The Huron Expositor, 1908-10-02, Page 1,efteressieverehoshees. .94111111161411.1.11614.11). NitLEILYA BROS. Putdishera aX famt.r° 13.41,3TAMOS. JAT TY' ing•shop- can utilizer will be more - Ater seevice,... dons" quicker eereenal eone Furs. ckets id the .arcnn profuee with Ow of the spleile once and en- The- jacket de- ediate salting. Shades towards black dreg* 0.14I& below'. Their and they weret ,e. Woodsban, et to the hone, feet -were at - on suffered nee severed week" f apoplexy, - S- lezt hest knows morning in hist 4 -red bY a -911r i'.. In Dweller* ged he farming' if3o11.. Ile was a, of license =As - ix -ford. storm Nelda t Friday night Church. eV** -Passed through:. srted a fire la brigade wait A the fire out - eh damage, hut interior of tie* mai week, bode le made fit It's not every tLat cares to invest a v.ery iaxge sum of monoy iii Wmter Overcoats. For the man who: gives his Overcoat hard sbrvicg,em and yet wants style. fit an4 dur- ability at a mod'erate cOst, we have lives of Overcoats at $7.500 $10, 211 The coats are idifa distinguish from t4eir priced and More prete relative's. They are wel t lered,. from good 'fabrics, e with durable serge, an a the style of the m re expen- sive members of t ov moat- ! F For a good, sisf overcoat, at &moderate Wole.'re at your servic} tilt to her tions tory rice OYS' OVERCOATS in plenty, style the newest, and prices purses at $2.50 $3.00/ $4..00 a it all 6.00 They have been pinning medals on us ever since, our new Jacket and , fur -lined floats arrived. Were entitled to them, too. We'vfi a display of beautiful fors and coats that you can't match in a few days' journ y Our cots are exception- llywell designed and tailor- ed by experts out to 4the limit of conect: artistic style, and exclusive in. fal3rios, Yet the Prices are Moderate, Every woman that cora&s to us for a coat goes away look- ing a winner. When she gets into one of our new ()cats she's inside one of the best _ coats made. Do not place too much store on prices until you see the garmeutt at the prices. That's what tells the whole story. GLOVES AND OAPS. Men are always looking for something new in We've something entirely new, and we want ever see himself in one of these new caps. PRICE C&P 50c 750. to dLOVES 750 $1.00 to 911141118w111•111111•1• P" Righest Price for Butter and Eggs. 1 East Side Main Street, one door S uth of Dominion- Bank, SIR WILFRID LAURIER, Premier of Canada. A SLANDERER 13ROUGHT, TO nat may antagonistic to the Liberal, BOOK party, but ultra Conservative in its MIANIT,OBA'S PlREMIER PROlicEN FALSE. ----- At the Borden maze meetieg 1x. To- ronto On Wedneedar• night 'of last week, Eon. R. P., Roblin, Prempt Manitolia,, made.a malicious and e ands efous attack against the Toronto 1 b and against 1144.h. .J. ei. MeDenald ecii- toe of "I sa been se hunch!, hei- pap hind hi paper, have deliberately fi re ords. they charge is t is :--; at wen the Liberal Governrn nt in 1396 e considering the con t c tion of he Crow's Nest Pass Rai r.oa.d, It lwas o be at an outlae of $1,8 0,000 and so' - inserted in their eh rter. This Pa dommeneed a deliberat and sytdom tic agitation to have the grants this relieved increase to $11,000 r mile,, and Sir Wilfrid Laur-° ler, a p !ant, plastic tool in ' the ands of ithe obe, consented, and this rail- way ,built at a, cost to the °tree try of 2,000,000 in excel:is of th or- iginal contract, As a result of - their agitation, there was given the Tpron- to Globe 350,000 acres of the best coal land in Atnerical",',. I" charge the ron- to Globe that they need their infl ence to rob .the country that, Robert Jaf- frey and bie associates lbehind the Globe might obtain money!' i Mir. McDonald'se Challenge. In the 'Globe of Friday terr. McDonald replied to these slanderime silatements ai3 idOWEI ; I i "If that charge .le true 1 Abell re- sign. from -the editorship of tile Globe. If it can be Shown, al