The Huron Expositor, 1908-12-18, Page 5'of the Chriatmntattle 0614
na $4./5 to $5.50 •pea cwt. Owing
sea being no Clirbtreate tat Stock
there' were 1.MA ',elite
Of the mhowr cattle, but Many
nor o than was etpected by smne of
the beat trials,* of the 'market.
por.tera.-.There were aetew loads of
exporters reported as selling at $5 to
$6.50 per cwt., but we Wet inclined to
think they were bought tort the 'Christ-
man . market - a the Dominion. 3941.1s
sold at $8:75 to *4.25. Butchers-
Choice- chrietmes cattle told at troth
$5 to $5.60, with a few picked, prime
lots at $5.75 to $k Loads et good he4f e
era, and ateers, $4.75 to $5; Mediu-TO le
good, $4 to $4.50; .commele, Sao to
$8.76; cow. $8 to $41, carmeris, $1.59
to $2.50; rilikeze and Springerai-A
few milkers and sprhegere aid at $85
to $55 each. Veal -A limited number.
of veal eaves' sokl at $8 to $T per
cwt. Sheep and 1` Lambe -About 700
sheep and lambs were on sale. Lambs
were fl-rre, Selling at $5.25 to $5,55
Per cwt. ; steep, $3.25 to $3.40 per
cwt. Hoge--qunass, ramited, [report-
ed Weds at $0, fed and Watered, at
the market, and $5.76 to droveeee f.o.b.
cam at country potatre
er 1.
e.A pleasant Moe-
; hall on Friday
an intwasa2
gecd attendance.
xch was- seevede
!time. The come
litobe congrat.a.
kt the evening
hat it wilt
here' la =oilier
A. NV:rightleth
te by see theit
bailee who -1 121.
aday School wilt
Istmas tree ene
t town hall ori
Mber 24th, and
at work pree
r a Christmas
ibility and a
nany valn t.bie
re to be appre-
han ever
se 15e 18e, 20e
.25 and $1.50 ;
Ties at Ze and,
aek Square, in
'heed and un.--
aelreeere, wool -
$1 and $1.25;
rs and Stoles,
$9, $19. 14
; LadiesFur
L d $75; Men's
and $75 La -
tad $2a, 'Pelt
[oes for Gents,
alzes, made by
r: to bring your
eial efforts to
uts, Etc., and
Boo Ts
iice $1.5 -
Preyer and
et- --intemanimmonemeanek
- 17,, 190IL
•:•••••••;••••41...1N-p.m.1•0-14: 012 ta ve.,
0 97 to 0 St
MEM' a • • t4 et 82t* 082
•••.•161/10,••••.1”.• G80 tO 050
tte, • .4 v•wa. .011,k0.1takarfici 22 60 to 22 -00
Yana el- °eta es ar
ft tri) 02t
Butter. 020 to 022
Eggs, 0 M. to 024
001b SO to 7.50
. . . . 75. to 100
1 25 to 1 85
00 to 00
per co (short)........ .... 2 -76 to 3 76
Toronto, Dee. I5. -The market is a
Attie &seder on more liberal receipts.
Wholesale prizes are : Chicken, drese-
oL to 120; common, 9 'to 10c :
.10w1. 3 to 9c; tterkeyei 18 tier tie;
duckse 10- to Ile; geese, *9 to 110c.
Toronto, Dec. 16.-eAlsike, extra fan..
ry Ione $7.40; go, 1, $6 75 to $7 n No.
11, $e to $0-36i MaL $5.7k 46 Met
bushel- Thnother-Prices Are = from
.*2.50 to $2.10 per bushel, accordtag, to
quality. fled Clover -$4.25 to $5.25 per
uaheL Fancy lots a little higher.
TOMS. iRirheat-
No. 2 white or rEd, oua1de, 93 14 to
<Oic; No. _to 94e; Na. 2.
jgocee wheat, 91 to 92d, oura.lde.
Ltoba Yirbeat-Spot No. 1 -nOrtheill;
$1.08 to $1.011 1-2; No. 2 northern,41,05
ae $1.06 14; No. 3 northern, $1.00 to
$L03 on. track, lake porta All
rail, N. 1 northern, -$1.12; No. 2
elerthern, $1.09, delivered at lOatario
Barley -No. 2, 54 to 5&e; N.
