The Huron Expositor, 1916-03-24, Page 6aid He `' 'oil be f
f Luther, th O}
But Innumerable Arndt
Device Wotild be, ,"Go
1 AGENSVILL; Oar., ug. 26th, 1913.
about two yea. 1 found my
. heoith ie. a verybadetate. Ny Kidneys
w,re not doh tbeirlwork and X was all
run down in condition. Having seen
' `ruit-a-twos' advertised,1 decided to
tri them. Their act on was mild, and
the result all that c uid be expected.
My Kidneys rest' ed their faunal
action after 1 had en upwards of.a
dozen boxes and I retainedmvold-time
vitality. Today, I ant as Weilasever.".
B. A. laatI.Late
. a box, 6 for V.I50, trial size 25c.
At dealers or sent on receipt of price
by Fruit+a-fives Linn ed, Ottawa.
Por information that will lead to
the discovery or whereabouts of the
person or persons; suffering from
Nervous Debility, Diseases of the
Mouth and Throat, Blood Poison,
skirt Diseases, Bladder Troubles,
Special .Ailments, and Chronic or
Complicated Complaints who can -
sot be cured at The Ontario Medi -
sol Institute, 263 65 Yonge St.,
Toronto. r;orresp ndence invited,
MOM 1111.0400//
The Figaro printe the 4orn nce-
meat of a Latin prophecy da a in
1800 The authjer le not kpowe. The.
monk johannes has written the 'verges
like a chapter in the Bible.
Verse 2 -says : "It is true
Christ will be monarch,
'Luther, invo i g God an
hiniselt God's nvoy."
Verse` 4 says,: "He will
orie arm, but innumerable
whose device will be "God
Verse 5: 'He will use
felony for a ling time w
throughout the •world."
' Verse 6: "He will have le
in his pay proving his miss
' Divine," '•
Verse 7: "Wi 'r will prov I n• op-
portunty to raise the mostwili
not be a war against the iFr
t arch, but anothfer, : which w
ecoming un e
d aaili !i1
be' un
tlfatc: g and we
of weak, deltas
at ,nt'I-
sod ` of
. r les, :
ft afro
cognizable by
a fornight
Verse 8: dAi
: biussulmans, en
tant nations wil
he formed in tae four corn
world and eigit angels w
men's eyes to understand
t if they
ill become h
ti -Christ wi
111°11 -
be, re -
eat in
Christians Ian l all
even the ,o t dis-
partake.l A' m es will
Orsi a the
l; pen
iy• the
a es,"
e rel
d per-
n. 1 He
e! the
third week th
anti Christ all v
Verse 10: "A
'cognizable by hs massacrirr
and meats and (women and
sons. No mercy will be s
will pass, - torch in hand,
barbarians, but invoking Chr
Verse 11: `His words will '
like, but his acts Herddl1
coat -of -arms wilit contain
also will the co: t -of -arms of
ail moi ach."
the latter
an of Pope I
Cited at the .e
gist's reign.'
!este will
lyre, another e
Verse 12: ."
by the maledict,
who will be ole
meta of anti'Ch
Verse 18 °Pad
confess and absolve the co
s because the priests will be it
the ranks and Benedict
anti -Christ, .proc alining all fi
against him to e in a state of gr
I ascending tp he ven like t e m
1 tyrs if killed."
t - Verse 14: "A. Papal bull pr
ing this will ha e a tremen
-feet in rallying ourage and
1 of anti -Christ a d his ally*.'
1 M, ` Verse l6 : 'The conquest iti-
I `Christ needs mere men kill. d than
• Rome ever contained.,All aeluns
must participate, for the tatte
leopard. and the white eagl - =et
exterminate the r black eagle ees
the prayers of the ,whole of u ity
assist them."
Verse 16: '` umanity •illi never,
. run such a anger beca se the
triumph of anticChrist ev+ul be
equivalent to the triump + f t e
(demon ' in whohe is Inca
Verse 17; ``Fib twenty
after the incarn tion of the
will have prophesied that.
would be incarnted, . in . tur
ening the earth :with many v
Ilia' as the Divin incarnation brbu
" Verelcle 18: `' nti-Chriet illi man-
tfest himself abo t the year 000. kis
army , will ,surpas the. ,reagin ficin for
number, and will have Chris ins, ur
the defenders of the Lamb ill h vo
Mohammedans and savages." -
-Yersicle 20: "The Black Ea le (ter
many) will hurl himself up ahe
Cock (France), who will lose many
feathers but whose spurs wi 1 err Ice
heroically. He would soon b ex-
hausted without the ald of he Leo -
peed (England.) •
Versicles 21: . "The Black + aglc
will come -from the land of L t er
and will surprise the Cock an invade.
half of the Cocks land.'
