The Huron Expositor, 1908-09-04, Page 4-AMON T -77 -71 7747M, 7 IF X3W -Nr 7Z P, E PT M"R 4v 4 ............ 908 jl get .--u5r* BEA LEAD aft V i& ro VI Ord tht- eams ING '$"OR STORE. H_ Weber , of the llth the -noted 40 'o 4110 -Mrs.. :v Gin 00 16 SFIX X E BEI& -!'That thikt.%.-oxe 0ti. t ttlaS his I IVA os#jud I A - - dt ir Laurier- d6iei -4 re ,JUA c jamen . dhirt to M,Loon 'flock readi for the. fall- falfs. He 1100, WOW _6 ,r,c -_L9jftt ver t -b W' Vote, Aft - 3t1j.W r fr T Y A 4 GG Dr- R -,aAd- UA or. ---boo 'a MF- for pts sco7ree'l ol re aff Xrev 'the -supportows',vt Vr.., Bo-f.dis -a' whilt d *Mr, - V, 4. tickets every faU. Cie her. - last -week look-' Xr. and- Mrs. George Ruttvt, of or tile $11ppo era IWAW, - * Www~ I 'don 8 1 L E 8 ft of oth the bride aid" ­ .6 LL" South _RUr n. we 2 3 4 6 erninent or party - the wor di and- of 6d kod vory, I t6yer th rbor with a view ot PrAndon, woro, Auring th6 past few the wh?1ejUjkt jtii th, it f, ittef grey tirlin -nd __14 11 -12 ibit the_v are on I tVleeka, g relativ a at Wingliam,, 6, V BU b9*IngA)ie1r.eqU1T6d_ Improvements a n e Independent., and 14telligeid -,w e, &XBO Abed -With -POnt-desprit-aind inser j;epairs "made thereo h as as a- 13luevale Wroxeter and 11 18 19 russels U 1116 16 1 "Am, - soon po make the- Statement and we challona ticia She- -6 a. C:Veam::-,, arr -Pordwich, and are now Sp'endlng a y, U 25 26 IN MEN the Free !'-less to refute- It, - Ahat dow ' -bit , d, eiftled --& sho*er' few days. with the former's parents, q t Of --I 17 28 29, so there Is not a, follower of Sir Wit id nr a gh 0 -kcitolu The Z urich Aft. and Urs. R. 13' Ruttau, he and see our Laurier- In Parliament -to-day who.,10. 90M wa ed 16th con'cessiOn. They expect to leive Notes—The directors of our We invite . .... every Jian within reach of the store to call not.prepared to Justify before his cob- o t,.itdird At er the ny, the, for their home in the west In about 1qew Shoe t Fall. The choicest creations of the lea -ding 'Itural IsooletY are in aking every ret NE ADV=T18XK8Xt9- stituents every vote he has given and b Idal' par drove to. the, home- of --t-116 0 6ur fall t Oil be two weeks. —Rev. 'Mr. Radford, of Bel- shoe fac rX Of anAda are here for your inspection. Newest, parationi f r air .19eiftem r or fall sister, Urs , Frank, Kuntz, 150 - Is quite prepaxed.to stand UP- br and UcIntoshj preached In his -ble Qualitites and I 1411d reet --ed -this year. It promises more rdict of an -Intell rent 0 w 23 and '24,'aiid Shapes, Correct tyles, Dependo a range of hore ouw#uous w The ftare, betwafirtlth4 parentheds after each' On thO-ve than ever. A Pulpits last a three ca 1"which t 0 lie on, to. be biggor 0d better §[unday, after prices to suit all p3cket books. You caVt The bridal will we f You pick the, page of. the papa h that vcite. 'We., are do4btful.,-If ding--brOW at was served,, feature of the econd day elis' vachtlon. Kr. Horton-, who has i`ow Fall Shoes from any of these "Ptclal your the Free Press, Can say as wacb,for zciupfe. left, Y the. afternoon train --for carilled the mail between* here be a grand con eft 1%the evening.- and n Political friends. London alid other ' polnts before set- Mr: Alfred 11man, j, - ent at Nap- Clifford for the past number f years, SHOFj Box Calf or Dongola $1 a pair I p &ten game of its ow idd 111jag-down in their new home -In Kin- terillie Colle & -is-, home on a visit. contemplates reti-r-h1g, and notices BZt: Marini Co. a .9 are Colt. $5 a pair. ar In' I na Smon-W- -Fickard ind Sow 41 bmly Ella Notes mments, accoUTIt f communion rvices UP coin- -On Be calling for tenders, work to Waltero. MRS 4 'Mr.. Martiri's Ritgnation.-The e on the firet of October. Mr. we Sir Louis Jettej, Lieutenant Governor In the 14th', Concession church oji Sun- . wene Jim 06ntrll BUIdSOM College a raE, ASTORIA SH0E—­B0x Calf, leather lined and imlougadhem 001lege, 9 n by -'i day last, there was -neither service 0 -an winte calf, $5 a pair- bytery of tiron met I the Pres H rton has b en a' first elass mail i soles, $5 a pair Cin- i - of Quebec, ormally opened the ar a4bue, of Revislon-4iines Jordan 5 ch h er on Tuesday Th6 n. 'of R . ev. -0r. Martin nor Sunday sdhool in -the, Evingelical -carrier. He has ' sd1d his 4 '40a .5 - Xft--john, A Wile adian National ExbIbItIon at Toron 61ging 10 hurch. The 'pair ted by, the village to 'W. John Hernicker. at HE SOVERE N S E10 E_8ox alf or Dongola Kid, st per tor 'cf the -Exoter' and candidates for -04od Xoney rielhkm Nursery 04. Chiset of ilip8s dona IG to on Tuesday, last. - This exhibition ;L& pa r, Pain, of Landon, W our gun Club, a good figure. -The Dongola, Kid, cushion soles, U50 Vadca to, AL Bost 5 Urquhart 5 i egation hurst cong s, Whicli'had been the Federal honors are around. promises to be &a largely. attended was won by Hurley, Weber. 