The Huron Expositor, 1916-06-30, Page 4- TOR FUNE Narier :ADVERTISEMENT 5 taaa • AttmetiveDresses-Stewart Dree.---S - Menet Elnitteig Clothing 004-1 , Stapl_e Dty Maecavien -s 4)OrbiniOn DayliCham-W. Wanted .. -W. Southgate -4 * ic:Campbell-4 • -Now le the Thne--.J. B.-hlusterd-g Outing Petty-Alompson'a-S - 0-eMdeC.Oonuneree-a Dominion Day„.15Ingle Fare -14 Illeigpielalistet Baal -S - Lawn Party--Ignmende8De ieeolleenvetiaretee, NetipetoOredltorilladman and Stanhury-6 anCe of fe Caveat, De the. Alta - Well 'thef thorde the teiry The until Ste Itte! if servks 1410* the C4 v ee 'Boer (i75 A.824)e who tera .domo /a1Thdi l(gIR 4uran Ewattor •••••••••••••••••••••••••=01•0 MAFGRTII, FRIDAY, Jane 30, 191a, ilita War Situatitm Thiel l'alertnan, esleaults o :Verdun dur- ing thee earIsliart of theweek werc ahaetInued With unabated and df a:rose edhle, intensified fary. Setae of these otagaaelltihifeere 3t. a meaaure succese- M the' Germans getting Perliously. inhaeheale key of the French positions. 1e French, bewever, have been Able. • rea*tiain their bold and by co.m- ter -Afticks have even regained some kilieliedatait territory. The heavy are 1:111e:ry hombardreent recently pome enented end maintained, by thea.43rItieh against the Gertnp poeitions pppsoite the British lines leas undoubtedly! 13ValtlY aided the French as the kklana,ns have not now the available mete and material to maintain la serer Ions offensive at more than • one iaol nit at a eietne. The.se lest Venda/cafe tacks have been L1Ie fieroest since the offenelve commenced, but like the lathers, faithough they did Attain some success, in. the ends they are bound ta fail, and -a. failure which car - with it thousands and thousands Of her best troops. * On, Cthe Eastern front the Ras - Stens titre still ad,vancing, rnot even German reinforcements being able to ohm the eaccessful atrolops of the Czar. They have alreadY driven the Austrians into the earPathiart mOurt-: S13.0, Old if they pan continue the ade viance, and suth a. thing looks very much' like', a' foeegone canclu,slart,; they Nall foon„ be •on the 'great Traney14 'melon plains, whoee capture, with 'their lege grain crops, would be a sta.ggeringf)lostr to Austria, I, as it Watald crea. ate ..f cod shortage that thee" aviceal4 aitaie no means ofimeeting On eatite lines being held by the Permans 44 story is the t same. They give 4:130 RUasiAns a little More trouble, but. 0.1e latter' sadvance alone the leas 130re and stesx1y,SInbe the comf6LJ ;Of 'their faidvente .the RuaSian- •.2fk000 German and Auea eraia, . frotee fortpne agein rnr the armee the enemy a acasierywhere ',laving -bean forced t to ialve -way, The Italian, array 'woad not he td,erjed ideSpite the most desperre Itgeagotage04 Tthlis CiOnibinta4 Rulasien, Italian and „aerliiegef, offensive whieeeis now leader •vilaor elexil* to ieetifY the belief that tee great Allied, drive eo long looke esti for ape, =Tr commenced. Amid that trails aaf the year `11;ifi been reach- eepla If t tteemm,- Germ.a„ny wul to 444= VerdUn,' where tens of bear best lie eaten, "1/4174A -y4lJ bertet the defensive( At all ettdiaW And will bekneed to snake lier :ease stand against the iron arms eurrounding her. Canacla's New Governor Genera The eamouncement wtas rece1ved-13 'Qttaaata, on, Monday, from London that the .Duke of Devonshire will succe2d -R. H. ,the Puke of Connaught{ as Clovernor-Genenee of Canada. The new GovernoreGeneral will ar- rive ari Caned,a, under the usual ar-i relgementslii October, passing the outgoing Governor at eea.. He as alea Scribed (a.s a lman of, 'unusually peas - ng personality, and he coe o a beast which has given ea British hise tory nmelY important Zgerah VictoT Christian William Caren-) dish, ninth Dike of Devonshire, (created 1694), G. C. V. 0., P. C., L.L.D., w,a(3 born. May 31,•1868. He was in Parliament as a Ltb,ereleTenionist for Derbyshire, 1891-1908 Secretary, of His Majesty's HOusehold, 1900-03; Financial Secretaryt to the Treaeury, 190345; es LorclaLteutenant of Derby- shire, preSident of the territorial forces of Derby, .and. Chancellor of Leeds University: Last year he was appointed as Civil Lord 'of the Ade raltaltyi married, in 1892, Lady r Evelyn Emily Mary Fitzmaurioe, daughter to tbe• Merquis of Lansdowne. (forin.er Governoreeleneral pf Capecta.), and there are. two sons land five d,augh- item The iDu.ke wa's edueated on and Trinity College,. Cambridge. His estates Aggregate about 186,000 acres, with m1ner,a1 ProPertiesin T-lanc2'-' etare and Derbyshire- He has tame oils picture galleries- at Chatsworth .Hardevick And Devont*eatae \House, elm 0, library ands stable gallery' at Cha,tatworth, tke Die*chitilre ducal family tore, emated in, the 12th centturTa In 1556 gthe earkloan devolved, on the Owen - dial *Seiler, e-nd en 1694 th€ fotue h 'Tee 1uro4 LI Iti Ceariirfte day • afte fine eat e feerme Itn fi iitkjl -111. i'Dise .. • e (1.0a-ligh ,Mad eatli ! Who .aerteiaitet Gainshorteigh At s land. Elizabeth *Duches bf Gihhee had of IS " tisane Emire," and mysterioue her portrait by 1,0,a/sage bS strange r COvCry • eherter of a cen- Duke or pee, llire stathemen -*frdela 1863 In 419,08.• Duke end Due-1'46as .ot been1;of ',great*sista - d Cru8s in. th.4 *ski HouRe was, recently thiet organization. wievik-it 1a usua?. .fg at differ Sat mun the- ricl4ng •wer cellen Vie Elliot a' 'Pa Mr. et,an Mr. for 'E -donte the Opposi lie fat princi Wilfr t tzeo exeressi Paler in lon k irs tg,4 and Pet Lauri' mirime Pa liam wee/neat ,approv following P-3 fic risuin ,ye McK11114p; t s ee r : Kerr, Cline= ; Karin l. rn ea, Be ;Maine ,.J., D. II reteryi J,antea treasurer, Go Liberals etinie 'of the edinaltle Aitsociatioe wee held '1Ssietortb, ozToes-e the blaggt4 Iche..na•e°wilegi,ng lab up miuch, delayed. fthee .waig ;04- rthe nee, a1thea/10 the Ilaalitits :,(th.reidghout well representedExat were given for.: Weet Middlesex, the- Liberal foe -South Huren tend • Liberal tacenleee R,aseluti-ons Woie hearty appreeral, of which'iNa W. Rib -Well, r, Is infieencine.'1 sebe atateping Lieiera,1 the statate 's :coarse.. in,.•/tale De- nt Aso, received, 1-0e I of . th e meeti/. The were, elected or the resident, at Merdle losepreeiglent, J41 L. 2n4 .vide -president,: ,N. mlfler;; 3rd vleelepreg- ncbleye Seaforthi eeee .; Godeti.ieh; Young, Carlow. I e St. elev's lefti jelelee of St took +ce. here largely 'often clottaig for Prly Mr. Haegeee. firs Ir. 18661 way:Ti- the fbeeiks" 01 t have been Dreg serrjoas Slies Prof. Sia.ve of He spoke to and t the righ came tiumbers titf twate One, of miynie lever hear' Rev. Mr. Pere, was also presen LucknoW. ahe alternoo ject, "How to Seeceal ;music w cboCr, splos by Rata Se BLS s c was conducted traening with Londone The co Gus. ingham b arch 50th Annevare th anniversary I Hee' fdrewts.church, terhien. last "SandaY, Was , several . eh Oen: s go .of attendiegeltiev. pastor of winghams, hech:arch stoouid up")f txaaam4wto nt, bat because !of unable to. attend.' (vont° tee& ISSOlatee' extent.* the Near eousnese of- Beiteltes who besiad htm saad e (most eloquent see -4 an. thIS commaitiltyq aetor of the clOreb, R. D. Cameron, of the 'Sunday .sthavti , bald)* as his '4t.) -f. a. Good Canate rt." •.rearlered by Miss .Oo1w1l Mre urrie, and. the Muele : Prof, Colwell, new ea= 161st battalion In ct:enls .wete gen: r. a 1 , M Killop The wel4nown eye (Mallet, Mr. Eiuhaon Will be at Beate' Variqty tore. 2. eaforth, on W nee. - day and Tbnreday, q-uly 5th and otn. 26 8-1 axle WcrJd1ng. A quiet wedding Was s mnizecj 1 the Methodist 'pax soilage, lExeter, Wednesday, June 28th, w n Miss lossie -Francis, billy c1a.ug1itr of Mr and 1 Mrs. R. f H. Fro.aciS, of Tha i s .Renid, was otaie ried ito ber Hee d lee Lawrence, f of McKillop, .19011 'of Mrs. Jams Levee rence, elf that wnshipee The .cere- moeT w3�,esefe! medf he* P4314M,r.: MUXWOrrrIPY, .of J -fs 'Street Mcto- dlst church, Exeter. Tbe bride wore a beAutitful gown of Weiteh taffeta with ,tl* traditi I yell , and oreege blossoms Me b ide was unattended ancl'weell given a ay tbyaber lethal', After tile marria e cereinciny a •Wed. ding breakfast - as served at , the bride's home wh cb was exquisitely' decOrted with a I:Talus/On of Jlti:ae flowers. The bri, e received trianY ..i.seful land hand erne gifts. Late/ - Mr. alnd , Mrs. La renee !left; for To- ronto and points east, After welch tany, 'Neill ret urn a :the groom's fm Jr. McKillop. -Thei many friends ex. tend to Mr and Mrs. Lawrence hea ti4- est congratulation -and, best weal es for A Icaag ands appy married lite. Ex ter. Notes.