Versicie 22: - `The White a lc,
(Russia) will cosine from th orth
and will surprise the Black +agle
and ;the• other . ;ogle (Aust la) ; and
will invade anti- hrist's coun ry corn-
pletely x.' et :
Vericie 23: "Th Black Eagl ! 11 be
forded to abando the Cock,- o fi ht
the White Eagle. The Cock ill pur-
sue the Black Es le into anti hrlst'5
:Vereicle 24; `` revlous bet+ies will
be nothing as co neared ' to .hose
fought in :anti -C rlst's countr► ."
Yersicle 2a : "Oly princee end cap-
tains will be bur ed. Runge end
plague will be a ed to carni, a The
battles will make too many co pses
to . bury."
:Versicie 27: "AntiChrlst will ,o'ften
demand peace, which will be refused
until he be crushed."
Versicle 80: '`Anti -Christ's last bat-
'tle will be fought where he 'firges
arcus," -
Veesiele 31; ``Anti -Christ vi11' lose
his crown and will dle in Belade and
madness. His empire will beided
into 22 states none having any fort or
OP- HI* Toes.
Burda Blood' Bis
le, as
i1 . dip
b tants.
h ing ;iii
uc us 1 ef-
he death
_ Mr. H- N. M ndersgia; $tettler, Alta.,
writes: "About toren ,, -five years deo
itla a 1'leviuce of Qu
near turning up my
A. cousin of mine pees
Dardock Blood: Bitters
t3& 1 ted eat anything from t fat
to unleavened bread. Three bottles
a the job,, and I have never been.
soar. Y�ou-
wonderful - it yeti
eometiriiels have
launoe1r, half
1 came pretty
with dyspepsia.
deo me ao fry
In about two
troubled with my
woad saw that this is
ccedit only see what iw
tosive mein:til aeoun
asked beam etc."
seek Mood B1 has been on
the market for the past forty years, end
be eked as a sate for all
&wee or disorders of stomach..
.8 is manufacmeed only by The
T.,,Mliburn CV, Limitt Toronto, Ont.
.m. r
Eveh "Pape'a Diapeps ,nf' digests 3000 l
grains food, end,n all stomach
misery in five minutes. f
Time it! In five minutes all store-
nen distress will go: No indigestion,
heartburn, sourness er belching of
gas, acid, or eructatio s of undigested.
foot(, no dizziness, bloating, foul'
breath or headache. ,
Pape's Diapepsin I -noted for Its
speed In regulating psot stomachs.
It Is the surest, quickest stomach rem-
edy in the whole world and besides it
is harmlese. Put an nd to stomach
trouble forever by g tting a large
fifty -cent case of Pa is Dia:peps re
from any dnig stare. ou realize in
five minutes how neer a it is to suf-
$ek front indigestion, dM pepsia or any
stomach disorder. It'S `the qutekes ,
surest and most harmless stomach
doctor in the world.
*Bent Wield But s
Norm oto Bs Otto Off. •
The heart always: works in
withthe nerves, and =feu tie heart
working properly the
mrave system
is liable to become: and the
heart itself become mooted.
J il't 's React suel gave els will
build up the unstrung system,
mrd strengthen the weak heart, so that
the sufferer will enjoy 'tom very best of
health for yews to mune.,
Mrs. Jq,tn N. _((Odor,: Ont.,
writ : "1 antralseling &testimony
- theocratic nave
neat asd Nerve s k . , a
nerve and heart barley they have done
wonders far me. At times my heart
would beat violently. gad nerves
seemed to: be all out of fir, but aft
use a, few lames of ms's Heart and
Nerve 15.11s1feei Ere: recommending
diem to oils that they might receive
bent as 1 did."
Milburnte Heart and Nerve Pias have
been on the market for the twenty-
ve years, and are =iv considered
to be unrivalled as a medicine for all
€Iisote ers of the heart or nerves. F
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills are
50c per box, 3 boxes for $1.25, at all
dealers or mailed direct on receipt of
price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
"orouto, Ont.
