The Huron Expositor, 1909-08-27, Page 577�`
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27 1
. . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - --- --- --
are Y-Wting With ed BAN
lip Gold S
at Pwth--fth�: and _Nt
f W,
,e order
jjot.ftv laet. from a 81 VbAt L
]A Et 0 RT H ri
t h- 6Ud q. apte lea at lu § 'Ag -MW owil
C -in ibaxdware bd
moiiref - lelit , Tho Moo . xn- Ew"',10ir-FICE, TORN�XO
dtaposed ot b
Pin %ud Miss Nora eft on for
-*nor shoes. We Vh 1h," oqobLo., where they� ap6rA the
'W B. R. WALkER laTesident
Aso know itley
t Paid-UpXxpital, $107000.000
_k son.—Duncan Stewc%
-1 W010 T, HC X (it)
vqUel, in
one adi U ok 0
school stifts ,ins A R;LAIRDt Geheragl ger lieserve J aii
son, of Detrolt,:,Were Vik-
iwt wffo and d 6,000y 0
nI'll 11 a - I r . .
I . b Th,
ILt tte Taome of tb* form-
Umes, i0f.
Alex, Stewart.—Misales i4i�- �ra�� A, a., ti
pemd ti
�4L-, th� ieam. and Gortie, Ross and M�sWr to very 'much �rcidif r Branches throughout E a an I in the Uhi 'ed States and England
mi n g rma
t I 114mes, Mo
itV. Thm as to a,w ta- *
W_ ape, eek vkh'Toronto. ner in. *Jlif. dera
t ar. and Mrs. M Platt left for
re tht recen
sr. X.%ft �r was
-on Tueslay on a, att.—on West v1L
ortth is W
W, of last week Ifiss. Ethel
Is. Bri `TT
appreciate. aild. de ea aral Mi
Z*6 - - -B _'_
SAVINGS AN of -is,
I i� iF
a -ad Mr. ahas. .0. 4mbah er.
kig Am�, 1 4u d
well known former Bru—c-elsit-eak V
Deposits of $1 awi u
�a Ive
pwaro$ ce' d and it terest0lowed-at currel6t
United in marriage, at the Church _iesI1qaeeon3iod1_1 hillreet N
posits, Dr, Seotvo fA stden I bon IL rates� Accounts' jibe cpened in tht names of two"or
1PI chrotne oaP
V66 furpl# i on shoi not ce
A�d wals
more persons
in 'WinnipejK� whers hildra M Lde by any
ces rangin-or ome
their h
ye been: residing for some tirne.
SWlmirii, A olgi 28 19.1 girls. T on6 othL�
ta. , . . i � M
NT I :
council axe askin 121�
D, to 40 05
Fail wheat. iORTA
Led. tbj� ednstraction of theorl�arge Gats, per bus i-1 ... A F 0,
fitt : ::,.. !I to 0 35
At- the- north end of the town, --Paw, per bust lei 74 to 070 AAR WA D 'V
mr the Albert street, dr'ain.—. On, Barley, per bui hei ....... M
'0 38A0 0 88 -1 f9ru i an V' oc but d.
terids, to anaker.
,4 to r3nb f6f a 'Umb, per t6n.; ...... .
',,,7D,00,to D 06 g4.1 Addm 121:90 A
llueda� of this week Wris Jessie Ii 00 to :6
rs, r toil ......... 00 B anwil'. Out
40 . 1 11
of the I& arx V$ 90 (XV64) 10 00
per -tort; ... i�j
Vlour, per 100
. ........ 8 24 to
faTmerly of Bru-4sels. was united ........ 3 50 1 FOR SAL -9 For 8�e,l 10A oj�l Ot Wher; W say that we be-
t . , - e
Chas.'LiW of Tororx-4 4; Oonol ission 3, E
Ratter, Ift 0'20- to, 090
6 19 t6. 0 19
t Mr. 77 mor is.
0 P� to, 021
r 'we
MO 19 A iinieCe Of Our' `OWVAS-i er� ore six 60qs. o# 9 )od �ardw od a h. TJ lieve hive tl�e greatest
- to - -
L pqv r
The gvW `Iqyq a,
0,49 s suitat 16 61ther win; b
oss.�Tha contract for thn� HYy per ton - - e
Wm. 6 00 to - 8 00 !od� rftl Ila
is f3r lso� raWs evi&, offen �.d
Ilia$ Pe 60 Darg
=nArUCUO of. the koris and 50 to 50 h eandbairt. Iti0it"W41 rom Sea.
a white saxOny
'sheer 0 75 to th'and V -mile fro in so too]. theup�r- corth I
rr b 0 ed to D 60 bi
1 6n the MAS.
