The Huron Expositor, 1912-04-05, Page 6I/* 4 tftlL 5 191t tIL
M" Morth M.- Wit in� Trestrnent for 4ne' r. efforta are rdade
a� troyao. ed W to Wottle T va e lical 6rM dont o The to stifle r0her o .9 TWO ht sub- 010 ac. tholify twh er thovs nt vt t �:s&n L n hie W Xlxv-: ys fhat A 6 poor,, 4 Of
Isystam, of fit lt his -eow6 to light T -aim A Mr�r M, yit 9 hos- a"' M1 1wen of was -vv M' &M ZO 7 Ufti 11-11 12 te bhod - at -Xing a Colleg has 4- ev ro .-PA A I TahAdvwilr I 46. ft met, e oftneer'growth h Ift". de A 6 �od - LLS, if, '409im of 1#4 nd. E THEY F.0 I 10 BIN the en rfom6a, Dut T, e 0ancer ed oja the story.; *11 are -betoming very careful ab had beer. *i blilijy� C.] _11ft
h renewe frau&dt t t*U ONT. re d.-viralen& X IGA e f the Ger and &ink Out, Is 11or man dramat�hU h4ve V0 What it#ey.� eat husb6d to I then ad their groat 'ap and or tzeat a, llveo.:� aboat .41101 ther as a th
Th6 or- arto tiu- mpire trio -ally soki4e omd Ki r a side the lhown sea
AftL, - U- his bwk mide' mea -ft of Of 1`1 thelkidneys "64 do it work b� titauses buge mis 'erenm lert jud _d wit] it it suoms,
__ - , I ea 6 n -and An D�,
A iackil d -hl milligains of pure ra
-food. st=. s—Is now qmte were apj I kd for twe=tyr4%r ous. blood meid 4 aroper, . -A'A he 1], e. we s and Vect T the esda, 3 lvee so arran" ft t the chief to do,Am K i xft To ?a The i ub ot their eigh Ind be ,tgn reatm day. diseased rarts subjected to I fshould coax wer4 aster, 0
—Th a" e tren! as an coming more so every found ft necessary b, a drama, dV and uftf*rtuuat4y time and a bors. If d the Hist MUegAs it to I al 4 04 regular crcssfii 'the dTama and R, Obt P, pub
Mat A R �P. re of the curative, rays, C motteybu remedies at *ere little br avMly the theatre sn t at A SWW91 Lk,-,' intO We must fmukly admit thit there- aiisound -reVA no good. and tlie 6n was repeateo once Vould. slippo, t e(I conveutional views Ins -Z i � I 4fter tA one dose of licati, t it a as it PM e 9 x1pat wh relig- fc ther i to be b 'pain qic-1 oyalty, I 0yotti, patriou the only, As a I it of the treatmen it is long
eire ab 'pres' dS, he resu fort thi's preference. Fdod- stuffs coAnot be 4 IM- ase4 and bloWds, the ti ol hav� a !!long hau I 1:61 stated th ily -ice of r e=ctly what he t ded' a d mo-rality,��and have a, censor- up a at the Ida
after the ,,owi, epidly shrank that ion, and
-weeks it: of BA 11yer, Ith a port at' en of five -onditi-6n i N same time st�thelungsand' -ospheric WX' . taking Wo boxes ol LS, was
Pose4 to varying abix 8 h- ey y cured. e re- 011-s ni�-ans eom&te 04 lftu%ft" asi e 0. .1
A doctor in desor bi the an permit fvo ub
Vu the ores of t6 red. desor both - strea9th and flavori* 10 13191i oluff, blant., P commend GIN 11PD I every case ayy that if this result c be B ',It ttford's i6tlothli �g w oppol te- semi -private rtimity to M1 e in it is *or Tea --of all articJes 44 -diet (i�kcepti ig gl draw ate -and the technique, tho- course, sh$uldl ail, fail u N 1419 , r�� lat9ves Mxts.- JAM 2. M114FORD. relle s di' �c4ught 1, i a lifin In
