The Huron Expositor, 1915-02-05, Page 1,irable tiusual stock of ring ap- ea0y-to-- the an unpre- r entire G lesirable e Year .1 a few miss it regar d- - ocks are wea rinmea riflery rat rice m our 0 tr.../......••••.•••••••••••••••••.•••••• -, FORTY-NINTH YEAR WHOLE NUMBER *AO SEAFORTHe FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 0, 1915 GRE10.- -CLOTKINO:. Colossal. Clothing Sal Continues A Sate compelling continued crushing crowds of curious customers A Sate unparalleled for popularity cause - cause of its presentation to the public of unprecedented bargains A Sate creating profoundest public .con fifielice, because there are no misrepresentation s,no disappoint- ments, no humbucrs froods ex- actly as advertised' A sate _lasting 10 days, every day offering the same good bargains tothe late comers as were offered the first days of the sale and some better Some Special Compellers Boys' warm School Coats, odd sizes, 26 to 33... . • • — $1.69 Children's Overcoats.... Boys' Knickers, dined throughout) . . 39c I30ys••• $$$$$ •• • • • • • •••• • • • 19c .Boys' Coat Sweaters... . ......89c Boys' Stockings.....,.. • 19c •••.••••••29c Men's Fur Coats Fur: CoatF, worth $18, for...,.$10.80 Men's Pants Men's Pants of strong tWeed mat- terial, perfect fitting. Regu- lar price Loo, sale C Men's Worsted panet,in narrow grey stripes and plain shades for dresswear, regular 3,o3, sale price $1.48 • • • 41,••• ••••••••••••• • • • •-•••••• • I • V••••••• • • • English Worsted Pan& Cal noi regular. 4,00, this sale... ah.yo Men's Suits Men's Suits, high grade, dark mix- tures, dependable line, This suit is good enough for Sunday wear, worth and sold all over for to.00 dbe nE sale price.......... .... ............ ajoya Handsome worsted Suits in fancy mixtures, suits that sell all aso no over for- aoayo Men's Suits,tnade by the best tailors in Canada, hand padded collar, up to the minute in style and fit. You would consider theta a bargain at en nE i8.00 ; this sale for.... .. . ay.yra Here we have another lot of English cut garments ; no merchant tailisr can duplicate them for 2000.. I 1 fic Our heya Men's Hats and Caps Men's Caps, worth 75c ; this sale 39c Men's Hats, in dress felt and derby, worth 2.00 tO 2.50; this sale $1.49 Beware! Don't imagine this is an or- dinary every day sale. .VPherb the Greig Clothing Co., Sea - forth, say &de 1" a vast army of people from all ciaarters immediately .arise and advance and storm the "Weida, the ..874 Corner Store opposite the MUM Batt, aad the whole -tremendous stock of high drade clothinR, fars anci. furnishings for -m,en,, - wo- inen and children looted, o7ily -ander a system of sales. Lasting 10 clays — and 10 days . only. Gre ig Clothing Co'y SEAFOFITH Huron County \Council The County Connell met at .3 o'cloek on fr untidily, January 21st. The follow Ing •qualified members' were preeent Ashfjeld, C. Stewart; Colborne, S. Bis sett; Goderich To'wnship, W. 1-1. Lobb Grey, R. W. Livingstone and J. Brown Hay, L. Kalbfleiscli; Hchilck, R. Hard Ing And L. Dernetling; Huliett, J. Fing land; McKillop, 3 s4Govenlock; IMor MS, J. Shortreed; Stanley, 3. McKin- leite Stephen, W. R. Elliott and :J. Love; Tuckersmitit, -H. Crich; . Turn - berry, 3. MuIven; Thiborne, P. A. Elt lerington; East Waevanosh, J.N. Camp - ell; West wamanqsh, D. B. Murray; }hayfield, J. Thornson; Brusselse.T. Lec- kie, Blyth, Dr. Milne; Clinton, J. Ford; Exeter,. ti. W. Taylor; Goderich, R. Elliott and. J. O. Laithwaite; Hen - salt, V. H. Hudson; Seaforth. Stewart; Whigham, S. 