93raW4S-.te1qph4Nde line was eT, on Pot& agt'to,'Forbes Br who -are Sxt, tretaiii to L 86 Py smig( s or dre R$afortb P. 4). anket, i ive mean
Union' BI
ta ed by Vvdod per cor t(long)..
. .......... OD to 700
'Tilt work 60fnDl4et 4
what we Ja7, an4 that, this
or( (s ..... 762 t6 375
ter lt—At the Methodist paT'qQr14ge, IV . I 1 11 1 ARMS FOP, SALE 0
0 .......... 00 t6' Boo MTH Ond of tb esee I oh Co
Kamloopef. B. C., on August IT. AU -ss , Timothy Seed.. 60� to 12,3
or 3., id c Ita W as bargain Is 1 appreciated by
k 4, Lio
t t, R. R.
yargaret Baeket, of Drumels, became ulk I ord,, 4 V 'ni e m ro our s
01 Me� 1 01 cu tcici0m is evidenced
0= slon 2. 114
critt we W bride of J.6hii iT. Duncan., of
V VY in -On thli lot there Is abitu of L
Dat k t 0, 10 0, a Cow: Base, a Oeoigt*qarition. fo destr in flies on
and -soa of James Duncan, V 9
Sund in by the rapid shrinkage
�&m Y
w bushwi dhillb!forid
:MOITis toWnshlp, Rev.. 0. M. AAtUi - -
Send- Toronto, 1>4 E' e re. rate frorn tye battle And horses, quart can and'sprayer, $1.00
jwaz vilaung -of — — 151100 �elhese is
0 -for a I rTr ;.n the pile..
e1c,,JNUiS-S S- Bell,, 3al wea L 01 1�e
I_ Wformeid the ceremony. r ots. 0107 wiu Do
ord After mutut,,,!e4dY 22� �� 2 271 re ted
or rbi, 3alirs, apoy
kn than a weels�s illrxess, following prices. AQUailf6 .,,4s no i up to! the stan(ard aOAJ S000p hovels,, large, �size for hand1h g e ar et is K aT. pr(sent, to jA S Sp g non ill 0"
hdin of buttO grain, 46.) TOO
tew dalya and demand its chlighter �4oWwholeWe' nlo�
R;Strc)ke of par�adi, Mrs. Robert Fox
c4rr, T0r4=t, %tions -0
Prints, bhol M
Wsed- aWay last T�tesday -,evening, at 0 W; C, airy
here u -U) ill _ESALX We did riot need tht blan#11
Ole home of er eon, James F6x, untig-4 tu 180 se--�Suj pplies re large mnd TO 1 8 P 4 F TJ
a its a� w are alre
T Was ant to a power of e.( )ntal �ied i a certa
LIDO ye M, F0
I. Chee 'se 0'
utwsl c e, cto20c;,6rdin9Jry. o1ce, :
Ott. intenda he
A-45 a aTs -of es are u 0 -ed. New- U e pr luoted at 1%c
of mortomagir wl ch will MO (al
pr 0
Deceased, Wh
;e, was a very -ian and was a nd a at cheese
In en Y, st oug
as BRZ Stock ar. active treati se --2 ell b�o rk-' cked 'but w2� b
i97101ag to carry 24, &s tb will be f pu ie ai odot on nothil et I it t% Be
as ufual uD to last Wednes- 4t day pwinoer, t Lh bo 0,010
westerns, 900
a- to 0, t I in I t L wa T irul D top 6 them 'becal he,� wem a.
'a to 11 Hutte.-�
goods,, bUt whether th6 at.- * Her mal len name was a enberrs lo 9i' th A'fev 4 tine ai;ft
re day n1g' iBr , 0
11 #11, that rbain, -eel o r tr t ndjL 134 W
-Wheelans. Sha is siarvived by her 0
d 256 to"A', 1 c- 46) a of Tualaremith, i t ounty OP 65 snap
40ther 4 -tore it is e :to "N' i� ge--,T6 I rap fer D t at P n1q
aerch + is Y.- ftledto' 2 ;0 260 -1 Is Alfew,4 tine s� the el andr,
morket is
ibusband and one son.- The i
at 2 a to t3c and C per no,� nd )PQs
died rrul D top.,. nseq aently�:�� "ill clear i it
�siness - t V6. thirt tijae W1
I the bu L ed f A i!�w 5 plain ferrul 85 co m uickly. at a, ac vance on
sl g
runerall 'A R iron, and h,� 4t
that cornea to& place 6n Thursday afternQon tO dozen. even (37.), in t e, I Q n cesetbin, go Co t.
