The Huron Expositor, 1908-03-27, Page 1'�4 RRT11 MY T T 4� .44L, % Z V _2 4_1 w Ali -is ............... -1 4_r wo -7 7 . 0 20-i Ifts- -4 CH V 71 1 YNAR XFOR-TH F'RIDAYI) -Tax hos w Northwesteirn Un tm- t 14- NO IIUA�0 Ins f t4 ConAtruct T'eS sel iMe h6 �U_Ted 'Teroalned at the b'd 0I that stibi- -AL ea �WNAV from 4"dompdfiy GKQ rtmoyed 'to tho first ident f L g-1 [on Bjrtbman. AWat thirty yeais, and 1r. 1872 wag elseet-ed --0*--- KM U sit , Elm IT, xsi, 6m% Vitt, tion four can 'is bel til he7 ri d10 his late. h uz, s whw- he be the of a sho;rt, 'rbiftiice in Uw -of the Christian Advocate h#6uld be 1qU*te '51; New, Is 1TX bla"Spe Ix In, the Do -m and y York. M was made a 9 4101oxit, tol tit' -av6r7body. I bae a "We day, fthlt� 161ter for te'constraction of have &'cheap alarM at mant t -OM -4 miyeight zecretary �of tho dbukth In veiNel bt,10,000 t tevQ y a very oo took place 18801 equipped in d clock at $1.001: sntm, Saxe, t;he - clearest lt a 'A 9 Y Arl t ', allk X i�o mkoh t ed �6_ all�-rs& line re"ec I tho Uw v4 �nd- Ayur_ ye4rs later became 10 1- tty weddin v wy pre gliftle better one, th a secoWs anta or b1sbp, !To ww seat as fraternal 6A_ on Tow day Match 10th. �iLt the r3s1- wd� copable ot making tw Y - t VM hando at the iWeqi0yan omtexence In t ots� An qvdina" we#h,5r. or- S-25 an Mrs. Wm* Sq-tr1ithers th concession of Zlrpa thirg �glzn -be, sc Then we have the luminonsAial on e consid- Pp,it wduld.not: be UeVa­ or lag their dwihter:, brien, becamo the Wa ba fa boat much it theM OA -d4l -boat light, knot'' and - _h matches at night, [as at $1.50 saves when E4talu. r1ex. V, i , bride, el Mx. Wr. lRobartsont ol the the Mauretania, or Lusi� $111 The er9mony te0k vu - the,' of toWnsh! -of Grey. d -AA W'. D. died at- her _or�rlto get a 9Pm Of Then those. repeaters, -which'. pall an arch of �everg*ens and -too this,: -is -Garratt tbo roughl. to -r E�da knots. that Is a most lmporrtant point Wellington last vApek. -be A liyo SJW a n 1 you agaUr you ond was iner formed by Rev. -W. J. Spener. r6sidenea In anng ut i bait of She, was -a Quaker -ss prepuclapr of some beealmsd� nuld re The imppy emple ware the _g -4 not p ed ta e10)(X it 8 wan at first, a "or a Can 6 e. Ing �.and coati Uts W43 that SIZA UP(ft ti adian �rout,-; you out 01 n d dt oho un va4-d' Henry, whose, paz-eats tw- best, but we have a a-heaper ine not sutficleall traffic, Robert Rid -011, of uo$te 1�& Sifton*s Tamarks-yeky fully, U100 VK01d coneEssicn -4 at wruxetpr� Ont., was for it. with gold 2, 86, West Wissomt driving In mrly resid, $1.50. Also same was er from Ice r. -,d - lthddes� scholar for Man - IM as I L �'j - ra4d -resoluffon pa. 11egaxdJng the done dec rated ials aud musical the vielmity of the hilly section, aear md A the bells, thA.-opinfori. of tbs cop- tho the ay, accompan prow4ed: -win. Pea"11 0110 that t rivh t�th6 Findlay rl*f-r tain-Idt the �gmpres_q of. Irelandi that own. V-A great Sonei a the od tbr- Prfi$SL led Y the ohly Inconvei)le-nee -,was. the ueces- *oantry for S L gold I anOn , =r. of the hills hmsfi duisdiki avo ask slt&�of �falrinfg a.somewbat r1% fmdftnl Chked apd- 141. rtliey J r -re oa um parties a t1ittling for tha $tamr adheM kn4%in aa thk� ll;Z rd tV r"Mt' ao r d%, e. it -arly, - couit-te hcom Dscember to, d �iu h n. tit ovv� 0 ew mt ta au r andi unhitche d it I It opiginate.1 $ch 0. mulger Coot ot he Pearson Land Ihts._ial tha"sclien* and, A0 horse, thm i e, —T nad ffort, to _1111s: Is idealt With ths J aller, Reaforth get up, and rolled down th-. embank- eg, have puchas�A�36%040aore vrlldnatcd��ln W. Sifton e�Kt quag ew tbo -a through ne-ar LOS X4()U�ataIn, Paying 4 MR11M mel brok eW, Ufl on me, of this r riage Lleanxes lasned. lars for them. AP-Qth%, big trans-, thtis the rly-er and p "ba#bFer al 3 j4� the be lea, it was with diff iculty.gettsn d0l Coot ul uread, tiou ry rrft- ascared drowning. To ATT&%Tbk $a action Is, the Tes-�rvatlou of 60,000acres- oo�j$Brenc4-,!