The Huron Expositor, 1908-12-11, Page 1teatteeeeenneeftesteuesseatemerreseetren
LIE WUUR 11439
-g a
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yoet of ient
mente are
re kwere& Yourr
;lea the lirksh
Wiens are' Ratite -
re at our SUM
bought up
r to sett fuze so
tions, even In
uffs eta.
ft Thin
re baying
;tinily attended
.ele, Belts, Silk
igg$ at ali trial09
,1701011: Org-*,
ttford, occluded the Oditt-
egelical church Sundasi
lest.-tass Edith.Durst
as a. ,guest at the home-
Glachler last week. -Mae -
anner won the carving"
to the -Zurich 'gezi club -
heeler, or razoldon. Mrt
-stood second.
of millinery-, ladies'
F. mantles, and ail linear,.
Is now on at J. Weise
LIL 2137-2
t. Brae: ad. on page 3.
-Ohristopher Ward'se
:-ates destroyed by fire, -
&et The eciin had been
g the week and had J -08h
rn before the fire west
.sides the plant Mr.-,
3,Esiderab1e dried chickery-
rlearned whether or nor
neurone° but in aux
as will be considera.hie.-
acUon of this building
mil familiar land mark,
ere pleased te learn that
Floggarth, who is in St.
pita, Toronto, is mak+
every tram an operation -
ie and Mires Currie are
is in Hamilton and Ina
t Galt and Paris before.
rs. A. C. ettissell, de'
9 Visiting her mother,
present. -The many
Er. John Barr, sr., regret
ier zerious aqcident, the
he thigh joint: - Mrat
(ilar has -suffered a re+
again -confined to
Tara1Po:1 spent a couple
ig hie friends here ree
what to give HIM for Christmas is a problem we
solve many times a day.
Our Ettore being headquarters for men's things, the
question is very easily answered.
Fr men, both da and young, great and small,
we've ideal gifts—just the sort of gifts that will be
appreciAted the most after Christmas is over.
What to give HER, ? Don't worry about that, sir.
Come directly here, and we'll solve the problem in
a way that will please you.
From our lines of all sorts of handsome; garments
for men, women and boys and girls wear, or from
our large variety of headwear, or from our elegant
creations in toggery, there are many choice and ex-
cellent things any man, any woman, any boy, would
be delighted to find in a stockiag Christmas morn -
Glance over the list below, which includes
only a small portion of what we have to show you:
Fur Coats
Fur jacket
inn -lined Coat.
Far -lined Jacket
Fur 'Muff
Fur Stole
Our Caperine
Cloth Jacket
Suit (for mgn)
&fit (for boy)
Overcoat (man or boy)
A Knitted- Coat
(all colors)
A Reefer
A Fur Cap
Fur Gauntlets
'Pair of Gloves
Fancy Suipenders
(in boxes)
Beautiful Tie
Silk Muffler
Knitted Muffler
Fancy Sweater
Fancy Sox
Fine Underwear
Fine Shirt
Some Idea of Prices.•
Coon Coats
• Black OW Coats
Other Fur Coats
Fur Lined Coats '
Far jack6t \
Fur -Lined Jacket
Fax Collared Jacket
Fur Linings •
Black and Blue Lynx -Fur Sets
(muff and stole) 50 ' to 60
Mink Marmot Fur- Sets elms A 8 to 20
Isabella Fox Sets (muff andls LtND ole) 20 to 40
f.. Sable Sets (ruff and muff sets) 18 to 35
Columbia Sable (ruff and muff) 14 to 20
Black Persian Lamb (PA% srm ) ' 35 to 50
Canadian Mink Muff 30 to 40
Mink Stoles 20 to 70
Fur Collars and Caperines $3.50, 7 to 20
Fur Caps $2 50 $ 5 00-z $8 00 $10 to $12
300:500 to 10
• 50 75 1 00 to • 3 50
50 75 100 to 3
50 75 1 00 to 1 50
50 75 1 00 to 1 50
75 1 00 to1 50
50 75 to • 100
7 50 10-00 to 15 00
750 10 00 to 120�
300 to 500
The couecil met In Otalericie on
Tueeday of last week.
f. commwdcation was *received from
tbe county- of Grey asking for an a-
mendment to the Good Road's Aet. A.
commenleation was receivei from the
county councils of Northumberland and
Durham, respecting the running • of
motor vehicles on the public highwaYa-
th leant to Special Committee
tatemenas were received from the
Harriston. and .Parkhill , high schools,
claiming gratin tor f3tudonts attend-
ing these schools from 1-luron Coenty.
cireular was received from the
Western (University at London, show-
ing elating of that institution. Both: re-
ferred to Education. Committee.
