The Huron Expositor, 1916-03-10, Page 4iT
ARCH 10 1916
12 13 1
Z.9. ao U.
26 :k
ses-steleart Bro.-3
t --Greig Clothing 0o.-1
W. G. We1e--4
A. Campbell -8
Bower -R. O. Fien4erson-8
Maim 811i -horn Bull -Sohn Ede -5
Mottos t.cs Creditora--.1. M. Best -5
Wan PaPer--Tnompseres Book Store -8
liessotor Sale -W. An -lent -5
Lffriatm 0041.-tr. 0ase-4
TVs for Saha-A. E, Matheson -5
Notlbe to Creditors -P. Hobnested-5
Too? Ilealtii-Varad or flo,--8
For fiats -Alex Gordon -4
Nowrarrners-donathan Magill -5
Girls Wented-Olioton Knitting Ocf.-5
Undertaking -W. 8. Gorm1ey-5
• • #
an txpini
SBA.FORTH, FRIDAY, Max. 10, 1916
The War'Situation '
although it seemed last week that
ha' German offensive at Verdun hal
been °checked, fighting has been
continued this week without intermis-
sion although despite the greatest ef-
fort, of- the war, Germany has not
made any real progress. The tosses
on both kiss, particularly among the
Gerinans have been fearful, the.
dead almost equalling the. wounded,
at; thousands of the latter; who were
'wounded in the desperate charges of
the enemy, could not be. rescued and
perished with the cold. The Germans
have Made gains at Vitrfoug points,
•and at different tirrieEa but vane
Which have availed them practically
nothing. As we pointed out laet week.
the capture ol Verdun, strong for-
trees, las t is, will nottin any sense
prove 'a calamity to the Allies. t.
they are driven out from one fort
after anothe,r, they will retire to
their prepated positions in the
eights behiad. In the meantime
these fortsare splendid protection to
the Allies soldiers, so much so that
their losses in men are comparatively
ail when coirmaxed to those of the
enemy, who have to make their ,at-
tacks against them in the open. The
capture of Verdun will not smashthe
Frenah lines and anything short of
this is a poor recompense for the
sacrafice of so many thousands Of
their men. Very soon this Will be
forced hoax en the Germans.- If they
break the Allied line, even, the vie -
tory would be a dearly bought( one
but this tbey can not do. The . line
Itotas and holds at every point. It. is
fieetningly, 1B,Bt &spearing atterapt law -stamps.
ized, but not before hate, auntie ,
=Ono had. been got aid of with litt e
to *how for the ,expenditure. .
1r Robert Borden, howeVer, refuse
DOW blank to allow an , vestigial° '
unless. demanded by•ethe r erial Go
erntnent claiming that the Shell Co e
mission was under the j4r stiletion
ttte• British House and, Can da had o
right to interfero, ,
Such a contention: may Le all rig t
horn his standpoint, but we fancy th
be and bis • eupporters who veted4 b
hive the lid fastened doWn, will ,fin
life air. Faille; of Peel, that the
Constituents will not telerafe en n
profiteering at the expensde of hum n
lives, and it was non-dlivery f
shells, when. shells were: needed th
sent so many Canadians to their dea
in the earlier stages of this war..
The Ontario, Legialtiture
Since the speech' from, tbe thio
the first event of intereq was
troduced into the Lee,datttfe n
Tuesday, when Hon. T.W,' ladder y,
Provincial Secretary, broug.hf do n
the budget, which has been avralt ca
with interest, to seeewhat new for
of taxatioh would be employed to
5neet the ever growing d mands
on the- public treasury.
Mr. McGarry spoke for two ho re
but the new taxation, b4letiv a
A* need, 'is at tax if ore cent n
eve y paid admission to theatres, a;
matiernents halls, skating rinks, da ce
hails, baseball games, .footbeill gam s,
laerosse games, or any olhsr simi ex
form of entertainment in Ontario a-
part froin those held fcfr religio s,
patriotic or philanthropic purpos s.
It is expected the new i posit ill
bring into the arovince bout $35 ,-
000 and if widened ,to bea some re
tion to the price pad fozf the tick t
as la proposed later, will aonsid.era
increase that- some.
In, additions, ,, the .pr ncipal r e
tracks of Ontario, the Woodbi ,
Dufferin and Hillcrest, th Toro to
and 'Hamilton, Windsor and - F rt
Erie 'will be taxed $1,250 o'er day or
every day there is racing instead' of
$500-e the former taThe G'la
ernment now redelves $4,000 fr m
this source and with the, incr etas • d
tax the treasury will be 'enriched' to •
the extent of ;100,000. 1 '
These are tile princiael ehan
so that\ t will be seen that tbe ta
Mit of ' he country will tint under o
any rad „
tea change, the ,.ew imp° ts
being placed where there can ot
possibly be Any objectionl made to
theta. 1
The total receipts dirritig the p st
!.years, as announced by the Provinc al
Treasurer, ,amounted' to 1, $12,975,7 2,
While the total ordinary' , expen 1 -
tures amounted to .02,704,1362, leaviiig
a next surplus of $271,000, of receiats
over,. expenditures. The chief sem ce
of incoine during the year was 'tart'
rowing; $8,272,243 being raised in t n Is
way and the other sources of to v-
enue Were as follows : Collections
Doininion Government, $2,296,3
Lands, forests and mines Income, $
021,9891 Provincial secretary' a depa
ment, $1,687,559; taxation returns n -
eluded, $188i,311; from the corpo ti-
tian tax, '$1,721,167 trom succeesan
dues, $168,763, 'from game* and fist ..