G€rlsi Try it! Hair gets eoft, fluffy and
beautiful—Get a 25 cant bottle •
of bancierine.
If you care for heavy lair that glis-
tens with beauty and ie radiant with
life; has an incomparable softness and
is fluffy and lustrous., try Dauderine.
Just one applicatione doubles the
beauty of your hair, besides it imme-
diately - dissolves every particle of
dandruf. You can not have nice
heavy, healthy hair if you have
dandruff This destructive scurf robs
theairt of its lustre,:its strength and
its very life, and if not overcome it.
produces a feverishness and itcb,Ing of
the seaIp; the hair roots famish,
loos'-•• and die; then the hair falls out.
fart • Surely get a 25 -cent bottle of
Kno (ton's Danderine from any drug
tyre dad Plat try la
army or vessel." •
The Figaro adde that verse 81 eeferaj
to Essen, in Westphalia, whi 'the
other prophecies foretold a -. the;
scene of the last battle. •
Sixty-three thousand clergy are at.
present with the forces, many prrieats
being in the army.. They Include see-
e-en bishops and many other prelates.
i :eeuit of ounias' Superior
Cooking or the l :;apouirelint; oe,sel-
ads and sauces line the autho -lit- of
historic precedent tis a ,euit able n4y.
for French gentlemen of dist' w leu.
It Wes faahiotrablcr among• the t•ietce-
racy In court sire les before the it4tio-
iutiou and became of essential eerie i
to more thou one noble fugit 4 from.
the 'terror's during his exile. One your*.
nobleman. after narrowly escapisrg the
guillotine, hid his great mime, uud` r
an alias and•served. for several Mor
as an assistant in a famous :itonik
restaurant where be was soon' Oven
entire responsibility for the rnirjeed
meats, entrees and ragouts. After!the
partial restoration of his fortu�ea he
delighted in telling tile story of
adventures, always concluding witit
phrase that may perhaps timet
tiered: .
"So, you see, 1 dhiaisPoilited
finely—the sans-culettes. By titti•,
ping knife 1 lived."
Frenchmen of more
tocratic distinction — aut1iorrr,
and scientists --have also, says
Ile la Bur, ` melded to the vile . ga
oilmen and th
and -down ay
of ((tried bit an ' p
beckoning of kit hen S
many who lee ed to
even to hook er tabl ,
one who gill y becam
i was AlexandreDumas
for kis euralificatfons tit
of . iris hof ".
The hef,` M. Ed
'' months in ns'
him a e y gloo
notice f his dope
I. "Bu y at: Edon
t peratu Dom,
of rotor y you shall ha
(s to let. yea go.
y► Year omele
outflnhr ha
thought myself,yet ttt l
little reiatter of onkel,
garb aiaonsieur will
We h$ e badone et,
dsoth aterdy e.nd to
I. pre red i
Joy en little rro
1 pri myself. •Mo
and se did the two
sieur's ests. tit
sieur's fancy nia
Minae( , after reid
Frith c ken ,iv rs din
ers.: - I myself, pas
verb moons ur'
a : 'But, od
this o 1' et b
It. is _ g :sin I
of y
there a little 1
tasted: They were
to m+ansieur
epart once, .to. r
dy a g d expert's*
to : , „ thatl monsl
amateurBei may
elonale. Still; canno
ly In hls kitchen, per
be sur, e 1 de
and re et, but I
g lass, Sea1or
and the bright
But amorg-
ool a little, ,,,r
;ere was o t>
a kook. T . 1t
the eider, drif t
have the word
after eat
ce, came t+
ace to grhe
rd, why? e-
it is a um
ei or. 1
Y u :cook ,a.-
es re "
clail3' •�; ,
Edouard, with
have alwa
because ofd
for breakfa§t
y. Yesterday
et with p
alis, ou whir
ntlereen, - mote-
yitwas mol-
e the ornele
of his o
small red pep -
by the door,
ests cry out Irt
Tens, Dunt
It Is dive
n the omelet
g to this t
I slipped
h 'my art b*
(t am wlIn4
is no erdinar$
With prof
ren tranq
g myself
wr h
"I've of to ke ex
exiting ati mach,' said
who e-ale'ulatee c osely.
