The Huron Expositor, 1910-04-01, Page 4t 4, i 4- -7F -7-7- V Al APRI Were % A4 igo �Wy' dx�, Ill d T W DI ta 'to tA� be dWdol 2 pas yet them X 4 8 .9 for sidJuitiftent or- -a djr�,�, T, rirovlslou is ad�u by 0� 11 13 14-1 .16 16 ThIs 41.� b he de -24 23 Rmition. ITZhe it' 20 21 2 W th b� - naltal. Tbla b -27 48 29 30 is com 26 f I 'b gt � -present examinihe D. 4— aMifift�ftOill ot W ute Jib tween 30r, Lunlisda-110 hiss Ri gifieetes and the cm0Aft%=c pM betw4enwlthe 1%renthfolt 616V ewh work. When 'this board am Aral to of, thw-puptir Jou *hloh the- complato It$ work- and Mas it 31 re to. '- 0 the contracto1re Will, be- t vil Wed OWN-& 13M&-3 -t --k if .. JbeV*W,Ma-Gre4r -010thfilt 0o. -I anCE1, wft the classifies 41 )y ift" It, - irmpeetlfo Of xky�y es R3X M may ba" exi" as to t I M W kin =17 e-, An , S. Pilo otd. A, Seat" twee r. Lumaden abd dther WOAS, the, bantir lie 4, in "amantir . A�,Waftwft root -Robt Willis-a� A be PWd Judt such Arnoudt as t AM Thamer-S of arbitrators allows th.m—n t Tjamboj�-W. A, Mustatd-4 cent i* ' more - and ii6t you Want --Z S. BIlles-6 Tmhii�, is the� exAct Qn, tv Howflor -ILR.1 Pproxt-s. a. -Tefkmence to aludek aill'A Nil 11190WOR16-W. W. W. luboper-6 the evidence befo r� aw, Sirl Wheted-M-n-'EL a PaThameadt ry -P I laclo sf bi� om Mouth Vore-1. M Fei 11dw, We A!& a" fa r ir I reAdW L. Doyle --a ' -w( AmbiWa-9 iwherA -19 there al da -any wro do =ft��Oyonna BlAttie--s 111gZatv Ill I W -S I FurthE t SA ag It *e can fty that I. -I so- 'it t seaXddd9 *,vestigAWns lave Tv. elceed tbeti has so fir - So fir u. ko disbonesty'arwrong log �w rW09 , - In ed - with. the carrying, Allis Out w0k, aw rky-- *�APRA- I-. at from its IUMDUM to the�`preql M"ORTH, FM 11 Xr. WeLem iWdl z 01 10 pips leased Ao 14wit b We At" i Ou0i"weaden. Vlll� be p -Under fte above he olat in 4"Ret ot -a bkm-..-w Ar suw?' says 10.1 -WB4 a C�xwft- an4 the UlAted State a Is M. Y. MOL, eian has .0 on bt Ai condiderable criticilsm )e u -Matte ft- � betweeii 111eV twoli eg iuli�i� ftft tave � been knOcably siAtled. - 144 dw1ars;.tioril in the' Housf ot M J. ithat Cau1da Is'under no 9 1. ODI in, tiolis to Great BrItAln, *ftk ITOL xr; rku U-91 t 'It would nevertheless I'll 01� sIble forthe,metiftr for Solatt Hu 1 ansitam. 3010W -at Way tot find n de - historical Ouppbrt ti* his mc waduli*0u; an* hA a 10comniftere tion It 113 a. matter 601, reco li�d t Tatf.und InaMbers of (Ub- Disra-ell.- bot t4w firg 'Of #n90 01 to Ine(L At tl* em-whision 9 tile coot( �he colonies to b A in igillist Ahl about the neekof G:r6t -Iti ftft 0 ottiolkk gnApunceinent was "P - , A den, the father of free tri 4b" 0 subJect %vas rf fktty No Tfta*-- 411 eeM01t had Amem cdm- ter on T&A -ed - between the C=tWtIn9 WOOS 1Y quoted In Th,,� Sen. 1 ked t fix W.weIX will enole �h4e Ameriftin auth�- fadenAlod.as a step to a -T K7' 1167f of Ck�Ada from the mWes to Wnlilt Canada to reniatin th-e-tirst Tn' pli � I -ma �04 ovement jntea4 to i ie-il under flw' to, �the mlnimurn iseAf. -Greaft JaritAid fto-n� a, pWses ion, e and. tbat all t�ikiessity. for the lmpm� WX ebuld ;ndt'Aind wo i"tt6m I t, - uld anoot ftb iiI to de, vt tbBr waximam taxlfr againaft 'Cainglil Jan feno. - QlAdstone.- "the 6-0at c)aznpkn -pa; las A ISO' of Liberall' m In the gen4iaitlion I wb k h has b" zeniav6xt It I juslt: - - sr- ned,, wits resOYA6 sut-rBli-t. been announced that this =angeu ent der th Ch adl i) Proyinc-69 to t le no n baz %m rekobed lbrough thea Zwladlah.. for fhe z�"ticlpj ttd, Io, s jai 'Aun ltigs� agzeell�w to 40me admp�rt., of the S64thern ­ Con 0''. 'Re jmk concessions in their tarliff. T he na- George Rr6wn when in nc for Ch -he 1* - . - pu*oSe of promolt-InIr' f- erat-I vIs tuTe of tile colacessiow which t Mari re� to�nd everywhore ev4dem* '41 � dO. we presentatives have made to the t" -t Caukda sh%614 cut, Ur! d plillt I 11M 'UmUed Sltatos has mot'at the time cit' V-611eve the Xother Co1jr6y,lftqM I art Sor ��g bft� rnade'publla­ The- at was looklE upall In alL off Lew obligaltiod was. 'howe-ver. Ao be-, quaters Irksome. i . niada ifituxaneously at Ottawa anit The taot that up to 10n, e of I �1- via -WasbbigURI On'Weft,094AY. We have Sqa�h Af mi6r W1 war. the every Ahat 0 t a ..0 xpec a I (t jin es by7 -azsda'fials, no cGr �W almy way Icansen1ted to anything that d - aY of military at I. sek haE -will lbe -alt i aa derzgatoj-y to the -Do- ed to offer the rne.i�s of elp# g Sur IdnIQLV lorithat,will in any way humil-, to mailitaw a ary rin� na, I'f It a] her- peo*e,, we have: 160 heAltao laufficielvt latt the ihd -)i )l .6 domi, sea$. iaylaz7bi 'advanim- that the th- 0- balanci� of - Vbwer ta.Bur0pe; C9i I n f d U Urm�t when !made public. will be' such was' bellig otritinuilly. maile ul�nd V- as- to --alti.96"the nd that er room wo lbe' -,efe�-e great - mass of the tl]Wnp- 'sta; -Afia people. to her com ny, In't of u r We dD nx�t often agret