The Huron Expositor, 1915-09-03, Page 3DOMINION BA IDMUNDii....0114010t,M P PREIRDIENT. weia alarretwa, vioa-passuiaaa O . A. BOGpiTsGeneral Manager. Catpistat Paid -uta a -, a a $6,000;000.06 Reserve Nod atakTnavialed Profits 7,300,00(06 r . A Savings Department . is conducted at every Branch -of tha Bank where and .upwards are received and intesest at current rat added. It is a safe and ooraverdent depoalbiry. forlaaraiteriqa 1 SEAFORTH BRANCH : 'A, E. COLSON, Maraiger. . . ! "am ,,,i.1111•11•1111116 1 ‘r. given their ach worthy ma:aortal:3 bea to develop Ia.r resources, destinies. and to re- apuiatioa and increase her :Canada has ta?an largely • wages at hozre nnd iii could have had a double w, had the Federal and rliazrents, either .individua oferatively, Instituted: a educed fares payable out fter arrival for dasirable and similarly low rates [nation of the friends and p.-rsons already in the low rates of pay at home -fi(ths of tha workers de - rate, eapecially the young. dedrabe on, from corn-, use Olga have no money, fares. The Introduction f immigralts is an endow- nlace they go to. LOCAL ON FUNDS could be estati- advanced to Boyd for • ax-SoIdiers. Widows and able cla-ases of irririgranta kation). The selection coild I the Canadian Government /Loridan. and Oa. MONEY.. ted teak, COULD BE usErt [ich ia not the cease in ..any , of benevolenee. Then the ould zelected for -fit- twithout the entrance of a ailitication as at present qual diatribution a unIforrat '? the first job in Canada arable. 1so b rerrembered that - :-tistic efforts in churche- re araanot included In the •ey mention..d in the Gos- rather advt.a.ate practical Tea. charity. -zuela az the -:entioned above. These also intentions of the giver pr area thai do tablets, obilisks, and, th2 naming d their De-nefic,liaries keep$ vagrant the memory of the Id a their objects afte-r • or glass have become tted and defac..d. being and errploymeat ot and of th..t dependents- -1 is ore of our outstandin • the War, so that Peace rity rray extend, through aawell as throughoat ther, ?neral. 3urti. Faithfulls. ' THOS. E. SEDGWICK. Sireat. London, E. • 1915. ir SOAP is delightfully re.: Bath or Toilet. For wash - lathing It is unequalled,: 1 purifies.. .ommiloolonsmommonammorsnaog iris Play Ball gar' of baseball Thurseay vLLg of last of 'Mr. 31 MeGawateg East Wawaaosh, be- adlea of the 3rd aud 4th A that town -ship. The play 'nteresting arid at thres ring neithar tearrs had. 'actice to warrant a place national League. The 6th !oTrewh.at put it over the ; the first innings by ',scar-, , but as play progresse0 ,rega.ined their equilihrlumi ext.:Oh-at work, fanning .„•.-•.t.• In one innings. Miss • as pitcher for the 3rd me good anart work and he ball over ,the piste was ite and with coaaiderable Olive 1,1c.G111. a; catcher, Sitlan, with bilt few "n-uf- Nlias Annie Scott and :Mrs - '•the battery for the, ethi eric for their team. The as fo1io-J.1,-3 and the score yea below: Third Line.- ", pitcher; Olive McGill, ;•gi.kt ,Marshail. first base; Second base; Janet lrel base.; 3,1ary McGowan, L McGowan, A. McGowan, - rmIe Scott, : e'ateher; Mr.- Nt ba; Ella. Taylor, Mrs. P. Cook, third base; lary Cook. Edna Cook, ...E1 ielders. Third Line. - two runs; Mona. Potter. N iars hall. two; Della Mar - McGowan, thr ; M. Annie Ellis, one; A. •Alca He: ; R. McGowan, one. ,aa Sixth Lina. - Mrs, ; Annie Scott. four; airs. aap; L. McLean, live: five; Mary Cook, five; :five; Elit Taylor. throe; .4 three. Total. thirta- ',, :vas a good crowd of -.!,•ent Iron- I;iyth and, jvh.araU.r a.ted as lzr.partial and :iattsfac-t imomommassommer...ects.,... f.f Scratford. ia,• "r-:ea-.z service. }Iia way a.