A letter and other etagere were re-
ceived from Mr. Seager, the County
Crown Attorney, iai connection ,with
the commitment of Wilbert donee, to
tare et the C'hildrethe Aid Society,
and -charging the county with $1.50
per week for the maintenance of the
by. Sent tie Executive Committee.
.;A number of aeeounte were referred
to the finance committee tan U The
council fadjouened until f,Wednesdayt
morning. -
Leiters from Dr, R. W. Bruce
Smith, Provincial In,spector of Prisons
and Public Charities, relating to gaot
f3urgeona was read, and filed. ,
Letters from Dr. Gunn and Dr.
Smith in 'reference to the Clinton_
hceepital were read and sent to the
Executive 'Committee.
By -Law No. 3, of 1908, of the town"
iship tot 'Mullett, ;relating to a 'Water-
way or, efream in that township was
read and referred° to the Road etadt
13r4dge Committee.
lattera from Mesers. Vanstone and
Duckett. ot, Magilatni afattelatiltag
that damage wan being caused by the
county conetruction of road aetw.sen
Best -.Wawa:nosh ahd Morris, opposite
lot 1, conceadon I.:, Morris, wab read
and 'referred to the Road and Bridge
Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Keller -
men that the ttme for receiving dele-
Kahane be extended till Friday noon,
Lor this xneeting only, on account of
the council chamber being occupied by
• the High Court of Ju,sfice ont ThuredaY
of the !present week, --Carried.
Moved hi Messrs. Shearer and Hain-
etock that 'when, in any county, two-
thirds oft the miner munlelpalittes are
in favor ot ,sttlarnitting a local option
by-law to their ratepayers at . the
next municipal electione, all the mun-
• icipalities of -that county be compelled
te'submit it at the same( time, thus to -
operating in •helping In the carrying
out a the proviaions of said bealawe,
and preventing the isolation of any
•one. If thie meets the approval ot
this council, our deer( -be instructed
to communicate with the other coun-
ty 'clerics of the Province to get their
• co-operation in memoralizing, at the
earliest covenience, the Local Legis-
lature, to arnend the License Act.-
•Loet. a. •
Moved by helessrie Bailie and Bobier
that Inspector Tom be asked for an
opinion,- explaining the continuation
Clears graduation lexaminations for
the county, and (standing of such
pupils, and why Mr. Fleming. did not
get :notice of appointment as a mem-
ber of the county board. -Sent to the
Education Committee. -
• At the afternoon session, Inspector
Tom, puttlic (school inspector, gave his
opinion en the -continuation graduation
examination% •
Itir.pillenn, of Stanley. addressed the
couneil and asked the council to erect
a new bridge 'where the old Bothwell
bridge stood. Mr. Trick also spoke* on
the matter. Tbe Road and 'Bridge
Committee will report on the matter.
•'County Engineer.
The- report of ehe county engineer
was read as sent .to the Road •and
Bridge Committee.
The county ',engineer reported that
•the bridges placed under cordract this
year have teen completed. Since last
session of the cornett a new bridge
ha e been erected south a Dungannon,
known as Tee -lees bridge. New -con-
crets V./WS 113 tit in at the. Bayfield bridge
-according to plants and specifications
by H. J. Lamb. There ie at present a
wooden bridge on the boandary or Hay
and Stephen townships, west of Stan -
lake bridge. that may, have to be re-
moved *next (summer and he is of the
opinion that the bridge may not be
'required and that the opening. could
be tilled up. He recommended that a
new bridge be built on the lake shore
road, Goderich township, known as the
.Gulley bridge. The bridge known 'as
Drent's 'bridge, on the- boundary of
Huron and Middlesex, may have to be
removed this corning summer, -but he
thought it well to await the action of
• Middlesex county. There are a nuni-
hen of "small bridges that will have to
be renewed next eateon. Orders to the
amount of $18,264.81 have been issued
since last session.