-4Mes..3rs. 1. G. Seldon, J. A; Stewart, IC. fl. Snell and R. N.Creach taking part in the t there in Scotch and Mr. Creech trophy .which they ecoratIon Day Was when the SAdda odgeemet • at ,che, ated the graves- of thran.-Mr. Josepfi were an :Itionalori, bowling .tourna,me doubles. Mr. Snel w511 ideaerad the iwara last, year.- obeerved• on Sund 'fellows oe Exeter cemetery land deco their derted br Keys, who has resided -with his qis- ter, Mrs ;William rlckwood, for he past-rouple of yea , .has retu`ened, to the 'Stat.*, where he will rt,sume hlt. duti'es as a rail ay engineer.-R0v. Gordon Ltt, for ierly 1 GentraiRa, and w11. known ere, was recently married to Mis Nellie Young at • Barnby. -Miss Ve.r Esaeete of loWn, Mrs Jate44 Oke a d Mies °ke' i3f Centralia, Were in Londdn, aetene, urig the 'Amer I of the late Mrs. Donald Fraser, o' 'St. Tho as. 11-irs„Fraser fo-rmerlyy lived at Centrella and 10.r maidet, re ree , was Pearl' Cobleige.- Rev. [VT C.F 11. McAl *ere 'who severe.; his conne 'ion as pastor of Jam e, street cb h a. eduple of vreelc preached I1S fare ell serm-on le t Sunday v ing.-ffr J. Willts Powe4l has Igen() 1 Orange, N .J.,fato attend eonventtonI 01 the =mi6on Corapa:ny.e- Mrs had the mi5fer_ tune to fa and Ir tare a, reb.-Mie william R11nsaim unces the ene gagement liis dau liter, Ethel Maud ta .Mr.Vir4111 , of Mr: (a Mrs. W. F= May, of ifitehell.-Mr. .Brickwoed and i11y have:moved( London.haWord w received o Sunday, by, Edward. Treble, Exeter that hieso, Leance op. I.Y. Treble f erlyeefe, the ear& le &Italian* a afficially frAtdiatexl rata' adanitted, . • he County of London :ever alesee rtglaxiel, eeeerely wound ' 4 _ ,.......,,„..... * . . prucelield d Orders Parcel Acknowledged. * time Aga WW1- onekof the s t of Rede Croas, euXilleg i if cefield. Miss leery Glbson enc aid a. box of I Weed Articles. for in charge .of the, . ! 110813 re elle afoods were delivereda k Mies Gibson received a, .Mise C.! Margaret` Here, sl barge- df No. SeCanedian gOS muck, who was the lucky lade ive eke r cel, ths,nking her . land stating :that *they g jthe autpplles end found the c lient -She*. : • N tee. -On Sabbath last- i patr/ r ices .were held •In. (Me. Presby are oharch when a irlolliof .honorac at. ing, 'the nannee of ittioaetwho h to save their king and co we's eaveiled. Mrs. McQueen r:. Roderick 4161Cienzie two of ot ers whoge' soap have gone • le, unveiled the roll ;Rev. IN pre,aehed a , splendid patri on, arg/ng all to be i'lle he h sever their lee was cast en ay,„afteropon, - Mr. DeWitt C ns preaehed his farewell sermon be iMethcdjst .charoh. He has ba ge eif the .- congregation 11 A Year, during which he Mach good for the Mester. r e- -congregation ' met to hear ar well words, He pre,acbed ef er miab, 12 and 5th verge. The c ng hymn, °Mist be -Ithe Tie It - ," WaS sang by 'the oengr ion, Nivillo wag sorry to pare be young divine. -Miss Ca.ssie ur el is viefiting her, laeint,-. hornpson, of Chioago. —Miss .14 e titan, of Egmondville, Is the go f I1ss Margaret Ross -Rev. E. ii. „ters, formerly of . our villa As 'moved to Watford, whereahe reside. -Dr. A.riastrong, of T or erly of oar village, ira visiting .‘rle ds in oui initiate She, are la to weettorne hine-M hes 'oeen teaching er village, has resigae on are sorry to part iss. McClare is the g an IA Imo.- r. Willie ta ley, who is rettaildl .ad!t raped last Week, Mr. Edge, ea th, has charge, of the. cern , lend Mr Pani Bog , of, Br u a its 'doing the frame work - wan is visiting: rale Ives in .-Miss .A. ice Ratter) ury Is her brother. Joho •ttenbury, a,miltoe.-The Sanday f -the- Presbeterlan ch el/ ,On Wednesday ilex Stanley Red Cross a. lawneetsoeffel , with 113aind, in attendan •ome, of Mr. Taylor, of , nc esion, Stanley, on ing,. Jaly 4th. $ ' ip- o e• ast oat ter -to for ere ila tic er- n. ve nap nd the 'to tic On. • In for as A. om a- IA.h c - TS. sie est 11. go. 111 r,a, Id s cktmrib 11, ischool n ar . The 8 with ,he t of es. R0(58, 01:1 g his ha n, of nt ea; rs. o ts- in hool ipic te rch will be to Bayfie d. Society 111 the; Clint d e, at the he eeco aeediay Rills Green Strawberry' Social. - dell 'under the auspices men Red, Cross Sotiety hereleon the evening of( d. j Peente of ice ereie 110 sies (besides a good 11 - provided. 'Phis wi _the Season aaid a e t / .111 most deserving, one, there ( el re Itto be a, large abdance.' T1. Late -Mrs Worktre, . - T e ,c ur h, home end cornmu Ay sustal a heavy latiS when. ;An Elezabe h • P Hoek,. the beloved Wife of Mr. 3 s: M ;Workmen, peeyeed qu'le ly away n ✓ t 6th year on, Satu I. y, Ju, e 3rd. In. her home life, t sere *; w ifest in Its best sense, a Sehristi n hi ei where her "Influenc was su li ta . t her husband and fa ily call h r bl Steed. With her bright, SUnTly di PC dim, iher courtesy and kindlines her tat anal warm oympa hies, a constant inspirati to b r h , . 1 II And ,a laving an devote 1r to her children, ho were in ch lettached tfo her . affectio r ed and honored her and whit he lt permitted, an effic nt wor ,er art the Presbyterian c urch, o w lett, She IltraS a revered ember. $h w Sete mother of twelv childre nil e Mons and three daugh ers. Tw eh (Irene Jemes = Marshall lad Lyn bf' paeceded here . to the :der lan r i Se en eons, Thorttas and ;W am, ii Ki. pee.; .Alvin, of Moose Taw; or m ot WIrtnipeg; Ralph, of Flint, b.: Herewre, wito is et yir.g fo th Ministry at Kingston; Percy a ho e; and three daightere, Mrs. 0 Ry tartan, land Misses 141 la,n and EV-Ileti, et home, survive o mou:n he Ices. Althoagh Mrs. (Workman wa (9, slfferer for years, a e -was al we. s , eheert al, and bore , er suffer in s with a co irage that a as heroic Ile elaath in the goodne oa G re "2.7.1ed oneha.ken to the end. HE rneinor rerraeras as -a. bles Ing an ben dietion to • Ole lives het ar etil htre on. earth ble sed and pur fled, :by her influence, strawbery of he II s ill, be Id onday, 3 ly program ogrC -be' the e the caa e is - 1 Paretvell I A hale time and we -WIticl knew thee well a,n4 loved the I 0 e. atter one shali follow' thee A ilgeirn through the gate of fe-a:, All Sha. A Th ful Whi Al t I ttie ich opens on leternIt ball we cherish not .tisleft our hearts in emory of thy .lovli 1 aoand -Our weary path ke moonlight ' when the ta- weet and tender raid. oughts of thy clear -eye ut,fre generous scorn of tal 'hings ung, e Ilrath, the srtength, thetgrace- !be fie tyl h 1b1.decl in thy song.I 1 vely things by ;thee Shall Whisper to our hearts A d 411 'thou lovedst of e ky„B See eecre.d to thy memory he less, anwhile; ess ay smile is.m h,es ce yet. tense of asurameme*aataimaa.mair Kippen No es.j--Mr. Holrnsted, Mr. • Mr. reeswell, Mr. Case land -Lerman, All of Seaforth, du w re art he /home of Gre:e• , 'waling on their o Mr. Jil B. McLean, Abe is e ing er oorly.-Miss Rele Greg aoher, of Wellesley, f°11t1 Itomeaslee-Mr- daSs ;. her 'school close earat London visited let , en* ie here during the Reae 14 RiehamdR0412 who h the III : - of St. .Anaireve's ,Dor at t - six yeers, and nawl ng, will. preach his aerm .1 Detwe ler rniri feral Of do atte ng beloved, of thee; rth and Taman, Mr. Mce ing th Mr. Mc -i friend, keep-, Mce as home had to Jam i $ e pare week. - been ohurch who le arewell ext Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. and children were In Eli week 'attenenng fund t. friend..-Mre. Fred Taylor wag here for 'a fe days to. her mather4in4a , 1/5..rs. le - - George(' Taylor, who eldient recently. -•M anal -thee Idaughter, vieiting friends Thomas Me4J1 aspending a I) met ;with an aea • Henry Ivison Etallee i w* -e ,ronto tbia week. mont of (London t visit with old KiePen --frienda MT. McClymarit is 1.,,, getting wen aJong in Tears, - : hilt still 'Engle good ai th.