0 _ Aiction &a"- Jeneez tendered sor ie time ago, was ac 0. Hem The contopt.betwten JAtr, Arch. Ilya- W61ted Soles at $S.50 Water Gbp­ M Abeharb, 9 'to take' el ce#tel Brio n 'wiw. second, and -W.. THE FAULTLE- 8 SHOS-13ox-Calf, WIL and as successful In very, respect tbis ted.t the . first Sabbath in lop and- Dr. Chtsholm will be close, J. H. v Cowv, swart4 Nall Mr -4 third. -Every person should . make It a pair., vftwb4 Bro em year as in former years. Februp6r,'y nfit.. There were represen with the former on top, of course. - a pq nt to be in Zurich, oii - Monday tatives pre ,,nt from. both, congrega- Mr. aeoig, '13urnett sold a - very, fine OUR SFECIA '—Box Calf. Welted S' MeCombe next, Labor Day. A godd programme oles, *3apfdr; other lines iftno a Chtweh. Seaforth Livearr-9 - The Civil -Service Cammissioero, un- tions and -they asked that I in the mare to an old country buyer the of races and other sports has been ar- at $2, $29 50 and $2 75 a pai Auction 4--rhom"Kidd-8 --yreach the gQspal. event Vartin still persisting In other da .-Mlr-. and 1Xr"UT F-. Daly a der the Civil Service Act, passed at fanged for.-Mr..J. J. Verner has rd- y Mrs. M. Smith, -ceptin his intention to resigni. the Presby- the late session of the Dominion Par- turned f rom, a trip to the est. -Mr. of Bluevale,. visited Yfts. Smith's par- 9 tbily permit him to, remain In Charge ents, 1&r, and Mrs. 13. Auttan, on john Hey, Jr., ecefitly sold a fine rce Itament, and which came Into -to -of, both congregiticins for iix won Saturday, and called - 014 , 801yie of e o e to 1fr. Bernhardt, on the. first of September, have been a year, RY Martin 'stated tbaf as their many friends rouhd Lakelet. of Preston. Like all horses raised by he ad !not formed -any 'Plans for the b,. appointed.* The Commissioners' are Mr. Hey, she Vill make a fine driver, W future. and that his relations with both Sept. 4., 1904. 11rotessor Shortt, of Queen'19 Ujilver- and gives promise of considerable' UrBhorne. congre tione-being of ihe- most sat- jar-. lefracto-r and oidial Character, while speed. -Mr. Peter Bender,.,of Mic tgan, Xtngsto n, and' 10r. M. G. I oad Notes,, -Rev. MT. Flet- J31ty, this Led in the Mennonite church on r<im 411t, deolrl ba 'his resignation ac- preaeb eber and Mrs. Fleteb r have returned arm Rot colax4adart. , . Agi ve TtAegday evening of last week to a to t therefore all the dNil servants at Ot'_ he manse, `hl d be tends to occu V d he a willing P. C0]jjUf of the Rej, cepted, he t6 acdebd ta large con 'gation.-The many friends his own pul Sabbath -ne'xt. I ormers of tawa, will. be under the control Of gre pits on these the reAuesit of the congregations to oamth Huron " coneUtuted for Do- Commiagioners,,and will be entirely the extit: continuing toe pastorates Mnno Schwartzentruber will The reyerelid gentlemm's manyiriends (OPPOSITE COAMEROIAL ROTEL) regret to-learn'that he Is not ImprOv- will be pleased to, learn that his healt .9stablished 14Y 'At MW(ja purposes, via be hem at Hen- removed from Political control or In- until the at, of Februa ' ty, the date h 0, g As fast. as could be wished, In fact n IL alMOS' fully restered, le agent in Seaforth-for the Emprew " arid 11 Quem Qa&Utv &ow fw fluence.', The Commissioners, like the. above n' for the koiq an# . that i =a.= Tuesa&y,. fttemb er 15th, at gnation to the ievers6 is the case, and- for- some Judging from his ap ear -h -nee e still Judges and Auditor General, can only take effe t.. The several, members of and th 11 131ater ancl Walk -over shoes for mem. days -he was In qVite a* aefloiis c.dnd- has many years of WOM834 .21 -a. m., for the 'purpose of be removed by 9, two-thirds' Vot(D.L.af of the re a tive deputatJons expreos, -A- dance *111 be held In sefulness, before Candidate ta Coteat the Ket y and wife and _Parliament. The selection made., by ed In mo t eling term the., g;reaf ap:-w hall on, the Rau's hlm.-Ri. W. IT Ueneml Bsnkl the Government seems to be- a ery evening of Labor Day, Mr. X. q. Keddy, wI'e and two child- preciiLticir f t for' 'Mr. Martha's ser- es- r ete& wustituency In the Liberal Interests nd Monday next, wben the Zurich orch all of Detroit, spent last week removpd to Exeter, where he mr. A. McKenzie, 6t tile Titlage, illk satisfactory one., Professor SbOrtt Is vices a general regret that he ided tor some Ume, ai Ld finally a tied his motber, Drafta bought ikid _W_ n DoWinion elections. music. . Har y kno,*n- throu t -Britain, the telt it hbve ily. to sever the ties Colooky ghout Gres tra will furilish the rwe?t, - their parents, Ur. and Mrs. R. Is the manager. Sacrament Keddy Th Mbssr in Lperth County Where, he Bayfleld, durli;g the week.-mr.`ia 4f the tes an Canada through his vvhloh a. 'Keddy are ex - NO to, We every Polling sub -dl- UnItid Sta d bit , e.. . ted with such beneficial Inoe resided. He was mait-led 'Mrs. A. Harvdy are on a a 0 was dispensed In the 14th co4cession tensive contractors'and Vullders In tj v1slou in tbe Rlding fully rep;eae&.ed- arti le n economic questions. In results f( on.L r ver quarter. of a ceh- tnd!' Itnot it L is th Church last, prepar - y lizabet)i Jane Wv & rt, daught west to we their manY frie 4rdvem etc. era R on T friends here Cain he. has become tam tury. rtin's fellow Presbyt iLtor Detroit,' and are among the Hur Avaaees ma de Atw the e int C War to the services being ames %*Th g en- Ligart, the country. heir pub through his SO Chairman held on SaturdaY- ev- boys who have made good in Ober also express@d their high appreciation wish thm. a pleasant time a W 'bile man meetin rke of the sery ces. oad, near Exeb 0 ties on their own n3tes. Um tcy hold a pu Of any Bords of donctliation under of A. - Y. Ha1ktL had dha parts. 