County Official/3 Salaries.
$35, $45, $50 to $60 00
20 to 25
15 to 25
25 to 75
20 to 35
35 • to • 70
20 to 35
12 to •20
Fur Gauntlets
Cloth Caps
Mu 11 era
Suspenders in boxes 50
Handkerchiefs 25
Suits • 500
Overcoats $ 00
Boys' Overcoats 2 00
• All Women's Cloth Jackets at Half Price
Make your selections early while the pioking is the best.
Better now than later*
IKX'w Highest Price for I3utter and Eggs.
East Side Main Street,. one 'door Smith a the
Dominion Bank,
Msistant Matron 150 00
Physioian, of Ilousd of
Refuge Foe 00
Inspector .of House of -
Refuge,. . . . • , 160 00
Oaretaker Court House 626 00 • 626 00
The report Well amended in certain
points, ad appears in the ay -law re-
la,ting to 'this matter.
%Moved by Messrs. Dr. Smistili and
Kellerman that the -coulter' give the old
wooden bridge- at Hayfield to that
Intinitipality to be urded as a foot
bridge only, the municipality to as-
sume all reeponsibility and to keep it
in repaire-•Carried.
175 .00
260 00
175 00
•••••• .061.101.
The clerk gave a ehort report on
the progreas made in getting up a
book (showing the cost, etc., of per-
manent bridges erected by the county.
Finance Committee.
The finance committee recommended
the payment of such accounts as had
been presented to the council. Recom-
mended that the account from the
townehip of owick on the taking of a
lunatic, Downie, to the asylum at Lan-
don, for $60.44, be left in abeyance
until further information is furnish-
ed the amincil. Recommended that in
futuis 'the contract for county printing
be amended and a stipulation be plored
In the contract that the work be done
as expeditiouedy as possible, partic-
ularly in the mapplying ot the county
minutes, Which should be printed at
least one month atter the meeting of
council. Recommended that in future
the -county property committee make
written contracts for the furnishing
of tJ* various supplies for the differ-
ent departrnente' on the percentage
heels, and also that accounts _pertain-
ing to these departments be -certified
to by (some =member ot the" tetraty
property committee.
The rf3port was passed, except the
clause dealing with the account of the
towniship Howick, which will the
considered at the next meeting.
• Moved by Messrs. Leckie and Govea-
lock, that with respect to grant of
the old 'bridge at Hayfield for use of a
foot bridge by the Tillage of Hayfield,
the county (solicitor be consulted as to.
the proper method to secure the coun-
ty againet further .possible damage. -
Carried. '
Moved by Mrs. Govenlock and
Fraser that the townships of Grey
and MOKillop hereby petition the -
comity ot Huron to apply to the Crown
Lands Department to fix a part of the
boundary line between these two town-
ships an that the county ' clerk and
townrship ,elerks dorrespontt in this
matter when *required. -Carried.
Messrs. McDerrnid and Lane, dele-
gates from the -council to the Provin-
cial efunicipal *Association, gave a re-
port ot the proceedings of the associa-
tion, and it wale derided that the re-
port be printed In the minutes.
,• Special Committee.
The special committee reported as
follows: Recommended respecting the
communication a the .reeve and clerk
of Mullett, that action be deferred
until the eeve of Hullett is present
to explain the circumstances Of the
cage. With respecteto the communi-
cation from the counties of Northum-
berland and Durhaner recommended
that this county co-operate in pre-
eenting a petition to the Lobel Leg-
islature to OD amend the act to reg.-
ulate the (epeed and operation of motor
vehicles by making it Illegal to run
motor vehicles on the highways on
Sundays and at least one other day of
the week. Regarding the communica-
• tion from _the clerk of the county of
Grey, asking to-operatioo in present-
ing a (memorial to the Local Legisla-
ture to adopt a towaship system in
connection with the Good Reads Im-
provement Act, we consider the idea
a very wise one and would heartily
endorse any movement in the 'presen-
tation of a petition to the Legislatiee
Assembly having this in view.
• The report was adopted.
a -loose of Refuge Committee.