-agr4Vd to the moutlon;-,so made t<yr. the purposs a asbertalnln� mt, an narrowly X on -of all the - pa -on Sunday, March' at Tramping -Take for- a Ltheran s'1.JiU n Ih —The I at Iftir, who 41ta at Is t 0 unanim6tis tn Abel mot 'of kiuch a, serVI03 as colny ftom Nebraska. lon'of bent r-- beAm-0sak1ng* ot &Vd *bile It is very. 15th, Perth Items. la In, that con difficult tO arrlVh. at. Snythin ITS= was Ir, Glasgow. in —11arold A. Reynols, a oung bus- ticipan ovii at Dalmu W e Tat I on g quiti —hi4 Thomas Fullart011, Ot Mmk- early hildhood her family moved to inezg maA, dted In Guelph a few days ly nd, $a - c=4 detinita 'apon, the 4mV� -We ma; A sub�Bct ter, qnd tka t a ton, >n accoikat of Ill health, has S61d� c.an&d,% and they settled first In the ago, aftel� a few hours" Illmss. Ho t guest, finitel aettied, that. -Britain, an, effort bAs besn mada to maW th� d his ha-rdware bwlness- tor 'W, Rlch%rd -where -lay _Toronto, but on coming Spring, canad%- isew zeaiand. [bla, ani and.. d t1ift as efl4ite go poss! couAty of Lanark, tj To. ba b6en to tum to mak 'our W aV6 C mae4 for a uumWrr of y2ar, after- hWe felt IndISPOV-d. Ae retli*d, but A 11 ms the feho mmitted th I think the oq)�cluBlon which has beft j4v TY hrtownshl r, of Vullarton. D" Lt J. Tho wards m(nug *est,'and s�ttlsd in the ied In a few minixte Hes- t troubl ms6h, of ejiboayin, lot an .1 pr9ye) arrived.at, nd which 1 'am abouf tc -ideai be ?,at- a taw lays -rzoently WAs thb i stat% -is a safe and r4sonable con. �s son, the memb.r -that ciusio-A, and Will d ea of the in, the Ineans of --comiminicatlow gr - -n mltcl�eil with his father-in-law, R!5v- slie, xna -ried tha late ])Uvid MW -r —Mr. R. A. Tho. p -eat and,-tho, hsat,, 16iprc rem;ent be foull to be Justi- 'K _4 , )1e empt Wentworth In the Lf-glala­ removec to DoN%d.*-, wherg she re: ZY anx evolutiork, of. Men't Suit Etyles -b -9t IeXPOW.7 fled �by the fact att can I e inaft reason S, an tW0, Who Was takell to th'a tWm. Colquhoun, of Mitchell,, until Viore leaar mode r1fy the . . I a few 7es-r-a ao. D-ce&Vd'Waa Ulu Mnffiftall -mentloned tha, _to v& m, n Is estim Hospital, Toronto, -last wek waa op - a -m WineSS that at JA krA weekly Be, 0 or ating y and tw ei� highly resrected mem for Great b --vice he Tecer tly shipped two hackne of the Lary eem. WeN etrit This- - yew., - 0 ck, Ing impo-ted �Cl7desdale at&Uions to High presbyt Brian Chur oh rzpently fo appendleltis. vigit he bad, somef c0n'VTs1t10n- with tween Great Britain and Camads ch. Th3re 3�emala 4 tv loss. Alberta. two Chilren to mourn her e is reportA to be getting along,as t and aw&y fib beaten.. Wilfrid Lpurler� upa, he subjeett -Iq Character I have spoWn of, sold �Is 60 —Mr. Anorew ou Curti litts an esteem- well as could be expectled. tt Nvas a1wranged th it he* should, a fortnightly service . betwePn� Jand, on he 2nd ockiver -and New Zmaland and -Sy. ey acmm V-A-aaad to Ve a Aan6 izall our ad, WWficb t1r, - do what wac3ssl0n, 43d cithen of St.. Iftrys, di,3d on Fri- —Omar Johnstone was fined $110 for -trapk and ba llibbxt, o Mr. Wm. ales,�� for day, M Lrclx_ 18th, �AXter a shoit lllnjB�qs tilling 4 prescription In his drugsti)r3 uL, coul(I toi projiotd the movement in _&urtralia, wotild oiX the p ast accomp lop. W. matsales 'now 160 of maTingitis. Stewart had been At ThOrOld. HO Is ROt a graftRtO favor _bt camyIng mt he -resolution LItoo0iID00. J�er fr Mwidy U 'Zi�hocd of Pharn= y, and serloqs� I iU a few mbinths ago, but the Ontario Wsed Imoatla;i, fe�rodee bas, hem iugiisteil a reaaona)�l Cription L for Xj_ ge Barren, of Stratford, has bad Tai, he was still fille r ant, y un d a p es at tho 0dre'd, al'.bougb I VA mtlon. 