The Huron Expositor, 1910-11-11, Page 871 7 It & 1V V.Kmpm IM IVEMBER & I ho It. bm t ft ue of abou ou r. Pract`oal
lm�,V a vowing.
Uf tb .90W _Ruamli Y t i fne
V1 irned"'
the RW r y 0*11d amr A at t�he PLVmftlon )4,- Ngftim T etq -.bow h as )ft�' Me IF E 4e benefit o klasice M�Oetlnr in cunton, or. Mold th cousin Of Mft. A gh Fashlort, this f owip4TAp. L If t TIEW t gwa,L,r4i. 7 I Line I eal B $2.25 Wake.
oi, opportw a se. that webave turoed out this season' e1ra, ure Ca(rd f oi T=JmAm._W. an—d Y41M. h JU nu (Aintoh.. i -were to * dge sole y frorn the.great
_7 W If you Regulfir- $2.26 -01 th 4i - Johnsta " and -its miss Seatorth. �ah _r� Tarniy take this the we would . -.ft _. I lest of retu tlumks everybody has been supplied with millihe7m any But 9XP 04tor Or eke 'th& place h4z r wbo a in I B $LC0 'Is tid d1larjor he 11biege. of �'h re thi ;j oft, trom Now MW ia .50. 01 th t b emd neighoiss w partment is stilf,�'a busy spot tbe store . here
k*,a:l nicetiug-_ next year. t t wellin 5 messge we give-lis.that we can a ways serve y.c b h Son �ddve The IftVixftor-tor "t , om�awaths -tm, and VA a ' Th-, Erartioditu'rial 86clety. The satisfactdrily ap&can turn out a tAs ye&rly rate oe if, Iroft the a and unexpected genierogi 01
is theseason otrain HIS oual meeting - off, -the Sestbrth like a wa trip ;�;k IV% sbo m bll death, uraf Soclety was: hold In, the towrk si `w' ' GO -A I LARART9 T iaw slush and'olea-ky' I X_ _CZNTS bell on Moi�&y ev,6ning fait. Tb at - SEA TB tt ter4ande was not very lamg,, but the -to-date '.Vrus shoes.� Don't,court� a c6ld my The anniv se�
=Awe wa a" The, Age r Up , resent WeIri'. quite Lqtm, U4 Weve- rly P Syrin $hoop's medi, with wet feet.-- No e'xcuse— sddrez-,!� -in Canaft, from Now Re qaTy wirvices In. knox church W4 and lookingf V;VF solendid waterf6roo uary 'A Cooksj, Cotton Root Compo very ule 'Y. J. 9. D for we'lve� W -&Td tO 0a&bw oucwasfi eair. Pbe This is your OPPOTUV%it�,,. 11TO i ir D.$ delivered 14 t followihs weri elected teers- 4. F� "d Woods7 Phosphodine7i I andA prGar %.:I k- O-S'at Ve-11r V11%4$ about It.. A .7 - ch were much to Tr[Mme Quff firit 0 to about 1254 on moderate orices. I ce; Jobla A.r�gVj IV L T Past -Nhc�ht. — Vt down towa, qhough ne Ja no TO the forhmmu Moaday, ei n1k ne PDW as, r0r; MMUAY -rnoetinx dt Mason - * D, - bei up amd axo=dw the; ?,G;g Wh 1pvei 4. More- which was fAiTH Haf a HoaC J.- F.i W)4,. D. Haja- Tyerrmw %still law b Ltt a- 1Y wc�, I'attended.. Azx excellent 0110- Me- f s Women's a-nd- Lofte Waa held on, Ala r eyeLIT 9 "d I I try, - x -Hrlinao, J. - Grieve r ;F" WF is occasica th 3, On tbJ etgp - Iffcott AMd J. CUrL.tIS, dj-, ),wessitig i &�orabl� LUC, gra= lie Was ker*xed by frieuds work was tak6m, by the d1t *Xelai Pal it r� Ha 9AtIXoWh- s etter thon he was, 11 i bA 13.TuwAa, Wingbam and Wroxetqr. amd, 01 aft arS madbsn of the Li4se, W10! �a' 6 his .. h Entirely proof Shoes of Box gulditorl. It wai deold"ed at ob., ac- ild, ivdu1,4 mlsoon Baad wil through the w6rk dnheod r_ 5t, cb�mt -4 t tbe i1oximu and --b� gonia Ibi as W "-W Calf a'ndL CXun ?Aetal effleiMt r4jjA edifyinst, - Mann w, At er t e - 'a hick -le a oclal arX4 Va b-dy j * 'he No 011001ted 1180t o S.—Mr. Michad obbstwx Iwork In the wre- room freaftm%ea - subool r(xo ot U Memomn 0 factorY, thls'Teaj:�' mernbe ore, IV.- 'SCA - Is,11fty acre homestead f were oerved atid, a pleasaat Isoclil i o Your oat Waterproot t rrpp who re on. Frlda3 ev,&,ii E!Very pwot�, J M l� f I 00- thelb wR be allowed- Wm extra, ae cti vited,. 