V111'10118 units ani
inuF• it is frequently necessary ins:
e F110111d bc,, absent frota Ottawa.
The prescpsce of a Parliamentery
eerenny will e -cure the, advartA,..,".!
1 in 'eont ,nniiy cf service and enstne
ihat the Lusinest and polisy ter -,; a=
tepartment may be earned 1 ale'li,;
aithoue interrup Ji in the abacatce.
if the Minister le. Oorne, one aointeet-
t-- in touch antli the ,perations,af
The Secretary ell1. bi a terenner ef
no Militia Coen -el and in the zn. -
ence of the alist r win it,=,.
Lairman. In ti. at capasity he - an
reside over alid acilniniStor th:'. (1
artment (luring-, 11,e al•FoLc€ i• f `, ;:
kliniSit?r fit 1.-:1 Ot- v.v; 41. ,
The offiee has nate crate: d ft t -d,- •
critinuance of et e trcsent wet es -1
rider the H orde --hires:are:el -‘,.lei al
as been passed t n.ay l -A.-, fide ':•:: z'
nember of (eine • inousce ninh -e.
arliatuentary Sero art= admieSset e -
ng the department in the absent,. e
„be :Minister -it trill !not be riecenre 7y.
-o appoint as, h,O,retiofe're an ;At-,
inister from ;:L.iong itc., rac:7-17., .7
tvf the Governme ,t. 1 The nese e- y
ill act as admiaistrator, bet de
empowered to make any alteratie '..s.
in.the policy of t e depariment wite-
Isut' the authority of tlee.Gov_enner-in-
-1:-7-." etn:',innil
• 1,TO li
Ate /1
ample of
is for ou, Madam!
WHA LUX? It is
" a s ev of unusual
purity inado into the
thinnest of flakes that
readily dissolve in hot
water. It makes a
creamy, foamy lather
that cannot injure the
dainties fabric or the
LUX is a wonderful life
lengthen r of all woollen
and flan el garments. It
absolute] prevents them
from m tting, thickening
or shrin iing m the wash.
Will ou let us send
you sample, free?
Address UX Dept., Lever
Brothers Limited, Toronto.
All g
veers 1 0,
UX L's 11
• ,1;4•.'
%.,-.‘t • Z
4 ; 3
te •
• .44
V ۥ
In e many
th se servie
ra neration
frees MoaiS. Galt and Laporte.
In the year or more which has
elapsed since the new board was ap-
e = 1 a 116143t amount of infricate
fp exacting work has been done.
Pr madly the duties of Mr. ICeanp's
group has been the buying of sup-
plis for the outfitting of the Cana -
ailm n's clothes, these alone have re
L' -i i Vxte(1tioftzy Sam. uniforms
ce titutid me of the principal
ite II, aad at $10 apiece for the
(1. red contracts amounting to $2,-
000,000. The awarding- of the eon
shed garments has required a
and the examination of the
ong farce of inpeotors. Boots
re another item of importance,
cially aftethe trouble created
st ontractors in the early
Ys of the wr. The War Purehas-
Commissiis. has provided for a
w style of boot and has rigidly
pervised its manufacture. Belts,
eaa, tenn, blankets, utensils, in
fact everything but munitions, fell
thin the field of this powerful
dy, and the moat minute care has
been exercised to seethat the sup-
plies are not only the best but de-
ltvered at a business man's price.
Hon. Albert Edward Kemp is a
native of Clarenceville, Que., and is
fifty-eight yets of age. He is a son
of Robert Ke p, a farmer and coun-
try merchant He received his early
education in Clarenceville, and later
studied at Lacolle Academy. His
start in business was as a bookkeep-
r, but he son showed a distaste for
ork4n.g for another man and went
to manufacturing. He is now pre-
ident of the Sheet Metal Products
ino. of Canada, and one of the Do -
1iinions' wealthiest captains of i -
ustry. After establishing his own
usiness, Mr. Kemp went into finan.-
1a1 concerns and has held several
irectorships. In. 1895 be entered
ublic life, devoting himself to na-
onal interests as president of the
anadian-Manufacturers' Association
or two years: He was delegate to
he British association in Bristol in
1898 and to the fourth congress of
Fne. Chambers of Commerce of the
mpire in London in 1900. It was
'. the latter year that he went into
ties, winning a seat 171
( the Com -
ons for East Toronto. He was re-
elected in 1904 and again in 1911.
Witil the formation of the Borden
Administranion he was given a place
in the Cabinet without portfolio. In
his capacity of Cabinet Minister his
business aperience and organizing
ability have been a tower of strength
to the Government.