'Mitchell; Wrox- eter, Con. "Etas. • The Clerk hailed the meeting to order and asked for nominations for the pp- sition of Warden. • Moved by Pr. Milne, of Blyth, and 0,900114ed- by .3. Brown, of Grey, that J. tid. Govenlock, Reeve of McKillop, be Warden for the year 1915. . Mr. povenlock was declared elected Warden and conducted to the -chair by Mr. Cantelon ex -Warden. M.GOv- enlock signed his declaration of effide before this Honor Judge Holtt and thanked the members., for the honor Conferred upon him. Coinmunications read: R. NV, Wade, secretary of the Guelph Winter Fair stating that R. R. Matt, 131y0a, :wa,awarded it and12ndoprizes. for best heavy draught mare, Wrn. Snell, Londesboro, lit prize for best beef animal end- Wm. Fear, Blyth, sec- ond prize, and these parties are en- titled' to the prizes offered by the county—Sent to Executive Committee. J. J. Kelso, Superintendent df ne- glected children, asking for county support—Sent to Executive Committee. F. golmested, Polite Magistrate, Sea- fortiehasking that he be supplied with oefice—Sent jo Exectitive Committee. • F. Spencer on behalf of the Prison Aid Association—Sent to . Executlie 'Committee. J. Ross Robertson sking for the trmal grant for support of the Sick Children's Hospital •--Sent .to Executive Committee. F. (A. poky, chief engineer of Hydro - Electric, stating that the report on county electric roads in this county was not ready yet. S. C. Moore on behalf of grant I to Salvation army—Sent to Executive Coeval! t tee. , F. S. Spense, Secretary ,of Ont rio Municipal Association—Sent to Execu- tive Committee. Hon. Eh -Foster, relative to Bel glen Relief Fund -Sett to Exectetive Committee. • • Returns front Seeforth, Clint, Wingham and Goderich high schools. - Statements from Lirdowel, Stratford,, St. alaryz, Parkhill and. Mitchell high schools. , S. M. Sanders, ...Manager of Exeter Canning Company re county grant to relieve distress caused by the war. . Letter from W. ttl, _Elliott stating that on account of sickness he was unable to. attend cpuncil. G. S. Henry, Secretary of good Roads Association, asking that delegates be appointed, and fee o' $15 be forwarded. Shortreed and rich, that Messrs. Leckie, Campbell, F1ard1ng, Reis and Taylor be a tr1k1n4 committee to name the standing committees for the year— Carried. .1 Campbell and Metray, that Alex. Pore, terfield be appointed auditor for this year—Carried. , Mitchell and Elliott, (Goderich), that this council grant te1,000_ to the three; hospitals, Goderieh, Clinton and Wing - ham, to he divided the -Same as in pre- vious years—Serit to Executive Com- mittee. Taylor and Ellerington, that, a. W. Holman he auditor for this year—Car- ried. I , • Stewart (Ashfield) and Murray that J. Leckie and W. Lane be -appointed on the criminal aedit board for this year —Carried, ' - Mitchell and [Mulvey, tilt R. E. Ricker, of Wingham High .School be cotinty examiner for this year—Sent to Education CoMmittee. Taylor and Hudson, that Geo. Sparks, of Exeter, be appointed on board of cannty examiners—Sent to Education Committee. Linklater and. Elliott, (• Goderich). that W. Elliott be re-appOinted trustee of Goderich Collegiate Institute—Sent to Education. Coinmittee. • Ford andedeobb, .that Rev. Mr. Har- per be apPointed trustee of Clinton Collegiate enson, res re:DV-IrnrpdlOtitr:nte &late t•is Commit te rgstitute, in place of J. Stey- ned,—Sent to Education Lobb, that C. Dowding bo. d trustee of Clinton Cone- Ranh—Sent - to Education• . Taylor and Hudson, that the usual grants b ;made to Continuation and Fifth Fo m schools,—Sent to Education Cornrnitt e. • _ that W. Hartry be appointed trustee Stewarit (Seatorth), and Campbell, of Seaforth Collegiate Indtitute.—Sent to Edunetion Committee. . Lobb 1 and !Mulvey, that the usual grant be. given. Farmer's Institutes and tem increase of .410 to 'Women's Insti- tutes,—Sentoto Executive Committee. 1 Laithwatte and Hudson; that a ,grant of '42,000 be made to the four High Schools, Goderich, Clinton, Wingharn ad Seaforth,—Sent -to Executive Cam- inittee. Laithwaite and Elliott, (Gederich). 'that the usual grant of 420 be made "fpr :flowers, shrubs and. .plants on ,the Court House ground.—Sent to Execu- tive Committee. 