The Huron Expositor, 1909-08-13, Page 6j Tjtc tow T Alize Was no longer wu Ry- t 0- 1F9W BM - U I N .1 'fact thet in, t1le il 1j", eplessness, In Bull-' TfUL M.eaen fro C. V e-1 A I of �44 If i onit.101ft evoked In ic OcUfte. AU diftUms 0"I .0k, g. in 'the, Solitude ef'croWded -ins. M, broodin to Met- W, I to aad CbSX910 mo&xa streets,* sheaig- Wvlenues and swargLing 4; n yau !are thinking, ef time his life. atawy bentutry an actuAl presence avin� in on Goder—ldl "trask =0 purtha, in sometbir g new for your home it6 THOU I dam M4 Ot Dr, wnieffi ng to add t) its cor0ort and beauty. 1411t t1l W11- 1�0 4ave 4411t t1l ? Did With t iis idea in md youishoul d visit our ph wantion. sud'a t1augs f LM they 1604 1 y suff I.V $10re arnd ex e' our st&k of t r cc Ifer, Few ul *a mther ct P. ].Did tl�4y­ n( v 9% 114111=8 Fruft�law_w WIN Brought e4 Idde i h6m dee and deO I Re' FURNfTUREs P1 URES, CARPES LINOLEUMS RIJGS. s6parary _VaduAto CW1e&,% VA i�e aid of "e a SWatford 0"! wome C*1 Q" ha�trt4 enough we I ca#y only the best an4 m. ost up-to-date t0i. a U past L11 XeColl member at ex cited tD -e -ably surprise gr Vetertaary mounter froods land �our pricts vill. 4 the Ontario ree *U Dom tie An- Al i Intmt 02 !e! again so ewhere, you. �r* We& u=)iufbrtaM. ftft%tW coudition f In 7 .5 W; � 4 1 wulas vy t1w M= W40 th Gh what he had ev Lin Ahoughtjor train o lumush twa VMU4i-,rfU1 meffidne, gdffer6d foi- fftr. beea *=tjstrt apd MU VRX"- preparing to see el main 14� a8L eV e her wo.unt to af o ioi. put thouOtkep; �Pj I Yes" with thia iew, but ottice oppadta Dickja: A BAS FUL, ' , �1 I*" I I �rouwve6 my b"A hea, En alonek�.r at witl TL w 94E !street, SeaforM All ONUS iOtt Of cleant grim ail g muld not eAt ,ertainly nob the i uppl% laughing girl owls anydftg but wbat wUL receive: prompt &ttM he- suffered ul IL the botel knownr, tia,-, smooth, slender, 11nim is obft ned w(t ii I used eveT7 he had Ho Lse Furis . r Ulidrtaker e I Indtg d Night �Wllj re"t*ad at Of the Val= ftvm aint,:visftor who had 118n thetolLandlhaffl Oita regar& ng. gel b's domeg�6 Imown remed-y :,I d' vvt�A treated by dark ayed� through pbyeelahs, but the Y�PePs'--P- amd head- played at marriag,. iwl him. -------- I%,, d,& W - ha aebW 0, rWted in ;Oil, of the treat LEGAU Sunlight is rtaw been keljt long I ace of th3 j&VBS T, KLTLORALN. Is gone when he a sift day Is work Illit leh j tl�6 3 f ts so t a brief two year6 b�-4 passed, 'as swift PublIC, A d', Id N if Sulnllght�* ap It 10 off aink - fte cou d 11 Ot ell 'Was Et.troubled and uneal am 'and Barrister, Wicitor, Not the 101to of 3 Ue leavilg In the younj gir'1—mind orl in Seafokth Uon.� -'In sorroas in bab�iness. ete. sy nipathy f 3 r man Mne to loan. a beA*ildgred FrIftys and Saturdays. � Offire Follow 40recdo wl 'je every week ft. oveir PlocardS �m- a d adfn r, i D' OF Luncheon had w t been sery ed when he, isil muin streat, Seatorkh. ;5- I - ingering on 'IOU. 01� Y in press' soliething W 'they returned. 