The Huron Expositor, 1911-12-22, Page 6DMEM-BER thnlp.g t eottatry, ell • mazt thootthopailirshee tit leatha, "that Mr. 'od ,Oxitaktio *Mtittetitne. 0 itaY loot . :blocks on; l 'thilletrtes' on tberat Peg sitienqtte• 1 tvitt .i'ls",111A141114istli'7Ntals"I' itaitt have been one al coldbut. the a within Wit** ing : *dee and I , ,freetingd She mit t xr more SO her my , cet on. F t atm( ell till J .me ;from ruse 1014 buLyjt,a own reward,. I Oetit tie Sit% a11 the geoid hilOudfle enna flre1414 04, SteetteatlitThi surrOulA iiindarlson reeihknee ;tat the it Man Here's Wishing You the Best of e, ritninty Court • returtt aettii. ere toenailby udg "•Oet "WO week; G 'Watt . len 04002 on it it off-Ncb calleicli tor a j •-elalesis an the ;grown ;At 'LK ttle tint sittitiag 1 •h ft• the follow prieriteditit ' tra. Perralytiht et" 1 C!clC.1 21t, fling Cu ton, p>stponad till Archl e teittInge, 19 te.•CteOper, POI', kit •CatatC0 at !brick g gt, tattel 'Aldan afteanotee *eh ndeirieid IV 'bite dant, and Oa action cote , I ti otEat Klozem 08. till an **greed /slit t, *hi litwitl h an. V021 tame, of • couino the 41180 dt 'Your sleek eel 'thal4a1nd d grabbed hand.? a to take a one of" the sub,. ott amide .frozent ' co the in Maltose On a two fin- par beA • d 'abet after i gra foe $1101 Bait, In : • and you feel 2 e Christmas joy Thomas 1. Lipton Logs :Wanted The undersigned is prepared to psy the highest eash nrka for an_ unheoleed qu,s•ntity of first-class Soft Elm. Rook Etna, Basewood, Maple, Beech, Ash, Nenalock andOak logs, delivered at Seafortli Saw and Stave Mill. To be cut in even length, except. so1m; soft. elm to m cut 11, end 16 feet. Will also buy Bat/wood Beading Bolts, 40 inches long, at 0.75 per cord deliverelL Basswood Heading, Bolte, 20iinchaslongratga per cord delivered. NW able bay Camber by measurement or by hulk in bush. fpeeial attention paid to custom sawing. Satisfaet- e-on guaranteed. . 229242-W. AMENT, Seafozth. The ltielciliop Mutual Fir Insurance noretpany. FARR AND ISOLATRIN TOWN PROPEITT, fiNa LT MIMI* =ceps- a- 'are 3. B. McLean.president, Seaforth' pet • Jas. Connolly, Gadeeleh, vice- nenident t Thos. E. Bays, seeretarye • tneasereet Seaforth p. o. ft. I Mfna. Chesney,Statf,orthee aret= 0. Ortree, 'Winthrop; Wm. conitie; Jno BeteneweisAtaillun • gen ;, Jae. Eaft126, BesChWOOd Watt, Barbel( ; J. B. MeLesn. Bea. • forth; Jas. Connolly, Goderteh ; A, ifeBbeen. Brumfield. -- • i Robert Beth. Harlocka lati. HIneh4 ley, Seaforth; James Cumming, 11/44 tsandvillen 3. ffir. Teo, Hohnebellha ; B. GI. Jartrouth, B4f011hafaffiffe auditors - Geo. Idurdie and John tiovertioek. ..r I dt e4t101!. leg4s In. Lu ormit turd' rettltz'e -of *Wept( gteit! oh a yo ng athi :through a mis 'a, young tlekklin 'employ. This Cila fcr about tent Pht thel euit. egil of ; e Oit Mrs. htte!• but • _110114 : the ,. ; tar; WED . of I • hat / and , ch I clerk II alften )3,Lyit and Tole ntok t the i oVet and ent k sat I bra - resit% ataad Ere tebfeel "ter diedk e of. Ea from t vid itqk hired tt _to the the .1 a let i Fe from in alit !the r ,Itl ed ireiatr4 bt , at -Piet -Or Mien itar t, Whooping Cough CROUP ASTHMA COUGHS BROPIC.111175 CATARRH - COLDS ESTABLISMID 18711 ' As/mile. safe and effective treatment for bran- ehialemables, avoldlngdrage. Vaporized Mesa- lene stops the paroSysins of Whooping Cough and relieves croup at once. It aboon to suf- ferers fromAsthnaa. The "air rendered- atrongly antiseetie, inspired krith every breath, maims breathing easy; soothes the sore throat and stops tics cough. assr.ring restfulnts. invalu- able to mothers with yotmg children. Stmd us postal for dcacripaire booklet. Me ALL DRUGGLSTS Try Oregoleme Anti- septic Throat Tab- lets for the irritated throat. They are simple, effective and antiseptic. Of your druggist or fro m me 10e. in stamps. Yap Crasoiene Co: Leeadmehtilmellidg. # MONTREAL Central Business College Stands ready to helpyoung men and women to win inde- pendence and SUOMI& It has given the start to thousands upon thousands of young peo- ple. It can help you. Write for catalogue. Enter any time. . W. H. SB_A.W.' Principal • Ae ullauteq, is reel illr-ea inhend,s, ree Is h. ,hais puri -1 , :pet nu% I o�4, for over cre of Logan and aiideesce ot ma . 