> 5.-11 Canadlaa Ragina.nfa . -it 't- b...releter of exo.tfayer 3. C. 'aa witia tha a7 Niagara • `.1, Whila . Maat •ith prow - 1 231h Regi-. ; f • thf.. Cowl- . • L and uriti: - ht. ineltrable- -, linetd it a. 4.,..1 I,.• LI and by ent, pro - n eat.trrh. rtrfore,require9 • :r. 1! ▪ (....tarria Cure, $.ruia-10, Ohio, aa- th. arket. It is I•1ue....1 and 'MU.- - • vt,fti r one Itundd L.ZIre. Send fore4c:r..- 5 SEPTEMBER 1 • r. awn Explain DISTRICT MATTERS ' ltarrlod,In WlleC-The Bruasels Post of last week Says: ‘‘Last,Friday Miss Arry Brett, Sister of Mrs. (Dr.) McNaughton, Braesels, Nv.as united in rraeriage to John ;Boyle, roam Lak &aka at St. Andrew's Pre.sbyterLi manse, Winnipeg, by Bev. Dr. Sind& The happy twain, left for their ,ho shortly after. Mrs. Boyl was a very aucoe.ssful teacher, holding ,a position at Preston, Ont., for a number of years and resigning to aasture the duties of -ore-maker at FOala Lake. We ex- tend coagratulations and hope the years will core and, go with .much itualMineas end 'success to Mr. and Mrs. 'Boyle. The community will find afr,s. Boyle a decided acquisition, and we ecormend the groom on his choice." The Iziade was a,,,daughter of the late R. N. Brett, of rigneondville, and late- ly of Seaforthe She la a native of Bra trontiville, and was a graduate of the Seaforth Collegiate Institute. She • has trany friend's around the old home who will wish her much happiness in iher new retato.nts., The ntYrne Town Os Best After All.- ref you, meet a Man. who IA .ttdSTAr, n In th,e mouth, wito -thinks that his to.wn la all wrong, Just take him aside or give ihdn't a ride and hand him !this )qua nt little. "song. 'There are fancier towns than our own I,.ttle town, there ara. tOINTIS that are bigger than this, and the people who- live in Ithe tinier towns, all the city.' excitement will tries. There are thing5 you can isee in the wealthier town that you. can't -.in the town that le small; and,up end dow,a there is no other town like our own little town after all. Llt xray. be the 'street. throngb. the heart of our town, [keit long, isn't straight; but the !neighbors yoit know in Vtie kewa little town, with awelcome your coming will wait. the glittering atreets of the glittering to.wa with 4.ts 13ala.ce and, pavement and• thrall; in the midst of the throng, you'll fre- quently long, for our own little town after ail If you Ilse aad work and trade In, your town in spite (of 'the fact fast Ms small, you'll find, that he town, you own little town, is the best kind of town after all." .% the home *paper artd the home town by le,ttiafg the - people lin.cave, through the columns of thleir hoilr_.e paper what they have to moll a'4.how. kcbeaply they can: "sell lit. The! best twia,,Y to cut oft the trade of the departirental tore is to let the kople kn,ow that they can. do aS well Wt chorea and this Ls beat done through Oh, horhe 'PaPer.rs• i; BieakIng in A New :),Rtope.