9f All. lhaea=44h Ujv� the think 'tbA HMOO . 11 Ir3adil tte 'PiOpertiOnS of ft M We'a ln-� 0ttaW the Domin- daughter f Inspector Grant iat the 0. at ;rov- lie commindp "th' , the* r�lli pounds sterling to tibia An atteeck�of m(nin-gitts -lee I 'I Wtl-Tuberculo§ eoclatton Cor- � , t 3.0 L4 As e4 f ata I In his woakened Condition, -MX-. new $Pring sty jn� to things - i o - be done ContrS:CtITjg -parties would be: are a 6n��Oit` nt on and on bis way home will Aed- S+ ar;, who was 110MUdIks -by —Less than lifteen 0 _UtlodL of this W jj.&IU, X75,q00,; NOW Zeal 0 _ew 40� Yftx:g of age, d. 41aya and A100 00 betMe 4 fD sperl grace ru,, gston. municipalitie haxe, bf*n made to tbe re in Will result InLanytbing pt Canada, 43�5,000; Gmat Britain P-50 fOrmef y lived in Blanshar4 townt�hipj Mr. Joseph Hodges, Who been but sol out his farm a few 7 Maoitoba, Provinold aa*_.dlyerae� 4ntMtS L to c(neillate ov 000, 1 - hTs P -94a$1 In fie employ -of the Whyte Packing -a vast ambuh seed rain. Tha laxibers ,;pneral1y in M_ overcome- There is t Of Attitu" of the Governments and mnt to St. Marys. H b ar -CD. employed as a teamater with Brown No angu� Co fUpOin - the Ya a depart- Mitchell, :Wr sevetal -lears, In Manitoba, outside of me -or two e:x-, ocenedtenO 3 mo ThAw the three col-onlop Ing to Montreal, where bg ceptlons In -the balled areas ano in 'hey subject to digsipate and & Cm, and latterly with the I). C. afe i0ftly rqu ments, 'of, theL wou.14 contribUte, aboUt one-balf ibe will ko into �bVSIUess. Baird Box. Factory.- Besides, his wife, ther' TOMOft settltments, se in good _SW a �ara t ?in Internal V the lapels L cep ''I V do*n ther total amount of the subsidy and Grlaat J., 30%acon, b aamls'e r -o an- he leaves family of, two, a son and. ohal*- Ch"Oter. in regard to Z-gotlations to L Britain the other half. y, registrar.of ideads quea_- eotx*�r, bas bem visiting his father -in d Mbl t m tb "I - think it inight.saely be Bald th4t couxi In 4, 0 Ver e� thest, .be vercome, law,,, Dr. D. V. Fraser, 'Olt StratfOrd� —Noth EaAhope Imt one -of Its for Nmlolkl tY 9 Oe 188 d 0 U1 New Ze4l=4 is willing to he in Financial Dlift give mic Illness residents tY for 4 few days en route hGnie f rom raspecUed other day i0er & I Iffl-hen there was -th a 'very A--,100,00.. - As to Australia, it s n4 4 tion of �Utton ran e b1mineps tAP td Ottawa and U-011- In the ftgh *I Mr 1juh McMillan, tb-- age f He beld many promin- 't her resent position',13. tre an swer Bitan— so dloaV ba, eta e� in a VA ty '*11YE; , serlo� question In', Whom deezaae-,occurred last week at �ffRt positions In the ethodist pnblic qpinioW would justify Great B#Wn awaits a otinite pr —Kr. kUlton Goetz, son of Mr. Geo. the. &I home4te&qj lot 17, -Ooficesglen His widow and two mns, H. B. Donly, los-al n the, part of the color4es i, C a ge the, GovernXnent of the cou ntrSf u un- _4oex,,has been nt IV� No -th E&sthiX*,,. om now -on-i-1we �uppoT t f ot, oe)med—Atistralia, New Zealand t4DL -Fr d §�b Btati -at th Tm e Comisstmer 111pe- -0 age f 1-6. ed tVt ofthe Simco5 Reformer and A detaldijg a large