everyday Mcia-1 A 6 r lenl i f io improved that even m the, 6a, 1 �h, his right kx rrt, a ft 1 Write us,,mention! this paper 9 deep- PrIM &ey streeu needs protiction ost a 4 treat a rr. Drs coffee, perhaps ind the 'Ong rui�, to carry water. fil Mrluef, ch o!hWI& r c hl#', hea I b idly 'e. Thdut seatee can be brought Ander to we will send y9uasalxp boixfp P preve cure best. merchants have &I I )N K 41101a; I WA gular s ��e the ra4io.,46tiveinfluence-t -ere will be I a ieve. The nt or
a ju if you, cannot get the r boxes ndicate ieir' `Nvrah with dranta very goo, reason for supposing; that ly i a a0atem e I le t�, lost �wek b r th( at your dealer's we 11 supp y you at 9' ft 1;ce pla-;S or 'to J03&
-if 'O nA thi thd regular retail plib -_ �5oc. a co 6for (0 been. Suic' to appre- rMfi rdei a 144 I hown, Man )n the loling lipped forconquest of -c aer I b.V"
ic - 'd =2 t 1,1- W r sr* -Upy,
tr kg o, tb�, Mji --and =op�_y pmAipt rideed t t hand. as'SociateA of kal vdia Pacitl all. --ney ded it Is I in an effe M
r1l Ma� � I P -5o I c raa(lt I ate the fact. to ti, ve dacuon. , tile Ci wft-y np r M& Ill S Ptem 've spable of GIN F11(1Sj do not i tre +K I- o Watee. b6r lal, anner. idea� des 11 of
much is'this the case National Drug & Memical Co; Of w to Carry system. i -id -ebarV
144 � i - bc 40 Ad M -tare �i by -It W a uth, t. A Canadajl'UM�tiAj De 0i outo. 87 If 'you -want to carry a fulYphil of Ilie b i wing of 60,00) )rth4k that the selling of water ar y distan�qe withr-ut spilling Wh Fl*ft b Ifi 4 Lnd' q �4)plrnwg 041 r. to cai i�r water froui oxie cry Pails, 0 Too M to
�ehooli -.0tVa 1
M "You Shoild re ember,." said the Tea bulk m be a thing of 6 ill! I [t loose WM so* .Ahe P"tt. rd ry 1 � te, UV1 bh the, pay=#, A of 64 the det.4 anotham r a flat dish or tray you r a .MiAiq Wet, -4yi have sometbjng aoat- omplacent Aagia I le, � I � 08t.. "that Imitatio to +b at. C'Rds it ST I fendant Is ,to erell n ed of all liability should a.,v W A STROUBLED luff ly, ral, rrj I alrito4i unar in 1) inkin �er a -a
ion with - ii h 0 ce�t -is the sincer �st f tery."
RM ROSEL TEA reaches with Ing ot li. If is 4h g�wa 0%w - 1, 01 or t�h h6 ifo aU its. i dean sa-do lece a Rol
3,0 &91, . ftvor,, strength And p urit , . . i a USA - YOU Rim 3r 'W1 1 do, and- ak flat I ent," . rpplipd DISEASE AID NERVO Ed of Tyond 1.9 the Itest thing for a ball; the irritable autbolh "but It never kept
,# li� &M. do a mile EM 00
t arise from a man from b n' arrested for counil bight packa&sdfist a*4 The readers of this paper 0 I be ple to learn the w t 8
—it is ealed in A.If 8 1wal ate Owah ro t, is the little *a-ves, th EVZM DOCTORS CO nary ,centl all b DO Mt that there 14 at least One dri a oadd that science e A lappijag against the sides teiietting a do0alt bill II—Washingtod Jw
Ibi s] Yes, a f ex been able t ide NO GOOD. TEMER BOXES op
i r
bout k oa 11 It 3 stages, d that is I ughing to the other.s' damp-proof— -ore in a and V I rinelp1m I