-lia,Ve you ever put a iriew. rape I* the; hay carrier in Ole Middle of the busy Staying sea- son and lakid It kinla twist and knot and, take more time din untangling It Ithan it- would to, prOch off the 'hay by halide Itave you iSoaked the roae, twisted it between. tiao posts, dragg9d It over the fields W th a horsed still Wad; it twist:, lia(1 not do It again. get :25 cents' Then when Jou d the ;standing which is fas- The Late jamas Stapiese-A Regina paper makes the following reference to the late James Staples whose 4:Teeth at Regina, we mentioned, briefly- two weeks ago. It says : Jarres Staples, taetter knowa in the atheletic world of Begina and the West as "Bloncta," idied yesterday after a brave fightq a- gainst cotrplieations which set in after an operation for ,a.ppendicitia. Mandy alth.ough practically unconscious 'for the last four ,clays had every hope of recovering for he had a wonderfully strong constitutioa and rallied eeveral times despite Iris very weak condition. plorn,By Staples has been a farralar figure in Regina for the last tfpur a,ear,s, having been -me of the *stal- warts of the old Shamrock ,lacrosste Lan which won the Corby Cup, and later last it to the Kerrobert etearri laat year. He was employed, In .the Atheletic 'barber shop end was a res- rected member of the Journey -men Barber's Union. He was a friend of every one who trade his acquaintance, and, they will;Iola1 extending' their pympathy to- the ,sorrowing widow. games Staaiies was born at Constance, Pinta Jane 4th, 1887. He gained, con- eaderaole fame at Seaforth as a la- oroszt. player, b.cig a team mate of the renowned Jackson family. When you buy your * worth of electric ta pit the: rope In. 1,74 rope, that is, the e teemed to the carrier, with the tape. Wind the Oppoeiteki,.I from the twist of thie rope .for at !hstance 'Of about ten feet. This, will : 111 the twist and by the three the ta1 is ,worta out the rcrpe will be. stretcbe. and zeasoned and all right. ,I hav iixed three 'new ropea this way. (Theio, have never kink- ed, but worked frOnel the first alike old ropeand tratver ave a ralnutee trouble. -11.. T. W,heel r. ' , Ne* Tourist Territory Algoriquift Natio7%1 I (Ont,) ,Park, a s region of 2,500,000 .„' ' of lakes and weodlands unsurp- , invites ,the tourist and, holiday;liseeker; It appeals spectally ta. the 4isherman, canoeist and catoper--end1e.,40 canoe trips and --fine fishing ...:Fe gspe4e.I attractions. The. Highland, It= lend' Caerps 'Minn - sing" and, "Norrinitan"` afford- fine ac- commodation. Wr10 or ask for illus- trate(' folder, rate,etC., sent free .on application toe -C. r. Horning, District Paeasenger Agent, T.Itileiri, Station, To- ronto. . et aparinsism•••••••••••••• ••••10 tion, Shle will ta greatly rr.issod $in her horre and, the commualty. After their marriage Mie and 'Idirs, Arnistrung llv- d at Willow City, North' Dakota, and Caere 'back to this locality eight year. ago. Shle was a faithful member of the Presb» terian. church and lent appreci- ated aid to rrany an undertaking, Her sisters are Mra. John Cole, Mrs. .Robt. Shedelen d Mas. W. J. Gedde,s,aEl tina locality, and, a brother, Daniel, at Owen. Sound. Mr. ,A.rmietrong and other ' telatIve's Will be large sharers Lr t the aYmPatIlY of all who knew and loved the deceased, • . CHILDHOOD •DA.NGP.RoS : No ayreptorns that PindleAte any of the ailments of childhood !should be allowed to peas withiciut irompt Eaten. - tion. The -little ailment may soon be- am -Le a 'serious eiae and perblaris a lit- tle life paiVISeei. 1013.1t. If Baby's Own (Tab- -lets .are kept fin. the hou,se minor trou- bles( oe.a. be !promptly cured' eniLisezioul °ma averted,. The Tablets own be ,given`, ' Ito the new-born babe as well as the \ growing Child. -Thousands of .trbthe nisfe no ether rtedielne for their little ones. They are 'sold, by xr.editine deal- ers or by rr.ati at 25 mita a box frent Thle Dr. Williards' Medicine Co., briockville, Ont., ; Brussels..