fluan6lal ring-vlle, In -succession Kr-. Tliq late Mr. MeMillan bad- bxu ailing ',W- ionly, - d t he poiltion- fhe prq- ws sch6me.. x - thini 1; Canada,—an& we� may, therefore 8 Y F4 vwn, wbo- bag been sup'l-TIMA11- for alxut two ybars, baving b wn seized Uexleq, and -me dau!ghter, Mrs: <Dr.) a ent. from' tome t d, e6ma- -that the prel�ent,pooltlonof theprodilt of - things- in England 11inp atm by the compnay. lb. Ferguon 'with A paraltic stroke In -XsTch of Ivey, 00bourg, -SuivlVe. rheir not per dyl es for ine X1) wb ich it *i11 What-duAng the last 4wr and, I, did 10- that it amalts, definite actlq6 the wil. shortly ie-%ve, the village -and rie- jrt0g. 33)eceaseid' ad- settled on the: —Ninety-five &ys of coi)tlnAo �-eaa goom YOU 1h. t foculd to bring- Zout- the -Im- pArt. d9 the Goveinment a -ad Parllar in Simcoe. vou to look., t Ti.41t I side same( I am 4n North Ua;�tbope since the sleighing to date. hat Is the., record the ment ol Canada, 19okinc to "'pe s an —NEM Quw&Kbam, of T1>T0nt0, coming- of his family f--vm Pertbahlre, fOr this Wintsr t It d th 1 odi clothes, the oppor- -ant IS'Lat a-loSs to,recall go e= m1-0 18 'Pay.. . 4 ! td Loft4on- the c r�- and brother, of 9". Thomas Joues,'of Scotlajid� about 50 t Inbabit are interested in, N�w 7 to efilitte,propoltion I lea at the IiM - of Wr the Aisc ssing. tb si Lbj&et,' unX aU4 ffien. for early years later lie ww marded to Xiss anY VMV101118 wint-I r In -which -presented to the Goernment af, e U or ty one town has bepn' continuous u, t r I the f mer cl I I i tlally aafd Informally,-.wlth the ra- --ing' day sleighin for wallie Ellen MacDou egg goom 4dent of the -Board. ;Mr. Omat 333r#ain, "At tho przsent . #. gall of th& Ship. A, faMiij of fcur I -as "ek., The remalm vtr� ucb a length of time. SleighIng be- taken jadging' fMM the pR'Ym8ntS'__,dL I IftS. Cl�rn sons and �mo s deorgo, and n a me ral oeawloiW t bd chell.tor interment. ftU&:er survive. 1W_ gan ea Decem1rer It and tq-dsy, with 'ab�_$680,000 a year- nin was ft - 1ears a r6si- j. W. the eX&PtiOn of the main thorofa;tS th the chanc,61lar � Of thf Oxcl equier. year, we * PC CoUrSe� WeL anyoung men of bal T7 'S shape leisurely :SUit, the Canadlan-Australlan oervica d of Inte-aell. Mclhtj)sh,s Class of Knox Church, in the rmds still remain In g<*d nead- made n for Agighs- 5 e=t were y —Mr. Jobn &at, aged 10 -yews, a 1% t ames Prjff�, Of L Stratfoid, the d eated md In ny ftthe Atlantic mail sOrvic. . doul! ot be rep, I we pr<yvldkd a Yery Intemung official or b pm�ded,,distribuUoon we ;pT50, $10; as thay the, d edver ToInt of -the 0. H. A. Junior entertainment in the, town ball one ev- cjui� not be mtde tho b-av to payt In -4dditi4bu tO What c his =m BeverelY CruSh- ening Twently, under tbp a-uspi(�6s ot farmer living in Le -,ds, about four they MP loits, bad r arg.,��n now for these servIcesfrOm an- engpagem�nt. But I mal ed In a madbiner'al the Strattord Mill the I& -nox Church Reading Club. The miles from Gagnoque, tell off- a load Suits Xay, withmt - indlecretion, that 1. teal $11000,000, to $950,000. That,. theref ore uilding Company's lant he -other -of bay the other evening, strikinle Made -to -LW easure prin4al item the programing W816 -the amo In his beaa on A ground celvIng sattsfid as k remat of whoLt I saw and would a*pfmnt unt of dall. With the amputation �ot a cou- 'A' Can -ow-ever, his handwi �Ard, "that -Aem Can& a wbid a0a woul 8 2, e. da, Australf d have to pay In Lee C hip Him Chohg an tha charge of plel of fingers, h a mo :k trial of a Chinaman, to wit, Lhe hard bijurles