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The Huron Expositor, 1912-04-05, Page 7
6 1911 impa rt APRIL 5. t9142 Vt6OT; FLAYS Sc HILLORAI.. ers, Solicitors,, Notaries Public, r to lend In Seaforth un Mon- le week. Office in Kidd block. HEART tEYOi1SNESS` cow> DO - t1011 BOXIS RT` AND MER ELY Cp194D Bike u, IkdisonSask.f ubied with heark tip for over two aft lineaI hat ta' ttnablo to breathe; • would make mit . . tried; sevi dot - table to do me any a advised me to try Heart and Nerve to take tient better, a d by the rlyd box 1 was COM - Id advise anybody see and nervous - R. They will save 4e Pills entre troubles by thefr n every organ and box,. ox 3 boxes for ✓ Teel -led direct ei ties T. Milburn Co., °man wed and: should know about the wondorfut ME Whirling Spray e use Vaginal Syringes. Best =%sL con+ei ent, it times: .r. tan"1 -Ask your gist for IY&PLPTIC yid Agony ry Mea. "hat eaters a wr as as an irritant: effecting a tern wdl reheie tell toms of dyseiebeiet ect a cure. Ier Ont., writi l with my stow 6 and tried all .• none of themevie i as I would tettli e same aid trouble. alt fall etas k•od Bitters. which •fifes, and now feel 11 my house work est anything wit, my way. deg it; he alway3 his stomach a sin, and at the a t from se- ool. o bow yet and it td school regularly tired only by Th' :ed, Toronto Onto R. S. ;HAYS.. r, Solicitor, Conleyancer and blies. Solicitor for the Dom; Office in rear of the Dom- inion mak, Seaforth. Money to loan. M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyeneer and te,ry Public. Office up -stairs over rr'a furniture store, Main street, tlNl�'H 7. ROLMLSTED. arrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and cty Public. Solicitor tor the Cana - deo Bank f Commerce. Money to loan. s for sale. Offices, in Scott's bleck,Win l street,. Seaforth. VETERINARY. 3OIE GRIEVE, V. S. Boner graduate of Ontario Veterin- or Veteran -College. .All diseases of Domestic Vials treated. Calls promptly attend- ed to and charges moderate. Veterinary dentistry a specialty. Office and resi- dence on, Godericb street, one dooreat of Dr. Seott's. office, Seaforth. IIARBBRN, V. S. Reno graduate of Ontario Veterin- oy College, and honorary member of Medical Association of the Ontario veterinary College. Treats, diseases of- pomeetiC Animals by the most mod- dere principles. Dentistry and Milk lev- er se specialty. Office. opposite Dick's Motel, Main street, Seaforth. All or- ders lett at the hotel will receive prompt attention. Night calls received at the lou DIOALI . DR. 10. J. BURROWS. Office and residence—Godeiich street, Alt of the Methodist church, Seaforth.Phone . 49. Coroner for the County neon.of 0 bus. SCOTT & MACKAY.. Ofi` Scott, graduate of Victoria and Am Arbor, and member of the Ontario (kliegs ot Physicians and Surgeons, 'Coroner for the County of Huron. C, Mackayx,irunor graduate of Trinity }University; lddmelt ot Trinity tiedical Colic *ember of the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. 1 =kali HUGH Rte. Gradate of University of Toronto,. Feetalty of Medicine; member ot mol- ban of Phesiciane: and Surgeons of On- tario} pass graduate courses in Chicago Mica School ot - Chicago; Royal Oph- Hospital, Loudon, Rngland; Vilieerrsity College Hospitel, London, lfaitlawt pts -mak of the Dominion Naas Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night Galli answered Iron residence, Victoria. ieatorth. MAUS' BROWN. ,ed auctioneer for the counties of ;peon cad Perth . Correspondence promptly answered. - Immediate ar- • it! for sale dates can be made ire calling up Phone 97, Seaforth, or Ibe l positor office. Charges moder- ate and satisfaction guaranteed. IAUCTION EERS: - { B. S. PEatiel.PS. Lleens d auctioneer fooecounties of Huron and Perth. Beings a practical farmer and thoroughly understanding Ow valued farm stock and implements places me in a better position to re- alise good prices. Charges male—rite. slatisfecthol guaranteed or no pay. All orders left in Exeter Will be promptly attended- to.- Y. o.