- - , t 1 ,. ,' ' ' OlirOti CrWrost) - • All Should Help.-BrusselS Breach Zif ther• Women% Institute is out on. la ortis.ade to !secure isweetrr.eat supplies for our soldier boya at: the)tront or in the' hospitals. They. solik it the help of every household' in the neighborhood Ili the contalbation of lane or, more jara of jarre or jelly, the game tto be left at the atore of Mrs. Jane ,ThompsOn OR Or teLcre September 10thwhen they will be. 'packed an.d shipped. Size desired isq rt whie rreasure. Getter. F ous contribu Ms are 'asked so that tthe 'MA rrhy b worthy of the people ofl. Brussels and, corranunity. Now is a' good tine to ihelp. . . Old Neighbors in. North Dakota. - This week !Daniel McIntosh, Of Kin - los township,- in Lucknow locality, was here to vatit Alex. McIntosh, They weAe old, ,nelghbors when both were farer.ing near Langdon, North Dakota. The visitor apent al years in Dakota bat it IS 18' years sinceI,he caer.e back. Many old. incidents, were reviewed In the viait and we are sure ,it was 1T. U.- tii4Ily enjoyanie; Mr. Mcintoish goes to Dal ota n.ext Saturday from Brussele for a business trip of a few months to his farri at' Laingdon, which.ls rent- -ed. Maw Triantorell will remain in the ` honee here: Good reports collie from North. Dakota, ars to crops, etc. Mrs. McIntosh accorapanied her husband from., Lucknow to 33russeis. Death of .Williarr., Oakity.-It came as a great *surprise to- Brusselites last Monday to. learn that William Oakley, Turnberry atreet, North, had. f)assed away Sunday eveaing at 'seven -o'clock, He ha,d, been, to consult a physician Lin the morning for a heart trouble of sottp. years standing and taking worse "ha arrival home a.nswered, the irnpera- .tive call aa above stated, aged 65 years, 6 months, and 11 days.. Born in Brant County, he afterward, moved to Wel- lesley tOverismea and,came to Brussels years* ago on securing the matt con - treat froze Brussels to- Saiforth. He corittnued, this until' the !stage was taken off end, since was the isuccessful, tenderer for the rrall route oneconceS- 9 Ai 3.4 grad 11 aS'e 112 .Grey bawd -sill -V. Mr. Oakley was miarried, to lYlts,s Path- areee B ictert, of Wellesley tOwnship, and, sible, iand three sons survive. The funeral took place 1Weld,nesda3 after- nogn to Brussels cereetery, Rev. Wreie conducting the service. Deceased was an industrious, quiet going man always neady to do a good turn. The family la deeply* 'sympathized with in their 'sudden bere.avernent. WI" clic . . . Sudden Desith.-,i, : A ;McDonald, who was sudderily stricken With heart fall - on the green deist ed at his home here , was, 37 3 -ears old t oritbi.islastic bowl- ers an the distri, t, rejgularly iattend- fa/ the tourns, . nta In London and the district. He as a native 'of Lon- don, and iis1.er and sister 'reside there. Fir. McD€uaId. dame to Mitchell twelve years a113 and has been .aan- du.cting a rr,eredi t tailoring best/leas. He was pre.siden of the Anglielin Baseball Club an a irreir.bcr of the central executive of t e Inter -Church League, and', ir uk ' of the credit, is due Lo hur foriat asebpJl is,in, Mitchell to -day. He wa rre Jber 'of the ex- ecutive cOrcialt t s of the curling and hocleey cltibs. in e thc war broke gait he had taken k activc Part in patrio- tic af .ajas, He ,. •-..„, a errebei of (Tudor Lodge, A. F., on A. ,i 1.,'•and the fun- eral took placeVu _der 1Masonic auspices. ' If rue while bowli Thursday roght, on Friday. 