The Huron Expositor, 1908-06-26, Page 77- 77 T ja� Ai -T 13, 7- r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . It n row"On Ve -,nflted :for the, iwerz� �,*hldh at Wii A ere I OWE think -1 kn6w you bef6fe -m -came.- ar-ter ti -noth Y-ou-have, said it y YOU Aro right. p 'han n4V uavvejx- ion went away, at nhou so! d6a, -that Ar riding With me tomorrov.r. Plesi e- "Ha. I t id.. on flie -90 Ud d Dight! -P �th - "Get u V, -interMte4 M-- A3�p Iteid- "Cood-nlght� r c prolklOus L. 1X, "b She turned to the V t ody"ll fall over you iil RblY In ett Jioe 0 w th e Stree OY a dont 0 Dpur�% . 4 � dowg ne teiiib&ln� M mate Throng4 the oft P.. stay there, Fliteroft departed U win t 0 thi� lot im aq a of her childhood And. tinlixf 6r4ao as to ly., could see Mamie, seated, in his re a gh Arlel laghed, leaning -forward,. ree,.- millAr ebair, following. WE la happ�l aiid utirt n. h d, natuially enlou Walk pe I hir 7, r tender -eyes the 6 n to h6nje jVItjj her ei gure of lEugenf wh4 her bows on,her knee And he URN, 4 Air, rlitcroft. broke Me -kue�e .7 rush- in her baud, sothat the shadoW of as pacing up and ng Words with a di�rljilve la7ugh: �*"AUrIW4 ibe her hat shielded her eyes from the The town was deadly quite t- Arlef, 6o an' Ay he's, *tWked of, --o� )#4y Dr-;-bv fbotste L light t1i ted surprie- hear the sound of mi th $a on people an glit you look id wbeU you taw me today., uway. She went to ke gate tttd block XPNA� 46, B Ro 6verlDeach.ero "ILUff T,, I #,I)&# I I - , , - I the -THN Wd would I "I reekon I did!" be exclaimed. gazed u'lon! time int< to tb* M"t %da*= be for h1m, and it uramps 00uld Vo, 44 vould1 6f been?' -streett watching the yell gra ef hoA" Glk lie mightIP- light through the pies' "Why?$* im A I �i�- t- W . ed A --lel, "WasWt the whole town the the -are lights'on the M a -h�l k I Ong 76cod fti f Co 11 not ur ng� !reshold. "What Is Beaver Beach?0 ask e sieved t ��Oil to th ht I was . going to. 0 At� ov, *%71. he deLmanded. "Did you t ieet =-d ro In 'the deep: A Ow thei At 0 L%-6q.h-odyinustbaveit but it. is' Is 8eaver Bea V br an m - - U (�ft 1 u I epeat nybody tha didn't look s rprised lamp swung 4 1 nig t V has reuphoUterA Aot al h4ve gOod 4l t(i Wil gdy tha j y - fightly In interrupted, wfpk ato4- 'i have It -al in "6w It It I meV It d cast his eyes to, tije 4ky., shak. auyw ed an world." A1W -7 "'But why should they Somewbere not, far awt the 46le w*earInqs14-,q 1,-nowi� You - e,*" -e -br the screw a, �f a'Itgr- Ing his head awesome . I ous!" he brol out. w" roken TDv e it] P pApero -and bo4 kg o w Itch hom&ee. jA -#�ijed "How rer-1 oddilt exclali ed tmal solem, Ila . b said, with abys ' I Al o�d grael efise P1110e I '-shouldn't have ed In Aint you got any lookbe glassesr im armw k. y ip keep f C"O"' that retu 'Ing Ainit; for exp, -have are'still In pious agoules tth, L tio a ever5 eW tbAtbo n Old. In tfiere, but liblA ir�td ove it. I'a think a most all I b ten n: was f fuels the 01*1 th-4t 18 )too pion Ebe '�%--settled -here In pr e r presence iss Tabor. rk 111 n 1044A b0 er put-thom off for: a ew. days"-�- IVA the customs warefiou'se�17 hymnal), Intrminably pro -eich *AMR *q1W01UltdPP41V`tbQ� "What haslt to do -with X I kj%f f n as s te whole country twer the 'T'm not lking abolit 'the An #p Vhen use Mamie P1ke's,1'1,resppn& spasm Presently votee t ka alw4o placcubsolute dew er ger tW la t dil den ed the'-*ld man. 'IT -be town never outdid the wVch :made Tho preftstined Norbert celved d! to! -you About� is being seen with reamed you w, ere fo turn! out vhrid the PIC re of the NVOM ho fe4r-th -dWU W Ver, 4n ot 4 the present to be a heav Bent ODDOr- pF-eUy at all, let alone the way y6o've vw-aed it and 1 the plowed fortboad7 of to enlighten: her e=ng oe s at that time," hereturned. Ia 1-Yest' lh6: nodded brightly, -WV nose gl w I LS 0 14, urned Out,PrettY. The Toesin had a her above th as es whe4 the character, since Vie. Pikes: ameaked to EID W Pletely forgottC g�od deal about your looks- and so A�grace hotes!' we're prouldly- !give -tioned, g#q line we must take up Arst to,. I � jile 40 � ft�', Agents for have been derelict In the'petforinaee ue blngl�l �YW; is!" 