-Mr. !Chas. Odeper of Tugaske, Sask., is vealting in ttele part, Mr. 000pEr is an : old ICIPPeh ho.Y aaati -all- tale old aceneaae ionis are :Pleased tof have a grip eft hie liana Amex in tired Cormolly cif l'AmOnto Is vial ing a bile ltome of cher- daughter, 4rs. W M. Doig, Mrs. Connolly'shWat11 has not been gread and Abe �me to the cometrte in &be hOpe thAt the change willprove belielicial.-Miss leat M,eDon.ald of Limildmi wee here tds week viaiting With 'her cciugins, . James MeDoee Aldt And Mrs. Isaac aireoptt.-Mr. and aftee. Alex. Monteith ere in Blanehand this ,Week. Mrs. teith went down to see her Aster, fr8 Youngstom, who tis confined to iher bed from the effects .of a bad Accident. She was milking la. &awe wile 'the animal kick- ed" her, knocking her down and tearepe ling *ion her.-Mna. . Gibbons ori, Artieuelekl visited lth friends here this weele-Mr. Wm McDienakl as !er- ecting A new imp merit liouse. Mr. McDo. na,16 is One o our Liddy fArmers. -Mr. Earl Smog recently! bad A One new piano 4ntafled .in his bomee-A few fame in this part aas cutting early h ; they find it rAther say -Mr ettat and 'Mrs, lainitg440, ,Whom we mentioned last week lag hating gone Wein, haV re- turned loom. The itedies, only got as far •14.0 TOrouto 1when they ree esived, word that f ver wag in the boxneel of their rtezjijds.Jn the West, and alley thought i ',Wise to return to Miele homes bere in the meantIme. -The Womente Missiona,ry Society'a tha,nlatafeerieg services in • St. Allele rime; cburch lag'Sabbath were a Eratifying success: iThe weether was fd:enghteul and there was alarge attendance out to hear ithe excellent .sermons delivered by Rev. Mr. John - eon, of Varna. The offering. wee lib-, erae-Mr. 'WM McGregor is . now 'sporting et n g W. t9,140. -Mr. Jas., Me4 Dmaaed Of the 2n4 of IStenley- ,the east Week disposed f 300 bushels of beans at $3 per bus el. He also, said a., telan-ii of honses fotr;850. Mr. Mc-, Donald has 'been r.a ng in the dole lars of lete.-Messrs1 John Workman ;anti -Wesley Harvey eacb had the mise fa/gum, to lose - a 'horse Teem.) 0,4 Leadb4iry P,resentation,-On reday afternoon, June 9tb, there lassembled At the school 'grounds of the Le,adbure School, section No. 7, McKillop, a few trlexide Ito show .theie Appreciation to er, before taking h s departure for wards 'their teacher, rte 11,11-1. London. He (hes shown his loyalty, by 'dawning the Ichal0 &along avitb the boy e of the 161st Huron newIn tratning in London. After tatening to a well zendered pro, gramme coniasting oe patriotic songs hand recitations, the i following tede, dross eeas re,ad. eto Pte. Hoover and • .veae presented ve.th a handsome wiat watch, mor.ey 'belt and khaki h dledepleeeft• Mr. *. H. Hcioeer,- Dear Teacher, -You have only been yeah' us a few Immths, land as 1 our teettractor Jr that tin* you, by your plea,sisant manners and paenstaking ef- forts to la4v.a,nee oar educaefon, have won, our, esteem respect. Youl have deeded to ea t for ,aseereetie servece,1 'and have giv n ..is your 'idea of Daltr-otterie We, eh refore, present yoa with this t(o'ken a remembrance, ats'a ElLght recognit of our eone feknce On You„ with helping you, you ,Well do, your bit! -for the glory of Canada and the tiwiedern of mane kind. Yoa will carry ,with you .'ille respeot And, good weshes of ,the paella aitd eieftepayers of SchOol Becton .No. 7, :WIC:Bop, .and, in ,absticipation of a Hefei eettari, and a well done, goo4 and tatehfal servant, we wish you, Godspeed. SI4ne4 on lleha,lf al pip - 1s taind seetion, Ev,a Scott, • Nellie ii Crozier land, Pearl TTI1ian er. Pte. LH. Hoover ithen gave a iiery appropraate reSiy., He very aptly vo.ced his feeeings and alpipreciation to the irtierAs of the section' for their kind act of remembrance. The tiof,..c of "0anada," was then dweit on. traefiy itoaching an. such Items of so much Interest and ineeortance as her extent, tresourcefumessi our duty to tbe .Motherland,our share in the fieht of Kits great Earklean Crisis amid last-- xy 'the daty of tevery Ceentelean citizen Whether, et be at home, on the tarm, ari ete sheet or at the frealiti The chatimatai, Mr. John Shannon, then apokP a few kind, wolrals on points of tntereet aiong patriodc lines, 414. tice TOicil the meetigalevas closed by eziging 'the Nationai leiethem., Notes.--Statube Laboris being done tile week. -A /lumber Of *young people hia.ve Solna. the Methodist church, the past ,year, 'under the pastorate of Ren, Mr. Craik. -Mr. J. 3. Irvine -paid a short visit to relatIve$ near Cran-- broak last week. -Come rover ,and met a gathering of race, orderly and 'patriotic people in, Mt. Leeming's grove, , latajoining. No. 9 Se,hool on tbe taitiernom of Domieion tleay, A picnic an a large ecale wM be held there/ that day.; Eluevale Presentation.-' School ,closed on Friday east and on the .closing after-, nape nip pupils held an, /nformal faree well Ito their teacher, ,Pte. Leslie S. Windh,tof the 161.st 'Be{ttallon., witty Pnlisted several weeks ego, but se.", cured permission to remain; on clJty till the end of the term. Daring the year which he has erient In Ride- val. school, Pte „Winch has been very popular wi tb the chfldren, al th o u gh the management of one of ,the largest schools 1. th. inspectoeate regaired tha exerciee of strict discipline, and ny, training of an extra large elf-, !rano,- class, the opening of sehoof gardening and the many improvemen is to ti r grounds which demanded his oversigbe made him an .thusually busy fto miter . On the closing, afternoon a considerable namber of ,adults, gatlhi P red et the school to join; the childr-rn Ir. giving him a hearty' isendeoff. 'Ten - nits; croquet, and football displayed the resources of the spacioi5 grounds for recreation -purposes and lee new "giant stride" was a centre izateriest: At five oiclock, the boot boll called those present In - - '-'-'r8 where the programme opened th the school yell given by the uplis. After a solo by ' Margaret arnies and a recitation hy Beatrice ie, tbe presentation to' „the iteache a pee& leather money belt was Ade by Harvey Reeser, Ella Deble eaelign, the following farewell /id- es: ‘`Pte Leslie S. :Winch, 161st talion., Dear Teacher, a- We have OWII for general weeks abet yoa weee 4gOing to leave astaat the sed o tbie term; the time ItaS noW COnie. to part and Wio, say goodbye wetai seerrow, for we eball miss you. Dare big 1th Taist year yob.' have been *our itiad, friand and erampa.nion moven as teacber; YOU Jaa.ve made tie all fee1 attacbed to yea by heerty ietere,st in.iour plans and, projects, your warne4 bearted And friendly dispositien, by your interest in the welfare df ceir school lainAl because you. played with us, RO as WOrked, (Jth US. iAle though knowing that you :were go moo to leave es it did not I make Yoh take any less Anterestt in Inet proving our echool surroundings but you tave Worked hard 1 °Intake the sebool end grounds a plan:e of beaety awe ta place for goodetimes arid: jolly sporte,. linen ;you have gone away, thera will be much to remember yea by -ie trees And shrubs hat have starteca ,to grow • under '..youreeare, the flowers you hfaiee planted; the gaen doles you have belped eal to make, the. Playground equipment you have helped to peewee. and put en plar-e fear our Pleasare. iAfter tilde, the -war endits bistory will trio= more to us than et ever, did 'before 'when. we think 011 o'er soldier tea•dier who has gone to represent Bluevale scheol • In helpe Ins to make the ;world bittentplace to live in. for the albelys and girl - of couretdoei %Vetch are now ,torn and bleedingfrom the strong% 'which have been inflicted upon them by their teapressera ,Tiie boys and girls want to eve you 0, litale 'gilt all their °wee Just to remind you of = itheir affectioon And regard. We win- be very glad If it proves to be a, coon venience and aid ‘to .you on active service, but What we swath saes/. to understand most of all, is that it W.