4 was viotina of ., 8.8 • f Lietowel, 1 teeth Beg*. bar Aran Brant- • 'bouts; hajlf, a !dozen small tb ome. price of a nuneleet man. Ithe 1 , July onillien idollana etre ot Mtte ---tPieter ttertigaln, for 4$ L i week of the /, of ale (townie -hip ot larachs, ret, R. G Liv.hd.s1ion1 Lucknowt, hest we Clalifornie... Mr. „ 0n/1 IA a fir i es *leo until- Sept i . bf'realtitens in i ale been ape r :leaden; hv the ; ihus itute, at aa1,-la ittg the, pree ttift tatachieg in the ' a tttr vet4 respoteibiltty. • tither -caw in chat was neetpoteett. -att News Notes.. Flxietvtlilehasitartetli nhoett lest 'Moralialy evening , in rell completely wiped oat big 10. 1.PRteetevateen on fretitteithe engine hints% ildi wi 43, I g took place In It. .4. on 'Tuesday , •Ch Myrtle r Wajg UnibtC1 :I ICIf2 y Plarnan. e , , 'neg. The Ore- ; w ye Res.. T. J Uple lett on at 14 a latex; date I • f . 024 .414:1' *Ara. T. eptintY, arnt ;pretty ;Mr elaiaghtete !Me naarrielit n poewinst • ?" OPPer wait trig 9.5 is Mrt title was tont T New go to Itth Jr -VA las, Of hhaiifice AinIie Wllllarn When Piet% Hei wats in 040 was mrideW edk He 'te survived ankli ene danghtteet Mat blet(ti M8480111 • V; and mast s mn1 Med on. Satu or eigtetynfive yeas. iFor Yeeres 4e4k been1 mane iilnt At Abe Canada Pe tgasteCompainyf T,hortilettalt occuneed ketat etean Beetmativille, ne doper, on et titee tsof iCainton- tc:ewnship. lor some betel. .on Wei farm On *MOW theielivett • it t of NS lifet pea whe zbatclt.repoel the adv Peat* ,He Wets- a By Ithlea tunelknig 4:4 ebonh iseven es took; on. &dun/sly night *Nene -aignd 85, wasum) Ch.. Thetheaet was -ow h And •WeA, eittuated bole this McFadden, and iviealtent Xher horse .nstatist:cited, !tatting ng tat- a.ttelaahle cogs 'to earl thee eons se4r0OaltieM kno by one rday lUm ol • 'Wakes* O*ta4 colds, isea ,215 mats A Genuine Ru Sent On Tri Don't Wear a After Thirty Years' Experience 1 Have P� and Children Tha.CA If you have tried most everything else, come to me. Where others fail is where I have my greatest SUCcesils Send attached coupon today and I will send you free my illustrated boOk on. Rupture and its cure, showing my Ap- pliance and giving you prices and names of many people who have tried it and were cured. It is instant relief when all others fail. Remember, li use no salves, no harness, no Iles. I send on trial to prove what I say is true. You are the Judge and once having Seen rny illustrated book anct read it you will be as enthusiastic as my hundreds of patients whose letters You Cart also read. Fill out free min- pon below and mall today. It's well worth your time whether you try tray Appliance Or not. Pennsylvania Man Thankful Mr. C. E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: - Perhaps it will intereat you to know that I have been ruptured sixyears and have always had trouble With it till I got your Appliance. It is very easy to wear,- fits neat and snug, arad ds not hi the way at any time, day or night. In fact, at times I did not know I had it on; it just adapted itself to the shape of the body and seemed to be a part of the body, as it chine* to tha spot, no matter what position ewas in.. It would be a veritable God -send to the unfortunate who stiffer from rup- ture if ail could procure the 13rooks Rupture AppIlan.ce and wear it. They; ;Would certainly never regret it. My rupture is now all healed up and. nothing ever did it but your Appliance. ;Whenever the opportunity presents It- self I will say a good word for your APPllanee, and also the honorable way 3rx which you deal with ruptured peo- ple. It is a pleasure to recommend a good thing among your friends or Ztrangers.I am, Yours very sincerely, JAMES A. BRITTON. 