1 Stewart, (Seaforth), and Crich, that a 'Igreaft of *25 each be given to Clin- ton, Seaforth and Hensall Spring Shows —Sent to Exectitive Committee, On -motion of Messrs. Kalbfleisch and Fingland the council adjourned until Wednesday mornipg at t0 o'clock:: 1 WEDNESDAY , • CoUncil met at ten o'cloc. all the members present except Elliott, (Step- hen). , • ' . . The +report of the striking committee. was passed. t Mr, George Eittott addressed the council On matters relating to neglect- ed children and left a statement that was referred to the Rouse of Refuge -Ccowm.mit4t.eem. lirra er. - appeared before the councli representing the Exeter Manu- facturing Compeller. . Mr. Taylor introduced the question of statute labor, Several Members join - 1 ed in the discussion., but no decision was reached . • i • • Stewart, (Seaforth), and Reis, that this county donate to the Belgian Re- lief iFtind, the suin of ,110,000. to be - spent in the purchase of flour, manu- factured in our oWn, county, i Elliott, (Goderich), that a grant of .4100 he mad,e t the- Huron . Rifle League. Mulvey and L bb, .that this coun- ty donate 420,00 to the Belgian Re- lief, Fund. - , - Reis and Mulve thatthe grant to • tell fairs :and p libraries be the seine as last yet , !11.0 be made o the Huron cOunty Kalbfleisch andraylor, that a grant of -Beekeepers' Ass iation,—Sent to Ex- ecutive Cohnmi t te F'ingland and resolution of ny liott, Reeve of St ed by the Verde his nahhe be.la elbfleisch, that a. pathy •with Mr. El- pnen, he passed, sign - and Clerk and that ed. on ,the pay roll. On emotion, of 31lerington and Ford the council adjoUrned until three o'- clock. A 3 iApplication of W. J. Pellow to be appointed *ountyf constable, I- Sent to Special Committe . • Messrs. Kerr, jWilson and Sheriff Reynolds waited erence -to the w Aid Societv. n the council in ref- rk, of the Children's Messrh. Codper 1andi McGaw represent- ing the temperance alliance of Huron, 'addressed the c uncil and isked that provision be tate e for the inforcement of the Canada T mperance Act. S. M. Sanders Manager of the Ex- eter 'Canning Ca party, spoke in favor of making count grant to,33elgians, 4n the shape of g od 'stuffs instead of cash. Mr. Robertson addressed the council asking thateh llJberal grant to be made to the Huron R fle .League. • The (Treasure 's report. was read, and sent to the Fl ance Committee. The report o County Engineer read and sent to oad -and Bridge Com- mittee. , The report o the Finance Committee was read an passed. Leckie and, Milne, that this council make !grant to the -Children's Aid So- ciety, the amount tbe $500.--Carr1ed Elliott, (G +orlon), Oditchell, teat R. Elliott, Camp • ell, Shortreed, Lobb and McKinley be coMmittee to -look into the enatter sf enforcing the Canada Temperence et, and report at June h-eetingen-Se t to Special Committee. Mulvey an Reis,. that there be snow guards puto:Days bridge near the. village of W,m oiceten—Sent to Road an& Bridge Committee. . Livingstone and Demmerling, that a bridge be built- on the boundary be- tween the counties of Huron and 'Perth and between the townships of GreY and Elma,—Sent to Road and. Bridge Commit tee. • Kalbfleisch and Govenlock, that a bridge be built between the Counties of Perth and Huron and between the Townships of Log ae and, McKillop,— sent to Road and Bridge Cornmittee. Harding and Fordthat the council adjourn until ten o'clock on Thursday. Elliott andrrilLilaiRthSwEsaAiY- te, that- this county pay back to the town of Gode- rich, the money the council spent tak-- ing care of families of men who +went to the -front, previous to the first -of December last,—Sent to -Executive Cern- inittee. _ Harding and 'Brown, that Messrs. Fingland, Stewart, (Seaforth), and. El- lerington be a committee to draft a resolution eo eend to the local govern- ment, asking that a, re -fund be made of ento license' collected in thIS