1pbMtoa for the oum of Oak Soles, Lace -and i� I- _00. . OP-, Dow` has a fann tot 122ra, ac� spept., , t1okV. 1 I 3 17. r1liott, of RhIcklaodw., WIS Mr. M Ichael Johnitaca has purchased T Blwher Styles. fori r "Swent 93=4. G6o4 the! -M� Jawdihe Smt It' .—T:he, slim, +4 of Eeatortho As nt 100 a re Urm, of Mr.' -Thom" S1 10 ==Y parts at tue ,WestAWere at, or -a fewju -in town (this -week, Ik'- *aA for tb a oum of $6,000. jibis 1�jveo LIKI-119 unlhiaiy -heariagr Ed� 1 it ftc, c� iar- acco d bli: bride, ' rl W �Vw AVIV ure 'this, Y"r, other-partahsaamed - to y farm ot 25W acres, and it jodf witb thi murderotzzqUvdeir ioa 'a I a toF Tj I trre' botli beir farms mo -have beeh fvored� In wrl e ichdal Of Torbdtol where the,, the. G69 11��,K bk 'tfieir,'T io�� xe compact. 1qovembcr2 -Nmeirt undentand that Mr. Thornars Upoatiom *OM Regina, W.. David Re T- Jardinie, s ala- access head bie they jv the guests -of Mr. I I �10 I oryl. as tonly�r HUM "te 7i5 T. la fore Poice. Uwgistrate Bi. I ttr ki-G- .. _( is go ng to retire and Arove to- have een ood-In tb-- New e ri-i join tic, Mala treet.—A t �orth. Mr�-Slmpsmls ongof thetj *0 R"M� wILLIS r1ch o1i Wedhead4 UWnj e ROU moon - crops, -of, the is ivchedulW nbas and hewed. out a theautiful U, ren, alrA Rouleai� . distirlett I Wheat, go-, � t� + 1- oners j�leaded- mot 6ruilty t the a nX. Opposite the Expositor Office ins As hiwh a -a 45 ibu"s to aare 'Utered, agalm. t t I th " Vember I th.—Mr.4ake Sproat, for h =elf, and he deser' now Ves a e maker at Sproatsville, . Tup t amd of,excelleat- mt.—Miss Hanmah CL 1301ton.'eur+10. quaIlty. Oats, nd —Seaforth— Ediwal d aftle Lof tus E. ape d4y.49 OILS wee *1th ftsisful tacher, has rest na wkwe also -gooV' ( -nit a c Duple Of fq he frichda Roxboro.—AA she U-10, achool too he& d *Iuld Get Headwear W21 e rZ finds owir 9 'to the, a,. *,&y, Soutbgate wt,, NINA recelv t vv W. ira. bet a cap 9, Igh-tersebool. Thettus. Faxrr"is, Keethm;.—.we at, Ve7 tridt6fbry ev -at the 1114U41et -janll unti-I the New Year. _Uisa Langstr( t -h-,-. tees. -jare adv,Wtj6jUS :for -he 0 ot a nother te the corow te M inind our re"esps cy �etl ot th6r 4jury It0, re- of ATOM �, is vUt another te th. t �V!01 gro
ames Wat�on, I t Lug MJM EZea 'or er. This Js a igood school ero a i farmws and'athe" knxtere� tid -o be serve, bu. 66 A&ter &tG. me it J_M� SUMBSOr tO W. 1q. W&UOU, had In. the ta5m hall dn & S�Oitjj , to.- Atsult. I cru. Children now o Mulcahy.- -Ms. Thomas Evans Of 30- fib salary Is poK for OM' tr0it, -is dGIUM9 her ZDHSIV� Mm., ( ecy. r ow, tv t ck, -while -10a
jatqA&y, at wo evio 'a ataW-':trhL1 on Oh 'e of 4MWM0y, d oderich: street.—MW3 M U:m General Fire We and Accident Insur- the Wivgate TOU11% his c",e Rxeter 'plapose of &ppointL s to WX a Anto Ajg;;jt. ReaJ Estate and Ott&wa if considgred the, - at L who bas beeft so A ood'ldea. a4v �sable wid 0V go, Ja U, irch x In ly ju at —Messrs. Rarvey Bipm. We have excellent seilljng lines. ome of twx all Q6j& oOf br- a