In these days when so many per-
sons are only too ready to shout
"Scandal," the best word which can
be said of the War purchasing C-om-
mission Hee in the fact that so little
is known throughout the country of
its huge and widespread activities.
Mr. Kemp has made it a business-
man's board.
ncil, to wnom he -neport g tbrougn
Prime Minister.
r. McCur y is gining his services
out saiaijy or emolument of any
eneral Sir Sam Hughes left the
days ago for Montreal,
improbable that hewill
ce to England to com-
ital a fee
It is not
rn at o
e tbe work begun by him In the
ng and i terrutped by the Kyte
ges and heir investigation.
n. A. E.
Kemp to get
ood for Loyal and
remunerated Services
approval was evinced
oughout the Dominion a
days ago when it was
ounced from Ottawa
t kn.5.sthood would be
fereed atian early date upon Hon.
E. Kemp of Toronto and upon M.
J. Galt and Mr. Hormidas Laporte,
colleagues, on the Canadian War
reheating lJommlssion. For over a
r now Mr. Kemp has filled the
ting pos
n of a lo
ional cris
t the ou
chase of the .immense quantities
f of chairman of a little
hose purchases have run
illions of dollars. For
s he has received no re -
other than the satisfac-
yal work in a time of
tbreak of the war the
of equipmen,t for the expeditionary
force was in the hands of the Depart-
ment of Willa and Defence. The
machinery of that department, ade-
quate enough in times of peace, was
neverintended for the strain put
upon it. So, in larder to set the
Militia Department free to attend to
other thing, a Cabinet committee,
p esided over by Hon. Robert Rogers,
assumed the task of purchasing sup-
pLes. In order, however, to place
the whole urehasing activity of the
Government beyond any imputation
of partisanship it was determined to
put it in the hands of a body of ex-
perienced business men who would
be free to
the country
etosen as
ston. sad
o the best they could for
Hon. Mr. Kemp was
ead' of the new commis -
:Was given as his con-
ATTGUsrr 4,, 1.916
One year s sales of Comfort
Soap me.ars encunh soap to
build a. wall es feet high and
29 miles long. Thnk of it!
Enough to completely stirs
THE likatetagfe
Ontario Is Going Definitely
Work of Refining ltiletal.
It looks as though thoee who
carrying on the nickel controverene
in Ontario at the present time will
-soon get don to the "You're an-
other" basis if the "blitherin'," raa
the Scotchnian calls it, continuca
much longr. There does - sttni
something futile in. the campaien e!
those who are endeavoring to dnsturt
conditions jnst now by declariug that
Canadian nickel is going to Germs:an'
and the Government should foi.;,'_•,-
wth stop the export of nickel. Sut-
10 SO for a Moment this was de-,
what would be the result.: Ereland
would rail'he able to secure
tial supply from the .Mond
Co., which refines from Oniteno or -
in Wales. France has her creel nn:-.;
in New Caledonia, but the; built of the
d be stopped becanze Cu-
es something over • 80 per
nickel of the 'world. Now
enport of Ontario nickel
la '-that Great Britain,
.and Italy would run
ckel for munitions at a
Fooled the Admiral.
Shimose, the high explosive which
theRussians are believed to be using
in Austria,; is the pecret of the Jap-
anese. For years the Germans have
endeavored to obtain the formula.
On one occasion a G-erman command-
er while dn a State visit with his
squadron *as very courteously shown
a sample,
The commander, when he thought
he was not obseved, grabbed as
much as he could conveniently hide
in his hand, and having no other
place to pit it without exciting sus-
picion, ralmed it loose into the tail
pocket of a is gorgeous frock coat,
afterwards wiping his hand on the
seat of hi S trousers. Within a few
hours the sample was in the hands
of the Gorman Minister accredited
to Japan.
Later the tails of his coat turned
yellow ancotted, as did the seat of
his dre,sa t users, whilst some weeks
later he received a despatch inquir-
ing in the best official German what
the blazes he meant by trying to pull
the leg of the Wilhelmstrasse author
ities, as the sample of Shimose wa,s
composed 01 harmless materials col-
ored by a ittle mustard and satur-
ated = with concentrated nitric acid!
The Japs are a clever race.
Goo Digestion
Soorce of Health
'1 I • I
When tIe Stomach is Out of
Order the Whole System
Indigest on is one of the most dis-
tressing maladies afflicting mankind.