Taen� not be too, ba
S.i wo
g one hu ndred acro a of tak, =10
,sly, prussels cemetery.-Brus1els football A Aw 5 tijie sl rap ferr D
di less. Ter of We n lade know] � on a of -y here offe; Y
00 Think of the oppbr�unjt red to sae mone
took Im t River on Friday -be ha On ipplicati ri to le p.8in
be Qaedo. Iteam went to Green ot miy 0 C
AI�w 6 tine fairul D top,
tt DOX801T & DAWMG, Sol eitoi J fol
of last week and playid �the first game Toronto, Auga'st 24t,�--Ontarj Wheat'Ro. ew 33�,�,eter, Ont 2;
�jn the In armedlate aeffil-finals for* Lhe Ale'W 6 fine -str4p f; t
TaMan. 05 on sea oftabl6 goods.
win opl",
xesent bare with ter wheat, 900 to 9�p ontsid Nbatditoba our bo s losin -by. one -pup.
northern, to $1. aomihal,'6n t ok
e Will be played lakeports. Oats-Nor2wbite-48.e-on�tiiok,'T6 n-
b,y jgoaL The re oudr 'ket
comjdt�e he4-d bere this, Prida, evening, when B us- to ; Wo 2 white.4,15c _; X0. 3%, te 44 geedj: 44. X -2c Bag a for carry
ada western, Nbi 2, 45b 1;1 No. ILI �XtM in 1-1 bus'll I U bushel
-their recor to 49 IbI16.
Light In Me, basea*Itti, of Deb 110pe keep up C11 Thd NO. .9 "o like jorw an' track � To +++++++++, avrarded tbo Highland Band ha -,,e been en- Now Ontario'oa;0 Wrlirst 1hip ent 8$ctoAga out- kelo do two buighelf 5 01 Lucknow o4ice is hereby gim that 0 rt ill. bnl
the, rnanse. $,(Is. Barley ew for at 650, t to t) is Onbgrio Vote. Yj tg 3b, by HU
gwd to furnish music.
n*21.6( pot t Of 13 lir 61.6 rfn iger. bits in wood box with'
ul I io,
�uLslde. Mure I oba n our the 4,adge of the Oo ourtl of the
--ul: HE is starthia $24 t orolito.
ton ; shorts, . a * th, at SW,*&, on ay of Aug -
onto. ri C
)ace-. He W.W h�
i bran, $22 -, eho track, woo Hay- J 11%9ON, 'Cox aq o'elook p.m., I det�rmi4e foldin -cover-4, 5�14 6 i1f 87 0 10, 1 12, 13, 14' 16 a -ad
3 to .530.
c in a a Vrrors the Yoters'
co too Sa- of -the MA: xi�lpaliby of th F_ Illiggins, GenerAl Fire and Life 1,411ranUe to 8% 1 16 for $
thwe bu ags an timothy, $14 in t Ai id ot of Hibbert, 9.00 9, et,
her but the. 1,; 1: . i -
b cold wee One HUN Ored Of- sajlan, y Un 10, n,
AgM#400riVeyanceri Notary Public, to 9.
Oak I I ` 18-hiugling Hatdh6ts,. poli hed steel, 4 and 411 -out
Improvement On bb@rL
AM JORDANI, 0 erk Hi
IL CL J., &c. All kinds of conveyk6noing neatly
Were burned.
aud-obles ydone. Any amount of privf*L6 ar�doom- )ated Aug. 30th, 109, 1
--------------------- t
P6tatoe 1., 3661 eaebo
y I =11 to Iman at lowest current- rates of in -
Blankets. to:..... I a a Pi 611'a
'to, I )t&tQes are still
Some choloe"farms for sale cheap. B. R. To nor q
ron sejl- 016arm,g ont 8 nofitv Ball I ein, maohn'11*15tig ham-
ing ase to Im lo per bushel. 1h, ket,!,� Irm 2-1
w itait, C �n rig, handle- — 1J, and 2#1b.