from which he di2d wlthb2 1811111-K ftys the Govern- ot&ri to bring about this vet*y graatly �e saved. di w 90 affections of; one ten h*dr-s. TT 6, v as n old, vasident trIf lin g with the In Great Britain th a definite I pivved, se�rvlc­ 40DU V-2,_ No Zealind t6 E:Itty Maloney. The trial 'Was h -.Id Yety highly tho ment 0 One evening rbegantly, Daidel, of, a s-,ar Je ct they can Canada's Intevests. oj4uls Seebah,. at- Saebach"a thMP-1, before Ills Hohor, TU, ga -Kat-beson tive Irl poilltics'an4 blethodlit In 001 rge -being Azrdwnp family of four boys and 28th 0 00 t ous bat syrd- at tel L into *ej cellar and was -uncon-4 the a Un'LUpon,n ' ."Sd tar as CanaAa is coneernadw repreinted by R. Tellgion. He Is survived by ell that pT0po;- There Was, ets. la aSsbrtin t ill. pathetic considftation tom may be sadd- -to- be the ar nU in $Clm for some bours Var and the defence by A Lai'es' SpriDg Jack Mar Robb. 0 sition.: That is aws a$ One can comm6v�I-&l we epth c&f sev�Tal inches �-Tbe favd iury raturned, g6 in ronusctwn �be sikbjjct, and It 9 From a t four. girls. 5 7.0 1C0tendant. Every ppr-son enjoyed lum d lengths,' io standpoint yo;m can put- It In twoi, or on the cement floor"bitt be- was* lying a erdict agains Yi, thei —Awotdtng� to a schoftle 'prepsn(I ,hort, med* i as fa�r as we would. ZyiOdy W threei ways. At ith pr-f_-9nt time Mail on: his back when found, otherWISSe the 0 ate#Aiiiinmt. by the 4Mclals ot the Labor Depart- might 'have been drovnied. 0, even tboWn we .73bring It form �ervlce of be; —A harpy vent was ealebr4ed at rhent, Ottawa, tbera were in Cmad& of pdseenger and freight- the at id quf6kmt ebaraeter'h`0M occurr ally before them alni earlisr A best ai death' ad In' Chricago last the *ldpaee of MT. Win. Kirk, Woe& In- 1907 no fwe� thaU 61 man killed the negotiations. bam, on.Wednesday, March IU when A 49 Injured is the russult of kyrna, to GrBaj- B�rltfdn goes througli 7the ek of gi-s. F. B. Meyer, rellet of th, what- wm m6 Schme I Ated Sbites, and from Aust' latel Mr. Mayor, Of Strat- their y , gest L Ughtr, ralla nd Tjr oun da miss Raw--hei mif4e� eXploSiOnIs 40�n M11wR-y conStrU- N(w, what In rea.111 y was th-0 New Zealaaid go,,, -s acrass the contin- to Adr .0. *d, Whose. occurre d about a 3M." ims united In the holy bo'n(13 of tion: work alone. In 1009 the figures br-waght dole at;ets to the exit ot Europe. It does not go by 'our ndla. arp almost a 'M yeAr ago' Th4 rem$dns were RuA &I, IL scheme vAitch the matrInifty, to Mx. Bert A� -a appalUne, 43 men k1l..; i to c4ed, leaves a fam- The cermtmony was prformW t six led, -an4 49 In)ured.- -2-ho great bulk In mind w*n own oets � or our own territory. Stratford. Deceas JtW6rlal 0&iference hAd I In It u, 4 T hey other words, -so far as travel and tros- fl� -and four Uugh- b y Rev. L. Bartlett, in the of these accldenU In connection, w1th tbey brDUgbt this subJe P of eight, tour sohs U0 portation aze concerned, Canada is on t4s. about fifty guests. TM rallwai blbttng occurred 'In nortb�rn h0k, something deflnItq In mind, though V21 -Tesolution. th6 side street Instead of the main 'Yed t ie -On Fridaynight lastfire was dis- - DS'G it was -not met Aftt + wedding march was la by is- Ontario, and mfAtly in the neighbov wkered JnL the Salvation rmy Bar- Waller Stev=t, �of St- -of Kwg=. a agr4ce, thar,6ughfare, Whkt this propm t1ot Max slst,,�r hood had, In'mind was Wbat the g� steamb"ba pat P. TA�Dks, from -BWaln to: Eu ,U� means I tha�t Canada shall b af Stra:tfoil, but it wag -noticed Of ti groom. Tiss Ma9910- Styles, Ot; Protestant