11, and one, of the An August daLagrA very happy event took. pie at t 'e home of Ma. PF., , and Mas. J. 44. ',atter on, !second con- cession k. Wednesday of last week; w kn. theIr daughter, Cora Aiken, was atalted 1 frarrlage to Mr. Jolla M. GibSton, of Arose, Bask: The unattended iht•Ide entered the roona es- corted (by herfather an,d was gowned in ivory satin, veil and, caarledla beau- tiful bouquet. of wh4e flowers. The rooto was decoratedT ith"branches of the Canadianrr EIblem, and the flags of our Alike.... The Rev. , W. A. „Waide.n, officiated; Oily th,e. iriernediate friends rand relatla t44.1)..g present. The wed - Good Crops Around Goderich.-The `ding orlaroll . s. OlaYe'd bY'' the 03fide!e* 'Star of last week says: Crops ,In. this coustn, Mja- •t Vera fill. ks, of Toronto, , Id -L. -Aria have not sustained any very and during ti laignin, of tile Lregister pertow; injury as the remit af ..the -the 'briale',s4sister g243.g the very ta.P- steriro. and wet -weather. Xr. Al AL Cooper, our local grain. rrerchant, states t hat crops are fairly good if 'the farm', era don't mill them: In too ,quickly avithout giving them, a chaace to ,firs,',: and says that the darrag-e will „,not be aror,e than five per cent. As an in- prease of about 25 per ceat. .oyer last Vear'5 yield, was figured an, there phould be, even now, an increase of 35 to 20 per cent. over last year's, 11,eld, Ivfr. San uel Potter, of Colborne t owtaship, made. a partieularla optira- Vette report. He za,ys he will not lose rror.e than, 1 per cent. of the „crop. air. cooper eleipped out three carloads of oats and one of wheat to different points in Ontario, cleaning out his :warehouse of all old grain. The firat load of new wheat to be Trarketed lo - pally was brought la on Monday by Xr. Thailey Fizher, of Colborae, and tested 63 pounds *te tiii: bushel, being a fairiY good ,sample. Mr. Cooper paid 3. a tral--hal for this load. QUOtatiOaS far r....w grain -are : Wheat, 16o to ,1; oats, 35e -Vc, 4.0c; barley, 603 to 65c.4 proprtate sig, "Beea :grocarrs gifit to the mond peiid4it. After wedding f _at was in readiness on the lawn, after'sivihichitiaellaridal party ,)eft for Torantp, en rout for the West, farad p1akrw,00,5 of riceand best 'avishes 1 or faiture'OlapPtn.ess. The bride travel- -of navy blue . The numerous were symbols konf which. the bride and groom, arere ilielde !': Belgraive Death cl Mrs. Ariinitronge-A most , : estirr,,able i ady, In. ,th[e person of Mrs. Robert Aftr.,stra.ng a Lilts place. was called fr . thas Ilf on. Tuesday of la.st' wee14 Mrs. Ar, .strong had been In f aili ag Jhe al, h for , 'some time. ana,e- - f 1 '; Your Holt -t NAva•pax..r.- The follow - ng good adv1c..,, ie give& its .readers LI a contaarpt.rary: Tkere is one gironghold in every con a -malty that itha rat. order hasa,not been able laaaela This 1:-. the hcare town 'news- paz.p.:r. la the face of all ;kinds (of brlia.a.y, the hex newspaper has stood Ma grounds for forty y•ears and ,,stead - 1y refused the advertising patronage pt th,. mail order houses. Right now taillione are belog ,spent by the "cata- logue kings" ia a centirolous attempt to .secure as an ally the, horre town itev.-spaper. But the country editor is istaacling solid by his horre community. He refuses to "sell out" to; the enerry. flU turns BOVern all kinds of indu.ce," Merit. Let is. thlek of this the next tirce we are tempted to dicker -with the eneray of our home town. jaet as take the "stand taken by .our newspap- r. Let tia refuse ta be bribed by .a iseerrag 'bargain. And the home trer- etharit should show its appreciaticm of se." The bride - ride was a dia- l* ceremony the led. Ln llored serge :and el white ha rlchoand. ciastly gifts the high legsteern in . . heing4he Cause. Her maiden name was Jenne McKenzie, flier horr.