$ proMpted by true SOTTONV 1:11, parti fng from you. We would like to change our ochool yell a little and sia,et for the teacher, bets all righti 'Teaching 'school or got/eget° fight; donstantinople, and Timbuctoo, 'Teacher, teacher, belly for you let *- Signed 1011 behalf of the pupils of Blueeale =boat, James Dobie, 'Mare karat Gar/Lies, Roy Thomson, Harvey Henan, Mr. Winch made a fitting and mode est reply and as 'he gook his seat), tbe audience gave him three hearty cheers.' After ta. few genial and ap./ preciative Temarke by Rev. C. ;nate a song by Jean 'Black and a, reel; tation by Elsie Allison, the, preceed-i ings closed witle 'We'll Never Let the, Old Flex Fall," and ethe puplesshook band's with their teacher in. farewell as they passed out On the previous Sunday evening Pte- Winch as pre- sented ,with a 161st battalton signet ring ey •the members pf the West- miegter Gund**"eif Knox church., Miss Lila Grey read, a complimentaryad- dreas Arad James Dobie made the presentation, Hensel]. PARM FOR ERNT-Adjoinhur Hensel!. In whole or in part. Chiefly pasture and bay. JAMES BELL, lieneall, Ont. *582-2 ' Brieeate-A.s we mentioned. In laet is- sue, Dominion Day will he observed beret in. the way lot races undee the. euspices of the Hermit Turf Club, and go6d,,,prizee 'ere offered itfahe diffezei Ftt a4111g events, The . Hewett Band sill be in attendance, aria a concert in. the evening, end no 4.oubt a, ]age crowd will (be in the ;village, -A few dive ago ',Mrs. James Beli and aaughteris, Effie and Einer, motored: Blyth to call on friends. -ate Mr. land, Mrs. Knight 1attndei!ai en4 tertainment held in the Metb4dlst cborch a,t Crediton, on eleiesd,ay- ven.4 ing last, taking pat An the pr4ram -44.14 and Itfre et. King, of Tor nta, are aerating Mrs, Kines parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Neelartels, accompanied, by their Want daughter. - The minuet stra,wherry festival held on. Carmel church ,gratenals on Friday evening of lest week, prove4 a success in every reepeet, land outwithstanding the very threatening appearance of rain, ti ere was 4a la,rge attendance and tee total receipts amounted to $120. -Dr. P. McDiarmid, of Fontareelle. inel Iowa, was in tbe village last Week idAy so with his , Dr. J. MeDiarovad, of Ithie villa ae- apaiieefa, ( Mr. O. D. Arnold, of London, hais spending ,the past couple of -weeks with ,his son, Mr. B. Arnold. -The !foie lowing parties have recently purchase ed Sitedebeker ears from Me,ssrs. Cook Bros. Melvin Traquair, Hensall ; Mr. Med'areger, lappen; Mr. Erank Yeo, Staffa; and Mr. il. Rattenbery„, of Clinton, this being , the tlldrd Studiebeker car that Mr .Ratten ury has purchased. -Masters John. nd Russell Marshall, Eons of Mr. Fr nk Mar,seall,end who are attending the Ir.stitite at Belleville, are (borne for the holidays. -Miss Bessie Urgahart af Reeve College, North Carolina, is borne for va,cetior.-Mrs. Ellis end daughter, Miss Mettle, were In God-, ' erica', during the past week, visiting friends and relatives, - Mr. Geoega Brock, wao enlisted, is home fort e few days. -Messrs. CoOk Bros. :receiv- ed( ;two car loads of autos this week -Our council, are calling on all te hew. lany weeds growing in front their properties cut down, before the tat of July. -Mr. and Mrs. John. S. Wren, of Toronto, are seendeng a eeve vv,ecks holidays with their m ny relatives and friends In ;alensall ad 'vicinity end on Sabbath last, Wren addressed the Sunday Sch cla,ss of the Methodist church, giv a very interesting . and practical dress. -Our teekbers and scholars looking forward to the long sum holidays which begin. next week - Mr-. R•obert D. Bell, bed, ,the mistiorfeene to laze bis very .valeable brood mare recetrey from sickness, Tbis has been a good prize winner at 'ail the local fairs. -"Oar villagers were shocked to learn on Monday of te.e &-aaitibi of Mrs ;William Stoneman, of Saskatoon, Sask., and for many yeors rrsident of this viliage, she died suddianty from the effect of burns. No further particulars !were given, and. anuceanxiety is felt for fuller particulars, as Mrs. Stoneman has a large 'number of relatives and %frier)* here, who are anxious to learn moee of ehis Aa.d event. -Mr. and Mrs. T Garlock and cbildren, of Detroit, ate visiting 'Mrs. Garlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tlennao Cook. -Mi ss Nellie Carmichael ,who has been. waiting on ter another, has returned to etratforei, to resume ber duties. -Mrs, W. Gill., bart has inoveel to a.10114,011. Oue Council have been putting a, (halo through the cenere of some of ou* toads, Which is looked upon. as the roost tboteugh manner of eiraisaing,-1 The Kies Amy, and Greta Lai/male are. home from lassaford, where , they nave been, attendign rietfool. -Robert Canierot, hati the misfortime during the past week to geee a valuable mare, from, a kick from Another horse in the neeture feel& r. 701 ng re e ShoOs- Dominion Day. asa"4,:ffaa.4.4,10..."..00.4.0,0Earasaaoaa.ra,a4,aato. Your new gown or suit may be in the height of fashion but if y. Shoes are a little shabby it spoils ne whole effect. Why not select your new Shoes to -day and feel dressed for the Holiday? We have splendid assortment of Summer ShOes for every member of the family shoes that are exclusive in style and yet moderately priced. Choice styles in Men's Sires in Patent Colt; Gunmetal Calf and Kid leathers at 3.50, 4.00, 4.54 and 5.00 a pair. Men's High grade Oxfords on the new English last in Patent col% Gunmetal Calf and Mahogany Tan leathers for -4.5o and 5.00 a pair. Ladies Patent Cott hoots,Button or Laced models, cloth tops -or4j leather tops, for 8.5o, 4.00 and 4.5. Ladies Patent Colt Pumps, the seasoa's latest styles for 2 501 2#75 3.00, 3.25 and 3.50 a pair. Ladies White Canvas Pumps for 1.25, 1.5o and 1.75 a pair. Misses Patent Colt Pumps in sizes 1e to 2 for z.6o, z.35 and 1.04 a pair. Children's Patent Colt Pumps for Loo, x.25 and 1.5o a pair. Children's Non -rip Barefoot saOdals for 75c, x.00 and 1.25a pair according to size. During July and August this spore will close IZ03O:flhi . Wednesdays at TELEPHONE 11 Extz OP MUTE COMMEROISL HOTEL N. CLUFF & SONS Seaforth faaPao.4.4..4asaawianarEEE4.0%,046"....aaaaaa Building Lumber of all kinds xxxxx Red Cedar SbingieS The Roof of Ages , They are warm in winter, cool in summer. They are not affected by change of weather in any climate, They - beautify and improve the appearance of all buildings. They save repair bills—the first cost is the last cost. They last a life time if properly nailed. Highland Muskoka Fence Posts 8 Foot and 9 -Foot Fibre Board Beaver Board Beautiful and Durable Wall Coverings Lehigh Vex, ley Hard Cogd The best coal for domestic u e Let us put in your supply for next win NOW—is the time to buy. N. Cluff & Seaforth tantario "Ni "Made to Measure Suits and Overcoats IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambition give our customers the best possible satisfacti9n in the tailoring business, Our suits 6,nd overcoats are made in a high-class. careful mariner. They have earned their reputation from ithe way they are tailored as well.as from the pure materials from which they are made. The quality has always been a prime factor in our tailoring, and always wili be. In spite of the fact that owing to the war, British woollens have iadvanced greatly in price and tailors all over Can ada have been compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within the range of every man. —and we never had a finer range of Spring and e.11111 - mer materials. Distinctive patterns, and shades of xich, fast color- ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men, middle aged men and old men. It does not matter whether you are a style enthusiast or just appreciate quality, tailoringand value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and examine these new materials. Let Ue Be TO OUR lailors W D. Bright & Son. Seaforith 41511111. T W T f ..-----,---...., aiaaa.vamea .•aaammaamov a 4-.4 ti • A- q- -V. • . 