elftzman King- a�d x! a d wrv1qe.to_ the od the thorou_ghtare. instead'of 11, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Art. tates t t site the P tingulshed before milch d k ton a be 0 ope a didnei an Aow Fred Bryant has *0d wos d 9 the an,, tbo sift street. It I arg a Pon the Atimitio; and glyin brother -of the graom, acted lamation fwhidding prletj ,Of ar. o speed, ot -24, Tawy b f could not make It av cchfessed%to, baving turned on'the gas i as 44r kno ad mo*th any P1 t m4n. The. liappy wuplia left. Roman Catholic church to 7�! -i�, tastes b Bran ln!� -,mind the I th t than that. All the, great eactal, �ollr '10. set fil-0 to tbs -building In Sev an ir wedding trip to Nort chop 4e mixed maMages he bad mared Unrive dor ar- a wid a ticali,and commercial -advantageewth Places.. waz Placed. Un psibleeftTlce t acrosis ad Zan, On their return they Will inteAded to '!goo servIW 'e to New 74ea- come ft:om being upon -the main rels Young Ce-tholic ladl& to pratutant rw. zbwk ;of UW on 9 a fwm Van residnioh the TbaTne Road young men. The c would �_-Whlle driving home on SaturUy hat on a 'Maus heak goo' 8311P06df about -9 000 Ufts burden, mak-'_ `00me, -to Cknada.lf this schalme erb and expeets rb*.Uy ft nvery Prefty home n their buebanft laurth bi aid' -tbsnc6� AuOr&lla, by nue In reqnset to this g took Margaret Smith, aged PI Uwch Ilih, at everit, and have done so, but frw ck by a 0. T_- It. In, his pair of, shoes on hie Ana Ing an average speed -or ig , knots. CSrrie4 .4eeCt. 65 yeaxs, wais str x d1clook, at the home of Mr.: T1 woU4 like to ba -v been married b1_ tend at tialn and InstantlY killed. Me Ui0d fjo, As,* i��tfts_ a J. McKay, Embw road,�When b1pulece on the Pact Mlw Laura M, CMdtir, Mi 3)OV" oemlt zaake au e ibmt -'New,ZealiAd, N_vsr�r badly present,. marryling ProteApant pr Is tbem �n rgard:, to. her all - mrvice Double Wack Tho L. H. & E �stbOVO, some twO miles "'st of nie's most respeacted 70ung ladies, te- from rece, Vill sa4i tile bawce,of his U*Ir ty a. iakespeare aiO wa§ near17 homle an The -][Axidon AAvertiser Is the bride of eldon Pow- viee tbp A&. J. W d�nt - happe*d. The 11armony. The Rev. T. J. for die Inform of m hou the ac�17 llmau'i 'It" " Be� that M 'it woild, take mail don to the -students at OAW nse dbe was driving escaped -auburt. —one. kandred =d 111ty 'feature. canitdtau pott in 1-69 five days, the Grand Trunk bbartwemen and fX pson performed the Ceremony In hat is thO'raOSt OCSPI and ftom abottly to be dou a F�ral`Bfgbl 'of St' Marys, 'the pr ce of about 100 uests. The _er9fttnnk liege, t t4 vanc ingham Is bl W _nt m 5 drved a, -d the train service 9160 of his entire outfit New Zeal a not More London x re trAc Black Oipinitar ben to E6 grdom7a glit to the bride was stWke the th-ar morning bicaum Counecticut man, an4- reoeivd for It ol their munber, a boy uarned xlng, 2t.day�a; t1m ew- ealand would SOM t gold watch, ana ohdn, She -also that line lmcrov6d* Ths Alveitister tha gravol Vt, 1 *25. r. Fralleigh won a trom Toronto, had been by gain 13 daa In ber m servide. As- tie --sum of Orgi nmr in I g in time 'sA7s rAzes at the Boston PoUl- rece wed a. handsome mantle clbc from the aUtporitles for playIng basIcet- traila;.woulid riot gain, A *do(t6le track 6n t-413. Huror, and ber 01 the Sunday sebool in W -ch she was Alft ff bald rebentlyt and ince-tbat ball after being iotdend n4A to do zo service the other. t * - L - a becausel her e on to inik'fiam I sh'dw, v.. t�aoher, and prganAst for a number . !