- Y. Ye C. A. BLDG,. LONDON. O1T. BUSINESS and SHORTHAND SUBJECTS. Registered last season upwards of 300 dents and placed every graduate. Seven epecialiy qualified regular teachers. One hundred and lefty London firms employ Dur trained help. College in session from Sept. 5 to June- 30. Enter any time. Catalogue Free. Forest City CollegeSan. 14+ W. Weereavree, JR. J. W. WESTERVELT, Chartered Accountant, Principal. Vice Principal t5 Increase your Earning Power by at- a ;tending the popular. TO ONTO), ONT. Best place in Canada for high grade business education. Enter now. Open all year. Catalogue free. Central Business College Stands ready to help young men and women to win inde- pendence and success. It has given the start tie thousands upon thonsands of youngPo- le. It can help you. rite or catalogue. Enter . any - tune. W. H. SHAW. Principal et Reed © Pell ped Th - s f ins P r1a, —"I wish •: let Irmo ev rat a diaE. ' .. • am'sV Com ound forme. For I suffered. tor said I ha and the only was the, sky ought. nit" Pinkham 's ble Comp Coda; Ism heal •y il" 1 � �, " mo th fro infla • l,anon, ' yo Vas rlie 11, d me. anI any.r• a w1: your nye• iced for e.'Y:•canuse•rtes any ar 7. wish, an. I wil to ; wer tiers."--- i rs. C SEE a , 105 lir r and St., ' - ori 4 Cil Aliet 1 1 Operati' n. d ' p, P : ' —"After • e fo • 1 • child had sever or ah efna$'n.II '- 'uld have s. ch te ilea it did ot seem 'as thou item( it , is kept u • fo neon , . , •!1Vin 'A two doe Ira an O n Was need' , dt - •anon =.of my frien. Ly'!- ,E.nkham's po w• • „ . and ter taking i 'a wel Rt ornan."— LYNI H, JTes up, Pa. r men o suffer rdiaE. Pi ble s • mpou, one of ful 4:medie ' e world bef . = cub , ting to a , Cloves and Mitts At Wholesale Prises Travellers' Samples axiom 2,31) pairsin eluding Men's and Boys' lined and unlined Mitts and Gloves, fancy Gaunt- lets and pullovers. We are offering them at Wholesale Price while they last Horse .Blankets—Wove Mit] and Kersey, with or without stay -on. Exceptionally good values. churian, Sa,skateheevan. The Verybest values in the market. BRODERICK'S CHAPTER XXV TEM ARROW OF DE IN my first glance courtroom the next sought first for Carn for the detective, . Neither was visible. -But true of Ella Fulton. She on her father's arm. cion by the erect - tigers of b tug mother. The entrance of the dE short my contemplation c spectator. The change in marked. that ,I was consci fore I really saw 'trim. F+ 1i reflected it, and it was -ni me when I noted the relieved; cheerful, aspect ot bis coe ntenar tie took iris, place aind Inlet his sera greeting with a smile, the i believe. which- had been seen o farce since his sister's death. - - The crier announced the opening o ' the court, and the defense proreede� by the calling of Ella .Fulton ;�. th witness stand 1 need- not linger over her: teemon It was very short and eontainnd bu one surprise.. She had stated un er d rect examination that she bad cite and watched for Arthur's rete tha whole night and was positive at h had not passed throngh their oupd again after that first time in tit earl evening. _ This was just what I bed e petted from her. But the proscutio remembered the snowfa and he cross examination on ,this' po t sh acknowledged that It watt very thi much too, thick for her to see r o Sate distinctly, . but added th t' this only mate her Surer of the fat she bad state d, for; finding thatsbe could' not . she had dressed herself far the storm end gone out int the, drive- way to-- watch there mid bad Al) watched until the town `clock stock This did not help the pros tl� Sympathy could not fall to j wi this .young and tremulous girl, be in her r love, if weak in other and when on her departure, stand -she cast one depto at the man for whom she s : d zinced her pride and, m _ g fixed , upon her with an •: a g but ilk-_ gratitude, flushed and `faltered „ : abbe With difticolty found her way j a sees timents cif the onlookers ' . = me so apparent that the 'fidgets g4 el was called Into requisition bets - order could be restored and the next tneas- snmmoned to testify. This witness was no loss a person than Arthur