10 Spring St, Bethlehem, Pa. Recommend From Texas Farmer Brooks Rupture Appliance Co., 14ilarshal1, Mich. Gentlemen :- 1 feed it my duty to let you, and also all people afflicted as I was, know what Your Appliance has done for me. I have been ruptured for many Years and have were many different trusses, but never got any relief %Intl/ I got your ,Appli- ance. / nut it on last November„ but had very little faith in it, but must say I am now cured_ I have laid It away -have had it off for two vreeks and doing all kinds of farm work with isase. While I was wearing it, I had ce ppliance for Me Rupture tttIte The above is C. E. Brooks, the who has been curing rupt If ruptured wri IagrIppe and coughed a great deal but it he all right. Words cannot ex- press my gratitude towards you and your Appliance. Will recommend it to all ruptured people'. Yours sincerely, BalC1 Prairie, Texas. 3'. E. LONG. ' Others Failed But the Appliance Cured a E. Brooks, Marshall, Mich. Dear Sir: - Tour Appliance did ' all you- claim for the little boy and more, for it cored him sound and well. We let him wear it for about a year in all, although it cured him 3 months after he had begun to wear it. We had tried several other .remedies and got no relief, and I shall certainly recommend it to friends, for we surely owe it to you. YOurs respectfully, - wee PATTRSQN. No, 717 5. Main St., Aileron, O. ve re f la' test of M r, over today. 11 Mi h.,. • ed s�r,C 3i.Bro Dear Si •:-- I b anus f ttre (e In M iy 1905. isijg it Sin cl br ti4d it, 1,74-te f plum isco -er ears I regar of 76. 111 h. nc for the cure case) I think b , 1905. I quit I li ve not need - up ure and rank of/ b the Brooks rin my age, 76' le. ely yours, Sot1-M A./MOVER get we ha no did 1110 'MOW. s pt n 1 men; er red, re t e known o this and }Ie h wore Months. bisque, lows s rt‘ture is alto- aPplianee, and If we could only alirtaxleinb°uoYhvgaTahlde little over four it now for six ry, truly, w Sileanherger. WionAen Ten Reason. Wh u Should Send For Rupture Appliaz •t It is absolutely the anc of th.e kind an the m and In it are embodied th thaj Inventorhave sough years. 2. rup ti on 3. ber n ev 4. pad cu 5. Post the 6. the plea, nes 7. foul can the 8. There the Appliee ting :and b - 9. All of 'App lances • boa that ni dur ble an , 1 • My fair dealin lish al. by a yea s of de ling with the pub' c, my rices are; scl reasonable m t so air, that there certainly ah no heditanc la sending ftee Bk ce. nly rket pri af The. Applience for re Will ure cannot be thrown (slut.° e Being It clin r blist U nliki used ersom , It is tively clothin The Applla sant se Sa.tion of wearing There is nOthing about it and hen it becomen so be wa ,hed without injiirin least. I an air cushion s closely to tlx .or causes ir the ordlnar in other truSSe f so bo !tat , it or un ga in ly. mall, soft and Pliab annot be detect d t Oft, pliable ban me do not give Prill- e for Tday, iples the osi- t mb- yI ailed not e and ough ding un- har- get 1d it t in gh in cut - the very It a r. and tab- -Arty and rm a .be upon Is 1 ne th are no metal spri ce to torture one b uishig the fleshi tbe material of wh are made is th oney can buy, mak' safe Appliance to w eputation for hOnes is so thoroughly experience of Over cl toda ernernber wh the and P' end ita _Appliance on trial 'it t 1 sat is true. You are juclge. jFI1 out free conpo m8,11 t day.: I ' O. E. Brooks Api Dance for trated b rase sena lqe 01 4.7 I I Tree rmati 61 BrOekix Bide., Mandixdl, me by mail In plain Wra kiand full Information a ho Pure et ruPture. rove be elow 4.4.• **9•41/1. s • • • • a f •* **** Salt* • • •40-6s. sississmenimessessuslisessasons,Lassra 4 FELT HIS P8 SENCE. 