"Worri d about your
"No. ; 'm getting
mate's • is ening. clothe
opinion Of others,. M
rile arise from 1
ess de JAM
else and qui
e young Ma
out inh room
ritot by th
fortunes an
Water olor pain
ised from the tard,
ighteentat century to
ianey by the efforts o
Color so !etre exhi
L805 a.nd; may be said
eginnine of modern
ng. Th great , ast
f whom ni read
be prise
a t
style of th
present bril
ieh aeon, Co
he Wate
ns began
ark the real
eater :paint
net creator,
ted Turner,
inithe works
onor,: When be t
ie. II
1Couritrinitita—EIS ;le"
wlith th kr? en
age agalnat
the station.
re must be
Well, your;
IIVE) he broke
pht 'with cash,' and
o' yer fun y jokes on
y rill What in
lifting !Paid !
t7 Jest you ;
ek tool None !
leave ye
her alon
. The tilt
g the
Why S
last mu re
ployer-r u
wid me/
by' did yee
me t' bring
if you die,
t Sick. The
st,k of par
to pr : • rye .her eomplexio , . At
this ti a of year, despite: tbie raw,
biting Inds and a ;; .n **tea of
tem ure, this is( an easy task if
she u Zan, -B k.
7,sun tris is a: akin timid, that slot
only k pa the eurfacejskin" smooth
and so : but, being of unueuai pene-
tnetint power, •Teaches and feeds
the u ' erlying .tiuee, It etimu
lar a ,eells; to :he.,thy action,
in'odu s vigorous eirce tion, which
carries! away 4,11uritleia and
thus. c a . p - is *entity clear
some ' ion. Eow mac more tatie-
fyirsg an. it tenpo complexion
produce, with the aai or powders
end coo ,•,ettesi
t .ot Appriciiatsd .,icy, expwring
In the Antarctic.
Priestley of CaptaletScott's
expedition relates an must
e fence With Adelie penguins oft
ff point. The Terra Nova had
it party to take oft geological
Cls, but the mien bad eotxta diffid
keeping the pengiiaiva awaet
o Jay alongside the ice foot;
ys t author in his "Antarctic Ad-
v, utter;," we blocked the birds' accede
ttl;ei rookery, but that did not stet
tr bo`+ter the penguins in the least
ee. ° puid rise out of the water a
f : w 3'= ads, off, take a glance at the
b at4 ijich they doubtless took for a
s trailfoe. and then disappear.
orri pr vions experience I knew what
as co ufl ing and looked with interest
f + r tie ext act, but the boatman who
as he ing me get the 'specimens on
b+ora as new to the vagatries of the
II was unable to judge which was the
+kore w tprised, the sailor or the Pen -
g_ ine, ,, hen the latter landed, half a
d 'zea = t a time, upright in the bottom
n t e ° boat. Certainly the penguins
ere , est annoyed, and' directly they
f untl t at they were trapped they ar-
s ulted the poor man with unreasoning
ry, s+ that it was no easy matter to
trach em back into the sea.
It •wa. on a similar occasion that an
delle enguin, seeing what he thpught
e as n . gndy piece of lee, leaped out
o the water end landed on the knees
o ` the boatswain who was in the stern.
1 e loot d the man in the face, gave
o ' e hyoterieai squawk of horror and
s i of in the sea. 1 have never seen
a face show greater astonishment than
at of ur respected boatswain unless
n th
e lied
e traor
h. ndllin
a if et
ft 1
re 1st, D
of the s
le ch
sti Ilia."
to the'
wi h ell
an dig
lite nett
no 110
pr vide
te and
w at is
d, ther
eh ge.
co dein')
br right
th !Elan
Intl enee
ta ng
pe eft:tit
at be m
A can
litt bel
bar to
tell e to
sue es
snail ,o
feat era.
bird eh
heel ena
teal; to la
the penguin'a.