himself. R' elle, i by his counsel, he was remind of his for- mer statement that be ad eft the clubhouse in a hurry bees e e heard his sister - Adelaide's vole it d was- now asnow asked it hers was tt e o i y voice he had -beard. His answer revealed! mind. .. Cheap Harness Store OPPosite Commercial Hotel, Seafortb x n. round tie morn eg- et g-et and the. ,Sweet ater this w s nol e it bad co ly tot owe i 'domineer _ endar1:t esti f any . me him as s' pus of it b- cry ey(e ha' i sure se t lm -os Ice a: cone rst, n b eryoie. geta ;le. s dobe oye ed a *[ )l reme geo.I inotF ydia V'egei ro' . d, acrd ell ad r _ uffex e anatiVde t : • to t 11 el ve do egeta for rs if 41 Mos to me of the teem began ay lt 8 pros on in tvald Red but el is address. ase the c tion has tren. his exaMintiti attempt to le and the f g sister's co whose d oncernin ry dero at miraele impossible or one so si "No; I heard CarmeP This satisfying mr. cfrat4, be was ber." passed over to Mr. FO , and a short cross examination ensu on t Point. "You heard both your slatede speak - "Any of their words or oftly their "I heard one word." "What word?" "The word 'Elwood.' 0 "In which voice?" I "In that of my sister Adelaide." "And you flee?' "Immediately." "Leaving your two sisters plone in Jells cold and out of thew/ay bpuse?" "Who did you think was wit them?' "1 did not think they Were al;iene.° "I have aheady mentioned thr name." "Yet you left them?" - "Yes. have already iexplaieed that I wag engaged ID a mean it a was ashamed to be caught at it A.de- monition of tragedy—any sue tragedy as afterward occurred, ' derstood neither of my sisters, and me thoughts were only for myself." "Had not tins younger s ter even enjoined Oecrecy upon you asWeng you to barness the borse?" "Yes, sir." "Yet you heard the two ther In this remotie building without *uprise?" "No; I must have felt surririse, but 3 didn't stop to analyze my feelings, Afterward I turned it °yea in my mind and tried to make something out of the whole thing, but then was fat out on the link -s. They were having ii out, I thought, in the prese e of the man who had made all this ouble be tween them." "And you left them to the task?" "Yes, sir, but not witheut struggle. I was minded several einais return. "Did this struggle co forty "It must have, and. nitore, I entexed the hotel in Cuthbert toad a the hour they state." Mr. Fox gave up the game, and Mr. Moffat rested his case, rebuttal, and tbe court took recees. When it reassembled I ea another anxious glance around. S no Car- mel nor any signs of Swee' water. I his, and it was in a confusi ia of feel- ing whicb was fast getting e upper hand of me that I turned y atten- tion to Mr, Moffat and the pi he was client about to make for his you I felt a sudden 'sloW an creeping chill seize and shake, me, I have heard people say they e rienced ura onl a tr nor fo tio wh ed end sac as re WAY of Ind le pa I co ee lo ed A Id at en ed e nee - mon 13 EPS ale eg kn OPe 11111 ed as tr ear f m is a flee to gTav gen fri he bid by on was be her wom In desc h te er. h s and 131 te 7 tb SO tee re a offat 138 ju the 1, : y excellttt ch his tient ha • for sup osing to ave, es ted solely fet+ fu vely p sed note d of It I e pr per moment Mr. MO t seid: see the point after pein eye by testimony whi, n one ba, ha the teMerity to attemp ' to cen- tre ert What is left? Mr. ox *ill tell' yon three strone and Mil der woman's casket, e rem- nants of the telltale bottle scovered po foe crime given b the ace ieno ledged presence Of the ofenciant see ? t consider them and See. My ellen bits denied that is dropped any ing in his sister's c less the missing from th utttlsoinmstt3)%er'cils fin er. are you, then, c,envi poi t w en„ according in c•Itmt, ten other persons were seen to • op fl w- ers into thiS very place, one of wh ch gilt have carried Or ob Oct in o r the defendant's own stable! Is h it th dpo ore a he by visit CO wh ffers tO the one 41,rietenn een the hand W re mile rity to b ve ains et ich ear - ere a Yield Ta' s liolme Ur. Boyee Ore t "th two or heee plot ly failed to d the wci