k. Wi do ased On a ste douivind. 11 13 n 'he Se- r -h Te e without handles, 40c
are offerin here These�� -are full isizi I o, n- ith
wer, who Laura Richa -i W
oes I rloads have 4 q1Y
and o, feAk
BayAeld, spent the past
st, succesful -shee breed,, weel( visiting been bought. Warnook 0. kni vei=s, 9, 10 in. bladeg '40c
irtu r e, rp t
:)ft in and il regular a
ery A few sook4tfra'mer ohisels—i to 2 in. at: 15� each
im-nortaA sale froju'. her friend, Miss ennis McBeth. On % ders S1 and downy
re $3
Week. He disosse4� of Sabbath evening she, rendered ex-
Stl000k arxets. t4l
cellent solo, in the Presbyterian church,
per pair. Dion't fail -W ff e quantity is limited)
Aug.:23- e Dep' )rd mJ cc'' on, all lines- of,
wj�,tJrdon keb for t1ille
f . .. prices -y are positively re, 3 re
The sale wag =a& iu,� . .. C inwaxe and ot laot long
which and was much, appreciated. Miss thi sented, and cann
ith i lo upwa e:% day- pficbs
W* H. BeattLe,, 'llent Voice, Of Ance this day, ve qe -mor
On- has, an 'eXQZ Ow an v nee V to to e to the fron w h �hre'e
4ranitewarell. eat and' P1 ambing and at
P the )rice.
-er leehg, develop
rheep were our.,.hased� Liverpool, Ajig. 28. -Astro 14 to anq sand dollars' wo branoheS prom)-uly attende,
for sewarkablt recnge and sWeetness, and lb withsaleS adians at .12e tp i6h wd � be sold 'at o 9
le- Of Iowa- ter manner of rendering makeg her gr( aP91, Ac! Ii
particular favorite with a,, who S.. I will i u� 6 ja�m a 1i R. tRa
in the tradel rzeitod irk pricesa;dvancini bXpert
to Jo Per lb. cr, 3 ergr iold. at 121c to I*,' +
a Shropshire$ aad th te
ft%Ve the pleasuri of hea-iing her. axti cles tha t I ldh �soll. i ices
�130; C 7VN
Canadians, at 1-94c ranc eirs; ab 1�a to 120 por I iat-ere4 thoO
hr -wr Sorant
lot hag Just -5 Bdefs.�Miss Rea Rouatt `hid th6 Catiadis L evies I on the warkbb. ro. dle the, one grade only, f
lb There were�afe%,i dU'CDal e han
one day ;&dR sold at
ta the purchame. mtdotune' to gea bad fall
er j. ;th- r al thin
em . 'Glasgow, A ��tter. 'Pricesi g e
jG1 iyom- A e 1 Order froba afe-
and In -13JO fo ar, tol& 4C e for'83-
s ni-e manner lost her lAs : " - - itea4i no Prints worth 10 aW 21 r ard
!,its e=orts Pre appreciated. last week- She was picking fruit fr ai f(i. c. Tea i6w 25c 113W [30P and. be sure of gettin
Who IS gl,' a tree tea no, v4c ; 500 40c, in P
intivie, & who the most airefut a bulls prime, 11 0 n a -aid ri 10 to t
11alance, fallin to the ground, suff- '0 ee Jb4ok-afid -p
ng a severe sprain to her knee. still low -at
-taini per It). tor 7 lbs.
Montreal, Ang. 24.- :o 0
aik K�an, tea all m
litend.i bay 4 to n-�
big an The, lie: 6,1�11' iks. raisins. aelivery Get ii whiie thI pnee is
I ig
*lth de
She Is still confined to her( bad, but r the deman� I, can ed a!d aar�;sb,
G Tueday led a! A e for 8 lbs.. roll4sd: Oa1 at for
g prices. T1 !� drat er say the p1dices ot Is
11 er has: been ad' d to obir fiatuous'
poving to Lon4on, t. we hope..she will soon be around &gi;iin 6 bars Can 0 t oap or� e,
are jo per 1b. 'lower than t -y were last I e
W. m. Bell, son ps 0_6 1 )Ars.. ( �f SU b �o
I'vening Gt Lire itk & WeLy as well as ever.—Mr M. twil or print seotion, and print buyers wi
tt g9od at itudulsold"at 8 ;0 and 4he ill find it to their'avan-tage
',to_3JQ per lb. sold at fr6i 103 1 ..Bel �biv
mamynWit, 6 bars a, s ap f Or
M *4 Mr. David Bell, of tbe( Znd conces-i- moastpok 4t 2
idon of Tuckersmith, preazhed in tile to 89 eaolt Ohl rob 4t* U S Eor , 5C goo lar
i�p soldat Sic ix 46 t lb. la
iit of Kippen W d to aval. themselves of this opf iortunfty� Thele- is ge-
5je t6 6c Per ll,i; good loto of it o soia at Is ?Ojp
F4 has, held the re 42 1"Tehyterian chuch la-st Sabbath and 1b., I a nolass 101 1%
me. � n
to 6 erlb. range of colors,an erns hoose from, �ind no one
id at .0 -c
ilt also take Uie serrice -next Sab- 0, r1attle- irbylactIve, stead to DIC. a a 4u t, .1
4L 06 Ll S lb.! Dail
the public In a, very PC-Qattl - L
I jL- ft
::,e y and while tath. Mr. Bell, Is -an old -P
ise I er s tot$&85, Ship �'nk, b C, I I igo ca Soa need f-ro away disappointed.