'V� out I had hithez ft the I din us 1, they exchanged an arsome, bid she. an 91 as or R. S. HAYS. rld atfl a tormal word o. Then Eileen t 0 wo bem un a�wiLre Open to th Increlased JkT ST. CXUVOY""r Mounted to her ov quarters; and Sel- W *1 le "s to e dded h1v e�r s m i Public. SoileAtor tor the 0 n Ze; List &nd Notar of ga�� &:L I thr gh tbez It-' 'World. Pri Wyn walked nei buo' app y r, at the Bank. Nina evidently �,,,tblngps i I . . I brary, where he pe to h C Wminion Bank, ffeaforth. Mona.# Po0ular 1 Wt antk— th prepared for so, DI midday festivit, Day for she wore hat and furs Speed E� and the Athletic The, j. V_ Exam brou,--ham was outside. Monday Exhibition Dail)� &R -d Notgr Public. Office - Up. -"rd gbadaued next 'week..) 0 SL I&ft i I . + T) (00t6 g7er Wakker's furmilture GtOe, MA110 John Raitt I Cou Cat: owl b P E - - loll I I e .1 street, Se4torth- ' ' I Lever Brohers Dog Sh �hw raA Que., has used Xilbur�!i toronto, wM send yoa free a cake of - thei f s Plantol 'toilet soap, if u PMs aud, recomm. ads tho yo4 $nefn7oon this paper. win 1-, ,Uvies and friends. He told to V T, it a Vei Sto DRq JOHN McGINNIS. I sent pr AX Dexes, this was tae i t gn in writing you (11 me any goo& Victoria you only meidlelne that The ck Exn'lmt n I have received in i sing M i -Douglas Ham on, a student f To- ttt if"=. I am enth-ely w I can eat or- 9021W4.. Rho" himd- ronto Vniversity, S n arrested at Ijiver Pills for C34rrh Of itlibb dinary and I n0ver have a toj� tbjS r� flef I thnnk tWs Hamilton on the tharKie of "knocking r with which I ha en a ; as a MIR. F. 1 rem My down" faxes W OWEI�t Ind wond Attracions Prc)�,rram twice daily�-The best ever., Office and Redd=ee-Godorich. street, tbirty, yevs- us*fivab e is !well vdciufty and 6onductor on the electr1c, railway. He adim ot I WBO foggs and fene,�� Are in i Ot the 1, MUSiA(,- gist Hilanders' h FusiliIers _,;,,Cb0djSt eh� eu, Sisfortb njU& me a right[ Y*U =�y PV ertatement Ur was working aA,a, conductor to raise 7t Coroner tor the Coun-I 4r. fe* AL IDFU HEMEW- money -to educate; hln�selt.. Several it go0a. B"anift" J phoce No. 46 attack of mvere G y PVC boy, 6 for 4 ftwne uouse atd hen� Ot Huron. Or Uial 8ftO � Other conductors *�re clischarged, sup - _y doses aeW io: q thal it was Un- 25c. U for anv _raLwn, your desler- os priviJetes dvtil y because O� �slmffla offenc6s. does n9t b4ndlo "Muit-a-ftives, 00r p edl terms r� to W1 ink� dwtor tto Mft me. h F. Th9ricipsbn, an old rest- Rreworks a H,:)I*day nLd SP wwh.� e� of DR. U. MAIR. i �­Mx. Hug vK11 bpe sent post, T I on r �CIAL RATES sum [,bf 25 centi:lwe h&w I Ident of St. Marys,, died last week, at Each' E*. g L Lo on's -air over at. ate ot For the ffmall -iT �in I'vrs-1 gej&-q "d SL, geDn. Gradu price b� irruft-4a-tivre AlmUed, C Rai 72 yel age lAte of- RochestBr, wr ov�n doctor w j, Lot 1% 0 we ha v--; I Murree %KW�j U-niverd and respected ram member of College at MIR I -Mrs. St. Lek, ari re St. maa, hO zone of Ontario. idnt of to To- jans amd Sargeoins sbecl, 20.V- Price 25 eeixts�cr fill iint lemisb or SUM - ;ronto to reside w h hei ison, who is Prize �ists, Entry Forms, r rat�es ai ia all Worit iation fro in Night, Cog Oil& Elamlitoulm store. a commercial, tra, Eller. .25, or mafled 'fli t cal nl,- Ele t jLought insel -0 144*0_1 Pre at aLl dWers��_. "114 rmlved at otticej statfa. Out, it quit W. REW siaent A. M. Hf