cries, and $121,537 from- the sale - of
P -
t -
to accomplish something on the ores- The direct liabilities • of the p e -
tern front befope the Turkish de- vince are ;49,389,366 as compared wi
fence crumbles in Asia and, the Rus- $40,405,534 at the beginning of t e
aims -come knocking at the door of fiscal year, and the indirect liabilities
iter eastern defences. , are $10,345,849, the chief item bei g
Persistent rumors assert that a the Maelsepzie & Mann guarantee of
Naval engagement is imminent in the ;7,860,000.
North Sea. A fleet of tvrerity-five
German wershipS was observed cruis-
ing in that sea on blonday and naval
experts have expressed the opinion
Notes. -A very successful wood b
:was held on the farm of -Mr. Willi
for several days that the Germans Kinsman, on Friday last. It was o
.are preparing to venture QIit,,ganized by the ladies of the R d
that Important events are pending, Cross and besides it being a rnea s
but as to whether British officials 1 of solving the labor problem, it al 0
beneee this or not, .nothing 48 knownnetted the suin of $19 towards t e
There appears to be, however, a state
_ funds of this society. -We are aor y
of expectancy among the people or
the British Isles. , to report that Irwin, the second a n
of Mr. Richard Taylor, is dangerous y
On the Eastern front the Russians ill with pleuro -pneumonia. -It as a
are Making rapid adrances against nounced that the Hensall company f
the Turks and it .will not be surpris- the 161 Battalion, will, weather pe
Ing if by spring a large' portion of mitting, attend church here on Su
Turkish Ada is dominated by -Britain
and her Allies, dear next.
, _
. In the other war centres, there, has . --
been little activity during the Week,
The Dominion Parliament.
' The House of Commons during the
week has been discussing the ques-
toin of prohibition. A bill has been
introduced calling for the total pro-
iiibition, importation, neanufacture and
sale of all Intoxicating beverages in
Canada until the end of the war
Jug whet support will be given. the
bill it is hard to pay as the Cabi-
net and both parties are widely at
variance' on the question, although a
majority of members frotn all the
brevinces appear to favor it. )The
government, however, have intimated
that an amendment will be forth com-
ing which provide that where any
Province has adopted prohibition to
the full extent of its constitutional
powers and asks to:, have it eupple-
enented by Federal authority, the Do-
minioo will take such steps as are
- necessary to make the prohibition. ab-
solute. In other words, in such cases
the Dominion will prohibit the im-
portation into and probably the manu-
facture of liquor in such province. In
either case the House will have the
opportunity of voting on a More dras-
tic measure of prohibition than has
over been submitted to 11,`
The sharpest debate of the session
occurred on Tuesday, when Sir Wil-
frid Laurier moved resolution ask-
ing for an investigation bY a select
committee of the House' of the
work of the shell committee. The
work of tide committee has met with
some very severe criticism by the
people and through the press of Can-
ada, and rightly so. The Committee
as first appointed. by the Minister of
Militia Was' composed largely of men
interested in the iron and ` steel
trade and manufactarers,who let
oontracts, to theres.eives, passing ever
bonatide manufacturers and operating
through middlemen, who went about
peddling their contracts', the result
being that little work was done and
few shells went from Canada. Finally
the British Minister of Munitions,
Lloyd-deorge. sent Mr. D. A. Thomas
aver to investigate why only two per
cent- of the war =orders sent to Can-
ada had been fined. The investigation
rif 1,fr. Thomas was , not 'very t lengthy
but it was very thorough, and as a
result the Commission' was re-organ-
Marriage. - On Wednesday, mar
1st, the home of Mr. and "Mr
Hehry Adams, Hullett, was the sce e
of at very (pretty (wedding, wa n
their daughter, Chirstena May, * eir s
united in marriage to Austin A. De
ter, eon of Mr. Theodore Dexter,
Hullett. The "eeremony was , pe
formed by Rev .C. C, .Kaine, past'r
of the Methodist church, Londesbor
at four o'clock, in the presence f
about thirty relatives and immed
ate friends. The young couple we 6
unattended. The bride looked love y'
In a gown of tuscan silk, trimme
with net and buttons, and weari
a bridal veil, caught with 'Ewan e
blossoms and carrying a bouquet f
white carnations and fero. She e
tered the parlor leaning an the ar
of her ,father innd ',took her (lilac
under an arch of evergree , trimme4.
with 'white and pink roes, fro
which suspended a large bite be I.
The wedding march was played
Miss Lillian, sister of t e bride. A.
ter the ceremony and u Ilea congra
ulations, the guests rep red to t
dining -room, where a sumptuous tea
was served. The presents we e
numerous and costly which sho -
ed the high esteem in Which- th
young couple were held. The eve ..
leg was spent in singing, piano an
violin music, and games, after whic
the young couple left for the 'groom
fine farm near Constance, the bri e
attired. in a brown serge suit •vvit
white silk blouse.