late 1i
ruckermtt yrul I 1; 1 rM of MIR & Wfloon
to .4 i butcher 5 W $6.40 ; bet e to
�re de- 8
we ta loa'4, him as a -boy, and his many friends .0 to 85zo clows. 33 -to* -,,bg1ls,- V& �to 7ro
-ers'and ers*i� $4.06- bei By I s, c6 iid 'forl'! bu- il -cash 'Coal Merc'
BOted to hear him sDeak.-Tbis ghest p er nts
4, in WI, him Har w and a
abook stock ro
I to enjoy his retire t will about wilait uk�a 4arvest in this $3 to 43.50 ; sh cows and spi. em, steady at V94 trade..
$60. -.1rogs -Fairly aottlive + +++.+..4+4++++i V,� to, lower Z e4forth 1
vicinity. ad' now the threshers are to Ontario �x metrapolisi. and, sAojot others stead; hea%rV,L ft6o to ft65 ; m xedi -enbead. son
James Alk Of to $8.55 ; yol $8.80 toRM8.5 11gs, 88,25 to N,
4P city life we win ba N 0
Xr- Jobn Aikenhead, formerly of the roughsri to TIOM ; stags, $6 VIR said
$8.40. Sheep and
him -return t W,
Johnston. of St. Lo Be higher; rV
London Road, and nephew of Mr. John
j sheep steady
Xtu4och, is here visiting riend im jJ6'1 to. $5 e
$9.95 to 50 wethers,
mie In eng4;!ad driving a larget auto- ZP60-to$1,75; eeproixed $ to $4.76., t e- d Dk- a Borp-r Ain ai, i
an utal summe Endq. of Prin
�4 11 A i�4 At S
AU�Tf Sea&Lh
West Tdrot Aug. ?4.- !,quality jof fat o tA
tar for a manufacturing, c
ancern near
Ive Years since Mr. Job#4 as much the 116;is 14t we som�,L fow xpo Up Genera.4 "r. hese� en. ck, r,e -6c yard
ist visit ta thelee part' Vew Tark. lie" sometimes has load.� tra, obice well '34 shed i being bn tbg frA rchant, -to-bat
'Weighing iseven and eight tons. The ket ready for 'I 16sday. The o nqt�ipg doin r in Jul ds of Du grularly priced i
!r Ite comes the better
five itonS. MISSeS exporters, but 0mcdc e � bu"hers" ci t Is
auto; itself - weighs
all azilu
vist 1aggle and Res ie 9cGreg-or, 2nd -eon-, Were brought ime Q1 lots �f butalet All kinds dt fresh k� arid grey*, from 5 to io yards in lea
�-qian,Y friends herea sold at $5.25 W $5.50 ' lo s.!( Filll lines of ifteigh, GrocAes. are in lues, blac gthl,
Just t
to 0 d 4esslon,� are visiting their sister, hirs. me aro just itig
o dium, 8-4.165 to,84." ; comm nit. strong an e
lGag continue th a �mww� -Green Voptables
hicGinuls, In Detroit.. - "re'as : hli- and r
cow 84L50 to 440. rs�& �d SP
fti;y are always. pi
$35 to 06
itsd*numbero milkers -and ens f -41 rtOl et4.' Jhey afe fast �Oiors.
workink. dres',esl
(f.f. Harbert each. Veal Ca was
as -Tho max stl may
at V3.5D to 86 enj
_1%[ ne
ewes, 83.50 v ;$3.75- ; ranis 60 'ho
,aying a few Henes. I Z, Th B Telef) dood
�renta Ott Tuesday, August alst, at 1 shar 85 $550 V. Kei i!iisdy q i to.