Niti, il!iU& weal&iess' weie a , a �b Anc 'it . D boN In the editortal coluntu of be gotten ot a elit �re, . eas :.Ps 10 Oxat appw d S W -T to� IskWa. but the fouaiwilir, rieinaTka on "the aubjpct are seinsible. l3t win a tetirlble b -�h leak, t 3� the iwd to 1he" poh"A ­7ft i's ot 1S.upreme He, hnpw1ta3m Ahk.t4eabould have go, OR � the Torwit Mail ainq E It, A It a J pire lela� WithouT reighbors, amdnoth, tarif f diff le t M7,een -CknAd 81 iiel 1113.00A the Urilted ic N9 is mom I unwise than tot tea should Wm 4 Al Chi VartY iftlInK into Internatiolinal. deal- T411 call ftaa� Wo shoald surrender -and satis I S6t, - - e 14 Md M"Ug would a 0 a da; � -bee lftt i's VIW. nor ceftse- to concede mo -314 broMd In a war, 'W1 ! Y,4 Ile r her WA9 'Which fair des-111mig aind . good -em ATA k1fid of w4t if it- Would Y, IdIt ta ew, nd*hborhood commwnit What we need dIscredltir4 the La �nt. one M09t ls:freedonl to proceed with the This Is a devel0meu* 01f OUr TOMMOW ownibar.' tea of Syr W1 lah WIL razeft 407 aiAddo qi4sr-reli and'-frAernizAl Is --mmbe y with ithe M4.11. t, W I On- be bickerL-C!, don Poft Pr �ss amd. a few d J1 mg() w0l AuteMelit'nuide In the House on WeftesdaY ShOwil the settlement to -be We. might &M It every way satIsAigtiory to Cazedig.. forth, that 11 ask Mr. MeLian.' of kl� a 0111 4T* "dU cones we Canadiarns 4dd taeftf ffed IN Itair t know the 4-trength of Gl;eat � ""01 n'al (".84tdei-kk produced Ifi was''belilAd us, W4Dald we feel co DI 13 TIM this Coulitirty, such as dates, fig% pr lix. dealling with Uncle 16iflet aftleles. etc., a9d -by madn of �, the 'The aboye is froni the gt*a(tf tnas kedWed faTiff the�e will be bet villeaw. * to the ClanaMao oofturner. Th �se ald and is a fair sample o� the� nojl� ablemo Oo1i`c&S1VqS­ also Will aPP17 to, the wb Ae sense which soyne (:oIyrs world v as well as tO Canada amd he - pliCO, -before thdr Jan -readers. We, preat r Q 'UnlIted', States. - I and the Herald refers to the - negottatl J i.Q' her. %raft an the Tranmw . utinentsi now Iff Progress between Ca4ada'ani Hot Under the above headJaW. a, United States 'In. respect t Of I well_ 11. .6 -the 1 ' k-nown Co[asehrrative question. It Is, no dofbt, I aT Eoi AewsPaper has thl e3 ceed ' Agi held -to gay, gra.Uf Ying to � Canadians at ail In Sun to knbew Ithat Great* 113ritalp Ig ''bill sery It will be rewernberedthat �Ir. Lums- -them a:6d we -are aure fit the;l i lien wkve a inumber of IbStamew or-ov- wof all Cxnadifv� t � Is, ' I man that the -. pre eint b - est Ore er-classifitation on the Tratmscontlaentgl betwe eficLil relations ein, the.t1o6i co - Dab RallwaY. Some 'further examples 'n)ay tries Ynai 4 long coatln.,�. tu IV. t Qase Nu.. 5. -On thi�a s1tretch the. 9n earth has �bat to dotwith rnak'.., bom Government engineers t,,,- -%nada, "feel ISO cwky Ndth, ut c 4 been reltur The ne�&otlattams now di wbrk as� 5,79.0 yal,48 EXM Ivek, &;$50 t am, to locee rock. 6,190 YaTds-common exmva- ween the -two coulatribs are r 41 B191 fion- On the foregoing figures the con tbus Ines 8. Tat uT a - . with I w4lich jQ at ain has noitil r t 49 whatever Ito do. R lit 4 -Ndor W�I#d get $11,735, N11r. Lanls.� she 'had. ju4g. � 4. 4*--Melare� that there was no _s0lid ng from �ast- experl "C', w-ItIl rock ait. all. aTid coly 1,000 it Would not be to the ad*a:r1,:age YaTd�-, . of Qanada.' Ila a I such negotig�tlons tiiM6 rock. On these figures the coia-� aft, has pro- - able to take care f bus tMt,or should hame got Wly Ithe $3,440. herself alid Ili Is On, every ' a Ion en - mt.. Vhu- there -was an over-paymerit A 00C erged from th- n!&�latloh_q! F; or , 40`ieth"ng 'like 24-t Per mol -6, advarita, ve ry muc ship, geously wbe­�11- --c linduete I -xi by1heizelf ttha;4 whent Such Tlegotiations Men It 91ves . tive - Othlel�.Plmllalt casO--. Were enzineerOd under Brftfsh auspLcet,. butt vach one of which works out to k. rc�salit� T�e Herald &I'd Its kind sbould lear'i r . onto td� give aanat[4 and Cimladlam.r alnilq!r to the aboy-,* It. then conla ith I Ited e just due and, hot coiftinually, �lbellttl both In i0irder "'to try and JAO,,ke Ashci clin't 1. dOn the whale six cases ithe figures of, superior -loyalty io., Grca_t , 3qrltaln B &"b f -are-' Pr'oPer c6st, $1072; aldtU&I cost.. when they tbink that doing $54,44a: over-paym - so� I Ing ent, sa7.468 ; or 22.0 popular political card with ttk � p'eopli of C Per-omnt. That isp� the- work cost mor than �blrlce what Mr. Lums&,% e It -is 'a Mighty Poor tirld that fouls it, *!I durb the -own nest. Visit( engineer, says wasr Sinitlar statements atre b4elnig repeat- Wroketer speni Rd by iaeveral oth--r papers. They all Ndite4 FTed Davey it *tth &we their PateehitY to a 'well "'kno-An. 340,ndaY fOr Gra;rd Valley, wb,06 s Ited sa-mlled indeperden.t (T).. paper iln . To' will sparid a few- days with fbieqWs.. can -a Mr. Thomas Brown wo. don, .q a visit, T MAO. Now the Intermice sought 1:0" IrOrtto la�t�weck.