— ved e h rih. M11's Vatarrh at v to Ate Pa. star. UNNIS =ART AM eavel li ivi )i Y be xr -that x4 the watar Epill over. 'The are now.kamn ito the me( Ic Ll fraterni jild 1 a 1COMOLETELY CMD RED ROSE is a blin4 of 'the best Indian a;,id ea� ed� Ife was 1W stel ng a constitutional dim ie re 0=411t2 floatex stops this. pj]�Ls t we y ei oil treatnient. rrh MW Mary Lebeau, V4son, en a IM ion Mills 0 It, ore eq in -7 where It we Ceylon, Teas. �h a *, fq ead-1 leips 160 Lad mucous �ken, arouse yol Have ye pondered on the acting directly up, in 0 blood, S1jtes.__g,3t was troubled gniigr ion to British Colonies. e sysWWm, ther i e8broyi g t e foun- portents �f the day, Ia -up frozen a I - diseuse, audg] —The former assures geneious stren Ith Vild. lation of e the nt s ren t isease' aa4. nervousness for over lb Argest train oa %, i or e conatitu , Fnigrabiph to the British �col�bnies How at azonlan army threats your. d 7"On' ')I' )y building up th I And- itin n n smug h orle ielgn 7 om Great Britain and Europe, in the
richness—the latter tLd coaxing, delicat� s4tier� from tf Tjnibed: stat)s n doing As work. The I r l6bors h ve s years, and *as -so bad at times I MIM to t t bropMS and flatirons ara s at In g una lafth In its ourative power h off ir One on, year 1,912 is surpass nor_ TL F. - Do ye, which hg ei er *M b W�ester I Ow ig la cap red Dallars for any cmuse it lagato lure. en the ns in- the fray? and little noise would e re -cord 'of any pre rioua allties for which Red Rose Tea is 01181P Qu abross tli( '11IWI)ulled int6. t14. -ke and shiver. I tried :sevml - P.R r im of teninionials. Though rep�lsed 1p many batflets, pettI4 sha eral T is -prepared AdAress It. J.0 tors, b they were unable to do me station a t V �r al V ag last, week, ar .0. par. : Canada for a i in- coats ha-�e Elcoved again! At, NEY & 30., Toledo, i Ask your Orocer f6r the 40c.'package' of Reo. tflai of 1( U00 and Australia is qrangm , A Mn verooll:lf Sold by'all, Drug 869,750. good, A'oeighbor then advised meto" for: jb4 30 Al y Intain V 30not4pati n t6 ca. -e for 40,000, while Bout i Af. California goes tor,suffrage," is the mes- sage frozz� the tiate, NO.
Rose and y-on"ll get bett —TeaAhat spej alley 11 Sao, fXa . ke Hall's Pain ly Pills for ey of I a box of Milburn's Heart and New or Tea Tkatche-rin. 1rhe.settler�, wl ro 44 T�Oul 1i ir i#ating a poli s et- And across c.o�ntryls reache sounds I s, Pills, As soon as I began to take them Parch t Elms. -hat will probably be com- s Ni r cl I Zhes, wOre ac Do V.- an ti . ]at od I hern I farther—for the same gtoney_. d h ( the anti-auffmEre Wall. I began to feel much bettr� and ta t ilio
Well, that prqpliet audyard 10plIng tatter- time I had used the third box 1 was�j�. ISOO.,
nalon of their, 11 't n Cain an aigration scherl )n
i �rt led by i I Y! u 6p of iarrr,�� IM Of I
'14 adieu nailway b ctum -advise anybW E�AC_ TM cue' the a niore ensive scale than ny i4ing
od,, lrea-�,–weu I I the 10
You want Go' �skd�! bc We. 10 a �j f, tons 01� Lre, considering eth his di pletely cured. I would atte ted in that quarter. le E9 4AY15, if; ayl le 9 IWW - suffering from heart disease and VerVollit. 7
we*, passing I :iUch tl e county ev That "the Amale, �f the pecies Is