1.0. C r Instate= of Telepathy MP • seribed lay Jobe Muir. ha Muir, k, "My First Simer In the Sierra. ," relabel ;at en- d uoe theartnee ot Wet) thy, 4,e spent th 4sututner olt 1869. the. beitutiful w 1 erneas atoned the asemite aalley. One• day he Was bust y stretching on the 'North- Dome, w1 n suddenly he became possessed with the notion that his friend Profdssor , Butler a tha !University of W1 coedit was be- lt) lialm in the valley. He jututted up, fujfl of the idea of mei ting Mm, tieing aijriost as inueb start ed as it 1001110 O e bad unexpectedly t uched him and inade him look up. I tantly be went ing down the slop . and along the brink of the valley, to king for a, *ay tolthe bottom, feeling drawn irresisti- bly. 1 Gtsadually his eamapti senas eon. vi:iced him that he could not oislbly reach the _hotel until ifter ev rybody would be asleep for he nigi t. He therefore' compelled h mself t' stop, Intt the next day he went 1 to the 1111 y and found that Profess r But - le had arrived the evening ;before, une pected by anybody. He hed been four or five miles distant .at the mo - as so suddenly Input when tar. Muir aapelsed of his presenc trle hadjust entere1. the valley by waY of the Coulterv lie trail" says the author, "and was coaling ast EI Cap tan when his pres nee str ck me. Haq he then looked toward tb North Dottie with a good glati he mig t hove s me jump up fro •• my w tk and run toward him. Thi seems he one well defined marvel o my lif of the kin called supernatu , I It 4ornes to Life, After Dryin4 Up, if , Plunged Into Water. lie of the most ex ordinary plants in Ithe world is unfitoubtedl that k own to botanists as 4nastatli es Com- m my called the ReudectlO1 plant 01 occasionally the Jiose of ericho. it is an annual intiab ting tbi Egyp- t' desert. it is so h ghly hy romet- ri ;that when fully d veleped tt. con- tr ets its rigid branch s so as to con- s tate a ball. Expo ed then : to the a don ot the wind it s blow hither and, thither toward V e sea, *hen it Is gathered and expor ed to Barope. it then, when appa ently deed and dried up, Its root is p unged tato wa- t4e the buds swell wi h new life and leaves of its calyx' epee, the petals un- fold, the flower stalk i grows aid the ftill, blown towers a pear as , If by magic. When remoyei. from the wa- ter n the plant returns' to its otiginal apParently dead condition until; again PlaCed in water; -hence, its titlei of the Reeurrection plant. lEhere are many superstitioue tales eclnerning this so caued rose afloat In the east. It is said to have first bloomed on Christmae eve and con- tinued to flower till Eater, at its birth he Idink the advent o the Redeemer, net Immediately befo e his departure dhoenworineekiy ghls. resurreeti n. -T. P.'s Lon- ! 1 The Range of Vialon. , LISta have been gath red in Germany vrith reference to the dtanee at which Dentine may be reco ized by their faces and figures. If or has good eyes, the Germaris claim, o e cannot recog- nl� a person whom e has seen but o ce before at a great r distant% than enty-flve meters (e ghty-two feet). the person is well ki own to one, one m y recognize him at from fifty to a hl4ndred meters, and li It is a member of one's family, even at 150 meters. TIje whites of the eyes may be seen at fr M twenty-seven to twenty-eight me- teis and the eyes themselves at seventy-two to seventy-three meters. The erent parts of the body and the slightest movements are distinguisha- ble at ninety-oue metOts. The limbs show at 182 meters. At 540 meters a meving man appears only as an indefi- nite form, and at 720 meters (2,361.6 feet) the movements of the body are no longer visible.-Selentiffe American. ,••••••••• RESURRECTIO PLANT; ....____,....—. Friend Put your heart into be search for a friend, freely offer as1etance to any. Ofth , e crowd wbo• neeIs: it, and, soon- er or later, you will find a hand out- stretched toward yours, and year soul meet its likeness, I Do not imitate hose who, shut up in their individual- ' Ity as in a citadel, indifferent to all • passers by, yet send Ptah on the four -• winds of heaven the Melancholy cry, i "There are no friends" They do ex- ist, be sure of it, but only for those .. who seek, for those deeply interested : In the search and for those who do not • • remain content to spi I out the thread i of, Ilfe in a corner like a spider's web, I, 14ended to catch hap Ines& • . Halleck and brake. 