C01111- ty,—Sent to Special Committee. Dernmerling and Mulvey, that this council give a grant of $100 to the boundary between Huron and Welling- ton, providing that the townships. of Howick and Minto and the county of Wellington, .grant equal amounts,—Sent to Road and Bridge Committee. , Mitchell and Mulvey, that W. D. Pringle be appointed trustee of "ging- ham High 'School on retirement of W. F. Vanstone,--Sent to Education Corn - ret ittee. Stewart,, (Seaforth), and Campbell, that -the column adjourn until- two p.m. The report of the Education Commit- tee was need and passed. Mr. lAmes, M.P., appeared before thet council -and gave a *met ,address on the necessity of contributing liberally to the Patriotic Fund and explained the ethrk of the Patriotic Associatioo. Mr. (Ames was tendered a unanimous vete ,of thanks by :the council. , The report df the Road and Bridge Committee was need and passed with .the iexception of one clause. • The report - of the County Property Committee was read and passed. -The eeport of the Special Cominmittee was reed and passed. • Laithwaite ancl Taylor, that, coun- cil adjourn until ten o'clock Friday morning. , . ' VRIDAY The second report of the Road and Bridge Coinmittee was read and passed. Ellerington 'end Demerling, that this council make a monthly grant: of, $1,00$ to the Patriotic Fund so long as the council of this county deems necessary, —Carried. Charles Stewart and Livingstone, that this county make a grant of 45,- 000 ho the BeIglan Relief Fund,—Car-. ried. The council then prorogued to meet again in June. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES The Executive Committee reported, as follows: , 4 Re letter of S. -M. Sanders re war supplies, we (recommend that no action be ',taken. That the sum of $10 'be granted to the Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto. • Re circular froin A, Warner, Secre- tary of the Trustees Association, we recommend that am action he taken. •Re circular from Municipal -Associa- tion, we recommend that no- action be taken. Re circular from Salvation army, we recoinmend that the urn'sof $20, be granted. ' • Re circular porn Prisonet's Aid So- ciety, we recommend that the sum of 410 he granted, Re /motion of Elliott and Bissett, ask - Ing for a &Twit for .1:luron Rifle As:, sociation we xecoinmend that no grant be made 'for this year. Be motion of Laithwaite and Elliott, for grant of 439 for flowers for Court Hoose 'square, tive- recorinnend, that the sum of 410 ba gea,nted. Re Motion of Lobb and Mulvey, that a grant of 125 be Ina& to the Farmer's Institute and that an increase of ,110 be putcle o Wotnenes 'Institute, we re- commend that 425 be granted to Farm- er's +institutes and, 110 only to Women's lnetitutes. • Re motion of • Mitchell and Elliott, asking for a grant of pow be made to the three hospitals, we recommend that the 'grant be made 4700. Re motion of J., A. Stewart and Crich for a grant of 4.25 each to Seaforth, Hensall 'and Clinton 'Spring Shews, ,we recommend that $25 be granted -to Ag- ricultural Societies - in good standing 'who hold spring shows only. Re enotion of Reie and Murray for grant of 425 to eh of the Agricul- tural Societies holding fall shows, we recommend that the same be granted. Re motion -of Laithwaite and Hudsot for a .grant of 42000 to the tour High Schools in the comity, we recommend that 'the twine he' granted on the sante terms as formerly.. \ Re Motion of Kalbfleisch and. Taylox for a grant of $10 to the Beekeeper's Association, we recommend that no grant ;be made this year. . ' Re 'account of F. Holmested for 1509 for ,office rent and. furniture, we re- commend that no payment be made as the coenty of Huron- have no Police Magistrate appointed by _them. Re letter of S. M. Sanders re supplies for !British Government, canned goods, etd., we recoinmend that no action be taken. Re tenders for county printinge