The ispedial committee appointed to
revise the salary list of county of-
ficials, reported they had met and had
before them a talc,hedule of salaried paid
• by the several county municipalities
in the Province, ,also a echedule show-
ing areas of same, and, after consid-
ering and assuming the matter; se-
lected fourteen: counties which were
COnlaidiETed Would be the fairest com-
parison with the county of Huron, as
to locationarea, and approximate bus-
iness, and made a comparison of the
average eateries paid in these coun-
tale *vVith what is -paid for psimilar
tservice le the county of Huron and
found that the Isa.larles now paid in
this county, with One or two lexcep-
tione, exceeds the average, nut while
making wee of ouch cOmpairisan, were
not 'prefudieed thereby, and • Income
mended the following be the ;salaries
paidthe county officials for a term
oel• five 'years, commencing January
let, 1909
Preeent Saktry
Warden $ 100 00
Treasurer 1,350 00
. 1,000 00
Ole& of Peace ... . . 1,10000
700 00
Matron of Gaol 200 00
Turnkey. 576 00
Surgeon of Gaol...—. .• 120 00
Auditore, each4000
800 00
850 00°
250 00
County 1Ingineer
Keeper of House.of Re -
Matron of Houee-of Re-
• fuge .
New Salary
$ .100 00
1,400 00
1,050 00
700 00
200 00
576 00
40 00
500 00
The Hone ot Refuge committee re-
ported that there were 94 inmate itt
the House of Refuge and thati all were
Xmas Jewelry
By the end of this week we
'will have received practically
all our Christmas goode,except
some special orders. Now is a
good time to look around.
We have a finer and better
stock than over. Our prices
are as -osual - as low as good.
goods can be sold. for any
place. We have the stock,
give us a chance to show you.
John 'Bulger;
Jae/eller, - - • Seafterth
blares ge LiAenses Issued.
• Road and Addy& Committee. '
The road and bridge committee re-
ported 'that. they had examined the
engineer's report r and • recommended
that it be pleated in the • minute,
In reference to the communication of
3. ff. Duckett, WWI:agleam, ;regarding
culvert that he claima was filled up
by the county, recommended that no
action be taken, as the condition of
the agreement has note been coMplied
with between Mr. Duckett and the en-
gineer and that no action be taken
until he egtablInbes Ms laim far
danaageg. Regarding I the Rathwell
bridge, between Stanley and Goderich
townships, reconamanded that it be
dealt with at the January 'session, but
advined tha a new %ridge be built In
the near future. Regarding the iold
wooden bridge between Hay and Steph-
en townehips, that it bet left over till
next erring and theta the road and
bridge committee and the engineer vls-
it the 'clime NA conelder tilling It up.
lbscommended that the engineer' pree
pare plans, tend specification's for the
bridge on the lake road /in V.eoderich
township» and the Ef.olmesv1lle4 bridge
between Colborne and Godericie town -
ebbs, and that tenders/ be ealled for
to be opened. at' the January teession.
The report Wat3 adohied.
Moved by Mews. Govenloold and
Kellerman that ae a council we pe-
tition the -Ontario. Legislature to so
amend the municipal ant, that town-
ships may do statute labor at any time
ot the year destred.-Carried. •
Moved by Messrs. Taylor and IdeKalt
that ler reference to enquiry made by
Mr. Govenlock, as to payment ot
to certain threshers for lost time at
a bridge crowing the boundary line
between efeKillop and • Mullett, that
no action be taken.-Carr1ed4, '
Moved by Messrs. ICellerame and
Webb that This councilt grant $200 to
the township of Stephen towards erect-
ing a lockup at Grand( Bend.-Carrled.
Cqunty Property Committee.
The county property cemmittee re-
ported that they had examined the
various county -buildings and found
things in good order. They teund 9 -
male inmates and 6 temilizt drimateis itt
the jail, six for vagrancy, three for
assault and one for insa,nity. In re-
gard to the woman, Effie Ray, of East
Wawanoeh, we think the house of re-
fuge keeper hare an agreement with
her brother arid a Mris,, Taylor and a
Mr. Taylor to keep her, It they would
let her out ot the House of Refuge,
where she has been for seven or eight
yearn We would _recommend that she
be sent back to them to keep aed main-
tain and • that - ehe be removed as
soon as poadtble to her frienda.