When the stomach is unable to per.
form the Work nature calls for, the re?
suit is severe pains after eating. nau-
sea, heartburn, fluttering of the heart,
sick headahe,and often a loathing for
food, though the sufferer is really half
starved. people with poor digestion,
too, frequently try all sorts of experi-
ments to aid the process of digestion,
but there is only one way in which the
trouble cap actually be curd, that is
through the blood. That is why the
tonic treatment with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills cures even the most obstin-
ate cases of indigestion. They make
rich. red blood that strengthens the
stomach adid the nerves, thus enabling
it to do its! work. The process is sim-
ple, but the result means good appetite
and increased health and pleasure in
life; In lproof of these statements,
Mrs. Albert Hall, Sonya, Ont., says:
I have uSed Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
with'wonerful results. For two years
I was a great sufferer from indigestion
which alrnost made me as physical
wreck. At times my sufferings were
so great that I was unable to attend
to my houSehold duties. I had smoth-
ering spells at times and was afraid to
lie down to rest. After every ineal,no
matter how sparingly I ate, I suffered
great distress. I tried several doctors
but their medicine was of no avail.
I saw pr. Williams' Pink Pills adver- t
tised to cure this trouble and decided
to try them. I had not been taking
them long when 1 felt somewhat im-
proved. This improvement continued
and after taking ten boxes I could eat
tanci digest all kinds of food and felt
better than I had done for years. You
may be sure I am very grateful for
the wonderful relief these pills have
given me. I know they are also a
cure for anaemic sufferers, as an in-
tmaate friend of mine was badly af-
fected with this trouble and after tak-
ing several boxes, she was entirely
You can get these pills througe any
dealer in medecin or by mail, post
paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for
2.50 from The Dr Williams' Medicihe
Co., Brockville, Ont,
supply wou
tario provi
cent. of the
to stop the
would me
France. lin
short of n'
time when the factories were speed -
maximum effi.ciency and
ffensive on all fronts was
in fulfilnaent of the pro
mg toward
the great
mise S that have been made by mili-
tary leadeits for almost two years
We are told that no nickel from
Ontario is being sold to the Germ.ane
and that 4gent8 'froth Great Britain
are checking the shdpraents from
Sudbury and from the refineries in
New Jerse. There is jut this much
further tri add. Hon, G. Howard
Ferguson, Minister of Lands, For-
ests. and Mines in Ontario has made
tne statement: -we aregoing re re4
fine nickel in Ontario and we are go.
Ing to get our ehare of the proal
from the nickel industry. Next yam
you will see great activity as the
suit of the Nickel Commissio's
to1ci the company from
start," added Mr. Ferrusia, "
I could evolve a process for
nickel they would have to come
and rattle their nickl. 1 thi4
have now found a process, and
can bank on it that Ontario
is going to be refined in Ontsrlof
In Nova Seat*, and the time in
very far distant either."
Now about the talk of
nickel going to Germay,
gin/stases 'comments "ft
nickel is getting to Gerruway
must they send a submarine o
try and pick up twenty -live
tons of nickel." The fact was
British secret service agents
tracing every pound of backel
from, Ontario until it reached ita
mate destination. To stop th;
port neriv whert no plant was
able in Ontario for reArirg would
fatal to the allied cause. It
take twc or three years to erect
equip a refining plant under the
favorable cireurestances.
Big Gins.
• The huge 15in. and 13.5 guns witit
which the latest Dritish type of hat.,
tleships are equipped are bandied b -X
-the naval men almost as quiekiy an
easily as would be a revol-ver, ai
-though the 13.5 fli : a monreer shall
of 1,250 w-ight,
ilus a h1I ofnel.;- a 1f14
• CAA!
ormic:Aar and term: R. Warner,M. A.,D.D., Alma College, SThoreas, On.
You can feed the lire with utmost ease owing to the
generous double feed doors -no sct-taring of fuel and
room tsa insert bt chunks of wood.
rrtzt.7,7 ferr.,,r2r,
If y u have five or ten minutes to spare come in and ni
show ou the other advantages of this splendid furnace.
Sold by Henry Edge
6 6
Mde to Measure'
Suits sand
T HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambitim
give our customers the best possible satisfactii.,
in the tailoring business. Our suits 4nd overcoe
are made in a high-clas. careful manner. They ha
ear ed their reputation from the way they are tail(); '
as ell as from the pure materials from which they
ma e. The quality has always 'ben aprime factcr
our taioring, and always will be. ,
In spite of the fact that owing to the war, Br
woo 'lens have advanced greatly in price and tailors all over
ada have been compelled toraiseprices, we will continue to
wor hy made to measure clothes at a price that is withie
ran e of every man.
-and we never had a finer range of Sprihef and
mer materials. Distinctive patterns and shades of tich, fast L,
ing$1, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young
middle aged men and old men. It does not matter whethe;
are p. style enthusiast or just appreciate quality, tailoring
value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come ii.
exannine these new materials.