'He hVitled big bul I b -s 6, forth in It once in a letter from, Pit! "I fe birth, "Rese the 1. *m oublect ar you may OWE W*S ud t s her.,. !Tou knew everything, Abut V. SORANTOX COAL of this klWness. 1 k -it f but the folks that remembered: 'you Btairtiii1gly appropriate SiA MW "much ere�There 1 not "He goes -with lu' bl II up, therel" he propeededl heav- kind of set that down to the -way! pa- dered 4n thy With intellec fuel, him d hl6f gtandijig tut twhis l Foutegiva e lngmm�g 'hen Ters U each No -k body 71th ino Wit" A -ink., Ily. "He lived there' forwhile.w- any laey ry It Indoors for ber, to Ariells rodmi OkWl - ' t eam peoPe really of thi t Y. now' d d, becabse-Mli, Pike talk about 4kF he first e back from'runnIng away, and nobody, was prepared for It M t4 I' ela O0§h­o0UgI11 AA� unexpe�id intirvals ron Idomi 'Old, me yoV asked all about hin Its safety. "Yby look so people, I.suppose.. 'aging saw you. You doWt need to and he�s a friend of I tin's they one said softly, -'with �,�t look, th;, t u- came last ul aud, Of tellpIkrary, wearing, IV- she two male volees, evidently belq friend Ot deep into. his eyein�xfew peov ,gee here, - d 'It- PIP tlifft-runs, Iti, He's a 11, the no mirtesies, to me,:" Ile set his m 'babit on !YOU 10 men who. had contraoed the IL W you, W"s only here tof a 01 'ed. r4�a mde-ratand grimly in res In m th 08fiat0r, I riffraff that bang around the ponse to, the bow she of holding. tin ; _their S. jp1h que, h; but �I knew before that!' e �-.*hfle. It's the ldvelie�it �ba�, 1 laegoes7 th re?" Eugerto bad seated himsel. i6o ill % e "How do you know 'him, "I tlilnk'famale boavl� the lady in -a, thorouieh si bad -a In made th-(� corresp yer, saw, and so fragile; too, but jVIY Tuor "Why, t wa V o bas. 'always to Ike Q Ike human furbelows �md keld a t are" - NOR s Ili the p e day I till other of an' window close aploT tb lost �chord. h" after he cameback." He appealed for Q(:WtPreSt Ox Mr. Louden I Asked, am th otil4eq t ,am That. was the last of Alence -been," sW.ered, wit ft as holler as heaven will be it only' the 7 g my, bat" answered cbrroboration. in, 0 a M0, 15no one.1 ss t her o p(dat of t: any mom#nt I 'ma$ gobd people are let in, But yet I did, for Rn 'hour or- _wn n= ol Tjio t4gaa to ge ke 11L o,. norl she Persisted. ewspa- stop to look at you when you WONY04 Marble appeared in. the do or -w Y, LE .4 tDg6 A IOUg Walk." Acrosi the, as merely Ina 1 ppt'nio to0y, and I kept on look!&. St em Not t r Tmx: Angene rose siviftl a e I want to tell -Y not," 'mid Mmale. mded�, publiAt. ablid, pers are sometimes mistakln,. areWt "I b _met a pt 0 goT , 'I me � any you were tow at 110, are he I 9b Ated coiblug' 0d her 'Itl tO U people. A f� Mt bf *bnWft*0, - � 1 .2 t 'one 161, in sight Rau - I trytng'to, pemuade- Miss Ta Or ill "Theis W' the ? nave you ever phatle, detdrinined voca. Com lioLeeholdt on t -will when I git the thanee, too- w1th t1le ins-: er of trument here dip 10K X 1 .4 -t hulfian nainto,js. But +�,t#* Block; V100 stxk" k I ve seen him there- myselifl" 0 ly 0" - I --::� TPA -faqyw agl-ti. IM an n- who has seeii him ther-01 he shows W also* _tilgock with always SUCH Just to c ha of the Ince-at1W. ther.;:. O� 0 ith*� point, we. mius t Ike Ime IuQlt6i, Ito P that-# words sk!Dped.out that little thing of Chamijin de's sol* me, she added, smilf of Norbett's' mouth that wasul all that folks were stArin' preseetly followed - suit 11 k a. nel url, today. I'm glad you remind mq of.4 4 Mamie did -not ai) b like so m"y little devils lie I�Stant ai today. It was your waWnt -ymfth _pear tc -hear hn:' et "KtNWN & GLIMOWIt ,�he said-thu.ghtfully, y ithl.� go two w1wn 4WP Oi i etrotw- ing efftis" more kig her bead at Vagene, wbo,. he open I She had so Sho ethlessly, an4E there e4 t, quick- Joe Louden, that reallyr finished fem, istatitV.