Death of Mr. Horton.- r. Wilital
L. Horton, one of tale most prom
nent men of this town, arid of. wess
tern Ontario, passed quietle away
his residence here on Sunday morn
ing, at the age of 56 years. He wa
formerly manager of the Huron an
Bruce Loan and Savings Co., and o
the Standard Loan Co. into whic
it was merged, and on the absorp
tion 'of the latter into tae Standar
Reliance Mortgage Corporation,
Toronto, he reinalned as a direct°
He was for many ,years Town Treas He was the largest share
holder and a director of • the God
erich Elevator and Transit Co.
also Secretary' -treasurer iand mane
ger of the plant tor many years. un
til 'Ws 'death. Ile was Manager f
some time of the local branch of th
Union Dank, was connected with th
Dominion Road atacbine COot of
town, the Goderich Organ Co., th
Goderich Wheel Pigs Co., and tb
eittern , Canada, P1. ur Was.
cooled was an atctiv beral wor
er, and tants a. mem r ,of severs
fraternal organttatia s, ealteibilly tit
Odditellov48 and Ethe sone. < Th
funeral was 111014 ,r evi h Maaexti
rites : edneadal from -St. Geor
ges 'Aug an Ohtirc ofvarivblch lu
*tie a member. eaby
wife and his Mothone brother
and four ifistaria Hit brother 1
manager of alio 1113 k of Monttea
at Port Hope. gup stela; are • Mr
Baker of Goderach ; rs ' A. ate Ga
ble and st Capt.)C. rsi Potee o
Toronto, and Mrs.non Hill, of Re
' Not a. -Mrs. 'He r Demuth, f
Port Arthur Is h e Visiting xela
tives Mre. Geor e lanes left 'o
Mend y for be e it Moolse as
Th Hensall a d Zu ich senio
h eke teams pi: fast gam
181 H nsalle on T sday night .en
ZtxIe won by re of 6 to
T1 urIch playe er : E. Hovel
R eber, Lee o ixna , A. Bosse
b rrY Clayton, fm n, .
K ibf eisclf and • tare ce Beffins+
n Monday nig t Of ast week the
Julnio s played the as Wood junto s
H nsall and tale cor was 10 to 1
in f vor of Zurich -Itr. E. 0015C
h s petted -a bare r eh p next ta
Fitz'.Eihoe store n ain street.
M. 1 ohh Routledg , f the loc:1
staff of the MoIaon Buik has bee
tr ns erred to Exeter.-7Mrs.
11ie esch w1dbsv of t e late Josep
se , of Hay has pure afeed a hou e
end lot tin Blake rote Mr. Pete
Brennerman.-Mr. Talbot and
serf Melvin, of near Bake, are th s
week 1 attending th hreaberman
cqnvefriticn being hld rin illamilta
-Mrj Garnet Jao las (purchase
the 4iunklred acre ar 'from hs
fatbe4 i4r. SolornOn J obe, who h s
punch se& the fifty acre farm, als
t e 115th cones:i.n, of the este e
of t e Iftle :7ofteph mes h.
Pio eea Passes
took plaice in 'laid
Marcl th, of Ca hi
of the late Willie
year. Deceased w s
rnanagh county, lee
this • eountry With h
arid two children ti
settlieg first te w
knoWi as Muddy I
wber4 they rernalne
afterslvards rernoVin
townhip, Perth cointy
rearei a family of 1 ix
boys. Some years lat r
her 1te reildrace jx H
years' aglo her , hus nd
carried her sorrows, bra
of a cheerful.- dlOppsiti
-neigh or and beta f
was Ier closest, fries d,
ed I to rest with joy
feredi no illnesa, jut
oft h physkal, fie
mouri h r loss th
boys, Mrs; McCully
John Clerke of gll
Willi m VicGavin o
on the Old horneat
arid lWiU1arn ho
thes there are 33
49- gr at-grandehi d
took lace on Moiide
bank cenFtery. Ti ii
old ion ers pas
1 e
thou hts 'go hack
they naured and, t
made foe their ;chtl
tae caries they er
It is o these noble
our ountry is; Ind
forge We have a
Not s.4Lieut. c.
paren al [ home, on
is re rutting office
Austi Dexter, Of t
was nited in mar
Adam , of the 8th
lett, n WedneedaY
Keine performed t
only he !Immediate
tives attended. -Da
*eddi g bells will
again. Mr: George
ahead in the shoot
week, Iltting eight
ay -The deat
tt on Saturda
inc Moore, reli t
inn, her 90t'n
a aative of ,Fe
nd,I and came Ilo
r ate hushan
tie year 184
at Was the
k, now Tyrant
f r one yea
t Blanshar d
where they
girls and fo r
hey moved o
llett. Twel e
died, but $ e
ely. She w s
n, a kind
11, her Bib e
nd she ente
She su
wearing o t
e. he leaves o
e iris and t
C•nstance, tare.
rniy, Man., Mat.
Mc! illoa, Jose
addition; to
an' children an
n. he funer
to the Maitlah
o e by one t e
wa , out . otr
o he aardshi
e adrificee the
en in hewing 0 t
to ay enjoyin
mei'i and wome
ted ; let us n t
ty to perform..,
al visited the
un ay last;
at Hensall.-Mr.