the ca Of the 19&r. atid Jam�s Coopetr, is a Lam XgeuL Insurance Tbg other QUeStjo Vt Uu nxe-ter :Roller Mills, have kin& of prope4y effiected at the to Urmers and edft'umem 0 nainei Y. 1,11 did. c Y, bad suffleddent evi- 44 L,& riovel method of brbigh-hg th� Td(%4 —Mr. W111146m Lockv left uicare cordtally kwited and It -to I CIMM e ng. Modk I Flour" Wcre for his W79 week tartler r0a. Q! ire h V 4, 7- rnon advertise t4at "any father or =QtIhOr Dealer 1nXewR&TmondNMt& and there will Jbe, a larwr atte w", )slwin Uls' Ub friE nd-9 here. Mrs. Lockrld �a and Wool Caps Toques wfthb4 is, irwdi� Now ifcW� Sewin childrea, -will remain hfte for ia' time. s o4 fifteen trrAles V Bx__ g- Naebines and -An C"M- %Parators. Iforse few -yeahjs wug-o ve r dlh�, 1 vem bout over to 4iei� Ith- ad eter, -WAU 06 f1stily Of twelv% Oodudkqll at are not only succwaul monVay berse and out f i rther (b' at . the *1ak qwxt the pa-onts, who wJ11 bri=L�r ',:8*a Wboto.. th IWe WRI Wa$tg Walton ixmb of their farrIlly,
A ffuLl mpply f sewbig machine fairs were he)4 � in seaiorth ia-tiilir t lonwha e datenia Nf�ed. at and diressy,but alid're- I I .. � Y_ ne winter sea -son, -wWch alwa�" a�tft.w SpeeW Services.— Smdal evange-lia' them,a present of 100 !pounds of io*! Pairs always in (sa dre anytbing ap"t in J�ewdertr for tic hld in Model! Plour�' We understand 'that ,9004 crowds tol twN11 and 10 meetit um- WWI tip, durable and com
ii Xra"Y04 111upply qu.. Order early so as not to Presbyter an church for three tu Elevrvay reeeivw time considerable stook chaavA 4 _,Yix�li :'and7
led; sol be diexp�oiutw. J. . Dal Jeweler. 2239-1 wee. M, tbe�- For me reasom and anothez V ;ra @il delivery of T6ilki-eys, G -e and ghmtr4g f,unday, November 20th. 'ro r _W e IlDpedrnmesi at H. W. Colqlihou,s eat paitor, R)v. Mr. LuM&y, will be 0 at _ -!M.- ft. 3D Iff tho y I= v photogirap; fortable. y
Were allovred tal drop, AD have -learned -bow many vbbcwk4g� towil.9 b mamr% agate 0 Wednesday aund Th 19 pet. ave ay, ed by-,ZV'PftgeUst T. A. *W00ft, )f t- re skoe. nowever, fainu 103 of t� S "t.. X4 v. loth and I th. �0&11 and get our noes clever size mntioned are all too scam I I Two bi selling lines, goods conftued them mAd It, not b6 w "Wore a illitig bewh taV08, a fine singer and' 9 2 1 this I&A of the country.- 40011 or BOB Flour - Another L4 rop of 60 cent per bla will- also be held at - knitted frofn warm, heavy for the co A of Tra& o w1laner. Two weeks of swelal twee this mmttw u BrI(N.-The rrA47 friends of b I It anytliku 9do, ig flour m ikes It look ike a good time to buy. Clet Umerlef. A �1 V�e,4. Pas plain Wo Um la 90bg t* �* dDrAe thh(ye X our I 011"Aw I, I lots. 'trr Flour Tbo% Allen, of the Tlanwa Road. yarns, come in both R ke th. 2 All s_Ught dam Formerlysoll by Rdd.& 0OWU. the tima tuAnaka ion c rc�w.o to k% -A that 1i ise4ollAy and combint elors we Mat Doiet the little fet in your fataily go w! out b sloppy #,ki & The wat i Norms. I Q MOUUr ba$ Rio I I aVA we fed that this woWd 4)e bae a 8 swat drug,bualue4w An Feterboro.-ThP, hocI4 and are, marked at the pop- -466. R- MIS, Opp"Ite Expositor Office- 22 7.ltt'd Note&_' Mrs. Thonva War&, of t ie Chrlstmaa of I -now bave, a -k amd in && - � . V - good. Am o I boys kte- bregirmUnc to talk Wigainl7l iw the0e d s b Is arriving ever day -our conee"lim.,.dled on Sunday, oct(Aer 81. dition have a large: order placed ular priceS 'Iff a 6av th�_ mu`nached the' cood ae ot 82 TeM"WM CM-VcDtiVn.—Th0 annua% sot, am sy.stm both In buying and"llinir, i jacbs hi*l ation for the ew�ng season.