# nVai- entered br igleall n Into aa -tion ly and *n Such vehemenc e�*nd, organ was I oar4L "Merern bor ch t -�he: lug -i6d asil eo-�ghed. Other other that st�pp4d his' obout I a- the VW b". was no olor in� I S. ri( e, emenc 1001C1119 and 1 equ any It upse me me t planes to(? irv- At Been for a Fo'od- any ddle of a word.t stopped wi th` other themes, 2nd, -4 IOD a0mv. tfty. b 'hat, ba d for- enty to t they,,wCoi�t U harq him full In the eye, that "ything �'ve 6t a a she excllmea, 'T don't, w you 6 as a wo ow It o e'We'lnufk al Tango "el jwd-, the, ell gotten everything An the world axcept Dpleetle solutter, pes barM- ng ill- go ovey a "k Ilia reey- If wereall i8t- ','Upset -you, Mr. Arp?ll nigt1t dq 0 a tale, be. b4-tanibly disappointLed YOU making the point to Vhleh'her Ins -bid to iouse, !n, order at d ace." st - the lama _S. irring, first Nor Milt or Tftt dear!" -Arll vj� put the- don't quite see!' ghoul, I artange nothl ALM . - *1�n. I *onder It the vibDIA ence bad-ledlilm, "arner at 'Well 0& of Iho sort give voice' Oese,in turn, ztiffiu� re f deprecation. . f INS, j-, j*DDGM&, gestu aml b came.: w4c,urlous enough 0 ed e old man shook -his bead depjor- L Miss Pike 'went on, all;lu:(., onient of 'a tovm e looked horrW Thore was a th ass- .­atly- sitpau& ni fie. respoiid�d � nry those farther A�Way to J( In, one -p Pf A Lfter.a in sound'of � smothered laugbftr, an I Nor- ingly, "'After what I'd written you in ce '.'X-oalr on to e going to s the ent Luo rjj un *MOON W. breath,' "but I aba- afka!4 yc L, ',vrR And no* thc �yonxg men of th6 toi vu bert, ovierwbelmed I - W - g A� Ap I i en tay right Ord by Cb erY Of 'Abut that boyl�­ fal tb* ere. i b hiuuds in 0"M 'At tbink it,, be ca u e pupa kno, wa, sly atTanged as to hl� wn mouth- Ah,"� he said softly, touchiiig;� his town contribute -to the diq*nm 11 k ow your hospitall y1f &b 1 9 Bat, gaspfn6 see yo." tA she b(Wed 'IBut of . coi ir e I �9� to p acqjr tb U, with her fingers, "I -haven't, wants to appe r an &e street In It cault be oubb, a terriAc I e ousl 9 -V= so did uneffe %e - Mk atf MY00"129- "WhatIsit that lie know T1 aft Conversation; L Ve �r all," sidd Alel e tu you for tbat." mng wwa jix i t too far. And about mak It. SuAday rdum nof ntly, Perlsbhig- enIften the "That you were walking', vithJosd Ifig to Eugene, "Hav p -w je a: PLI r, Loude#? A -s- I said, I -Ant to w- ., y o u e s t In phalstuxw 04 e you eve� been i -you he returned shapl;y. Louden!"' (Thbi' was,'Rs, f "It wag a pleasure. Do. you �yemember lug tqwr4 dc* Xx. Bfhitry It was made A!dol a %7 ------------- 7 a -K-Mk to y6u bout him." tktwos and I 'these voltiewhat she asked. rom th rt bad n 1 �this lihat rmfte aid, "That you polsoned or 01 Mid 96 NFUR"WIL s no changed color, but axis—A with h v ea#y and quick I promised you?" hit e is e Inclining movo� In paim 'hl fa 7b4t e "Yes,".he interve1ried harshly, Iso4o 'b ni4ug t9 enough glibness, ember that you ere very been able to -t I I he thing' of vbl�h bL r1oh erM 11I didif t tell Ulm, but, v n h: IOdest, such. as were ow e9l *f'tbA it quick Y011' The Inee her*elf am xltbA", 01ka"114 saw you with him I was -b ouh �di'p and go the otN-jr.0 ..b6 onsidered widd) -a aged bean og Several of'the young was actually once more, In t 6mr- rZ& im"ro, pliquo asked E ugene Wbat I'd be ter do� I. fi IV- 0 V& adjug Ind 11' He gave forth an acid and Where 'she ba� spent her � [oug 247 1 (by the extremely yonthful) "old bach- wretched Fliteroft., b Ago girl - Ind ax--� tb� vowmtx- *t JU,1:40, JM se he alws�ys knows.wllatifi b;�w- Again ysterlously bafficil him.. eviden�y considered it aftup Mamie's eye, in which there wa a dis- hilling: laugh. "It was. about two wm t) hood, now grown to seem the gWI.Lhood- ]E&S a old frieng of mine, you . Hum Be& r tagoeus to tr 61 alone- Of a" thm tbact hint sat where he v -v -a6 u til all months after Louden ran away and be. of some 6theri person. It rwas troe her have mad Ind e up my ni cc lift. ngen, fore you an Roger left Canan, and em,'except E I had en foot was on ber native b1eath and her tl Lat we both need his help, you and 1.1' evening fell tt rrn In at the gate -of -he rellactant departure one after you :asked me to *omise to write to name was ill. 14od-on, ft,91&0. PUP., ArJel Tabor- -44e -very ua:Me, In'the order of, their you �wlienever Of that iffe girl who had shaftd the &.1lary und 1k t -OL Mfta" Mt JD.Vf. Ffte mansion, Oms-e-4ously, shyly or another, leaving outcast Of a continued calmly, "in a now A34 rhroat Office Phoue, No- 5-; o-pived-b'r t1W confidently, a4prdlu�- to the condM= arrival. camell�-, Word -disapproval r, Ifh oe ljoudenl,913�escue­ I' know you MmIness way, I mean. I , "I didn't Dut it "I Mr. Am" of their souls, they made their way , Ariel started to her'feet.1 but the bent the Perishing" brougbt It'all bAck to W.Lve interests in, a hundred (H -L- 4-1 +11 between the cast -iron uqer to we pee- rulu vvlu "r, -14y ty" 1�. -x-4 0, U 0 AV zl� put jr'jU U vusul, fil'; -LIJU 44 rection� al' move Important than value. V. trite. !Arp. He M6 to you whatever news of him familiar -rites! of the- C�4naahlti� Sub- sented to ihe visitor. ness was that of Eshew a U MAIR, 1: !salt ialtthat you should bear the and, b6wed gloo evealn- �Vitb a W ould come, and It he came baek to bat zo, , . E` 013�1 at S. eazo* Axiel sat at tbe top of the steps mily Ao Mamie *#iad In re- sh "r of p4n. iheim & Burns rkvddwk� xuA �hwgww, Gradulds of wbole b6rien of my affalro','.and I 31 1 1 1 ' quiry -if lie -wished to ut It. She turnea -from the g�te to gO lnt* t iink W. -v rill be best to * reta BPOUSe to her in tell you how an- d when and all abo kmAing amiably over their beads, taik� :I extra large ­l 1AtC Of R00b#Vt0T 3 Mr. ind hose ed with such as could get near her, see her father answ4red no; lie had I Wd It and kept you sharl) on his' #e,bouse. If rA It Anil t new; ijospl-W. Moraber of oudea s man7 of business. MIM a ab �Ift Shm -�l "I ulk with ibe granddaughter record over s! her the. es into re many who cou Tbere. we Id not and com e to t uce hie lauded e again. CWt1#n9d on lia#e 6.) c6ld �ta re the caies of guip imid 1$urgWUV of OJIUVIO. a fly �a cutting box VMm-aya-, A.-milton's stars-Nigur, the bench below, of his old friend Roger Tabdr. Do y I've done it? Do boulders." Mamie, occupying Y.0111 iknow Wh oFE your 5 e 46aa rawiod at eel". stim. "ti "Mr. Arp!" call d �Ar'ol. "I aii� so Clicaur MW ; 7 rtin ki Word, but he w16 surrounded by the overflow. The you kua� why I promised so quick and RE," ME, TATE SAL$ Tn=hlhery Ma Ike spo e no straugely,,.aud, she *AtO She ran. doWn to bi And easy I difficulti -of -reaching aA4 maintaffilInIZ7 verY gladl" #ould do It?": ITO lo ked al -,out, of kinduess of your I & IUKKAT. position near miss I -1kp Tabor was In- knd t0VM e hi m' ou n keennest6 I ama gave h1m. her hand. "We, 11 sit here on 6 im Ing h think.ip i i % per apomn creasod by the . attitude =d behavior i i pj�oper v beloinging W the M aQ invis grop, ty., at .1 1 A r uh Xtreet, opp"RI IrAtko- f' W d 1 er chair, her gww I L ert the benclij * shan!t we?," iVe I , �4 not Uvnig been -di�posed of by a tutoo, Ibis "We ov't" &Iftrtlki t. qui Xed on the dilating p1pils of W Fliteroft, *ho, that day cm led The �Id laugh was repeated, caa now be purcba�ed 4y private r, v. xtar; wrther Mamie had risen anil, skirting Nor- -ftvera, muam! You couldult of guessed cold- particularaoppb to A' -Sea- He seemed 16 lewine tli� feeling of friendohip whk-h 1L. B. HAYE ne upon th- bert frosth 2M, & 13. ft a -t -t. gradpt-t* #fL .-4,%b,. :V y, touched Euge I p�omlsed; and kept my prom, ise i dAlIzz"zy, �the choleric starlet, *ilch of his fellow t6wMamen had hith -or of the shoulder she, went up be 6teps. H41 Aaa,4rbar, and uamb ..ij : . ecauns I knew utevegbe nROATABLE I lena ?kqsjt)jjML SMA b!ad oveispiea'd'his broad face a Id Vg entqrtaindd for him. He bail i)een &a thete wotild IN VESTUwas jage Of I underst that he as - to kollow her b money - on bnprovtd. Be of eL an��'tblm gI good to tell*T And there never -k fade& spl'otchily. first to �arrlvet COMIng alone' -a deep 16ok i at the -tiht� wfuAtz mres each at Irom By. W Lquinumo -01 US 1, oprov&r, for indoors, d, after - t, ;iv i I py even. t�, 1-h Still -kbeping,her