titan Liniment for th Su an I emphatic titeine fel. `Di g as' Egyptian IL an who h fon Mr. John corisle of my horses lea the feet became erise advised to s were as Ind ve cents all e req of the ation has ce ith has t 'ed dise ed gyp ion - licati ns, c., ad anyti ng fro an voiu nim it most h so bad and, the rY EVP - time my as rt*tsvnabie d tit>t cent ronit�ia't, .tod t T •F - tie. rFs'(Ftt• 11 oil Yett:,,i,lttii.: it+ •rely deem ,'11i,t ,have you tI 'ties did not fly at- t but that be wti tt deed, which - tti in ;dispute- + bis ease. 1 hea as speaking --t : 4' att nia a upon ''y c to kreview this m1 in a are if est those words oo." smile at hi. di A 1lJ tzo Molt t to following s .Cas /e "Armor Ot mbe eitchen stat s, h where he ha has two hot large coat rels be-- se feevard to) tee voices.' stet, es. one noel: 'up -rime. as he some Dobler 'draw neater which they Ele can what are th t hat would Tit) tot les I cket sten hey t he had fee and higlailinded jury clam. in troy client' tielt.t he 0 is sure a" [Nur tiPit.41411INt tO tout ionly lolls matter o near; 'destroyed ongb b were now elt which Ise will ent whcin be comes tter wieb you. Let at make you hear And., with a daring OM Med adversary, elled forth tnto the land, co ning up the rs vole sewbere be 1 silene sees tight total darkness. He his hands or In his if they are in hls m down and steala He has recognizea are those of his two ism bad ordered him utter for her to es - every reason to be- CurlosIty—or is It ug?--catises him to earer to the room Ir aire ken tip their stand. th ir worth; now, and- interferenee of the But be Is made of Pier %la' steel. Be leave one froth Willa) 10 see— lamely, the —would Satisfy any Iel's fee in recogne t suer' ce she lets t be do s not move; s feet; he reeognizes heart. call f most endiffe Ice, welded sees (for no be can wat dark dancin man of sue laide fall at tion of the made for be - he falls at.n no. nobility, peal. Stony there and curious or the sufferin bearance of "And on bave alread Adelaide, d ' Both loving must give , has done h hers. She bee brought three perso scene. an hasstinly co as she. be have her that Adelal drink the "And this fittYllesh the Olson at dime mcc7ists% fear and state on cupidity s listens to final wo tions of ment pass about the r fill the tas sister he gl give him i self with; could 'blind world coal "But this ful cupeof but filled t -She has a liver. She may be g ne care which look down on been like a m wealth is bis it.id his independence foie ever assured. "Safe in the darkness of the gloomy recesses of the dancing hall, he steals slowly forward. prawn as by a mag. net, he eniera the room of seeming death, draWit ini• to the pillow laden couch, pulite off first one' cushion ani then another till face aad bands are bare and— "Ala there's a movement! Death' has not, then, den° its work. She lives —tbe bated one lives! And he is no longer . rich, no longer independent With a elutelt he seizes her at the feeble seat of life, and as the breath ceases and her whole body beconies: again inert he stoops lb to pull off e rieg, vvhich can have 120 especial va ue br meaning for him, and then, tepil ng 'the cushions over her, creeps fortIO •*:gain, takes up the bot- tles and dbuippears from the house, "Gentlemen br the jury; this is what my opponent Would have you believe. l'his Will be his explanation of this extraordinary murder. But when his eloquence inets your ears, whet' you near this arraignment and the era. phasis tie ' will' place upon the feW points remaining to lais breken came, then ask yourself if you see such a olonster ire the brisoner now confront - trig you from tbo bar. I do not believe it. 1 do net believe that such a mow life still breast 5 some one a his guilt r (tom for iviii No brotbei di or the scefle edy ever HI ing Adelaide or choked back a - life which kindly 'fete bad snared. "Go further for the guilty peepetra, most intainum set; he in t e dock.' Guilt shawl you see in him todey, remember that his lode* ent. toge lace gi Car gre on esp nd etch till the hat Pal th one ay ds to n