43 extra, 52 to 53; No. 3, 51 to 1,52e.Oata
--Quitarie No. 2- white. 38 to 890, out -
aide; No. a mixed, 27 to 380, eatable.
Ograatoba No. 2 weatenn Canada, 43e on
track, lake porta; extra No. 1 feed,
agfi 14e; No. 1 feed, 41e on track, lake
.parte. arnateed-Bran, $20 to $21 per
teain bogie outside; short, $21 to
$22, In bags. outedde. Hay -N. Um-
,Othy, $10.54 to $11.. Straw -Range *
ram $1 to saaccording to quality.
Dairy Markets
t. Toronto, Dec. 15. -Butter -The mar-
_iket is Steady. :Wholesale ENO:diens*
are unchangal. Creamery, choice, 28,
to 300; dairy pilots, choice, 25, to 27ce
<St= prints and large rolls, 22 to
04e; Inferior, 20 to Ile. Eggs -Firm.
<Strictly neavelakl, 80 to 35e; storage,
24 to 25e; farmers', 23 to 24e per doe -
ewe In male iota Cheese -Quiet. Joie
lot prices are : Large, 12.1-4 to
13 1-2e; betas, 13 1-2 to IS 3-40!per
• Montreal, Dec. 15.-C1ieeee-The lio-
Zel market Is steady, with westerns
-ggoted at 12 1-4 to 12 1-2c, gantiaeast-
- erne a 11 3-4 to 12e. Ruttet-The lo-
va market is steady, ,;'ivith finest
creamery quoted at 27e in a. jobbing
way. Bggs-The demand for sreiall lots
-of eggs continues fair, and prides rele-
steady. New -laid, 34e ; selected stock
.at 25 1-2e ; No. 1 ,stock at 22 1-2e, and
No. 2 atoek at 11 1-2e per dozen.
Liitel Stock Marirets.
t' London, Dec. 14. -Canadian cattle
laze at 121-2 to 13 1-2e ger lb. ; re-
frigerator beef, 10 to 10 3-4e per lb.
; lAverpool, Dec. 14. - State a steeps,
trom 12 to 13 1-2e; Canediana, 10 1-2
to 11 1 -le; ranChera, to ; cows
tend heifera, 10 to Ile; bulls, 9 to 10c.
'Trade firm but slow.
Monteeal, Dec.' 16. --Quite a 'number
eet Christmas cattle were ea the mar-
aud, and sales were made al 5 1-1 to
• 1-2e per lbo but they were Leer the
;boat on the market. Prime ,beeves sold
at 4 1-2 to 5e per lb.'prettyt rgoo41
ea.ttle at 1 1-2 to 4 '1-40.; 4oinroori
Stock at 2 1-8 to near . 3 1-20 per lb.
Calvea sord at 31-2 to 6 1r4e :per le.
.Shdep Isola at 3- 1-2 to 3 3-4c per 10.
Larnaca .aeiti at 4 34 to 5 1-2a per lb.
ceoqd iota of athogedtd. at 6 14, to
A 8-4C per pound._ - -
Buffalo, 1ec."14.-Cattle-Aetive. and
.a5 to 25e .lower; prima steers $6.50
to $1; shipping, 0.50 to $0.25; out-
chere, $6 to $6; heifers, $4.50 tO$5.50.;
cowe, ss.ur to $5.; dims, $3 to $4.26.
Neale-Aptive and steady;. $7 to $10.
Bo,gae-Fairly aetive and steady; hea-
wy, $5.95 to $6; mired, $5.85 to $5.90;
o• ritera, $5A0 to $5.90; ,pigs, $4 to
$5.35; roughs, $5.25 to $5.60; 'stags,
$4 to $4.75 ; dairies, $5.40 to $5.80.
.Sheep and Larnes-Sheep slow, lambs
active; la.mb4 $5 to $7.50.; year/tags,
$5.75 to- $6; wethers, $C50. to 475;
ewes, $4 to $4.25;. sheep, anixed, $2
to $4.25; Canada larnba, -$7 to $7.25.