3r, V42'. predeceasid him a u a co -laborer and their re- r - Interest paid- -,w go. who h2 ZOMP5 the Lemieux act Mr. Jesse Korner, of Michigan, and Ini twenty-one -yearg eliv.(d return. John Paterson- 0 e h4b and -it In expected Mk. W. H. vert, TWO famous 416 gret, at ia anticipated removal from th at a former r1eildent of the Sauble line, the rIpe.9ld Uge ot el hty-one yeani, been- vJoitingfor. some weeks V1 U peacOlully a0isted the LPreab ytt ry of I uron. Xr. Martin,. jitatiley; vim, rstw- c W Liberal whip 14 the Domlntani pates whIcb wem Wroxamr. . r mAl 're 1ted friends In this neigh- nd leay.es .two daukht rs to mouln mother, Nks. D. WGreg0r, Ot the Parlijiment,, Kt. Hugh Guthrie. X . y through big lnterventlon -we in pres g his resignation, said that Briefs. -Was - Jeanete Black is via- I We eAwh Salectes, nio the -coal mining disputes of British if I his. own feelings and borhood recently.' He cam6 ovek In an Ing with friends In Walkerton. -Mr. loss, Mry Bdwa a -Hale at d ligell bas returiied fDher bome In I - he c6 Butted isi ' . wbm Bank dravm. Quelph, and othera will address th automobilo. John Deeber, of the unice Ann 10orrill. ronto.-M in. Cudmore . aiiA Strike of Sister-in-law, MY -N. Prior, ot U7 Branches and Agenci Cluthile 'Mbntiftl. - Mr. Brandon, Man., Wag a e Columbia and the - longshoreni-en's Inellinatt a he . would .'not: 1 avp Ex -1 Babylon line, reomfly dispbsed,,of his V Andrew, of chelle rawting- [Aeosra. Calvrt and eter 'Ia' his relations- with -both Con`_ well, matched team of drivers t6 Rr. visitor in the -village last week.-Tbe wen calling on old friends . ja -out Vanada.' the stands high At the Montreal Bar. He gr sm two, of the, ablest Speakers In e ton all that, he could de" appearance of the b -Idge_ has be#n Kippen. neighborhood during the viee b felt that It would 'not grea h to a man of tonsiderable literary as But halen, otPort Arthur, for he hand Dominion, Parliament, and we are Sure some figure of $485. It to needless to tly improved during t e past week Notes. -Oar erain market Is ag 0ousiriE of the *Xage, is ne- set leg# attainments. and for be desirable to sevet the two 9barges, by a fresh coat of paint, the work in fulfgwing, with !W. MDMtt at tanY in South Huron will embrac some a J e aa e yeaja- IgeevIed, in s&7 that the team In an excellent on friends In the Village. - W. of L 41%,* -of diclai cap- even If:that Could* be done, and the as the pilce to a sure Indication being done by 'Mi. m. Jex.-Miaw oat as Usuil. He him a smile for e ronea, Of the aecoh2l -conceoxion this opportunity Of hearIng them dia- aelty as: Recorder of the city of St. -Sauk of i0a`nadal; 011* to-' tbat.--9i;: Whalen also _purchased a J Davidson L left 6) 1 Saturday to JD +. V three services each Sabbath, ean r 0, ry perijoh an I -1p to 0- kauts B&nk r oaiu CUW ya Stanley, Is on a ilesamit U d is &I St St Important public Issues. like- Henri. He was piftate Secretary lor gether. iltb the long drive, especially two weeks, vlalt wit 1i 'friends in To- the best attention and St rozito, Buffalo and London I& Zowj .1 'hree Sir Wilfrid Laurier for several I the wi month t . *ear, old colt from. Xr. echer ronto.and HamIlton.-M-les Casale Har- e time Py 'the of P000S.- bellev.eo In enjoyjng. life. ly to engie the people sit -fhe -next ears during , 4ter 8, Is - too for $115. 1 1 while that gentleman was leader of great a 1ax *m him to -peimiti of hl ria has returned to ronto.-'Hr. and Op ISANK 19000ftKA election. We may also, say that the the position. doing full J stice to his people. Th kss JPerguaon, of Wilton, spent Sun- ------ St. olumban. BxecutIve- ODmmittee will meet at the combined t'' th, the state of Wra. M day with hl -s. Georg HatrIs.-I-14r. J. en o'clock %-m. Rxeter. tin's- hea h, *made It both necessa Notes.-Milas X. Lyn roin R. Gibson has retumed f row an ex - Detroit last week, and Is now enJoy- mme idace and day, at t I . eb return d-f FAIR Those wishing furs repaired or remodelled should and destrab e that he should inake a tended trip to the west -Urs. C. EAFORtH F ALL a . L Ing a pleasant holiday at the old bring- them in as own as.possible in order to seaur Change. Simpson leaves this week for Heneall, Col nor Is Information Wanted. reduded prices, X. BalkwW, Andrew Street. homestead. -Mr. Norman 0', FAXIL 2124.3 where she will visit for some weeks. F visiting friends- In Toronto. I L com- ..... .......... Is good BrIefs,-Housall and Exeter Alyth Th London Pree Pre ­:KIse Lulu.Rutheflord returned on Tnurlsd2v and Fridmv played pany with James Dalton he mtends Kond4y from a vlaft of several days Brlefs. -The Locknow baseball the home 'boyo won by a scofe -of 8 'week to P1 !he Bruseelo.-Ur. Herman.Morriaon is newapaj er, but, It sometimes indulges a game of baseball here recently, when were here last to resume his -studies at Sa adwich In in. such -wild aed reckless --statements 4y t College next Monday. - Mr. Thomas rellovIng sefieduled game -in the Lakeside in the angent at the station here, ft0ortb ...... ............ e -t league, Gormley expectig to return to StMary's a on political bubjects as to ma;ke it to S. -The Ross-aylor Co., of but our bo were too much, for the bnehee of 16. George 111an, 17' 181 `08 town, have gone t into the manufactdre Seminary, bincInnatti, In a few days, wo -very ridiculwa and L ItS ufterances of boxes a . nd are already receiving the score being f to 0, and now the for the DurPosel of conttnui g his station.. agemt, who I Spending t wlncr 1 Zurub ...... ......... . . . weeks' h6lidaya in lTeeswater and d-dition to the llist, the follo Special x1me to very . exciting etween GoderJ 11 a regular entirely too- nonsensical to be rdlished large orders. This is -one of our, mos Wi studies in 130'riptuial exegals a d'the- p t L m for, firk Toronto.=bitsa D Ich, Blytti, n1l. ngha So rling, of Wing - y erson- 'In an aifticle -in its progteselve4ftnis, and we trust that ology.-The' Holland general Stores es will be awarded by ank P Place. On abor Day our leara *goes here and at Beechwodd are ham, Is the guest af Was E. Hatle.; this new branch 'of their business, will 9 a .... ........ . .. -emtorlai columns a few days ago, in: to oderic, and., It 'will be a decidin wood.-Ul'. Harry Jex returned from minion 1 ank doiiates $5 for the be st roadster'in harness, owned and driven which. It tris, to, flay Mr.. W. Cal -Foul e Clinton bdwl- U!uokoka last wee , where he has .... . ,vert, -Trlv - game, Mary services in connection with phone calls, "three, three," "two, ft7 Id A ...... . era came here or' several- inontlks.-rs. Elliott minion Bank donates $2 and the Itt Memorial Church will be held on k;Mbnday and played, for the b st lady driver. Iineeber for West provIe a. profitable one. -The anTit-ver- r143 of fh rusfilng business. Day and ni ht the spent :30 by a farmer or farmer's son. ...... . Middlesex R.. J. L M. layers 6re vActo two," arle constantly heard, thus an", and son, of W ngham, visited filends Bank of Commerce donates a Silver dal for the best draught mare and two 1gental and clever "whip." ot the Lib- S ay, when Rev. Perldna, but our -p and nouncing that trade i's brisk. Long here last week, of her Oungaunon... ........ ........ Shots. Two of our, rinks Intend tak rogeny, eblt Ye 6t Ingersoll, will coxfduct the services. may it continue to boom. -Mr. J. L. eral party in the Dominion Parlbl wmme - Broderick donates a ]PI b t n out - Ing in the touiamen't at Wingha r es; e tleni an!s single roadster of $2*0 will be re- Killoran, barrister, and his o Sio- etitor!) n assessment t e =ent, It makes. 801110itatements whic1 quirod for school purposes this year.* on Labor Day. -A great many fro, Brucefteld fit. (%na fide prope MARX ters, of Seaforth, also, MISS an, of Very wdejy classed as non- -Kra. James Miller met with a pain- these parts ).rb takf g In- hesney & Archibild ao" a bi the Toront e s of carvers for the best carriage mare aan be Toledo, were recent visitors t our Notes.-Ifies Kate Thompson Is back --iof her ClAts, foal, yearlig and two-jear-old ful acildent the other . day while fair this 'we 4, t e most of the cro and thpeo . ; 2nd prize, two illustrious centre, St.. L Columb yearssubs tion b) The Huron .-Mr. to her. old Place, agab at J. T. Reii's, T enalciAl. We do not mind its refer- C. , R., who, have clikii8r visiting at the borne of-Mr._,Toseph going by th( P. Expositor. and Plank Feeney, of St at- after, iL Kit'cation at Bayfield. - enew to, Mr. Calvert, an that gentle M. Strasser donates for best 10 14-wkins, in abofne: She anti 'Mrs: ed. the ti-im table of 'the late tfaih) tended church here' op Su. - and rs. T. T. Reid and Mrs. George property of don pound crock of butter, butter to become ndaa and ushel g do or Of prize .. .... zan In: well &151,e to take care I t g4pto I at 10.10 !P.M., giviiij, spent the afteruoon wit I or bUshel.,L.. Of him- Hawkins wire hitchin up a horse, li'Mr. and Mrs. Swan are' taking In the Toronto fair &rs. H. M. c3tr9 sser doul si.50,for 11 ble o -the arift two -hours ng& stay In Toro onbest 10 pound crock of batter, i I per toa ........ ... . self, eve agalnot more formI& P:- *ben nal turned ioued and Frank Melady, HuroM' aTenue. - Tie - this week.---4ftsa Mae Beattie as re- butter to beco e th property of the donor of prize, ria, r r4n ....... at , ed on Mrs. Miller 's foot, In- Mr. Robert W"lleso,. -who has had. _0 100 8PP the Canadian' Northwst still turned to -her home In Lo4don a on&teS r ton. 4 t1leting a. n I asty wound. -Rev. 1W. lmpYovin fter a ..... .. pooents' than the Free Press. But eafortb Millin 0 d pounds of floar foit best pan of home- e Incur, pe "' ­ I ­­* bad attack pleurisy-, is continues. Last Tuesday G.T.R, agent two weeko' vacation at her, uncle, in ebe ........ there are one or two general I ad re m their flour. b. 