The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-05, Page 4fr– FEBRUARY -W Pet' of werk irz these Munitipalities. Heil caffieer,- iiialaiy- 451; W. tAbrant Theae Weeterners • have big ideas. We ! and I. LaidlawaBoard of !Health, In-' fancy by the tirne the.Gotternment make ' speot r's salary, 416; Henry /ohne- up (their war tax .and !provide for the I ton, lambert of. B. ',O. E., R. johneton eery necessary public services. which 1 and, e .e 2 3 6 must be 'kept going, L the Governmeht . -0 will mit have much In hand to. meet the eon / , 8 9 10 13 views of the Westerners. I Want° ea la L6 .17 20 * * s * 0 - for th 21 22 23 24 The Dominion Parliament opened .Ork.fibnr, t ,„ ,, 28 . . . . • a 0 • • • 6 4 4 • 4 • * 4 * rThursda.y with the usual eieremeniest sae ail T Tae Preinier announced that ia ao far Pa, flee • • ' " • ' " as the Governiiient is concerried, only Ile wa . . a . NEW ADVERTISElviENTS 4 18 19 aa 26 27 MoN Lbb. Auditors, salary, let10. aries halals, &Ilea Harry ' Wil- lies lorry Kennedy, 'who was for r bbery at Kincarditte, and theft of a gold ming and watch red cott. Wingharr,. was ap- ed on Friday by the chief • of t Pal er8t011 from which pace btou t back „to Yiringhana An enfgo de from Kincardine, al-. e . -iri4g. 411d, watch stcfleni covered upon the prisoner. - cent *ttere'from Olds, Alberta, ev, Grant and family. late- lintore, are delightfully situat- ds, w icli is an Important and lete! to rt. They have a ntost ble manste and are Juet now Hon. Dr. Roche, Min 'ter of the In- having • ,re- ening of their church terior in the Borden."G vernment, who 1 after la lag it repaired and the seat.; has suffered. considera ly from Ill-aape city oubled, They like the health ft:nettle past two years, hasere- west and are appy and cantented in suined ;the duties of his department their w,ork the e ,.'' -• ' 1 at Ottawa. The many friends., of the 1 -:,mr. Hugh fill, -of Colborne WWII • Minister will be pleased, to learn that (Ship, recently- urehased 'a fine pure - he has fully, regained his, health -and bred -Shorthorn bull ' and - ft is now at that there vrill now be no necessity for , his twin *ear nmiller. It is a three - his retirement ' from the very heave- ' year-old and. as :bred by IA. F. G. department over which he presides as Auld, et.Edeat ills, Ont.. a iight roan was at one time feared he would have in color !and, eighs abiout 2166 lbs. It .is of ehainpi n. stock, having .been to. - ! got by sAreher, and lts grand dam by ' --On Tuesday orningeof last week, Patriotism -and Production NonlArdlejAreher, imported, both chain - Campaign I pions at Toronto , • - The Dominion Department: ox Ageicta- : ?Ars R. Ppcbcic, of Winghain, tied a tufo is co-operating with the Ontario ; • a _ narrow eau*, f otn being Suffocated Department alas series:of Agricultural with coal gam. t appears the lapel Conferences which are to be -held a had liecesine -disc tweeted, and when thretzghout Ude:Province, the obJeca be- MrsaPocock awo e she foUnd. herself ing to explain. and discuss condieions I es., osvee:i,c rn o e by the escaping gee that In countries where live stook and agria-v 1 she could not stand.- The household cultural.production will be affected by i was aroused and physician summon - the war. Agricultural specialists, who 1 have made( a study of these conditions ed from the effectof the gal: - ed. airs. Pocock ha now fully recover- .have are capable of showing their effect i- on Canadian opportunities will be pres- -The Dungannon Rifle Asspelation have completed.anot ler euccesstul yeaa eat at these conferences and give their i The .following -, re he officers for the views- IL ' - ' - el current year i . El iott, captain; J. C. e . , In Huron County two Conferences. tvicFarlanet secretary; Ernett Duff, will be held on Thursday, February la Treasurer ; tr. G. Alin and H. Bellamy; In the Town Hall, Winghani, and, ors auditors. The emhe s of the Exectitive Friday, February 12, in the lawn Hall, Committee er 1 Re . G. Gomm, John ' in Seaforth. The speakers t both : McLean 'and ' . P. leiter. Xt was tin - meetings will be Mr. Wm. Squirrel. ' animously _deo tied t make a ,donation 31S:tat aassociatet Professor 4of Field • :-.. of 100 from the fun of the -Assocta- Evsbandry at the 0,A.C., Gu lpla 'cell -----° ' tion to the Canada triotio fund. i will discuss "the Duty and Opportunity , _ r . The tone 1ng a e the municital of the Canadian Farmer" with relation, officers of the town ie at' Morris, to to live _stock, and Paul E. Angle, B. this year: Road Co missioners, whole S.A., of Slincoe, who will discuss live council; stock possibilities. An 'evening meeting Robert Blac and B. Cruile- &hank, [auditor a Wil tam S. King, di -s- will be held, and it is. hoped the ea- sessor; J. mu yoy, williatn arum. tendan.ce on both occasions at each place will te large and representatiee shank and Dr. Redm d, members; of of the ;progressive farmers and live Board, of Health and 'illiam S. Link - later, A. Cleghorn, J mes Elliott and tock breeders breeders of this county. It will Alex: ,Forgie,. Sanitar Inspector in pay any 'man .interasted in these sub- their respective Polli g Sub-Divielone. Jetts •to attend and gather this valu- able information; :We hope the farmers aelilr. H. B. Antes, MX, of I on - treat, and. honorary s cretary of the of tbis County will show their appreci- Canadian patriotic fun , 'gave an after ation of this very important movement Wittier speech to, the C nadian Club, „In by attending these meetings in •large . Goderich, on Friday, h s 'subject being nuinbers. - I "The Object andWorld • g'S of the Pat-. ., . riotic Fund." In the ev ning Mr. (Ames a.daressed a mass .meeti g in 'the opera --The Wingham Patriotic Fund novi house, his subject bein ' "The British lime - amounts to 41,312. Navy," which he, Must ated by lime- -Mr. Dennie Hurley, a one time rest. light views. The hall wa Crowded and dent of .Ashfield, died at Denver, col- a goodly' suin Watt tak in to taid the •oracle), last week. ' patriotic fund. -Mr. Fred •Delbridge, of Us.bornl-s, -At the auntie', meeti g of Erskine had the -misfortune to lose by death Presbyterian Church, D ngannon; the a valuable young Clydesdale mare lalz treasurer reported a sur lus .of about week„ t - _ sns and the session's -port sho-wed --Robert Harbour enlisted lithe; an adtlition of 7 4 o the membership.' Le-odR. In eveka departmeat-ther was a cred- third contingent and left on Monday 1 !table eho,wing made, due o the united to join their colleagues at London, and untiring efforte of th pastor and about .$-2,-,00 in repairing deed a to expend' --Howick Fire Insurance Company "ngl'egati°11* a -t was Town 'Hall, Gorria on Thuraday, -Feb- c't the church . and erec ing a new the interior will hold hold its annual meeting in the rtiary llth, at 2 p.m. , stable .-at the manse. Afte the meet- -Mr. W. R. Elliott, .the poPular. big 'a ,social tine was spen , tea being Reeve, of Stephen, underwent a critical served by the ladies. . rr operation `tn a hospital in Toronto, kat -.The followin,g are the week and he is .reported to be .gettihg fkers oft the township of along as yvell as „could be expect d posh; .for the current year : -The annual meeting of Brussels, auk; W. J. Thompson, tr Grey and Morris Rural telephone Co eany will be held in the Town Ha Brussels, on Tuesday, February 9t at 2 pen, ' Ten Bays Sale-Siexart'llror.-3 Final So, e-Mateatil Drvg-tods Co. -8 Coloasal Sale -Greig Clothing 0o.-1 Anetion Sales -5 Pateure-John Ramford-6 Notice -Joon FinlaIson-5 Coition -Selman Sarldere-8 Mensy Warited-Exp ,Dor oftlos-8 Hardware Sate- G. J. Silts -2 For 8; B Arinultu al Cenferenes---5 f "Valenti *es Day-rThompson's rale Store -8 Planing kit Products Oloff & For Sale -J. Murdock -4 13rucetleld Sawnilli-5 Notice-Sparlinz & Wright -8 rcarioved -U. Winter -8 liottkey--8 W:ttratt E 11 lc .SRAFORTII, FRIDAY, FEB.. 5, 1915. The War Situation ' There is still little change he the war Situation either in Russia Poland or in France and, Solemn. The weather In the French •arena, Which has been so atadafor Several weeks, is improeing. There are alinost daily engagements of a entrior mature which do aot result, in [Much more than killing a few on either side and wounding a good many snore. The Wiled forces are slowly but surely pushing forward, despite the' feat that the Germans haee brought • forward heavy _reinforcements and have iatade many determined attempts to Isiria8b. their way through the (Allied linee- fin 'every instance, however, they bave been repulsed by the (French and British, eorreetimes with severe losses and actual lass of ground. t . ' ' It la c4a1d the British are „accumulat- ing immense fortes of then. and -war immitions a all 'kinds in, France and are Making preparations for a general movement al much importance as scant as meat:her conditions will permit, with the view of driving the Germans back onto their own. territory. When tide movement commences the really more , serious feature of the war will have been begun and tile end willlikely soon bet in sight one way or the other. Most of the gartadlan troops of the first tontingent liana now beenaremov- ed from Salisbury to France, but their -exact locationebas not been giveia. Thee' are being prepared to take part in the grand cleaning , up • rally in the spring And, kt is texpected that by that rank. ,the fmen of the second Canadian contingent will ,Ise on British soil and will tee ready te sur/ply -the blanks that may occur in tae ranks of the first contingent while in action. The , Princees Patricias have been on the fighting line eeyeral weeks and have taken part in several -engagements. .They acquitted themselvea most cred- •Itably and Bucceeded in doing a good deal:mere,.tlysn hold ;their eve. , . Duri 't past week some live ves- sels fe British Mercantile Marine werensiink by German Submarines. Th• e vessels andl their cargoes were lost, but, in tweet cases the crews got off tn. the,teoats .and were salted. This is a new enterpriee -on the part of „the Germans and. may result in consider- • able less of valuable property unless It 'Fart be hea.ded..pff in porno -Way. , itte to .the situation in the East the following despatch from Petrograd, which is the latest Will explain bow things and there: .A. Petrograd. des- patch pays after sanguinary fighting along the tower Vistula and North of ' that tream, the Germans have retreat- ed to iLipno, only twenty-six miles from Thorn. In this fighting, cavalry were mostly used, and. the Cossacks are said to have( scut to .pieces the fanaduseGer- man §eventh Cuirassiers. The :Russians have cresufned their advance. A dear patch from Athens reports • a flotilla `of Turkish Torpedo boats made a Sortie from the Dardanelles oe the British- Frenth fleet engaged in bombarding • the forts. The flotilla was driven back after two of the ' Turkish boats had been aunk and another badly damaged. 