The report wais passedi
The clause in the finance report re-
lating to claim of Howick re ierustees,
was referred 'back be Howick for cor-
Education Comndt tee.
The education committee recommend-
ed that the accounts of Ilarristaa high
school for $127.07 and Parkhill /Ugh
school for. $63.02 be paid. The riiet-
ter of appointing a representative on
the Senate of the Western :University
at London was left over till the Jan-
gary session. With reference to the
well 'satisfied with the keeper and m,ation of Messrs. Bailie and Bonier
matron. They foutd the House well re the 'public school( continuation and
kept, clean and tidy; all the officer's
are dolng their duty, A paying Inmate
from Grey, named Sinclair, is causing
a great deal of trouble. Several ap-
plications for admission have been
received from womenbut the commit-
tee could not think of making ° the
House a laying in hospital. 'nor yet a
cheap boarding houee.We would suggest
that reeves be more careful lee making
out application for admission, as the
inspector- cannot admit any person who
has not 'been a resident of the county
for two years prior to admission. Dur-
ing the year the inapector has collected
$1,847.80 and $230 Is secured by note,
and in this connection the inspector
is deserving of great credit for the
way inwhich he has managed this
part a the work. The inspector and
keeper were instructed to get storm
wtndow,s for the north side of lthe
building, also a coal stove for the
office and to have the water pipe % In
the building protected • !from frost.
There is also needed bed spreads ana
mattresses, end also *meth cows for
supplying milk.
- The report was passed, except that
clause dealing with the money of Geo.
Hedging. Dectded thet the matter be
referred to at the Jenuary meeting.
then to be reported on by, the Inspector
ot the House of Refuge.
The reports of Dr. Bruce Smith', Pro-
vincial Iropector, and Mr. John Tor-
rance, Inspector of the House of Re-
fuge, were read and directed to be
printed. in the minutes.
Provincial Inspector.
Dr, R. IV Bruce Smith, Provincial
Inspector, reported that all parts of
the House of Refuge were found. in
• excellent order. This is now one at
the beet conducted Houses in the Pro-
vince, and it is very satisfactory to
fled the improved condition prevail-
ing. He recommended tbat ;painting ls
required in several parts. The walls
particulerly ehould be yenta* ism=
as 'possible. The expenditure for Im-
provements during' the year have been
• wisely node and Une Mutts -are very
of five years, and to repeal former by-
laws and Tesolutione of such officials
iseacied, by the council, as follows:
Waren, $100 rper annum; treasurer,
$1,400; clerk, $1,050; gaoler, $700; day, and was very largely attentieu
gaol matron, $209; turnkey, $600 gaol and thoroughly ouccessful. The ex -
surgeons, $120; auditors, each, $40; hibits or stock, the choicest of the
Province. wee not less in number.
than last year. The dairy beste which;
covered a Period of three days, in-
stead of two, as in the past, was
concluded on Wednesday morningin
it were entered 85 ordinal% including
Holsteins, Ayeshires, and one Jersey
cow. There were iu the ;stalls about_ •
100 beet eattle, or 25 per cent. more
then -last ereae; 250 hogs and 260.
sheep Tp the poultry deportment a- -
bout 4,200 birds et all varieties were
shown. There were no exhibits from
the United States this year, owing to
the restrictions placed on the importee
tion of 'cattle as a result et the' out-
break of foot and mouth disease in
several States.
The fair was held this year in the
same building as itt the past ire
was proposed. to extend the accome
and greate were obtained
from the Province • and the City or
Guelph. It was foundt'ttowever. that
the expense wogid exceed stile aum
thus :provided, and, therefore, the im-
provements have not leen made,.
Moir AN BR Publishers
$1 a Yeeee in pareancle.
