The Huron Expositor, 1914-11-13, Page 6&P I7 7rtr. OVEMBER 914 081 -TO -R EXP the ,tl of. oys� �$41009. The yeat wa sald "my _11ea in ',ill ..the mad Vospercm s, 4n the co- �iet. �at j �know 1' .1>3 short ��an. ays ee'0` T em vany's histary. Theempbrt business has h e.tfng of the Ion,, he -ou s The 1011U rdshioned purging - tthall 1��wbY Alw atteuded.-Tne b:, zho�,L.' en ��,",jasked reareanIked and jojacedfta �pza­ partl The, se `e art- caurity Belglan psVis-a jam -such La bf the cMpan�y handhd -ray C e., Was ild It 'Ity yo,� knw J wa iiearly aot at -;,RoklG . -for the th;rMers, turn- Ile . In ae C s Oetob:r Ph O� ThAt's, af At astwood ot ooids 1?V11 lb"I - The ative P when I �r4s can91it"getting th aci!,'Out.'s of Carleton PI i ays about, over '080,0 is Now Blonex Away With. T.. J. Charlton and M3,yor Is LAGL Ttileation4, alld I 69c a:� J fc, _AB sli;t. :: L ATT -0am i=133s. i Gin kill& —of vital lhterest not �,dnly` to Cal- ted 'v xlilott� pnearl the akio of In -teeth, at 31o_rrbaY,*' western, Can- f1l have takon. Gin Pills aitd find thein _­)Vaxy but to- tholl-whole f &nd Mr. fla. wa. od pgiw in the. joints,,- Sivollim Hands ME kPPETIZING t that thb LDT (11.0,abd alLsymptorn Laxa-liver Fills gently 111 in.. it �OU7 8 of Uidney and a-d'a, Is the Annou no e -m M � 11b 11n0st eVI*rY �,tters Ed ViL is - works in Milburn! R. b3rt i Al rr6lltay jr, �ibol L keqi thom Western CAMdA Ckyrdage 0o.,,capIta:1lz- I -_ I -, - 00 keart all - 13hidder �.rrouble. We'always bUsY Mau* Ulalock the secretions, -dear awa� the Cot Aty was. represented ,and he canal JsY6its$ about whether the col. , _: I I - suf f icien t ust the Beverage for the It a 'Million! Aollims igI tow t a, in the house. Idd l ;With J Ac =-d effete matter from the SysteM, t'. aervC . ; "- of Jbinaer twine to aqe4 hls'ba�liig anY, ulterl-)1-- 1witb 12,00�.0,000 -ponds If �ot: *914 was reports sup�ly' western fStm ad ensures sound sleeP. Ion autl gj,��, t,6n.e ard vharitY to the N -.hole k,.o.rd.an iNX. M i7i efe., but I never or one �Xno Capacity to .'.rest$,. *e S -�4 intestinal tract. contrlb;- �1=%�ar-_ e e e to =aunl ment in 'Your vrite They do, this by acting directly on the !cipalltiea building -aperbdon"; 'J e n Ifyout erza. .-,now BATT, !be =at oth , er than a persoA�d des.ra ' ' - : Dr, per,ye"', �Will begin FOR TAIC Neys I I w1d. makinj the bile pass thraTAgh h a1v COIT I: r;bu t e var - i1030 In cash;1and -ormatl9n. He-w.as splen- at ClalgIary. mithin fbA_.jn6nthq_ Tr% 11TED naral., Int tr�feeliug'badly, peth"s me*g I& its. orgapAzZU11 N, L A 18� inst,zad of ntgaoch , or the old d.4 mvdsliel 'in --bad -a bowel allowing t to get imm an hud a beautifully tralne JIM into tjxe blood, and thus camin,- -cOns$- 11 _i%s clothing r Kidneysor Bladder tbat. conlpleted, and. tllp,. plant wIII be it * I - CANADA voice, and�-�ra$_ gane"al favarlte o 1-3 You! LONDW, Is ope�_atlDn -for next- Varls tro-A. per Pa and n. hen -,him at eu . rille, f or 'direct rh, of the stolu;=Il f jhe is causing the Irouble. -If there The tion, jaundice, catar The z*qarts 0 Ward. W 14ef. ires 30000,- $Wpment tO t m-Inicipall- in over tlie: 11ladder—ifth and similar troubles. �p pe�jt it Is e-sthriated rranggment� they tre$ -tati th differen informed me, that be,*.o!uld be SW Special s e hb, J , Ratchford,. Peterboro, Out, Fy the is: hot nd, sbal g—to fre �� 4 , ll, & �Years,� ais . ow-6oundapf UnAer-(W1184mehr thinking I' 1.onAted. t 'I w din 6 gly, and prWa�d consumers- U r L. k ties -a th..,,, ca6 _4 J)eea troubled for' ts' N�ere as 011 C_ has alwAgs- been facE4 with &'shoortaV. few .1 resl.d-tv i The ­Amarull lookin., forward to Ire -un, scanty—if the urine shows brick ns�oif,Ahere is 02 trying many 'c --inue