1 . Itz Greene Hallee , the poet and i a thor of "Marco BOZI aris," who died t lnJ 1887, is buried in ti e Mdleck tam: , 11 plot in the Alderbr ok cemetery at t WInsted, Conn, Th body of his '. friend, Joseph Rodmai Drake, the au - thee of "The Ameri Flag," rests In th old Hunt burying iound in Bronx beronet, New "York city, now known as Drake's park. -Magazine of Ameri- can Hhitory. , • Romantic) Shen. "Tell me about SPain, romantic Spain." , , I °Well," saiki the ruoterist, "there are 4 :few bad places as ttou come down the mountains, but ini the main the inhas are pretty gool."-Wathington Herald. I ( Always rise from the table with an ikPpetite and yon will never sit down Without one. -Penn. esseee-e....e-esee. A Business °His wife is a busil ht." . °What mates you ea "Sheet installed a th omen,, ess wont's, adil thatr 'tt clock Ib v and he has to punch it when MI out nights and 1 when he testi de -Detroit Free Praise •. • ftft .ai.SuzY Cloves and Mitts iielesalsiPriees snit IT VP BV THE USE OF MILBURN'S LAXA.LIVER PILLS. • eThey stimulate the siti4gish liver, clean the coated tongue, seeten the Meath, dean away all waste end poison - ohs matter from the system, and prevent at well as cure all sickness arising from al disordered conditiott of the stemac.h, Itirer and bowels. Mrs. Matthew Sullivan, Pine Ridge, ./3., writes: --"I had been troubled with liver complaint foe a long time. I tried ost everything 1 could think .0f, but n ne of them seemed to do me any good, t when, 1 at last tried Milbiarn's Latta - L ver Pills I soon began to getiwell agein; thanks to The T. Milburn CO. I would net be without them if they cost twice at much." ' Milburn's Lata -Liver Pills are 26 cents per vial, or 5 vials for $1,00, lforeale at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt o price by The T. Milburn CcittLimited, Torento, Ont. LEGAL. OUDFOOT. fl1SS SeKILI 180.rrietere. Solicitors, lieta0 t. etc. to lend. In 'Dada:: et 4 h week. Office OM ea 1 e IA .60 TiV5#1-4M4 raveliersllanipies amm anent 250 pairs in eluding Men's 4 er an -BoysHued and unlined a es and Gloves, fancy Gaunt. Ifeett,rins a_ttn:clz,:thpeull.2:7ov;:s 0wh. -"ammo Price while they last.' 111111 - e ;Blankets -Wove Zulu Kersey, with or without -on, Exceptionally good values. - -Goat, a'.7Bishop, Man- an, Saskatchewan. The hest values in the market. ODERIOIC8 eRee- Cheap Harness Store. Opporia Winter Term from Jan. 2nd IOTT Aoir" „wwmprer /7.7 q ,0101, /Ate' tem bands in a class by itself *heu attrictly first-class work is; consid- eeered. elWrite for Catalogue. Suffered With Nerve Double For Two Years. WAS IMPOSSIBLE FOR HIM TO SLEEP. Mr. Chas. W. Wood, 34 Torrance S eet, Montreal, Que. writes: -"For to years I suffered with nerite troubte, and it Was impossible for me to sleep. It did not matter what time I went to bd,in the morning I was even worse an the night before. 1 cOnsulted a ditetor, and he geve me a tonic to take a!half hour before going to bed. , :"It was all eight or a. time, but the old trouble teturned with greatet force than before. ' "One of the boys, who works with me, gave me half a box of Milbutn's Heart atti Nerve Pills. I took thene and I got stitch satisfaction that I got another box, a.nd before. I fiiiished it I total, enjdy sleep from 10 p•.trt. until 6 attte, and now feel good." 