• Toronto, Dee. 16. -Trade was so slow
that many loads -were reported un -
at -the close a the market,
Than gat which were many medium cat-
tle. Bxpeatera-No sales of export
steers were reported, put a few bulls
sold from $310 to $4.25 per cwt. But-
Chers-The best loads -ttf Christmas
cattle aad from $4.75 to $5.25 -per
cwt.; loade of good, $4.50. to $4.15e
niffdium, $t to $4.30; common, $3.50 to
$8.90; cower, $210 to $4; =nem $1.50
to $2.25. Feeders and Stockers -The
stocker and. feeder trade was easter,
with prices a little lower, as follows:
Best feedere, 100 to 1050 lbs, each, at
$aleo to $43 best feeders, 800 to 900
Ito. each, at $3.40 to ,$3.65; best
stockera 600 to 800 lbs., each, at
to $8:4t; cornmeal and medium, $2 to -
$210. Milkers and. Springers - Re-;
ceipts of milkers and springers were
Inoderatcly large with e. fairly good
demand, at prices ranging from $30
to $60 each, the bulk a the beat sell-
ing at $45 to $55 each'. Veal Calves
-Go od calves were in 'demand. Prices
;ranged from $3 to $6.75 (per cwt.
Sheep and Lambe - Receipts _ were 1
faialy largs. Prices for lambs Were
Brim, and sheep steady. Export ewes.
$3.25 to $3.40; rams, $2.25 to $2.50;
limbs, $5.25 to $5.50 per cvet. Hogs
-1Pricee are unchanged at $6 for se-
lects fed and watered, and $5.75 for
WestToronto, Dec. 15. -The quality'
of cattle was the best since a ) year
ago; that is, there was a larger num-
.13er of good to choice cattle than bas
teen seen at any market Since . the
Christmas show at this market one
Tear ago. Trade was good, ponsder-
ing the large number ot excellent
'settle on eale, but not nearly as good
ea was anticiga.ted by- the drovers,
rnen.y of whom did not make much
money, and many more atated that
they did not make expenses on their
ahipments, having paid too high prices
to the farmers. According to reliable
information,. there were only ,five of
the Chri*mas cattle that reached $6
%ter cwt., although the owners of these
cattle looked or not less than $7. The
bigheet price reached for straight
heads of cattle was $5.60„ and there
estern fi
of Canada.
'Est0i)lished.' by Act of ?az.'
4ament. -
General Banking Bust MEI trans.
Drafts bought and sold on all parte
of the world.
Special attention given to farmers,
drovers, etm -
Advances made to -responsible par
ties on their own notes.
Interest paid or compounded four
tunes a year at the highest current
We cash Sale Notes, no matter on
what Bank drawn: "
117 Branches and Agencilq throng
out Canada. •
BANKERS -Great Britain -Royal
Rank of Scotland; Canada. liferohanta
Bank of Canada; New York, Mer -
heats Bank of Carta .
MURDOCH-In Wang River, on Dec. 7th, to • Di
and Mrs. Murdoch, a daughter. • •
REGIER-At the Goshen Line, Hay. on Dee. 3rd, to
Mr. and Mr& Joseph Regier, twins, heYe- _ • -
DEBUS--At the Pabylon Line, Hay, on Dec. fith, to
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Debug, a on.
`LAPORTE-At the Bauble Line, Hay, on Deo. 8th,to
Mr. and Mrs. John Laporte, a daughter. '
PLANTE-At-St. Joseph, on Dec. 10th, to Mr. and.
Mrs. Gilbert. Bawl, a daughter. '
13LATcilIFORD-In Wingham, on Deo. 5th, to Mr.
and Mrs. W. Blatchford, a daughter. `
HAWKINS-In Clinton, on Dec. 4th, to Mr.and Mrs.
Thos. Hawkins, a daughter.