back—restless Mande, the, tablIsbX_r th S6 1 ars with congtipation, nd n -adIffittell' to en$uTfng a isti-,ady de ye in-WInnip-9. dust deposits, or ,ent -0 Cal- me no good 00; Mitchell costant pain in t1 I re,,It remedies which did L41IMS, -$I,U - diffe I have aa, dobt now, tliat h I -%i� le -and loag'o"f -appetite-;-the Uilburrils arg will man twine, -tTr, I was asked to- try 4.1oo; then -a aiil s y of -the �Germ&n 1ro� ra. 9afy )I whide ertain1juee&b7in-Vills- Get I have, found them --1)3 6P,nt at bme'�' I es n- oil c Iegg freight auls Zoomplir ezrest St. M &T q to of es 7 -10 "s - Laxa-Liver Pillq. nDnay meht, and that -this sYsteim I ��p thein.to-dvty,aud feel better a"4 d d, EAStIlOP3, '00., co�iVetltOT�s, Wellington, Ont., mdr-row. beneficial, for they are I0 gge had Its ramittleations In -a at in- 6TO eliminated. L Ta and I can gladly.reco :4 V., s JUI the ChIcaj i�anveS nas 'd rs ooue or tlie eve qu arter of Gin ]?ills are sold by all deale SolaKirmam,, off Winnipraff, �%010 1-�1411. xaen(l them to all, who stiff er from Morn1m, IN verton, a -6.d Word For Religion. people 766; M11 beL1lve._XeW York G Ssk,j; evet tlarto( go PCZ boci;. ly, (retaMed tfroln- iToga -car, Lif�buoy g s - delligh tf ull Y re-� at 5ft a box:� -0 bo,�6s'foi $2.50. Into t ftis is a broad minded age, and-th ists <W constipation." inecoh, -i vorth 61 Pill§ arp- 25c th ig f or bxth Or -tolfet. For wash- V aT treatment if you write - -as baA .large �l�terast the lasf -trara, who W= Wallf .-And a, pax 6 , ree tri, where. he h f, pdice d tho *41S for $1 t 411 druggists yw ad wrm- rentlelinn raw .00, beell 04110,95 1ka. TWO a Vill, 5 -11 hop-, h if d tug �Mdr6lbthln:g It ational Drug and Chemical o- that ever I here � hq IOU the - 'f, i w4at one may de0pe as the ta ailed direct on receipt Of of Canada, 14inited, TOrOfttQ ers energetically 'taking ;�Av'antae -f or dealers, or m jet� rnz- rq-,-n jh� iother itawn-L H5 THE TURKS- 1: clear�ses -and �PUT-ifles. GREEKS� LGAT t1v.e ta t10 I Ina h11 Weethir, t1n,their ;pre' ared- etbaracteristics pri-ce by Th all thcO -i sh e T. llilburn*Co-, shi ryilete but o'. Ther para s -% 1�9 N 1MU 259 er es. �rve_ LNG gratill-ad, at Nthe f -tions T next 7e e 1will notbin' to 'Say out. De , Of the t= Toronto E0 N re excez,41ngly If he Foot and ft t That Sh6vis `140w OP plowhig� done 'An -Inci0n be does belong to' ve results. :i:far One of the b he ,sa against fim. e yo, ba more f 0,11 n if, abicago. U-illon Sato& Yar4s, the '4 s . I -meetingas -to.decid? �ho The: the his- eatetl is the� Hatred. blgol- tot a bit of this :�e� t1fan A�ny verlodid A. rm 110 t larat --cattle maicat in the w6y'ld. h �ks, PtorT, s �the ent' to wbic the Gre It. AW -pan a pt the �w,est. ft, knny Aistriet The ­eX t the m ey -should be, z I say this n1 cantinupuz busi'less .,15awy zeldent pf ,t�ie wh!eb has bs n, had 'All' th4r. land rerid-Y foU red of thd Turks oes Is Illustrated flarniers hat erguson; the Fra re4-. lble in ,A ebildof tfie Or! AND e te -a closed fOP' air tbin,m- 'i've not tound Ope-ning tha nieetin zines has been orrd 0"Ing at the earhest parlod,poss ent," by Vemtra ()Tgalij tion, n bmause-pt the prevalence hll, 'there- glous -ebaps to be Avorse tbun ord es anch t, r u i d be ot the foo fol�t, in. the majority Qf cmses be. a -reparts from-i3e, S'eve,ral days b, �he jspring. The seedlng,. ValuL The antilor's A.Unj K61hroe was t the, latest t al . ov nme.' RTHANW sad m; ilidisease arnonf� fellers like YOU subio-cts taus month eaT)Ier than # by expe, "wd that 1001$tulfs W0. I L LIS umali and gs aelings instructors glu .they �vee I cattle -k . . . . th, an old Greek WOM1111, vehose fA , Guardian eFOR THE k. She ORd at the b1i ill t anti -Tor I by tb� "refuge