'The price of Milburn's Heart and erve Pills is 60 cent S per box,' or 3 boxes fqr 81.25. They are for sale at all dealers, or will be mailed idirect on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co, Ltanited, Toronto, Ont. • Burdock Blood Bitters CURES ALL SKIN DISEASS Any one troubled with any itching, barnirtg, imitating skin diseasd cart place full reliance on Burdock Blood Bitters 1;effect a cure, no taatte.r what other medies have failed. It always builds up the Ilea* and strength on the foundation of pure, rich blood, and in consequence the cin -es .it Makes are of a permanent ailed lasting nature. , Mrs. Rirbard C.outine, White Head, Que., writes -'I-:have been bothered with sett rheum on my hands for two years, aid it itched so I did not know what to de. I tried three doetors and .eveia went td, Montreal 'to the hospi I without I getting any relief. I was ads ed to try Burdock Blood Bitten, so I got three bottles, and before I had the second used I found a big change; now today I am c:0 tioriryeou rib. t , Ont. d" Bock Blood Bitters is manufactured The T. Milburn Co. Limited. ; Fowl 'Wanted All kinds of live or dressed fowl taken ever, Thorsday at D. D. Wilson's Egg Emp4rnnu. High. est, cash price peid. 22924 J. G. 31110IfAEL I , Sbort-Horns for Sale Six highly bred Buds frau 11 to 13i months old. also a few young Cows and Heifers in MIL All sired by" Golden Emir and "Royalist" two splendid sloes, both imported and bred by Witliare Duthie, 8cotland. Some of these are also item imported Danas. All the individuals offered are of the beet Sept* Stied -Horn Breeding, bred directly iron Meres and Duthies Stock. Buyers eta cordially he vied to view the etook whether they purchase or not. Pries reasonable. First fann Northof Sea - forth, JAMES °CAVAN 2 294 -ti Beaforth, P. 0. For lunch, dinner, or ori those occasions, when good follows get together :you can't find better ale thee WH 1TE LABEL. ALE it has'eharacter, uniform pari- ty and unusual delicioUsaess to its flavor. Ordeatie. der:somefromryouril local . I --Brewed and Bottled been , !THE DOMINiON' BREWERY COMPANY, LIMITED; TORONTO. Old ',Timber, Lumber. and We sti' have a quantity of old:titateer 1 and lu her on hand, -taken frOnt che Oolem n Salt Works, whinh We .wM ' - sell cheapeteeentelitli ro-Ai r:„.:..... .1...... 1 ' 1.17. T5661., .4 uildings for Sale ,-r; We a o have two buildings which were u ed in tormectIon with the Salt Works which we will sell very cheap. The Robt Bell Engine & Thresh Co Ltd., Seaforth, Ont. POE SALE .toomoie.‘ Oettage for sale on Goderieh Street, seven rooni in fireteciess remiss newly shingled papered an jriil t▪ urnace, lmr t u soft avatar Meade, good e. Will be #aerifierai to a quick buyer. Call or melte M. SRODEnTog, se -emote 228341 BEAL ESTATE FOR nue FAR' 11011, sALE.-Lot nl, Ooneession 1, Miro Read. Tuckermixh, 2 miles west of Seatarth. Will be said re.aoon lbIy, Apply ou the premises or address THOS. FOWLER, Seaforth, box 1.01. 2201-tf R,S4LE-A very desirable piece of property en Fro t Street, Egmondville, Ince location. Good e choteru and welt Also straw inrrim, s ani plum trees, Line lotation for a irethe Low taxes. Apply on pretniees JAMES , Egmondvilie. • 2292.te , ouse, 11 pherrl farine UROEL 10R8. ; Spa est side t e said 11 be BATT/ 'n St "•;.0:B $.- -thin Jd tiler LE OR NENT--Town Lot, No. 10, in P. G. lines Survey, of the Town of Seaforth, cni. f Sparing St., and laeely oectipted by the osiah T. Tyrernen, the owner, /f sot sold Tenne liberal. Apply. ta JOHN , Agent fer owner at his office weet side of , Seaforth. %22634f LE-13eing Lot 1a, Coe. 4, McKillop, son ng 109 acres. The farm is well watered is a opting creek Tanning through the remises.; The farm is all seeded to graAs. Thiele first-ol farm and xvIll bo sold on reasemalte rms. or further particulars apply to .- 1B1GU Lot 2, Con. 3, Matta 2281at GO DORAINT-0E-For sale a trame rest/team and tlearesef land in the villege of Rgnmatt- ale. T ere le take a ettele and ore -hard and good . rden With all Muds a small UMW. The whole is • good repair and pleasarttly and teavenientlyeitn- ted. Will beeold °hasp to a quick buyor. An o 011 1111.ES ABEISITaRT, Stafia P. Oa tar to G. 0. 