-Nlts! C. co I ok'a, 11''Pthe I ba coylveyad fs� tha-t the contractoris on tle idaughter, of ken S ar al tha Tirai-geoqtf gueAs of the fiowT�er' or r', nental Rallw a a �rother, ­ ay, oT th, L t N'Tt of It bela G. RenfP1141I.-Urs. Barftonj lot 1 ur! re li 9 coh-b-tructed by the bt�rl. , 3r, visitted 0 er t1le. hol'A rw mere] Iry V, 0. Dominion Gove mment, are belirg paid lattives In' TOM Miss Beatr e, ow.; en't Y for their work -,92a per, cent of Ux-b more -thars ridge r a d 1.1iss JaIrd AlfllrE! e GovernmE-ntl engjineer e3tim& V Howick, adIng. the tawri te. sp 0, tb2,lt It 13 worthliand that this Is AIoa at thzAr hc me heere.-Mr., -.Tiyest ; 60 nT the Traders- 13aik, veturned on g MOM dMe with the kno,;vled1ge Ad �connivancc- frOm'a GbOrt vi At at h e h -nin' Govemment and -tl�at F&I-zgt.- is ho iii, p of the Do, Ian Lilty ani. -are VI] S Ba ne log 8"' An *. 1-11 some persan Is profiting by the '19raff.'- Grab AtIntgLt. h( 0 'a I thus created. Like most other falsie-, this week. -Mr -'L Ross b-Aer hoods - the-ra is �j.u-­ n Sn�ltht of L& L L _ough trut don, a to rcmiadfiximat whicl Z 1h 7er 6f M VI] agf:, on- tO 91 Ar6 ft Xa- air tofiprobabilit5l, is ranewlj 6 quaint A. 14; this g ac 'Whe-ther ' or not' the figures elma. ara SerVI.(.­s Ift,conn-ectlon with..t I)c. S. H. amu,rat,! we do 'not hnnnw, a -a we hav2 minion, I glut the officiaJ ng�u're at command a Allianceand -Moral Re Or -101 pi��t� m, meat-.Sui that idoeFz not =t -tel, CahiEda will be held.here next U a), Con,* Marhi-Alk -service Will The M! r �th. bridV TIT PdPle� 4111,6 QaMe im any eveni. Pre�bytenian' eburch a*nd c 1i , er Th�ru hays bieen� 1#f .Zereonw, at o-pinla, I. --vi ce fid, the Me�hGdlst church.. MIS the N 'T bEttirren 1-1r, Lubhsd� the chief j�ngln. Edfth­'HarrIs b6s r6turnad to T<m-3:1tq bas -:b fc�-r. add somw at his t-mborift'nate en.# aftf-r SMndinig few days with he I Tulesd gin'; r� as to 1194 classifled"M - Olt m % - partirt,!z- - befdr,- ,%cavaUd oh - the see, Q�Mpwl am .>M of :zan!� C Ree amd Wallace,lof JtTxb% The I - lar�- Licit- by tl* O�ntractors, &IrA owing arp v former i nWner 1 Iz,1tInr the 'Mr.. wazz, I on tim -z' at4- r I 1 4 1626 to, diff-aren&-m%ur -T umqder-.,;�Lorix wl ha, -AAWVI�M- =10 A lt*nz J t t77: t AYJ Rli lrdbn AIW Yry lef t the same 0 fo Geoese 'mantle G16 t Aef" W Wki a iald si W as BOY akid'ifter sold his hoam to T*M ted t 4em ir folid to �ild N'S &stez .4butti !41 0, dr�-� S um Hair he' IniteAds io UrnbrIdge 110d beir of 3ft., 1 ;6t resturaht, i at P. 1 Wick win JhaS tT%VW-, his farlu e 8 Ali was SP to 91r.'R. X. a ' for the Ida jAd latW-s boot mt we she bustne ;s. Mt. . W. F. ijeaATA '0; j conduct shoe bualuess for US. id ilZuriah t b b 'It 'rht into r0i h Wickw1re.—M-1 'ion i6f. 30�. ShoestrOngth is a quality.that h ft-jriff -left Xotes,--Xis Fluglando 14 rm as h Mllck.�ii I i Iftwer Exeter mer. !the shoe! You can never get olilb of a �aar of shoes -w'6t has Olt' G tejphal id 0 E" otf In ths -recent b19 the mal er. You emi't etpeet z4ham Tbuiday, v nn Was never Wen pub int thein.by of her, n- Aole In I rashington - sitalte. Th$ ong wear. is in the lqpt her and thse stitchin. t the iter'-hlidays -,li Or" 8 0 3 long wea:v unless I Vey, 'IS I t: 00h T re Yeaft qft . aW abd wa a Shoes, ire 4uilb towear, built right, bniTt !"ral dh guest Of MI tio the� Oup I Of r, a ionlor r Our Men?s WorkiAj et -h her. -wit is .1 841tably.l 11. Iwo to � many In Exeter.-Haw0;- by experts who use the -rig. � t kind of le ather and puf it to- Lul �f or d, ., who�fh is 'been te'� A engra�ve .-T bowleit Ars . US pron iiii. Tif vf getOr ,a manne th 'can 'j� igot -moved In -to thelir f �at net help bat A A 0 Ile FT neir x LdOdobti I S elkending khe Eas I p8aug 9UMMM Beaso Law, now -bax dware store, Ino -Ah. of Dr� Plen d selectio se go�d wearb ig shoes are here for 'PO4 U1 ar FS With 31 pai*ntm.-Mr, idez, boWliAs a 1nig quite hem. Bro*nlors- dr= storie, vmlch hadbeeq' YZ chising. Come and seleeP a 1pair f or your spring work. elebb !.I 3C a -6-1 fixed up for tl has� -let and It 1.� x Acd 0 oxn a MthY1 �at. -th ar, the Lem. -Th. CbasoUtives -one 01 tha 1W a -larger Lemberthivi uppolted-Messrs. ierht. because w:.,, buy ith ia Paris and spep club. of Vsbor�e haw -John We sell r* ri,,c--rht � 5-1 1 'k f =a 1�1 Y DelbrW6 and I;imdn Runter tw dele� 4Dr- Botort *9 inaxle a LW4 tliad am thk I- i L Tarorito, �s ek-.-T nam gates the Wg- Clonservaitive conven-4 Doceased hb. be. We have Mews wor Ing Shoes,as low as $1.50 good a oveu, pa Oil 0 om of S1 t B Lovell - .'b -MM W I- � Hoff- tion Ito -Ottawa strong shot with soll-1. `e4 n ra a Rae 4� , miss Be J17a th June, .*fth, Wasry leather u te f 82 io� t to learn b lh� L Over T-boma-s Hunil and Joseph Hawkins A seam- ng ­ less shoe, grain leather, for 2.59 a pair, A Caaian Mp bee, 4' rJor tX od of-, aBAster as hlterrjates.