9 h concession,
ge to Miss
=esion H
las. Rev. C.
c remony an
rie els and rel
UMW' say
r nging soo
ar er came o t
g contest leat
irds out of te
, Bra fek-Miss May
Clinton,as the g
garet Watson, of o
the , eek. -Pte. Jar
don ,paid a visit t
week. On Thursday,
a n ber ot the
161st uron Battallo ,
marched to the home of
Rober Male an atit
they were treated to a
supper and other refees
remainder of the evani
in a sociable elan
bout 9.30 o'clock, when
moved that a heart
be given ia top Sir. an
for tae kind hospitelit
bestowed upon -them, a
that jt was one of th a
they had enjoyed. 'Ince
161st. This is one
that goes 0 make t
the good people of
them and appreciate--
set out to do.40wi
weather on Febrile.
iset for special ser ,c
odist • church, here, 1
until his Sunday, M.
services will be held
afternoon and 7, pen.• in
--The 'ls of the R
ciety held 'a flaunting
basement o the; Met odi
Wednesday, when i
womentur ed out tl
hand. at i needless
the women all over
the women around ,
will be ver little di
line oO' chi hing for
the rf ont. Our gob
certainly to be eon
good work they ha
and bad colds seem
of the day ith! a .gr
young peop e around
-The weat er man
us a great variety
month. Bat We ' liop
soon ive us sometn
cheer. the cart of
old. -T e !-S ock sale
Moffatt- On Thursday
attended . and good p ice
Miss Jen* Mceana w
King itb friends tit
Seaforth,has returne
old fel , Mr. George
village, is now *rest
cold.- We hope
spring will have its
that r. M Kay will
-Mrs. R. McLean
Reynolds re e.ach
pair of sot 9 for go
on. Mr Ge rge Mc
lage is co ng alon
f Miss Mar
ou villager ,thi
F truary 24t
old eats of th
ram Renee
Mr. and Mrs,
nley, ewher
rand oyste
ments. Th
g was spen
er, until a
Lieut. Hai
✓ te all
f thga.rnt‘ek
s. Dinsdal
they hat
ld ne ant
the act.'
° le no itnh
weuhrhir4taatfhfeeee)el,l, hthafloa,
t the storm.,
2 th, the daei
es in the Methi
ai 'postpone
re 12th, whe
a 2.30 in sth:
the evening
d Cross So
ee in a th
t church o
oo number o
give a helpin
to say that if
do as much 'a
i pen, ther
forts Ift tie
soldiers a
omen arel
ted for th
o e the, orde
at any of th
his community -
as been givin
f eather this
th t he , . may
ng that will
oth young and
of Mr. John
'la t, was well
realized. -
0 was vis_
eKillop and
h me. - Our
nMg w IKay,thoaf btaihde
he coming of
oo effect and
be well again,
an tMhe. ith
er this seas_
y, of teh
kis lOth
• .
r aRl *O.. 1,1111airk ',gander-
zon a d tribe Maggie Wateone Of KIP
pen d ve to: 1l11mvIL1e One, daY" MIS
week e-eisit Mr „On :lanes, who
has n t ben enjoytng -hie usual good
health for some- tirtle • They were
please to find him brtprOving and
able. t get around the beuse, where
be is very comfoitable and enter,
talned his :comPanY la his testier
genial manner. - We, hope he will soon
be ab e to .call on his old Kippen
friend Who will welcome birn at
WI* ot me the best coal -Scranton 0021 chest.
n ft fur aer, bloolfsmith and soft coal, field and
garden Alb, hest grades flOur feed and sail). Full
Una Dr, Hess Stock Food. F, 0.rse & Son, phone
85. 2617-4
Brie s, -Rev. Mr. Knight, is in To,
ronto this week attending the great
tempe ance . convention. -The Ladies'
Aid f the *Methodist church intend
$26; good had Boar, *tat $1.00 t
$1,70 •Potatoest-Dag, Ontario $1.7
to $1.1a; and nNew Brunalvieks, $1.8
to $190 per bag on track.'
Live Stock Markets
Buffalo. -March 7.--Cattle-Active
pehne : steers, $8,75 to $9'; tibia*
s8 to Imo; ?:autcherst4 $$.75 to 38.611
halfera, 36 to ;1.75; coin. 33.75
$7.25; tulle, 45 to $7.25t; fresh co
aid springers, active arid firin, 35
to slip. yeiari—active : $4! to $12. Rog
-Heavy active; light slow; heavy
39.50 to $9.601; mixed, $91,45 to $0.50;
y rkers, $835 to $9.50; Pigs, $8.25 to
.50-; Toughs,' $8.35 to $3,60 stags,
.50 to 36.15; Sheep and. Iianbs
ctove ; lambs, ;8 =to 311,50 e a fe
$ 1,01 yearlings, 36.50 to e 310.2
wether, $8,75 to $9.25; ' ewes, $4 0
$ .50; 'sheep, mixed, $8.50 to $8.75,
Montreal, Mar. at -At the iwest_end
stock market the receipts for the
holding a supper and ,concert in their weck tending March 4th; eir re 6(0
churc on Wednesday next, ' The cattle,1 (75 sheep, and Iamb;, 2,000
proce ds will go to peel off' the debt h gs and 400 CaFFell, The eu • ply o
on th1r splendid church sheds. The the market this morning f r sale
Peres City Male quartette, of Lon- a ounted to 600 ,cattle, 50 eep and
don, eve been engaged 40-givii, the 1 mbs, 1,600 hogs', and 200 i alves. A.