— Hisc , with the Delawaro, Lukawans & femperwAs convention bw Huton cou rt,� before A at var ety of goods at riglit p Lim. EdUh Glaiaville, daughter of Mc�. a Blen. Va rF't e -Aklm name was C 50C 22;9-1 oaj.ftl ift%ers of ty h" jftL �Q� bn i. Gunville, of vanct;uvet� U was- s �nday I to s, the por plar lipqq for Xzn Glass. wi" a n ve of -to good a� - thd Prom- the lukutes of tbe-fs Mv Ill, t Amss ati tonnerly of Exeterp was uwdt D. 14 Ak W. Scranton., beiutif rtmenka b M4 4, Jeweler Store. was fed 40 . yeagjs ago, ho It was abmn that of LfM&126 ouml OL -4 Octobee 26th, to 174 0ai X, al�Don't to camne free f our oAt meo ist amA h4d,keskled 3 eke Jones, of that city and Itles In'th4 ca�aty, Ashfle as good and -hulls this se . jcoyh�h and ever 8 Her huaband and to s ma merly Grey, NUMItt, Tuckersmith. berlpii In previous ones. W. E. Kerslake, h. sluarvive Thomas or t LowlotL The brIde's Dark, s ark, Usborm and West W&WL=1 UI. � bore ill wish bm al Mr. L QnL D
Prices ven each wiE ek for all kinds of Po try. of the sixth Wo Water,, S"harth der low ption, BI Wh(, *VA in &aforth for la me e 44 Stella 1 Ckregory bas taken a and t" b tijr% L, L' I aVe de"oA or e. we sh ip'eaeh Thursday. Rim 120 . 04- r1nal I f the continuation-achoof at! no almaze. of the remal� 0, via seato B 61 2 -1 Handkerchl.l., 10 i1T COW id. Datthf� sask.,o Wb 43. bo eight have glym How ti�uch �41terry ur feet i90 , situsUcim In A. gwtfe,044 a alary of $11& g6 Vmth., 9 would feel if the a bas a A protecto I thtse, dava b 3r a pair of our good U A Taylor, daughter of arf 110t ther ixty -per ftnk., Robt Wi lgX17 434ustrjou'o executive committae a6ked that' s� opposi I te I kpositor Office. aM, �rs Jamea Taylor, of Exeitm 4W XiLas Modsarrivin di atDalys4welry young a just the " to go dn mun ioleyoufftane *-121 the west,- -Hill. Fralft tat Day, ko Mr. Raymond L, Huetoa� j4 contribute five dolli marr M In Lomdon on Thanksglvlu�
be laid away unyu (qui 0044 "That, deserve special merdlon
&_%isst In the work and recomr�end Lod 3 9-1 the st-E .4 tlmbw an 9 Dr89e-jFors%1d'&qotherlof1 of those FAstem 4*avej Joad that GodearIchi, Cbder1cht0WNb3b1P, WE 3t �t M wall Loa&�. Tbiq ftremony wm poerfti.,MW STRAT FOD, ONT bred cov s of good milh ing strain. The best I have to Mr NeNi 1801�e 'day and until sold. Killop be :requested I Hutm Uft <= their weddlng trip W G; T. 24-5i8 M died 4 .t waltaim eat dozen Wawanosh, Morrl% Se4dorth and M 6ver offt red will be here on Fl.i _,Of Druszflls� to- by Rev. Dr. Manning. Mr. and Mj�! MwedUaleia ftcogniud:" the� great pradic� tb aune oca bull, dexMdo .
hl rX
tWe9ttermOntaxio. Ibistbe,14rgest I Week' ot1wr p 8 UOKL camPalons for January, 1912. The lion -c -&afqrtbj an Mond olnts aZO fy Found -In ay, Nov.'7th, there from � Witgham, vAx; e be ha� I teea as the beak Gar courseg Wa prwtiW, our olm their- retuirav w1U reside In Lmdo fouawing offlueZa were eledrAr� a small s of onay. Tne low can have the� 4 -me engaged ia 'the livery busine-,"m expe#eneW hi4motom our gx=aduates sue
g"s. -11ruxer, at P. walsh's, i Sea. The #Ide w -e ed. Thmedepactmanw. onapply U tonA' hand'
Idmt, F. BuchanaD_ ; se cm-tary, as Met h "Pulor YO forth. 1. was cause A- Phaid favA the of de %th. MereM 8ho-rtha-ad Cooper; -treaiurer, J. a Ikown faili-es !ot the town a -W Mer Vom - hoyt F06 -one good, ersey Cow, rull 22=�o For &fng, ain I i 2 trienda w1111. A-1sh her all posrAble est ideas, ave just'b Telegraphy Pft'sident- CeutrD Huron, G.- BC !t-': een sniall pf�s. L. G. Va6 1' zwond, Seat-,rth. 2ap. i Hay -We haVe aco"L Uoft-, GoderIch; Worth p1hess. -The '%P0o%tj0M Wo ftanot Mpe HU To rea.-h the.-Poultr3 Headquarters tak:et Telephon e Lagw` kid of Cavt4m t. rM4 M $55 and MU11--raontliare remairr Kexr Won 4e �Appe_aA.