llon. Mr. Robs lin charges,' that --quoting now his words as# reported in the News -"The Globe did use its influence as a med.: ium of 'public opinion to induce the Government to rob the people of Can- ada in order that Mr. Jaffrey; and his assoeiates might get that money," 1. shall at odice resign. If that charge, Ind Mu; form, in substance or in "feet, can ..be shown to be true, I Shall re- sign. If the one znan . Who knows all the faets at first *hahd, and who can speak- with lunquestioned. author- ity, Mr. I. S. Willisere managing edi- tor of the News -if he Will affirm li that charge to be true I hall resign. Mr. Willson wee man,ag 'he editor of the a obe In 1896 and u•nt 1 November, il 1902.- Phe "agiteition" tO which lier. Rohn refers was begun, continuel fina ended by hirri, under his over- sight, and.by his authority . Ire lei un- der no obligation to the 1 lobe in the matter, or to ilhe Jaffrey, or to ma He sat on the platform. teerassey • Hall on Wednesday night and beard Hon. tier. Reblin make hie charge. If he will declare that the charge is true, or that rdr. Jaffrey or I any other Man, either directly or indirectly, dic- tated the ,peliey of the Globe on the matter in question, or that such' policy was determined a;nd directed as Mr. Roblin states, I shall .resign. He knows the tactp. Let him speak. I did not become -responsible for the editorial rnanagement of the Globe un- til January, 1908, dry editorial avec- laths, who have personal 'knowledge of affairel la 1896, assure nie that the . charge made by Hen. R.:P. Roblin is - false, wholly and abeolutely feejee in every sentence and in every inference. If Mr., Williston fails to corroborate the charge, Hon, R. -P. Roblin stands 'before the' pUblic a slanderer, whese word -is not to be 'believed, end whozie 'campaign of slander aizainst other public men is discredited. This is my answ.er4to. dlr. Roblin's challenge; (What _Mb Wiflisca Says. • On Saturday, &fin 3.. S., Whitson, !droner; editor of the Globe, but now Ater df the Toronto News, a paper be. 11-44apoke, of this good editor wile has :apart for theelaying on Of rid Who has slandered me, that r,- and the men who are be-, alsi- polleye 'flatly and unequivocally denies the charge made by Mr. Roblin, there- by branding him as sianderou§ and untruthful. Mr. Willisen serge. "Now,' as to the. issue between, ber. Macdonald and Mr. Roblin. Tile Crow's Nest ',Itailevay, Policy of the Globe originated with the editor of the News. When he was in British . Cale urnbia in 1e95 he looked into the situ- ' alien ond saw the necessity tor bet- ter railWay connection with the mining country. He wrote a letter frrym the West • in advocacy or this , policy. On his return to Toronto, while the Conservative party was .in. - power at Ottawa, he wrote various ar- ticles. in favor of this particular rail- way project. No director of the Globe was coosulted. No director or !stockholder ef the Globe, so far as the •editor knew, had any intereet in the Crewel Nest country." .After this comblete exposure of his perfidity, dir. Roblin had better pack his &IP, return to Manitoba and hide himself in a gopher hole in the prairie. The High Court. The Airy sittings a the High Court for this county were 'held at Goderich on Tuesday and Wednesday oe last Week, t the court house, before the Flo -nor -tee Mr. Justice Anglin. Only two eases, between the same parties, went toe trial .and • they were tried as one case. The plaintiff was liyam Roweliffe, a farmer residing in the township of eesborne,, and the defend- ant, :Sohn Sawyer, a farmer, residing In the townehip of Blom/hard, county cif Perth. The plaintiff was employed by ehe defendant and had the use of a house owned by the defe.ndant. die. Sawyer seems to have surmised that Rowcliffe was pilfering from him and entered Rowcliffe's :house, according to the statement of claim, where he claimed to have neer: goods belonging to :him' In Rowcliffe's house. The plaintiff elaineed damages for the trespass; damages for slander inecall- ing the plaintiff a rogue and a tiller and accusing thim to' others of steal- ing Wheat and oats, a crowbar and Wire- istretcher; $49.70 for balance of wages, lend costs. The further action ware for malicious prosecution n eueing Rowcliffe tor the theft of two bags of wheat, of which charge he was acquitted. In the first actien. the 'Jury found a verdict for Itoweliffe as follows: For, weges, $49.