JNT, S ceipt of b rhe T r�m Cl*- .4 J. soiwilly,- "She's real beaut�r, that; 1 -lion. C A� haxles , urph e GO d74 Urno, 11 0 n er D. yonnis �er. 06" d they ask her Stale, has ret to Ottawa from to d] 0 the West. was throush all SC(DT�T� !k MACKAY. L4 OTO LrIp t Selw"' dance ind W horrid. Men ind, abs6r lie the Wastern Froi. 1�ce& He says e tat silent act,, 011POS ite MeUjod likely enough to go quite mad about 4 imines MU 0 niq tariff and little. Interest In Imperial f Victoria ht rt at! his absetice 0 that In reb, th� f, her 'blothm and !'tha Old. her, As Nina predicts. Probal�y 5=0 found a general qntimiant for low 4F j. G. graduate leir -ea, V ­that chucki-6- of have ah We terner-axi Aj U IL; JL defence. One FU17 Ann Arbor and member of *b6d, again. Tlorgir 2 Y ems. B t a A =d th who ias there Tuesday' jnWa_Said to hI1jj;'4 "We want. I)ox Mataq]IO, CollegeL of and Sur- headed YOU A 1K W'�aad she I t 4? gulping- up the feao- nd, "What cars a ood we4 do! *U4 Ger 8 Id we,14­ s4a 20,00- IAEH III MAXIruft Cwoner tor the Countr of Hur-� deal *ore' than WORK FOR you Ime, as hit; name?" -h6 a iked aloud. battleships.", 'That. Englishmaria. head W Mr. eoflock. 'Ut W. "He ig st 6a �Ich a de4r P.M.,Dt tm& A. ed 'Wh e name?" sb roused Is level.' KZOMY, honer graduate Ot T-rwnity lor, Ond I b good f4 Ir a Inquired, Altst, Of Triulty t AM: Yof !' -Mrs. Joseph E.� agiam, wife of the �y, gold med !by his voice from smiling retrosInco-'. ver -At coal er -at the C01 --k besi i*! she hastened well kfio r of' Waterloo and wn disti tj�re j1C , GOING 411111 Addition to the Return 1*d -al College. Mem on fjon. ex -M. F. for that 11ounty, died at Fort-, -al- y lest 11 h 6,That chucklehead-the Young man eo)hes 4dej" nd- Surgeons, J­13LSt I L �1 Asm HVII loge ot pb�y ZXC UJINS) T under nd tims as bd* Maine, on T11 t sd&� Of last week. to h ELunt you so per-, ani. b *ILo continued UTS. Seagr ee4 2 q a gre# d toget h pendiag the, YOU.' we war, be go!( land G01NG DA�ES 66�:'";eiald would s -ten for sistenty- when you poured line ofG.TJ'..TOrant t6 4rstla auC H' RUIGH ROSS. past three weeks and, being one west bulf Of DO D er -at o* time. OUS U0 rd of course they Fro, due to -to Acre,% An Te Nina oa Tuesday. all en't of a party of zix.� Death was Aud. I -University at Toronto ��d Politely aSL PAC. istati no on Simi I wa�st of loroutd-suabu line. 0 haunte I you," he eplal t f ailure, =4 was entirely unex- ne Pi Lcket leno4ded, s] alli agty itive. Frov,� To C. P.R. S taftons weNt Ini Ontario on ejAMIA Uth WL h0n he en: at CD1_ hear 200i Graduate ot Gag she s1v -ty Ot j&e&(:iUe, member of coOrse 10 away ed. he decea si d Aud. 2 0] e kRy U1. who--! aire. She had ef ictive 'workQr T H., -said Sirgeon's O on- iok her head I a gof noncom­� pect T r. all yeaTs of of M#1u Trun XURto, to S Av And all abdy' Chi" ILSON F SO �seiool -it was dff 'ereiat E he adde, L b in 01itarlo, on M P.M. -H. B.Rysi prim TernWb milt prehendon, Itut therre w1W me Val radusta' COUrOft I and Inicl dind S # ot Lake a Usi, 1row sts , -US Tore to ars ftpply t* Royal md then he v, ent to Ys -'e. That wl ah -9101. ped at hJs c In tbe*Anglican C ch, and took grea(A A tou, *�Ud &RI stailon In Unterid West iot en ew. , VISO ,staff":$ sit 01411cal ffehool of chlew Has aeWally Ulf d a., U ir nor�_- yemar y se� L1 phi nthropic work. se—YID7 0" The OnLarle n1stO of Education "Plea O.F A Z� of 0. Ry .. and statforls on X. -N -th of Ittagraw. I Limpital, ljondon, EP9-1 bro Ger"i rxther dreacUrJ,' 11i3terest in aU Foma Sfauons I ranto anoil! west. Includi4simuensomfd-FIR d rwmw 6 1aniversit plul, Tian- SOLD 8,Y A Ll a Y, 'lie 0 is 11 'Tewn, ariwt Ton r Sept. 7 Tore to ia Sudbury ispe. Do..; s received from Offlee-1360k Of �UW obe Bak I e not add 1ha Soin, hngland. "Yes. So wbs he. I mean the infat a letter to the t owin' Sept. 10 rroml Al 3 �Rftonffi tat of Torox�fo tin Onterlib. Rank, Seatorth. Phone NO- effect: In b4d lb*��n I t was mg[as.gicaitioman, whose fada� the for tho re -opening 1 uated time approach ai"wered trzat reddenc im m -wrrbw, 6 b4i, �d levm *lot calls -te v r sembled the fev, of w'ONE-WAT $EC0140.CLSS TICMTS WIMI BE TO W AWIMG 01. ensembe remotely r the rural Is �no , -it 'becomes peces- 49 0&0 somm i& otrW,., &-Aforth,_ Qovald.j "No;'hd yLky of ary to' w a tion once -ore to A pleaused plaqd lizard is. dra M RepresentgLuve fannerd &PPO d by lanitobao ts)zatch �wan it=4 AlIx va.un ab I at tuft's 0 f the r441hm Period., Ithe available supp of t*aehiera for va-' M Ott a - He rid �S 111k, Capta: is per when I 10h, George F�me Th&t is pa es occurring t thig. season. i ma�y furn pd at W, ip t4 P0jUtA On CAn. PaQ. I Lere labore VI i" ff= An W ;A I N1 canci be ish . . . . . . Jaw, incliad�ng branches, a�d at se cent! a mt --ach W*X -Wat :he e- from the il perience '0i HROXX ea�4* be --at exilliki , say.tbat a num- THOKAS ar disagreeable of yoi4 Captain Sel-� thereof Ut Saskatch a d Alberta- ly am yon Q_ALr SEA Be TH 000T ID. at d-i-ok _-enyth ng. DUCO' 619M MI ber of trustee bo b -who have beeI A certiAcat* iis fuimmiishe !Vf; is eket, and this cirtHicate prkea *x -cuted by, I i tow a cootiem WY14 because his w fe has been very, Mai 'R be � honomed froft IWI, vint borae, d actioneer for tb advertising for, too, chers iossessing the showinz ihat laborer has worked W y d r ne, d f, k it th, Orders left at A. dea I forket. for 1 sti me V61 nice to legal quallficat on fo a second tInsis. ticket back to s 91 Hum aad Per five or me-Rosamuhd Fane -and Oh`6, implement ware roONIG, te m az afty n lies? U W ft appears that no Nov. 30* 1909. U_ C�P=pbell*v -Twre -is many W0 spoke iawt cord" of SO, qualified be i5ecured for any Tickets are good 0 a Oren, d will be, issuecl W womel ii SMIA und one OLU efficel eepless D6. th, or at, tsMi&& ]3i& after fAr;a I th 606 [a, rem, *21or "Whic-h one was slie?" joalairy less, than AOO. as to men, b In n , be issued at fare to Wal rccej4D pr=vt baL �Sm of� tk)se M86 repl� She looks on. Sydney .1sher, Dominlon Aflii- 0 r f 11 V.'exticulg-m see nagre�t CA4F111R. aegeiatp vr- 139 ov3e tio, ices, "The Dresden ch*'a onee. factim gu=agteed or no dharg-_ savat, caustitu 0 11ste of Ag�lcultuI e house re, hz zone on an --she ilook as thoug R. THOWS0 1C. it., dise� bw so de�ffitate na rrif 8 Y cannot h she f t I ke n, G ear 4W some of trip throtigh western Canada. UX4 houm th out;a or b, arried. Vs rpost amusing, f Bil S. the Hervous syste that it.. 16% mot wen 111 C RZe� one- wite Bouth pam;, Od e ITS 'He proposes to sc�e the crops - while was it 501" I I ART BR S!, C. 1L. agtnt% starding, ha om beep- In people always ta�.e*her for someody'r. iving Heretof For ekets apply to STEW Sealortu, tor the COUAtt" knew hiq the W_ Z. 310iG 1. 