!tome h b. Hog
at .25 tO - I rcwt. How +++++++,++++++++++
M"en, a blacksmith shop and tools, house, stible, ed selee c ftu , wli at
the young mensi:- tsat4 fd d e. mw k t, of 5anada bur ta pjrints an Lite& 4re now in. (3ab and see them ++++ whol werli- _W 8bivegolbees. - Thoa. and -67.75 f.. 0. Paot C V I i
to the household effects anCtL
We. R. S. Phillips, Auctions
gelf �y impr A 6- is a It to il� �gue a
26th e i ot i
mout, Fropri er� Toronto, &u 0
�Wlng "WM. D. K.Upal
Priefs-Ridte a number from en-, bmsteen -phon� i;i_
oQuail a few Idis,
�Z jr.. Edgar lautt. Set, 41and vicinity, attended the Sons O to choice, end Rnymore of th(
ily at last we I -ry �c r Cel ry, Green wress vi MO
ommoilltomedia�a., ew Good. u1st- A"Wed ir in
ers, eXcursdon last wee men' bur, jut; �about th�,sau Le . "by of Icattle. )a PEOIAL9 THIS WRBK
ad. of 1faffly. go 4 New'
13dotland celebration at Seaorth on
As usual the b 4 cattlei sold � k6- th D
S. -0 W -e. TheW Tectc
ipe� ToinatO'
if be. little h4be. but, the comi aou
Wedesday.-Tha fairmers in thi
e �erj cwt. low all
and = I t R vwnlaol apples, 1. C, t.
quolta, � from 450 io 4r, tric of IVesteril Co- nions, ubarb, Maple Syrup.
*n are getting Wen thrOULgh with with some eatt it any lots Of 0 r oes Rh
and for th farmers :unsold. , Therh ere 01(
tario in1cadin Se
rbett,' H,%y, eutern cattle, ese w6re bar L 3L cal 0 0 in
t 1
he CR ft hxrvesting�-Mr. Fred Co
Y Pre hard and some of tb were report unsold: it
'was -Row reerg) c
recently united in marriage to
E; qlauntrY, as theg ka of the market. xporter"% i e rth.
Miss n4nablamp. of the same to ed baving boul a fe ekpovW, I at .4 to ort our D s Ooods direet f ro
F9 mea just at a We, imp
m the old larid,
Bu 0 �ders foic new cti ns, changes 7
ahip. We unite with, their many tchers--Gec e R tree .�c g4t 44,4,4 cattle r
E mast needed i,t hio-
As At toir o., 1prip 11 ubeh es, t1 e prios some
relatives aud friends in wishing them -the Harris At' ers� of firut harn chinn ff street r thetebiv: �avink from To t 0 2 5.rer cent.,on
a . fe" . i 00
eta r&turn 4. uccei ate', B. Cxu:nLn A,
$4.20 to $6.60, h � latte price bi f PA11411 address, or duRl,ii ate efitri�s,
long and cantlaued h ` m1pas through picked cattle .; COW I., o 1.60. dilkers and SEAFORTH Pay who ar no*, in a it. 1011' o do this. We 1:ve been
there Is _U
We should, be ed in at once' -'to'
life.-J)r. Rossack, tuca, was at te fin ytrabein n the i iarket y ads d �NER ISTOREI p
e tin ft 0 would have b selectint
the na n parti a- 'baly th
m to dor, and' w1wn i
0 wasted' -te Prices as v. rule -n f am 0i W, tub very
Spri =t� cul Ay careful this
anse lately. spending day with trdeg -1 est fro mr
are &4uia his d4ughter, Mrs, Smith.::Mrs. Coul. is s to c k- W!, e- a
th glit te., I Wer figtire. 90 u1n ti good c each manufacturer, and -the ult -1 a proud to
ta_41es thia- tecelVe It Mrs. from I ta$50 each, while,4 )�ra qu!
_SOn, Gf Montreal, is the gup 1%b E
'$IL, 0 Ojay to our friends.
.st of =da 4 trot QJ6.