-Tho lo o&el at, will h Y4 a soclal;aod paLe of Put oil sal- W-lughUM; South HUZ400. T. Line and xing 129, Seal orth, Bearie Bkos. 29�30_1 plain UZO 'nay ViE home Made cookba =*Uar. Qetourfte6 colnMence ed eaze of' the Toiwmblp of fancy aprons and ,your coum at 0aft, WcCalluM, Exeter rSpresentativea ForSa le -Yarns, Oil Dyestaffs, oil tanks, i ter sotMette has now pamed itd Scott, -of the, various munIcIpaliti% - Godleric tanks, b mochin 7, and all emall stuff As anal istatge on November 25th. -Mr. James A wise plan is fo yo D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal we a 6 ate ng o tne Seafoith W:)olen ins, Bind, the t(nvo�skdp is t�ae Wilmer, S S Will craino*ty, v u. to buy! aVVULqhln i ROW meivin Hctwell;_ Goderich. tow.ublp, bas mo ed to Exetefr akW, lbj Overclo Lve tb g m V E. Southgae. Co. Li Caldwell ; CMton, - Q, J. � Wall is Wini I,' -be seen by the followhilg wblcfx -ww 'take livlai? 1 In the bouse recently ev,en if you intend to for V. on r, Seaflith. upIfA G use
Bel from the court MW ts at w. by thd late HaxrY Taylo(r,-Miss VI o�t 'a, S. B�ehnett; SWOrtb. YL P,.ye st. tkin eauses chea, pe. ftled haL things, Wre V Tuesday: Townsbip ot Ha v. 0 w t Ba". V 1. r, and have pA es gives J astant relief te ro fr Z Rm-sall, Rev. J. E. J. Ulllyard,- es red e J.P. Xj WHIU hao rattaued to beT im, 228 ).1 IchIPA4 after 'a wt Caldwell. Blyth, A, 13 o them aside for - few %dy-1rUV6g some h- avy bills to �neet Y;� 'fir' - frIendh hera.-Mm *]DALY Wd, - M .: 'OaTi Jeweler. tlette-An. appeal by detendunt tr6mi UsAefte, 11 gift weeks. I Pricit. its f
*Uisels. F. A %XIUM I IN AccountjsRe Ju(13ment of a DivIsIond Court ax WUU ib�AUSN rw� i, I - - ." 'r ,
this momh I would lie pleased to havo, as range is very great. �i bom Jeweler nd OptidAn ftell; WIroXeterf.Rev. any Wa, a, etlon- lef t here Ad! OC 4MUte, J. Tlhve I last Week f(Yr.f;he wels.t, alcountb Wed thismontbas possdble_ 1 rei uire field Rev, 16. was declaration that operated on reoeatly In �CU.;ax7j Rutherfb& thefunds George.A.Sills, Seaturbli. 2ts 4 for John Ddstow; Grey, T. hIhways alghwayj In mu Pupils-mialva Dodds, who has an . Petdicitis. At la�t acco=ts be was lod Issuer Marriage License TO public S. - Ran -tie ; HDWjZk, - W. lton. e h r vocal toursi in connection �with the ror. aid t and that - defendant insy luis well. -Mrs. Hwag Sheefflo4 of 1W Lorm�
onto Con 3ermtory of A usio with lgh standin -, is IV 43AS -0
Killop, R. Scarlett.- -d be res r or .6b and Mrs. W. Ck-owe,- H liett,. j. i fiem occupila, I Vf land; Mo=L-1, Ttpmas 'B' Tprod to receive p iptls for AlFeia OulburS' an I udgmem t. OrWla was reomtly the quest a the tj a dantion. Foj te Ap b-01 om. f ivii-.51 : no Pr, �- struct 7 ONT rmnis-aud 'ma apj�ly at real- etc. The j Rev., R Hicks[ Tucclk�er. m1th, P; o It enceoraldressBox45i Utf pe fr den.alied that the roaAs Mr. George powei it Seaforth,T. 6 t.�Wo comfort %bl'a es enac 4. 4eady oul) noy, ne4eadv or a. Seaforth W rent or. sqll. 0 fehd2cd t %go ou t of mossesslon had met.-Mr� James B, -w, our 19"101 P. amn; FAmt WaWan Joseph Xrn -O-dd' 13TICO; Turn i In VVeX0 SIS beirry, A. E ly; Tjsborn.�#, Houm 'to Ben publ c roads md orAered tt. P, e_ twority 7ears shee rothetv tj it� Our CI rpet epa Me"t andtjie MeronocLobprlst. bo H. Edge, same. Jud in�bt Aiveal dim �h waxdm bad a coulAe of -of West Wawanosht BhWe. V�tl Seaforth.t. 2230-U prhicIpa spe,pkers weZe, ev.� B. &Pmo- before the maglisteato fqr an 4nfiactin, m en -ana ic