there more t 51 b1clud"Ibuis, chadj I i deadly than'th6 male. of jabo ( of settlerfo r, ness to try these pills. They Will 89" unite&- StM e, -The strattord. Doyal F -0 -union $elated Caution. fPhRadelplita, Ledger. G i Red Rose Tea -is eo& Tea quite a bill in doctor's fees." 10 tor Alugudt 1111-M rear has been fr Milburn�s � Rtart and Nerve Fills eft id t Le burglars overlook a�4
Ments 4re 11 ly t tPomed for ons i I't 'vvas de4 of a1u4 inquired the rep Causi 4nd Effetit." all heart atid nerve troubles by til�_ oen! ii"ng. every organ -eO "You!vo be ve ififfitence on
shootink 111 IrEte anytbing lbout speechesf ll *0MjVV1dtr ; better tertatrarent can ri ther not say restorati arise , ided "ilit a
91%rrW o4t tLext lorn said the PoRt,4 tissue of the body. I, boroep ll I 0 AIL ,8vt4 th al sivered the man whosihouse through the b tt PbT burn 8 bo3Ms Ur 51C.11 he ins it I tjlj Will tl a been repar-aL Ida you notice any re, Price 50 to per had eel obbed. Ical manager, boj., 40i -M* vote: oki ch ir u1nio � iv the. O*in i Ye. )I �Jry Ins iled AL -Poe M or mai rect vg t t K $1.25 at all
ftporl tb), b C Ic Ilartolk circuit, lbodlat church, 1bu e'm se they'll be w&tdi1ng,tl4e&a "Yes.11 =1;werod the spellbindefid ice by rbeT. Milbum jc*�4 r, tb in moo as follows: Fa, larton, 100 for a. ay or two, I think, to a L pers . nr �Ot, e has b�orae quit, busW`-4 tiflealbb i4 Of we# n a0d none. agal 'a 13githel, 126- for out., Trlb ank ftot lelme it, 821for Chicago
tb int Mkyt,rr . Pleas& 9 legaing Carb r4 ford, 11 for., azd they 1] i be, 4M11ed by' -A he 1) Court Cards. t to n - Th Faffect. Wife, ,thionn a, Irorl i�'j When the atlna�q iona. At the F -ench ,couxt the eirld rooms lb" van
01,46ye- r rery wev, i -The St.M,4rys C �n ml nve Do ene Orses cot vWi said good. is Wt*restid =d sbould 3MW
be Coi ipany is tion t A nin from h time of Charles VI. to, that d be lquirerl MrCltrp t about the wonderful KaVM )iavlr4 'a s14149 e:z te: ided th ugh Its is "'VI. were luxurlo7asly fur- 'S doe It ca a t4k, wee r e Miaf t n chop
A ra �R, L mere rt Arom the OP.R. Tie C.P.R. of a the wood abot 1by t le: of nish ters used *ere mo. el The um Vninal fqricge. sek, coun silo i9e walit" in 'a Int6ft.-be Laiv onstr Ion departj ,e: it has c 6aave of cmVertimr- It cleam" Ither- *,p ar] or sotne other valuable -UWML lkxk, rowt I beat dhe work, b ut ithe -Spr1h9f1eId In t e rent Co tipqmy is
px� 0; I xgeoins !a!� Dtl 146i
'The cards wer,� embroift. tand ly. I 8 1 r 3,v Ii ices, wh' d itv to be ".. y ng abol t $15000 .1 t, a. 1,�er on white satin,! and Vol 4.par�ieoi .said Brown. ffhaAmnuotsuppal# the Ivi I h t Anderatood ? eda there, ri�. I x t, �.es of. I �an t, I' tl * the IwOrk, atd w 11 own tz own 11 holo kl0ori-krib". to sebld; to -other, g e - It'
some the work of the most fam- oxm 1"Wuiri w ire painters. =s ivna ooes not trown, If I book -settled It full parfic- 'DUB 1 I ulars and Z;:;1o" Invalumblao U&C& A iftumier of fr14 * a met tr ntly at Nor serves e'coft6e, coiV, 1110MO Of Mr. 4c h1i -Cook, In 'Loga,n. --i&Uentown Demom-0, Va"SOR SUPPLY Co., EV P. TROU Windsor, Onll.! cetla� Agents fbr C r be, courae, Of the ev MIn E' Bi w s D R"A_ M''A. R a Our= A" Ej 'was "ad Mml -tIons All thek day; perfoct w0e," sald Uoke.