'barge of the services In as well as can expected. -The ba4y. bar- Mr. Wm. Scott. -The Staters will fin- 4ohn Bulger donates on half dozen Silver spoons, value $L50, for best pau of state Grigg took c of.'Mr. John I passed a' Sunday Holland' ticketed the following ments, which require. a little more vest4s: John Lynch, Leo Evai the JM&ln street church on Sunda * LS, Ed- Job the roof on the Presbyterian home-made buns, dosen.. eveningaftef a - rtAllness. The par-- ......... I. - elucidation on the. part of the Free enIng last.. Mr.. and Mrs. Grigg will ward Flarinbry, August Krauskopt, church this week. The managers are §tewart Bros., donates $2 hat to the man or woman bringing in the largest. ents have the' Byrn ath of their friends Peter Krauakopt, John Arnold, Henry to be cong-ratulated on their choice. ........ return shortly to resume their mis- Press. to make them h4telligible. For family of boys to the show. per 100 lbs.... their' be eav ent, The funeral stonarY work in India. --4r. J. W. Benoit, Thomas Johnston,. and others -1fro. Ratesberry left on Tuesday on 4. W. Sfobie donates$] for the best and biggest dozen of brown egi;s, ft bag Broderick entertained the choir of whose names we liave notyet xtended vasit to her sons In Bran- r instance,., It Sayff: \ tooi - Pla n Tuesday 'to the liton "Verily on. 'member -(Mn Cal- 'Mr. - W. Stobie donates 50a for 2nd best audbigyest dozen of brown eggs. cemeter be g Conducted by Rev. the h don. -The second line picnic was a1: for the best beef heifer. the 19ain street church to a jicnic H ed.' Had not Messrs. Bell, Mac donald -ennedy Bros, donate 1$x ,vert): talks -like one t those "new artley.' ;9. Janet Laidlaw, who, to =4 .. .. .. at Grand Bend on Tuesday of last and Du'p6reau, of"the Grand runk Success In ever3F way, A few from Sundy donates $2 (in goods) for th e best beef steer, 3 years old or unde.r. men" whom Laurterloin has created sick with a seHqus attack of typhoid week. -Mr. -E. E. 'Hardy had djaposed established an agency j:t St. z1blum- Brucefleld 'attended. -W. Layton ar MCFaul. & Co. donates a $3.50 table cover for the largest und best collection to mr. are gla tG, report, is showing a millionaires, men who get up on the of his confectionery buftess ban, the C.P.R. north of St. Columban rived safely In Ifooge Jaw, and in a of -plants. Pot Government Side of the. House-, grow Ilson slight Impro, ment.-'Kr. W. W. Tam- 13. Wilson, of Peterboro. Ur. W would Lbe the favofite route for our, letter says there are hundreds of 'men GrI Clothing Co. donate a $2 pair of Gloves for theest collection of f Toronto, t. I -New cipad an r, *Isited w 8 lan to I red kth anger, ba-vil defiance and -ready taken charge. -As' a re- of Exet ItA' relative _ruit outh Huron, donates $5 for best aud-inost 1140ful has al friends In Beechwood and imexillop.- there who can not get work.-=L=ss X an".M. P., h, shake their fists over it the 0pPP` In town , over"Sunday.-The C. P to 70o iser b el in 1&xV ward for her good work at the receni R- Dr. Prendergast, ok Chicago, and his' Jennie 19cDeath has return64 from a farmers' driving oil. t : horsej b gy and h to be judged for have had n of carpenters here arnem, U" 9 sition members who venture to crit- entrance examination, G186dys bearing I W to compete or no, firt prize sister, Mrs. James Shea, Dublin, were week's vdait at Baytield.-Mr. and for farm purposes; t,$3;2nd, Two IcIze the methoft by which they have the past d lng some needed re - was presented with a 'plano by her wblcome vIbitors here on ' Tuesday. -Mrs. _Rdbert Taylor, of Brucefield, ris- three'to compete or io second r4lra aiou,.n. 4Y, depot.­Xr. Thoma' DrIze, 'Toronto 8 --VAn1t4b4-whe -t at U17 sorther gained huge wftlth. There are GeV.- father, 'Mr. W. H. Dearing-. Dr. J. H. a Miss'Ange ited their daughter, !Mrs. 13. Boseen- V. Fettr donates $1 wo th of Conaii Wanles4 nt a rT* I& Crotty,, of Bothwell is eral such in Parliamexit," Riers, of Raymond, Alberts, and -of .1verton, apt w berry, over.'Sund4y. They Were ac- tbegrounds ion Powders for the thinnest horse ou -era, omina I on- &: brief ilsit, to her, aunt and uncle', Mb days of. the past -week with his fam- axt- -No. 4 "Verily" the Free Press sh lotting old at the, prefibytery.­70wing to Uness, c rry.- outside. oats -mw oard be formerly of Crediton,. was v ornpanted home by 1149ter Ila 116ADEWS' HITCHING CONTEST -Rules, ladies' D . EJ Wiltor 4=t=jM- friends here last week. - The doctor, Ily ere'.- d' jeft last Mr. Dean, was un tobarness, hitch to buggy more xplielt. Who: are the "new men our teacher' Mr. J. H. O'Neil spent Sunday at Kip- Thursday fcr'Scotland,' where he Is n le to and drive once aroun d track, uaps allowedn, reeching only ; thr06 ts U ye, K6 porf& IIN with his -wife and child Is spending a keep school' on "Monday. The pupils Poh.-MISS Mabel Turner has again start or no second prize ; race to take ace at 4 p. m., sharp, on sewnd with Offerla- of new lwiky ilghk 2 oi to P bow laurleriern has created mUUoA,. U Ke a 6 course in medicine, res quoted at W'to Z o month with Ontario friends. He -to urned her studies * In second clas butdd ., Bran alrea.11 and Vho art- said to have act- befor going to 11ChIna as a medical, -waited patiently until half -bast -nine day of fair; make ur entries with V Broderick. First prize oenti* very much, takei Work at Clinton Collegiate Institute. We, Vdth prieft Arm. Data AreT- *1th the west, and cVclock; theh they 'attacked' their table, value by Broadf(tot Box pri ie, bulk *uWde. S-horim ed In the very naughty manner to nary.