1 2 3 5 6 7 8. 9 lai 11 12 13 lt•:*-14.. I5 r6 x/ e8 -i9 -20 11 22 ' 23 - 24 - 25 26 27 448 29 30. Narier :ADVERTISEMENT 5 taaa • AttmetiveDresses-Stewart Dree.---S - Menet Elnitteig Clothing 004-1 , Stapl_e Dty Maecavien -s 4)OrbiniOn DayliCham-W. Wanted .. -W. Southgate -4 * ic:Campbell-4 • -Now le the Thne--.J. B.-hlusterd-g Outing Petty-Alompson'a-S - 0-eMdeC.Oonuneree-a Dominion Day„.15Ingle Fare -14 Illeigpielalistet Baal -S - Lawn Party--Ignmende8De ieeolleenvetiaretee, NetipetoOredltorilladman and Stanhury-6 anCe of fe Caveat, De the. Alta - Well 'thef thorde the teiry The until Ste Itte! if servks 1410* the C4 v ee 'Boer (i75 A.824)e who tera .domo /a1Thdi l(gIR 4uran Ewattor •••••••••••••••••••••••••=01•0 MAFGRTII, FRIDAY, Jane 30, 191a, ilita War Situatitm Thiel l'alertnan, esleaults o :Verdun dur- ing thee earIsliart of theweek werc ahaetInued With unabated and df a:rose edhle, intensified fary. Setae of these otagaaelltihifeere 3t. a meaaure succese- M the' Germans getting Perliously. inhaeheale key of the French positions. 1e French, bewever, have been Able. • rea*tiain their bold and by co.m- ter -Afticks have even regained some kilieliedatait territory. The heavy are 1:111e:ry hombardreent recently pome enented end maintained, by thea.43rItieh against the Gertnp poeitions pppsoite the British lines leas undoubtedly! 13ValtlY aided the French as the kklana,ns have not now the available mete and material to maintain la serer Ions offensive at more than • one iaol nit at a eietne. The.se lest Venda/cafe tacks have been L1Ie fieroest since the offenelve commenced, but like the lathers, faithough they did Attain some success, in. the ends they are bound ta fail, and -a. failure which car - with it thousands and thousands Of her best troops. * On, Cthe Eastern front the Ras - Stens titre still ad,vancing, rnot even German reinforcements being able to ohm the eaccessful atrolops of the Czar. They have alreadY driven the Austrians into the earPathiart mOurt-: S13.0, Old if they pan continue the ade viance, and suth a. thing looks very much' like', a' foeegone canclu,slart,; they Nall foon„ be •on the 'great Traney14 'melon plains, whoee capture, with 'their lege grain crops, would be a sta.ggeringf)lostr to Austria, I, as it Watald crea. ate ..f cod shortage that thee" aviceal4 aitaie no means ofimeeting On eatite lines being held by the Permans 44 story is the t same. They give 4:130 RUasiAns a little More trouble, but. 0.1e latter' sadvance alone the leas 130re and stesx1y,SInbe the comf6LJ ;Of 'their faidvente .the RuaSian- •.2fk000 German and Auea eraia, . frotee fortpne agein rnr the armee the enemy a acasierywhere ',laving -bean forced t to ialve -way, The Italian, array 'woad not he td,erjed ideSpite the most desperre Itgeagotage04 Tthlis CiOnibinta4 Rulasien, Italian and „aerliiegef, offensive whieeeis now leader •vilaor elexil* to ieetifY the belief that tee great Allied, drive eo long looke esti for ape, =Tr commenced. Amid that trails aaf the year `11;ifi been reach- eepla If t tteemm,- Germ.a„ny wul to 444= VerdUn,' where tens of bear best lie eaten, "1/4174A -y4lJ bertet the defensive( At all ettdiaW And will bekneed to snake lier :ease stand against the iron arms eurrounding her. Canacla's New Governor Genera The eamouncement wtas rece1ved-13 'Qttaaata, on, Monday, from London that the .Duke of Devonshire will succe2d -R. H. ,the Puke of Connaught{ as Clovernor-Genenee of Canada. The new GovernoreGeneral will ar- rive ari Caned,a, under the usual ar-i relgementslii October, passing the outgoing Governor at eea.. He as alea Scribed (a.s a lman of, 'unusually peas - ng personality, and he coe o a beast which has given ea British hise tory nmelY important Zgerah VictoT Christian William Caren-) dish, ninth Dike of Devonshire, (created 1694), G. C. V. 0., P. C., L.L.D., w,a(3 born. May 31,•1868. He was in Parliament as a Ltb,ereleTenionist for Derbyshire, 1891-1908 Secretary, of His Majesty's HOusehold, 1900-03; Financial Secretaryt to the Treaeury, 190345; es LorclaLteutenant of Derby- shire, preSident of the territorial forces of Derby, .and. Chancellor of Leeds University: Last year he was appointed as Civil Lord 'of the Ade raltaltyi married, in 1892, Lady r Evelyn Emily Mary Fitzmaurioe, daughter to tbe• Merquis of Lansdowne. (forin.er Governoreeleneral pf Capecta.), and there are. two sons land five d,augh- item The iDu.ke wa's edueated on and Trinity College,. Cambridge. His estates Aggregate about 186,000 acres, with m1ner,a1 ProPertiesin T-lanc2'-' etare and Derbyshire- He has tame oils picture galleries- at Chatsworth .Hardevick And Devont*eatae \House, elm 0, library ands stable gallery' at Cha,tatworth, tke Die*chitilre ducal family tore, emated in, the 12th centturTa In 1556 gthe earkloan devolved, on the Owen - dial *Seiler, e-nd en 1694 th€ fotue h 'Tee 1uro4 LI Iti Ceariirfte day • afte fine eat e feerme Itn fi iitkjl -111. i'Dise .. • e (1.0a-ligh ,Mad eatli ! Who .aerteiaitet Gainshorteigh At s land. Elizabeth *Duches bf Gihhee had of IS " tisane Emire," and mysterioue her portrait by 1,0,a/sage bS strange r COvCry • eherter of a cen- Duke or pee, llire stathemen -*frdela 1863 In 419,08.• Duke end Due-1'46as .ot been1;of ',great*sista - d Cru8s in. th.4 *ski HouRe was, recently thiet organization. wievik-it 1a usua?. .fg at differ Sat mun the- ricl4ng •wer cellen Vie Elliot a' 'Pa Mr. et,an Mr. for 'E -donte the Opposi lie fat princi Wilfr t tzeo exeressi Paler in lon k irs tg,4 and Pet Lauri' mirime Pa liam wee/neat ,approv following P-3 fic risuin ,ye McK11114p; t s ee r : Kerr, Cline= ; Karin l. rn ea, Be ;Maine ,.J., D. II reteryi J,antea treasurer, Go Liberals etinie 'of the edinaltle Aitsociatioe wee held '1Ssietortb, ozToes-e the blaggt4 Iche..na•e°wilegi,ng lab up miuch, delayed. fthee .waig ;04- rthe nee, a1thea/10 the Ilaalitits :,(th.reidghout well representedExat were given for.: Weet Middlesex, the- Liberal foe -South Huren tend • Liberal tacenleee R,aseluti-ons Woie hearty appreeral, of which'iNa W. Rib -Well, r, Is infieencine.'1 sebe atateping Lieiera,1 the statate 's :coarse.. in,.•/tale De- nt Aso, received, 1-0e I of . th e meeti/. The were, elected or the resident, at Merdle losepreeiglent, J41 L. 2n4 .vide -president,: ,N. mlfler;; 3rd vleelepreg- ncbleye Seaforthi eeee .; Godeti.ieh; Young, Carlow. I e St. elev's lefti jelelee of St took +ce. here largely 'often clottaig for Prly Mr. Haegeee. firs Ir. 18661 way:Ti- the fbeeiks" 01 t have been Dreg serrjoas Slies Prof. Sia.ve of He spoke to and t the righ came tiumbers titf twate One, of miynie lever hear' Rev. Mr. Pere, was also presen LucknoW. ahe alternoo ject, "How to Seeceal ;music w cboCr, splos by Rata Se BLS s c was conducted traening with Londone The co Gus. ingham b arch 50th Annevare th anniversary I Hee' fdrewts.church, terhien. last "SandaY, Was , several . eh Oen: s go .of attendiegeltiev. pastor of winghams, hech:arch stoouid up")f txaaam4wto nt, bat because !of unable to. attend.' (vont° tee& ISSOlatee' extent.* the Near eousnese of- Beiteltes who besiad htm saad e (most eloquent see -4 an. thIS commaitiltyq aetor of the clOreb, R. D. Cameron, of the 'Sunday .sthavti , bald)* as his '4t.) -f. a. Good Canate rt." •.rearlered by Miss .Oo1w1l Mre urrie, and. the Muele : Prof, Colwell, new ea= 161st battalion In ct:enls .wete gen: r. a 1 , M Killop The wel4nown eye (Mallet, Mr. Eiuhaon Will be at Beate' Variqty tore. 2. eaforth, on W nee. - day and Tbnreday, q-uly 5th and otn. 26 8-1 axle WcrJd1ng. A quiet wedding Was s mnizecj 1 the Methodist 'pax soilage, lExeter, Wednesday, June 28th, w n Miss lossie -Francis, billy c1a.ug1itr of Mr and 1 Mrs. R. f H. Fro.aciS, of Tha i s .Renid, was otaie ried ito ber Hee d lee Lawrence, f of McKillop, .19011 'of Mrs. Jams Levee rence, elf that wnshipee The .cere- moeT w3�,esefe! medf he* P4314M,r.: MUXWOrrrIPY, .of J -fs 'Street Mcto- dlst church, Exeter. Tbe bride wore a beAutitful gown of Weiteh taffeta with ,tl* traditi I yell , and oreege blossoms Me b ide was unattended ancl'weell given a ay tbyaber lethal', After tile marria e cereinciny a •Wed. ding breakfast - as served at , the bride's home wh cb was exquisitely' decOrted with a I:Talus/On of Jlti:ae flowers. The bri, e received trianY ..i.seful land hand erne gifts. Late/ - Mr. alnd , Mrs. La renee !left; for To- ronto and points east, After welch tany, 'Neill ret urn a :the groom's fm Jr. McKillop. -Thei many friends ex. tend to Mr and Mrs. Lawrence hea ti4- est congratulation -and, best weal es for A Icaag ands appy married lite. Ex ter. Notes.