�Irhe marrl4tp bookplace shoe which will turn water for a pair. An Bngrish Kip- 1- at e .60 red i i al m. Zvailir In Whillilpreig on Sunday mondng, March on waterpr )of for $ 3.75 a pair. 20th, in," F�Nrrlp of toss Robinson, dauat,*m shoe, &Uo AA b iniff the rs' Richard Robbysonj of Ta Br sel n y e joyed thl of .W. and 'i . .... CuMt �e L '' Currie 14 and -M e Sholps. W. the liondook IXO South, to Mt. st �day, Tpt g,th leit ��ssi 'A ]EOV. KV. eah, 0 (W&. tomb. S*Oat, i3i I Sask ooa; wbo, eondudta a r Freddie CMW n'bi to his ..Vlva vices last ek--,Xt'- real estate, -Iwtd stAili'llnsurance basiess. These shoes are our own nia -sewn. han& f Nichol a g Fos wd liano dU14AF t. I jWck A I vast t ! h ie 'ape�at, E, Sun- George 0 71cles: far on thp Baby- anc every pair is guaranteed give 'iSfa0tion All siz es tei vLsItote tbl; yc-i t 30k P0 Ion and Zisslo April -,d t r Canadlan,Kip-alld $4 French -3 f I wm� ini ock at$ 40% cet Tor Is kung 3st. Pagtor. R r Tbos. - David- -7 0' ror 1cip Ater, bolift �t tAs ts! 1 Ill son;, who has be6a pas�to Vy� Church hare, Atd at Blake -:far a number of ymT,=s, ha.4 � tepbred his re- MOW of SL ox Tn�s 9 In th I MWI 11 log- ik�B* of. leather Me ma't*er!wM-oon­-Ae f ,% we hav n - !I T. ar that won' b hat 1, 0 seam& A fignaltioT4 and Zia, -0 e #L60 d wsh( aii 0 60 01.60 at, the next me4etimg of the. Pre -ab -b Ia- 191 Rer.71 tV Robi is is 3W. David-, ooika lhtehUion to jvtfre A 11% te Z itor office ;01 ead, 1C. Of 2W-1 to the bowsteag I farm bftT Moutt For., N41:ets.. Mr. 'a Mrs ll# -W =7 Wen& of,the family I '0 li� Vill learn of their Oe- BoeLKM,.. iiere VUit OIN TRGr4� to of L 40 citIzens -of Road yel. enital h e c -03100- a4 to 3a#e t SEA hO on G 6 her tie- V1.11ace op OPPOSITE 00XJVM6�-%VJ ROM seedid conce lon : ou orne: lister, -Y, 10 ount. Piro Aki. Mitchell .13. mt., of nx�ter,- Er --Tb* eA X40' h�o- 4 10L sad WW. her fteoosed jilat south -IfterUmLri *erty 4eith of: or.51 *eek bee r tonF4 of tMe 01350. -nds Miss Hood %fid )t1w horse, It made ts dowli Ruding Udley, of iheds, and lute Sa'ra V. 11 LOW Om- a lant Mlaf Se 14 14h. e Iku tbl�'r Then *r.e, Ift'l perty and re WN at 06 thue bf wx1ting �has moving his large bam to the east 401114 impb6ll, 6f itt 1 0" V. I �Ti s.t U, IL *44 ba=- It eot Yet beeh traiCed' W. H. d IN 8 ameignoo 1 04 vici mt ot aud at Is igood diistahes tram here A.-Yi4ir Aa"Wt, anc Afellis V��e nt 17 1 the. U a "nice prope 4XI th: prk%l re- It BttV t, In Order that he c�an ar-bg - � I I OVAt of her m dle al abi P# I , litike - eft. Oddf-elk*rs- in afbAth amd -e -he -01ved Is a� reasonable -,hotel where d t additi �Ra totba herself to. all 3 4,,h,, n �ass day mudli. Mr. . Thenlais thl �moni kip othiet parts formerly stoo-d He will 4119k s. Tiattin .g e, 'Arl callhig b Manlo re to Rent-.Isto", and d%vefli r ululing aaong tile nw-1. KItS h -,fist�Tted, wimij helftre th wee r1lany of oonna Uon, which has biezi occupied. oy Mir.%2. Tif b 13AAefs) - We ple to . a bear tbat 310m ill, jeweller, lor*aver 'ton yeats, uo ronL fee wbkh wilt bej 1fro t in the Id If 101-1-S Bel %ail gehtlezdain� were pleaped I grot a--, six to 'the preinisesituch V40"111 t I Miss *a#!�& Be, Inewel IS Awoverbg term make . was In see din.- geseolon attar Dedember mom colnveMA94 1144.4 -The pj� �.pecl Rolm ttb. 0 L as. Kat MoDon xjd and 1&d ind greatly Impmved in 1 wheat Is, gc it fiolli ete., illness. Mir. 4ames 3641ntoti apliefiramce and .14 this Of Miss Id spedt h pufthased another fie borse, for 'We e16czrefuliywJeoWsto3kofWsI1 Pitpai% st'tuatioii�-M-r.-N-elso&Mat6,nfgoTd gna ends offImportad and Oon�wVio :0 " ker from Easter JUMN-5 . ire Ind which hd-'Iiald a good e. -Mr. Thos- the u VeEwea.. 801ft Of -Mr. WM144A 46 fTv6t Is out of �.Mfiler, 1) 1 tbrc age,, ft -lea 41 Ing mae igleeh tb 4ul lifti -her was: oughlIli hag sold a driv): ly dor W. eman Son. eintertaft I -ot 'Al dky. leg'VeS �Dtl S&�' - e - Anitit their trieads f L 22N4 iAtmber 0 which UmSee(i for the best �n ye*rg. %6, ;ittmenftjg to , hoLise is when, 049 EW-,if9rsab--A 90cd Var- lie opm, hall. r�� nd Xits� 0. Xec�a4 . . w (I -31T � 74wn azd reogived a goo price -Mr. Eli Rapelm lety, asniple, and.clean, &W &over seeit arA Steil P 8 n she feH � lamd � W re -S lit ha, Ch caarm I - I I lryli* 11 ai based a fl) drivI* mare. fromt heir -A e of seed is prt!lfttable� Moderate um, of �ofidom aT-'v Thoras Slmp6h. ri9M r. 6tf' "'ba#1 is. mow ready D Afc�liunfs sister. John 1: 6oa-� 1 sbakft- We b w bYokenji t 6bAllj%ge for Sde-A, gooCoomfortable r i Billiz 9s, maola�ar of the 1661 d: nit of of the boys, , since sp.� Suinda, Ito off .163 .4ousa nte"lln 9roolAerwith cotupi 1 he and shi: J %1- -bwne. t� lie bou3ev -auv !Y new A isoll We- Meg! r4t. - to h4ve t� ards. ov n aind thwe is JWeey furnace. and saft water sonventenfly rd e dewth� cutr roadid to old a 6 an to od Frlda� with fTWnds T rMe 'With I illssl 1�10 Ca of the dtoste 1, good henh6uge d yards, 1J lo G(: db9day m itlell.