higher ap, nmoved; he crouches s and atebes, still eedieg is hate on the eider. the for- eungen does he look? Tote rd, but consider it. ng of b ppiness, de- ✓ herself or sister. n, one of the two the other. Carmel ; she must now do has I 'brought poison; she a bt only two are on the o s a flat but two. One it, but the -Other is, e w tad ever have let ber But 'rho believes o looks on as the two eh ota4--:One white oth OT delta ls In cou fied be and , all the late precate elderi to guard the younger d w en, the, critical me- , Ca mei rises and totters ona in her endeavor to fue `enjoined epten her by ber epeddence and gluts trim. very ' evil thpught which hint Ito the pitiful aspeets :such as few men in this harnovedi -A brother! ot the worst The ate- umap greed and ' hatred is the brim. It bas not yet Cermet leaves the room. p onic message to de. be gone e minute; she Many. Little does- he 6 must See the dead, the warden who has tber to laiM and see if forever removed, it ais 017 earthly tress of std. borror_ stint. ead without t. This is rotherand be makes iliafterWard, when, the e streembs to her ? Ia his bate or his No. Ille remains end der interchange ot THOUGHT IT WAS C "Fro #4 -fives" completely resOrell i torbtres ia. wo voznaed 4.00 ears s I was afraid the disease wes cancer, but medicine gave only temporary re ief. many years, suffere 0, I was so bad that is a some one entered that stalled the fluttering re g in, that feeble e may bave, but that ot my cllent, and it is cence we are consld- d Jt is his ;life and free - you are responsible. Oat dee& No witness bleb hallowed this trait band against the faint - tor a stands no no such Guilt evnui ef din the! intarielene Bap alien and the Mires e was ilealring and a greet • Change fiff the tier end II ean say 'Fruit -a -fives' has tireay cured me when eitry other nt failed, and I reverently nay "'hank God for 4Frstit-ii-iivea'." the actual quantity of gas stfon of ati sensible food. " la the moV -medicine ha wOrld made of fruit At all dealers, Grimm Praitsattilires otbewae Mid ony, under the cross. exa the people's -prosecutor, leftirithe of murder still hanging ver fendant's head. But the brotle forgotten this., His res in one who now repres father, mother and sister his own fate into the b • Will you dim that joy tain this cbarge of murder? "If in your sense of justice you do yit forever place this degenetate on o a noble father on the esti of criminals of all time. Is he sit his, face today and decide,. ling to leave his cause. ydut andelr. It could be pbeced in no rt. "May it please your honor and emen of the jury; 1 ana done." if any one at that moment felt the rro-w I of death. descending into zhis heart was net Arthur Cumberia red tits bas ant HY linger over the resell? Arthur Cumberland's aso was won before Mr. ox arose to his feet. The u nal rou e was gone through. The judge's charges was short, but tudi usly Impartial: When the jury led ut I said to myself, "They will eta in fifteen minutes." They re- urned in ten with a verdict of ace ulna The dernonst•ations of joy which fol. owed filled my ears and doubtless left their impression upon my other senses. but -my Mind toek in nothing but the apparition 1 ma own form taking. ills . Vac* ist th bar under eireumstate.es w wet) ha ionerated him. in 1+4y bJake and won for bei, and through heir the eympathies' of the whole pedelle, bad overthrown eeery spPclous reason which 1 and those itt- --wrested in I me had been able to ad. vance in euntraclition. of the natural conclusion! to be araven from the damn- ' lug fact o ;Eby having been seen with my tenger !on Adelaide's throat, The torior stifled me. ' 1 was reeling in mY plaCe on the edge of the crowd wben I hefted a quiet voice in my ear; "Steady!! Thelr eyes will soon be off Arthur, and.i then they will loolit you." it was pittoui and his word came none too Soon. I stiffened- under its quiet foree and, taking his arm, let . bim lead Me Duvet a side door, tvbere the crowd- Was ama)ler and 1b3 atten- tion even inore absorbed. - 1 soon paw its cause—Carmel was