as than The- stock rds proba, VtI11 b-, in ,the� groundi antl were the mos. troA Will _14Sf*r g,ent fo-r a boll- t a- large U Closed ten- days. The closing or- Greek homestead, for ,b - Planning a Put re. other articles. Ma-yor El mai supply the necessary morsture 116tt )orted that at ame,ting ,of sfroAg cropp he cons der ent intv -etf ect, at ithe close Of iders h7p� advant- which she bad no use And which AS you can ;Support �ny sowintwIll be "DO .1,04 tillrIL and it Frifty, Novemb-,_,r 6th., jgrejq. (!Ou�ld Drot at ill, alyor.d,.bolely to keop (ages 01 -the eaTly tile Mitchell 9D i In. tbet- style tu whith $he blis ttee 'of the daughter bo he qIr eidtimatel -the. inicrea * U lhe'Togo from falling into the os es lo a 0. A. BLW%3.. !the cish 1wll1'coq�t1nv-, until t niAg of se of It had Iteen ecided at ereafter, beeh DON, GNT.. an rX _D1str Wr pent. alf Lo let wss on the Ad Monday h' tl& Id h3 __qT) ' t I the district will b lected Turlr.� The ath6r,writer_ replied the slan",, oun, 11 ten days, It S--*.�-wnts Isted to positiom 1.,'Offege r4Dh Th devas this ted Aunt Or NlovembLr 16th i will, apply," to rian,Y assi_ M he be "Thwnext-time we vist, t YOU. -,,d the stook yards *111 The thor armers after some, "But don other d1stricts n= riation pf lann, y cases I .4011 from Sept ISL' CAWP9d nd I _r biank:�� and the SpathaTY d wftU3 etter ud Ilrde the was. lustalled t' -d, h Enter Pl;ghlY x1d bf axe not !bni� cultivatlhg th-eii-101WIL think I My Wit. 0 any tiwe� S. Chax door pecoifiled by J. within the,front,,. trrimvdlate effect f- the sj.-pen- rentin tead. Just -U*et, W. Westeivelt J. W. IWA&Velk Jr. Luakar,,5 was ar�rled to' that effect. On T h, VU L, W�- adjoinin (jua seat, cor0red e e-, y� and wthol- n'to Doukhobors 'tablecloth, och. as an Chic-- had'Iqnt- I white linen and h ogs tG larillton, it was� d--clae4 thiat 0 Ca`ttla, �conde d J5 ,ons. 1A ne case stood: t sma-U >p t!he sbipme)it tabl n torder will be i 86 sectl 9 bait homes fbiully a few years so as W -�­et vinundAccountant with a 19: %WPIMPI L a MT- IMSttlned three an Rc- ago axk3t, WIlliall 10Jnts tQ alrr`ost� betWe iltheln-- orthodox, Greek woman pun heraw or �thlu Pe,1911 1plady d. �tbirea secti6*hs en. ail mc 000 h� _j t Line and Ralph And Williarn T Nvthinq ming. _a, 'd daily. This 4alone 0 side ty d 100- on the *ble for the p a a putting bB spent In the, 00 -in 24 of- town ar3 -sons of the elder brother f tole 11 an 1, Interest $011 III 11b C cow lof the .,meat­pae.klng .1�i&istry, g4m )Urp ment for your typewriter!", y for foods Ih d� thi- U less . of -$1,200;000 An zl and niphews of Mr. -.D. TIp1a,&Y_, h, -q!-e,ns vrere Ittla—a 01drew U11- �b a daily. bu,kl -GHOSt., Where Monteith and,� MEXICO'S ROYAL cloth always was e Y ageot its be entered the -office. to le, 5,000 ermployees'. tb Elllca and Dawnle each pay ffects 8 herimlf ft ell. a basin kept aOart frOur-_t'118 101 L haf cax art Severe Pains , A, Legend of the Rufftbil"M Cave *f.�La* -other dlshei�. , On the'tabI4 1*y -- Gfiek�. alftion 01f The n- eheae�ra W r und rt 1, t f their Good Sebtlers "I'm V11121 ,&, spind thea b&1&nee Siervas Hot.8pring : th str-e aelimeut ras'pa�tled. On o- Aro e Hea ikon, a bitass.cauMestick holding three Ic ngth. of the att Ift Town' The Clinton News Reco d has, ithis br"s 14- hot sprio -of I�aa Stervas, 4ear candles, and The all tn- my last- W. G.,Locatt 'and abojt:ff0Me'0t the earl� settlers nor tim o , 'so Valle de' Canizos, In a remote par it - ense burner, from WhiCh a c01UW% Of a_1 �� &-cliled to, pend '4�200 In X;ma in that V-01nity. Cfanada h,as rio better Are Nearly 'Alwayz -sed �b quirer. Restorative the state of Guorrero, Mexico, b gthehouse tavvni.1 p for, blank citizelis than th-- st sTO bluemoke.was, rbing, ffift kets.and �clothlag _Tdy ;ons f i:York- been visited by few, people. from th' the bi 6ance f th* 1 -money In cheese. 