He It Will Carry Pen1clous I I ke Mr.,' and Qook of a octal Doctrines. e h Mad oilvw, Ives, forks a -ad Will n c ric i �a to dloaolv d t =rts in$ fi&V6 my� way.,, by WIMS up blood i hI( �E the blood 61 e II, of Germaziy �has 4n. "ift Mit Wilh 't TW a Jell r; flits s 1 hat caq:ses, a Inea re Woft, to t Ste he Wf t that in fature no dramatic to fit tt r .&I to' stop 3 f use -A contract has , be 1. OVL will be financed or encour- t "sPeCtivelY. M and Urs. i0ook T H I PUP 0 0% ply i. Lf enterl into- by j P4 A Goo'd Reason. is we R T, ed 'he strain u -.1 RL'MarYg Cealev 6 C ompan with thd ' gut h-niself or his family. The acidl 4 y 0eutleni=--4n4 haveyou ally refqv to reason for his aotion, , - i puts Yn A An� I Uric 1`1�15' r o�t f�fs( Suffers Untold- Agony r6-2tlectrilb Com mie do to I aka 200 5 oaed he re t aces from your ye ero. orsepower of eleel ric il enerij, JBem i sents the f act last employer? "Lion
I and sao 1 i I that a rM c a n g e. 0 or bower In an opera now opens the%-. re,ducing . �the pr.ce Lja�_ -No, but all, Iii le d1polmns from� tb its Uhau&eut� After E�ery Meal.. Walle. -� See t the Marys cobsider doors t roil thinkers, many of whom In about it month� )y ;F4 . Lill! t r� Qt Hlur
narre Q. entem: % Ot that I
V X I Lon 1Z - U44 LUI every r fbeelve aeISTearly mrythLqg that
town on th4 11 ae will I ose I to his ideas about mili Maio
tary Mry , One English critic, ex. dys-0eptic stomach acts as an Arri Chealer -power am -d benet to,loorre we *1us 04 taxi
it -0 e M tue hosnitaL e i Ue= the difficulty of effectigg a Me I N.urt of Jost [ce,.� tent. plain, i Emperors snub of th t.00 .14 A
Bfook]Lvn 01 Ni t. le I on h �M will n1i VIA ipric
TN r, r r Ilk 64tingS of 33��Jtc ot Burdock Alood Bit -ti
the disUvoc0ifig symptinw; of Uptirl bf w �; "to, K,,�tja Dowuine-' on, Mich An,, a choloe.- qPM weilm I I _ io - - he' dud in a short time 4rdor$ let in iefted Inj trie o i1rt house; I rl�h known resident of �t. If-arys 'V* a aim fas prol if E+hqllA on [.e [I a t, wee 011A syrants io vote l ly Moon ole0k. bated laA k� 'he extat?3 IsMiounta AIOTMZR�l CORDIAL OR HERBAL Her V49 W.011 gratify, have beon troub total] at k I Justicei It W�s' lun 8 Ing $50'.14 TON 10 iAlthoVkh ui� �%udldates shtU notj for tbe lwt se'ven yem and tried�au the Lng 'Vidge. 15. 0 tarO left 'to a fnw 7ber -of Tlativas dig Lpptovlfig eye, 49 vdffidae f)r It, bult. none of -tom eltft 0.1 to, was P Z( nt frlend� whot r.4 s16 In Mit.,hell and tepa U dan$ers bf Mldblrth Vor oU�w out her plan r 8 Ins Yw c I t, Y. St, Marys. Vh r of the vs. Mon quMR leliveri a, mallAng thent eask ftttd ia% for as S9Qn As 1 w4uld 011 ta te, 0% to hIs *14 bwl and ne ��Osome leaftie mat using any thetn, the same old
0 e r� �val ule, cr 11 I 0"f I]: mother and cb.ild-makss everr maltingio. uld back� Last lan I Th, 0 et a re� te3 con*nemelat wepe di 12 -n . i -A quiet d a es In Strat.-I: W.0V m seve c vVMQ tc A piece d, anid borth moth -Washinirtonta4 to try Burdock 'ternoo n a last W and- �gOod-splrltecj. ford kok Wma r UL lalzo: we n d.�Slf with. wednelo by 14 ILO
-Ba, -X1 and four bettles, atf4, n 1 �ape A MT Dws f Mo Cordial or Herbal To y T
gain, "10 i 0 re Did It. stronk I n do all ift h e "* OTMMSS and
terie' - t
ratf6rd aid MUs d I h Casc adden of to als o re reventative of delayed Lusb r, d. rl Ia, the kccu ve V I ill d a y and eat abn&A e mdoh d by &Ml pa ;I told thel,bdso thht it he di ed T were unit
S Ilty A 4o l -advice o!f I [a co ns I marrIage Mbuist*uatlan. Young girls 411 entj� and plai
it me In any Vray.
It Invigorating, and woment ,01 � Alit 0(atenced 6� tivo r. Rarrotvs e- ill Ake MY jgt�lit ike 1knew wfiat am iyearl I to lial - k i fitude at E 12111!� t�n. ell up 600d thO hange of life will flnd it fi;
abou. a Year and �jusb r !W :on X',4ghteen yearh l W, AW a humber of 'Iend,� d rom tha - kk Men im leed. pain Z mw'ftolaed hel
over, fte iamaflst� ="4 4 P.