1, do VT next racti-4 Colvin Btu 9 ism & 11 JIM Y,4 and I -,Orth- Being a *1 4 - t sister ho: ill be out wes, only after thi crops had been cut. n WAer wr4w-.!--01Abo-at- tpv ai. MI i, =trl DoWt ycp-u '�remember seetur, M -I bmai6t and Uzi, Fisher win avel Lby both train I F tbo, value of farm gtoc)t &Ad to be Uxmibled to," he said. Must, lo�O her? team. He L w go over ni&1 I Grand WASOVI -a :wh lie hIM UP 4t his r DOM I or club or p, -::Ir- -0 me in a ban" Vow "No, domet But there we do *111'make a num-, re zeas, Tru k Pacific a iaer Zben, and, I XL% Wj b id I 101oui sleep ju Vs at �Teerga c -d & CO.,4TO with, attios to resibw good- Priem. chars" ber of addresses. 1;Re Will take six Coming and goingvery minute WhOM, in the --WM You do this shc week dark, and i rould # im. t �uP M10derste- Satisfaction gu !asked so. ea�_ Is to reach tl�q Pacific coast, and d u4� elf d I didett Imow. Still,, I beba�ed welli U de smd rub my li-inbs. thoy d !to pay. All orderis latt tn Exeter W1U nestly I at he U.� surprised. will visit the Seattle Exposition before MY so numb. otorl S� 6Xt "Yes," he mJ d, a id ef �pr a momem t, didn't IT' returning. I -Ion, r. isher is the T_ I saw TAwn� Village ri j nerves wel Plre�T. badly -to XaMeft IMI do 'it tod-ay, t fouith Minister of the overnment to er9,0 N-fibiam's Heart and 'y 0 Iver- whomi !you corfier0d so that she niahe a western tl�ipi this surmer. 11sed. and got'a box �to try e -I I took Men. lre y"vu adng goo ti e! idn t cou escsipe� undll her mother made e XcKffiop Nutuag FILM but it Pines t6tallint- $1,160 wer! 'Sig condemndin tbree boxes and 020 n ti6 A and bc, 91: 01 7VARY Vol. ku col; ow he_-� o lecto in Owen S qnd Ili one i ay a-si; insurmce Company%_ sleep without the 14Y b �H 4) �omes 1 Nx. Yane now with a wee�c frorn three otels and on e drug lad I ot g= n pa�qt. e i b ghl ask th t, not wen. I can M Ommmend y "UewnWv1 Eft can. Ou vi 6tQr" As a result ot a 'campa" tile; nlogtz, w -ill to an nervous an' (in down o en ly � pretty girl.: How beautifa. by U 6 exy da3 a c____ 11.0 ivite detectives,! the town being on FARM AND ISOLAT WLIh -em an ey. arp- mounted," s*%ngiy re pr kardwood bush ban -4e, 11mr t e vry ay? If you d the local option t. William Duncan N, TOWN TPIWERTY GX�- Mi &dtne SOMeMn 74-611 Ur]z Ner th wd 9he-oh, so you do Me. per box, or 3 boVes or.