eyes upon hi n, she.. th�t 1yag not big enstom, and he - asIP be lenU where Ariel biLd seated 1jerself 4. Ca 4� bench 'Title yatem. is pe eat. om IS I Went oij: j'I haven't asked ve- tanor graftatis h1i 2 yet. taplig4ed himself at Ariers, rilght, �Noth�n all?" she Insisted gra -wortb fro ;,�l on farms worth fxoi�in 81 No. U er beiide Mr. Axpo be obeyed Norbert I pardloulm write to me. JACK i B&I-A s whethek dftpw In it Leads 1� 401et: know v, A. v��, gall Viowlet- of. no� t1ij S�el) j 9LLAO Rst ..6w k Was left a lonely ruin between the* J ter, eW., PonoTM, �abft-t#-, It o you if Vve Z Writ- th od nd 'tile ponaerous I leave It anky, tembei of Uiell. consent, but I think It pm$lblo e great I) y a ever! *&I W11age. X of, ie; ne, that, he e u te� d 'word oftim."' IDUOPMV POP. SALUD. -Foritals xt Uoxbc�4 "A 0, cold twin i dogs, He had wro glit deso nrMw and lees th gods had given I im D -opk w --ld0b come to, see,me on, and t a -oo e KeRinop,elklitacresofla d' djfhe'does we can pr000se thij tt ! or it to�- noon, au Tter na one c , ould lation t±A afterno t sweet ent h inount above I im ou Ve wri en o� the treatm. 7 bu 42(1 b -verdure, Is good name, so long in the ZWd brL-k house, -just been up, her fr )M elved heret*'! she began, t ho It fo III other and go ever thWLs ind a Intmace 4 good st6ble and i C nt sit �beslde her or approach Aa Iog Lanun 0 and 00e 40M olf with 9 good hen bouse GGLLEGS DJR OVEKIS� little...' j Itio: 3al carefully what he -has b-'orne Ao' tentiled! was now ree -to Be that direction within con-ersi Ive bem able ei This Uo �noqtdeslrabl net ft- 4 re - a dreary wafite; yet he.caatemplaW bavgew-oculls�, Wdl lie at the Gomm ke recovered:; W th ed farmer, or for trultor pcultr I= ewA:Hotelt Judge 1�11 an cl 'this not ch -- his distmee. s mu as -at aspect Amikah, on- Thurofty forenoon Irebrmwy 27tk 4�1 �%Reelll it e1coiueIt19 boo '[4)8 prose, 9-1 miles from swbidb. Illy on of those stmPler I ;Tiea� wam w, one to seaiorthr�-o. jo -mom owliv Manh 6M Ap4 2nd and 80th, May 28th, JukV =Q 1 .1, V I . -Norbert,. not ordinarily talkatl 6, 1 ad 4 But have Wrl�e. no word its kind h 'Itothing to May. lEfe seemed io find. s -d un't it?" he sai L of, splend lsotlatloii. Froi�n by, the =jtAu October Ut and 29th No- 11 sets foot sh4 that he I*t deserve. It all? -on SA b, itted. Ito of the house, fotiott(ifi, by unders. 8rd and Mt. -Glamea daughter 1()o AORE PARK FOR. SA Bantry's expression, premis I everything of his pite acient occupatioi In keeping the place pite Lis av you Z51 for salg that mot V" ~.and u6se trexted. ' I told the vl lb�r, wfiose conversation �wfth signed offers C "You - tribute, was not happy. lie Al-� mean you pr�efsr I pnoes 4; lop,, he'had gainedt and from. this close associates, known aslLot 81, C hl Pj"o., - mma. ibou t -receive nodded Mr. Arp Iwas, carried on In tones, so f rom Wor'M v1sed me to tell nAL here?" -She nta tbree es 2here are on Ta ge be: - small eyes Indeed you baveT house,! al"two barns with don WIF1=11011110* � -stened, his fa RUNTO ., - L I low that i be could not understand it,,� !L*" frame hands. Bul; she always 4mt1y. "Then vertainly J'[ obs I ',not "Then doL You leave it in her roffle. U wDuder -that I Was log wad water onnection. ard., immovably upon Ariers p +hA fq+ nno ihouprh hearthr-mkinz] lk 1-44- lr� -.. %­�6 JI.- ­4� A A X paj� - 1 .1 t . . I - :,. � F UCJ1 Cul U68 'are In UC VXT; e to more ajA 'Luos whe I. saw opruce nu i tells "Papa everythipC aldo apparently det ruilued t surprised th t a . to� 'i 'thout the ut cravith,6r wi IWORM4 a ou. are jqytte, -right.