'ARM FOR SALE -For sale Lot 10, Ooricessio•ntf 1, ERH1.13.T, Egniondville. .Sta ley , on the London Roatl stituated11,nalles f ona ail age of Brumfield, eonteming 100 acres, ere is r, wed bank barn with cement ikaoring, A ever fain; wells, buck house, orcherd of abut 10 • we, there are seven acres of %cheat, 18aerMreadarfor •rop arid !faience la pasture. 9 acres 4 good heed- ood bu : Terme to sait purebaser. ADO, on F rembee r address JOHN .MUS,D001 ft, Bru228.7eetletild, . o. 1., , RAM FOR SALE-linr eale, North, Half of Lot a, ' Oweessio 1 2, Mullett., containing 60 acres iof holm la ad, all ,eleararl. On it is a bank barn 34x50, newly shingled driving Wed, !mew imuse18xist with 'tehen. A good orchard, well fenced :and under- mined, plenty of water, convenient to ethol and Smirches, La five inlets from Seaferth, 5 fromOlieton ead 21 miles from th - vilb,ge it Cent -twee. Will be gold on reasonable ternas. For further partienlars apply to 1 JOHN 011ESNEY, 1.02 Dufferin Street, Stastfordi, Ont,, er to WM. ELME. Eronondville P. O. 2291.19 • e FAII0ON ealTsiton"9,14TB::n?lhir psanife'lliVbeSbetrtlia, reoltniJOG teinin15gs ail acresof first-class land all dean(' except one acre of bush. Seven _sates of fall wheat are sown and Most of the fall work completed. On this farmis a good barb 40x5/3 with atone fotinleaion, also geed roomed ouse and an, sere and a bad of first-claaa hog penfind other nit-buildinire„ There ism eight orchard. , The farm is well drained an I there are two good Ilia For further perticulars aoply to JOHN cilltet$1,,F, xrci,t,i'8,1001/nea. tsiingTus eAkveeranmueitu, .Tereetensi, Or S I w-L":11Aill,:co',F0d, 11,:da:dEr-aiLonedt 0ft,nOdoninoes:lo:00b4allstualtleetatf. ' X COD Wiling 170 acres, About 100 mires Seared, aultivatiOn; The ealanee is hardwood thither. The g bandit) are all good, including a Imo beak barn i u and aria,. shed with pig pen nderoeetia Lois of never fel ing ewer. A good youna orchard of -the choicest ruit trees, Withirea miles of Walton ela- tion arid 5 Triileg /Wu 13lyth, aud within a: mile and a half ef bleclismith shop and post alliee. Will he svo:AZITI:10ed : of.ts4:. term, if not sold will be rented- Apply on the premises or to AxosanD ARM FOR SAI,E-West Ralf Let 118 tu2x1296:iast I F Part Licit 10, Orin. 1, Idolitilop, containing *ores all cleared, well fenced, underarained. 12 sores 79 to whet sowed and ahnut 25 tures ready for 444 , mop the balance in hay and press .. There iit a com- fortable !tamer/evening with sore cellar, kitchen and woodesb d, also good new frame barn with' goad stabling Underneath wish voter at tiae bun. Plenty of good w ter and smell orchoed. his 151111 18 Atli- sted on Huron Road la miles -rom Seaforth. Seised an camel:. of farm. For parelculars apply on the premises or address JOHN J. FLANNERY' Seaforth 41:biIMARM'FOla SALE, --Por sale, Lot '0,. Cone:s"don5411', t. 1 , jibe hailfdlids°anilrWeleaciared8taavnitileiYthn:leitaxaiellOtinigoilltaill seres'se°11 ores of bush-beeela maple, eta. There is en the rerneees,a good frame houee v.ith kit 'hen end weed ed, stone foundation, good eement, cellar, hard and oft water, one Weil At the house end one at the hem. 'cod bank barn. 78,40, with cementfloorinstabling, leo impl rnent house 24x80, nnd freme Pig house. Also 3.1 res of orchard. This is on excellent farm in first -el es shape. i.00 rods of wire fence has re- ntly been put up and 1,100 rods of tile undeeiralo- • Mg done lately. It is situated on the London Road, mile and a half from Brumfield. Will be geld rev amiable, either with or without crop. Apply on the ; ?readsee or address Brimfield P. O. ' JAS. PEIBIEt 2 _____,,,,,,____.•261;_.--1 tice to Creditors 4 / I send 1- a late of the r oe e. thweiFLt:te o ship lof tiolailloe in the CouB nty of aron. d e c le a sed Cath. arine Murree Notice is hereby given eursuant to R. 6, 0..Ohap. 129, Section 38, that all persnns- having Maw i against the eetAte of •the wad 01 Murrey, who did en the 29th day of Mealier. 