Let Us Be 1 OUR lailors
" -
Bright S
TT T 4,
Tamers will do we
DOIllinene Bank for
A%eeesinent Appeal. - 11
Ousige Dickson. 11,-44. his first-
w-ingha,rn on Wesdnesday afte
et week, wlien. .zveral
tainet the gii8-25E,Trient wr
twith the following result e
rotate appealed againet thi
rent on :several tot. On
the iaxeaament was reduced.
oh to Z75 land on tem lots
$60. W. D. VarnY's
OvAt was reduced from ILE
C. rarabasn,5 aeseseraeat
tots w5 reiduc,a41 from 4,rs'e
aludgment was reearvea Cfn
liasn's appeal on. busanes
e Takes The Veil, -The, Cat
ver,sE, publiqzhed In Clavelan
recent iseue rsparted
0.8 Slaters of Charity of lift
Wins at the ehpeal of St.
Orphanage in that city. A:
Who reef ived _the habit o4'
naer was jiES Elizab:th
-,laaaghtr of Sfra. John NT'
SA -gar.. Miss Nhholson is -
young lady frem St. 13rigrin
Legan,0 r._c_iee t 1.
the tntered Dr. Beath; n*i•
a1ta.1 in CiaInI twa Sa
train for a nurse:.
bighly recosnre:ndai for h
Christian charrict r_ arin
friends in this cammunity
pleased to learn h
inTicholeon rectiv.4 h rteeri
tion in the 11112 cheol
tnunnok, with Mi I3 rtie
As her tachr.
July We del in glrri
. -°.epsr et t y
•uwre,..4sayso,11 jraunl.2,1...z2)2fir :ie. lgh
Mr. and :qrs. J-!..Thn Wee..,er
townhip. whi n Ihele this -
Florence Ethl, bseiene ill
Melville Williares of Wing!
brict. 3,v);a "Wa-giv. 1,
'w4aghits.d.'" ulcill.7-sfistallrjn.. .3.Nriv-;
Neil caeigh.t up in Julien
carried a bouqet of white
bike of th! Talley, and
jewel worn waz. 3. balti
Levalliere, the gift of th.
bridal couple twii.• Sheir
fore an altar banki. witla
Illik 9. oh: ngrin' ,.. rrie ilE
played by Mi: P s....z! • NV I
of thk- brid•_=,.. ini --1111,
VA3...3 being ,,ign•gl, Mrs.
Watson, of Ch 1th : •'.. a!,
Days." Tie.- ;-rvi-,.. --,1
can church w..1-3 c..-.Atia.rt!
Dellawki: ;.1 .f Myth. 4,,...
Er.c. of th.... ir.r ttllii,
bride 2ered grom. elle an
liaerte 1: ft oa th aftkTni
... from Bru.5I.4 f)r Teron
and peirte =,ou11. Th' br
ling euit we, Edilli ril
white hit. ft r their
4111d Mrs. Vvrilli 3.°I1 7 Wiil
V7inglil.m. A 1.viii oirel.
wish th. your,g cd
prcipi raw, !:•,-.. 3.1.17.
MTlitarheollrl s,
3/44tirsjuie..".=fet.Erline nwblut.
the horsee becamv
feinder was era-al4 tee pi
tiof13w:gtahhe:e:iihdoi, irlyseaalivnbbe,td..1.bri:lcauv,tlil trilz
Township, got hi- I fL11-
the chute oe" tb. .-i bi
the totes; basins; s-ra 121,7
wa.Fs. iticking thrr.a .
swreithrudrI%dciato, tbNi.,1.. ft -,11;21
uird. ,t ight et itch ,e,.
Wood ;Willow Grove il
tmloading hay. get a
(the trip rope br ,!k .
(wards off the. leeei
fior, striking On Lai
ho -aide r s ,eaus in g conc.1
brain and severe arnis,
tyrKomiiii:d_ingir;0 (IA:: ,::...1--nS , 1
action. S: red- Ies- la
Mr. and. Mr. P. -.,;:-.r
theyt hfcga ar fti.t
i.,:morfoc.. hua•iozgins1
:i,.. .7:: :
the first contingsnt,
two y-:. iri. St r'br . P:11
, • tiler in Nlit-Loi. t: Ing
1. ate:oin Butir.
Eutl€rL11'1- rr...:f_it
11t1r ;pnt : 1 -
ar14 was twenty'-fattr
The local roll of ho
W upcav-e;to
ovling th .41: Mit.
A Lucky Fiiei-Exeter
b131..svuic:ks219:110aeceixttlipft:airtrilenir.19risc'5e: ..rioi ff;:;
of the London Road.
test wieek. At tli•-.
the local papers ilud.
Ed WIth no word of i
er09,2•111$ a field just
•Igoralllethlrfi!. frwa, wncey-.