Whio �ow ,attended thc aing. 0 -tried medicine colitalus, no 8 a Youn. g r 0 tl�w YoTt knoVr %v#** ten to y kom to Jiln
�Lboul IS4 li'm ofin Re nd 0 Int Ian herbs, famous for thel� find a -and is vnd: As let' f "He I -Th6 death of I stulmul ts--It ds SIM131Y Ii.selentiffe e fr*m A xg
lot 111 gair y at ble qouid Ob riffho fim't qgite used two bo a
An Ob dt of Fity. 'In ;thO r Who �[Ing VA, I L 0. is bores, cc XV881 Ik sell on 18, o,- inedtoin a * flue. Write for free eirou- jrM preslL fft . z good, = atteud XohndoiI the rown of ficer an no v Lc ed ion lFrIdAY, 4ar h 22, at the, lar, At Yolft' druggist's --or bye mill, iWd eats heartily of our nature *hlch war call the emotional -is much nuwo h gbly �d been tay hre) 4 �Od j i had
_rthThat part that '114, A agle, bf Iftiney-t Y are, teroves one #I-eO par :lackaget *6 paukages $6.00. ireloped in women than in men. is manufactured only bk lom They -.are �more sensitive, more tencUr, m). le� E y Of khelfti Xettk c: de rhaps fte and pain'. arid these refined mental qualities, no -less than b( T114 . Toroato, One. I the 4 he Attorna je� rs f th Pt: -Co. Windor, Ont. I
efle, -more pronounced in their likes and dislikes, more suseepti9fe t, I- thEyle-7- 10W71SMly, Dr. 000 110: Modical T. M- ilbum Co., .,imited, r I (i 1rah in ur pleasa e were diqlp se A las the laLue, make uV the atmosphere of attracxiveness and Am. m V ------------ "_ df forin and ft. luhy tol�ol r8: Y,.. cea,sed I ad een a I resident always surrounds true womanliness- stilwon Vs. M i 5on.-An i o i to �et of "Uca�ft for over = r ye4ral settling '13de The 42�ontinued. existence of these winning, engaging wom , (a . anly chaxi cterJ stl,.6 'depends to- a very large extent on the regularity of the womanly function, andithd 439 ta r4j alry en the V rill. t. of iteg t On the farM whei e I a tiled townsh was a W : Condition of the womanly organs; and when these functions and organs,�bec ome 4i 3- ch�r4etj'x.�� Mial �he action hid b6en 11), a ordered or dieased �the saaae mental qii�ltieq which are the glory of a we IM mi Ln inan of aterling liwite - d r I an oTdo'r wi 4 ade qt a 'beloVed and the source of suffering and torture almost indescribable, Her ehe::1 kwPedted-by a- laige Is changed tia a feeling of despondency, aimoA of despair, a OP'- fdr' nis!8161 to xamini V It e'"'Q a Cle of fr1eads YOUR 10001( nd she Is hat At d who extend their wIt>,,foreJ3odlngs of worse eyll t Instead of outs N Lee, so t e tr Ali bir to S 0 QQM40. being . entertaining , Lnd , )i Li- S yrn p a t h y ca ow. omes moody and Irritable. being unable to keep her n ind r,c m 4 , , the faailly in the "t unt he next �.n dwg1j1pg o her troubles. She becomes Morbidly sensitiVe, irrulginlag . tIj Lt: Sl is the 01 leat and b#lpg idlghted or foresaken by her relatives and friends ad �he has a taw t hunm- TO,
Whe n afl:j sen B of her miserable condition- and of her loss of er wom -i ibute, "TO Lug 50n ' I AY at A� L o r lY idents;. of St, a farmer opens amly att ..If s re giously Inclined she is very Mble� oppressed with doubts d Marys, passed gwa ,gg Xn didract QT -lnn Uturd y, after, he 00 b in
airs lo Sn I Weprd to her spIritual condition, or to thi Ill n a 11n4Mrlhg. illneos. Re b nk that she Is eternally los Vfjlue�qs -
di�iiin this, she has also to endure the most distressing aches a"nd pai In aid- ordei he I IF91 b Den Made- f oir a .01 lin W&S In his 02nd 13 nrst ag of ceua YesT. Ab t ye