-, litfli sol'i of am of lancl. Idt. APPAY �o Alm J. 0. Stoneins HenWL Nfxrs. D A. cauWaIll was In Iliave been c b It fe "t Tbompsoln',, to the mouth of tf Alex. �-tew afnd. Mrs.- Joh 19adidit ithis w the, tillers of the Good Tjll%-p P"perty for gab -The ad ed the past wk. visiting herbr-4t- i -week ito, u ervgn Ith'61d fTlends--�-Rev. Mr. I& Tbe f unetal t, W4 to the Hemill 'Place ttillnWS be offers f3r mae that neat dwielling propedy iteiriy Mr. J ohn Cho-- wbo f Exo6r, occupied the u lor cemiAer r on Illuisday Iam �Wt wor 'OPPOfAte the po# billce in ]Etensill. eftlittleingu f bu family on t"4xv. largely Ate& ;,�� the 66kvlce 14 nk von­t� L 1 1 A felt for a le tiliow left 1h =,xWreLb k.dwelltni�ith f mine IdWift 4. has been I& the dtl hape. an(Ahe r ds aTe mow in ltodern. ponvenieilms, inclutdinr e,fbr a 4iumber bif 7earz. I i Mir SrMth, ol en901,; ro',from-Ithe wlbst,, vYho'bas been duidbed Re�, 4W. coildttim.­Mis C. Dalton a Furnace,. hard and soft water, eleatm, ieicued k, good paeftlon wift a 11M In -111110-11tii Mel relatives, bai retunied Ul The little ca td w S y, a # U tsl� 'heatL io gone home anumberof. aud shruh�, there, is and M.TA. piWAM, ohr Ite4$i4er,-bas g ,o her Te ondon, have beeo, hez*,, vislitlzg le 6 aftompanted: b X109 m4 it' art mine stable on e p wlfts� and the isitua, L all Will b eX �ei4de fat 'Syry P A -by otl Kingsbild I p illike. . k obertt'Kidd Mrs. 3oftk' e d to, Mr. w ud ge for the IR ter lid1days, tion U ne of the They i -ves T. W. 3?a-limer" .01 The tbD can be � �,iven the iftrat of Tuoe� snd poadbly woner to I fth� suffier ThomPsoft'.-Ta aWt tht -Off waxin vather:� Doi a7 crohaser, for 1=keularvpoly to West - --Visiting their of iblie "I tek has enabled Vuo kers th e! to G. J. slle4t salesmAkit made TV. E eddy, wbiq3h is much. dnll-ra� 'Our. old We have a Man's Ar(rM., 8 nude of Jeat Bather v�drerns�;nwibuearit Htb aeanavPO4 goei fr,irn the Sta 0 get out ag.8 tm, her NiIat Won'b rb hard, a lery, -of X-Ineardhw, alt the kno"wft rel� expec Wp- lar L thout wAme. A i4`11 plea,%d to Oce theT i ov )Wt OL ithe "out fitst-olva P ow oboe 1,92,50 a atherg it $1,r3o wft, r- with h1a son, IX-. V- t the weathe U._T*o E xcelleut -. 1 afs.--:-With the appmal0b, Of Istwing A r T 'Were to 92.a pair. Robt. W Ilia, op he'Expos.1tor 0 Mae, DEIt-ased a4 t W-filss reachec Iiur Middl I In St. on! 2=4 Mt Kelbll growers fi�e already soxvInig th f vd, W11th" Mr. J; Yllow for the aqqdaY 4"'t by Mr. 10 the med and a -large qua=Zty will- Qgaln ueen, Student ;A ]Busy Seaso) k. -O wll kPAXWft s ice DO ago eI ad Edna Wli- of Toroi do, Un Vterstty., M bll, ot fiamieir, Mr. Johr be In it In this year.-+ Ah llg;-' will IlWy hae MIS P011191: the No mal at , i - ftoubl 4bleb. i Lavv coe fron lth� w6st to kaft Poritees Hill, �6 vvwtQit, at tb all, ;rbo is 0 -Xr. R0ibeA ThomaS, Qf Ton I eMsthee ho.Me a.; busy- eeason. ct It in this year. Ito, speat Bastor i w1th b Notes.- er pzr�vt% f tb beat trAmero .r sq..'Xiller. Ok ther fe; I'Mr. Toror DD19 IS ones of Q onito, w.,s home f0r BaStfr,-Mrs. past hib Ala his wiff MISS ay 6g, of, fil his part, aU I whe ,t Mir- - I Xd MX. WM. pauffa-u.-w i and T 3 epmt Jie farmew luttan spent the 19aster holidays wit � h , - , 1; 4 uslus, the nit . : �Badt!rr itfi herico Wisseg wa- ta)ge,' of Lmffldr,. were �her - I -k ba;6CY agood they 1-,-iayS*g0 for; mlrs� Lkrmr W. H. Ste job ends k, Lo1clon n anaua 1 the idon, iseu­tt a Tew day�s w1th friends h- I'll 1 J W'Onber of the Uaso 3.-T le -the - vI1laige. quence be peV-; ulrlav� the past week 'vi-Ittair their' r g, of Gilbert wre'St OtWitold OOL Tues- t- has aily igett mig plenty of Mrs. a. 3. l�alh 3W... lere tbls:;tweek.-X,.r. pl �e an FrICIA-, ieV-. u le + Robert Musgrovet. funeral *as ZO ar . i iday, �ialt ndltn4 the funtral tballTe. Charls Gzaisick, woo, is teaching j, 1, st at th t" George . ub if ' Mro, work, 09M mom than I e cm at Toroli'tos was bere -on business leat W, vdg Uiclkei r. U. *e:[nerA.()ur -01- A6�-C thebarno he has i t,1%1V Foidv ce, - &Wnt Eastet vacatio bere -e. is arvi, [Iscu Sion 011, O'us Mai i eek. -Mr. and Mj. J- G. Stewavt,-of TnLes of Awgep m an'ta ate king h. seasur I �!O-' 1bg ,lob.* with his arentp. XTb Wingliam. 'vIsft;6d frjerAs fin the viln lowl ig of f1cer 1 1 w. ere el �ed f go far &?, One quanItl Of 4 a 3Kt he S�ewart, on the 1TsboM=-' -001aidary.; An- la I week.-o-M.r. A. H -,i Celiar�--, pres WS t doii, 0i Ort-, James Aitcheson igdt dawn io weir. and visited er damightek, MIES P. Ohell e w ; seer Uar,�, ur 8 alft for cite Bell- 2nd ( oncesel, M, L. R. 4 lniproiing ithA appeaTgzpe of . Ill on.