- A Co.; secon ert=lfi, bas a-I Arge pra6tice._'Kr.'C. Handford, Lowe" of Oshawa lunch baq'kets, and haVIng devoured all Good Record. -Rev.' M -. Sawers, A tea value $2 tw to Aaid .80, do ted by Beattie Bros. $21 per ton- 10 btakv- which the Free, Press describeaf We k former resident of this neighborhood, 4 at pe n the guest of her friend, e the respected pastor of Union church, the angel Cake, they spent a ra rry DIES' 100 111MOthy is qil-bted - J_ i in ent.­-Miso . Masoh, , of De YARD P OT RACE -First prize, Kodak, 11 at mii 41-4 Cara6ra, value $f, died at TuillsAlle, Sask., on August he a tolerably. accurate know half hour playing blind man's buff an 1niml- donated by:J. Robert's -,'2nd prize, 5 lbs. tea, donated by -0. S. A-adrewa. -Awd pHm am steady t to ledge troft, V, is t aest of her aunt; Mrs. Was -E 18th. PrIght's disease I gration agekit, although he has never QUA T A11L the cause with postmaster ]Tolland's pet crane. F00 RACH (open) -First prize, one- iota. t of death. Deceased. dozen php os, vajue of Canadian p6litical affairs, and we -was 54 years of R. Somers, past week --The school This large'grallatorlal. bird wale cap- been engaged -as such officially and $4.50, donated by 4*sou Bros.; second prize, b sure we da not know of -any 6x- opened'up- IS week after the long ox of cigars, value $2.5% age. e went west about 28 years tured after a long, swift chase y our has not received the usual reward for donated by Staple Bros. 40pt It be themen who have: prospered ago. He to a holidays and now the children are urvIved by his - wife, postmaster and- his cousin, John Eck-' hjs .,services. Ur. Sawers can now BOYS' 100 YARD -RAO (boys 18 years and under)"First prize; watch an& Dairy as result. of the enlarged trade, back! to thet uties and the parents 1--But*4 and formerly Was Marian Sellers, of Grand ert. He has "very long- legs, 'a' long point out no fewer than eighty persons chain,, value $a% do d byj. F. Daly ; 2nd prize, one yeaa s subseription feel i a- great _e consequently Incre .sed p,'resperlty 'r, r I t f that they are a- who are heads of families and ros- i Sft; tai4. 200 to 210 - ub-fff fiderior, of Bena, and two chlldren.-Th exte ior neck and a lorkq '6111, the snappip'g and to The News, donate by. W. - R. Veale,. Tze 6 V-5 wrayi from homne for a few Vmnlery rol *0 the country,., which has been fostered woodwork 6f the Mkin str -hours, every rattling of whicb reminds o of a perous residents of this c-ountry Ahonx. BOYS' 100YARD RRAC (boys 112 years and under) -First prize arm chair, are 20c to 21c per dozen i eet Meth- day.-Llti. an ne d ra. W. Graham, And ancouraged by the Laurier Gov- oalst phurc-h Is being repainted, and M well known' M. P. away down east. -he Induced to leave 'the old home in M to isle per 1b., 4-4 twim. Clinton vis with relatives here i -on 'donated by W. J. alker ; 2nd prize, one yav's subscription'to X811 ernment. Arid, even If any of these other improv, ments made.­:Mr- Thos. Ba nt 'Bros. h He measuiei betwen five and six feet Scotland and emigrate to Canada, and News, donated by Vy ot lfc)n4 ._ . R. veale. h&vO become millionaires, we do n Adheson, of the ave their 7.--Cheeffi-he Central a from tip to tip of his wings.- He is of these he advAnced to twelve of BICYCLE RACE, HALF MILE F]LrSLt prize know that they have atted offensive- having the interi0' otel, dowe house n Pr d and it Oil Paintm' value $3,50 do. PeOes unob"ged -at Ma to .ly finishe t r of' the building ever ready for. a fight; he is quite them the whole or part of 1heir pas- nated by Alex. Vftbern% and ati, Jat - . ntion of 'A. Bainton to live r ; 2nd prize, $1 worth of. chin on&ted by W. R. in the country were jowiw 'ban ly either In or out of Parliament. It Improved by Putting in air pre ure the Into fastidious about what he eats, but he Ica the Smith. as in the one n c . up Ied and sake money. Mr. Sawers thin. t -hese be he 'Free Press- m om. Mr. seems to be ve y fond of school boys OOT RACE, -A special prize of $10 will be given or a Ic to 10 per 1b. 2 t t the - men Ur. A. Mc- Government should make him a pyes- S PECIAL F 900 means, surely' -it -has no good gro Vittle s mo 71 1 g.j-from his farm in e in _the I and Acheson * believes in having everything Hulr that attempt to play with him. -Sep- nt of a quarter section ()f good land foot race between D. Donovan, of Seaforth, and R. 0041 =Arj'wt, vbjch it ery ArIn -to, reproach them So long as they hay.e up to date arid of the best. -The Times tt I Into th -house vacated by MM r. arate School Inspector Sullivan, B.A clistance, 100 yards Barbouri of Hibbert, acquired Bairion.-Mr, R. Stewart and F. -Mc- In the Northwest for 'his s6vices in that prices wM ukely fu: V=WhY with the b*her 4o their riches In legitimate has Just entered on the thirty-sIxth Persor lef for. their holi- of London, Ylaited three of our achool*e' behalf of Immigration, and we think SPEEDING CONTESTS trade. It should rather rejoice that year of Its publication 't last iweek no to 1# -Rev this week. He says No. 4-, - Hibbert, -,And in a jobb'Ing way At wl with man D. W. so too. Un days I*:knr1Ing:to,,- spend them in To- the new building, Is the best designed hree-year-old trot or pa e, purse W-Ist, $25 ;! 