The 'Winter Fair
The twenty-fifth annual Provincial
Winter Fat Stock Fair wea held ih
Guelph this week, cOnIrgelleing on Mon -
county engineer, $1,000; Keeper of th
House of Refuge, $500; Matron of the
House of Refuge, $300 ; Assistant Ma-
tron of the House of Refuge, $175;
Physician of the House of Refuge,
$300; Inepector of the Heim of Re-
fuge, $175; Cliaplain of the House of
Refuge, $100. That tlie county audi-
tors be paid on tOmpletIon of their
work ont the peder of the Warden;
that the salary of the gaol officials
be paid monthly; that the ealaries of
all other officials above ..'named be
paid quarterly, ; that the Clerk of the
ce be paid a grc4efs annual sum of
1,100 per annum, paid ,quarterly, 10
Ueu of those tees wilich are caarge-
atle by him to the -county, and which
are not re -payable to the county by
the province, that the treesurer, clerk
and ongleeer be paid the lene as
membered the council for attendance
at meetings of -the council, and that
any official of the county be paid the
same an =rebore of the eonacil when
requested to attend e lcouncil or
-committee meeting, That the meal-
cinee prescribed by the gaol eurgeon
for inmates of the gaol be paid tor by
the° count!. That the :physician • ot
the Howe of Refuge turniale all &din-
ary medicines required by the inmates
at his own expense.
By-law No 1, providing tor the as-
suming as county bridges, the Rap -
ton brklge, tin the boundary between
the toysinships of Goderich and Hulled,
and the Moody bridge, between the
townships of Shelley and Tucker -
graduation examination, it la
i,ne,ommended that the high 'school and
Celleglate Institute principals ne re-
quested to state the standing grant-
ed such pupils upon their entering
their respective schoole for the Infor-
mation of the' commit, at the Janu-
ary eeccicee.
The report was passed.
Dr. Milne. who Ava,k sent as a dele-
gate to the Provincial Tueereuloele
Convention at Toronto gave a verbal
teport of the proceedings( of the con-
Moved by Mews. Boater and Bailie
that in the matter of the McLeod claim
tor damages for trespase on his farm
while inispecting tbe Holmesville bridge
• that the council take no action in the
way of settlement, except put in our
defence on advice. of our 'solicitor. -
Moved by Mews. Leckie and Dr.
Smith that the council extend their
thanks to Dr. Milne for the excellent
report he has made' on the action and
intentions of 'the delegates who met
Ln Toronto in Novernben last to pro-
mote the cure and prevention of con-
sumption in this province and as there
has elready 'been a board appointed to
further promote -the matter, we fur-
ther move that this council grants the
said board the sum a $10toald lathe
payment ot preliminary expensea-
'Moved by Mews. Irwin and Mos -
grove that each boepital -receiving a
grant iron tbis county in 190g be ask-
ed to furnish a, certified report for
the January sesiition, containing the
nestles of tree patients atdmitted dur-
ing the year, with dates a admission
and diecharge, number a days
treatment received by each and nausea
cit mayors and 'reeves who made appli-
cations for their tedmcan-Cerried.
Moved by Mews. Lamont and Mc-
Millan that this county Wader the
hearty thanks ot ibis body to the
Warden for the attentiOn and court-
esy he has showed during the Year, -
By -Laves.
The following by-laws
and finally passed:
By-law No. 6, to fix the ealaries ot
certain county officials. for a period
St. James' Cihurob, 13eaforth,
Lest Sunday the Rev. P. Corcoran,
pastor of St,. James' church, Seaforth,
conducted divine service for the first
time since his return from Europe and
Atsia. The cceerregation availed itself
of the opportunity to preeent
an address of welcome and a purse
ot $190. The tollowineig the addrese
end reply
Addiem of the Catholic congregation.
of Seaforth to Rev. P. Corcoran, on the
occateloa a his return from a tour se
Dear Reverend Father, -With hearte
beating joyfully to -day we bid You a
cordial weltome home from, your tra-
vels beyond the seas. We rejoice to
*see you standing once more in the
Mouse of Pod, which you love so
well, once more itt he trddst of your
loviag and loyal people. 'When you
lett u12 four roceaths ago, to take a
well earned *rest, after years of
remitting labor la our •parisb, we bade
you God -speed and prayed for your
sate return. We trust that your visit
to the, land a your birth and scenes
of your childhood have renewed in
you the vigor of youth. Our loving
thoughtfollowed '.you, Reverend
Father,_ in all your journerings. We
felt that though the wide *Atlantic
rolled between plotter and people. we
still had. a place it your tender
solicitude. We knew our names ling-
ered on your lips bdore the glorious
altars of the Eternal City and in the
hallowed 'wad trod by the Secret:1'feet
a Our Divine Saviour and sanctified
by His ',precious blood. These fair
lands", with their ennobling, precious
and enduring assoeia,tions, have faded
from your view, though memoriee of
them cling and will cling through ail
the year's. Again you have taken up
the arduous duties of thie parish,
which has made rapid advancement un-
der your wise and able guidanee. That
you may be 'spared, dear Reverend
Father, he health and strength for
The reports .or thee Inspector, Keep',
er ant Medical Inspector' of the Kowa
of Refuge vvill he found On page two
of tide Woe.