entering the doorway from the street. She lead teme to- greet ber brother, and her f ce, quite unveiled, was beaming th beauty and joy. In an instant I rgot myself, forgot every- thing but , er and the effect she pro- duced npoisetbose about ber. No noisy demonstration here. Adnairation and shown in looks and tbe low myer for her welfare Which m more than sone pair o Miled and their hearts were essayed to move forward love were breathed - escaped lips. She hers; she and the people crowded back ati if at a queen's Message; but tbere *as no When slita reappeared It was on Ar- thUr's arn:i I had not been able to move front !the place in which we were vaalvt Nos, • hemmed, tam had I wisbed to. I was hungry fot!a glance of her eye. Would It turn myl wayeand, if it did, would it leave a Ouse! er a blessing behind It? In mil— ety for the blessing, 1 was ed heteevery- step' with hungry glaneeil until ihei penciled the doorway andt turned to; give another sbike of the baud to Mr. Moffat, who had -followed them. Btit she did not see me. - "I cannot mine it! I must catch her eye!" I whispered te Clifton, "got me out of Ifble. It will be several sidto utes before! they can reach the -sleigh. Let Me -Sea 'her 'tor' Ittnt face Clifton otisapproved and made "tin aware of tt, but he did my biddbg I had just time to see this sleigh and note the Woking face of Wok lean - Ing sideWays from the box -when beheld bete papse and skiwly tUrn her head around OW peer eagerly—and with what Maine anxiety in her eyes -- back overi the heads of those thronging about her until her gaze rested foils' and sweetlY on mine. My .heart leaped, then saultelovrn,, down into unutterable depths, fet. in that instant her face changed; horror seized upon her beau- ty and shook her frantic hold on Ate, Coatineted meet week.' cklY StO s con cures colds, heals throat ed luo • e a 23 cent,. 1111 D R Roya , Rose Taleunt Powder HE dainty ember-mm*1 of the queenly resist fragrance. Made af best Italian Tale, ground to impalpable fineness, to wWicis are added *nothing, Na-Dru-Co Royal Wee, Talcum Powder lo,-po er;* akin soft, comfortable, healgai and heauta-ni. It is a toad 25c. e du, at your Dna ---or write for frft sample to NATIONAL 011110 sun al RAMA!. .00. OF cANACA, umiTae, MONTREAL tf4 BAD pLooD AusEs . 13014S and PIAPIPS. Get puIre blood and keep it pure by. temovinglevery trace of impure morbid' matter Irem the 'system. Burdock Blood Bitters has been on the market about thiety-five y-cers, and is one of the very best Medicines procurable fot the cui-e of boils Pnd pimples. 4 PINEP ES CURED. Miss j. M. allace, Black's Harbor,I my face was !entirely 'covered withr • pimples. 1 tried everything people told' me about; but fOund no relief. At lett I:, thought of B.S.B. and deOded to try le bottle. After finishing two bottles wp_s entiedy cured, and -would advise . any lady who wants a beautiful complete ion to use B.B.B es BO S CURED. Mrs. Myna Mayne, Springd were tovered wi bolls, end I _tried kinds of eemedi , but they did me good. I Went tO many doctors, but Blood Bitters, arid I must say it is a WCIP detful remedy fdr the ture of boils." Burdqch Blood Bitters ie ineaufeentre4 only bei The T.I Milbitra CO., 1.1121.1t84 Toronto, Oat. 1 lett, taut!, mum ithmEt Cm MC C01.10111 savasLittlso len chtal troubles,ihout dosing the stomach with drugs. Used wit success for thirty yeara. The sir ren " strongly antiseptic, inspired. with ever? iseatit, makes brsat ngeasy, soothes! the sore throat, nd stops t con II. sabering restful nights. Cr miens fs Inv usb e to soothers Send Um postal for desuelpti booldet. 0 dll All DRUG TS Try ellesolene !- septic at Ta lets They siniti e, ef- fective nd antis& tie. Of yo ilruggis or ne thousand d liars for two name —we want suitable names fo the 2 parks in New Hazelton: ITeights. we 11 pay you cash for them now. --on May 1st 1912 wo na es be selected- --1-the first two selections ach $250 PRIZE -30 other, pr.zes NEW HAZELTON Write giving your occupation TODAY to STANDARD S CURIT ES Limit 51g-519 feolfic Building 1 VANCOUVER, Bridsh if