Coral That Shoeks.
coast of the West Indian Is-
urious kind of cOral is found.
illepoca." Tide has a most
ary property Watch makes
e whd know it very shy mf
t. The moment you pick
au and an a nizing pain
rough your Jo. . You feel
tooth and eve nerve and
nnectecl wfth the were burn -
acute pain I ts generally
half en hour and slowly
but the affec do not die-
tirely for bouts. The reason
mous shock or poisoning is a
Born to Starve.
ears 'ago an American nats.
a, discoveredon the surface
a little animal of so singu-
aeter that he named it "mon-
clops so commie' ia ponds.
e the latter are furnished
hat is necessary to caPture
✓ apparatus for 'seizing prey
igestive tube. It le richly
with muscles, nervous eye-
rgarts of sense. It leeks only
ecessary to prolong life by
on. The monstrilla is doom -
ore, to natural -deatiii—Exe
A Queer Sentence.
exhibited at a museum es- -
at Tacubaya, Mexico, was
to be shot tutder judicial
It seems that the animal bit
ho died from the results ot
The family of the deceased
mplaint before e :judge, who
h enough to *Mute. CALIF
ings against the monkey
ced him to be shot Luckily
er of the mused= brought
change. of the Sentence to
imprisonment. e monkey
uring the punts ent of his
nd the bars of iron cage
A Canary's Ea
s ears are ba :it of and a
its eyes. T ey are not
nd when one as learned
ook. There is r4) outer ear,
nimals have, bet simply a
ing which Is Covered by
It Is quite surttrising that
ld possess the ;very acute
eh they do, while laeldng
ilap which enables the ant -
"19 ft tree, madam," gait 1, meeting
Elisroryu;ion the street, " at you re-
. "Surely,", she replied, snilling sweet -
y. "I filed that if I reiteat myself
pereatenity by sheer force of reitera-
0011 1 sooner or later comi3 to believe
He Knows The E
om 31 to your office?"
"1 shoeld say not. . The Janitor
hro ws t em kind of people out."
'Chopping Hint .
madness, urat- began the *Wage bore
"I don'tilwant to Interfere with your
"Ali Tat," interrupted Cyrus K.
flapper. "Go ahead and interfere
ot divo ce from her husban'. Mrs.
ornba Don't sayl How much ami
onit ialid de cote done grant her?
t am ear rich.
The Seures From Which We Get That
Wintergreen flavor.
wouldlnaiss thin tree it ft 'ever huppe
ed to disappear. It furnishes "thitt
winteriareen flavor." Besides a flavor.
leg for candy, it is used by chemists
to hide certain nasty tastes in medi-
cines they give to children.
From the sap of the tree is brewed
the -drink called bireh hoer; so, you see,
this tree is a eonfection Shop la itself
and deserves a place in that fairyland
feorest with the sugar plUm tree and
the othera. Its name is black birch.
It has another mune, Ch.erry birch,
nemed thus because the 'smooth bara
Woks like the bark of the cherry tree.
It is dark brown in color and comeS
oft in layers. Beneath this Myer 10
the inner bark, which contains th -
An old black birch tree 'has a rough
bark covering its trunia, !br.4 the smoot
bark always covers thelitnies. If yo
went to be sure of its IdenUty break
oft a twig and chew it You'll never
mistake the flavor.
Even. the leaves, witieb. are ovate
and have prorainent Veins, bear a
softy flavor. Early in the spring, be-
fore the leaves appear, the tree is coat
Jiine the fruit apneara in the shape
oa cones. When these cones are ripe
they separate into tiny Outs with nate
row wings and scattea to the tour
Birch distilleries are still more or
less common in motinMin regions
where tbe tree is plentiful. The win.
tergreen oil obteined frem the' bark is
veluable. The wood is hard and is
Isoinetimes used for fuaniture.
China's Great Poecetain
41 1430 I.
of ceaseless la
;of about 44,
; *tin tower at
ine4triy four at
Itultil 1850, the
lin* ever erec
lyres of octag
thelglati with
a cornice and
after Mneteen years
r and an expenditure
,000, the Chinese gov-
d the wonderful pone-
anking, Which stood for
d a quarter centuries,
most marvelous' build -
d by huntan hands. It
nal form, 260 feet in
e storiee, each having
gallery 'Without
Elephitrit's Nails.
t is le captivity the
of its bits perMite the beast's
to grow 4) au ahnOrmal length—
the nec ity for Ithe careful par -
of the n After the elephant
been secu ely roped' the nails are
Ohililrei# Cry
person has atarri
*knee has shit'
attic indicates
of the body; an
-014 form of snuffs
To correct catam
ter, Solicit
Public. Of
gale, 01
Five Cents is
all you need pay
for the best and
purest/soap in the world
Sunlight Soap.
stet yoney to keel':
jlaty at each week
Proudfoot, 11C.