$1. A-11 U V . I . - - Fane's;salute, 'rout, and 10tt- Ica ly go to one- Is ---�f the danos and Donald Duncan MCQU en, Of tile bi n or mailed direct oil 11 r,,- 0 know her, Captatu Selwyn? Who is with a-dw uIrn able o House. bad two-oqnvlet�on� each- reg- =36 rjnel�. tat deah!rs, arth price y ited, saud teas' and ('minli ymf,'d be 121ed. b The - T. N lilb Istered against th �n and were R. D_ ��JeLean, president, Sea�d Blie? se yoursell 1W D for a, god time I Ain of Am arn. a -Con, Qod-erjch,-'--vice- Toronto, Gqit. -Nualcally in Be Will be 8d .9 P.O�; jas. dazeO Crop'ralsed me, ed 15 100 an e ch el. �arg. Herb Wilkinao _U I11111 -ving. 11 don!, k W W111Y I should t e mAdent" Ginton P. 04; Thm- geut�e; 1, or fut r Selwyn's L'At touch on the Of t e Central, anId his bar -keeper were bi due to, isecretary-trem -250 the firzt and $150 RM4 _U � I tioter"I Ito a clutch, which, Muletd $100 bTidle wbile ovm the second, T. H*tto-n, drt*.gIst, 1 h -thelftf ACZE i 0. a j arer, seam The Pal tv e h1s hmse.up harply. are neve bron resull igulit� to' plealed two, chaxges, and Seaforth; John G. 10 jtrI a asked, drawing pectitimrly distressing to tUO Wm- cheme 1W. erty lmovmm lot f, was tined 14p-5,00 o each eb $400 bridle er turn ind 1looking bac Gr$eveo Winthrop; George DaJe, Come with. e, crd�tr� t and costs. John Lbet, 'of the Royal F $ask.. ". k7 orm s, Brodha- 'Ce. -41, contrib tedi;$100;on o E 'L. Lang X. Seaforth,' John 13onnewet -Into hi� white, stupef ed f!a charge. n= the Palace Live�y t e ne A Nenroui vv�,6& xMi0ft oord.; John - x 70, 't od#1 *t0r, gen; - Jas. Evans, Beechw "Ilair," he said, uncon-scious that he Thel costs were ded ln each case, y face an At the same ing;bint the stun !.-Arthur S a well knownconi- mples. I tried all kinds Watt, Harlock; J.-13- McLean, Sea- convinced tHat o 6P -s( s' url The 14rip h 6rth. Jas. Connolly, GoderIch A. 4 dkS, tfut Awy did'me no t mrcial. traveller o Guelph, and brotte. Now n RoAust "Paid,, nd in the Tea ubdis found, theb fo'cus and four�q, d 4WUA and =ks ed eye HeEtwen, Drucefteld. I Ae I i Newton 0_ to t, mmy C, Detors but, t igs: al er of Dr. Skinner, bastained serious and :Mrs. K E. Harron, � Yf dits in VVU ber be 31de his stlriap,� leaning wide B ock B wbileh U vL ell k4 W We have recen y- addec injuries from which It is vfite$ I must -say ot r sot i WOjd I taw t Sa'y it M' a wonderful from eT qeat in Sweet conceL.U, Vktt-- mm or liss -rwJde-1t",m Mo, Mn Robert Smith, Hatlock Ed; Muctivii, pense,. a Beau h painful all , U1 Br6uk .,a q114y glove esting Du the Dommel or dou§tful If he boen in a consumptivu" 5 gtayv long ag6 man ley -rth; jamen CuMmInC, Bg- rig from Toron i d - Seafo 0, which -Is d haO r ppe�din-g the da the f arm qf/ b'd it' not been fo PSY" INE. 'Hwas for he eme of.pimpt mondyllle; J. W. Teo. HolmeavIlle his saddle. 4 I F )r sole at all dea-Irs ca. And thing forwedd. 0 4ms.t. ng;. Persi ris re juir- frleW just outsidi the city. Irgullag talken down with U Grippe and a s pox R. G. Jarmouth, Rrodhagen- "Are you 111?11 Is mi-, by he T. ing anything n mis; une do he asked. "Shall we fron,�; a- load of 14y he was trampld c§ld. - His whole system was �veak, in- ul Aud1tDT8- t is r" dismou it? If -, You !eel dizzy, please Iiund4r I& l Ld: )e con- t fleet, at, t frightened n Govenlock. W�11 tO eX&Ml1l, he horses, el ding his lungs; whidh were seriou 'Murdle, and Joh vinced that thiS is the righ; th �ng. for and'was picked uI$, 71n a pitlf ul bandi, afiectO, as is always the case'afftert J�ARM 1*1� Y len against me." 