- Me gwep; 1�ght­ gene, loath to e himself a D J 11KOX way,' began "Certainly; that: is unde, -4to( d i it 3 f:a!, to move, Bit throughout th tern d e af you walklag, with Illin today? Because T. DOD S. or XDWARD eca fer, tU & to the door, w1k rol she comprebepd that- his hour had struck. Axlel slowly, turn�ng to E,mjj(, �i'Elu. r -and kly he was I knew you did It lin cold blood and in to ra A 0 NAtw XU4 Forth 01" alise d, tthering at. her left,, but as He rose, 'descended the. steps to the gene. Ir -3 0*1nont r' - knowledge aforeth�uglitl Otherfolk FOR 8 -ALK --For sale, I,& %'Cohe Von 911 &mpbell's who came and went we to able to p- ircyon another d Im", An bench and seated himself unexpect AuLfortb. am 09 tba. The daughter of tbo house exb&14A': Lot at side ithd holdi spe thought It was beea�se you hadu!t been r ziekerswith�, containing I teres 0 -C if, E16 I �11 i Oroach upon th. I It Mr.. den'6pmea this ftftemoon ph edly upo# the 6ement Ik at kriells -C orrWoo Will T*b&jX4 PkIthot Signs of consternation� I I Wa 11ind. The farm AM& Wned,, *Ith her. here long enough ti6 hear his reputa- 4nd there is not a J -See iemembpr..' rII notlet-him come In, feet. fa terin Y. VasnobvA or, repeated 0 almost Cl Ps' The- conversation of,the gallants CDU- tion, but I kiiew I" ditche& -,Xheftrm 1, 4f eouriip-, it *ill beperha pleas- "Leg's 6one to oteep," he explained large bank born w0h good jtocoImknvd&tiu-,j �joder- 'He's it-, the library." tti ITell me,' you were dis- sid as sisted for the greater part of wi she,"? "if On" an w saw me AnUi t( -tied exclania- Imme li d oddsh Having, thus diseharWd he) emt talk over my, propo on In respoi�se to her star u with '6100 �of watej on -clams at one. -another's expense, which, appointed when -0 al., Them is enty the The fum. 9 situa, Ietwem & premises 110TAwd suttlauton fox tho a*=- ghe hastened to.the front, doc r, w] e�, odor, though evoked for Arlel'§ benefit, 'all blm�l and SWOrth, just an hour's dr! to ell - been left open, albiZ to ie t'There'wap a very fothrk spi &I" attedi", to 19 had ey,4 furtively reverting to her as e 3" "Yes he lsuapyt%�� 11 was." there Is a school within a �quarter , Ike' wild roses' and cinnamon, loot ill health thig #f tb* 40untj, A�., Maa*rjU s&Ts, evidently ­*.with the int stood Shaft WAg100sed), she found more ok I", thought -0. �aw !he consterna- -a 1ruartutoa. removing hersWf , as mom . md lesl euifflRieal. The "u e ro4m where Martin, PIko 1W. a ng men, N proved, Ve TM, V'M, ea a . 8 Dne, Afaring whitely at the ope a door- tion. Ia. your face. You ap or addrew DAV, K. tbo 0609AN Vint' posgible from the vicinfly ever; laughed at each other loudly Ww" 16ft at 0. r Ii- and dIdWt You? ay. If now and then e what youlre ta king. "I don7t know tosm *r Lot, IL AWUWJB10AL11 broxy. see jm4" p FA= FOR ON Llugene, visibly perturledi follapt A vmned,, JYou must be frightfully. en sbont?' .011APITM XM. t-00 DOM 9 d OU Btr Lot, t, AD= her to the doorway *of -tie r nuied ;onth an this," Eugene said to 44yes, ,you, do. I know it bothers you known 0 il!;dEpp custom 4f Canaan, 81andwd Perth Cow3ty.. TMhere on me r, -d it, paused. H -BRE was a her. "You see. how provincial wO s. ti I I to have aad yo, between the lilies, 24, se14 r thie :worn and bonoreCl Li L h brick hoube W but for this OUCO !You must let me. . 71a "Do you know the way?" iii(il I Ir tre2' - repair, Z meaq ojlf� suaniff's =Wt%n"r rot "jft* *"A In -the'breach, which put ArIel 101Z She had ot. Yoll are Me SMUJ109 other 1 UftfUf I 'ed, with a note of solem. so consistent that you are a %f Rn�-*n an& PerM. MWaS a u Ity. She did not answer v, &w SCB- Idiat af temoton I 1 111 fr he#rd him. The shadows were stretch- never disappointed W hen -things turn 6uIldings. Ihe farm is well bot wit, Smavtiftl farmar anil thorou"hi "Where?" Axlel had notflim. % & A= Of a -00JgR'0f VARtA46 mand- Jwx and Is ad= gr t badly or people are wicked or, andluthO g f, 011 k raidnWand th,& V9.1-ne a `"Xothe library." n Ing themselves over the assI011gaud tow Is In -a W -aw the, routgate. . The heaTf y %nd Implem-em,ts, plaft# W-# In I "Of co -arse," she un(lay attenuated. The'sunlIght u on the treos foolish, are yoti7" Ch is v e known from the faict, Ithe A said, teaming 41 �op the ereon for nevirly V yeftf� *0vrtLr to rV1113% vDA Rnner wa4 fluished Ia allencte ania houses was. like a thin, rQsy pig- 411ijo, iCertainly not j)r bw resided th ear him. "I was about to atf C yC U, if you I expect IA. if Cnjj ef the most SU(je�j deumdul ers tne townsin �art of Judge Pike