OUDMORE-In Usnorne, on December 14th, to Mr.
and Mrs. Samuel Cudmore, a son
0aaaarc--3ievrena-at ." Evergreen Hall," the
residence of the bride's Parents, on Dee. 9th, by
Rev. a. E. Currie, Alice A., oldest daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Elisha Mc17ittie, to 3. Stanley Oar.
ter, all of Hallett:
PRY0E-CLARKE--At the residence of the bride's
parents, on Dec. 9th, by Rev. H.E. Currie, Char-
lotte, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Clarke,
of Mullett, to John Pryce, of MeKillop.
Deaths 1
MoDONALD-In Brueses, oix December llth, John
A. McDonald, formerly of Myth, aged 69 years.
COATS -At Orest1ine, Ohio, on Dec. 6th, Sarah
Coats, relict of the late Wm. Ooets, of Clinton,
aged 74years.-
ROUTLEDGE-In Clinton on Dee. 9th, Edward J.
Routledge, aged 66 years, -6 movithsand 4 days.
MARTIN -In East Wawanosh, on Deo. 4th, James
Martin, aged 70 years, 7 - months and 14 days.
YOUILL-In fliords on Dee, 5th, Robert Youill, aged
61 years, 8 months and 3 days.
CHRJSTIE-In Hulk% on Dec. 6th, David Christie,
aged 88 Years.
KESTLE-In Stephen, on Dee. 4th, /Hoses Kestle,
aged 46 years, 4 months and 8 days. .
ATKINSON-In Seaforth, on Deo. -12th, Elisabeth
Jane fless wife of Cyrus W. tetkinson, aged 62
• s mos um ale am I 0°'
The Leading Undertaken:
• ' ' •
. Charges-. Moderate.
S. T. HOjr..IMES, Funeral Director and
• E balin
Sight and Sunday calls promptly attended
to. Residence on Goderleb streelf,- opposite
Methodist Church.
Flow 4rnaished on short notice. 2008
" The :Hub"
This week's Specials
Christmas Fruitsj
New Raisins •
New Currants
New Figs
New Dates
New Cranberries
Speetal for Curlers .
We have a speoial line of
eliding Brooms - made
from Selected Stock and
free from seeds; also a
good line of other brooms.
Prices right. Call and in-
spect them.
28c Tea, Gold Seal Coffee and Bakin
Thomas S. Blues
Successor to
rtime 8
Municipal Elections
The annual meeting of the electors of the township/
of Tuckersmith for the nomination of candidatekfor
the offices of Reeve and Councillors, for the year
1909, will be held at Dixon's Hall, Brucefleld, Mon-
day, December 28th, 1908,at 1 o'clock p. m. If a poll
is necessary, such poll shall be opened on Monday,
January 4th, 1909, at the following places:
In Divieion No. 1 --At James Cumming's Hall,
Egmendville; G. E. Jackson, Deput Returning Offi.-
cer, Wm. Govenlook, Poll Clerk.
In Division No. 2 -At School House No. 8 • Sam.
Poll eocirk.
eth., Deputy Returning Officer, H. M. Chesney,
In Division No. s -M School House No. 4; Chas.
Routledge, . Deputy Returning Officer, George' N.
Turner, Poll Clerk.
• In Division No. 4 -At School House No. 8; Wro.
Berry, Deputy Returning Officer, John W.11cIntesh,
Poll Clerk.
In Division No. 5 -At School House No. 1; A. G.
Smillie, Reptity Returning Offiev•- `Robert Traquair,
Poll Clerk.
In Division No. 6 --At Strong's Hall ;Wm. Sim
°lair, Deputy Returning Officer, Alex. Sinclair, Poll
Poll open from 9 a tn. till 5 p.m.
2140- A. G. SHILL'S, Returning Officer. •
iotice Oreditors.
Noticeis hereby given, pOrfflant to thestabOtes
hi:•that behalf; that t1I persons havinganyolahrss
against the estate Of Wm. Thin ey, late of the town-
ship of Hay, deceased, who died onreteet the
24th day of October, -1908, are required, -en Or
helots the lOth day- of January, 1909_, to sena iby
prepaid, or deliver to the undersigned, -full
particu1sr8 of their cslairos, verified by affidavit, and
the native of the security (if_ any) held by them.