'v( ry, ;ui able "I ami all right,". be said. dopIly, and ven h; a -weddidg. t i also. tion. and driven h ri p.pp. one of "After -taking' -nd the city hospitals It was with, the several remedies a Uri as she recovered he r seat D e�tures for *"Vale. and in 01) IR for, f U er Of h6 set his or ar f or- tr ,at 0 hCut intention of worki g on' the f ri�cnts -we procured PSYCH INE, and Everatt &Sons 4L horse tiL motion. Kh Awe had become an -ff to, Prov- n cannottell-the n�ar s res ults 0-,ur 10 r 9, short time, 'with' a* vie ing his rather per health, tba Mr. -b ou�ht about in two M bs*. Hie ga� ned aim s to I very red now. He looked. at her thenj $1A 000 Of d ebentures of tb e stune of bearing, in ht, and strei igth h, Lt beyond her with all the �elibierate con- Skinner went out Ito the country, rd over twenty poi '�ee custdmers the bes L I inds in:1111 *Uoliefit nnuill. Interest "d 1. centration! of loof it dift9rence. Is was blis fri � day on the farm. a#d a�petfte returned." i ;le year Y. Apply to the undersigmt d, Jor t* Me two gomd twelhi chers�� �an be prc)c�red, r X(1-- to grat-, vqii amms Ut PErs"SOOTT, President, Bruise] 31orrb v nd 0 veeded -9 Conh sed, consciou s tVat so mething Provinel 'mine on he MrJ liarron h! mself is Most OMP tic The t 31uni, pl Td, ephone Co -nd the er Dealers in all kinds of MAa-ts, fex en., had -ha a Ul MP47 71 P pened which she� did not com� Iml t, unsold portions to'llhe beneficial res t of using f �$Y- 1717 10 J. LEOKI� 13russels, sel'TWISI, that imIneral e v �, will, be dis- CHINE. He declares "' To -day I ain in I--- Xt is one of the I prehend and sensitively aware of tb6 sold ewsv ttrais: Fesh and Cured Meats, Sau osed of kry�-, the �n'tarlo Qovel�lrnent splen id health and hav'o never been S'0; ch Vorfirftrrpw p mor udd" ALBIK. by ompetitj preocev pation whi ff it, did not '9 -on, and tc�nderg ad since I took PSYCHIP E." sage, Bologna, Slimmer Sau Turnbul; &M I 'lash 1: nore her, accepted ber presence as* o; 1will be received Atil. SepternbLhr 13. mckno,6n ps 11110'is thogr�ates, to 1 FOA no consequenc sb e permitted ber h a ncemen& would appear to to medical science. It w1d the sys- r sa-e and &.11 kulds of fresh S It o U pace - I "' horse ti i kt ids own te alace Meat M rket Tndica t the G.pver i i 91 dw asked. nment Intends to tem a ad tones up -every rgaj OfItbe b 3dyj orha to it f a Lot 15, Conf-I Meats. Xeithpr self eomni d nor self, don- Otiltze Its staff dF experts, now en ftabl n a it to resist and hrow off dis(*e. w plofTaderm Alberta F rm L.arid S r I &14�ifully llicky, bdt everyb(�y 'trol *ILS lacking now in Selwyt; he gaged In mining, Iin ' more xtens Weak n',,rves cannot ist where 114Y- SEWO H g 10 Ics m to di Lne e, - And every simply was too self absorbed to care. "geological surveys and explora tions. CHI nsis:6ritl Send I or a Intiml ed man A -T � WU -ition Paid to the a Special Attet le E is used co Y-1 iD�-et is il&rly nice, and nb, it is st, the collectionfrom, 'al bottle' and prove the truth of -Hide Market what Sl Le thought -w aether she tbougb t MorOOver, e rn chullio, Tjpji m a bee h d me -per ps these mines of th� 1 royalty of - ted, per stateT jents Before parchasingeland in the loc in,6 at all. And into is consclousuess, tuve