2ad, $12 3rd, dema-0 iwnti pe of 21A_ 'wef 'have manY men In thlar co try Collins has a novelty In the aba' other p laces.-M ­s. J. FInd- (rukal schodY In Ontario. 35 trot or pace, purse $6)-Ist, $35 2nd, $15 ; 3rd, sio. Who'bad-the wisdom and forethought what he thinks Is R Pearl. While at' 2 4021 COnSubiption, and the jind rto_na 0 Li Hibbert. 2, IS class, purse $60-ist, 2nd, $15 ; 3rd, $10. Am. Sales -of selected wen the Ben -h discovered a snail In I , - to, take advanUge of the favorable eir later ic&w, Spent Sa nday with A 200 and X6.2 at 18 `doz" ZuxrOstances which surrounded a friends here. ' r. and Mrs. W. Hart- ObItua' them. shell and brought It hoqie with him ry.-On Auguist 21st there ley, 6f 1citntort,.1oPent-a few days last Lakelet. Entries close Sept. 181hi at 12 o'clo U. therefore, Nx. Calvert or Larier- and placeil It in vrater. A few days passed peacefully away at, his home ck shar iah B derick. tam has done anythliq to help on in r, Ruth, who, three weeks in Hibbert, a most kind and Indulgent 0 iell week *Ith f riendp here. Notes. --:1f Entry* fee -5 per cent. and 5 p to winners. ago the snail emerged from the BY of purse er cUt. ddli nal L 11re, Stock ]KIL As Brun*n -- aqd Son, who recently ago Was so badly, hurt by a bull, still parent In t Four to enter and hree to start. this good work it se6ma to us they and Immediately after a small -bubble he pproon of Venry Clinton London. Aug 31-4,ondo ablci bought lithe, I plement warehouse from lives, though lio hopes are held out' Merrill, brother of the late compe i r vshould be coramended rather than cen- liked excretion formed on the top. Judge All fitors must be members of the society before making entries. MnChanged -at lift to, ise 1b.; W sured. painted urther particulars is 11 F or f -vated At ioc to r1lo IL Again, the Preer Press talks -Ur. - John McIntyre, who ePprit the Mr. J Cooni.bes, have had it by the doctors for his recovery. He Merrill; of Prince Edward County, also apply to U. Broderick, Seaforth. I "MI. Aug, 3 , ni Wt_esisi d- f xed UP Lnd established an egency Is daily becoming weaker and it Is not of Uattbevr. Merrill, who resided in 130; Inigmatically. Still speaking of an I JAVG Mr. vVinter In Sault Ste. Mari with his 00-nadlan. iio to 12c -n ncherf, of,the Mkbsey Harris'.Co. in -it. -Mrs. likely he will live much longer, as he MIcnigan, near Yale, and died at the 110 100. Calvert It saya: dau ghter, returned to Exeter last C. Spaff RSEMEYS SPECIAL ord b i at present on the sick to aking, no. nourlshment whatever.- age of fif ty-two ye 31 - members: very "He can "line up the week, and has ,taken a position with are. There were e following horsemen t rown to advertising,for All the threshing madhines In the also several other brothers and two oDate the sum of $10 each and the Society gives an 30 to- nduArY well when they are slow In answering , Mr. Walters, the well known. boot and T. 13 IM4 to 12ci; bulls 01 a t4.0 11 additional $8, making a purse of M,.to be divided as follows - Ist, $a; "Iterl0r, Vie, 0 100. r I i shoe man. apples for hl 'evaporator and intends country are hard at work and half a the'dvIston bell. He has a way of kr. McIntyre's many ting P sisters, all barn in the town of pie- tle -tember I-TheIest. bei persua ng old the tock starts 2nd, $15; rd. _$9; Ir the best three sucking colts from anyone h b,,!(jatrW, ft the Youngest sister now U9 , P di ' which Is equivalent to -re gave him', a warm welcome comaing, -in a' draght stallion : T. T. Berry, Iffensall ; ohn Livingstone, Stffa; Ut up Wore vcowingon tlje marki friends he star a 'a4 soo as dozen want to thresh the same day. ton, where threeteninvi and ball -dozing, No pri- and are pleased to ha, e him b in nd while it runs it is one Threshers hav e their, own time keep- resides. Their fath' s- ack er, Samuel 'Afer- ley Nott, Clinton; Noh Bros.., Seaforth. 'Was sbOut the bigbeat 9guri &d be of the best uslnesses wa, have ing all in humor. 0 'Yate member may 'defy the 'whip's our midst. The chu'rr-h picnic at 'bit. town. Ml,.. In They want to got -rill, barrister, was a descendant of they Were Uot extra. Prett-vt,Ood eatl mandate on a question which he dis- Car m -el on a "CoMnloll atod,- 21-- to sic Pelt loan 9- John' Drown , ho is t- &S mucY work as possIble and shut Nathaniel Merrill, who, with his ,Tuesday of last week was tendih 'mediatal -college at De their rivAls out as -m St 1j.e to 20 per lb., and amial.bujU V. liked withaut betr g marked out for largelY attended -and was a very pleas- fe days at troit, is her, JohnMbrrill, camefrom Eng- lb- Gram -W, Wlves sold st 12;.e dlsfavor and defeat in his riding.- ant a;nd succesisful affair. One , of - his home here, - hence it is not smooth satltng.