many yeaas to ifilnii6t2r tO the fi.00k.,
is our earnest prayer. We beg of you
to accept of this small offezing as
a token, of our eeteem and affeetion.
Signed, on behalf of the congregation,
John Devereux, sr., Duncan
Jolt Shine, T. Carbert, T.
Geary, 3. Ryan, C. Kennedy, D.
Shanahan, 3._ Canning.
My Dear Friendea-I have heard wita
much emotion, the kind isentimerete- you
have expreased towards tee and
thank you most cordially for the tame
Illenoet they coma from your hearts
in all lsincerity; yet, being conscious
of my own teenage, I accept ;them
even more as art eipressiaa of, affec-
tion for Oar Holy Mother, the Church
and foe the ideal pastor, than for my-
self- personally. I have 'been over,
'seven years with you as pastor _ and
during that ;time e have learned to
regard the 'people of Seaforth parish
with heart -felt affection, for I have
found them eincerely devout and earn-
est in their faith, and there is hoth-
ing tha.,,t delights end conselas the true
Pastor More than that this ehould be
the' case with those who have -been
committed .10 les spit -thief care. You
have mas itr your addreis' that you felt
that during my sojourn in the Eternal
City, the Qantas) of Ce,tholie lenity, and
while I was viol** the Sacred Places,
which were made holy, by the foot-
print a the precious blood of Our
Divine Redeemer, I never forgot my
beloved parimblethern-and all this Is
true. I offered my praeers for you
and eeltenetted for you the -Holy Seed-
tice _or the. Kase at those moat Sacred
A'2a$--Betbelern, Calvary and the
Holy Sepulchre of Our Saviour-placeit
which will be ever dear to Christian
hatete. It will be a happy piece a
nevi, bo you when I tell you tbat I
received from our Hely Father, Pellet
Plus X, the raw privilege a giving
you hie special blessing, accompanied
with a plenary indagence under the
trawl =Odom that you receive the
flame he the stabs a gram free from
sin. The day, tor giving thla 'Pedal
• bleesting 'will be antretmeal. lateg on,
• Eiperimentsi Nation.
The Ontaalo Experimental and Agri-
cultural Cation etart ed its meetings on.
Monday afternoon, and in the -co-tweed
hi3eperting renufrIts the president, Mr.
G. A, BrOdio, Of Betheok, took the op-
portunity ot uttering word as to the
eceed ot advancement in agricultural
methods. "Farming is degenerating,"
he remarked. "Our fathers were bete
ter farmers 'than. we are. We seen
to have caught 'the Western idea a
trying to mine our lead, atestead
farming. We in, Coterie congratulate
,oureelves on. being leaders Alp
culture, but ancia is ter teem the
truth. The old countries can teach
us many lessons. They practise inten-
sive terming, and if we wish to occu-
py the proud pottiest a leaders in -
agriculture we ntni8t take the lesson,
and fall in line."
Pa1111 Ontinit Trebled.
"Tlie output of Qatari° tarns tea
been trebled in the last le years and
the Union. hare had a maelced influence,
itt bringing thie about," declared Prof.
C. A. Zavitz, in his report as tteeree
WT. He said that there bad berme in,
420 perone partielpa,ted in the oo-op-
erative experimente in 1903. The value
of the field crops of Oritterio wee; a-
bout $135,000,e00 annually- Cense-
eheirtlY Prot Zavitz telt that al great
responsibility rested on the unloa
which was assisting in the education.
of the people.