1110.00 A Good Act The Connty Councillors of the County of Huron, like the people of Great Britain, are et...maims aalittle -slow ;th. move, but when they do move they Move to some purpose. Astwill ,beaseen by the sinutes of the proceedings of the recent (meeting ofi the County Com:s- ell, ithey passed. a 1resoIutian giving one .thousand .dollars a month to the Patriotic Fund, the granteeto continue during:the pleasure of the Council and five thousand, dollars to the 'Belgian Relief Fund. This is an, act worehy•of a County of the wealth and importance of the (County of Huron. These grants are, of course, in addition to the gener- ous, grants of provisions some time ago given to the Belgian. Fund. , While not wishing in any way to discourage „private contributions or ef- fort. we %cannot help saying that this Js the proper manner in ,which to -ren- dr such assistance as the buedea falls equitably on all as they are able to bear it. On this case, also, it will not increase in any way, the taxes of the ,people, as the County will not re-. quire this year to lay aside anything, for the einking fund for the Cdttintv debt, as the Openly is in the fortunate po.eition of having fully provided for its debt. This bzing the case the °ours- cillers might have dealt even mote generovsly with the re lief funds and no person would ban found fault with theta But perhape they will have :fu- ture apportualtics for theexercise ot their liberality. Editorial Kates and Comments ' It is stated that a large deputation of Mayors'bf cities and towns in Alber- ta., team the way to Ottawa.ovith the avowed objeet of persuading the Dom- inion Govertnneoft to spend, from five to six ;millien dollars on various public works in that province. The city of Calgary has a. programme which callt for a couple of millions, while Lath- o bridge and other towns are in. the f pruta esion. One of the arguments will C be the need. of employment for mon s t. corditions will be taken up. iettee for- so • t legltelation rendered neceesary by war* the s mal peeceedings the House adjourned were T entil efunday, -when the Address in re - -A ir ply to the Speech from . the - Throne says : -will tea Saved by Mr. Weichel of North 1Y of Waterldb ,and seconded by a French ed at 0 member- i . Progres I- comfort EXJOSi. ' lie* euelf injuries' :aa' toeresule in hi ' i death on Friday atom last, air. Sau- 1 maker, whe .Was 62 years of (age, WO, 1 Me *f the Most `esteemed citizens of • , . a the arigitherhood and will be greatly It missed. He had only got the mill in i running order a .short time ago, having 1, taken it over last spring, He 18 I elyea by 'Ale WidOW and ten aildren, * five eons and- five daughters. . -A happy' event took place at the 1 Paratmage, Beigrave, on . Wednesdeee 1 January 20th, when Rev, L' We lalle L patrick, Bak., milted in marriage Mss 1 Annie E.,, daughter of Wm. Gerais's; to "Albert Elliott, -of Lumeden, Sask., af James Elliott, of atth line, Tura- / berry. The bride wore a gown of Co, ' Penbagen iblue 'silk, A. span of white 1 horees took the young cotiple to the .home of the bride's sister, Mrs. - J. T. Bell, where they partook of a sumptu- ove wedding supper, in the company of the ientnediate relatives. The evening weal 'spent in music; games and ,danc- 1 ing. Mr, and Afro. 13111ott will leave shortly for their home in the -west. • -It the annual meeting of the -,Flo - wick tAgriculteu'al Society, the reports showed' the society to be in a good financial condition. Six hundred and eightee ndollars bad been paid out last year for prizes. The Society-adecided to enter for the Field Crop competition , for next seasoh,- -the crop to be oats. The following-, officers arid d1recto,r5 / were elected: President, J. H. Johns- ton; ast vice-pketeldent, Jas. Downey; - Ind vide -president, W. H. 'Grew 'SecIte 1 Treas., 41. (H. Rogers; Atiditors,-.T. Fle Wade and. .0. (W. Reichard; Directors, - Elmer Fall's, Wm. -Stinson, , Albert Toner, Wm. Lambkin, Harvey Spar!- . in.g, 1Htl. Krohn, James McLeod, Robta ' Graham and Wm. Goggin. 3. H. Johns- ton and James Downey were -apPointedt delegates to attend Ontario "Aeisociation' of Pairs to be field in Toronto on February and •ana Srd. The Fair this year will be hOd In porrie on Satur- day, Pctober .2nd. , • 7. • Canada • -.After' -taking* five ballot% the Mid- dlesex County Council. was .unable to' elect a .Warden on Tieesday last and adjourned until the following da, .There were three .candidates. 