--- gr. land to America, and was amoxig the Teals at to to Se Per 11). gh; I the leading attractions was a bowling visiting old f lends. -The farmers are Richard M-111tgan, who livies on the first settlers In Newb I im - Laurierism does not -tolerate an Inde- urg, Mhss. In Ut6icto-10eperlb.. Qo Alot all busy thre hing! at p ,at about 1,6 per 'tournament between two rinks from spending a; resent.and with Clifford road, fell some twelve feet the,Uaiited Empire Loyal- . Soho )I -Opening, lb. the time of, plandent spirit In, a member. Better i er madlitnes I ml me to Can- i pt, 1- L LIC t says, than a I the Exeter and two from the Park- 4a '0& 'an- open fw, I luke- the numb n thewpartii out of a mo* the other day, alighting Ists t IteAdy . It Should not,, ke the I Com)non, sl6w snd 1 hill clubs for a M Ion - to finish. an' his 'backi' He was pietty . badly ada and Be tled In Kin Ott Deem $0 to - warm frte'rid.- gold headed cane, the gaton, Prese S8.50 Ehlo Exeter club.- vwtin,g re1A nd Plelon. In politics they were, as See the 'great varlety of new aDid beautifW -COW]% 418 to fA.50. traphy falling to the Ur a * 'J. a(nderson; who has. be -2n shaken up, but Is able to go around, a $4.50 to a I buus -, to -Now, here again the Free Press Is Mrs. Thomas Case did here on Sun t Yea here f oi the ' pa"t though pretty lAme.-Cheater Cook, of a matter ol course, Conservatives, and ers Ana feedetj% $8.9 44 M, t 0 V. t t. 0 A- -talking nonsense. Can 'the Free Pregs two weeks rbturried, to h(r home In the burg, wag 6ne. of those day, at ter a long Illness, whieb she How c 0 who went were members of the phurdh of n- iftah tous and wrin' JAIM. give o I 'k t,T esdaT of this week. on the harvesters' excurslon recently. land. At times the late Scribblers, E ercise Books, &c., j U& ne _stngle -instance,, during the bore w1th Christian fortitude. Her Henry'&I;3.rrtll would bee n -ew At 49 25. llbga-F4 100 h%her on 'good e 'He - Ihtends coming back In the fall., e -very entertaining fn Vast -four years, or during the past maiden name was fA77 Arin Stinson. Spada! valuel in Leather Scholo Bags and OMM91 'ry She was 93 years of aje. The fune G1 -X*r. W. A. Cook Is t resent In describing ;he many beauty spots of twelve years If ral and'Bend. -V.lz to I or that matter, when 'Footballs for school purp to 44-25 - rou nce Edi ?.rd County, the most tam- ghs, 415.60 to *b Breezes. -Mi. LOUIS Rave le was In rIlIs there.-Vrs. took place on Tuesday, and the re Gorrie, renovating the Hamilton grist Pri the supporters of the Laurier Govern- Mains were laid to rest In 'Bushfield, of the -ous being -.he wonderf ul 4wiles, i w to v. sbeep; a the Exeter Dashwood on! Monday.- lake ox the Umbs slow, lambs, $4.25 to 150.2-5 ment la Parliament had to be Mr William village, Is -In Berlin at p_resent, unaer- h1buntai, ;he depth of which was iscount Sde of Baby Express either cemetery. Dy arn wethers, $4.74* t 3 W; g Rellin has i lslhed- Mr. Ro)ert Pol- going treatment with a specialist for never tatho ed, -In the early days abeep mixed, Uwl' WSL50. "bulI-dozed` 'or "thre&tned7 toAnduce htatrlmonlal.-A quiet but very lock's house, of and i'ffr. Poll(ek intends Wagons and ammocks Weit Torouto, Bept. I -Ur, 4urdlity pretty wedding was solemnIzed a serious- to clear balance of . n ailment. She expects to be the Huron Traft Xr. Mrrill lame AyO the then to vote for Or fFgafnst. antr par- jo St. movI g In on - Wednesday.-'. 4,lss Verda away at least tl*e weeks. -The school west from his native good. Wea I seph's -church, Stratford, o - t e Sick It --kers -and w a T# n Tues. Page 1.8 on aT-h U I tovm, ensaged I stock, .41NAttoirg rek ntvi *A X11 U 4.AA wLu "01,L UUM a nOL 'YeL ready for the pupils. as clerk In a geners1 store at Rodger- ...... ..... "AnY Of them irbe buying Avily-'] Can day the 18th inst., when MIss 6rO- Bfdrd Is laid UP at time of writing. The painters are. at work. 'Mr. ville, which position he retafne Obt4i]fting for dit the balanoe of tb-- witl 0 W, ..... ..... It should do so, so the public may be , thyChleholm, late. of Goderich, became --'Mr. James gh6tead le t on Friday Sebw-alm is a job some thre Years, after which "Ume to be.% little slow, owlar to f, able to, Jud Of the- merits Of the the bride of Piederick Sweet, mathe­ for BrItIsh CWumbla_ a d r. Richard -of it.—Mhny from herb Will attend the be settle the Londo -Kere iittle cha, 'ge making a. Tirst clas vontentlon. If It'can n6t It should be mwtical -teacher of the Kincardine 4,a of&l n road, here W" -HamIlton and th( es d on `Ofte week, honorable enough to withdraw is family big day'In Harriston the high school, anid son of W. JSWeR Intend goingA 4i a couple on Labor Day. the!vIllage ot Hensall now at mas. of 'weeks. Speeding in the rl nasty Insinuation. We can tell the Free Sweet, of Exeter. The ceremony N ng, will be a specka Shortly bef9re the London, Huror and FIRST IN)OR -WORTa OF pj,6KARDS rice-, aad t I vas ames B heyoost4opercwt Press something that ft knows as well performed by Rev. Fa 'M+ J ZoPhey and Mr, Edward aTtrattion. Some Six- baseball t *go. ther McGee. The, Gill eama Bruce rallrbad was bullt he sold out 14gk , expm r., were a _4*011'sold MI *L76 to 45 per aw t Port Fra;nk "on Tues- are going to Compete, for a -9004 purse. a deal whic)i he afterwards regretted. SEAFORTH, a to St -so ONTARIO 4 j r