0 with the odor of incenge. matertals. hire, Imno and, many whAm. ,ar-e nd gbra.-go-'s Ide v6orld, but they. are famous In Why, it Iiiin nast er, anti it J t got In Mat little *d The ir. -,t roa,etea in Tavistak will tut to tbIs- country in .long Don't let a pain., In (the regim qf the Outs Wbat baTt, YOU ta u .4 1� ihat 1103r. \No!: -V1 legends and history of the -Ivdian ion!t TURNER's b a - aig and . h,�lp_-d t gleur 1t9 fOTOsts, heart trlihten 7VU into hInktag :yott the Ohrikmakt I erle& 'It; ev" 4 package?, with and �;Ltth EasthoVc-' will JuIll bring its broa)d acr2s uncler!cultivtion have,,'he j-ust',as- 4, -pain In. tribes of that part -of the repubUc. art d1seAsb great -'s b�urn` -il)Vawing materhUs." Strait MiGrnington, cl'2ar- bi ,se m 'Ca -has sl;eat lg�oat- �1 did*n't kxlbw You were FAMOUS -slid mke thli (rintrY hat It i's to- the ack Id , indi tea kidney trou- Aceording, 'to the natives the Water* lying, Slour iand chl in t n naxcelY 41 Couple li 8 day, "for Ydfkshlromen re good 'farm-, ble, 80 pain, wax� 1he bear! is' ediclual of the springs possess.great m Artist nothing! It c(mb-1111 jl mun,,cipalitles iarg� g 1,nrtitleg� ers ent In eart disese. all almost w'th,out exceiption Among. evb pre times the INVALID, U: properties.. In ancient -ney 'have been burnifig-slA,ce 1 of pairs of forceps the del)tlilt 11skL4 of gTo and cloith*ng hav-2 Iben c the settlers from Yorkshl�ejn this vi* The pain is nearly lalways, caused bY�11 Sp rings were the favorite bathing re- ibaU —Buston Tri ed a axtangelumt-R wexe mad moved tnW�:Ols ouso, ad they' a.e to zet for blm.,� ana clildty were Messrs. Wm. and DavU ftomach, tro,�bld for -the (,mach a f Y Tamto T Ft "d sort. of the noble families of,. the Tepg- days, to eanse P Urn. cl it. a conn -e man -0 TZ former. of Who passe4 h-eaxt are cee by b for nid shipping them. Tilad, Y, .the neca, Alcolhua and bther tl�lbes that -Cofl" th a;bou t a �yaa qo,' the and 6*s on t -h? rtcr.�Ech cwja' from Turlds vete h polludoii-� H"esty over le 'vel' D_ I biitlon of Seed Grain Pvnd the Ilatter be,6 all esteema& pitizen of Cli-a ,on 11?0;rt. lived In that pegion.' I-Sut sineb Baky Pasha never jae who praises tMelY wtl, 0&-aeaft Am'. r6tatoes sides of the chief spring bought it andever lived In It! -.T- is to puretruse 8110 13e -wt)v fln4l*, ry vrUnt I disaplleaf it On both ton. .�The &larmin;9',apins wil "'Buy A for PurkY's sAe" I with hierogl"h- er a The b6o i the siplady fVn1ly.,W2_; ycrl. bob up tj3pe stomach, ait',the irl9tt' tbov� are huge rocks 'No, but'a T�rk coveted it and that werates The Attilts ot What Ile Well ��M TIJE DOMINION EPE, Xf- at' West Niewton, Yorkshire, g4gland. thiligs and -don't worry. Dr. 'tes and the 'Aga -res of women beautf- _e &�Iu --It btdds up james and to 16nough to pollute a Christian to V -ell inay set 4p a partnerstrip W413 he and Mr.�-Davld Tiplady came'to Can- pl-Ak pilig for Pale. reovle -,ard t -best fully carvecL Judging from the robes �ers left 4t the stioilgo- MAM YOU ada in the* 'ya&r 1866. stomiwh ton.4.c. On -'a tately or two F�ls f ter worii by the women, their a ap- 4 listrctlons of ths lion, Minister fP Ontario -00`uZ1t-Y,, ea6h 'weai -if !prod -ices la healthy ap- Whitby Towzxsh1p, soo and the Jewels around theft pearalice 4icuiture 'a -dist;:lbution f c-11perl-* r6th6X` Willia had lotatel �Ite 4treg 1� - .8 yO:J, ieckd,' the figures must represent prin- L and 1pot,9o, will be ibu;Jt five years previdrisly. For eAgh- you Iwhere his b the food doe� not Al, oT of trzain ar,� no longer woubled -with gas, Mses or ladies of very bigh mrnk- Eva7w M, dui-In.g. the comuig; winter and -x .ij e T�T4t sour risings ln� the. thftat,. and I �A Spr a explore&- itribution ill- can- n yeaxs they I an e ,th 6 1 those at the entance to a to C mfleis� of the tOWn 9f Osh&Nira. -inisleading pahis around tile bart.