� i end f a Im' Brim line from Lond because of sope oliento die - .rear t md,. Ike bas Wen rwW with orders agalm, way,'Vid-slie' wbuld have -in '9At-rna-: *Ill in all Irobabillty;be cojam�nced S. 1%0Y viere also rpmember- ioiin. They pa=4 M 163i&i f4w e - for setting- These he sells CA alwn town In 1 Vhich- wou i ba of consider- work go the dalrymen of Stratford, who a scon as confitrutlop I i- ; titwed ww- on- the' early bours Of *0 =GTn1nX,- cftr! -per dozen# to th that- mences ou, the Gkinit -Trunk and the supply 'pre eTLted -them with 'a baudsomb thfs, %u af ternOad. icl -S=4 a. the ex- 0 z t Ing and shouting, bow their 106k ft Is admifted b� all patties %t We have the'soft hats in SeV681.0110i0e poitt that ispleasurB at -wb4 9L —Early while wo. they cut aboa�t UlTa in app -ndAy We' thif, the ta from this PAcitic a-rvice An official stated to The Advo�ttjw v. T1w, pasm-OxS fit, different faces. ".Hift for Men 01 Zsil�ana to __g English boys were Walking a- Considered was an unwamuteii act on e, must belt_'! way of' X(V this motntug that the,,rans ara VAder wows notes. e *ith hats— Perts 1 mg the cr;5* that runs underneath the, 4f the W la. There are technical stoam- au%7. afid Austral ice In -!Mon- fft fares as' ell as h adg preparation at the head off I%e Earl (it Dudley has been so tie Theatre. Albert pimpierty') In Strat- alned, In. a state ff ftmaTebUlon �hlp reas=4 for that; t Is t1el, a44 that it. was �ax;ectedl thal poir ted GoveTnor General of tbe Com- rem nae(t AlfrA Gibbard, tour about thre the, end jt�'S ad thwX R Are lo havp. the wbrl� 411f, be con1m(.14Ced as Won -One, a of, Australia In -d 1rad ff that ttme the bd,,s ba being us B'STA o)[do -tell in "d ww dkDvmea. monwealth fwt sarvIce from Van as tbei tmdw' Is dearq4 away. to .4.1ir-Ifenry Stafford Worthccittwbooe hpx­f)wn Car- oat on itrike and perImps were Just to, -New -2;6aiaAd and then to This will not be for a6veral U60 is, therp Is 'deep snow alt alon r UP *ks, Axnow_ the bridge ever the creek a- little bit h feartd that ther body orl a Is about to 6xplre 62.00, 112 i b w-,7 IV .50Ll (Ufflcul ited OP. gry v Australh�. There are Ir. -Walter acott, Pkeniter of to U�pon the-pa�elfic In re to this e th. of this- city. efiawan ; ]Dr. Allan gdod. 16 the* present time n6 tra(P -v1cG_thdt. In no nafturi d1ffJdUltie0;' In many -places there Mre drifti.ef9bt Wobably" stuck Up HA iltan the ullenist, and t line not i nd Is somewlift the 1ho ftei of Saskat difficulties M_ a. . �,oung lad em be found. ua�e- oil —As T. A. RusEell, geni�ral manxger' the, natural feet, deep. brey Waxd, Ora author. welle ying 1h it th r6l not X Job 4or 0% W n Jacob, Fullarton, recent- - - !;W; e ISM10111 i L i 1 Surve Cbmplpted. r. Adriatic of the Canada Cycle & X such showing of Orr Ot " ;,- - I the Atlantic 814Q. P ers, on The atftmver We think' we're safe L another. sold v. c4t Tieing ftea V?,Ts old .1 _� -1 1 Ch carding his vote th boat f i lorh ch in New Tftk *om nur- vanity -elec- Liverpool for mey t* pi new line �ald Kegdow The, go, Downie, for the allowtht 4dur bourli ope the other da�. by et of Par- ity. td td. �bave be= Completed last tifts in the �gymnadtun the 6ffier night'; of '.W, Meadows also pur- a In. getting has bJ*h jising four mM 4tessed'in a light over.: i*_ of tibie and t* da"Y�b and 12, T on t a!Md a full sister, he* tmVic -he Bruce years ItIght Rev. :Charles X VIDWIfr,- and Christ gothi.his W�xdd;' 'o In the ;Methodist died coaf Ine new' steadily imVing.for oeveralyeasand a. 70fir 4. and sold Eta same to Bishop of in We ne, wbieb wass stand aIng In front from lalverpool to 11 oils towns t-17 Ot Vs bda* W. york. macbh bovs id - the Tart kerman, of E! ir tho rdsidents G. Ac Lktoli., V110b., r- CM the S= .6f,$800. fteSe Colts W, *r% 0 ble, a4owlng six bdUrS for de- On long life was filled of the bullding. U=ed o tbeg=Wal n four 'days and, 20 -which ng Rusinese trana!