case still more pitiable, especWly with married womm, 1.11 the i 1: �rs sgo�!he was Wpgt makes the !to h5sue ic winU11*0 e e has takeii fact That few nien unde'ratand or appreciate the -extent of their sufferin;,: ox e w tMas, was Postr3lied'Ll i that town aifd I I a long step in the rdarch'of Progross, 11 largo buy In a f Yr werlop6new of thq troubilps causing it. Many doctors evon spe of these dism,4 s In, � b I 1. ak th� (i �b a Years. I X1. A1DJj1l1 r: isittlap. Three to Prosperit. as glacts for ridicule and the poor sufferer often gets a reputation to L fore the t Ar�hter Ze
vs. era bL� a scold when kie More nearly aproa Pei i,raq lbons.--LAn ve I i6if t4e Grad c-hes beirig a ma 'usels that b49—if only for a h1tehing- Tiu As these disorders are due to a disordered con is annu al a, nk !through M. IoJdk or a Poreh step -he has learned some profitable oil
dition of the womanly organs, t 0 he !went to it
,ce. evidelift that to effect a cure these organs must be restored to normal eondition; that 'to�wa 0111. t* r, With tra a ws. Judg t w, �nq ",chief of 1)011ce. e- acted ju Other'words, the clrouIatlon, which has become congested aiid stagnani. In 1.1 c se te h ai i;tift, deelwirfii, *dm 17`w 'brothe -T�e knows th n pert to u0e Vartp, n2pst be improved so that the waste Matter will be expelled, and th( nour Mi A inent so badly needed be brought to U judg ng t topher �and Charle , i ve rest, ed vVIth ese suffering organs. it is the waste ma thr, ralId rcairr-le, e w 3 ot him. Of hhs v�wA era
ai brokaji own tissue, which is held m the stagnant blood vessels In th se r. ts affec ted.1 Y _�our i IfO knows that he has added a perm I -A%? - - ani �nt Jjhprvp_ that cataft most of the suffering by oppressing the nerves located in Vies p fLrt Du �ra ( Para 11VI", e4t to his property� something th I - vs. .-An lor at will. last as Ion The remedy known as C RAN all -h 'Will positi,%rely Belk 0 per r anc oT il, r4l� c1fl: �he 'farm Itself, ftish and
LMY 1 WInglig congestion, and resitore no -mal r!'7 to is( 11 ail hotel 7 !110 knows -that he -has added cOUTMIelyce, and U JIT t'jle�efOre profit, to his home.' given the
culation in the disordere� org 4s. as res�r YA .5, "Pon thou
It is an applied or local t!e e knows that It didn't eost him more 11n money or 1D. in 0� vs. y t and acts wholl � on these ujht ;S. than It he had used an Inferir i�aterial and EW `cl�_
is absorbed into the blool 'vegslis a Aioh ion., a, Issory not e a temPorary Impro ment. ve -bY '�ie bw treal' 3 -ry algal"L ob In these orgaiis, and as it as I time.,
-antiseptic d . amus Ele knows that 'he wants to read. the ljooj�, powerful Prop e rtles fh aed ot or Immediately acts ori the wi ste W
mTt- 1 %'his yvao M 11 ROOM i" 'i r5 ter held there, nd causes it to GO �e ie, discharged, As this I but aia'_'�oroe J] dispensed lt i he Vrout the capif ill C in'l 11"11 W"hat the Farrier. CanD With 'Concrete (TIScharged. the nellves -are reliev d, jury Jug �j re pa -e' las ente c-trier:--froiii nlij 11, lbq� t4 And out how he can apply the pains and. mentaj. troubles It- the so lexs�nx -to Other come less and the ixerves tLnd blood 1 agalt 27; ilie Won-�in with i le S,- Places on his ta M. i V"
vessels b; h [ q*ts, and AiLl tile tcome stronger. This a LILY thus proves its mot"t b y _dvertisement Is to tell him r-el it � 8 dismissed wl th depc, the hat� hig t a COPY Of tual, V isible results. it acts as t4lis ProftsOlY MUStrated book Iseady �o be certalnVt-sad as positively on an female tr�oubj,�s aG a7lt.-tol, and Ith( atiplej dice to ai y ed
-in G S oti el lat. i on� 111clits of our sL mail h1s -name, And address. . it pit d e 01i as he se