progr mme. at the concert, which few full loads of choice st ers 8011d
promi es to be very good. -A pretty at 37465 to 1./5, and San small
milita y wedding took place in Car- p eked lots s high as $1.8 to - 47.90
mel c urch on Wednesday morning Of per cwt.. In I the market or sheep
this eek when Miss Myrtle Taylor and limbs te,feeling IS v ry firM„
and te, Reginald Angel were united Sales of lambs were made at $11.50
In m rriage. The ceremony was per- to $'2 per cwt. On epto of the
formed by Rev. Mr. Smith. The marc liberali receipts of c Ives a
churc was prettily- decorated The weaker lea g developed i la . the
'nide was married in her travelling sirhOli. Sales of choice Milk1e4
suit of navy blue with hat to match. stock were ade at Sc to lOo per lb.
The appy couple left on the ten a.m. 1 sa st nger feeling prevailed in the
train for Clinton, Where the groom market. for hogs, and 'irk s scored
Is in training with the Surma Dattal- 2111 advance of _10 -to 20c per 'cwt.
which was ttributed to t e higher
olon followed by the good wishes of
their many friends. -Mrs, Sohn Scott prices ruling in the L Toronto market
at he latter end of last , week.
has eturned home after spending a
few • ays with friendsain St. Thomas. The demand from packers was fairly
-Mr. G. J. Sutherland 18 spending a good, with Latlee of selected lots at
41.0.60 to $10.70. Sows at 03,5
Herrn) ill is very 11 with pneumonie. .3t5o ,.,;81)i r
1 ,
few ays in Toronto this week. -At
the t e of writing , Mr. Thomas Ind tags at o,25 to $
'cwt., weighcd off cars. -
cattle, choice 11.65 to 0.90; Butcher3'
-The Huron Reetuiting League have
lam, 0.75 to 7,25; do. common,4°"$rnee o-
arran ed to give 'the people of Hens,
sail nd surrounding country a "great
1,; canners, $4 to 34.15; butcher
treat on Monday next, having made ttle choice, cows, $6.25 to 6.50;
do, ediurn, $5.25 to 35.15; do, bulls,
arran ements to have Catitain Daneey
addre s two meetings that day, pne 1$5.76 to 37; andrs,chotiumlceedi, each, e
h, 380
at th ee in the afternoon and again 385;d0,nun
at el ht lo Inc evening. Captain 370 to $75; springers, $60 to i65. She
Dane y isfrom overseas And has
Ew s....$7.50 to $8; bucke , rid cut
' ''
mthaonsYe interesting things to tell, and
; to $7,26; lambs, 411.60 to $3.
1-ioggs-Off cars, 10.50 to 10.70.
week who heard him at Zurich last
were delighted, with him, and -Union Stock Yards, Toronto, March
all a e looking forward with interest 61 -There was an improved 1 buying
to hi strong patriotic addresses on tone or all grades of butcher catt e
Mond y next. -As Mr. George Hudson and he 2,000 head on ,offer weie
l& exce
was c ming home to' town on Saturday clearedup early, (with (fe
.after oon last he was ,Walking behind t oral. There was a arepoederanc
his t am when a runaway team came Of good to choice /panty cattle, but
elven he me:dium grade killers sol: -1
up b hind and knocked him down,
rende Ing him unconsdous for
ore readily, than on Thursday, anti
'short time. His', face was badly
t kin , the market for butcher cattle
scratched and hie ankle hart, bat he all through, the tone was .10c strong
ea. Four et ,ers, which average
:round 1,400 a, s., topped the sales at
36.50, and Or one straight load of
as nice heavy steers as his bee
seen 18 the :pens since Chr atmas, a
b41. of $8.30 was refused nd the
load held over. Numerous 1 ads 01
butchers, which weighed fern 1100
to 1,180 apiece cashed in from 37.65
to it 0, andlems,lier parccisl of ligh
er cattle sold as readily from 37.25
to 37.50. Common to medium butch
ets brought values between $6,25 to
$7. The price range for canners and
cutters varied between $3.59 and ;4.5
Fat cows and butchers' bulls wer
If anything, only a little better tha
• steady at last week's q otation .
Only a trinieg trade was tone in
stockers and feeders and 18 milkers
and springers, but recent values are
holding good. A new record was -
established for lambs, when 39 head
sold this morning for 313.5 A fe e
others( sold at $13, but thq general
ran of choice lambs cashcd in el)
tween $11.25 ;and $12.50. Li ht he:p
Were stronger,. a few light animals
o choice grade selling up to $9.5
Is no
J. S
at Mi
the 11
e had a (very lucky escape and
able to ,be around again. -The
' Aid of Carmel church, met
Wednesday afternoon at the
of 'Mrs. :C. A. McDonell.-Mrs.
pson won the ,prizet at, guessing
ton Ortwein's store, and won
e clock that was gieen, and has
kindly presented it to the
Patriotic League and they
ecided to auctionqn off on Mon-
vening at the Captain Dancey
pa trio tic 1 owe ting. -The friends to
umber of twenty, of Mrs. P.