- 70; for trespass, $5; for ilander, $300, and -Judgment 'was accordingly entered fox' the plaintiff for $354.70, and in the second case also the .jury found for the :plaintiff end assessed the damages at $5. • Canada. - -Rev. Father D. .C. 'McRae, parish priest of St. Andrews, Ont., died in the Hotel 'bleu Hospital, Cornwall, on Sunday, aged 51 years. He had been ill only a few days with appendicitis. The clecea,sed was one or the moot papillae ,priests in the diodese. • --Edna Hillier, of Kingston, took oil of cedar the ether day. Shortly after taking the drug she became violently 111, and was removed to the Hotel Dieu In convelsions. Doctors worked over her- for some ..time before she was brought =around. -The residence of JOhn Shaw, near St Thomas, was burned to the ground the other day, ()Wing to the small sue - ply of water. :The large , barns and outbuildings were saved with great difficelty. The loss is heavy with only $500 insurance.. -A serious accident occurred at Hol- land Landing about five o'clock last Thursday "afternoon, When -e, horse at- taehed to -a buggy, driven by an un- known mailer= away and threw -him out, breaking his arm and caueing other injuriee. The horse continued its career and came in contact 'with BQRDEN, Lae Goods Our sale last week km given us a chance to re- place our old goods with this year's new goods, and from now till .Chris- tmas we will be adding many new articles to our stook. .392•MINIEFI911ftr John Bulger, Jeweileri - - Seiforth Marriage Licenses issued; •111111•111111111111111111MBINIMIIIIIMPIIIIIIMINI111611.. a horse and rig driven by Mi. C. 11/. Curtis and Mk,. D. Bell, of that place throwing them out a the rig. Mr. Bell receiver' serious injuries on the head and body. ele. Curtis got a. bad Shaking up, but nothing serious is an- ticipated. -Dr. Berry, a prominent Tepeka, Menses, physician, dropped dead the other afternoon, while walking acroes the links of the, London, Golf Club. Dr. Berry, who came originally from Gananoque, had retired from practice and bad spent the summer with rola- tiven of his wife in Landon. -A. fatal accident occurred at Vamp- bellfordthe other day when Paul . • , the four year old son of 111r. John Reid Ellis, of that town, was rastant- ly killed. The child Was playing on the street and as a team of joorses were passing he was knocked down, and the heavily loaded wagon passed over his body. „ -The worst wreck in the history Of the Toronto, Hamiltonand13uffalo Railway occurred about zdx o'clock Sunday .marning, near 'Mineral Springs, a short distance east of = Copetoem. A bridge, vvbich had been burning,erush- ed through beneath the weight of the freight train. Three men were kill- ed and one seriously injured and thenisands of dollars; ot' rolling stock and freight were destroyed. ' --The wholesale grocery firm of the John Sloan Company, _Belleville, was at, en early hour Thursday morning visited by burglars, who dynamited the safe, virtually blowing it to pieces. For their 'trouble the burglars secured about $20 in cash. The large tree dears of the safe were blown off, and. the interior was wrecked. Ent- rance was effected through ea window In the rear of the preMises. -While driving from the market at Ottawa last. Saturday, at noon, Mrs. Jinxes Ileatherington, at Ottawa mar- ket gardener's wife, was pitched trout an express waggon near the Somerset bridge, and so terribly