deafeabno ut a WAR& MaderatoI, 30 "And you were r9ft - -for Me. s wer callin- I Matt- speak to the Ji idge mqrtt,. blaclibird e each Osappointed in me it Iseentrally joq4W, being tear th thuten Crialn guaranteed ar )�elock, � and, aqon after tossed Ioday. Therefore, It must be that I jknhool, and witbin ftV rWhof 60d ="k'4 FOr A� MaM�6 4pr Inome wbeech and elul and Arj ra unher partioulars wl&ress 1JOIJ9 BUTHMIARD. Tbjs Is such, a comfortab �e old ad, W&,rs j,&1tt at Hensall Vogb *fflet number.. of cwobkm cut JXP DU tbe kuo* WAS eyes were fixed upon -the westel 0 g zome as 114 19t: 22, wonvemlim I. ]Jay, Will pteop betwoen the cast Iron dpgs, Sam tance of the street where gold lust- ras right and good.- You see?" She leau- 1700 "Speak to him for your' r&jW ed to!, arden havi C m—u is on0- Lot 11 preylausl co edtlre UURX8 1POR SAL to quiver in the air. She aid him, smiling an - beginning eda little closer to gene. -8. j , the nonplused Eu steps with a rug and seyeral 15, Conneftlon S started. a 40F. SALE. not hear Fugen% but she gelleally "Ah 36 Arp.11 she efledv Wd Q -,-Lot 16 m 1, Road purvV, She nodded cheerfully. f I May gr garden -g -hairs nmr by t ass. moment later when the name Joe Lou- ou admire T*wnaldp ot T�akeqnanith, Dounty: a 11uro". eonuin� knoir your se�ret! Y jaltdated within two. I allas "of U10 twv- These almpW idded, IngMactes, SEM" AND SHOPUTHORN CAT= trouble you. Tell him eeitahfll: I prepamtlons deia was pronounced by a young iijal�, V he be it awkete In Wea- FOR &ALFI-The undeftned bm for sale GeV- Ing to ah -all be glad to see wn -of sedoruh one of Z jj -led coimfortably! Vq "PL the Id him." e-valMhorobrea Leicester Sheep and Dtirham Oattle Hi%-eut iopr4w the poet4c Bradburk'on the step below confused and incoherent as bern 0atelia. M& um NAO �warded gol 0 Ile rose, 8" T Moth eexes� A went. There WAS -titio ttof vUle P. 0., or apply Nagene to ddress Egmond � g and - MawAo seitid hemif near Elgeue. Some one Immediately sCQkId,. f ull of dental as- a detected pickpocket. tbe c?Wa und Ularus, MR Roadt Tuokesmith. ROBERT CHAR Im, Uen all WAWred for ten A A ing, M?Itf else to do, Andlie wlsh(d, �wl M, Y him, yrbili, AAel wandered wtthappar- jish!" But she leaned over. and ad- Its an wouldnow be in eXcaueuD Onsipey Z4 _Lym T" sox� bg Is I don'tI Me admire? . What? t iot hous step that the -distance top tke i P" eut aimlessness about bmn, fol -I bt, 2ery world,". -ho Oratested. 111don' dressed Mr. Bradbury, who., shut wooftled-4iot0k fW-nsV--- MDAR P Dub- of the library MI I md Vt'nh: With biiek �.%n POP. SALF--Just arrived At haie bee 4resi lowed Ubo game of Xr. Buslay Until I ght th6 grolij? about her, ut -that ever H*OdP "rd ;oft wr,* in kitchen lint two cars of rood cedar posts, 'S feet long not only from i; adintre ao human1l andL R aj na and co& i tncheii across tte top end 9 feet. lonr and in whateiler guise he lellvore4t 49 Miss P*6.be"dd her a Uttle .13' erg from the other center -Ing upon I h3s shmbbery, evergite do,' e perstste. 11111111im I d. I 1Vve With EP weA -and hortb-zooff. ly to tbem. BUI L t across the top end 10 "Yes, you =-a vindbrak on feet long 10 inches. bardwoodlTuib summons, it was- p tone iWitog-soaards of Pike as well, was holding a prj' te tha is the least of a 91 out She looking about her fteam- Wdoveron topend, Thmareall 'y Just proved It Watered i a print fbij A door slammed, a 4 u like r ils- ew ad - r4soje and beech your secret The great thing Is, thLp-- her pro- rinterl!aill, perfectly sound and of ffi -blaw conversafton with a friend I Wil I va t 'llbe sold at the obe rate nd -ipest'pogdble tread was heard -In the hi tj� .10 tly and toitching - to fier lkps a-10AUty. Wx in Jruwli- mordin to AV y to Rm OaH gban, or to fortune. Loud4V obe r _.F i &&will you admire Mr. 0 'AT T^11 ing wIM me tomo, r blos� V go !V -n+ SON-tf. �4#hn them,witik'an absent air, a TO IMUV xtu . "fitd foUnd Ia &e Jolip. TV iLt. VV=1LV VU Puz LAr-, %J A I. never heard sucAL nouseum So 4110 aftemoont". In grass wed -upon bmd &W off Jag down =e time t I She stopptd