1 r -Mrs. Jelar. McKay, of tHarriston on i behalf of herself and two sons, has presented the Guthrie Churble cikegre-- reit. gation in that town witla a baptismal i font, in memory of her late husbarte1,1 I who %wee . an eeteemea _member and ' manager of the - church. .1 -Fire !which -started in the basement of A,. B. Lindsay's hardware store in , Parkhill, rrAeoday ' night,- gutted one of the .principal business blocks in !the town destroying the stock of the hard- ware store and also that of 'P. Lind- say's &tent store. The loss is -estime ated At 450;000. ' • ' • - . . . -The German Government have is- sued an order taking poese.s.sion of all the grain and Doug in that country and cominiesioners• have been appoint- eaeta (collect and distrubute the .grain to the tpeoPle. This order is lesaed as explained by the authorities to conserve the tOod supplies of the country by preventing waste' until -the next crop is reaped. - • -After returning from the meeting of the -Canadian Club -in Kingston last Filday night, D. D. Rogers, of Pitts- burg -Township, 'suffered in attack of heart -failure and dropped dead on the floor just as 'hil, was about to take off . his overeoEtt, He • was, about 10 year's 'of age.. .A widow,a-one son - and - one daughter survive. Ile. was prominent In all fanning organizations,. Ind serv- 'ed ',as' !reeve: ofehis tOwnship, and was ,also a'apernber of the. prontenek COW).- ty Council. He was a member of the House of Commons from 1896 to 1900, • being returned as pation member for • Frontenac. . - , , -Mr, Harry Symons, K.C., • a *eke well-known -and, prominent 13arrister, of Toronto, was found guilty on twe counte charging crookedness in con- nection with the affairs of :the defunct 'Union Life Iniatrance Company, and was !sentenced on Saturday to four years •In Kingston Penitentiary. •Dr. Hughes, arother director of the same companY, was found guilty on one count and his sentence is to be -given later. air. - Syria- ons, who goes to the penitentiary. As 61 years of - age, the sole support of not only this ownefamily but also of that of his brother. He will lose his gown and that will deprive him of the only means of livelihood he has lied for many yearsaThe aecua- ed had ,always enjoyed a good reputa- • tion in _Toronto and there was never a thing against him before. Pulman Ev- anc, the President of the Company, who was the principal" mover in the frauds is a fugitive from justice and his whereabouts has not yet been ascer- tained by the authorities. Huron Notes. •/ • e. -One day last week. the ladies Wingham, had seven differ unicipal of - est Wawa - at. 'Wilson asurer ; G. Webb, assessor; .George R tledge, col- lector ;...i. Cameron, caretake ; R. And- , h erson and Charles Girvin, auditors; , Reeve and Councillors, roa commie - e stoners; IA. Anderson, L. rant, 11 • .Thompson J. J. WaShingt n, sheep . p. H., n, execu- Gaynor, ohnston, ?any, of 25,009 thous - h were ity for pece to e thous - e, taken eese fed mber the 1 as nge • quilting aees at work making quilti- t Inspectors; toe T. ii. Cas for the Belgians. They have alreadl Reeve -Murray and J.', MeLe made seventy quilts for the .. Relic dye board of health; aleesrs . .• i Stuart, Kearney, Bailie; Fund. - ,f . i ' -At an auction sale of cows and _ ' ' 1 health inaPectors. young cattle theld by W. 1-F. Lobb, .at - The Gun -Langlois Co Holmesville, recently, twenty cows sold - Clinton, 'have handled abou at an average of $83. One cow and birdo this season so far. Seve calf eold at $103 and aaather cow at and of these were he whi k 4 shipped . alive to New *York l'3. -01 -Pets ;Perkins( of the Cofnmercial Hot 1 the Jews,teveho attach lmpor tel, Hensall, went Ia,st week to St. Jos.. their own method of killing. 0 eph HospitaA, CLondon, where he under_ and nine !hundred turkeys we went a successful operation and le in and !shipped and about "3,d0 making a satisfactory recovery. and ducks, 13,000 chickens 'w understand he intends retiring frWoree aast was .plant, abort the ,same the botel business. 1 • put through last year , '-Ell Polla,rd, of Wilmipeg, • who is HolmesvIlle station did not f a brattier to Ed. 'Pollard and Mrs. N. many as last seapon owing to a with the /9th Cameron Highlanders of McCauley, of Bruseels, has enlisted 1 in -Robert Brown, of the 2od onces- that city and they _ are being drilled ! Ing, January of Bullett, died on Friday re rto rn whate every day. 'It is about 20 years since January 22nd, after a so Mr. Pollard went west. They will erose lengthy Illness following a etr ke of the Atlantic with the third contingent. paralyels. The late Mr. Brown was -The Government have asked The i 6baorirny •neae Toronto and came t an Jackson itianvfacturing Company, of townehaipgeanwditlilatehri'st-oPtroednet;ichtotl llayown- Clinton, to supply them with 5,00 sship. Twenty.seven years ago he set - pairs of military trousers and the con - erect is now under Consideration. If He is ,survived, by his wife and a :fam- tied on the farne on 'which he..died. it can be accepted it will anean a ;busy ily of tifree sons and three daughters. month for the employees of the come Mr. Brown was a Methodist in religion 'furnished] and in politics a -Liberal. He was al - patty as rthey have -all to .be by the end of February. wa' s interested in, and favorable to -w Prig, who is working the Craig the temperance cause. ! Ontario, and has been visiting in Hen -.1 Ro Mr. Thos. McCurdy, of the Thanes Brothers' farm near Moose Jaw, is In ealltand vicinity. It will be retnemb'er-ad ear that his trother was a number of the 1 par firm of Grigg and Rivers which ran a i con butcher ehop in Hartsell nearly 20 years i vale School 'Section, No. 10, Htillett, seated Miss 'Stella Copp, their teacher. "'net al Lot in t the bo -me of Mr. Hugh Hill and pre- ' wea, t d, Usborne, has purchased pe, owned by Mr. George S. Lear, of Lot 26, South- Thames Road, aining 63 acres. This' will be a ago. e , , ble acquisiti2o. to Mr. McCurdy' -On •Wednesday evening of last ! fine hoine and farm. Mr. llticCerdy will ' take immediate possession. -Mr. John week a number mf the rate payers. of , Rath life has sold his 100 -acre farre (7, South Thames Road, to Mr.