No(&) G. Miller I 1.Xett,�IWe IL . of the'lgam IWW I 'Sends 'Forth- an I nvitatfulls. and Rev I'l Lo4p94 Briefs. -W. 'a, At the evdilo- inmr1wee ul6s McKAL�Y, who makes aly of Goderich ward Ruszetlt PoVltr:�, raisW;, recn a The i9ta loh, -Rouge Bumed.-A very ered, by H. tly Wingha-sn e h serious f here m St!nda�k in of birds to U betH.a ccuirred, For, ablws pair � . I About TowkL-The bave passvdi men aax.& 0: Mr. Woemmes Work. for- I bifsslaas.�-The feceivol $5 1ji- aftelzoon last, resulting In the total a by4aw ImIjogitig fees .:jUrM
ovingtoo-i -Of the hamdisome 0 Iltry is t4e. [Most m6f le dg. destructi aMU&I m`&et1n'-'_ Of oa M PME atlon tU-rE( ObOWS aa foUtnMi-. bw pictigre. 010(w 1 ip it bytc�l Society of the V roj4Ws For. ts- EV farm. - of buildhig t the Gramd Tviink _parbra* Rallw4y. ohly $50; for vaudervM-e $60 adaU*�� Tais now the season when el -M Missionary Society wa� held in. Northt e Id, * Vdrmbnt, was 1: kat The fire I i supposed to kave,io;io 39to .4. by-law to came into force o-- sepht. ry -ad Woman, the Tna m�ee Road Preab 2-lah week,- vlog come t et the-;Ue Ift he ticket offlce� but lao-Ver-solt bqks eve Afan a Old I.;Ood -9 ten*er lat.-The coutwil have appaled 90
Okk Tue daY aast. There WaSL! a loss thei block adi aroulad at he time amd thf) f1re jus Mr. R Ior Young,,' -every y4aung.'Miss ito the 00taxle * Hy&O MecWc Qmmisl, Qttehdaace, 01 the ala� lailes , and has 14 Ned to i havyle Mil gained @ireat headway before it w P'5 sloO to make. a suvey of the Underwear -
and every Child in the family rr-'QmY of the misslaa bais -belix- fitted ; once, so th-a t twticed� N:Ytb1v4g was saved, But' , Z41 Well (10 water porwr.-Last week *p. J. er ere7s - n were eXceefflngly latwesting. The'fojrem back 141 th form�r Ste x� s a,t bbe Me wind much greater darnaAgle Od should be, pr9tected with rePreseUted', aad the sev�L4. Ise"i ' aInd R )Impon, the; lan good call the U1110 -snov;r and the dLrec ;Dt Of FAst Wawanosh, fell a2ld n at f
.Rurwaob, sturdy Rubbers. Th .0 er shoulder.: -Rev, r. a V hom session was devotel I a amgej e&rliestl possible date. He�� 4t7 have been done, as the watA.-r pre 5s*� y va�s in- the 11 kriowa and hlighly rbspected elaV=a kvestrfteat that pays auftacelv -much Amsed with the n ants, for isome unexpl lars
- so well. busikiew. such as irne read ableims)an n 5. ior,
when the wallkiv bag of repwt.9'ete. church, dled bere o�i, A protection Of the MethoM, st 9 -The ifteVloon slag- which V2 fkemec� haa� led the .-fik e, nd roasodiral..., nvt %trID09. enough tor pe Tuesday, ta-st, after an fllnemef wt -d boys
SIOU Was takera vp largeli r 1b 3r ad&.e,s*4 ,aye tb�t. If, It -had. tj rj ta�ir effective. Isi statloh, bu i -.1 - an
is slim, and alwas a protec- � -0 - three weeks. He was Pattie of! and music. The eqealng 4 eas foil, whle-x a all
good 4�F-k the amwg-o woluju erected a years ago, t. 6 Ut el3'ht v Pxescott, Ont., aP4 was 72 yearo lot Orly Well VIWY Tra E tion to health and shoes. we ministry in 1860'ana. ts was OPM to the. public, ('V �as t be Lch gei t*. fhe Tlace -the old- 0ae that wam
ShOW reliable Rubbers in all httebded. la afttlon to a wry *USIU3 mxpchm of the fh-w.j of buifted, = was. onef the nicert' a" datered the lur
musical. Pro.rainme, add -r 3 nf�l E crAdOnt mOst Itie.. The after 40 ears of active O*vl dC=t. U* 4nd