, (nee Miss 'della „Wood) gave
very pleasant surpialse in the
f a shower on Monday evening.
ceived many useful presents,
very enjoyable evening was
Our Reeve had an agreeable
She r
,surprise the other evening .upon open- h s mail. It contained a letter
froin Mr. William Moir, ,of Toronto,
but f rmerly of Hensel', -.offering free,
for r .creation purposes, three and a
half res of land. In all ten ...lots
situat .d and fronting on the 'railway
and a out one minute's walk from the
depot. The council in accepting the
offer of land from Mr. Moir„ inform-
ed that they would proceecli it
once o beautify the grounds, which
would be called the -Wilhelm Moir Re-
oreati n Park. Mr. George Sutherland
Mr. ir's agent, is leaking oa-t the
deeds for the land. Heosall vain now
,.have •ne of the most Op, to date con-
venie t parks in the County, thanks
tq th donor' i generous gift. All of
the s uth side of Hensall was once
Mr. oir's farm, as he, sold, it for
villag lots.
Bean Market
Tor nto, March 7th -Trade quiet at
34.10 o $4.40, the latter for hand_
Poultry Market P
Toro o, Mar. 7 -Live - old fowl
160 -ti 18c; delcketas, ltic to tea, ture
keye, 18c to 26c; ducks Ile to 14e;
geese 160 to 12c. Dressed, -Old fowl,
15,0 to 18c; chickens, la to 32c • arilki
fed, c ickens, 2e to Ile ; tux-it:eye 26c
to -30c; auckst 16c to Mc; geese, 17c
to 1
Dairy Markets.
Toro to, Mar. 7 -Butter -The of..
arin are a little better, but
prices a e firm. Best grades in de-
imand. Bresh. dairy, 2c to Mc ;in_
ferior, 2 4cir 25c; creaniery px:ints,
34c ti 36c solids, 32 tO 34e. Eggs.
-The defnand is good j,with priees
steady Storage; 28c to 24e per dOz_
select d 26c to 27c; new laid, $0c
to 31 in case lots., Cbeese'Urge
19c; t ins, 19 1-4c. Honey -Prices in
10 to 60.4. tins 12 1-20 be 18c. IP
comb No. 1, 32.75 to 38.; No. 2,
$2.25 o $2.40, - 1
`Grain. Etc
Torre to, = March 7tlie- Manitoba
Wheat In store at Fort Wiillaer, 'No.
1 nortlserri $1.13 5.4c; do. Nod 2. CL -
IO 798 ; do. No. 3, 1.08 7-8, Manitoba
Oats- n store at Fort Whitest No, 2
C.W. 1 1-8c ; No. 8, C.W., 39 .1,.8p;'
No. 1, extra feed, 39 I -8e S NO.1 I feed
37_3-8 . American Corn-No.3 yellow
'Tae; 0 Ian CM), teed, 69c - to 700.
Ontarl Wbeat-No. 2 winter, per car
lot, $1 to $1:02 ; slightly eprouted,
and la, according to , eatrale 91to
to 98c; sprouted orsmutty ad
tough, according to aample, 93c to
to 95c according to freights outside.
Pea- o. 2, $1.60; peas, according to
sample, $1 to $1.80, according to the
freight outside. Barley -Malting
n62e ti 64e; feed, 57c to 61e,
accordi g to the freiesths outside.
Buckw eat—Nominal, 700 to 71e Rye
-No. commercial, 86c to '870; reject.
ad, ac ording to sample, 82c to 84e
Manito a Flour. - Virs . pat_
eats, i jute bags 36.80; o. e sec -
wide, tee(); strong bakers, $6.10
In jiLeI bags. Ontario 101o.3ri — Wil -
ter, tr4ck, Toronto, arootpi sill, -
trent conding - to aarn,iile; *4.30 to $4..
40, in j te bags; balk, seaboard, $4.25
to *&o: ,Malfleadt—Oardots, Der to
'dellver4Montreat. freights: . Bran
$24.00; shorts, ;25,00; middlings
b t tae average price paid for the
J ery best was around 9c per lb
eavy sheep and bucks were steady.
C Ives were steady to strong. There
ere not forty head of hogs on' the
a en market, the week -en
P shill-
ents having all gone dire t to the
p kers, who this (morning amoctert
a 25c, advanae, fweighed of a
r$10.15, fed and watered $9.75, an
f.o.b., $9.40. ' Some repre entativ
sales were: H. P. Kennedy sold 12
Wads -Best butchers 7.65 to 88; good
butchers, $7,40 to $7.65; i tnecilunt
butchers 37 to 0.30; comMoa hutch.
eta $6.60 to :3675; choice cows, $6.25
to 36.50; good cows, $6 to 3645; med-
iate COWS, $545 to 35.90; canners, and
cattere, $4.001 to $4.50; choiae bulk,
$0.65 to $7; god cows, 36,25 to $6,501;
mediuto bulls, 35.75 to 36.25. Rice
and Whaley old:hButcheis-12, 1,180
lbs., $7.75; 18, 1,020 lbs., $7 50; 20
1,p0 lbs., $760; ,19, 000 lbe., 3725;
1 , 840 lbs., 36.90; 22, 1,040 lbs., $7.40
2218, 1,216 lbs., $7.75; one, 1,220 lbs.