- Mr. G. A. i3rolle, the president, re-
marked that the farmers only learned
of the depreaskusatetrade through the
daily 'Press. Trueeatte agriculturalists.
of the West dfelte,tiselegekuclai Orin-
getrcY, largalytate4u-aetter thtir greet
for land and thehetronsaction of bus -
bless on the credit plan, but in On-.
taxi°, salve In a tew Esectioew there
was no marked. change front the condi-
tions which have prevailed for 4.n
ears -Possibly there has tnever bean
/such a, series of successful years as
the farmers of Ontario have lately en--
JaYed," remelted Mr. Brodia
After ieferrina to the work of the.
Ontario Agricultural College, MT. 13ro-
die mad that 8,1)00 enperiments had
been made under the auspices of the.
union, of which 4,120 were purely ag-
Problem of Noxiou,s Weeds.
•'Woesilly one ot the greatest prob-
lems affecting agriculture to -day Is.
the increane of :noxious weeds, de--
crea.eng the -annual yield 20 per cent.,
or many millions ot dollars," said Mr. ,
Brrlie. He thought that latime co-
opeeeteve eation might be uudertaken
itt Vile regard. The union might also
take up the questilm of inteesive
teeming. la the race 'for wealge there
was the greed for htrge farms which -
might mean. more money for a few'
aeons, but in the end spelt failure.
XT. Brodie advocated encouragement
for the proper sort -of immigration.
He referred to the damage done by
forest tires, and declared that the-
Iewe for the prOection of the wood-
lands could not be *tiro eigid: He sr3oke
et the vEdue to the farmers of electri-
city and rural mail delivery, width,
with the 'rural telephone, made them. .
no more an teoleted people.
were *read
-A 'report wee( generally circulate&
lest week that the Sault Ste. Mariel
Steel Compeers Tail works had ehut,
down for lack of work and that les t
500 people. wonid be thrown Tat ‘0 45M"`
ployment. The welcome eanoancenient
is now Made that an unexpected rush
of orders have been received, that the -
works have heen re -opened, are now
working full force and have work en-
ough on band to keep them fully em-
ployed until :next erring.
Bae -elections were held in Mon-
boldt and &Wants, Saskatchewan, for
Ike Legislature on 'Monday, owing to
the resignation a Dr. Neely and S..
N. McNutt, who -were elected to the
Dominion Parliament. Hon. 3. A.Cal-
der and Eon. W, R. Motherwell, who
were defeated in the Provincird eiece
lion lase September, were the Liberal
candidates, and both were elected bee
Urge majoritise
-A very theasttous Ere occurred In
Kingstoe Sunday afternoon, re
suiting in the destruction ot the
;Wormy/tie reano Factory and W. a
Craig _and Cennpanree wiaolesele gro-
cery, entailing A 1028 Of about $120e.
000, The fire aimed so rapidly tbat
the three Score were soon in flames,
and theeepeue -of the pianos. sone 200r
of them is the course of construction,
wen irnposslbt.e. The ode' of the efane-,
parry was ISAY011. It midsized notes,
end agresesm, ba to the nine ist $40,090-
he eonepany was w�klnij night and
I thank you, aim the the generous = day c rush orders, some 85 men and
gift you have presented to me. Uy
Journey is now over 4141 do tia need
thin roes for my '
self but there are
church PurPodes for iivtdch IL will be
wetul, and I will apply it tame et
Xbille "Mosel, with your pernisdon.
rear (*tech Yee& * gape omen, as
GUI' presect organ lain dilapidated
condition. Totir gift I will devote to
the neer organ fund. I thank yteu aU
tbe mime for your generosity ittmak-
ing Ude donator, Which Marks the
bond a union between Peet and
tale beingengem.% The IOW is very -
heavy. The mere lost all Mehl own
tool% and the machinery was tender-
ed easiest. The, late ht put at $80,660
to Me* on WWI* and content*
The emplane, *WW1 the bundhere
handeme atone stru-0*e_. The Is
will be seriously felt, se The
work e were flour/eking. The
roll wee about $1,200 per week,
likely the corona wili rime tease
Inane tett as Its pat -erne' wales, eta.,
'axe destroyed It wffl require mores
months to get in modem AVAIL