John Sheppaird of this villagi&.-The W to oo. Vtai 09,1ve&.-Veal Vies 8,
tmot t 140 sleep to I
them would havef bee Win low GIA as -dis
,6t had they renwiallmeAd 4anaper,
OVIt. eep a�d�fAmt
trustees of the Methodist church, af er ra sso %I r' ewes,
ohth K-
e ippen and Chisel"hurst pire
m kTt6�0e-2 r7 o 8&m �6r A
-fl, f 1 , i L
V12mb OOR 1) Y
lit, to $3.75 -) M �bsp_$.5
ave added to the &ppearanob, of the r rl f 4 and i vat., 1\7 e ave ec t and
owt. Hop -h �t. of% W'h to hand a I newest eff tSL in s riped
'b t nicely ered at -the ma -k t_4 A _D
tin vene s many v; be alr64* Y avin t a. f. 0 b. Carl
parson4ge here h tians, sel �sj two -to, ned sat clot1j, is, mel -
plain sa
�xt- very
I , I I ur
coun�ry oint,
A. Mr. 'Geo- Ig T-homp�-
have, heard pleasantly entertai �m ber of s, part Voles,
[xied ' -�nl Retur'n' Tick s at I . ama
rose clot�ls, broadclothsy chV ts� tsee
1riends-on Saturda - lzt, in
or with friend lk eork e-4, w -bol taffita ope cloths,,� rozel ain.. 3 an
!8 a vl:At honor of her guestq, 'S si
the isSes Miner, M i or
Sill Far
0 n Agust :3th. to
ai aves
d Mrs Joll Gardiher, a u te... an4, many ot; er varieties P-1
Wmi, and X -I%e ice creafn social, i - G 111IM-1 gle in ffie
OfLondon. 0 n and
`�,Ators dirla
der the auspices. of the Ladiei;� Aid So- %h, to Mr. iojas- In C anada,
,,ALfOUGET-Tr� Goderibh,: on st
Between -all st4t* hades of bhfie,
br *11, -,zreen red black tau -%a
Ciety of the'Methodist aburch, in the llougb� son. with 3efri, (Aisson.-IN and Rn. Joseph b4 ro Hu�on
an vi�ust Gth, to, ashes roses, 3 methySt
RJOHARDS-In �Usborqe, also to Detroit 1 and Port� daughter Vilted-i skating rink, on Wednesday Ove 1 �qse Of
itatio Mo
hsat, clts well attended, and as a -Niagara alls' acl I �u oj We have'
Gudrpare and Mrs. -Richards, 4 son. Mich. F fro a direct irrxpo 1i s ke ades, wistoria, ol
to 4, AXT-In Figeteir,'on Avigust 1A
Teryi Pleasant anti successful one in
reclymont 143 at joba, I L. t. of Wind� w Glass from Pilking- an -4 ais" - shades.
Herbert A�t, a, da4hter. 1 i S lei N. Y. good -going S�p 47'5� Ul
Howick, on Augv 16bh ts.
-Zuriah band en- STRONG -in 09.' ton Brol
to Mr- tbl. St. Hel all
the Forest very respect. The ens, ulag- ;tripeSL and floi-al
edings, a Mrs. W. J.� Strong daugh, r. and 6 return it S,�p New Wool Del le S ft S
-nd eon
ad the proce as the repres-mltatli" ALBRECHT---:1n'EoW1a On Bust I 6th, to. Mr. land. T 16 clearest a Ln d
h. va Ali 'It 160 to Mr.' and. �3old
ely to the enjoymenV, edlors.
buted of the Stried Suitinrrs'ifi black and
L and Mrs. H. Albre t, a so
eve LW. isoURRYA
ain-. TRe I ies are to be congra- HOVOE LI, -In ven gla., s in the market. 1w 9hadoAr Striped Velveteen'
ecess of their social.- Mrs. ov0ell, i e Is ne. price I
esu- )13. at th as the cheap
tqlateT�n th &� i3r. PEaLLJW
a, 60 �Iii tarine d Gen
ODG the' 4and, of all co'
Hospital, Qoderich on Au A th, to --Mr. Belgium igiass that is usuaH
Mrs. W. 0. Charters,- her dughter Ir., Old imi ieal�rs used Ao- t1ltik 4t
With Y New Silks
uialad graad-dau-hter, of Colorado, are Mrs. ILE. Hodgen' a daug #er. st iarti to rid ot old- stock mit. of this ii as the
favor year� Miami, n and friends in Hen- stockedi I We have ii single S' e
M cial mention ial t be made U I h to Rk. and' I Atomers knowilli It. our on tte cord de
Iii a nu er
Ball. Mrs- Frank H�r a�q ou
opulax and heaUhVul Yi Ed ad. u�ii ethickness. Paritis i messal'nes, parle
an5 vicinity. -Mrs. T. Foster, of let 12tb, to Mr. and W. fference h4 e ways. and,do vall eedinzl d
n, op A
and the season nOW WATKINS �Iti Clin On, op A�i
9, dau hter. Ing lon't ovy shoes consu
Graton, is visiting relatives here.- Mm Todri Watkins, X osit F:yr one: tl building it their oWn
Mos4 ch ne, peau -de soie, ta s, satin merves, tamali nes and
bas been Miss Bealtrice Harveyof Exeter,spent . . I
MASONT-1-a Rullett, oil Auguet,13th, to Mr. and - in$, at the interests; the best.
tc Vt old. W?� * we M by, buying histpry Gf thd tOWIX ason, Sabbath last with her friend, Miss F. Mrs- Thos. a 1306'L ray Lh, silks.
rmmmer tyles tor that I ver 'rea ion.