Andfurther take notice- that -after the said last
mentioned date the • &teats of the mild tleoeaSed will
be distributed *monn. the persons entitledlhereto,
having- regard only to the (*deur Of which notice
shall then have been given: Matthew Tinney and
Phoebe Jane Tinfiey Executors of the 'estate of
the said Wm. Tinney, deceased.
Heuealt Dec. 186h, 1908. -2140-8
Dissolution oof Partner-
The partnership formerly carried on
by Reid '& Wilson,- as general hard-
ware merchants has beer" dissolved
by mutual consent'. All accounts due
and owing to the late limn are to be
paid forthwith to the 'Liquidators,
who will also settle all claims due and
owing bythe late firm. All persons
ndebted to the late firm will .kindly
all and settle as soon as ,posaibla,
Liquidators of the estate of
Reid & Wilson.
Dated Nov; 10th, 1008. 21.35-tf
South Huron
The following is a statement of the
election expenses of Mr. If. Y. Mc-
Lean, a candidate at the elections to
the Dominion Parliament, held on
October 26th, 1008, as certified by Mr•
George lturdie, Financial Agent and
filed in my office
Printhng and Advertising $66 55
Hall and School Rent 60 50
Livery Hire • - 90 75
Rent of Committee Rooms, eto. 49 26
BM Postin •300
Telegraph and Telephone • 6 90
Postae andBxpress charges 500-
Organization,etc - 88 70
Personal expenses of candidate 9800
Brueefield, Dee. 17‘th, 1908. $416 65
ftTiltr. MUSTARD, Returning Officer.
Incorporated by Act of,
Members of 'oanitdian Bank-
ers Association
A general banking business transact-
ed. Sale -notes cashed or eollect-
ed. ' Drafts and money orders is-
sued. Interest allowed on deposits
in the Savings Bank Department
at highest current rates.
Dashwood and Brucefield
1, Branches
R. T. DUNLOP, Manager.
The clearing sale is still going on at
A. 08 Aults
All kinds of China, Creckery met
Glassware right down to cost. Also
all kinds of 'Grbceries cheaper than
ever, ram still selling 20 pounds of
Redpath granulated sugar tor 81; 12
liars of Judd soap for 25c; 8 bars of
Cheerful soap for 25c; 6 bars Naptha
sbap- for 25c; 6 bars Richards' pure
soap for 25c.; 6 bars Bee Hive soap for
25c; Gimes of Comfort soap for 25c;
3 tweapound bar's of White Star soap
for 25c; 2 three -pound bars of N. P.
soap for 30c, reg. price 25e a bar; a
fresh lot of that good maple syrup at
25e a quart' 5 lbs. of new Figs for
25c; 5 lbs. ofPrunes for 25c; 3 lbs. of
Sultana Raisins for 25c; 3 lbs. of best
Cleaned Currants for 25e • 3 lbs. extra
large fresh Raisins for 25c; 10 lbs. of
Sulphur for 25e; 10 lbs. of Epsom.
Salts for 250; ,10 lbs. Glober Salta for
25c ; 6 boxes of &relines for 25c; 2
cans of good Salmon for 25c; best
cider Mc a quart; Pure Extracted
Honey 12c a lb.; honey in comb 15c a
secaion ; besides a lot of dther things
too numerous to mention.. This is a
cash sale. Fresh Butter and Eggs
taken at cash prices. All kinds of
Syrup and Molasses and Fish and Coal
Oil in stock. A cordialinvitation is
extended to all to call and get some
of the great bargains that are now to
be had.
A. G. Ault, Seaforth
Christmas Gifts
No better place can be found
in which to 'purchase Christ-
mas Gifts that are both appre-
ciated and appropriate than at
our store. We have useful
presents for almost ever y
member of the family.
Hockey Skate 53
What more appropriate for the
boy or girl than a pair of hockey
skates. We are sole agents for
the famous Automobile Skate, the
lightest and strongest skate in the
market. Prices from $1.25 to $5
-these we have a large variety
of, other makes ranging in price
from 60e to $5 Come in and see
our stock, All the best makes of
hockey sticks. Boys' sticks from
10c to 25e.
Table and Pocket Cutlery
For the father we have a large
and complete assortment of table
• and pocket cutlery.