-4Mes..3rs. 1. G. Seldon, J. A; Stewart, IC. fl. Snell and R. N.Creach taking part in the t there in Scotch and Mr. Creech trophy .which they ecoratIon Day Was when the SAdda odgeemet • at ,che, ated the graves- of thran.-Mr. Josepfi were an :Itionalori, bowling .tourna,me doubles. Mr. Snel w511 ideaerad the iwara last, year.- obeerved• on Sund 'fellows oe Exeter cemetery land deco their derted br Keys, who has resided -with his qis- ter, Mrs ;William rlckwood, for he past-rouple of yea , .has retu`ened, to the 'Stat.*, where he will rt,sume hlt. duti'es as a rail ay engineer.-R0v. Gordon Ltt, for ierly 1 GentraiRa, and w11. known ere, was recently married to Mis Nellie Young at • Barnby. -Miss Ve.r Esaeete of loWn, Mrs Jate44 Oke a d Mies °ke' i3f Centralia, Were in Londdn, aetene, urig the 'Amer I of the late Mrs. Donald Fraser, o' 'St. Tho as. 11-irs„Fraser fo-rmerlyy lived at Centrella and 10.r maidet, re ree , was Pearl' Cobleige.- Rev. [VT C.F 11. McAl *ere 'who severe.; his conne 'ion as pastor of Jam e, street cb h a. eduple of vreelc preached I1S fare ell serm-on le t Sunday v ing.-ffr J. Willts Powe4l has Igen() 1 Orange, N .J.,fato attend eonventtonI 01 the =mi6on Corapa:ny.e- Mrs had the mi5fer_ tune to fa and Ir tare a, reb.-Mie william R11nsaim unces the ene gagement liis dau liter, Ethel Maud ta .Mr.Vir4111 , of Mr: (a Mrs. W. F= May, of ifitehell.-Mr. .Brickwoed and i11y have:moved( London.haWord w received o Sunday, by, Edward. Treble, Exeter that hieso, Leance op. I.Y. Treble f erlyeefe, the ear& le &Italian* a afficially frAtdiatexl rata' adanitted, . • he County of London :ever alesee rtglaxiel, eeeerely wound ' 4 _ ,.......,,„..... * . . prucelield d Orders Parcel Acknowledged. * time Aga WW1- onekof the s t of Rede Croas, euXilleg i if cefield. Miss leery Glbson enc aid a. box of I Weed Articles. for in charge .of the, . ! 110813 re elle afoods were delivereda k Mies Gibson received a, .Mise C.! Margaret` Here, sl barge- df No. SeCanedian gOS muck, who was the lucky lade ive eke r cel, ths,nking her . land stating :that *they g jthe autpplles end found the c lient -She*. : • N tee. -On Sabbath last- i patr/ r ices .were held •In. (Me. Presby are oharch when a irlolliof .honorac at. ing, 'the nannee of ittioaetwho h to save their king and co we's eaveiled. Mrs. McQueen r:. Roderick 4161Cienzie two of ot ers whoge' soap have gone • le, unveiled the roll ;Rev. IN pre,aehed a , splendid patri on, arg/ng all to be i'lle he h sever their lee was cast en ay,„afteropon, - Mr. DeWitt C ns preaehed his farewell sermon be iMethcdjst .charoh. He has ba ge eif the .- congregation 11 A Year, during which he Mach good for the Mester. r e- -congregation ' met to hear ar well words, He pre,acbed ef er miab, 12 and 5th verge. The c ng hymn, °Mist be -Ithe Tie It - ," WaS sang by 'the oengr ion, Nivillo wag sorry to pare be young divine. -Miss Ca.ssie ur el is viefiting her, laeint,-. hornpson, of Chioago. —Miss .14 e titan, of Egmondville, Is the go f I1ss Margaret Ross -Rev. E. ii. „ters, formerly of . our villa As 'moved to Watford, whereahe reside. -Dr. A.riastrong, of T or erly of oar village, ira visiting .‘rle ds in oui initiate She, are la to weettorne hine-M hes 'oeen teaching er village, has resigae on are sorry to part iss. McClare is the g an IA Imo.- r. Willie ta ley, who is rettaildl .ad!t raped last Week, Mr. Edge, ea th, has charge, of the. cern , lend Mr Pani Bog , of, Br u a its 'doing the frame work - wan is visiting: rale Ives in .-Miss .A. ice Ratter) ury Is her brother. Joho •ttenbury, a,miltoe.-The Sanday f -the- Presbeterlan ch el/ ,On Wednesday ilex Stanley Red Cross a. lawneetsoeffel , with 113aind, in attendan •ome, of Mr. Taylor, of , nc esion, Stanley, on ing,. Jaly 4th. $ ' ip- o e• ast oat ter -to for ere ila tic er- n. ve nap nd the 'to tic On. • In for as A. om a- IA.h c - TS. sie est 11. go. 111 r,a, Id s cktmrib 11, ischool n ar . The 8 with ,he t of es. R0(58, 01:1 g his ha n, of nt ea; rs. o ts- in hool ipic te rch will be to Bayfie d. Society 111 the; Clint d e, at the he eeco aeediay Rills Green Strawberry' Social. - dell 'under the auspices men Red, Cross Sotiety hereleon the evening of( d. j Peente of ice ereie 110 sies (besides a good 11 - provided. 'Phis wi _the Season aaid a e t / .111 most deserving, one, there ( el re Itto be a, large abdance.' T1. Late -Mrs Worktre, . - T e ,c ur h, home end cornmu Ay sustal a heavy latiS when. ;An Elezabe h • P Hoek,. the beloved Wife of Mr. 3 s: M ;Workmen, peeyeed qu'le ly away n ✓ t 6th year on, Satu I. y, Ju, e 3rd. In. her home life, t sere *; w ifest in Its best sense, a Sehristi n hi ei where her "Influenc was su li ta . t her husband and fa ily call h r bl Steed. With her bright, SUnTly di PC dim, iher courtesy and kindlines her tat anal warm oympa hies, a constant inspirati to b r h , . 1 II And ,a laving an devote 1r to her children, ho were in ch lettached tfo her . affectio r ed and honored her and whit he lt permitted, an effic nt wor ,er art the Presbyterian c urch, o w lett, She IltraS a revered ember. $h w Sete mother of twelv childre nil e Mons and three daugh ers. Tw eh (Irene Jemes = Marshall lad Lyn bf' paeceded here . to the :der lan r i Se en eons, Thorttas and ;W am, ii Ki. pee.; .Alvin, of Moose Taw; or m ot WIrtnipeg; Ralph, of Flint, b.: Herewre, wito is et yir.g fo th Ministry at Kingston; Percy a ho e; and three daightere, Mrs. 0 Ry tartan, land Misses 141 la,n and EV-Ileti, et home, survive o mou:n he Ices. Althoagh Mrs. (Workman wa (9, slfferer for years, a e -was al we. s , eheert al, and bore , er suffer in s with a co irage that a as heroic Ile elaath in the goodne oa G re "2.7.1ed oneha.ken to the end. HE rneinor rerraeras as -a. bles Ing an ben dietion to • Ole lives het ar etil htre on. earth ble sed and pur fled, :by her influence, strawbery of he II s ill, be Id onday, 3 ly program ogrC -be' the e the caa e is - 1 Paretvell I A hale time and we -WIticl knew thee well a,n4 loved the I 0 e. atter one shali follow' thee A ilgeirn through the gate of fe-a:, All Sha. A Th ful Whi Al t I ttie ich opens on leternIt ball we cherish not .tisleft our hearts in emory of thy .lovli 1 aoand -Our weary path ke moonlight ' when the ta- weet and tender raid. oughts of thy clear -eye ut,fre generous scorn of tal 'hings ung, e Ilrath, the srtength, thetgrace- !be fie tyl h 1b1.decl in thy song.I 1 vely things by ;thee Shall Whisper to our hearts A d 411 'thou lovedst of e ky„B See eecre.d to thy memory he less, anwhile; ess ay smile is.m h,es ce yet. tense of asurameme*aataimaa.mair Kippen No es.j--Mr. Holrnsted, Mr. • Mr. reeswell, Mr. Case land -Lerman, All of Seaforth, du w re art he /home of Gre:e• , 'waling on their o Mr. Jil B. McLean, Abe is e ing er oorly.-Miss Rele Greg aoher, of Wellesley, f°11t1 Itomeaslee-Mr- daSs ;. her 'school close earat London visited let , en* ie here during the Reae 14 RiehamdR0412 who h the III : - of St. .Anaireve's ,Dor at t - six yeers, and nawl ng, will. preach his aerm .1 Detwe ler rniri feral Of do atte ng beloved, of thee; rth and Taman, Mr. Mce ing th Mr. Mc -i friend, keep-, Mce as home had to Jam i $ e pare week. - been ohurch who le arewell ext Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. and children were In Eli week 'attenenng fund t. friend..