- !'of -s :hle, ground ((� S4 WIllam, E r, �Wm� Sificlai. near selhurt; Wm. Wme by the er--ct the' sew Jozies-Rev. * end Mrs. Shaw amd 1two eIU0arne' e'viii Itits -he daughters, of Lyolfts spent t ion Df A -mew fmg& an, Gle;n' At he past e Hamiltoili and, of ber Waflaft,- -44 conbesslow; James )lob-; J'. V7. K -went &Ve4 to SL I EldeZ, oXr-Vbmas to S.. as 'well day lam tou I . i le seloill, OsotL.' we-ek wilth Mrs. . '33. MDA-rthur. 1 Krv. - . -it , � IIItt week nd Me, L e, fsrs. puraf —Mr coxwoArth, b. srnallel� ibuildfts at dA f lue r%Lstered niare. Vr, son. MeT as =b haw's stater. Simes I aw SIM f em- Inufn er of who ffitftds zebuUding bis kotel -where con) mi#ee, ar*. Sloan and VJT�Oua; kinds, belives InZood, stock.: -Word ha -,m reqe to W effect that Mrs.: P"% per b tha- former one tood; h *M0 X as imow a lqum- Mi. t a's ded t,6, bairt 'tile ist Hild Nbtl-mts' eed ber. of men at wilork 014�arlhg outl the i now Mrs� Amder 'ehRld .3lic omflbld, 0% .194A e 'n Ila ph ren, PlIttsti per Ill* at Mad 6 to - - umi Fwm# old foundaition' and will use agabi all Of niad per IA- If tbl, weat er,,tAfttinties tt Samuel, 0qdnwqt us of h1hieking, &,Kd Mm. aoinmA, of 'Clin- the 61d brick and stone'that will work !lY l3luevale,- has been unUr- L be ldrW till itbj bow3inig.1will Tui�WAY 0 and WW Ind. 'Spent East wilth'friends . 'here, d0lct" f S'care for four weeks, w1th an 1 4 - P" ted--� The roaA3i I 've dred ! Erbdt. he abd with. 4r. aA d bft�., GeoMe c, in odely; The ;aew hotel* will, be a ttack of Ia Crlp�)e, and though reit up b" b* &Ad' iatbi- Looic Grade Flour, pe, m er 9brain a CDU*-- of 411 -41-ng rery slowjy, is still', very wkak r 100 lba.... -ully, and a e MOY e is of nDal;, Huron. load west.-Mrz. SATq. eblek wit, Uxi;0, of solid thm storey �;tcactiw.� root s�n_d NV_11 ney nd V Is go)d ivitteeltnig. ch �two � daughters#' Iva and' im Irwt Able to partake of.�xy food. on more. first case fhij Ifing h9l9hboa' �,Gix -ow Oil amoul A of �her Wvanced age, the Ill - Of Atsorm %"at d1w .4a St el, spent tne holidgy tain all the raodera'comforts and, `�4th veneles'wnd will be :utck I It was 4 poor* seas(Y.11 f or tions a6b3l: b da"I in Sproatavllle amd 15gi. erected rAcei-dis- . it Is 3 v,!rf baxd 6a her.-WDrd, has Y took L ad.; Y'rup- .---:-A ef eat m7an 'Ithouight, the weath, r of, mondvill.-Hucb, aidd 'Nettle th from tbe stmt. Rev.! Mr. ivee veO of Ith death of r. ICbpo� S*464t. of Llstowel,� paid, a flyinig visit Bueft I. of I mdatiulz rgVee-seaw of the - 16 N ateis� at! - E43 �erw 1day �. toge her wift �. the lv� � Of Astr,: w '.0 was formerly a. Iaborind C?al:,E�qU L teT1 Mt= College, In the ay Of ILPPN - oA get nd.zs jL ' mu fflo here on Thursday'-M1.0s,Miarige Rd Ung ii�an In tits vigtnity,anod W ence a �Pg etnablitig th�rr, . rked for tD - =< ri- Me to­toipqq��4 in Isuf It Supply of w InGdn- and MISS II&MIel SfliMt Spent 'young twm -to. enter thoe n ifni W, quite a ia ater, I�s I COse day (ifr so In Stra tford � durtmig the holl- lstr� also Soliciting funds -fok the 1� Henr r Bimeat. I)eceaed went we-qV those vishing lb�he� e. fall- lutaIldhiC '.te build dp a hoae n4flced:- Mr. we". da1YA*-FIhe weatther Is conducted Im Calrr 1kiiiiiheltt, of .-A 'pretty weddimig e topic just , mel him se Lf. 'Mr. Agar had taken up a New ...... iis n6w., am churct -on Sabbath moTW, ng and e ren - w ho. - VISI his p4renits �briUd fthtt- seeding has b un In earnest. borne of:34r.'anl 110�esUan thirty.TA*e -miles --jputb of XTs -Mir. Ja rA Fat le eve OA Thlur!3", trait, In -Akple ar� e Dodd 3, of ing Thomas Byre, of T W Ate Rfebabd Rem last rnes SP the viloa it k. He. was be9toWnig- to build mozo-on- Tuesday for Wficoi, wa-5 hiQ week via- �f mount F t. who VIS ted 0 �18 a few a f or JIJM,",If W)W w len th, dau ter,,, M* L"4 sister, Mrs. H. J. SjcDar, iaflij krs. itiNg ; mon'the with lier Ia * on, m --about a 4.arl�i 18z MTS. - Wm. Mrs Mor -4 %tme Creight S unied In ab�� : - XTY. Mark Drysdale of M of Mr. raw.- e Wan ess, was in Lordoa a hLondon; -eA34s k liift - s, I St $r of Witt beeii laid up vvli a who has rat ueek.-Rev. alid. Mrs. alth &-nd f6ud by ol the;3roul.ated p and J. v6re attajok of ir. -of T iDere aY wa perfor a:tl 2 childwn spent -Good Friday in L, mod au lboe. Me rld�y the Ep&Scop sdwtica dujrltg tt e wl t1r, is now con aL, chi CIT Rev ob )s, I ' - is supposed to ft -r �K� n tak V in the evening, aind v with Lr. Hossak, Mrs. Smith's father. k, , F, tee bf leadixg.-Ms. - Nat of Haml C on -la Aum of gue Q. December Ild or #h, 1-9 to, 11 a pK .a � viatted h -Virs. William Shirray. of Datrod, is eTko *!