'1.75; ,21, 1,105 lbs„ 37.60, Cows -Six,
1,170 lbs., $5.90; two, 1,020 lbs., 5.15;
fdur 1,220 line, $6,35; five, 1,000 lba,
i35450 ; one, '1250 lits„ $6.501; two
1,150 tbs., $6.85; three, 1,180 lbs., 6.10;
one, 1,250 po lids, 37; seven, 1,140 ib., 1
36.25; LV/0, 990 lbs,, 35; fou.r, 1m230 '
lbs., 16.19; elr, 4,180 lbs., 6; EVA?
1,215 lbs., $6; two stockers, 180 lbs.,
$ G.75; two stockers,• 1(06 ihts, $6.75.;
t o Stockers, 700 lbs., $6.75; two
feeders, 820 'lbs., 47410; one bull,
2,170 lbs., $6.i40; one .bull, 130 lbs.
$0-75: two nmilker, 166; light sheet), 38 to 39.50;
lks. $59,50 each; one
heavy sheep and bucks, $6 to 38;
1embs,1 $10 to 12.50;)1 cholce calves;
$7.60 to , 49; common calves, 6 to' $6.
Dann end Levack sold; the hers -
Five, 1,880 lbs., $8,401; 10, 1160 abs,
$1.70; 15, 1040 Os., (37.56; 4, a,030
thee 17.25; 14, (1020 UOS., .419; V18,
10150 lbs., $7.45 ; 14, 94.0 lbs. 57.50; t
990 lbs., $7; 29, 1040 ibs. $7.40.. Cows
--Two, - 1210 lbs, 36,3 ; 14 11.170 lbs,,
$6,35; 1, 1160 lbs„ $6; Iwo 980 aloe
24,76 ; ree, e31.0 lb,s., $4.751. ene 760
14, ,_60 ; three, 1110 ' lbs. .76; one
829 lbs,. $4.50 ; one 1,250 ib1. e6.50;
brie, 990 lbs„ 36.15; 70 aa s $10.50
to 08 ; 65 calves, $7 to $1.50; ,,, 20
sheep, $6 to $9. The quotatlons were
choice heavy steers, 1.75 to .50 ; butt
alters cattle choice, $7.50 •to .15; do.
good, 740 to 7.35; do., mediu 36.60 t
$6190; do, common $6.26 to 6.60; butch
exit, (balls choice, $6,50 to $ do
geed bolls, *5.76 to $6,10; d ,roagat
$4 50- to $5; butchers' cows, choice
6800 tie *6.50; do, good,.$5.85 o 6.10;
doineedium, $5.10 to *5.65 o, corn-
rr n, ,$4.86 to tr ; fearite, , 6.25 t
$7100; atoekete, 700 ao 000 ib., 16.1
to 46.70; cutters and canoe $9.25
to 34.50; takers. choice, each $76 to
$100; de. core. and mediuoa h $341
to. $60; springers $50 to i&i,; lighbi
ewes, 8.50 to 9.53; heavy miieep, ;61
to $7.50; bucks, $3.50 to $4,50;
yearling, latcbs $7 to 37.75; la bs cwt.
$11 to MS; calves, medium 18 choice
*7.25 !to $11.60; merman at $40� tie
35.50; hogs, fed and watered $9.75
off care, 10.15; f.o.b., $9.40.
0:11. -Able Ftatibers
Don't ivit. colds and sickness by neglecting to keep your feet dry at
this season f the year. A pair of our tellable rubbers will protect your
feet, your h alth and your pocket book. We sell the best rubbers that
money can uy. We have so much confidence in their wearing qualities
that we lu rantee every pair we sell. Our women's fine rubbers have
the red rub u er heels and are doubly re-inforced at back- of the heel
prevent br aking down. We carry a complete stock of Rubber foot-
wear for ev ry member of the family and can fitever, style of shoe per-
fectly. Ou men's high grade rubbers are priced at $1, $1 xo and $1.15
Women's r bbers at 75c and 85c, boys rubbers at 75c and 85 cents.
Mises rub ers at 6oc and 65c and childrens at so cents. Long rubber
boots—a fu 1 line of nibber boots of superior quality at these prices:
women's, s zes 3 to 7, for 2.50, misses or boys, size 11 to 2, for 2.25,
childrens si es 7 to to for 2. 00. Men's pure gum rubber boots with red
rubber soles for 4.5o. Special Sale of Goodyear rubbers, While these
last we will sell women's Goodyear rubbers for 49 cents. Misses sin,:
to 2 fo 49 cents and children's sizes 7 to xo for 39 cents.
One Hundred Young Women
and many young men wanted at once
to train for boice office postions. The
demand on lhe
73,1,Yonge s,., Toronto is fully five
tinies our sue ply. Write at once for
particulars. Enter now.
Notice is here
sate for arrears*
that copies there
that the list is
sues viz. Deoem
uary Ist,1,916 of
default of the pa
be aokl at the to
the igth day of
Seaforth, Dec.
n of Seaforth
Tax Sale
y given that the list of lands for
taxes has beea prepared and
f may be had in my office and
Ing pnblIshed in the following le-
er lttb, 110111_25th, 1915 and .fau-
heen'Ont trhloeCitaxasefette:tekudandth:twrfin01 i
vn hall; Seaforth, on Wednesday.,
arch, 1916, a43 oolook p. m., for
JOHN A. W1113014,
Eleey,Treati. Town of tieaforth
4ch, 1915, 2505-13
Oats -Wanted
Seaforth Oatmeal Mill
We are again on the market to
buy any ituautity of goad. clean
oats at the Seaforila Oatmeal
mills foe which the highest
cash rice will be paid.