-Mre. Fred Taylor wag here for 'a fe days to. her mather4in4a , 1/5..rs. le - - George(' Taylor, who eldient recently. -•M anal -thee Idaughter, vieiting friends Thomas Me4J1 aspending a I) met ;with an aea • Henry Ivison Etallee i w* -e ,ronto tbia week. mont of (London t visit with old KiePen --frienda MT. McClymarit is 1.,,, getting wen aJong in Tears, - : hilt still 'Engle good ai th.-Mr. !Chas. Odeper of Tugaske, Sask., is vealting in ttele part, Mr. 000pEr is an : old ICIPPeh ho.Y aaati -all- tale old aceneaae ionis are :Pleased tof have a grip eft hie liana Amex in tired Cormolly cif l'AmOnto Is vial ing a bile ltome of cher- daughter, 4rs. W M. Doig, Mrs. Connolly'shWat11 has not been gread and Abe �me to the cometrte in &be hOpe thAt the change willprove belielicial.-Miss leat M,eDon.ald of Limildmi wee here tds week viaiting With 'her cciugins, . James MeDoee Aldt And Mrs. Isaac aireoptt.-Mr. and aftee. Alex. Monteith ere in Blanehand this ,Week. Mrs. teith went down to see her Aster, fr8 Youngstom, who tis confined to iher bed from the effects .of a bad Accident. She was milking la. &awe wile 'the animal kick- ed" her, knocking her down and tearepe ling *ion her.-Mna. . Gibbons ori, Artieuelekl visited lth friends here this weele-Mr. Wm McDienakl as !er- ecting A new imp merit liouse. Mr. McDo. na,16 is One o our Liddy fArmers. -Mr. Earl Smog recently! bad A One new piano 4ntafled .in his bomee-A few fame in this part aas cutting early h ; they find it rAther say -Mr ettat and 'Mrs, lainitg440, ,Whom we mentioned last week lag hating gone Wein, haV re- turned loom. The itedies, only got as far •14.0 TOrouto 1when they ree esived, word that f ver wag in the boxneel of their rtezjijds.Jn the West, and alley thought i ',Wise to return to Miele homes bere in the meantIme. -The Womente Missiona,ry Society'a tha,nlatafeerieg services in • St. Allele rime; cburch lag'Sabbath were a Eratifying success: iThe weether was fd:enghteul and there was alarge attendance out to hear ithe excellent .sermons delivered by Rev. Mr. John - eon, of Varna. The offering. wee lib-, erae-Mr. 'WM McGregor is . now 'sporting et n g W. t9,140. -Mr. Jas., Me4 Dmaaed Of the 2n4 of IStenley- ,the east Week disposed f 300 bushels of beans at $3 per bus el. He also, said a., telan-ii of honses fotr;850. Mr. Mc-, Donald has 'been r.a ng in the dole lars of lete.-Messrs1 John Workman ;anti -Wesley Harvey eacb had the mise fa/gum, to lose - a 'horse Teem.) 0,4 Leadb4iry P,resentation,-On reday afternoon, June 9tb, there lassembled At the school 'grounds of the Le,adbure School, section No. 7, McKillop, a few trlexide Ito show .theie Appreciation to er, before taking h s departure for wards 'their teacher, rte 11,11-1. London. He (hes shown his loyalty, by 'dawning the Ichal0 &along avitb the boy e of the 161st Huron newIn tratning in London. After tatening to a well zendered pro, gramme coniasting oe patriotic songs hand recitations, the i following tede, dross eeas re,ad. eto Pte. Hoover and • .veae presented ve.th a handsome wiat watch, mor.ey 'belt and khaki h dledepleeeft• Mr. *. H. Hcioeer,- Dear Teacher, -You have only been yeah' us a few Immths, land as 1 our teettractor Jr that tin* you, by your plea,sisant manners and paenstaking ef- forts to la4v.a,nee oar educaefon, have won, our, esteem respect. Youl have deeded to ea t for ,aseereetie servece,1 'and have giv n ..is your 'idea of Daltr-otterie We, eh refore, present yoa with this t(o'ken a remembrance, ats'a ElLght recognit of our eone feknce On You„ with helping you, you ,Well do, your bit! -for the glory of Canada and the tiwiedern of mane kind. Yoa will carry ,with you .'ille respeot And, good weshes of ,the paella aitd eieftepayers of SchOol Becton .No. 7, :WIC:Bop, .and, in ,absticipation of a Hefei eettari, and a well done, goo4 and tatehfal servant, we wish you, Godspeed. SI4ne4 on lleha,lf al pip - 1s taind seetion, Ev,a Scott, • Nellie ii Crozier land, Pearl TTI1ian er. Pte. LH. Hoover ithen gave a iiery appropraate reSiy., He very aptly vo.ced his feeeings and alpipreciation to the irtierAs of the section' for their kind act of remembrance. The tiof,..c of "0anada," was then dweit on. traefiy itoaching an. such Items of so much Interest and ineeortance as her extent, tresourcefumessi our duty to tbe .Motherland,our share in the fieht of Kits great Earklean Crisis amid last-- xy 'the daty of tevery Ceentelean citizen Whether, et be at home, on the tarm, ari ete sheet or at the frealiti The chatimatai, Mr. John Shannon, then apokP a few kind, wolrals on points of tntereet aiong patriodc lines, 414. tice TOicil the meetigalevas closed by eziging 'the Nationai leiethem., Notes.--Statube Laboris being done tile week. -A /lumber Of *young people hia.ve Solna. the Methodist church, the past ,year, 'under the pastorate of Ren, Mr. Craik. -Mr. J. 3. Irvine -paid a short visit to relatIve$ near Cran-- broak last week. -Come rover ,and met a gathering of race, orderly and 'patriotic people in, Mt. Leeming's grove, , latajoining. No. 9 Se,hool on tbe taitiernom of Domieion tleay, A picnic an a large ecale wM be held there/ that day.; Eluevale Presentation.-' School ,closed on Friday east and on the .closing after-, nape nip pupils held an, /nformal faree well Ito their teacher, ,Pte. Leslie S. Windh,tof the 161.st 'Be{ttallon., witty Pnlisted several weeks ego, but se.", cured permission to remain; on clJty till the end of the term. Daring the year which he has erient In Ride- val. school, Pte „Winch has been very popular wi tb the chfldren, al th o u gh the management of one of ,the largest schools 1. th. inspectoeate regaired tha exerciee of strict discipline, and ny, training of an extra large elf-, !rano,- class, the opening of sehoof gardening and the many improvemen is to ti r grounds which demanded his oversigbe made him an .thusually busy fto miter . On the closing, afternoon a considerable namber of ,adults, gatlhi P red et the school to join; the childr-rn Ir. giving him a hearty' isendeoff. 'Ten - nits; croquet, and football displayed the resources of the spacioi5 grounds for recreation -purposes and lee new "giant stride" was a centre izateriest: At five oiclock, the boot boll called those present In - - '-'-'r8 where the programme opened th the school yell given by the uplis. After a solo by ' Margaret arnies and a recitation hy Beatrice ie, tbe presentation to' „the iteache a pee& leather money belt was Ade by Harvey Reeser, Ella Deble eaelign, the following farewell /id- es: ‘`Pte Leslie S. :Winch, 161st talion., Dear Teacher, a- We have OWII for general weeks abet yoa weee 4gOing to leave astaat the sed o tbie term; the time ItaS noW COnie. to part and Wio, say goodbye wetai seerrow, for we eball miss you. Dare big 1th Taist year yob.' have been *our itiad, friand and erampa.nion moven as teacber; YOU Jaa.ve made tie all fee1 attacbed to yea by heerty ietere,st in.iour plans and, projects, your warne4 bearted And friendly dispositien, by your interest in the welfare df ceir school lainAl because you. played with us, RO as WOrked, (Jth US. iAle though knowing that you :were go moo to leave es it did not I make Yoh take any less Anterestt in Inet proving our echool surroundings but you tave Worked hard 1 °Intake the sebool end grounds a plan:e of beaety awe ta place for goodetimes arid: jolly sporte,. linen ;you have gone away, thera will be much to remember yea by -ie trees And shrubs hat have starteca ,to grow • under '..youreeare, the flowers you hfaiee planted; the gaen doles you have belped eal to make, the. Playground equipment you have helped to peewee. and put en plar-e fear our Pleasare. iAfter tilde, the -war endits bistory will trio= more to us than et ever, did 'before 'when. we think 011 o'er soldier tea•dier who has gone to represent Bluevale scheol • In helpe Ins to make the ;world bittentplace to live in. for the albelys and girl - of couretdoei %Vetch are now ,torn and bleedingfrom the strong% 'which have been inflicted upon them by their teapressera ,Tiie boys and girls want to eve you 0, litale 'gilt all their °wee Just to remind you of = itheir affectioon And regard. We win- be very glad If it proves to be a, coon venience and aid ‘to .you on active service, but What we swath saes/. to understand most of all, is that it W.