to,tat tion, but Like a grea soul ignoring Inuf " FOR SALR ANP FOR WAVICK. - Hr den?" she asked; smilf continued to 1)rdtest, at the s Ja& Cowan wfll'keep for aervice at NWrviow against the ftnee. the k toward 0 JOHN BEATTIE greatln& young man. (It was this sio Ile th the - ua&, of me of the cut Irt a deer. hdr the accAent of his pos*n 1 well as moving down the � wal vice fee 4 - IWM his Shorthorn bull, Golden Emir. Ser "it was sood of you," wbicli inspired his description of S gate, leaning heavily, on his SUCL jAte Division Co�irt 101t� -4w-m�rrej cows, $7.00 ; grades, $3.00t. with, priv. has a !number of. pwr dn4 vift ',Wave eye% pro mce of Mr. Immedl- ere jWt any tWes for s4e or to lent, am g wMeh is a -ood Axp, I e Pe, as "a revela.-tion.amud a dream the prest AW of returning if necessary., Golden 14mies -1dre "Nothin' of the kin& n on doorway, fMed wltb "�d. 0 omm On JAWA Stree senfodbi Idea rop Vie r, bred by Mr. Duthi ,()b, notfilngL el(pyer ft L�, i ately pr�ceeded, logic to tb e. soot 1Wft - ­ I .. - -p �n as p@w0cular," was his em "WIR 7ou, -jo riding "W *16k U have a 'at kind Ig an argumen4 nor 1 c0mf0rt&b'e Igh to LaM modate a good dw 941 ly ?s I d4m, m 85tht was bred by the late wet W. foo& L' %%Oro Ose world h anzimak,-of courmfiw, -so QVW barfassed reply. mientioned I'd with MO toMoTrOw M r, Do sold on -jeaq=ble tam w id ID giv It is hard to get a bet. rm lio Maim" of C-01and. goolng bw, mlghtbavol .3 r hft, ca as soon as wM� i ,Uw rooma to le a h As an ladividtial wd&al he iw- Who, flAren't you: veq goaq natured your" she araf= N"ft. you,''and heard there was some Valk, among "YOU �,ft% I understand -ewonable term#- jEnsumnc-e affect - to sell'on AmOnpt the good nea, After a heavy, season he Md not-PIU27 d the,__ He -m Pliteroft?" she asked, *.Ith- an odd In- 'Irm Sorry you 90 ed, '&-bta colleeW ed and loans j nade on tatidw 'r-wawinner at the Toronto. International borh in mjr. jounwy.. I was t"., paus awkwaidly'. rem called after him. lif ble ratv- can: come to i16�: securlt at r"sona apd we,� nW and 1907, S, Iked . y -vandebamplon at London In 19N d bering that Arlel had W tanation. -away in Ule bitternm of being found u7 be�eon*jnced. L put on herl, Joseph Louden In the face Can4LaUL 4 r i ­� I i t e % i L I shOwS to the 16,est advantage. 'in oi �;bbjng his, ie$�, %y ��e ro. out!, (irth i A*theproof of a� valuapie animsa Is:h1s stook. 1 dip wo itight be0n, not te Divigon court Office. sea.- -bait hai a� WVA ­ -, --t, 1 1§b� , �r �Inner, I k, Oft Act thinic tbat I his 9& g Abla. just 74t Tw *01. do - osed on often enough, tow "lent Am. eflodng too mue V&erO he and mandle, now liiqwdria it, tould 4ay, repited, th Ruz I've leimed more�.;Lbout.buwn that very day. "That I mean o und His stick ceased for a t00k ist P&e bot%for bull and heifer in not�p* t.' o fy to ear-. for the III=- their cIW � W to remoY6 it offeii n 1 am. Why Fwt falL one had I anning for who MoMep-t Is pmaS, We will be pleased to ,It IS onj that YMr abOw bl$ stock and then. ycrq oanludge for yourmIL -SWOrth show therels some talk of big r At _0 tap iffie cement, Th The great mayor. lug C In- AW a W Dow -Won De- Wha+ he eja--ulatpd uneasily. There was Mi gin 0A 31we three younjbuUs fov-&1e, t -for service, and 10 og-hum fo C� Ah; 0-ur 4M XL X apiotjymposi thelpmind ieWad6d me pauw, followed by a malevolent WeFA owe of Q dr(A byGolden. Emir. One oftitem jsanaKtra mix 7 Viod calf aa regards.. 40 PIN KIfid YOUL Hil . . . . . W was or County Tow - SAM chn&Je. A'At any rate," ar Wat�nworks ayeems. lh&r7M BrWg45- Moment L at enfliftoed 0 Ulowbd by. an uncomfortal le =MVt$, L " I befor ft Can"n. the bmt VM I ought "you'll never amd to herd. breeding and as, on. indi-quil. ­ftKjd y J- lot ft the Af tmffi he said, with' rom genetal. exclamatoul of -.-$Mel Wj* MUD treet, lly Oda Hisdaza-les,Marr beauty, He19ftUtqhe8d- These bulJs will be told reasoi y, WW "I* �wdch,,Ta *Msr for cash or ?aper on ame Do oult Me f8ost 4f or two of suence. No one p reseat i vas le t bft andn' with him az"11-11 M"WrIth- TAr� d