Walter Thompson & Son, Ltd.
- Seefoeth 2503-
Are You GOirig
The Grand Trunk Railway
System will run
Homeseekers' E x curs j o s
Each Tuesday
March th to October sist
Tickets valid to return within two
months inclusive of day of sale.
WINNIPEG and return $35
EDMONTON and return $43:
Proportionate lo w rates to other pomts
In Manitoba, Saskatchewan & Alberta
Full particulars and. tickets on appli-
cation to agents.
W. Somerville Town Agent
VV. . . ...Depot Agent
C. E. HORNING, D. P. A.e
Union Station, Toronto. Out
Owing ' to the great demand for
team harness in the spring you.
will find 'it more satisfactory to,
place your order with us now, that
we may giVe it our special at-
tention. We guarantee ail our
O harness to be Made from, No. .x
Union Oak harness leather which,
coupled with first\ class workman-
ship, we. know \we can satisfy
in you, in every respect. Get our
Gasolipe Engines ordef_pow.
prices and let us have, your spring
Cleaning Harness
This year we are making a\specialty
Here's Your Chance
One second-hand Internation-
al 3 h. O. engine, good as
Two second-hand 2 Itp, gaso-
line engines in good repair.
These engines are in the
best running order, and will
be sold very reasonably.
Wright's Garage
North Main st. Seaforth
of cleaning and oiling harn\es., We
find that we can do it better and
more economically than it baler -
wise could be done. We are tising
a specially prepared harness oll
which enhances the life of the leatb
er keeping tach strap soft and
able. Bring in you harness and \
let us clean it.
Harness Shop
Opposite Commercial Hotel
E give coupons with every 25c. Intr.-
thash of all tile high grade guaran-
teed products made by the United
Drug Company. We are willing to lose
money on the silverware to get you ac-
quainted with these goods, which are stan-
dard in their line.
"Rexall Remedies"
Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles,
Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and
hundreds of other items, household prepara-
tions, etc. You cannot afferd not to. se -
'cure this popular silverware, when you can,
get it on our half bought plan. As art ex-
ample, this teaspoon that sells for 25c. you
can get for roc. with coupona.f
This offer Will hold good as long as the si verwea
commencing Friday, March 3rd.
C. L. Williams
Successor to Alex Wilson
aV0 en de 1
- Ch
on 1
one 1
ev. E.
e of the
e = meeting.
also be retid
even,mg. No adz -ill
Charged, but an
taken for the hem
Atisuse. Sverybody
tend a large atteru
that an ma,y becor
edWith o noble
eletY dolag.,
f Engle
ve. )4 i
Nearly elglat cent
:Ted au English
be ranked Itopc
Iwith any tragedy e
Wed has ever
mp4iris4in with so
lc of life was sma
tul—when 'the Whit
giovemben 1120, e
go the throne of Et
in the deipths. The
then to hear her cal
ber eompanims of
o near'tkg).t tradlti
taught al -911111-4 shri
abriek, a' little dif6
the Wbite t4pa
.t rt
ptur from her
' Prince 1Wilthon, I
Wyman Jan& and
ler Matilda, an Meg]
position Of especial
tience, tor he rep
In the royal line of
W. title ,a the Se,
revived or Lana
tiara 'the Atheling.
y of eighteet,
acarried to the Fre
da, to Whom he t
!ince he iwas ten a
"France, too, he iw
ther the. honors
tio rebellious Norn
'-thown himself a C0
airbus enportent.
.itied Xing Henry]
ling and. the /endel
set sail from Radii
The White Ship
t for t.he king, b
' disappoint the
essel, to whom ItEl
honor of his prese
Ie asked that it b
WllUain -instead.
bad got away be
with the prince,
_ard; Mg half s
aterche, and
weighed anchor.
command of Tho-
-experienced sea
took the helm.
The night at
there was a ir
gay, wild and 'awl
tailed for wine an
Indies danced on
tteek. They dm -a
and eallozs often
way oii th
*hip rat full upo
known and chart
tt knife.
Seized Pr"n
a boat, spra
eterelloria, and p
Several boat Ten
when the princ
him frozn the
ker. He ordered
Igto the Protests
-foresaw whet
neared i the
prinee beld
ieaped--but n
serembling, leap
eirepped Into the
Jed, and all were t
Only one mon
White Ship snrv
poor In:Ocher o
meat who floated
*man rescued 11
we to Eneite
1.1..'hen for a whole
though many or
anournees for Ca
Iringe No one
last foun
could neitiser
_ inessenger
a yourie pe.g
Blois and laba
nepbew. Tbe
in.ourning, kne
'feet, weeping.
his' pale face a
ed the nevne
ont the storY-
less when It vras
So great
time .and
dares that he
..,alition ember',
0Wri verses -
ter peen
ifine and
bas told
the narrat,
eIe survive
nolw but nee
Vbir bUtcher of
t,Land,s are
cirwas a regal.
Met the tale can
(The sea betle