-•e being In this. licallty. 1%.,11 Arrr.strong was In her Vili ye.ar. he funeral 'took 'place- Tb*raday- -afternoon - and intara m t ent wa# made ta • randen cemetery. D.-fveasek:.-W0.3 born_ in.- nullett town- sh tre....aas4 was .marr ed _17 years ago. Thiey haPe to -ferraly. Mrs. Armstrong wa.S a pgrf-,7on of:.': Eihe mould, clever, kindly.',aad possessed of a personality that attVacteal and botr.thanded atten- ...... Morris Filty-fiv,e years Married. -On. Wed- nesday, August 18th, a happy C{YIT.- 'gamy c1 retative,s andold friends as - aerobia .at the comfortable home- .of Mr. and Mrs: .John Mason, old \pad lighly respected ' residents of the 3'ra line of Morris tewaship, to celebrate their 55th wedding anniveraary. The day wa,sveryhappily,spent with games, an autorr.oblie ride, the first for -the host and hostess social chat, feasting On, the good thikgs provided and the presentation of an addre,sa. The ad, - rel WaLLS iead by Mrs. J.*M., ;Martial, a daualater, wholse home is in plinton, and was fittingly replied to. The com- pany all sang, "Should• acqaain- Lance be forgot." Four da.ughters, Mrs. J. M. Martin, Minton; Mrs. Hugh Mases =A Mrs. lames Hogg, Morris: read Mn. 11. McEachern, Holateln, and three asons, WUlia1Ts pullett; John, WaWianoralf, and Alex., at home, were present . on this bapipy occasion. The oitly .abseptee was Mrs. 3. 'fill', of Portage la Prairie. Guests froth a tance were Yr. and Mrs, George :Knox, iluilett; Mrs, HinckS, Holstein, sister.. and, -niece of iEr. and Mrs. ',Mason and Mrs. Zurback lan.d. son, Jirc.imy, Strat- ford. The latter is a great-grandion, his mother being a Idaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin. Mr, Mason is .84 years of age and, Ms partner '‘about 80. In the football galIte Mr. Mason took a kick at the ball as did two of the more .elderly guests, Peter Budge, of Beigraven who has sen. 75 suramers and Alex. SnAtla Brussels, who is kup around: the sevOities, but all are still quite ear.art. There are fifteen. grand oh-Ildren, Before, locating in Morris Mr. . and, MIS,: Mason were residents of flul- lett townehip. The latter was a MISS Watt; of that n-.unicipality and camc f on: the Orkney Isia.nds.. Both afr. a -d NI -ma -Mason enjoyed the day very much and the eainpany put In a very p easant time not soon to be forgot - t n. The auld, folk have comparatively g od health and ibid fair to asee g od M. -any years. We extend congratu- 1 tians to ;MT. and Mrs. Mason -'on the ppy eveht, and taust they ir.ey long 1)b spared in •health and strength to eajoy each other's society and to:giad- en tbe hearts and brighten the lives of their rr.any friends. - THE HURON EXROSITOR 144•••••••••••••1••••••••••••••t••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••44••••••••••••44.44•44..444-t • • • A • • • et atewart Bros, I Mail & Phone Orders Carefully Filled Stewart Bross one' See the ecw Fail Coats and:. ow of this Season's EN:ewest and Stylish Garments Are Here FRUIT BULLETIN . I Peaelie0-seas011 later than antici pated, fa`he popula ' Crawford type, yelloWfree storie Niagara District growa.about read. . Bartlett pears, red, be and Gage3 lurns ready, and heuse-eppers should place _their orders at once, AJUSCIOUS PEACHES Those! dandy big Vineland Growers Oo-Orkative Grown