-I The Spring is ansidjfw I arraars,. �Tha pa0l- �that has never ll�e' and wicceeded In Sire d the grotto iplas iloir 1 They id well tc A, M_ a?id enf r g y ire tu rh, A n zjl� F_ WAS ;Peq*11A ib Y, bt,land -1eir *rldh, �ied blood, cbxr From the 9Tott0­ruft1PlIn9 sound re- i1st; -�iq rf zpring wheat (about 5 Sit), ravil* ,s6me xnione les,renewed vitalli. s- a , I I - . tc_; &ry oets (abx.,It �Iarley anA they decld6d to c6me to Rilon. thunder Is to �06.ua:T4_ whi tk,td ever� part Pf 'the b&y. sembIffig Ptant and tield. - Peias &nil prwre far-rns of thir,own, hav- Henry �Cor��Ijy, Brookyale, A(!(:orftg to naldves, the 'IML the tibM �Vea W en o 14-g b y. They Wbrth thm"kmg aboi it' 5 lbsj) These wll �ren renting lad Id Whit "F(w -a number 0 says . as rumble Is � caused by.'t4e gh0st Of K1329 'sorf e eat BllffeWr from indigestlen*h1chi EXcaming, ru tr ottaiwa. 1.4. distrib-ition of p,Dta- came rjq. to.,God�rlcb. to look * it a who led over that part Of les) will* carried It . h6m.,gad'CeY deqjfte -all the treatment I lbook, WaSL tbDOnn� three or foUr centuries. be. land but it Old not,$U GIVE, SYRVP OF FIGS" toe za'rn]� thb ejp�entai d. In Clintua dise th on we lgzkNually 1g,,rcnv1ng wctrse Wfien you take out polley -in The hondon on ram, several of r ret-lirnin andL stoppe 11 wdu:16 the SpanitirdsAlseovered Ajo�eiica- f ses. I fig- ever nght. "We knew na 0:18 here. fore arzo the Central FWr;rh at Ot sometimes le A acertbftfies, not &ffirop O CONSTIPATED ORILD of Ontar' el s though I srroth- King Examina, the tradition 4k-lAfe., you are uring exi not provinces said Mr. Tiplady, tgom,ehow, we n the ble came oa .jl Y111-9 ID the i' and *116, could b(--. 116.mur -will p>e en t f It at h. mer ed. to Utwuld suffer frotrn violent palpitation was as bad as man les s r I d�cld Q jebee. All S91AR e ght a�vla surmises. Delialouva 11-ruit Laxative!' can't harm f.0, �by oiaffi.- look zbout here for farmP. red. merely ensureof -the heart V 11 They tin- people for the"pl f6j! W r avid ains nd rbleb de ,7, , I Arou n bee separate on fhe Rage Line. ZorMafio ach' liver �pilcatlon imst Aullett. em die, and omml Write tender little Stem ally located tly, alar ma. I.,was nder. doe, seeing th tied every be signed Jby .the app 4 Mj gt y purchasing- ihe taxlu. 'foi�14 treatment for- a -e had- his pftlaft. constructed DR. Fj and bowels. Mr. D. Tiplad long 0re, b�jtl crlmft H e .0 ated -amd On th o bpneflt. A I ilend suggestel in another -cave,'which communicated al one qa�ple of. Wraill 191d Dne of owned'by Air. jo,sepli Copp,s father: .1 he Ldndon Lifte Insuranc ' C it to each. f arm. If Later on Mr. TIplady left this � JpTA-il- Pink -Till�s and I decid- with that of the - spilng by a tunnel. Look at t1m tongue, mothe'ril CAWAj)A east of the 1110t I oes , can be ser Dr. Wililaim' LONDON 0 sarJlRees are ia�ked for In the If tat and bought 9. - Bmall Place, 1be one �nojW 'There EzeamfnE4 In. Company With -lie. -46. A ed to try them. In abTvt a rr onth little ones stomach, liver nf -wned by Mr.. W. Marw�izs, *herb he m ucil b�tt, and by the tixr.e il coated, your s Y- one will be Be . 