'Ate inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity
of punlight Soap; It costs US more to
make pure soap ; but it costs YOU leis
to use' it, for Sunlight pays for itself in
the. clothes, as- it does not Cirear and rub
-the fabrics like common. soaps do.
5c. a bar at all Grocere.
Canadian Ford Car
Parts Reduced
$147 ,Per Car
Since War Began
It ia well knosm that the war has increased the prim af
PreetfeallY all mar materials.
And, although all but *16.88 worth of material that
goes into the conistruction of the Ford car is bought right
here in Canada, a high import duty adds ite burden to
that material that must be bought in the United States,
But in spite ol increased duty and increased cost, the
prices of parts that go to make up a complete Foed ear
have been decreased 4147 since war began.
This reduction was made for two reasons. First;
because under normal conditions, increased quantity pro-
duction would have Made these lei :ened tomes possible.
Second, under abnornial conditions :•reught about by the
war, the exteutiVes of this oempate felt it their duty as
loyel British =bleats to absorb th. taxes of war Into
their manufamktrtng costs.
This reduction in price of parts hi ei first importanee as
a reduction in the cost of service to trd owners. Prices
of Ford spare parts have always I: n exceptionally low
as compared to prtees ofparts for ( me ears, and under
war time conditioas. the Ford COMt ay might have with-
held, with seeming eusticei any redeetion in the price of
parts in times such ae these.
But the Ford cOnadian executities had enough confi-
dence in the pr* of the Dominion and of the Empire
to feel thatthe future prosperity of the country was suffi-
ciently assured to warrant rnaldng thole reductions.
This is imerovi service already unrivalled in its
efficiency. Ford, Universal Car, can as well be
named the Car of if versal Service.
Thus the Ford ienpany has left dollars in the pockets
of Ford owners w ich it might have acOuired were it not
for its policy of th beet service at the ldwest cost. Even
the finest piece mechamsm, of n through abuse or
negleet, sometimes requires atten on. The remarkable
eeonomy of this Vord service is own to motorists all
ver the world.
In every c,omm of any dee n the Dominion there
is Ford dealer w o caries a comp ete eta& of parts and
w se establishment is in itself a ell 'equipped service
tati n. A Ford OwnOt no matte? where he drives his
ear, ne'ver far distant from a Ford service station that
is ready to give prompt and efficient service any emer-
gency that may arise.
Moreover, Ford par*. as is the Ford car iteelf, are
standardized and wfil fit in ple.ce in any Ford eV to the
thousandth part of an inch.
And evay Ford dealer, because of this el tandafdization
of parts over a number of years, hes an knJ
of the eonstruction and repair of the Fo ear. IA
tvelbsowslut!ly no guesswork in this Universal Serviee to Ford
Backing up the service afforded by over hundred
Ford dealers are the nine Ford branches loaded in the
nine leading Canadian cities from SL John to Vancouver.
In four of these Canadian cities new branch buildings
have been constructed since the war began land are them-
selves as large as ma automobile factories. They are
so completety•equip as to be able to build a Ford ear
complete. The disis alone for thine four new
branches were erected at a coat of over a million dollars.
This immense eteenditure is another indication of the
attitude of absolute confidence in Canadian proeperity
that has always bean shown by the Canadian Ford execu-
tives and that has not bean altered in the !slightest degree
by any war conditions.
At the game time that reductions in the of Ford
ear parte were made there was also made a etton in the
price of complete car. Twiee—on Au 1914 and
August 1st, 1915, the price of the For ear was reduced
by $60—a total reduction of $120 in the price of the car
tame the start of the war.
Thie reduction is made on an estimated production of a
definite number of cars for the coming year. Forty thou-
sand Canadian Ford cars must be bunt and sold by
August 1st, 1916 in order to warrant this last reduction of
And here is another most emphatic expression of con-
fidence Canitda. The Ford Canadian executives are
basing everything on the continued and increasing P1405-
perity of the Dominion.
And their judgment is being fully justified.
Fo d Motor Company of Canada, Lim ted
Ford, Ontario
Ford Runabout *480
Ford Touring - 530
Ford Sedan - • 890
Ford Town Car - 780
hrist;en college- tune,
thful situation.
All care completely eeetippedi
iweludiera electric headlights.
Equipment does not include
F DALY Agent, Seaforth
hie Ph
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