- Kernick; who will lake possession e spring. This is the old Russ411 with a beautiful cut -glass bowl, In homestead, being one of the best farms appreciation. of her services as a teach- I in Ilsborne. Mr. Kernick has now 200 er and their adrniration for her per- acres; in Usborne Township. and mie -On February :6th, Rev. 3. R. Earl, 1 in.Hay. . sonally. -The ,artnual 1- sort of St. Andrearis. Mrs. Earl and four children, who have . Church, Wing m, sf which Rev. p. been In Canada, on furlough, for the aarrid is the eresp e ted pastor. showa past eighteen months, leave for their i that test I year' been the rnost home in the Province of SzChuan, cessful in the history of the churl China, where Mr. Earl is engaged. la The ehvelope contributions were mor Missionary work. 'Mrs. Earl is a niece I liberal than in any previous year. The of R. Hoover, 9th concession of Mor- total eceipts for 1914 amounted lel ris, with wham the family visited. *4822, compared with $4,746.03 for -The offer of Rev. M.' D. Collins, I 1913, he atnount raised for rolssions Rector of Trivia Memorial Church; Ex- was a 414.18, being ,a slight increase eterr to -go to the front as a cern- overt eprevious year. During the year, eatant has been accepted and he wilf 36 me members were added to the leave with the third contingent We a roll and 22 were removed from the voile lieutenant with the 33rd battalion, making, a net gain of -14. 'The total which is about to go into tralnIng at membership at the close of 1914, was London. The clergyman -soldier has been ea • takieg a course of instruction at the I -The yillage of Newbridge, in Ho- Armeries, Loodon, ,wick Township, was the scene of a sad -Tae following are the municipal and distressing accident on Monday fficers of the township of -Turnberry, • evening of last Weak when one of the or the. current year:• efecEwen, choppers in the mill burst and part -01 lerk, salarye$200; Thomas Miller, rA.8- the flying fragments striking the pro- essor, salary $80; Dr, Brans, Medical prietor, Mr. Meno Schuma,ker, inflict- t Brumfield Corn for sale at the Bruceeleld elevator. . Atml.V to W. Scott & Co. •,. P4E8 4 Notes. -Mrs. • Joseph Dunbar, mother of Mrs. Thoinas Baird, of Stanley, died .at hert home in Port !Albert on Satur- day. afre. Dunbar had reached the un- rtual age, of 23 years. Mrs. Baird was with her (mother tome time before she died. Leadbury Theron ,Sunday. School Meeting. - meeting of the Union Sunday School officers of •Leatibury, was held at the home of Mr. Thomas .Archfisald, on Thureday evening of last week, .and the fo-Llowing was decided on: Moved by Mrs, Ivrcaavin, seconded by Wise McCune, that the library books, also hymn 'books •be donated to the puelic school of. No. 1, McKillop. Moved by Mies Scott, seeonded by Hazel archl- bald, that Mr. *Scarlett, the superinten- dent, get the arm -chair and Mrs. Gavin, and &Ilse McCune each "get a table at one dollar each and the six &mall chairs be donate& to the public school No .1. Moved by Mrs. MeGevin, eecondild by Miss Scott, that the meney hi ihe hands of the treasurer, be do- nated `to ahe, Red Cross Soelety, 410•11111M0111111011•1111•1111=111111 Exeter Town OfficerS.-At a recent meet- ing ofthe town council the following were appointed to the Standing bem- mittees /or the year: Special.-Roule- ton and Halton; Public Wczke,-Har- ton andieBeavers; Finance: ,Beavers and Inn' ; Flre, Water and Light.- d Beaver Sad Hind. Mr. T. B. Carling., ZS was appointed Clerk and Treasurer at M a salary, of $400; W. 3. IBlssett, Con- stable and Street Comm! sioner, $525; D RUARY & 1915 eter ittgricultitre Society foitlfe perlad .of thirty-five, years, retired, from that position at the bat 'meeting Of the 'Dikettere and in recogratibie of his idng and faithful services tate Directors granted him 11! retiring aliowance 01 fr Dyer was an obliging, efficient and faithful Steretary, velf0 alevayshad the welfare of the Society at heart and imuch- of. the euccess whicke has at- tended the, Soelety !during all these years Was due in a() small degree to his assiduity and efficiency. His Sao- cesar, Mr R, G. Seldon,: will make A goad $ecretary Mr N, Durdon, who .had beebeTreagueer for a ,good many . years, also retired, and is succeeded by Mr. W.t. D. (Clark. The Scielety still has, 'however,: its veteran President, Postmaster Christie, and under him the new Of -kers will have the efficient tutilage 'which long exPerlebee can af- ford. • With aeve hands at the heita. may therefore' Jo& for a renewed per- iod of peosperity .and usefulness for our lAgr10111t111111 fliodeity. 1 a -e'3 I Notes -A number of men sent out by the BYO° Commission are getting Par- ticulars regarding the amount of.freight shipped to and froin Exeter and localat ity, These figures will be an approxl- Mate estimate of shipments and should *arrant the building of a (radial rail- way through this distelet.