101, ar required or betiare the Oth fay of January, 1912, by oet prepaid, or deliver to Proudfeet, Itays and llorane,ifeaforth, Ontario, Selicitore Ior Jobe Murray and Tames Murray, Executors 01 the ea • of he , their names .at addresses an par ; tieulars their define duly verified. Ad notIOO ft ; hither gl en that after the exid date, the eautere will pr to dietribute the meets of the tned tee 4, • tate to persons entitled thereto, having reeve only to a claims of which they shall then lave i noteimeewpar,0u feea theansaly dExecuottowrstwoselli:tedinotberia,litlehl Ba ; not thee have been received. PaOUD1r001. HArri 1, BxeouAND loiro.filkItA,N, Seafortb, Onterlo, Sod Intel this Ilth day of lieeenaber, 161ek ,HAYS. .1. M. BEST. " ,Baeritttr, Loileitor, cone flatten' Oance-hp-et Nici;aliter's turniturO 0Dare.. h. VETERMART. JOHN cauffirly.,V.SI Honor graduate of Ontario •or College. Ali diseases 01 imals treated. CUM prom t(E,and charges moderate. Y debtlatrY a isperAalty. >Witt tleinoe on !Gotierieh eteet,t, mist or pee Seotrs °race, V. .11ABBLIM% V.A.1 aorsorall graduateo tbe veterinary °allege; and. nonml 1130 et the Medistal Astociatioi 'taste :OtertnarY '..art Domestic axtItii principles. Deati 4. Orrice street, Sear the betel will blight arrittete , Celt Tit • reietary Peelle. ter tor beton itatdr. faiiit.te-- rter ot , inten Bank; havaortle en wet t El.01,1.1ES'I'lga i - !Barrister, holicitor, ttonvey r ttary Public. .c.,olicitor tor dian Bank of Cornme,ree. Monei Flems ti -pr °Mei. •-• In Mock, Iliain street, Seafortn., ot au; r"131. 1:7141414:OWS- Seffat of the methodist church. hne Ito. 48. Coroner foe the Offiee *aid reshience---Goderl re& wow ktACICA ffinee-Godeelch ehurch, sea IrAt,, graduate and member ,er the _Physicians and the County or Euro y, honor oraduate . geld inedaliet 01 cal calege. Menib-r ot the ?hyz!ians and s42rgeoxis, DB, Lx110H AM. el University ot Medicine; member edim Lod sarsem rigduate zettftes lo- ot Chieago; Bel ,tal, Lenten,. B ge hospital, ce---haek of the Phone We. 1. rom re-eidenoe, F 'Eye, ear, nose end throat on!, atrium Neer York OpthaImic az t te, 1134-1905; :i.tott-a,-1 ose and Throat HOtal, , and Mooretield'4 Eyf on, England. Mate-- iltgoo ,Street, opposite Knox ElbOatfo*d. At Queen's gotel, MS third Monday in every tram 10,30 a.m. to 3 p.m. UOT.I014BEHS. THOMAS 13.110WN. eeicensed auctioneer for the 01 Huron and Perth. Corres1 frOmPUY answered. Immedia rogementa for -sale -dates can ' by calling up Phone 87., Seel] Tbe Expoiitor office. Charges szSti oatistaction guarantee& • B.. S. PHILLIPS. caused auctioneer tor tbe 1 ' Huron and Perth.. Being a t r and tboroughiy undPtd raNao 01 farm stock and line me In a better positiorl sidEso good prices. Chiarges m lisfisfaction guaranteed or no sln*ers left in Exeter win be pi atteaded to. and runk R System. tiallway Time Table. l!rainslesve Seaford% atiollows ler a, For Oilelon, Godericla Wil Kincardine. LIO 13. in. ircr :Canton and liaderie p. zee For Clinton, Magian al N.-. dine, 1142 p. Poe"7"In13441"eda:Inelpis'll°d:erie4:511.11 Orillia, Naeth Bey and — a Belleville and Peterherc �s 04,8 p. ni. raorle is east. , flexe4eh end NORM - London, d * Ito 000• .... 4llio44141143110 p.* so eirlo.a.o,looaago *fa. "OAS* lip ...a a.”111.....otro ooJta o- • oo*ova*P3.,..“.4../.4‘...r.Pois ireoo.4100.31...ra,*•. . • . ****iolootaallif, 11 44,31o4.. . A ; a it) 36 IF ma. t 50 7 Oie ' ......,......... ....„,...... ershoro....... Sr .4 0,*.. • scaa.S.• 7 18 ton. ...-..„......i ....... 7 60 ciefieg..... . . . .....,......... 8 12 rt 4-411).......... • l• 4 . 6 'pit* .•,. i Arm. $ 4' 1 11414".11 a 41- }111 Ii. .. 882 at 48 glee .... .3..21 sm,"•.4. . g gg den, AlCren'smo"..000....4 30'00 V tow& and Ki Pass. 8.16 p.m. 12.05 pi .e.e.-,........ 8.42 .1.{* s...*..._.,7.........., B.e2 ikii..4 1.50 I -4t .. 40 Oa% 9.115 '2,n8 11,--11. a .....• ••••• . .• tai1544.112 1 LDS Pees. ... ° 1:::0 eel25 21.3.vale- -...-.. 0,e4 11.87 riG.1--..- 8.05 18 8 • • 7.17