we recommend that the tender of Wt H. Kerr ifo Son be 'accepted. , •••••• The Road land Bridge Committee re- ported as follows: We further recom- mend that the engineer be instructed to consult with the engineer of the county of Perth and, if in their opinion the conditions comply with the by- law, 'they take steps for the construc- tion of the bridges as soon as 'possible. Re Claim a P.. Kerry of Stephen Town- ship, tin 'the matter of the auto accid- ent on the lake shore road new bridge, we !recommend, thatwe pay the sum of in ttfull settleinent of +said claim ,of auto accident. We recommend that the .engineer's report be printed in the minutes. Be putting snow- guards on Day's bridge, we recommend that no action be taken ateethe present time. As 'regardsa bridge to -be built be- tween the counties of Huron and Perth between the townships of Grey and El - ma, we recommend that the same be built if the conditions ceinply with the by-laws. As regards the bridge to be built on the 'boundary between the counties of Huron and Perth, between. the town- ships of Logan and McKillop, we re- commend that the same be built .if the conditions comply with the by-laws. Re motion of Demmerling and Mulvey that 'a grant of 1100 be -given on the boundary between Huron and Welling- ton eountiest and the townships of Howick .and, Mints, if Wellington- coun- ty glye an equal amount, we recent - mend, that no action be taken. , ••=•• Iie Striking Committee reported the following schedule comprising the mem- bers of the several committees for the current year: House of Refuge.—.3. A.. Stewart, R. Harding, C. Reis Sind S. Bissett. t. Warden's Cornmittee.—J. Shortreed, T. (H. Hudson, L. Dernerling, j. Leckie and J. Fingland. Equalization poinmittee.—The whole council. " Executive Cominittee.—J. Leckie, R. Livingstone, U. A. Ellerington, J. Laithwaite and, T. H. Hudson. t Special Coinmittee.—W. R. Elliott, S, Biseett, V. W. -Taylor, S. Mitenell and C. $1teis. Finance Coinmittee.—John Fingland, Robert Elliott, John Love, 11. Crich and J. A. Stewart. Education Coinmittee.—Dr. Milne, J. ik. 'ord,, Lobb, J. Shortreed and R. iHarding. Road and Bridge Committee.—J. W. Taylor, J. Campbell, J. Mulvey, C, Stew- art and John Brown. Comity Property.—D. Murray, J, Therhpson, 1.1, McKinley, L. 1Calbfleisch, and L. Dernerling. The Special Committee reported. as follows: Be motion of Harding and Brown that this committee be appointed and that they get all the information they, can and report to this council at the June eessioo. Ite appointment of W. Fellow in 'a cminty constable, that no action be taken) at the present time. Re letter of Mr. Gaby on Hydro power, that Mr. Livingstone and Mr. Reis hid a committee to look after thie and, report at June session. . •••••.• m•••• The County Property Committee re- commended the completing of the wir- ing of the gaol. That they had visited the gaol and found eleven prisoners and that they had found the gaol In a +satisfactory con- dition. That a new typewriter be pur- dhased for the registrar's office. That a suitable chair be purchased for the Crown +Attorney. That ta new carpet be purchased for the ,stair leadingto the Judge's room, The Education Committee reported as follows: Re motion of Mitchell end Mulvey appointing county examiners. Since county model schools are abolished there is no county board of examiners. We recommend that the usual grants be made to continuation- clastes as in 1914. We receinmend- the appointment of W. D. Pringle for ;gingham High School Board, Win. Hartry for Sea - forth Collegiate Institute, Rev. Mr. Harper for Clinton Collegiate and. C. Dowding for Clinton Collegiate. We re- commendethe ta.ppointment of W, le El - N liott, to Goderich Collegiate trusthe board. Re communications and reports of our public school inapectors, we re- -co/mend that the reports of the two inspectors be printed in the minutes and. that they receive the commenda- tion ef this council foir giving 'such fine and explicit reports. We recommend, the following a- mounts be paid, less pupils fees: Clin- ton Collegiate itristitute, 12,815.8h; God- erich„1 3,85.14; Seater th, *4,050.99; Wingharri, $3,234.56, . 