1 letter r rs and bowel's need cleausilig at onee. ago some of his favorites, haA, -orgies that-- .4 tios on Ay pintel resided -l"Intil ao,at eight ea r bo,_ -4 I was V!n Vhen peevish, cross, listless, doen't- h4d taken - anoth ar I ou and months. cepted. he ed into 'town. lasted *eeki ,wh 1� the best bt ealth and lalble o eat all hquake destroy- bleap, eat or act liaturally, or is fevel, en nay When he died an eart 011cnts tarist give particulAr,s In y township, thtrb were-.qu U Zi kinds ..of nouilshing food.. IV is now Slnciih�at day his ghost of yufl,:shire people, w,as culred and �d Ids palAca cold, 9fve sevrb.1 gent years Ish, stomach soi�r, breath bad; h4g �d to �th 90FIl-on ,thelpn f arms, And a colony 'eneral rel , with J. --D. Hinchley, G A sore throat, diarrhdea, full of account of. their xperience whom were. the RikrdYs, BattYS 021 -pymtom Of indi- i6ou ha4i� hatintinz tjie -caTe near Ahe -vQr felt a I h ave ne. aliforl4a syrup, of ­nItY S) as jestio. a, teaspoonful of "C s -of gia1n, (or pDtatoe CornisheS ad later on W- 'Job" n sihir�e, I take every upport- HU01 k: klAd Am Arl5or Figs." and in a few,hotirs all the foul, thi hve Ieraivn, so fthat a:'�romlsinq ..,'Rardy, f',the.' for 0 dy, f ather of - Mr. 'Wfn of recom-wthding Dr. -Willia,7,0' constipated waste, w2ftested -food and Mr; 'ZT. 'R.' -Rardy j�llls to friends ho are �R! n Sol tot their. cnditions.maY- bP- Se and sour bile gently moves out of- #s dd. James CornUh of If your ealer oes not keep these L F W-14 *ttle bo'weIs ppiy of seedis, of town; and Mr without krIpIn% and you limited the TlplaaYs the Base Llne followred pills yvj can get them b'Y At 50 Medical have a -'well, playful child again. Ask faj ers are pdvIse4L to apply early; Mr. AM& Curnish after- 6ents a boX or ,g!x'Jbox6s for 2.50 Of Phylsicia, to Ruro our druggist for a 50 -cent bottle of thi jplicatiOns will ncrtnecessallY be wards.niar�ried A daighter of.Xr. W=. lroip,. Th Dr. Wirliaijis' MeAlcinii Co.. Syrup ofFigs," which con,- f ill � in th e - `eXac t or d�r. -in ',which',te Yi Tiplady. Brockville, 011t. Wns full directions for babies,- chil- E -,,eceiVed.-li-eference:7,villalwiays be caihe 'to R7 -iron -at ar re people -who gIN (41 to th Lhat time were, well Idren of all ages and for gr a. ria-DSt thoughtful and ex- -Applicaions received af- requests. their imove and are gro-od bf their �,lt!_ M.nitoba and Northwest Notes ary Will *-OhWY %:be izenship, in I-1aran Gaunty.-."There are - - t I . ter e end of Ja _�Stathkg from, an unknovra c.aus;-' Oa,_ yi f ine farars In 0,.-jLt&rlo Conty," a fire ��t the Aarfri of W. Y five n 9,11 In ranlon, did dm- 'id Porta- &ppllcatlans for grain a- stdd Mr. Tiplady, "bit take ligles northast of 13 SOCCESS tw d 'torthe Domin- all it Isn't nearly so 1good a farming alga , the extent pf -ever $4,000, Experimental .Univerelty C01 Awa'ts thcz� -i' 11 trnininfE Iled with loT. Cerealst, entral 13ecome na c%porz al enkimaa top ounty as Ruron." pl6t-ely destroy'�nlg a barn fi yalytE �ich - applications 're- 13'),ii;-keeping or Otta.wia. R� TIplA,4y Visited nglad- Ones,* in 18,71, -Mr. D. hay and feed, land two Vasol' ns eingbies. Barac, am -fort U!0r.0Xra111%y cou.,-So and wir omproy� no postarge. it otherwise.'addires- mo; e Merit d,zpartront will do tha reat, tbr ib Ing The IgTeate�r aMt of the �11os -is coered his pative land, his ddud tuition delay, and disappointment 'maY -De Ans-weret and indiv but . he Is now the -only ,.QL*.r- by n,�s-,,xance. k Ott, nr Valitle n- eI ollowln inicl -9 ibroth a to -day for free cataiaz, F viviAg membeir of a f aarily fir J.