%� - , Ili. the '6huft1169 �had ts�o -,jai romungr iom ple er aunt, XT. a, one It, is su wilth Special mus eddl ft - o4 the a itt = 4 , visiltim, ter mother-lrtm1rv, Mrs. - N. , I � " Bed 'that he 'had sent WIM 'day itbits week, Mg the holl- olne Of Tis neighbors Ito town for pro- 0�islow niarkat eb trip. the * r6twn 1 day with trierAkdfts OV rd. A Dod rAln On - them tim people to"ok swin I pe.nd i -�s hil wh le $okW after but �he er" biey will � t rRhirr Charle5 Nichols aad his vUlons, nd i sh(Wt t me Witt iezas to-dua t2 ile. y E ai�r in Ore Jle Ing-foit-Ahe t.. tb stt-ter, Miss Nleholi, Spent he pmond trfi, tere bet Fr4daY I t that -a -bli zZaid oivertook him std EVIid all were gla� to with 'the sister, Mrs. tJ,L t last ' k,. X- IT Grq icl� fL froze ii to death. De�le&sed was u7i- e4twishes of a I mge of Bro ciefte Id. The qu, tic his acquit Blyth. w The y*-relatis oMv- ghBtlied. tIM to r. will be EV S Xtende I M] f., Rdl- 'dteS,RuIh1* ftas It that Br 044 steam 1�0 to: rth Ir fix areAiapid-ness ag lot N league*., P -v Ling tbas-lar 4re a "town leas�e� to learn that hq Is recovokkg ihi f a teIr ba s 9A pl5_1 ucefleld John � Ford, of Tuckepamith, P.R., 'k ya, t b e f orff fwtball la-gsodatio le Bowey, nlecel.)l from b1s, erious ah� 2 8 Sad Beig was Ice. l3lawy NJ. De th Sul Ot aldto vattle �!Jattlng.-Mrs. BP�Dat a marthy ClItizri.-( -spent, aundk 8 J. Habkirk,, A.�Hahklrk, nd 7. 90ft] (irotithy and itieen blleft�-?diss Laur.,, at bet Vome Lthel Murdock, Mr..W-Illlaln BuEtN �Ils Spent HasterJn Is atendkiig and Mr. James Bulla -d, StWbrith" r all r0n. � of LuCknbW',.,Bpedt Su ay I f of I xetdrlpatssed ove t �tk e th holdays at her bome jh&e.-Xt-. oLn Ware here Spdn(h*_r Eastp iL110-PeaTen has g*= 0 4 'r wes wem un 7 1.. filean y- o f Lofid Vic! Q it be Tioront) to att* abhool.-Jobla Bell thig- day spent rond, 1! 1, he pe,�Sm of- Geomi -e Ton Wald�pm, retAried from to with thefir rel of i ?eek ands lint �Lmdoqi.-gr. iB, atives.-Mrs. Littho visitted ?d i brother .11, 3litebell. over ewis, wo h --S-Aturdiyl 0� Is Pd a reached the a ance 10 it.2 t -led o his. phot ph e of 86 Ye irid 1V ftlonta�w tj 11 aTe Improzirin tb Walk-er. of wingbam, IS' a i-*-- - is d AP6 9 visited her sliter, Jewe �er out i rd appeara! me tcDougall, dui-fili the past hr H. Ad y rs aige the deceasd hi liev r of thieIr store by igiv 8 the� few it a coat of Florlence Pope spe'lilt the -past we -S-4c; - -fair 1.50 ek Ith X, s La afer bel nig 'in on Bfuildal.- noWn IS 0 un-dy, f: Hull-eitt,,, was the 94Mt lot 4 1-:2 to 4 '04 o oderich 'tov.,nj at it Ia to "I Ili, Ibut of Ia e W. N.i` ?NvfcQ Lh% Of � XX ox friends t1a Gal-t.---:XisS Lottle GDok Urs. H U 6yer Ea$tr.-Dr. Humiltom- bad ffered from intrinal 4c ito IA* 11�4 Or C -ld wit 'his.a need and Hills Green o�4 q,&b I h las pit S wt big borne hi 3 roatil College, candudtedi oervi S at bodr. from Forest on a as. b d e to -hL,; riends In B4319-mvp thls� b L I ' , 1loo -,I fiHoogamth Is plitting a foundation. Ull ler J)n C:. hi, via] 1e ri ha aws, Imis the auS,61 of his M litbouih ,It is not gold that - glit- hfi$ house.-.)Irs. Alex. Thompaon a,.3 TrITC: 3 V n to Wri th all I U ,its k. -Mr, A6 I ewls; Wis barn Ji 1)ev0y,91Wr# with puuru-jr ana to nder the doe_ 01 ected I ters" In the Canidiva -vr L Several 62en V11ttmg her daughter., s C.&W, -Mvs ted run& In ftd d 1 1820. Mrs, Cha Aos l�of 1W M at k tie age of 27, be, in I �of 'those who hayg �forsa 4[en old H -U, .01, Southwell, -of Toronto, accompanied, by Id ek,-Miss Fo a L T th I B H k. 1h d Mect Ile $011, Mr. Thos.�,- H -M for e a C c n(MIck the pa lie, ary ILI le 'Car lao t �countty In eaaroh of 'Or daughtter,.Mlss Emma. -Hiss M y le the pr.a last vk �k- 118; colur try with Iry fe*, days -- -M.r. nd Uts. Robat Maguira we his wj.f friends i 1�ni poovince-a and -olt the Q t haVe Stewar., of e Lotdaa, Road,� ittt the r �i-nes Sh na V1911ted 9 Lmil for the United te;9, wbere e w t 1great success. Pv,. )emple, rn- -at _(Y11daY& With frieU15 y rnple, M. ed biorre remlitly tom a plea )n.. a od FT -W -Makied i foaT � rears. d X.CQUeeil'.L.B. A., forme, . A� 11. r' e then i nol AuIAA A wa er, Is at !,present N, :iti , Tee � 3 ormet. of Ithiz il- it with friends In the neighborhood. of al*nt Bu 'er with� -Ws Rev, V161it- 1th his ;'.amny to first' in - lag% -Wedt fro a at Bq U m he� Mr. 4wn Ferguson ot �0- E -O"k Mr aiid ia�q� Parqbts heire.'--Kr. MIC Iii SItrephiIn-towaship a buliX 91 yc�, Lr4. czntral Ia gecall Ili ur, `t, I visited his Loon n alga, And faced a `OoRd world,, f IT,-�t goi n g ronto, formerly of Hewal. spent ,the fpvt Pas, er, 9 i. bdneesplan it, which ama-W Telaties near Fer- 0014 at e clam. a o Rossland, ]Brltirb Ca loter Ways Ile icopw-b h reat mining di'�Strlict. e. -3 -3,1r, and 'll.rs. W1n. Her.rj, of SIt s ,le Past P lumbl�, att tbat Eaiziter blidays with his boy� friends. 9 G uted mi L to- Itime and Miss Loveless, of Loir- h Jatbiies In Exeter:d " Fri alrds mikiiiig th fifie wnshl C d clerk -er I a, rl i r of the city which posltjl� East at Mir. and Mro. Y �ililer klid son,.who hav� n 'Marys, retucnd borne rece tl fkom a!rd 19th& frielids.- v , is to -4y. siding li�re for- 1( rears, he lieW- for &!number w 1$dl -�410NV en t , RE U3710 60,1M itImEi t1l e inoved 1 to the -1sp Years. Laving Izp:nxliiig a couple of weeks th6lx s T BrydVs ad 51r -s. Hemy on , there three yeairs.ugo b B vveht to Van�i r,'Aatives and frfen& In He�n� erie, 1 Tetunwd _,cond coliamsaij I 11 and �.