'We recommend the payment of the following amounts:•Parkhill High • School, 4141.23; et. Marys • Collegiate Inetitute, $140.64; Listowel Collegiate institute, 491.25; Mitchell High School, $22.63; 'Stratford Coriegiate institute, g89. • mr,m.••••1•0 The gaoler reported that there were eleven ,tnenates in the ;gaol at the 'pre- sent 'time, eight for vagrancy, one for aesault, one for ,larcency and one for esing tfire. arms. That it will be „neces- sary to purchase twenty cords of ,wood for the county buildings' use. That the wiring in the gaol corriders, which had been .put in conduit form, had removed a great danger from fire, and lg that he hoped the council would se; the wisdo of `completing the balance of the iwi ,in tthe gaol inthe tsame way as are added protection to the buildIngs, _ row. The county treaserer reported as fol- lows:, That the gross receipts for the year Were 4184,083.19, .and that the grabs expenditure was 4184,092.26, causing a bank overdraft of $2.e7„ That the met actual- expenditure on closed Accounts was $1,907.20 less than the ,amount estimated and levied. This slim forms a surphis floe\ 1915. Tre amount event for patriotle purpeses, 13,508.19 is not included in this state- ment, and, must be provided for during the present year. That the amount of sinking funds on band not calculating accrued inter- est ts $106,284.11, as the debenturelia- tility b 4119,000, you will she there will he no necessity of raising. any more sinking. fund. The following municipalities had net paid their county rates at the closeeof 1914: Hullett, Tuckersmith, town of Goderich, Heosall and Wroxeter. Acting upon instructions from the council last year, 1 saw a number of the mortgagts, and expect to be able, to etire the sterling debentures matur- ing next year, without leaving to put any of our eecurities on the market. ••••••••••• The county engineer reported as in- etructed, he. had examined the road opposite lot 33, concession 12, Turn - berry, it .being the boundary between the ounties -of Bruce and B.uron. ,The road at this place passes cover the: south end log & marsh,•that appears te have -a bad bettor -i, but'I could see no -ins - :mediate danger. A deviation \road can be got around the south end of the marsh 'should it be required and 1 think cheaper than filling the road .up. But the case of this road will rest with the townships of Culross and Turnberry until such time as the coun- ties assiimeethat portion of it. On IDe- camber 9th 1 examined the bridge on the !lake load, Stanley Township, the road and 'bridge are both very low and the land for some dietance around is levehilt appeared, to Me that the out- let eves the cause of the water going • over •the road. and not the length of .the (bridge..1 would,recommend that .no action be taken at present. Some new. Izridges wlil ibe required but all cann be done. 'after the spring freshets. The 'total ainount of the orders le - sued :during ,he terns was 11.,419.3,9. The pleik reported the -following in- surance in effect on county property: Court House, $12,000; Gaol, $10,000; Gaol residence, 1;000; House of Ref- uge, 411,250; Contents of House of Ref- uge, $2,000; Barn and outbuildings House of Refuge, 41,500; Content h of barn, House of Re uge, 41,500. .. SCHOOL IN PECTORS REP RTS 4, The ens.pector for West Huron report- ed that there are 103 school sections, 106 school houses, 132 public school teachers- and 4 continuation teachers. The total receipts of the 103 school boards for 1914 were $141,592.28 and the itotal expenditures were $108,742.97 for both public and continuation schools The -following expenditures . were made by municipalities` for publio schools only:, Ashfield, 411,553.86 ;.Col-. borne, 41,488.12; Goderich Township, 11.943,n5; Hay, .411,686.72; Stanley, $8,- 964.53h Stephen, 11144247.48; Usborne, 16,459,24; East Wawanosh. 