peaches are now coming along fitie, the3rare 'yel- lowish, free stone. Look for the purp10 stamp, its your protection. See your grocer to -day. - If ever there were coats that basked in the radiance of Dame Fashion's smile, we have them here. These new coats are marvelously attractive specimens of the very latest styles made of the - new cloths, baby lamb, zebeline, crushed plush, plain plush, fancy tweeds and twill cloths in anar- ray of the most fascinating coldfings, all delightfully trimnied. We are proud of these handsome coats an we are anxious that every yomqn should see them. All sizes. 11- bsolutely New tft Dress Goods • • • - fit Never were the New Dress Goods more gorgeous in coloring and designs • • -never as perfect in weave and lustre • ot surface. Their texture is made to • stand the heaviest wearing tax. No • • • matter what service you put our Dress • • Goods to, they will prove ultra worthy • • • • They are Perfect and • Perfection admits of • • no addition. • The prices are always a little lower • at Stewarts. • • MEN'S FALL • • • SUITS • • • • • $7.00to $22.00 • • • Your Summer Outing yea are ifond of fishing, :canoe- ing, canpingor .the study of ',animal life and out-of-doors, look up the Ala gonqum Provincial Park of Ontario for your etur.rr,er outing. A 2,600,000 acres fief and igarrie reserve; witin1,500 lakes and rivers, offering all the at- tractions that nature can bestow. Al- titude 2000,feet above the Sea level, P ure and eyalaidirating attrorsphere. Thoea. not desirous of earro life can fsecare ;splendid ,acconetrodation at "The Highland Inn," or at the now .1a.nd novel log cabin camps, “Nominig- ens' and 'Camp Minaesing." These camps are ecluippe4 with hot and mild water, 'baths and all modern convent-. ences. A diaapdaorre descriptive publica- tion, telling all about it, sent free on application to, -0. E. Horning, D,P.A., ..rtPe PA , j. , WEEVER before have we had such II a large and varied stock of men's • 14 new fall suits. • • • In view of the possible increase in • : prices, we bought unusually early and : in extra large quantities. These facts ;coupled with .our system of cash pay- : mens places us in the unique position of having an extra large assortment of handsome suits at prices which smaller • buyers cannot possibly meet., Come • • in and see these beautiful new suits, • • slip on a coat, see the fit and finish. • • The price will be sure to please you. • • • • • • • - Price • $7.00 to $22.00 • • • Butte, Stewart ro Butter,Wo afu1 dWool Eggs Wasted SEAFORT ggs Trot - - Prices $7 to $35 :1 • , !I • 4- 1 4 - 4 4 Men's and Women's Sweaterecoats for cool evenings The'Sweater coat has become -a neces- sity, , It is the handsomest andj most comfortable garment there is for the present cool e'venings and the coming fall days. No one who has ever had a sweater coat would be -without one. • We have an exceptionally nice range to choose from. Prices.....1.$1 to $5 MEN'S RAIN COATS • $5.75 to $18. 8, • DROBABLY no garment is of great- er value tor fall wear than a goc4 ramn. coat, but be sure it is a pad tt one. Our rain coats are all genuine Old Country coats, bought before war prices went into effect. Every coat is the very best 'possible value for the amount you pay'. These come in double texture cloths of worsted dr tweeds outside and worsted or beaver cloth inside, colors, fawn, resecia, brown, black, grey or green! Sizes - 34 to 48, Prices $5.75 to $18.O e?•1• - Lee - 4 _ 44f • •-."^"..." I' " it9 _ .0 •". -41 -4 1 g 4 44; 55. - -