-Or. IA. -E. Puke host sold- the dwelling which he occupies, to Mr. Philip Hern, betta*Ill continue to reside hi it for soine alma, --Mrs..B. Clark Xeld the Ineky ticket it the Doane Theatre the other night and received, a bag of flour.' -Word -has bee a treeeiveal here of the death a of Hetta. MayLindsay, wife Of Charles Bering, in Vancouver, on January 18th. Deceased ',was & .granddanglitter of the late 'Jahn Sanders, of Exeter. She was 26 years of age and had, been ill for wine timee-Mrs. Catherine Hedden has sold her reshience to . Mrs. Thomas Keys, who recently moved to town from Stephen -Mr R. D. Ranter, of- Ueborne, lost-- a valuable mare last week -Mrs. Peter Hamden was visiting In London last week.--Caven Sunday School baSement has, been remodelled and Idivided into several class tooms,- -Mr. "(George :B. Blatchford, of ifshar11% was (int !London/ last s week and air..k.F. Blatchford, hisefather, who has been the hospital there, returned home With him -Mr and Mrs. A. _E. Pym, , of Carrievale, Man.,, are visiting their many -friends and relatives in town and, -vicinity. Mr. Pain formerly con- ducted --the bpeksinith shop- ,south of the town; Ea. -The Young Men's Bible Class of -.Tames St. Church entertained the Tiadieel Bible Class at their anteual baaquet on Tuesd:ay evening .of lad Weekfl'lle teachers, officers and. or- theetra were' also there. and. all had a very enjoyable eVtning. - , simismsmaimammiaam. li Sleigh and ,agonrlePpa-rilirie::-The old veteran ls aid on hand for 1915. For the purpose of orlying his '1“st services to hie many customers and Ilia public generally. All kinds of woodwork repairakr alright; waenn it. buggies and Gutters o I hap! The beetattention and good Workmanship may al war he expected. Pricea always moderate at the c'd stand. lancers. • Thome Menlo. •24(184 Notes. -The Hensall Observer makes •the following reference to a former well-known resident of this vicinity: "Ali eilcMurtrie • has set a fine ex- ample to the rest of our _citizens_ by keeping the stretch Of sidewalk trona- ing his property on King and Albert Streets clear of snow. Altnough he bas eled and swept 'right own the eta ma eintret7 of .2% feet tit is alwaysahov- Notes.-Court Kippen No. 468 of the Independent Order of Foresters instal- led at their .taitt meeting a new stiff of officers as follows! Court Deputy., Joseph Hood; .chief ranger, John • enhead; vice -chief, • H. Ivison; _Rec.- Secy., Thelma Meths; Fin. -Secy., and Treaiurer, Wm. Jones. .The Court has. an 'excellent !staff of officers and it Is expected all members ef the court wjil- di() .theiO duty and make the year 191.5 one of the banner years -The ladies of the vicinity who are workers la the -Red Cross Sctiety, purpose holding a Patriotic•Concert this moth in our .vil- age aall. This move on the part of - the ladies will meet with general ap- proval of the ,people of this part and as -their work is for a lgood cause they should have a •bumper audience. -Mrs. H. bison during the past week was visiting her sister, Mrs. Rev.. MeKib- bon, of London. -Our regular corres- pondent is not reaponsible for the item which appeared in last weeks' Klaeen motes respecting the annual report :of St. etndrew's Church and for whieli he has sincetbeen at the mead- of a good deal of criticism. -Tuesday* last was a rough dayi for our train rnen and "no train or Mail tante until a ',late hour that night. -Mr. Wrn. Ross, an old 'Stanley boy, of the London Road, north, but now of Carberry, (Manitoba, who is amongst his old time cronies Of this vicinity, called on. Thomas Mela lis of the village this week. Thiel is the first tiine they have met fort' 30 years and they recalled many pleas- ant events' land, had a pappy ahat. lair. Ross is visiting his cousin, Mr. John ;Alkenhead, and alete his mother, , who • Is %seriously ill at rthe leoree of his brother, pr. H. H. Ross, in Seaforth.- Mr. and Mrs. George .Alair .of the 3rd of Stanley have gone to Goderich Own - ship to reside with their son-in-law and daughter. They, were long resi- dents of the village, and we -dot not • like to see them leaving our pait.---Mr. R, B. McLean has been fighting a bad cold and ha a been keeping close to the etove for a few days, but we hope 'he will overcome it soon -Miss Margaret •McLean is visiting friends iushorne, and Exeter. - On Tuesday evening last Mr. and Mrs R. 3. Cooper entertained a number of their young friends at their hospitable home,. -Mr. Sohn Petty, of the 2nd of °Haj, has been making extensive improve- ments on his house and now has a very fine residence. They entertained a large number ofafriends to a house- warming this week and although the night was a cold one all enjoyed' themselves, and left wishing 'Mo. and Mrs. Petty many years of happiness in their- new home. Zurich Dr. Reale, dentist, each Tuesday and Friday", at Hensel!, each Wemiesday and Thursday In Zuileh. High class work. Phone No. 5, Hernial. 2454-tf Notes ---Mrs. P. Well and Mr. t. Yor- lar, of Detroit, are guests of afreand Mrs. M. J. Rau, of the Coinmereial.