beiM all pavo,2v :,e,,h & 004 W* -uld tory b6 j%,,; 'CHINE is� sold by era in all kind f F Alberta fte, I wheat i�hdi. I fhe' -a[use li�e ev, Tbody." t, of the value �j of all om at the 11, drug De 0 your gain to Amer! a bebt li 6i)d 10 thi ern)s ers, it will be t throbb! h der the rusbin- pit's mouth will,e4sure to the Province aPd palers, 50 cents ad $1 00 a b Farmers and. Syndicate Butch nierits Ot bee cen I 5he rdae da be�lda him. They w th crop pyvo�ntp An, ir a clear era all eavii.v eithar= orloll sell- teten .P. ! uliat rfli & e a substantial revei�ue. jana get ()tir cash pric6s, beftire deed to e Ian n r t tire crop :walking S, v, and as ber ts ate. 'b -rd And saft c -r �,r YO 91 q. We lead the of winter w eat.' ing to out j --It Is trange, 7iow little Is some - price in Seaforth 350 acres in katme7a , e1cg16 to bare � ral ways silken d mmat. ced form Lrd )X-1 RON times required tO tave a per.on. ife. 00 Will ex otagath c r sh -ifo) th. through �he Is iiae[sh3 sat at eE 4 es k few days agothere was a, sl Ing t Alo (or sal farin mi fro or fai good sti nigbt �.as la sle nder' x naZon. in 'IE r affair In the Waldorf Astoria, o of LT OF 101"1115.0 ftAll I AND E TIM % For further Par 1CUWs: Fish an I Fowl in Seasoll &Qd river. ratt aP�ly to rol 'T "N' habi4 rx lair ig at the =tpe the fashionable hotels -of New York-, In PDX 46s� Staforth' 16S�tf P L WILSON, t6 yaw ha�y stro and ng man of her i the carlet of her lips a, which a w( nd a man figured. wel A fifty -cent ll�ottle,,*f The woman did - t e -shooting. The Seaforth. ep onl� the boo 4 (on xast to that won�et- Wd kc in a JOHN, '144eaf ort, k -Rc iv I man's life was saVed by a silver foun- U-stowel and K* rdin Ila at ta In his ve+ t pocket, whic-W de- Prompt servic war Dorrance, McKilllopI2 In Pen GMG 310ILML rs�- P deflected the b�ullet�. The rincipals are jqOr U or. to r 0 7,42 P.M. 12. P ni *0wortable " y A a sli 10 andggs tal e4oku to wwowmo* BRFEDER OF Mrs. Mary A. Caq��I% 36 Years old, P, &a! C to Bu er WHIT EY 01 Ed Ldy decidedly good looting maIxon, and W, urajol i., U1. 1. Large English Berkshires. 45 90on a$ id mint&.. day aynvd e, nlog- Goc -eb, Wfftghsam.. L financial district. IAs 'he waa ofit 1 oLboat to ed, -idebt6 ooft�ted I CI!At Z '.-. -.,: � snd GO &en. OMPM9 au #er as D. Cealg, a latvyer� with the 0� s- Ohoice lghtii and,16b: opell all ball; 4n: 1 fir t v a 601�d fol $14- ies7as nace the ele t GaINQ I wiU keep for 86rviep. on Lot 26, Conee&don 5, M& . ; i Ha a Ahways"Bou h Come mind have game, L94 1.1 AIjairch I i step Into or, slie opeiied Killipp, the iulporte(N ear, Charmers Duke..X'XXNU �as . .4m th, 19w, troni, to P.Ine ax 11.ft 'n took' -out a sinall Arm t$evonv gm6di3on of t:he grixod champion hoar, I'virorer' -iSmIL11 handb Q*lk evalb�__ X.M 2m now. AB VW Longtenow. Term& 01, naimble at the time of ser. a a n H. colquh�vlt mur:pil� I W' Lter revolver of chap Ae. Slip, f tied when Brameit ... .... im 11.26 &02. V� e of returning If necessary. op Lae vice, with. the prhile, zle waEf t thin an Inch -of hIs Ethel .......... 1.16 3.19 W. W19terNanage 11.87 muz tt ONE IS U0 2130 JA=j110RF.AX0E, Seafodb P. 0 so o; 7 .................