crushed that - she died ten minutes aftervvards. The horse she was driving took fright' at a 'Ale of stones on the ,Edcle of the road, and ran away, eon/Letting the waggon against a telegraph pole.. The unfortunate woman was thrown out with great violence, -many Ft her ribs being broken and the pieces piercing. her lungs. . -A despatch' from Winnipeg. says: A miscarriage of justice has probab- ly caused a young Englishman name ed Blundell to serve four years in the Penitentiary as punishment for a. crime --cattle stealing -which be may never have committed. The Minister of ,Itoetice is to he asked to ineestigate the elretnnotandes surrounding this cane and to endeavor to mAe-' some -restitution* should it be a'h'wortl' tlfat an theOppositRm ' innocent an has actually been ham, England, and came' here about wronged. lunden wale arreiged four, two years age: He WAS nnisiarried. years ago and the. trOwn Weed its 7-Whi1e Georgc Townsend, of Strat- -cam on t e evidence Of a man who ford, was ridingalhoree in .a rate at has since een proved to be a cattle- the Illivekten tele' Friday afternoon,, rustier (heslf, and an nil -round had . he WES thrown, wed instantly killed man. Blu den was _foiled guilty- and- his .neck being broken. He lived - sentenced t serve ten Years. The act- ., Stratford with his :father -In -1 w. 'Geo. ualthief I believed' now to have -been Richardson, of the Arneritan Hotel. the had an who ewpre Blunderee and leaves a widow and one Th ellierty a y. I Herbert W. Oaedee, M rjorie Robertson, 'of Mont- er blitchell boy, and now an real, met ith a fatal aecident on Sun- exit speaker and writer in. New Yoric day mornr g near Beaconsfield, Where cn religious and Seedidistio Sal:deaf% • her family resideduring the pernmer preached in the - Central'lethodiet. months. Te young lady, who is ate! teurch, Stratford, ,on a recent Meted wit somnambulism, appareet-i sday evening' and delivered a pOwer- ly left her room about five o'clock inful semen. . the' nuernin and putting on her Slip- -lir. J. H. BoWes, pump aieer at pets, weak d in her night robe to the.,i Stratford, met wine a eerious,accident Cirert. tra. ks, where she Was struck j the other day. While -me:dating to by a Nisei g freight :trete.. Rer ab- 1 hencile a pump log, it -inevOme way - Bence Vt0.13 not noted Until an hour ate 1slipped and, ,striking Mr. Beene on ter ahe • ad lett the house and a:1 the roots split oriee ot MS tees very search *it at once Organized, with ; badly.uTnhcie by a' ! the result that in a Short time she ; dotter, =and Mr. Bowes willbeable to. was found lying in, e dying condition beside the tracks. 'She, was at once -Rally Day terv ees were held at taken to a honpitelete Montreal, but the 1Miethoclint church. Mitchell. on Sepe- little hope Of, saving' her life are held tember lath. The Pastor,' Rev., ,kte.. out. ;low Iobertson i.s, a daughter of Livingston, preached espeetalit to the , a. - i WI atineS !M. Roberteon, of the Thos. , eV -great. tir.. A, 4 Adair, 41. River - Robertson Company, and is well known : eidir. Cslifernia, 3 heother-inelaw - or In Mentre4 . society circle. A partie- ' 'h.*. F- 4, Camlitell, of Mitchell, ade ularly sadi feature' of the tragedy is dress:onthe children; in the efternoen. that Milo; iRobertserre ;engagement to 1 Speeial enuele Wise prepared 1 torr. the Mr. Charles Shearer, pti Mo ontreal, was eea . . ! aangnixouneed onlY 'a coreiple of months -About six hundred men were tut at the Laymen a illissionaryMove- ment meeting in St atford on ITueedere evening of last wee Rev. E. A. Atene strong and arr. TiOrdes Findlay, of Toronto, leaders Of the elbirentent,werte present, but the speaker or the eVeht- ing was aft% J. Carlinhell White, of New York, one of the promoters - f - the lane/pent. Stratford Laymen are asked to contribute $19,000. : -Mk. Ralph Sturgeon, of St. Marys, - who has been beep undergoing treat- ment at St. Joseph's hospital, Lea- den, tor some time, died last Week -kr - his 721 -id year. M. Sturgeon, Who wale a, native oe Ireland, lived in iLondon township ter many- Yeare before go- ing- to St. Marys some twenty yearn` .ago. His wife died three Years ago, and be has ne faintly. His only bro- ther lives in California. His remains, ' wee° interred in St. Marys. i e e y .......................