- R. _G?QSDAL Dominlon'ExpeTimM (and mae Isister. -of hom, nonee through the Manitoba -Gazette BUS DI, - 3 ta;I Farms. cr- eceived, or with the e xception f the ltvy� wil-o kse U, that local option by-la4wa ,have x Ack,Toronto 0— -land. oAa 'U.Ithe ImuPil- tied. here, ever having le readings It En first and see ftch-cIT, B.A., Prinelpal 4 A Germ an Spy The TIplays, Cornishes nd ctpai councils, and will therefore be WIlIIamMcBrlde',_rX.A,, Mali.aging ar'an mebers'of the Ontdclo Stfecl . Votb at the -De- submitbed to Popular See-jrttol Methodist Chixrch,� baving been mem- ` mb3T �lectlns: ru�al -micipalitles HilrOn and cLoT of - the Ce C p6e, wr4es -to, the* bers, of the DIble Christian mligrega- &..Rsse.11, W1ltewat,e,.r, aau.th Cypress, any of Winn: Press of tha '1884. r. D. flarrison, $t. Vital, VIct Tim; . the Vi b �ealltng r-1 t city, igItIng his ex tion before the vnAQn in -Thi _txpositl has be I the "gild I -nd thp- WIN -11 Ti lady- en�� e ber 10 -of jGkilbert Plains,' the city pf Graqd I runk Railwav T. nce.s in an. 1 Toi -ute and zarl t clid-rch pot.ta,� �a prgitr.le. 41 in comany with Charles 31a, - trustee and official board f this System. T- y Lb. , the notorlo-is German Spy, Whcy ever , since com4Ag p here and —A very sad.affir wccul�ed in 9tet Ca -pt -;Ted in London, England, re- twenty-fovr oonsec�itive years was jsup- tler ,.,AbierU,. on the 211th. �:It. "A. 1 -re flailway Time Table. ;y School. He ,ppcured*In,a 'barn lat.the trear tof he tnn teave S by a mlittaiy court knjWrIal,,-,ha5 -has watched' the congres w �Xora an iO.45 a, m n God 10t. Mr. cBride :wTItes as 1-ol- from, a Mere xrsa eriah Vinghaw alud haiidfull ho worshippea.. Thlbadeau' It Appears his two, hild' '1876, tn %a small frame be Saver ce tly and who, having be6a prqven erintenent of the Suinda . �tion Worth ol follows; .9 gro fl;,Dusa, omulea y, $6ho�ol, , Inspector N For CINtop a;d Goderich 19 'previois to: ren, a �.Ittle biyy and Wlrl, hP -W,9nbdftt0 e nitvC For Clinton, Wingham and Kines - I h0i. stood where the the -d, evidently'. 6: Ja PM it e Cal:14as.Lody, allas Charles -meating-liwise w lfdyloft t.0 pja;.V) qand ha or the EXPQ dine. trial n, ixondon, En-- 'Baptlst ch,ach now stands, ,0 ItO pre- n ernatchaao iwlth Pay, 49ed Perate and ie ILIM P M For Clinto and Goderioli figles, whose largest congr6gailon: his TIME IS MONEV" -It is more'thin Umt--4t is the Irealization of �Mdt,% in the For sbmtford, Guelp�,_ Ttout a 1, A German &Py ,was ponchiaed sent place as the abolit five, made his _es -04e, North BiLy in In town. ag its bamfort- four. d Pain t es-ime by t7his and occjpyl. sister, aged three leas . tand Pursifit of business.or. h4ppines�. A, W ida, and who I BellevUle a�d Peterbow an was burned tKy death. The Jr.' able nd ew�tlfctl church and parson- , east. has been sha(t, I pay sate that PnGT#hs, 4.4- arlo, Satten- W. on .,�vnd I atbiarf in hlg� effort to Lrender aid wgp W P In 'For Strabfora,. Guelph, -Toron M Iwas evale even, aronhs In his age property on Ont The -telephone increisc-s the value, of evety i#inute, . It addA to -evay aws Ilk Ar *011 real and points e ned. t" *klue Of t ny d,3rh4 a trip,'tround the world .)5,JTY streets. badly b 32pm, ForStratford Guelph and Tare#lo n Tiplady of the Base —The aidlelpDted exception.pldbmand effic!ewy. Successful business toda depends upon the utifte at "The Clevelatid.0 of Messrs. Job I we -1 a Perman ba, d ndnutes. next ya. 1�iaq given ImpeW t i Ramb-irg-American line.From $8,11 for Igr�%In B-R,M ig itot-, Ao Wilk" ft was two yem, LONDON HURON tn E I ihsico to ]Ronolilu he sat at &ICL- r- to the-f-armers In -the Whintpeg dis- Just now, when trade the 104 dis�2�tce table, 9 seemed to .have trict, a:c�ordlllg .to.tb,-_(Don-AnIon Lands 1P -Jett Pawengerf er ot as be eo._ telephone"is enablinj nien in an Une I depan .......... 8 42 4 oq� S U ;Dndon n kindly to m ell, TAK 0 OFF DANDRUFF) of this -il�e pase t' :e y,;wife and mys fice'reports. Not onlYfl 11 of busittem to d0be new, ind ineWs- ; 6-.�qt ; HAIR STOPS FALLING with th.men who, havetceii-tinv allY fol- oemralim . ........ 