Carpet Sweepers
There is not a housekeeper who
would not appreciate a carpet
sweeper.- Get mother one. No
other gift will please her as much
and make her work lighter. We
handle a full line of the Bisset.
Grand Rapids Sweeper, the best
in the world.
Hardware --Stoves —Tinware
• . .
B. B. WALK, President
ALEX. LAIRD, General Manager
1 Paid-up Capital., $10,000,000
Reserve Fund, - 5,000,000
Branches throughout Canada and in the United States and England
Ever facility afforded to farmers and
others fdr the transaction of their
banking business. Sales notes will be cashed or taken for collection.
this way with _equal *
F. HOLMESTED, Soliaitor G. E. PARKS, Manager,
Accounts may be opened by mail, and
monies deposited or withdrawn in
Mid AMS:
General Merchant for the People.
We want all kinds of Ploultry, Starved. and Dry Picked, fo
which the highest price will be paid.
Live Turkeys taken on Thursday, November 26th.
Christmas Fruits
We have received all our Christmas Fruits. They. are
choiceht quality and prices reasonable.
Successor to B. B. Gunn
A Christmas
present in the
hand is worth
two in the
It is wise to do your Christmas buying early.
We advise it 'strongly, and have helped it along
this year by being ready earlier ourselves, and
announcing our big display of Ifolielay Furni-
ture well ahead of time, Just now we are
'quoting wonderfully low prices. So come
without delay.
Broadfoot Box and Co.
S. T HOLMES, Manager.
Our display of Christmas Foot'
wear is a grand one—this is the
'verdict ot every one. We've
everything, for everybody—shoes
for the street, shoes for dress,
the swellest of the swell or con-
servative styles. All sorts of
cold weather shoes. Slippers of
every' description—Aomeos,
ete, dress and house slippers for,
every member*of the family, from
grandpa down to baby.
We have certainly the handsomest
Felt Slippers. that are made, and
• we are showing many styles you
will not be able to 6.ttd elsewhere.*
Our slipper show is so large that
we dare not attempt a descrip-
tion of the styles or the different
What betttr Christmas eift can you
give than a pair of shoes, slippers
or moccasins. There is certainly
no wiser or better way to invest
your Ohristmas money
Richardson &• WInnis
•Christmas and
New Year
Between all stations in Canada, also
to Detroit, Port Huron'Mieh.;
Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara
Falls) and Suspension Bridge,
N. Y.
At Single Fare
Good going Dec. 21th and 25th,
1908, returning until Dec. 28th,
1908, also good going Dec. 31st,
1908 and. San. '1st, 1009, return -
until Jan. 4th, 1009, at FAIR
D ONE THIRD, good (Aug
Dec.' 21st to Dec. 25th, 1! re-
turning until Jan. 5th, 1909, also,
good goiter Dec. 28th, 1908,, to
Jan. ist, 1909, returning until
Jan. 5th, 1909. .
For full information as to rates, routes,
eta, apply, to
A? V', PlillitZPS, papa 'Moat,
CD 41
" tc364
CIO 0:1 CD
tee C:) eir
• CD 1.44
• 0 7'44 PO
aa tl
• est tte
ese ete
CD cee
Pal E
CD par. 12
CD or
c4 tse
eaa tat.
C;&'• tml
1:4 5
CD 0 °I:5
CD nese to
c12 Lapi
eq- •
Per 171
42 (0=1
A meeting for nominating a Reeve and four Coun-
cillors, for,the Municipality' of the Township of Me-
Killop, for the year 1909, will be held at Calder's
Hall, 'Winthrop, on Monday, the 28th day of Deems-
ber, 1908, st the hour of 1 o'clock p. tn., and in the
event of more persons being DOMInated thanare re-
quired, an election will be held on Monda3, the 4th
day of January, 1909, at the following places and by
the following named prsons, viz •
Polling Division No. 1 -At Win. Reidy's House,
Lot 10, Concession. 5; Jas. Evans, D. R. O., Thomas
Moylan, Poll Clerk.
Polling Division No. 2 -At Jas. Dorranee's House,
Lot 26, Coneession 5; Jas. Dormice, D.11.0., Joseph
Dorrance, Poll Clerk.