___ Toeswater. Firs.-Teeswater narrowly i escaped a eerious conflagratioon Saturda night. The C.P.R. Niund house at the , -south end, and Thompson's saw mill, ford, was killed in 4 railway accident. ot the noth, 0 -ad of the town, were - at Blackfoltior Alberta, one day last burned to the ground. The alarm wale weeso untied at about 10.80,, arid the tirii • , _41k.ece..Dwnla.sevd=olgaa rot g,obtW heof i n r n ip e .g , lizne brigade respended qieiclay, but Owing R. B. Johnston, of . Stretford. " to the inflammable nature of the,build-, former resident of St. Marys, has Ing it Wall°h a =Ma 7antartxPrem' t been rth enewing acqoaintances in at 1 " eft,e =imam owite t.43, town: Me. Pegg went west in 1882 '' dry weather and direction Of the . and is now One Of the Oldest condite- ! it 'coked at one time as though toes on the C. P. ,R. running out of 1 th ere, svonld he a genered. cdeflagree ' vrinde Whinipeg. the ;Whyte Packing CoroParird d'e I buildings were saved. A fretglit ..ert-e manager- „,,9! '•i firemen a•nd citizens the surrounding I then, but by the faithful worl -of the -10. George Morrissey, . gine which was in the round tweet - Marys store, had two fingers badly . Is a total wreek. 'No tense for the, injured one day last week. The end , was cut completely off one finger. The yore Is given. About 8.80 eine, athe accident occurred while working in . el eeler alarm • was sounded. Tnis time the slaughter house, = was the ThomPoon -dirrille M. Jam& Ingram, oe thee"- = mill, whieh', although a quarter Of a , ee g CoMpanyht saw-- r - gan, wee' engaged 'with his cutting uux Mile teem the round bouts,- 18i0Urikilff... the other afternoogn in tilling Mi.. George Gordheres alio ee to wove ewillit froln niattictuders. again the fire we.s kept trot* epreade-- knives got loose Med smashed up the , machine. One of *the pieces went very one or the '"'" ing, irst the mill was totally deetroy- Excellent work ;Was done bere, and - aged about twentyeone, WAS inetentlY close to the head of Mfr. David lie- IA, whe 20e. fa t,.sumated at ;between . -*mud]. Niell°143, an Englilihm'Yn' t about Voris thousand eight lnmdred. killed at the G.T.R. oboe at Strat- Nairn.five anfi sii thouandsod insuran- ford On MOnday. Nichols wee an deo- mathine anew The :wires aloft be- esti nt M. rtobert Holmes, trItian, and- was fixing wires in the ' ' polateaL—A - came tangled, and he- went up to IT.D.,1 caldtklate In West Horaa, *I do them, when he was struck by an here on Tuesday. 'evening next, electrle crane. He was taken dovrn a tech:hie and will he toddresset by trx minute afterwards hut Ms neck was Themes dreed011en, reeve, midi by 411r. broken. Deceased VAS born in 01,d- Helmee, the candidate - Perth Items James Beenoch, of Stratford, has been appointed returning officer for North Perth. Antiony Allen, of Stratford, has purchased the drug etore of the III. Doyle Company, in that city. -Niko Arthur A. Dusty, of Des Moines, Iowa, .has. been visiting his father, thike s. Dusty, in St Marys. -4k, Wne,r Ryan, ot Mitchele, has been appointed returning officer for South Perth et the coming election. -Dr. Frederick Preston Coates, of Toronto, an. old ',Mitchell boy, was matried recently in that city to Miss Nellie Rowan. -Assessor MISTMall, of Stratford, has given out the assessment returns for 1907, showing a total taxable os- sessinent of $8,688,000, an increase of 9,110.912. The population Is 14,489, an inerealie of 127. ' ' -{Theodore Scott, a tirenien on the C.P.11.., and a former resident of Stria- lc