9 3 i 6.13 a, tran,ster At 11onol-ilu ,ed 6at of keeping the wfieehs ftmingv -and iboy are doing at -greatly reft"d eXpenw. Ei�eter . ................... _ 9 44 1 64-' Kda �)s all -the rest ,of the trip. Ele iq��d'the farming occupation, but the . ..................... 9.66 6 05 5 a grad-jate 0 asteAAs at We -pre- Klppen� ..................... lo oi (v n. a PerMfln nivem- Save your Hair! Get 25 cent bottiq tDpplicatins for how Th -are findiq 19- and an of ficar In the ermaki- of billderine right'novi—Also sent time are- ex -c 0 Brucefteld . ........ ......... eptlonalbr large and. that travelling exPenns way be greAdy 4MfUiledt #Ad 4n n=j Clinton ................ INE -35 esped- Y, and spoke fljently Gera-tirt there's a ig nish ,to -the Jand. cases cut out altogether.by a careful _01, ed Use of the long -distame. telephone. stops itching scal p. , I 1� .62 j. . I - aly in the Aiatilet between 00 ench Spaish,, italian, a-ld F1491 Iti, Lake,.Win- mn ............ nftdba of They are, reaching the dty, town and -dishic ......... 1140 Weli with- hardly any _acOnt. He g1peig aud Lake Ma Turil to by $ell Tpjeoh6ne P fte, lmd In W, Ing baw,. Qrave ........ .... 1160 25 Thin brittle, colorless and-scraggx wh,6 -have' th e district a magnificent state-wroom. fa;nd lilts, Igone to, the satisfaction of &6 personal ta& aMd the-�saving -devel room for t ctin, ost aieftftg Gle'solution of Aubum. SOUTH paaellgl 0� - hair'is- mute.,ovidence of ameglected' in n dark photoE. n ef are- sele g �their locations, Wing-limi depart ............. 1Q8 ,scalp; of dandruff—tha�t, awful scurf.. visited Saskatchewan an AlbuU, i�rit 3 was n expert phatograPlie, and- - I their "'slack tWes"-Problems, ............. 6 60 R 44 There is nothing' so destruqtiye to ' a r i& - Belgrave, . .. .. - . retj e and decided In I va f the ho -s with htsn rn, . ...... .. 7 8 fe the hair a� dandruff It iobs the hair a T_Ict owing to he exceptional ifs -of fered for. mixe HOW cm the 10nff. distanCe telep"ne help 0 -s -raom watch I U* - Ing hLrn develc�p ke di4t Londesboro, 7 29 :18 hi dark of its lustrb, its str�ongth a4d its very d foxmin. Canton . ......... ... When I -qaw his' trend facilit -G t.... ........... 928 4 39 rucedeld, life; eventually producing & feverish- ne �$107,000r n B 417 tortificatlarus, in Upa;i. HouKpag. —A It galw.proflt- Of i Hippen . ness and itchlng� e atioris ot the 0rain . ....................... 841 152 - of.:th p, which the y4eaTls oper hia * and British Strait If not remedied -causes the hair' roots alp*, Ever'y Bell Tekphoile is 'a CE. he� madi G-roweril Grain Own1palTY, of -Nin Distance tation. . ....... .......... 8 64 asked 1im, wh� 9 04 n and die -,then the eing approximately twenty per cent., 0 52 lty "of such, t�o Fhich he replied tO - shrink, loose London, ar iv 1ircia, r hair falls out fast. A littler Danderine was announced at the.anquql peetIng. an officer afid An enghreer, onight—now—any time --will surely of -,the ny by President Crerar. Alrectio, n I ODT*a Ad nillmd ran In that I F 10 I end was. declared th-ought-h4,r rna-11- 'und tho� 0, 0 (..It purely I -or amuseent s - )Ge'rr - save, your hair. Tkn iper oelit. ivid Get a 25'cent bottle of Kno who z & balsWe placed in tthe reserve n:gentleaman.' I of Canada e ured reflneme-.111 ny Du r the company WA -You ioud. itig the Ye Iton., 06 affl-jew, -and cult D_axiderine from a drug store. a 1 dren Ch'l -0, r t 13. .Surely can have beautiful hair and lo a innocerit deibetation In h -:handle,& $0,000 bushels of ,grain. Whe FOR FLETCHER'S' i of it ff yon will just try a little I)P-*' MAnitba GoveTri'ment leviators hand- 't Itagraphlo fads. C A 5 7rO taki-v one, day 'of jhe deatll .Of deriaer. Save Ybu ti 101 W�i x7ae comp any 4oted,,& Profit IfOr rip G Da -t 7,