- YOU Nat i Vgq liave Ire tteqly takpa- up the q, estl �v and dashed down the drive at a fur-, hii Ity fbi the eburch and the -at in _of a better service With by Lord Bftesfor&� of ffic dred Air, IOUs speed- Mr. "Russell came 0 OK eapeeUUy tra Oat -sold on all parts- i racobs was alsp 'the. owner. n Uv&rpool t Quebec, vial For tlie, last y&r so f education, Born In BurforA, 10 minutes fmd was Ifornled t1lat I"' wulC)s O's 6 go lit ape lieavy lbalt on Mwny Of the s late lit htg, a —There oarto In 1837' he early evinW dO� -been so t man L time ot the baO awa�y a; Int west tudies and graduat- bad taken 'thi achine avM7. A' and six b The actua broke the trains. eople 'have ad, to stand a dside'ne, ivn to fainier* 7 first eMeeffid,&A. of -W-ailacLg, few minutes later the machine [kn# Fgge V&011, she firs, -of the way. 3n tbs- l2th in t., Atother Of ths old ad from Gene94 College; now Sir& reet, �eaotbqundl' in t10 - 4perSon as -its. -7. figreat.,part vaiedict,� tearing along Sloor a 04d, n. the AtIgAtIC '%as, Fielght, rhalums gftvy. tone ewe UnivemIty, In travellin hours and- 14 -minute9j, and I torlan of bls� class, He also bead -ed at a i�r &i; :L rallia�� Wb'd f Yetqrs wa's actl or is has ell t a' bas a164 bbeen' Clas 3ar- Comb, of St. George atra4t �fts runi P ilk praff an hou'r wo Tte ftAght busines ,,or compounded four ~Aft%4VY a As it is said, liks In- d6vAoprfient � of - the- to*nsbip down. and beffore tbe inathiple Could. adthe t current. fiiare than 25 per pent the nto its j:remnt coindition of frldtf ul rett Biblical Ihstitab�,­ wbiell he ekleas driver It Liverpdol and New York and eallese, and tweim , Was texed soo�i after leavin&, be, stopped by tbie re s and- Tleasant �hOmes. Ire jumped Into a telegr at tf� 1AVeYP601 born ,on June 12f -b, 188 own - ;W, 01, ll these facts d thei that In- corner aecig6 daap:4 six boluls; via Cape in ie o" y dg, *t D. D. from hours vla Belle 22 ht 0Ut10* for biwinew the ship, of Albko,' county "ot Feel, On made his esscape before the of - N lbo. muld to one last nine uft WA 9 Me- first man t racelve the hon� p ole 1" in the t t%W BFIFAN -at. Race, twelve brig stj"cu. After Completing" 111S eduea- dri'Mr ]RU 9 US, d %ciftd, tagd, wum 111100 was s Aft't I Could get to him. nd Agenoles through- bis ear17 BrugmIll" the em t1( C11,901 Where be ficer now line aid, put "With bis elder,brther V111lain e et- be Myed to Chi .1 a bis car, ick, A It to sidd, td *415 Quwyes S law, but neyer 1=0t1sed that. camer alohit U:�h and took oat -for fte ODwaam and eeme him, to oY4 outi, 0 'Iha one� doorr more -trafne� prifewfoli. Bntft�nc the InInistry ',at -yed go Ndw vnkwriffal t) Twalb I getr cimcesd(la, bs- E, ast side 'Main Stree: as to thle tralne, Itt Is v a farm' ft- tbs v4ter.9 Lf- w, -x found blo an- Twd- MID" aj*ftger th� wholu-91m ot Mg law studles� be th t Id' 1% : -tber6 cah be 9 'jud and beM I - Ganada. Xerzhahte- Bmik, U11jr-&-boat f4- to, W ig Idta I kle vma dialocated and tbat Iva tvA OILL 0;1,',WU1 be 'Put on In Dom ro on ser"d -as astor eL Se tm r bai- New York, i1o, "A" qilest!GD4 the dm�ble tr u6bk' W 11mrortant 4ut%g of hme mawns. beeln seve*ly ebaken up. anA when tW4ft0 *e0k, 1 married to In ChlcagO 14-441119 016 'ne%t pleted, More M&T &4ftM moisten for the pupMe M'Y be 12 t Llao Id=39er 77