411,591.03; West Pgawanoste 45,585.13; BaYfield, 11,390.81; Hewett, 42,181.43; ' Exeter. 13,813.79; Goderich town, $11,170.46, making a total of 1104,081.65. , . The line new school built in school, section No. 13, East : Wawanosh, ac- counts for the high a:verage expendi- ture in this township. , The -total number of pupils enrolled hi the rural schools was 3,390, being 69 less -.than in 1913, and the average attendance 2,296. In the urban echoole, the enrollment was 1,110, an increase of over 1913, of 54, end the average /90. There were 25 men and, 107 women einpIoyell as' - public Flehool teachers, of this animber 1 held first-class cer- tificates, 93 second-class, 31 third-class and one kindergarten director. ' The average salary' leaid to the men was 1697, and. to the women 4564. The highest salary received by a man was to,,goo and.- by a woman $800. The following Legislative grants were - received during 1914: Rural school% on salaries and certificates of teachers. $6,262.60; on accoinodation and equip- ment, 11,179.35; on fifth classes, $490.- 05; inn new books for libraries, 480.20; urban ectiools, on attendance- and cer- tificates of teachers, 4912: on continu- ation and fifth classes, 41,086.9h; mak- ing a total of . 410,011.10. The county grants received during 1914: Rural schools, on accommodation and equipment, 41,180; on fifth etas - es, $980.10; urban schools, on con- tinuation and fifth hia,sses, 12,1/3,98, making ,a total of $4,284.08. i The fifth. clans Reboots at Bayfield, Dashwood, Dungannon, Hensel'. and Zurich, prepare candidates for the grad.. - at MoLBAN BROS. liuhlir she $1.00 a Tea& in Advarte - 4.............-earanneete,.. nation and entrance to model school examinations. ?These schools are giving three years of high eahool work to many pupils whose parents cannot af- ford to amid them to a high school. • Mr. J. LM. "Field, Inspector for East -Huron, reported as fellows: There were 85 rural schools -open tin 1914, of these the schools in Fordwich, Walton, Man- ley OA Cranbrook have two rooms. The ischool in Ithe. 5 Meltillop, for lack of attendance, but more particularly Ibecause -the :neighboring separate school had encroached to such an extent on its boundaries that the pr4ent rate- payers telt theinserves unable to con- tinee to support k school. Of the urban selmois. Whighain has 7 rooms to which a kindergarten de- partment was added tnia. year; Clin- ton has 8: rooms with an additional teacher during the model school three: Seaforthehas .7, one of .which tis a kin- dergarten; Perth has S public sehool teachers, one of whom hos during the gist -year, been engaged for half the, ti*ie in the continuation close; 13russels hs a mobilo school- class of four teach- er and Wroxeter two. The continuatIon schools, In Blyth, Bruesels And Wroxeter have -each now a. 'staff of two teachers, thud enabling the schools to al) much better work; that the addition to the satffs in Blyth and Wroxeter are appreciated, is shown by the greatly inereaeed atten- dance. . The aggregate attendance of the rur- al schools for 1914 was 2,977; the aver- age attendance was 4939. The average attendance for the year hi Clinton. was 310; in Seaforth, 209, and in Wingliam, -269. The average at- tendance in Blyth was It in Bruseels 94 and In Wroxeter 5.'6 The Legislative grants this year to . rural .schools amounted. to 16,681.50. thin was a reduction of 36 per tent. froin the amount earned, ' - There were two new schodls built in 4914, one was at Ethel, with two rooins, costing between 46,000 and $000 and, a single roomed school built at (Bitievale; at a cost a 