anm� froo nds In Winnipp.g, April 2 190P. alre b'UUPI or that m Ly (11-cstion .1 U -Ml qan jv<t Vie IF. �ct Oaken no difference, C. I 9 whether he bas yot used -thgLt Dear Mrs. Currah,-1 am very ORANGE LILY for the c Lge'it lias te for, th? ;Mect trat ieh� th"'t la made in my itre. isi him. N. li(xi *at -'bhg of cement or hi�. becomes a. no"- Pi. he ha0latt, the book couk erela = . . . q tell 12 We in When I commenced its use eight monthsM I felt I would,pe fai -is, vi*ely -insane before the year was ended. The p ff how to Me It to the besti Ain I sif ere rtan made me wj h TM A ad In any advantage, for cTeath. and besides I would have such Ats of depression and 'To this case 1tva e [Qu I I'l i Tler% s tvvitc Ill no need Ing loss of Vvrt doctorc for o l. -An acti, yu to lits of �a tj two years, and had alsto used both the Pierce and Pinkham medicines, but none I of BSOLUTELY FREE , 1 A ttem seemed to rm, (,h my case not making ire 61, , that1 would -liae to scream. .1 had doctored with three different 'ou submit, Rio'ht a - I felt some improvement after the 11rS M01th'S to �u US P I! exere ;d-, ait.4 Uqe*Qf (111ANGE LILY nd have kept gatriln.- ever since. ca .M e G_( UY I do not feel . q.t jr al it under t ie: B Will I(hi Act. Judgment �j agl t1v- f till efpci Mon, t011in(ViloN otber tirm entirgly cured yet, I)ut I am sto Tauch better-tnan I wq.s that I arn ure I SID stoe A hundred and sixty psgept of pla
-,T)PY, exec t th t I a aiau n1ir, Icr&to, w1th PhoUaraphs to 11ju ble e11137ely wcill. I leep well, and feel cheerful and b CC- re ve 01 te Iiii MSiOnaMly-sornewhat dePressed, but these spells &tratc everY Para
also noticeably improved in amearance. T are gettln,- fe*er rtnd mild, m Co 1116 0 al Vs. Na-Dru-Co Dysl 4-pai a lets; 011tain .91raph in tizo text, ch pleaIE ne n linclosed*flnd $3 for whl sen( two );ioxes Gr ORANGE LILY avid one df Cerate.'Ma"age, X Ille- active p- aei might add tht t bY I eirs nd li e8ses at law be leeded for Just Mnd YOur FIRMS Athd address ma!tte-1 which used to be freely discharged, and whIcAi tooked lriki� a chrlelenls g (1i on A postal, late ThqV 0! tb gestion. of evory kincl of footl' of Tucke Thr in & fcfter' Or use the.60UPOI-p and thO bOok will well 1 C-7 y MUrid, Am I not rl.-ht in t h t i jro to the R'Issk� i bo jwnt by raturn rrlst4. ,
I lared 7 sard,*fai becoming yery.scaut and -1 I e that the circulation I is? TIOVIMricere frfir(j, th aein ce the actidn fol -10. we a -is AMreu Free to all SA�fferers I from i'lle ster L, v�) issi in
coati of A. fix1bef tu lae art] �gct I .1 a solicitr i 1,41 riVt )to be benefit of the fo)d -Tee en. w1th tilis deducted �C e di esti v f female fr6M he Ift or, _16W in order to enable every woman sulMering, from any form 0 o d %TnAd c APUDA w roNT assistatice i 40 t0st Me merits df ORANGE LILY, I will send to everyoup. who VWVlU *1 ot'� the I ganshreffain e 6 end e ihcirtoue, ndso 'it: t6eof th�tablets PeM bv. atildre", or thc address of any suiXering friend e ough of the r m is 1. t be t ger neces� ary. As this Is- worth 35c.� it - 10 only _bWajjj diyid ed tu 4a_,,7yx' tratment, abiblutely free. for Dalance is no Ion tftt It must give relief that I'make ttris free trial ofter. I idn Further If - wo. n r stomach is 1 4 t .Vork g Pro- to m 106 th'a, late If you Wlibeg exVert Irtedical'advice, -and will write me- a full description- of h wM's4bralt same to the Staff of the Coonjey Me4icaj I perly,tr Na-D;-a-CoD tulo D hUdrm. v ipcp.34 let,% A d 'RAW& 9 00 145 4TAVAP6 and q4dros* "AS, �FRAM CURRAH, W L_OjE t"4t CM0111 y wil co her 'to Jid .1 D. tfi*Y -VJ111 write her direct w"011t to', her. r]14�kE, el it, ists _cXf INC 60�R, or t4el]Ate: and CllemicalCgi, of nada, J, �njjje4 F MD 4T eo Th,
ad to