- Word has been received here of- the teeth of Philip Steinbach, in Bad Axe, fichigan. Deceased was a brother to rs, H. Sipple of this village. -10. Laporte son of Charles Laporte, 01. rysdale, was badly cut with the puck John Harness, Bell Rin er, 1e50; T. Crews, Truant Officer, 01 .11 E. Bus- - ton was 'appointed a inember of tilt? 0 hile playing hockey a few days ago. While driving a, traveller with a load f trunks, to, Blake, Mr. E. Munn had the (misfortune to upset the load when making some of the snovedrifti on the Bronson Line. The trunks had to be left on the roadside until the (next day. {Alfredi MUM% tioneof tar. tacan Chilman; and formerly of Zurich, was married on Wednesday of last -Week to Miss Porter, of Prince Albert, Sask.- Mr. E. Wurm, who now has a well - Board of Health and Jaines Joh 1 Moir and Mr. -Bassett! Fence View- ers. 'Messrs. Harton, Roulston, Gladtnan and Weeks were appointed on the Cem- etery 'Board.. 'New jAppointinents..-Mr. A. G. Dyer, who has filled the position of Secretary of the Stephen and Usborne Agrieul- brat Society and, afterwards the -Ex- ,,r*tr- • • . _ e Spectals ft.4, $4.50 am/ $5 alms for 2.98 Women's t4„oo Fine -Shoes . While we have numerous bargains all over the store at this season of the year, we hive two lines that are extra special and are worth your while investigating, o Special Iro. 1 Men's .4. flo.s.50 and 5.00 Fine Shoes for 2.98 a pair. These are mostly Patent 'Colt Laced Boots, with a few Gun Metal Calf lines, made on medium narrow toes, medium round and square toes in :sizes 6 to 9, shoes that formerly sold for 4.00_, +5'0 and 5.00 (samples in south window) for....12.98 a pr._ Special No. 2 Women's 4.00 Fine Shoes for 2.* a pair:Vhese are the well-known RELINDO Shoes for Women—the shoe with the patent Cushion Heel.' Made on medium narrow and medium round toes, all sizes 3 to 7. Sold everywhere in Canada for 4..00 a pair, on sale here for...................$2.98 z Samples shown on bargain table. TEttEPAOItE, 11 OPPOSITE Q� IAL HOTEL equipped and _convenient livery st-able, has fastened -a large tank for water tc be. used for horses and washing rigs. - A large meinber of ladies assembled in the Society" Hall on January 22n4, to hear the lectureto be even by Mrs. Weelard, of Toronto, and were sadly disappointed when they found she had misSed her train at 'London. and coeld not be .vritat thane The Farmer's Insti- tute was holding their meeting -also that day and several of their speakers addressed the ladieet society. The _la- diee invited the Men of the Farmer's Inetitute to share the lunch they hid prepared and all enjoyed a pleasant rocial hour -The marriage took place I3t, Bonifetze Church, Zurich, ore Tuesday, January 26th, of Mies Joseph- ine, daughter' of Mr. and *Kra. ;Alonzo Foster, "Babylon Line , -Hay, to Mr. Leo: Strupp, of Berlin, Rev. A. Strader of- ficiated. afr. and ifra.'Strupp will re- etsida on a farm near 'Bertha -Mr. Fred Datere, of Hay, being about to retire from farming iptenas having a clear- ing out auction salt of hie stock and effects *teethe 25th of February.; „when Mr. B. Mossenberry will weild the atm- tloneer's hainmer. • Henstit Dr. Ifardie, dentist, each Tuesday and - Friday at Hensall, each,Wednesday and Thursday in, Zur'eh. • 1110 elan work. Phone No. k Mensal'. 2454-1f Oern -Three ears juit ariisrad whole and gronlid alio bran and shorts. Highest priees paid for all of grain es.quire for prices, D•. Uriiiihmt, phone 27, Rene111. ' • 2457x4 A Debate. -The SPringbank Farmer's', -Club intend having a, debate at their next meeting to be held, at the home of MrJohnElder, South of Hensall, on .Tuesday evening, February 9th. The subject' to be discussed ' it : ', Iletolved that the steam engine has done more foe tbe advancement of America than the printing, eress. 'This is la ,good, seib- ject and eshould elicit a very interest- ing discussion; All are cordially invited. Briefa-T.he first ,snow blocade to aeriogsly effect the running -of trains on the London, Huron and Bruce, De - cured. ion 'Tuesday last -when only one mail - train ;passed through here and that being in the evening from London way, and, consequently our rural couri- ers had no service worth while Per- forming and had a well-earned day oft --The Farmer's Institute meeting, tee- cently held, in our new town shall prov- ed, very interesting and instructiveeleat owing to the very unfavorable state of the weather there was rather a small attendanceecoinpared with that of for- mer years. -The Ladies' Aid of Carmel presbyterlan Church intend holding a splendidentertainmetit in the new toven hall on Friday evening the 19th,_ and for whkh -they have secured excellent tallentee-The Farmer's Wind and Wea- ther hematite Company .beld their an- nual fineetipg there in the town hall ion Friday of last week, when there was a very good attendance' and the dif- ferent (reports (showed the Coinpany in good Standing.with a good past years' history, and doing a. large v,olurne of - business. -Our postmaster, who bas car - pied the malls between Hensall post - office and, the railway station for con- aiderably over thirty years, and who by the waysihad never been late or missed . .a mall train during all ' those Jong years of continuous service, has re- signed the Work, finding it sane a' tax on his time with increasing duties, and air. Thoinas Murdock has been La Warded the contract for a corning term of four years, his tender being the lowest. -Mr. George Brooks of this vil- lage trecettred a message the first of this meek advising him of the very sud- den ideatle of his only eider brother,'I Santis, of Bad, 'Axe, Mich., and at once left to: attend; the •funeral -We regret this week to have to chronicle the death of Anna .Margaret Pfaff,- wite of Mr. WillIAM 1C. Marshall, of Lone don, and both formerly of Ilensall. he -deceased was vz-ell and favorably known here. She was Only 37 years .of age and had been -In deellning health for some tithe. The remains were brought to Ilenea.11, and, were on „Tuesday after. noon last interred- 14 thileffensidi Union Cemetery, the funeral being .conducted under the auspice'. of The Undependent Order of Forrester.