$ proMpted by true SOTTONV 1:11, parti fng from you. We would like to change our ochool yell a little and sia,et for the teacher, bets all righti 'Teaching 'school or got/eget° fight; donstantinople, and Timbuctoo, 'Teacher, teacher, belly for you let *- Signed 1011 behalf of the pupils of Blueeale =boat, James Dobie, 'Mare karat Gar/Lies, Roy Thomson, Harvey Henan, Mr. Winch made a fitting and mode est reply and as 'he gook his seat), tbe audience gave him three hearty cheers.' After ta. few genial and ap./ preciative Temarke by Rev. C. ;nate a song by Jean 'Black and a, reel; tation by Elsie Allison, the, preceed-i ings closed witle 'We'll Never Let the, Old Flex Fall," and ethe puplesshook band's with their teacher in. farewell as they passed out On the previous Sunday evening Pte- Winch as pre- sented ,with a 161st battalton signet ring ey •the members pf the West- miegter Gund**"eif Knox church., Miss Lila Grey read, a complimentaryad- dreas Arad James Dobie made the presentation, Hensel]. PARM FOR ERNT-Adjoinhur Hensel!. In whole or in part. Chiefly pasture and bay. JAMES BELL, lieneall, Ont. *582-2 ' Brieeate-A.s we mentioned. In laet is- sue, Dominion Day will he observed beret in. the way lot races undee the. euspices of the Hermit Turf Club, and go6d,,,prizee 'ere offered itfahe diffezei Ftt a4111g events, The . Hewett Band sill be in attendance, aria a concert in. the evening, end no 4.oubt a, ]age crowd will (be in the ;village, -A few dive ago ',Mrs. James Beli and aaughteris, Effie and Einer, motored: Blyth to call on friends. -ate Mr. land, Mrs. Knight 1attndei!ai en4 tertainment held in the Metb4dlst cborch a,t Crediton, on eleiesd,ay- ven.4 ing last, taking pat An the pr4ram -44.14 and Itfre et. King, of Tor nta, are aerating Mrs, Kines parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Neelartels, accompanied, by their Want daughter. - The minuet stra,wherry festival held on. Carmel church ,gratenals on Friday evening of lest week, prove4 a success in every reepeet, land outwithstanding the very threatening appearance of rain, ti ere was 4a la,rge attendance and tee total receipts amounted to $120. -Dr. P. McDiarmid, of Fontareelle. inel Iowa, was in tbe village last Week idAy so with his , Dr. J. MeDiarovad, of Ithie villa ae- apaiieefa, ( Mr. O. D. Arnold, of London, hais spending ,the past couple of -weeks with ,his son, Mr. B. Arnold. -The !foie lowing parties have recently purchase ed Sitedebeker ears from Me,ssrs. Cook Bros. Melvin Traquair, Hensall ; Mr. Med'areger, lappen; Mr. Erank Yeo, Staffa; and Mr. il. Rattenbery„, of Clinton, this being , the tlldrd Studiebeker car that Mr .Ratten ury has purchased. -Masters John. nd Russell Marshall, Eons of Mr. Fr nk Mar,seall,end who are attending the Ir.stitite at Belleville, are (borne for the holidays. -Miss Bessie Urgahart af Reeve College, North Carolina, is borne for va,cetior.-Mrs. Ellis end daughter, Miss Mettle, were In God-, ' erica', during the past week, visiting friends and relatives, - Mr. Geoega Brock, wao enlisted, is home fort e few days. -Messrs. CoOk Bros. :receiv- ed( ;two car loads of autos this week -Our council, are calling on all te hew. lany weeds growing in front their properties cut down, before the tat of July. -Mr. and Mrs. John. S. Wren, of Toronto, are seendeng a eeve vv,ecks holidays with their m ny relatives and friends In ;alensall ad 'vicinity end on Sabbath last, Wren addressed the Sunday Sch cla,ss of the Methodist church, giv a very interesting . and practical dress. -Our teekbers and scholars looking forward to the long sum holidays which begin. next week - Mr-. R•obert D. Bell, bed, ,the mistiorfeene to laze bis very .valeable brood mare recetrey from sickness, Tbis has been a good prize winner at 'ail the local fairs. -"Oar villagers were shocked to learn on Monday of te.e &-aaitibi of Mrs ;William Stoneman, of Saskatoon, Sask., and for many yeors rrsident of this viliage, she died suddianty from the effect of burns. No further particulars !were given, and. anuceanxiety is felt for fuller particulars, as Mrs. Stoneman has a large 'number of relatives and %frier)* here, who are anxious to learn moee of ehis Aa.d event. -Mr. and Mrs. T Garlock and cbildren, of Detroit, ate visiting 'Mrs. Garlock's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Tlennao Cook. -Mi ss Nellie Carmichael ,who has been. waiting on ter another, has returned to etratforei, to resume ber duties. -Mrs, W. Gill., bart has inoveel to a.10114,011. Oue Council have been putting a, (halo through the cenere of some of ou* toads, Which is looked upon. as the roost tboteugh manner of eiraisaing,-1 The Kies Amy, and Greta Lai/male are. home from lassaford, where , they nave been, attendign rietfool. -Robert Canierot, hati the misfortime during the past week to geee a valuable mare, from, a kick from Another horse in the neeture feel& r. 701 ng re e ShoOs- Dominion Day. asa"4,:ffaa.4.4,10..."..00.4.0,0Earasaaoaa.ra,a4,aato. Your new gown or suit may be in the height of fashion but if y. Shoes are a little shabby it spoils ne whole effect. Why not select your new Shoes to -day and feel dressed for the Holiday? We have splendid assortment of Summer ShOes for every member of the family shoes that are exclusive in style and yet moderately priced. Choice styles in Men's Sires in Patent Colt; Gunmetal Calf and Kid leathers at 3.50, 4.00, 4.54 and 5.00 a pair. Men's High grade Oxfords on the new English last in Patent col% Gunmetal Calf and Mahogany Tan leathers for -4.5o and 5.00 a pair. Ladies Patent Cott hoots,Button or Laced models, cloth tops -or4j leather tops, for 8.5o, 4.00 and 4.5. Ladies Patent Colt Pumps, the seasoa's latest styles for 2 501 2#75 3.00, 3.25 and 3.50 a pair. Ladies White Canvas Pumps for 1.25, 1.5o and 1.75 a pair. Misses Patent Colt Pumps in sizes 1e to 2 for z.6o, z.35 and 1.04 a pair. Children's Patent Colt Pumps for Loo, x.25 and 1.5o a pair. Children's Non -rip Barefoot saOdals for 75c, x.00 and 1.25a pair according to size. During July and August this spore will close IZ03O:flhi . Wednesdays at TELEPHONE 11 Extz OP MUTE COMMEROISL HOTEL N. CLUFF & SONS Seaforth faaPao.4.4..4asaawianarEEE4.0%,046"....aaaaaa Building Lumber of all kinds xxxxx Red Cedar SbingieS The Roof of Ages , They are warm in winter, cool in summer. They are not affected by change of weather in any climate, They - beautify and improve the appearance of all buildings. They save repair bills—the first cost is the last cost. They last a life time if properly nailed. Highland Muskoka Fence Posts 8 Foot and 9 -Foot Fibre Board Beaver Board Beautiful and Durable Wall Coverings Lehigh Vex, ley Hard Cogd The best coal for domestic u e Let us put in your supply for next win NOW—is the time to buy. N. Cluff & Seaforth tantario "Ni "Made to Measure Suits and Overcoats IT HAS ALWAYS been our aim and ambition give our customers the best possible satisfacti9n in the tailoring business, Our suits 6,nd overcoats are made in a high-class. careful mariner. They have earned their reputation from ithe way they are tailored as well.as from the pure materials from which they are made. The quality has always been a prime factor in our tailoring, and always wili be. In spite of the fact that owing to the war, British woollens have iadvanced greatly in price and tailors all over Can ada have been compelled to raise prices, we will continue to make worthy made to measure clothes at a price that is within the range of every man. —and we never had a finer range of Spring and e.11111 - mer materials. Distinctive patterns, and shades of xich, fast color- ings, also all the plain shades. Fabrics to please young men, middle aged men and old men. It does not matter whether you are a style enthusiast or just appreciate quality, tailoringand value. We know that we can give you satisfaction. Come in and examine these new materials. Let Ue Be TO OUR lailors W D. Bright & Son. Seaforith 41511111.