-Dr, IF. Carr, Of q1int ailh Aeezn1S, ramfly o GVO� Easto�r wit their sUter, orX vls-� S utfl of aradito;, &"(LTeSidqd ther 3 uVer,--wbere he was elected city ckrk vicinity, and all will r�egret ire this week. The �r 16 o*7 n1aUm, alld to learn �,n be i t6 f611 aft U t5aafiWy of $2,000 Ve; a, �s- Tucker.. of Duirham.-Afr. Ifer s moved I that the day they arrived 'honia mr. h an t #,,rni r katchew Ia a spil 5ndi D;�, pe� al Quarette' of LaTu- 06-: mile souM! of'Ejete.r,: few weeks ago was ele0ted to off fee, with Rl-,�was taken very erlouz-:ly Ill and he I ntends taldnX up i% iiomeisteA4 d finteirtainment In !rernaified till he Imoved to Exet isev- an, hicbenze In salary qf $400.-A da4ce t dte:,of writiag his condition is w- a �Sezt -.11 there 1h:future-Mr. i Motnday ev- 1 'year's -der 01 Zo fTe ago" For %UY Years I it 3 Wa un e idsoces t ie football club' gaided as er11t1ca:L-)&r. Set),, of To- :BurX)e lftlre mas ess t of BX,4t tt the a la1ge turn., or f or the to mehip of 9 x pbgr afs 1161d In; Boss:ng P -nd I a. en&d. mi Tonto, and 9 -.3. J. 11eyinioads, who %6h duty he ' hu",. -7. evening. Orrnf:lrly Oi ScOtlall�A- sll--,at fuaeral f the attel 9 fbtfler, Mr. R, wih d3, -Kee . T. K)_ : to take­dbar P In mind thp, tha -Past -week with his old fie nboUSf, Cfn Mol"J")t SAst._3 .,Jr. tnt -8&J Ito alself amd 41190 Ito the: town I be of the stack show 011, Friday alid Yuill, and. I IVC high Totel In. C1 n, are at pr;i,�Bi llp� Hel WSS'& Strl4dt is Tba iss Chisholm, of , Halt0a iodt and con L-A at 211ft. 4 irood llb y received a beeity Y, w 3re visitoxis at -vx. mcQel- Atetl�s pa7 Intso W and lember.& St. Tames Street Mel.) lbelEn arrafruged.-Word was remived tome hoin the friends of his WS Ove.' Eastar. r. Chisholm Is a 40 1191LM-A: r umber ir bufth baid was a ys ta:lbhf al . liell g k �a,' tM Iwa In, hl Ila'st week that Mr. joseph �AIken- cla, Bmthron -M, NJ, of fW$W4 ten t! �e t It -en Sin, of Drr� Chishd, jat lie d 17 io� this vill -alid R Iat se, vices, demon-strat at i Gtilderih )n �a�si week or 60 Tfl;Ba�i e with h 'e-viel -MIr. aqd KrB. j. S. r g inter esit !h GOO, . )RBSEd Mas ber Geo. 'MeXtnle, vrbile ;-rWM:D7r at his 11011320 In th� ughter, Mrs. He3tartin. Mr. w� f#ejnee -tell off, and Un- jr r Tc ro'Uto, vWted In town e Ives to imourn ble Jeath :a farhJly o danil a. 1113mr Mgrcb 18th. Demased John -daB.of Laridan, spent se ri a r sley ig�ve :1 xee ida W e haVIL , -r V�eel - 6 1 r ve al fol, broke his Arm joet �abova I pre his it *1011 knowrh and bighly respoe,-t; daye -re recently with ble fatlier.�, tb ke-It o114, elbow, hich will keep b Ist lean eased.... -,n 16 yeard ago, The Me-Arr. M�VAlkenbead. of L -NIr. Lawrence Sitephet:son. Df MInton, czeltool for some tirne,The fail wheat .aeot nA te w, la me .018 pJrt, 6f UOKa, qai. on, MatiVes here oyter Stjrit czpBat j3abath li With R -Dry -F.- ithI Lt blad, 1; fair top .*n Ia fthe I T -Am Red St ahur4 ill (a, Ttle el fWiNqburg,, W1 a dale wid Ze NX 1.1 enia -Wiltrid SoEnl�mam, b mt flne, �but t the Iatei wheat � I - 04 C Alttadlped By A Dog d, Of ToTc lit 0, and -his brtheis, s 017. smatheraL New W" fa t ip wid Geare, of Loindon.,,Spent the.Lg,,s- I I -Brlefs.-�xT. Melvin I -MT. JoeePh Hood, of X ,rdin ttailor rft); for t fn� halve �Lethbrr ecajid owtilmssion of good, amd Twt heaved, to Tea" Is, 111.1m. Te ned h 11; bad an Rer 41oBlays befe with their arenton.- 1) 1 -wa4 n mt � in the xciting pXperWnee round oh ! 7uei day k�ta,-Xri. uo,-hn aY 46 -9Sb1RiWe d itg up 1 -MiS farm !to -A the- i iww, -Weat off. Tl*m "ara. 0118Z likeif I Mr. Rab�et (in Tueslay ey '9 lu, tvad the t week for fl. -m p6r­- a"ve f id If be Ake, dTiw-n i - IU their new ba a, uMbe:r i -Taxmem- iklh 114-M 1 -0 ths Y�i%0. and- *Mt* plea �-.to I- in MVIN illei-� ej. P e- will, m tba Y of use. Ziowoob JtWeh by was d -dt ib -yr many friends. - ab 01tack, good vLi ui ph, who Air-, Se r1m, G. S3do -virh*. U- tbet - r. idog. Her Can ublog WRV tor'l. -Improve the direction at t VISI tE, L -left' OTI I I r. -­ . be flIf tulkra 4OPt he s to 211(ri. kees '11ouse.- but dia exarAination it Rfdhaxll Storiebouee Jast W" A"O jut- tb ror beeK. liv Xg - she wsic not. twuredl found thqL.t LadiW �JhAng made: fa Nu unii g erdut t4, 0 b her skin h4d U30, InteiiM, CC QMPt *hu=b. - 'Th, r )nove �ack th 0 1 lot 'bVioken by, t1be a 19 -6two weft of incm S WaIr ttel n%L The WX -visses of �Nftrxoko� spent yae" of symbig-tim WA on ule-1 attifted the h0V3e#1V1.qjch last"" WAthis Vel�k with their A day ItIllb week, 16 A- wfr rigreole :-to f If -r. W. no f Mil 1 S b6ing -so Wa a r Ist OP. mood% Sri %lie 1*ftth: le 94 !gava&dther Perkins, *6* 6t -law do "y -Aw In towta, ul- Y hud'i Miss- - yr triar. of b1mg laffe&AA Vith Wha Vft. L�W ftri of. h- !bulym e*- r %nmedlaUly aft if. *ire vTk to vl4t fr1j aq l'Veal. ca! 7wa-.i ME :Ir -iX t