standard brands'and all the met with a �Pal cmfortable on the when be came ita ape liverd VY Rev. J.1 Ric -ds )ki of - Kip- ut KiE, his. .-Is estlmbd at about $25 uperaj=uated In 1900 1ght styles to fit every sh 011111 Y. He Was 0 M.41 Lg; 0 000. Ter ipo - resids- In WIngham, Where he has- Wnd,�e way to churdh,when Pen, who represmted t-1 e ONWMO axy quart(wa will be provided,, sc , qe ajved. He Is survived by his of Shoe. byterM, 1 OWU wld&w. 144 Allsolon, j lie EUP -oo the�paverneiit'andl broke fire w111 in at -cause y in ad by Rev. _u. his ary Se A. rw, I I an conve e To several of a family. -Rev. Uri KhA41 BOX- ftm cretairT of 31. a, mal. botle In bJs- airkle, He I be the traveaLing public and- a new I "Is the new &cumbent for the gar* -a dresses- Were hXtftesthx1,. build1hig V SLOI Menys Storm Rubbers,, Toe n laid up kor 'a coie V.., veel,4s 0 I �nolrlq. i. .4 more extend"ed semal of-rdrtilwich, Gotirk aMA wrometer. Ae the 0 oa; -The r1re lal w Rubbers e, Rubbers;, S The p2ator Of -a arm W 00 & out -be Prcycee&d with as saola, as now In C114096- Of tU IrOM ChlgeDbeo Pletcher, pr"Ided. e�i us report. baU-past ten- on, sat .31t,. but- Arctic Over- submitted were of the -IMr. K Ramsay, wbo farmAy tapt acting Rubbers mo, it �Or#utka it Zurich. 100! Sait le- I
buragring proved to- 6 e,% work T welcomes verybody to inspect its flection beaudw sho Storm Overshoes and hature, aod- bho" tb t 1W fals� al Gkrieve, Notes.- the UVerY stable near the Bell factoa, col Of s. v. A. D. Gischlr was died at lils home in! WWlt(ya I re -V�l from typhold fever, and was jbUrWW*k oes, Rubb been docie durIA- of MeEI1oPj' who.ret�� j& M leek Oki .RodwY la: it week awlstIng in . 'I a&'�' fine
4 Buckte Oversh- iin' the 't yegr. - Th( In I ful things that go to make old attracd% f0U0WICg Ore the coatributious of trnj ao a,7o f som a tri�:t Xhc any househ Roots and everythi WeAt, service. 9.-1 fr. Mairtlo wurm; -Wt(: r�q Br�mels on, Sun4y t. n Ing a man several Auxiliaries thimaks VICK1116P I'S dx* cheerful and homelike. We single out som e things tha- MUS101A Band: Ile cmt&Y sol4 his farm, ba# -moved to ywrL Rams,ky were both respected Midmts Worste
ftt if xlUarles-A4barn coil for winter foot protec and are in a"tin to 016thing and oth. �0ays tt A) tarmers In Ontario can make Mr. WUrM as VL -C1tkZ1 111ADf Of t0Vn And Members of St. should appeal to eerybody, natnely Beautful New Qr tion., Wo meji�_q and Misses? er sunffies furnlahed� to Thdtan �� a., thaIX !the We We welcor w '1� �=OreL M obey. i stern ftr)nera, our VjUaP.*'%_ . 0. h AU It wcl'a laot for -the money Mr H E ties .4 dhurch ebolk.-Maltland'presbytery et Squareg a He Stor m- Rubbers, Law Rubbers, 143,-r of the Dom-Iri o1a Bank at 1� 'hurch on arth Mats, Yardage Car Tneet at cIntosh 6 P pets to SUjtL 30-10; Dayfle1ld, $3'866; -PlaKwi $24, i. Rand. speculations we would spehit the recent holiday W11th ro Overshoes, Storm Overshoes, Bruce November 17th, at 2.30 P� Qn;* tb orn, Linoteums for Dinin field; $1810; Blyth, $1�16.50, bea ao: MUCII� f the- (Zl(rls of the 16mts here.- -Mr. W. Mqrplpaer, of Ikiductlaix of Mr. g Rooms, Bath Roonis a-21 gan J� 8, MCM, Ian, anti Halls, IoV -We had .quif a beavy_ jsnow� visited bir parehts and other to WPOOO of a call from, Pine River- 14q Cardi s and Rubber Boots lint0q, $141;.Datflis chujrch,_McXt1 Lace Curtains and Pretty Drapery Material Rlmad!,reds Of in all widtlas to fit the prese& $25; E,gmondv 225; xieter, $100:- orm (4 i Sunday and the �irst here last v; eek -Rev. Mr. 4dt, of I kaj Godrich bi-, favor ot Rev. a. if. Rutbertord,. �Dt Duo. incidentally we would add t al items t style of Shoe. Klaox church, 122 Gooe -the if ason made their o wo speci the foreg. Ping ce on. I wook ' occ ipied the -.3ulpit bf the vait- Camon.