OHT-At Zu on'Atigust 18tb, to Mr., and
view. The number 0 Call and get our pnce and let
Foss. -Mrs. G. 0. Petty returned home ALDRF ,
hw &1: le e t
birs. 40 Alberchtl a dau� I : : i - ran e buttons and 1trimm
iter, 0 ir Invar. is to!! Ben LU oboes rence. m
Pleasant t m,! ou, AuguA 18th, -to Mr. %nd us show I -di& n xtensie
Well ki 03 from ri� to the BARD -In W%gbw iand mate prices that lf.m at once, as, I last week i YOUL tile �ngs has
their ea son that -a
ds and, we
Mrs. �6,e B
is beV 'est. She spent a number of )t,, doso -the e gd,
S M &C(n X2 ge - I 1i) Lek bw, ring. the goods. bee
son. The bellof W Weeks ard, a idaugbter. an adil '&� to. adorn f�el s
is 011 nnipeg with her daughters.— RAGLFA,
6 441 in, Wi ort h, �,,o Mr, NV ono I tool Ith
eve of-, n ber%�* OuL August I there is olily a , I m. utua I ben
and Mrs. David . I Boni A son, ectioii'df 0 r Sti4ick would be of efit.-
nmd Mrs. ,Nlcflar- of London, OUGHTO_* Semo, on 8,4184, to Mr. and 0 aR .4S Summer ra6r left to k dak. pet',sonal insp
6ge diMing'the past Mrs. 0 il Spec *aranee tockof the b
n here for the 803.104 "Were in the -vill�i )n, IL InclAded � L tb�s A comp 4.te s
) bt
-weekVisiting Mr. and Uri. T. �Peark BEACH to Mr. and mazy mell ww=n
i Ott. t h e Uj 1C I w140h Buy you supplies n aff, and I ibrands d f White Lea4 and
rlltA- ouaff I
Sa son. past
t Comm=
a4a. Cho' a' UqRai,'g�'s piirents.-Afr. Ehmes w1th t] am
Brandon Manitoba, was herb 'Linseed Mlways -tan
win the xtra, prize. df C 00 1 on I d.
s ter -a Ontario. Pope, !of Otyle
his sister -law, u lh%ave. 8 of Sat- doRar,giVen to t& hikh Wool
Aut week v1si ID1 -in
Ing fresh as they d0
er. Eggs
CORBETT-FlIN Ab Aqga, -n 1 mee� for
*tea 3
hum, leoe:- of Xr- uo from the na we -m cle&te, n- st rJobn 0 Fred Corb" stl Ith acUo d6b, purchase' during t,'h ghest andl
is addi r C gnat I lsvbg If
refreshing.- -ranee and con- James O"Birieb.4kil Of
r, z
a fine LTRUTRART � Kin
K At S;. test only,
Venience of his property b And �es gr.
The - I. g to tre'a�pea Y I . Agen1t for Robertson's
'Ai 11 18th
_tno -stTeteli of cement walk.—Mr. W. T.- Church, Brampton, on 4�1 ,I I by Rev, W. Paints.
ng a Very of, Guel, by ]Rev. J.. Read; Mixed
See th�: window fVF ffie
B, A. pastor of the
Perkins, of the Commercial Hotel.has G- M' 'a
evidence of Me PEO Littlel', iureqh, d Rey. W.
*Penqd out a moving picturia them-tre R_4ohnstonq, B. A,, of r n Do ther-in -law highest urchaser 4ur..n
s making. Rev. ar� 1� 9
of th m t"icif
Florence the
terL= inialster at V11r4 Im th6 Commercial Hotel block. -Mrs. August. i R cr
1 ton,
Kil I W
an e - MO
t fiv4i now. tott Alex. 11orn, pson very pleas tly en- to Rev. D. W� :S.- UrqT!h?,i t Of ox t roh (in _: '.
111chizid;' SON
tertalned 9. number of friends 4Dn FTi- G� A
-Ildowel,oul'son fbhe;l%g,1D), ban
4, - e. UZ4
�da Toron,
of last wek.--41r. Calvin. Xw- of
ell IDUNO I On Stoves Tinws"
In AU. IMPe2T, 0AS 04 a auiction s%le on Satwdaafter- rd
oner, I [sin
17 b X souto T. I Oppogite Tlpvm RUM%
t ain of 00, _11,tolEssma aret� ids agk..
Qmd fair prices attained. -Mr. Newell e cage 94ek -r ot' mosel&
intornmd tW'
.1.1, A
fWed, 041 7010on last 'was pretty- well attended t U d Market roots