Polling Division No. 3 -At James Martin's House,
Lot 11, Concession 11; Jas. Davidson, D.R.O.. shoo.
Davidson, Poll Clerk.
stelae Division No. 4 -At No. 7 School House,
Lot 26 Concession.12 ; Ohris. White, D-B.O., John
Balfour, Poll Clerk.
Nomination meeting to commence at 1 o'clock
and to continue for one hear. .
2140.2 1 NURDIE, Clerk.
eadq u ar e r
SeroNe - Gifts
Again we are on the thresh
hole of Xmas Time.
The season of univeral giying and receiving, the time for that
wonderful bringer of pleasing surprises—mysterious, gracious.,
lovable 6.'al Santa Claus; whose very name thrills the young with
gladsome anticipations, and the older ones with emotions that
are sacred in their recollections. But Christmas time, with all
its pleasures, brings its perplexities to most people as to how
much they can spend for presents, and whom they intend to
remember. But what to get—that's, the question. •A visit to
this store, with its many departments, will result in a happy
solution to the question. Here is without question Seaforth's
greatest holiday store, its magnificent stocks-. of bright- new
merchan.dise affording almost limitless selectiOrfe in appropriate
gifts for men, women and children.
Christmas Selections.
We are showing a great variety in Handkerchiefe. emhroidered liner
and bar muslin, frOra Sc to 75c each
Two special lines of Silk Handkerchiefs at 25b and 35c each
White Oramberg Scarfs for ladies and children, from 40c to 65c each
Children's Pink and White Wool Scarfe, at 25c and 35c each
Ladies' Fancy Collars from 26e to $1,50 each
Ladies' Fancy Belts, in fancy boxes for 50o each
Linens—no lady will refuse a nice linen table set
We have a large assortment in Tray Cloths, Sideboard
Cloths, Centre Pieces, are., at all prices
Ladies' Purses and Uand Bags from 75c to $4 each
Christmas specials in Ladies Silk Waists, in all colors, from 13 to ga
Ladies' Gloves—Our stock is extensive in those goods about which ladies
are properly particular—good gloves—practical and well looking, are plerm-
ful at taoderate 008t
Kid Gloves in all sizes and colors, from 75c to $1.25 a pair
. • Special line of long tan Kid Gloves; twelve button length; at 62.15
Ladies' Golf Jackets and Coats from 61.50 to $3,00
Men's Knitted Coats in assorted colors—grey and red, grey and blues
an and red, white and green, from 61.50 to 63.50 each
Boys' Sweaters and Knitted Coats from 50c to 61.50
Phoenix Mii U ers and Scarfs, in all shades, at 50c
Men's Nedkties, specials for Christmas. Ties worth -35c to 50c, on sale
at 25c each
All the latest novelties in Neckwear at 500 each
Men's Smiting Jackets, special value at $6.00
Special vaities in Wool Blankets at 62.70 repair up to 1900.,
Fine Furs for Christmas.
Fine Furs make fine Xmas gifts, and the finest stock of furs ever bronght
into this section of the country are on sale at, such extremely low prices, that
you cannot resist buying. Tine is a fur store, where you get good honest fare
and good value for your money. At the reduced Xtrtas priees, you get ex-
traordinary values. If you contemplate making some one a Christmas
present of a nice far, don't miss this opportunity to make your purchase at a
big saving; without sacrificing quality.
Collars, Caperines, dm., from $2 to 0
Muffs from $1 up to $50
Ladies' .Far -lined Coats from $26 to $68
Ladies' Fur Coats from, $15 to $60
Ladies' Persian Lamb Coats from 20 to $ 95
Men's Fur Coats from $10 to $80
Men's Fur -Lined Coats fzom $30 to $80
Men's Fur Caps from to $15. Far G untlet
$2.50 to $7.00
Men's Fur Collars fr3m $4 up to
A large assortment of Sleigh Robes, -ail makesand
kinds, from $6 to $20.
Dried Apples Wanted
Highest Trade Prices for -Butter
Eggs and Wool.
Opposito To bb, Corner Attain and Market Streak