4$400iftinid .14 one of the best in the -county. The At- tendance -at WnIton has outgrown Ite arconmendation and iprovision meet be ,made for the junior division. Many in the ;neighborhood are in fever of a comeolidated school and consideration will be given to the ',proposal. By an amendment of the Truancy Act, inspectors are required to notify parents antihrustees of violation of the act In order' to make the notice Of Inspectors effective, township councils should appoint truancy officers. a imuch larger proportion of . candid- ates was successful at the entrance examination 'throughout the county in 1914, than in 1913. . EAST HURON Annual Meeting of the Usborne and-- Ifibbert insurance Co The thirty-ninth antival meeting tif the 'Usborne and Hibbert Mutual 'Fire inetirance Company, vvae held in the Public Hall, Farquhar, on Monday, Feb- ruary 1st with a very large number of policy holders in attendance. The Fite 'President, Robert Norris, occupied the chair; and in very feeling terms, referred to the death_ of our worthy -and highly respected President, Mr. Robert Gardiner, Showillg that - the great loss was not the Corimany's alone bot the entire community's, he being a man of sterling worth and great eapebility, although junior member of the Board, had risen quickly .to th.e highest office- of honor, whieh was the -Board's to 'bestow, never stinting but rather sacrificing his time ia order that he imight to the fiellest •extent per- forin any duty which was entrusted to the. Nothing was too big for him to grapple with. Nothlog too small- to cotiona,nd his attention, and he has set ei high standafd.of what was ,Just and night for his fellow Directors to follow.. MT. Norris in his address showed the Coinpiny tot be still progressing on a solid basis, there being a marked in- crease to:number of new risk, amouet of tinsurance and Assets,. The Secretary -Treasurer and Audit- or's lreport -glowed that there' was Is- sued duringthe year 677 policles cover- ing An insurance of t$4615,105.00, mak- Ing R, total 2,31-0 policies, revering an insurance of 45,258,050.00 at the close of the +year. The years' losses amounted, to 460 174,05, vvnich -Were all promptly paid„ when satisfactory claims were estab- lished. There is encash /balance in the Bank of Commerce, (Exeter), Office, etc, of ,116,103.24; , The tVireo re tiring Directors, Thomas Ryan and, William Brock, were re-elect.; ed- for three year. and -Sohn ttillison wias electedfor one year to fill In the ierb of the last President. All were elected by -acclamation, and. Messrs.Jrkei Kay andol. S,,Ballantyne es .Auditsrs for 1915. At the . close of the annual meeting' the Directs:tors met for re-organizatione When Robert -Norris was duly elected President and Thomas Ryan Tice Presi- &Tit. 'Turnbull was re -appointed Secretary -Treasurer. t Mr. John Essery, _of tisliorna, R. R. No. 1, Centralia, And: Oliver Harris- of Fullerton, R. R. 1 No. 1, Mitchell, are the agents of the Coinpany. —Mr. Andrew '111cIhints, an, _old and 6' ell -known resident of Grey, died at the ;home of hi# son on Sunday, Janut ary i24th. He was 66 years of age. EIS wife pre -deceased -him seven years, but he is !survived by a son and daughter, _ William on the 9th coneession of Grey, and Mrs. James E. Brown, of pxpanse, Sask. Mr, McInnis' aliment was har- dening of ,the arteries, with Which be had. been poorly for some time. Ifie brother Duncan, lives at Cranbrook, and a. 'Apter, Mrs. Fulton, resides in Brussels. He was a Member of- the P.reebyterian Church and enjoyed the esteem of a wide cirele • of friends. He was upright, industrions end hon- orable in all his dealings and lilitenlir eral was largely attended. Mr. -McIn- nis Was 'born in Lanark Cotinty, -and came Westward when five years a age, being among the old residents of Grey township. He was married sane 36 years ego to Miss Scott. Two child- ren survive,