% of which, the fre., ceased- was a meleher.-Mrs. E. liThFa of Seaforth, sweet a few days during the past week with her relatives, the Rev; Mr. and Mrs. Flicks. --The Rev. Mr. Peke, who has Ministered so ably and faithfully here as pastor of the Methodist panirh for the fulgaterin Of years allowed by the - Conference, has beeh honored by a call to Windsor, 1 where he labored 2. number of -years ago. We say* honored, ?or la speaks that Wire a, mai-aster in this ,age to he invited bac ki (to a charge which heefil- led in foriaer years, and We .believe that air. Hicks subject to the approval of the -conference, has signified his ace 'ceptance of the Invitation. -The friends. of air. William „It Perkins, proprietor of the New Coinmereial Hotel here, will be Ipleseedi to learn ,that he is inaleing good recovery from an oPeration which he recently underwent in St Joseph's Hospitel, at Londort.-Mra. (Alfred Tay- lor recently very. pleasantly enteetalne ed a nernber of her relatives Ana friends tre honor of her sister, Mrs '3 Hobkirk, pf Seaforth, who was visiting her ItaxidLalso to celebrate at the same time (the ,20th anniversary -of her mar- riage.e-We are pleased to state that Ma Robert Stewart, who has been so seriously 111, Is somewhat improved.- , TWO rinks of our ;curlers left here j -in Monday ;last to attend the "Bonspiel," t London. - Miss Sherritt, of near Grand Bend, Is visiting her uncle, Mr. Thomas Shereitt of tlas villa.ge.-Miss Helen Swan recently returned from New tYorkeCity, where she took a post- graduate course in nursing which will be of .great value to her as seeProfes- atonal murse.-Ameeng recent business changes here is the purchase of the New Comrnereial Hotel, by Messrs. Edward Drake and Percy Clark of this loth well-known, young en- terprising erten. As the, ComMercial splendidly planned and moderaly a -- quipped hotel they will no Ameba be able to ednenand a good share of pat- ronage and, keep it up , to -date and coming under temperance or no bar management we haverno hesitancy Iti wishing them good success ia, their -col/141g enterprise as eve believe they are Isoon,. to take uver the management. -The "relatives .and friends of Miss Sturgeon will be pleased to learn that she 18 00/181(1.eMhly better. - Quite a large number of delegates from Herat- salt- mo:1, vicinity, attended the 'South 'Huron Conservative meeting held at Clinton, last week. -Miss Hazel Heath ,and her brother,Gortion Heath, of near New :York CRY; returned teat week after an extended visit here with their relatives, Mrand, arra. James Afoorea,- -We /believe that Messrs. Frederick Colter :and F Richardson, both of Tlear Chiseleturst, have enlisted for the war In the /third tontingent.-We areplee,s- ed toehear: of some of our eitiaeas ln- tendlng to erect nice dwellings thie corning spring and surnrner.--Our ,SeleVir plough made its rounds on Wednesday Morning :last after the sriove storm and helped to improve thc walks, but with a *More modern and tetter constructed. one, much more efficient work could be done. -Additional Hensall newswill be Leaned ore the tard page; . teck Reducing Sale Books, bibleT, prayer and 'hymn books, all denominations, fancy Foods, fountain pens, writing paper, envelopes papeetries, purses, 'wallets, ladies hand bags, pocket diaries, perfumery, pipet spectacles, etc., etc Change of Business Necessiates a Rapid Reducti9n of My Stock Wall Paper and Window lades Mr. Walter Smith, a practical man, is in charge of this department and will give you bargains and arrat.ge for the hanging of paper if required. Dwelling house with two lots' on James strit for sale* Alex Wilson Druggist and Bookseller • Seaforth 41 441g6 kii01 Per Pe Bran I3er ZikOM ,1 Prices ;.for rreci •Inent its $22 e. 1, No. $.76 • 'Toron h ,90 to • Detra )hte ski *fay, Iedinas, tic Iffc to .e-Ohick ;ducks. lion a, westerns 14 T 436; ; Tara Inv band fa • dairy, areamery to B0c; Eggs -N • .selects, Tothnt first pat tags t bakers,. per cent 46.60, se 1 Northe *wheat, a. points. 61c, kett Moron tnce 'The mar smalL iG1 autside; Virile et de. Pea lap. 2 te side. Car -at grey, feed,„ --0 • shorts, good fee -cars, 1 orate, tter bag, New -Br 15e jn ca roddence of verve. Sara atutteoneert Ort Wean at the Boni. ere and V Zeno, Ail BTAN13111 sand Mr LAYTON,- Mr, an and IM Alberta TA'Th0 to M MeM.Ttl Dr. Ar 4U1.1G-T , Mrs, Ga son mid ,LETPER-1 .BTSWAUT Mrs. 0 MacATICAMs and M SCIIMIDT 31st, HAMM= you a BAG Brown, LIVRa)10 Pletzer, 53 years B1100K-In infant aged 8 AltOMBA Melinda ley of SIURKIT- 28th, it Mary I month 44044 4