-Re Mft which We appearaL viv:all Wjmgha�a of Baptist eb -t SP _js,� rich township UrAon chutch, $62; Hen,- okiday a loads ladleB, gelical church-Iast Sunday momi namely Wool Blankets and Impoi ed White Bed. re T Gall, $193; Mil Green, 41 he WowWs Frelga urch have been contliiued th% W11 100, �Ckktoa( of t M-191- the'evenlw, Rev. Mr. of 14.0 week and probably/ close 0-,,x prdlay jev- Our values are the bgst. 11 Miller ontin Rubber is high these days and., 0 KIPP* Al 73.'0 2 etb u1i i., $ 2 9: y Soclity-ot the Preph,yt*�w.4 to; occupiel the galr e epulpli In the 14-t enIng. They bave bee, productive q L $120; Scafoctbl ch Weat to' Thames 11oad W. Tue,%- terest ot the Lordlis Day Mijan� muclv cood. Mr. Tor
085.79; es there"s a strong tein tation to Emit r1e, Is an t HUI, $76; Tham h, 1 o& t, $138.;- Y to a ttetd the a=ual. v3�6etlarg. of Mrz. Islah 'Witmer wol0r, and his effort.:. e -and he�r datig;htei, impose upon s are attep.ided. the trade. We 60; Vafta, .$1414 e Pre byterial. '10.0cle t to--I*iffi -1 0'_ ty.-W, Anj,wun Ada, have retunied &otn a 'VIS1 success. -Mr. J. Q. Workman 13. sell only the sort of Rubbers A-11551on J32;n4s.-1B&yV .1 ead, ot Woocistock, spent a few Principal, of the high,school 01&'Ire-
ed $89 Bruce- frienft in RIkton, 141ch.-The Xolaonp 'A. Barbar po we can guarantee. No' bs or field, $85,61; Ryth, -8;47!00 C' h, ys the be,,luaing otthe wek v4tra,did Bank ba -re b jo Va lookfn�g for new: and isigned; He bas beet ppoInted to a $50.00,- Seaf 1.1 I E frkrran, aforth ard Keg friends. - MT,. rnore, ca . nalodfou P"m1se;s and It 10 ZIUM Oa the stAff Of bn fat lthe,Unlver� com-poslVionRubberhere, W lop A $10,48 Mrs � malcol m Verruson, of reported"that Mr. J. J. Memer � W111L" OUY'sehooU, reemfly egt&b1lshi,A in Cori- $8a.22, 9unzh"Q-_1 Van.- want you to expect 111ure Rub-_ ChVq ChU 11. Wi_ $� . re 'IthC, Totap Ver Isla4)d, Britlah Coumbia, who fl. -Y iculty of t UP _&r: of his store prerrAses tot Wetida with the Fa ber value for your mone al co�txjbat Educa, Y h$212.27, makincl''the to, j eve e e or w1th them% Ur. J. Preetc� bas ibecn e* 11 sPetidin,'g some -week ak: In T6rdato, UnIversIty. The Xrorr. Auxiliaries than yoC, get elsewhere, IMI; �Sj(q- tp
and% Lr. akW Mrs. D. Moore and othe relaiq'� -WaTcled, the cdatract of puttLmxg U -y a n *T500 with an annud. Inercaso of $100 $2,410459, as cor6pared W [VeS a_!n trjeta in L E'gr
ad.71114e and fU th year..,, True members of lohnity., let mace In the town ball by the Hay utitil $2,000 is ro-ached, t for their oTn �wh -Auxuw h ca 'rhuM- township (oundl.-The Ladlee Aid f tion Is to take effect of the Rvatia Mr4d church are jg&the -nbers of f -cry, �e so n, of IaxY and the me, t the hie yt Y. own an littl rpresqxt year., The maA were very hopA ibly mtc�, 4 a� rOMW are VisItlog Mrs. BowWa a box of. JotbjQr W fle of p4nclpal-� by the e seat to neeft d1lip is 11kely to fall Up0Q tbe, shoulk. -ladles of the cwA9mzat1d:j . �f ThatMo nother, L. X111010,06 Joh4 ObO:- iO th; �� elty of Winnipeg. Oers Of Mr. J, t(I Smith, el"s al (Mas., 8EAF^%#RTH; t n4c bn calcu-: Beattie, We GT�j 01N a; blinlared obd of Dutch setWhave (been ter, who is well qualified, for tile po- Raad Who left hothI-.tS x �treet' t adO t the coh, ft t i )t MX AUL not ,Yet 4 IV, .7. !tq! MM. wen i 4ble 01p Aeap.M. Tfts opr,�_ i 4s ItIom IIIIL